scallywags, artful dodgers, crooks, pubs, coppers and ... · noad lily 1921 noad w. j. 1927, 28...

Post on 20-Mar-2020






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History of Crime on the N.S.W. Central Coast


Gosford Police Station and Courthouse circa 1981. Gwen Dundon photograph, GCL.

Scallywags, Artful Dodgers,

Crooks, Pubs,

Coppers and Beaks Volume One, Appendix One

Name index with year(s) of appearance

M-Z Compiled by Dr. Richard G. Van Wirdum


The compilation of this works would not be possible or achievable without the expert

guidance and advice of Mr. Geoff Potter, Local Studies Librarian and the able assistance of

all the staff at the Gosford Library. To them I say thank you.

Dr. Richard Van Wirdum

Gosford, 2012

Appendix One

Name Index with year(s) of appearance.

MacArthur J. P. 1922

Macauley Sergeant (Police) 1923

Macinante Amelio 1926

Mackay Detective (Police) 1924

Mackenzie Dudley Bligh Douglas 1923

Mackie Arthur Hamilton 1921, 25

Mackie David 1923

Mackie Detective Constable (Police) 1926

Mackie W. A. 1927

Macleod Norman 1927

Macnamara H. B. (J. P.) 1920

Macpherson Charles Farquharson Colwell 1921, 24

MacPherson P. 1921

Macpherson Wilfred Allan 1008 Constable (Police) 1923, 24, 25, 26

Madden Mr. 1927

Maguire J. A. 1920

Magus J. 1928

Maher C. A. 1925

Maher Constable (Police) 1920

Maher Mr. 1929

Mahoney J. 1923

Mahony J. 1927

Makin H. T. (J. P.) 1920

Malcolm George 1923

Malcolm George 1928

Malcolm J. 1923

Mall F. 1927

Maloney Michael 1929

Maloney William Mede 1927

Maner C. 1923

Mann Percy Garfield 1926

Manning Claude 1925

Manning Ida 1926

Manning May 1921, 25

Mansfield Frederick Charles 1927

Mansfield Walter Charles Dr 1925.

Mapstone James 1923

Marchant Albert George 1920

Margin G. 1920

Margin H. C. 1921

Margin W. S. 1925

Margin Walter S. 1922

Markin Albert Joseph 1925

Marler Edgar John 1925

Maroney Raymond McLean 1926

Marr Harry Frank 1926

Marr Mr. 1924

Marr Norman George 1925

Marsden C. 1928

Marsden Christopher 1926

Marsden Henry Phillip 1925

Marsh H. G. 1927

Marsh John Curtis 1926

Marsh John Curtis 1928

Marsh P., J. P. 1929

Marsh Percy 1927

Marsh Percy, (J. P.) 1928

Marsh Roy 23, 24

Marshall Mary Margaret 1921

Marshall W. H. 1921

Marter Percy 1927

Martin A. W. 1925

Martin Albert Joseph 1926

Martin Alexander Allen 1922

Martin Alfred Sidney 1921, 22

Martin Bertha 1924, 28

Martin Constable (Police) 1926

Martin James Albert 1926

Martin Joseph 1925

Martin Mary 1920

Martin Miss 1926

Martin William Percy 1929

Martin William Thomas Henry 1926

Martyn Thomas 1927

Mason Cyril Henry 1928

Mason George 1928

Mason Gloria Pauline 1927

Mason J. J. (J. P.) 1920, 26

Mason John 1926

Massart James William 1921

Masters W. E. 1927

Masterson Austin 1921

Mathews John 1926

Mattes William 1924

Matthews Claude 1923

Matthews Detective Constable (Police) 1922

Matthews Detective Sergeant (Police) 1924

Matthews Robert 1926

Matthews Sergeant 2nd

Class (Police) 1920

Matthews William C. 1928

Mavis Daniel 1929

Mawen Fred 1926

Maxwell A. V. 1923

Maxwell William 1924

May Alfred Stanley 1926

May D. R. Rev. 1927

May Florence Millicent 1928

May George 1922, 26, 27

May George Richard 1928

May Jack 1928

Mayberry Harold Arthur 1921

Mayberry Howee Arthur 1921

Maybury Horace 1921

McAleenan Terrance 1929

McAlister William 1925

McAtamney Sergeant 2nd

Class (Police) 1920

McCann Allan 1925

McCarron Murray 1925

McCarthy John 1920

McCarthy Martin 1928

McCarthy P. F. Plain-clothes Constable (Police) 1922

McCauley P. B. 1920, 1921, 27

McCauley Thomas Boland 1923

McClare A. 1927

McClure Arthur Murray 1926, 27

McConnell Jane 1925

McConnell Mr. 1928

McCredie William Hector 1921, 23

McCutcheon E. J. 1922, 27, 28

McCutcheon Mr. 1926

McCutcheon Mrs. 1923

McCutcheon Robert Arthur 1921, 24, 25

McDermott Annie Marian 1927

McDermott John Benedict 1927

McDonald A. 1920, 23

McDonald Albert alias Roy McDonald 1928

McDonald Albert John 1924

McDonald Alfred 1928

McDonald Angus R. 1922

McDonald Constable (Police) 1921

McDonald John 1924

McDonald Leslie James Lewis 1926

McDonald Pearl 1923

McDonald Robert 1927

McDonald Robert 1927

McDonald Sergeant 3rd

Class (Police) 1920

McDougall Bert 1928

McDougall Robert 1922

McEntee Hugh John 1920

McEntee Keith 1920

McEntee Mrs 1920

McGee John 1924

McGee Joseph 1924, 25

McGee Joseph V. (J. P.) 1924, 25, 28

McGee Joseph Vincent 1922

McGeoch Hector Julian Constable (Police) 1928

McGhie N. 1922, 26

McGowan Charles 1926

McGrath Constable (Police) 1923

McGrath Denis Carlrick 1926

McGregor Paul alias Winchester 1924

McGroder Ernest 1929

McGuiness Clarence 1924

McIlroy T. J. B. 1920

McIntosh H. E. 1922, 25, 29

McIntosh Lauchlin 1922

McIntosh Mr. 1920

McIntosh Noel 1929

McIntyre J. C. 1925, 26, 27, 28

McIntyre James Charles 1924

McKay James 1927

McKay John 1927

McKean L. J. 1928

McKenna Stephen 1925

McKenzie Brian 1925

McKenzie Bryce 1925

McKenzie R.J. 1920

McKenzie Robert Alexander 1927

McKenzie Thomas William 1925

McKenzie V. J. (J. P.) 1920, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27

McKeon E. 1920

McKinlay Mrs.1926

McKinnon A. 1926

McKinnon Duncan 1925

McKnight Constable (Police) 1920

McLachlan George 1924

McLacklan D. junior 1922

McLauchlan Hector 1925

McLaughlin Joseph 1924

McLean Jack 1929

McLean Sergeant (Police) 1922

McLeish Edward Downey 1927

McLeod Francis 1921

McLeod Frank 1922

McLeod John 1920

McMaugh John Lawrence 1922

McMullen William Clarence 1925

McNamara James B. 1924

McNamara Lance Patrick 1929

McNeil Malcolm 1924

McNiven William John 1924

McPherson Charles Farquhardson 1920

McPherson Charles H. (J. P.) 1921

McPherson Constable (Police) 1922, 23, 24

McQuirk Frederick 1922

McShane Joseph Neil 1926

McTaggart William George 1924

McTague Mr. 1924

McVeigh Thomas Shaw 1924

Mead Henry 1926

Mealing G. K. 1925

Mealing G. R. 1925

Meddows Mr. 1921

Meiklejohn Robert Black 1927

Melrose C. 1922

Melrose N. 1924

Melrose Raymond William 1924

Melville George 1928

Memory Lachlan 1925

Menoghan Kyrie 1929

Mensfield Frederick 1927

Meppom Alice alias Alice Peters 1922

Merrill James 1922

Merris Richard 1924

Merson Albert 1928

Messke William John 1928

Metcalf Victor Roy alias Roy Metcalf, alias Jack Munro 1926

Metyard C. 1923

Mewhort Alexander Archibald Jacob 1928

Mewhort Jacob 1929

Michael A. 1925

Michael Anthony 1926

Michael Joseph 1928

Michael Kathleen 1927

Michael Lizza 1928, 29

Michael Solomon 1928

Michelsonv Ulric 1922

Middlemas Anthony R. 1922, 23

Middlemass A. R. 1923

Middlemiss A. R. 1927

Middlemiss Inspector 1924, 27

Midson Raymond George 1927

Miles A. 1923

Miles A. J. 1920

Miles William 1923

Milikin Robert 1925

Miller Alexander 1921

Miller Detective Sergeant (Police) 1922

Miller James 1928

Millikin R. M. 1923

Mills Thomas 1922

Mills W. 1922

Minell Mrs Dorothy E. 1928

Missingham Detective Constable (Police) 1924

Mitchell Charles Ephraim 1920

Mitchell Frederick John 1926

Mitchell Harold 1927, 28

Mitchell James 1926

Mitchell Mr. 1923

Moad William Oswell 1925

Moane Bernard 1922

Moane Edward 1920

Moane Patrick 1922, 28

Moase E. J. 1926

Moase Ernest J. 1927

Mobbs A. 1926

Mobbs Allan George 1927

Mobbs Donald Ernest 1923

Mobbs J. A. 1925

Moffitt Albert 1923

Moffitt George Patrick 1922, 23

Moffitt H. N. 1928

Moffitt John 1922, 23

Moffitt John Clarence 1925

Moir Albert 1922, 26

Moir James 1923

Moir Sydney 1926

Molabox George 1924

Moloney Florence 1928

Moncrieff Allan alias Alfred Henry Butler 1927

Montagu Neville 1928

Montague Mr. 1922

Montgomerie Mr. 1923

Moody Leonard Garfield 1926

Moon William Edwin Goodwin 1921

Moore Arthur 1921

Moore Charles 1922

Moore Constable (Police) 1920

Moore Cyril 1928

Moore Darwin 1928

Moore Evelyn May 1922

Moore Florence 1928

Moore Frederick 1925

Moore G. L. 1921, 24

Moore George 1927

Moore George Leslie 1926

Moore Harold 1929

Moore Mervyn 1927

Moore Mr. 1920

Moore N. S., (J. P.) 1928

Moore N. S., Assistant C. P. S. 1929

Moore R. E. Mrs. 1927

Moore Raymond 1923, 28

Moore Sergeant (Police) 1923

Moore Stan 1924

Moore Wallace Melbourne 1920, 1921, 23, 26

Moore Wallace Milburn 1928

Moraghan Thomas 1927

Moran Hugh 1920

Moran James Terrence 1923

Moran Martin 1920, 22

Morely Mr. 1927

Morely Mrs. 1927

Morgan James 1929

Morgan R. W. 1921

Morgan Robert George Clement 1928

Moriarty Edward 1923

Moroney Francis 1920

Moroney Michael 1923

Morre S. 1925

Morris Aubrey 1924

Morris George 1923

Morris H. E. Railway Inspector 1921, 25, 26, 27, 28

Morris Harry J. alias Lilley alias Locksley 27

Morris Harvey 8

Morris Henry E. Railway Inspector 1920, 22

Morris Herbert 1923

Morris James 1928

Morris Robert John 1922

Morris Sergeant 1st Class (Police) 1920, 21, 25

Morris Sydney Victor 1921

Morrison James William 1928

Mortimer E. R. 1928

Mortimer R. R. 1927

Morton Herbert 1922

Morton P. H. 1920

Moss H. C. C. 1924

Mould John Alexander 1920, 1921

Mow Wing 1922

Moxham A. M. 1922

Moxham Annie May 1922, 25, 28

Moxham C. 1923

Moynhan Jack 1928

Moyston Don 1923

Muir Constable (Police) 1920

Muir J. W. 1927

Mulcahy I. 1920

Mullholland Claude 1920

Mullins Mary 1920

Mumford Henry James 1921

Mundy Constable (Police) 1924

Mundy Edgar Peter 1920, 21, 24, 27, 28

Munnering A. 1924

Munnery Alfred 1924

Munro Claude 1925

Munro Mrs 1925

Munro Robert James 1923

Munt James 1921, 25

Murphy Constable 1st Class (Police) 1924

Murphy David 1924

Murphy Francis Thomas 1924

Murphy Isabelle 1924

Murphy John V. 1923

Murphy Joseph 1923

Murphy P. 1923

Murray A. 1920

Murray Aubrey 1929

Murray James Sydney 1924

Murray Robert 1928

Murray S. H. 1923

Murray Sarah E. 1924

Murray Stephen William 1928

Murray William 1927

Musgrove Bessie 1927

Musgrove Bessie 1928

Myers A. C. 1921, 23

Myers George 1927

Myers Nicholas George 1922

Myers Nicholas George 1927

Napper Sergeant (Police) 1921, 23, 25

Nash Mr. 1927

Nash R. B. 1925

Nathan Joel 1924

Neary John Edwin 1925

Neilson Arthur 1922

Nelson Edmund 1924

Nelson George 1927

Nelson Henry 1928

Nelson Marjorie 1922

Nelson Mr. 1922

Nelson Mrs. 1923

Nelson Sidney Clarence 1927

Newall William 1928

Newell Elsie Vivienne 1929

Newell Frank 1923

Newell Maud 1923

Newell Mrs. 1923

Newell Percy H. 1928

Newell Percy Harwood 1923

Newell Roy St. Vincent 1923

Newie James 1927

Newlands Lawrence John 1922

Newman George Charles 1924

Newman William 1927

Newton Albert Edward Constable 1st Class, No. 176, 1928

Newton Arthur 1924

Nicholas B. J. 1927

Nicholas William Joseph Henry 1927

Nicholls Sydney 1924

Nicholls William Sydney 1923

Nichols Constable (Police) 1920

Nichols Mr. 1927

Nichols Mr. 1928

Nicholson Robert Harding 1927

Nicol Hector Godwin 1923

Nicol Laura Irene 1923

Nielson Arthur 1922

Nimmo William 1922

Niness S. 1921

Noad Lily 1921

Noad W. J. 1927, 28

Nobbs Charles 1927

Noble Constable (Police) 1920

Noble Percy John 1928

Nock James 1928

Nock Mrs. Senior 1922

Nock William 1922, 23, 24, 29

Nordin Charles Augustus 1924

Norman Ethel 1926

Norman G. 1928

Norman O. (J. P.) 1920

Norman Thomas 1924

Norman William John 1924

Norrie William 1928

Norris Augusta 1923

Norris Eugene Rowland 1922, 23

Norris Frederick William 1926

Norris Herbert John 1926

Norris W. C. 1920

Northcote T. 1923

Nott William 1927

Nowland Dr. 1923

Nowland Edward 1921, 22

Nunnery Herbert 1928

O' Neil John 1925

O’Brien John 1921, 22, 23, 24

O’Byrne Clara 1920

O’Byrne James 1920, 24

O’Connor J. B. (J. P.) 1920

O’Connor Thomas Arthur 1920, 21, 22

O’Connor William 1921

O’Keefe Constable (Police) 1920

O’Keefe Patrick 1921

O’Neill John 1923

O’Neill W. E. 1923

O’Rourke J. E. 1923

O’Rourke Sergeant (Police) 1920

O’Sullivan E. J. 1920

O’Toole Aloysius 1921

O’Toole John 1920

Oakes Alexander 1926

Oakes Claude 1928

O'Brien J. 1925, 26, 27

O'Byrne James 1925

O'Carrigan Patrick 1926, 27, 29

Odewahn L. Charles 1924

Odewahn Ludwig William Carl 1928

Odewahn Mrs 1924

Odewahn O. 1929

Odewahn Stanley 1926

O'Donohue James Francis 1927

Ogden M. C. (J. P.) 1925, 27

Ogden M. C. B. (J. P.) 1920, 1924

Ogden Montague Charles 1926

Ogilvie Herbert George 1927

O'Hara Albert 1927

Oliver Jean Middleton 1923

Olsen May 1923

Olsen Stanley 1928

O'Mailey Irene 1927

O'Malley Irene F. 1927

O'Neil Elsie M. 1927

Onslow Arthur John Macarthur 1927, 28

Oram Charles 1924

Orr Robert 1926

Osbell R. H. 1928

Outhwaite Alan Douglas 1924

Owan Field Sydney George 1922, 23, 24

Owen George F. S 1923

Owen R. J. 1928

Owen Robert Cecil 1928

Owen Walter 1923

Owens Emily 1928

Owens J. A. 1923

Packer Emily 1921

Paddison Charles Henry 1925, 28

Paddison Frederick Henry 1928

Paddon Samuel 1927

Page Constable (Police) 1925

Page R. (J. P.) 1920, 24

Page Ralf Eric 1929

Palmer B. Captain, Chief Inspector of Shipping 1925

Palmer G. A. (J. P.) 1920

Palmer George Andrew 1926

Palmer Henry 1926

Palmer M. W. 1924

Pannell F. E. Mrs. 1927

Parfitt Olive or Heath 1926

Parker Elizabeth Croall 1927

Parker James Edward 1923, 24

Parker W. 1927, 28

Parker William 1921

Parkes James 1922

Parkes William John 1922

Parkinson John R. 1924

Parkinson Mr. 1922

Parkman Thomas Albert 1925

Parks A. 1925

Parks Ernest (Paddy) 1924

Parks Harold 1924

Parks James Edmund 1920, 1921

Parks R. 1920

Parmenter Percival 1920

Parmeter Constable (Police) 1920

Parr J. F. (J. P.) 1920

Parr John 1921, 23

Parr S. G. (J. P.) 1920

Parr Stanley Guy 1926

Parr Thomas junior 1922, 23

Parr Thomas senior 1923

Parry A. 1923

Parry Dudley 1920

Parry J. 1926

Parry Joseph Valentine 1927

Parry Robert Ashton 1928

Parry Walter Mason 1925

Parry William John 1925

Parsonage Major 1924

Parsons Charles P. G. 1927

Parsons Charles Prosper Garnett 1925

Parsons J. W. 1921

Partridge Archibald Frederick 1922

Partridge William John 1927

Passlow H. V. K. 1923

Pateman Mr. 1927

Paterson D. G. 1928, 29

Paterson James 1927

Paterson James White 1925

Paterson Janet Keir 1928

Patterson J. 1926

Patterson James C. 1928

Pattinson F. S. 1925

Pattinson Frederick 1928

Paul James Hogg Dr. 1920, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27

Paul Lily 1921

Pauline Robert 1924, 25

Payne Constable (Police) 1921

Payne Edgar James 1923

Payne Frank J. 1929

Payne William John 1925

Paynter John Andrew 1923

Peaker Francis Joseph alias Stephenson 1920, 21

Peaker Mrs. 1920

Pearce Alfred Hawke 1926

Pearce Arthur 1927

Pearce Charles 1927

Pearce Jack 1926

Pearce Marie Emma 1925

Pearce O. 1926

Pearee O. A. 1925

Pears H. 1924

Pears John 1924

Pearse Oscar Garnet 1927

Pearse Oswald 1921, 25

Peckham Harold Leslie 1925

Peelgrane Ernest William 1926

Pehham Arthur 1925

Pemberton Harry 1927

Pemberton Mr. 1925

Pemberton Thomas J. (J. P.) 1921

Pender Godfrey 1924

Pender John Wilshire 1923, 27, 29

Penman William 1922

Pennonia Louis 1928

Pepper George Albert 1923

Pepperday Constable (Police) 1924

Percival Geoffrey Edward 1928

Perkins Dr. 1922

Perrin Duncan 1923

Perry Henry Edward Constable (Police) 1920, 1921

Petch C. H. 1920

Peters Alice 1927

Peters Bernard A. 1928

Peters Harry 1924

Peters Ilace 1921

Peters Ralph 1921

Petersen Basil 1926

Petersen Doris Mrs. 1926

Peterson Catherine 1923

Peterson John 1923

Peterson Signal Hornsby 1929

Petrie Max 1922

Petrie Steel Duncan 1922

Phegan Clara 1927

Phegan Mr. 1923

Phifer George Frederick 1923

Phillips D. (J. P.) 1920

Phillips Hy. 1924

Phillips Jestyn Hussey 1920

Phythian Robert W. 1923

Pickering Constable (Police) 1925, 26

Pickering J. R. 1927

Picket Luke 1923

Pickett King Henry 1928

Pickett Mark 1925

Pickett Richard 1927

Pickett Stanley 1925

Pike Edward J. 1921

Pike William Henry 1922, 23, 24, 25, 28

Pile C. T. 1927

Pinda Vera 1926

Pinenni Louis 1928

Pinkstone Frederick Irvin 1922

Pinkstone Robert 1926

Piper Colin 1921

Piper Frank 1928

Piper G. (J. P.) 1920

Piper James 1920, 23

Piper Jonathan Francis 1926

Pirie Archibald 1921

Pirie George 1921

Place David James 1923

Plasto A. D. 1920

Plotz A. 1923

Plumb Constable (Police) 1923

Pocock William Charles 1928

Pointer Eleanor 1928

Pollard Constable (Police) 1926, 27, 28, 29

Poole Edward West Walter H. 1928

Poore Raymond 1926

Potter Charles 1924

Potter William 1926

Poulton Charles 1926

Powell Harold William 1928

Powell William 1926

Power Anastasia Sister 1928

Power Constable (Police) 1921

Power John Douglas 1926

Power Mr. 1922

Power Roy Henry 1926

Poynter Leslie 1927

Poynton F. E. (J. P.) 1920

Pratt Harry J. 1924

Preston Joseph 1926

Preston Thomas 1923

Preston William 1928

Price Wilhelmina Adelaide 1925

Priddice A. E. 1927

Priddies Alice Elena 1924

Priddis Mr. 1927

Priest Charles 1922, 23

Pring Leslie Edgar 1927

Pringle Constable (Police) 1921

Prior Thomas 1921

Prisk John Gordon 1926

Pryee John T. (J. P.) 1924

Pryor F. M. 1925

Pryor William D. 1928

Pugh Charles 1920

Punton Robert Dawson 1927

Purdie Allan 1929

Purdon Alice Beatrice 1927

Purdy Allen 1922

Pursehearse Jeffrey E. 1929

Pursehouse William Edwin 1926

Pymble Thomas Henry 1923

Pyne Theo 1924

Quill Alfred Arthur 1928

Quill T. 1927

Quinn George 1920

Quinn Herbert 1922

Quinn L. M. 1920

Quinn M. 1920

Quirk Ada May Mrs 1928

Quirk William M. 1921

Rae Bruce 1926

Rae F. 1925

Rae L. Bruce, (J. P.) 1925, 27

Rae Lancelot Bruce 1925

Rae Peter Matthew 1925

Rahill Michael 1923

Railton A. W. 192

Railton L. H. 1923

Railton Leighton Harold 1924

Railton Phillip 1924

Ralston James 1927

Ramsay Arthur 1924

Ramsay Clara 1921

Ramsay Inspector (Police) 1922

Ransome Frederick 1920

Rapmund F. J. 1927

Ratcliffe Frederick alias Frederick George Henry Ratcliffe 1923

Rater Elsie Caroline 1927

Ratley William Harwood 1928

Ravelli Sergeant (Police) 1929

Rawlinson Mr. 1921

Ray Jack 1924

Ray L. Bruce, (J.P.) 1928

Raybon Kenneth 1924

Reader G. 1928

Reader John 1928

Reardon Joseph 1920

Reddy Jessie 1921

Redgate Charles 1922

Ree J. (J. P.) 1920

Ree John 1923

Reed D. W. Police Magistrate 1926

Reed J. A., Licensing Magistrate 1925

Regan Charles John 1927

Regan Thomas 1920

Reilly Alfred Charles 1920

Reilly Vincent 1922

Rennie Margaret 1923

Renshaw Albert 1927

Retford George Charles 1922, 23

Revell Janet 1928

Reynolds Ernest 1922

Reynolds Ernest 1923

Reynolds Lionel alias Skewes 1926

Reynolds Mrs. 1922

Reynolds Richard James alias Skewes, George Carter, George Smedley 1926

Reynolds Romey Juliet alias Romey Juliet Butters 1925

Rice Douglas 1927

Rice Percy Albert 1921

Rich Frank 1928

Richards George 1928

Richardson Robert 1928

Riddell George 1928

Riddle Robert Charles 1927

Rideout Walter Allan 1925

Riding D. 1924

Rigby Richard 1926

Riley Albert alias Albert Charles Riley, George Clarke, Norman Victor Nelson, Ford,

Norman Nelson Victor Crockford 1922

Riley Charles 1920

Riley Edward 1920

Riley George 1927

Riley Isabella 1920

Riley Michael Amos 1921, 23, 25

Ritchie Ada Mary 1922, 25

Ritchter Oscar 1927

Roach Johanna Margaret 1927

Roach-Allen Fanny 1923

Roberts Archibald 1928

Roberts Enid Ellen 1929

Roberts G. 1920

Roberts George William Arthur, Fishing Inspector 1929

Roberts Isabella 1921, 25

Roberts Mr. 1926

Roberts Richard 1927, 28

Roberts William 1921, 23, 25

Robertshaw J. W. 1922

Robertson David 1928

Robertson George Ross 1926, 27, 28

Robertson John McLachlan 1926, 27

Robertson L. S. 1923, 24

Robertson Thomas1928

Robins Mary Mrs. 1928

Robinson Constable John James 1923

Robinson Edwin George 1926, 28, 29

Robinson George Ross 1928

Robinson H. S. (J. P.) 1920

Robinson Robert William 1921

Robinson Walter McQuade 1928

Robson E. 1928

Robson Joseph Edmond 1923

Robson William A. 1927

Roddam Henry Thomas 1920

Rogers J. R. 1920

Rogers William 1026

Rohr Charles 1920

Rolls Albert 1924

Romicles Mr. 1923

Ronaldman G. 1926

Rose Mr. 8,1928

Ross A. E. J. Rev. 1924

Ross Cecil 1921

Ross Constable (Police) 1925

Ross Daniel 1922

Ross Doris Ettie 1928

Ross John Thomas 1927, 28

Ross W. G. 1920

Roth Charles 1922

Roughley G. T. (J. P.) 1920, 1921, 22

Roughly Henry Walter 1925

Rowan Sid 1921

Rowbottom James 1927

Rowe Constable (Police) 1920, 22

Rowe George Herbert 1922

Rowe H. F. 1926

Rowe H. H. 1926

Rowe Harold Frederick 1927, 28, 29

Rowe James Sidney 1923

Rowland Acting Judge 1929

Rowland Frank 1922, 24

Rowlands George Edmund 1924

Roy J. 1920

Roy Norman Henry 1920, 1921

Royal Constable (Police) 1920, 22

Royce Sydney 1929

Rumble Mr. 1925

Rummery Stephan 1925, 26, 29

Russell Constable (Police) 1925

Russell J. L. Sergeant 3rd

Class 1920

Russell James Louis Constable (Police) 1920, 21

Russell Mr. 1923

Russon Arthur 1926

Rutherford J. 1925

Rutherford John 1924

Rutley Eric 1922

Ryan Detective Sergeant (Police) 1920, 22, 28

Ryan John 1927, 29

Ryan Joseph Patrick Constable (Police) 1923

Ryan Leslie 1928

Ryan William 1920, 22, 23

Ryding J., (J. P.) 1928

Ryding W. J. (J. P.) 1927

Ryding William James 1926

Sabban Maude 1920

Sachers Clara Elizabeth 1927, 28, 29

Sachers Rudolf Carl, 29

Sachers Rudolph 1923

Sadler William 1920

Sailah James 1925

Sales W. 1926

Salmon F. J. (J. P.) 1920

Salmon W. H. (J. P.) 1920

Samuels Mr. 1926

Samuels William John 1920

Sanders Alfred 1925

Sanders Clarence Detective 1928

Sapsford Herwald Kemp 1927

Sapsford Lottie Maud 1927

Saunders F. D. 1922

Saunders Henry Joseph 1920

Saunders Roy Arthur 1923

Saunders Sara Ann 1923, 26

Savage Maurice Joseph 1926

Savage William Henry 1926, 29

Sawdy John Charles 1925

Sawyer Mrs. 1922

Saxby A. E. 1928

Saxby Samuel 1923

Saxby Walter 1923

Sayers Georgina Margaret 1921, 22

Scanlon A. G. 1920

Scanlon Albert Horace 1920, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28

Scanlon Horace 1921, 25

Scanlon Louisa 1926

Scarr Arthur Edward 1921, 24, 25

Scaybrook Arthur Rupert 1924

Scaysbrook Edward Walter Stanley 1923

Scaysbrook John 1924

Schmidt Fred G. 1928

Schmidt Ronald Frederick 1921

Schnoing Jack 1927

Scholes His Honour Judge 1926, 27, 28

Schonewald Myrtle Clare 1928

Schonewald Teresa 1928

Schubert James Alex 1927

Schubert Joseph 1921

Schultz Hans 1921

Schumann W. E. 1921, 25

Schwartz Albert Ambrose 1920

Schweinsberg Henry Conrad 1927

Scoring Peter 1920

Scott David William 1920

Scott Frank 1925, 26

Scott Frederick 1923

Scott Frederick Clarence 1928

Scott John 1926

Scott Mullard 1926

Scott Percy 1925, 26

Scott Robert 1923

Scott Rock 1927

Scully William 1928

Searle Frederick 1926

Searle Jack 1929

Searle James 1926

Sedgwick Detective Constable (Police) 1922

Seldon Edgar 1923

Senior D. 1927

Sentence Frederick 1925

Setright Thomas 1927

Settree Arthur 1925

Settree Cecil 1922, 28

Settree Eliza 1925

Settree J. 1924

Settree Sam 1925

Settree William 1925

Settree William George 1924

Shadbolt Mr. 1928

Shadlow F. 1923

Shailer Edmund Alfred 1928

Shakespear Louisa G. 1928

Shakespeare Claude 1927, 28

Shakespeare James William 1920, 1921

Shannon W. S. 1928

Sharkie Cyril Atkin 1927

Sharkie Florence Eileen 1927

Sharman John 1927

Sharp Daniel 1922, 24

Sharpe Constable (Police) 1920

Sharpe Daniel 1923

Sharpe Frank 1922, 26

Sharpe O. 1922

Shattles Moses 1924

Shaw Charles Joseph 1923

Shaw H. Giles (Acting Industrial Magistrate) 1923

Shaw Thomas Henry 1924

Shearsby Ida 1923

Shearsby William Edward 1923

Sheedy John Royal 1922

Shekleton Ronald 1924

Sheldon Dr. Stratford 1923

Shepherd Edward 1922

Sheppard Stanley James 1928

Sherd Evrard Eric 1920

Sherd May 1920

Sherd Thomas 1920

Sherd Thomas Leo 1920

Sheridan Joseph 1927

Sherringham Constable (Police) 1920, 23

Sherry Dennis 1920

Sherry Robert 1920

Shields Albert 1927

Shields Claude 1924

Shields Mary Eleanor 1922

Shipway Harry 1922, 24

Shoebridge Arthur 1925

Shorrock Joseph 1923

Short George Robert 1922

Short Leslie 1923

Short Mr. 1926

Shute Richard 1922

Sidebottom Jack 1927

Sidebottom Mrs. 1927

Siggers Edgar Selwyn 1924

Sim Peter 1927

Simmons Ernest Charles 1923, 24

Simmons Mr. 1927

Simmons Roland Constable 1st Class No. 8595 (Police) 1923, 24

Simpson Amelia 1924

Simpson Dorothy 1921, 25

Simpson Thomas William 1921, 25

Sims Edward Peter 1929

Sinclair A. 1922

Sinclair Amelia Ann 1922

Sinclair Clyde 1928

Sinclair James Henry 1923

Sinclair Mr. 1920

Sinclair Robert Stanley 1926

Singh Naren 1920

Single Ernest James 1924

Singleton A. E. 1921

Singleton Clyde 1927, 28

Singleton Daniel 1921

Singleton Edwin Clyde 1921, 24

Singleton Eric 1924

Singleton Eric R. 1926

Singleton James Ernest 1921

Singleton Mrs. 1920

Singleton Wesley James 1921

Sjoberg A W. 1921

Skekos Deamamto 1923

Skekos Emanuel 1923, 24, 27, 28

Skekos Mrs. 1928

Skekos Peter 1923

Skilton R. 1920

Skinner Harrie 1920

Slack Robert 1921, 25

Slaven Francis William 1920

Slaven Mary Ellen 1920

Sly Constable (Police) 1921

Small Constable (Police) 1923

Small Walter 1928

Smee F. W. 1923

Smillie Allan Gordon 1920, 23, 24

Smith A. R. 1929

Smith A. T. 1927

Smith Albany 1920

Smith Albert George 1922

Smith Alfred 1923

Smith Allan 1927

Smith Arthur 1925

Smith Arthur Richard 1929

Smith Aubin 1920

Smith Cecile E. 1921, 25

Smith Charles 1927

Smith Christopher 1920, 28

Smith Constable (Police) 1926, 27

Smith David 1924, 29

Smith Detective Sergeant 3rd

Class (Police) 1920

Smith Edward 1923

Smith Edward Sydney 1927

Smith Ellen 1921

Smith Ewart Selwyn 1922

Smith Frank 1921, 27

Smith Frederick 1925

Smith Frederick George 1929

Smith Frederick J. 1927

Smith George 1920, 22, 23

Smith George Harry 1921

Smith Harold 1921

Smith Henry 1920, 23, 24, 29

Smith Henry Charles Rex 1920

Smith Henry Rex 1927

Smith Hope 1923

Smith J. J. 1920, 21

Smith Jack 1924

Smith James 1925, 26, 27, 29

Smith James Jupp 1920

Smith Joe 1927

Smith John 1926

Smith John Phillip 1929

Smith John Robert 1924

Smith Joseph Charles 1920

Smith Lal (Harry) 1924

Smith Mary Ellen 1927

Smith Mervyn 1923

Smith P. R. 1926

Smith Percy 1920, 25

Smith Phillip 1924

Smith Phillip 27

Smith Raymond George 1920

Smith Reginald 1921, 25

Smith Reginald Clive 1925

Smith Rex 1926

Smith Sergeant (Police) 1924

Smith Stanley 1927, 28

Smith Thomas 1920, 26

Smith Victor 1921, 25

Smith Walter Bertram 1926

Smith William 1926, 27

Smithers Athol 1922

Sneddon Andrew 1922

Snowdon H. M. 1923

Sohier Jules Francis 1923

Somers Elizabeth Rene 1928

Somerville J. (J. P.) 1920

Somerville Mrs 1924

Sonter Bruce 1924

Sonter Charles 1923

Sonter Clarence 1924

Sotzenback M. E. 1926

Soul Washington H. 1920

Souter Mr. 1920

Souter William 1926

Southwood A. V. 1927

Southwood Albert 1923

Spears Ernest 1927

Spears Frank 1922

Spears Henry Albert 1922

Speering Alexander alias Cameron 1924

Spencer Clarence 1926

Spencer G. 1928

Sperring E. W. 1923

Spiers Cecil 1922

Spilling K. E. 1923

Spratt Charles 1925

Spring Basil 1926

Sproule Mr. 1927

Sproule R. (M. L. C.) 1924

Spurway George Edward Albert 1923

Stafford John Alexander 1922

Stahl Cyril George 1926

Staples Austin 1926

Staples C. J. 1923

Staples Charles Jeffries (J.P.) 1920

Starr Mr. 1924

Stauners John 1922

Steadman Annie Adelaide 1925

Steadman Neil 1923

Steadman Walter William 1925

Steer J. 1924

Stein Adolf 1921, 24

Stein Mrs. 1920

Steiner Gustave 1922

Steley Colin William 1924

Stephen Milner 1924

Stephens Alfred 1928

Sterland J. A. 1925

Sterland John William 1927

Sterland Mrs. 1923

Sterland T. W. 1923

Sterland W. E. 1923, 28

Sterling Alfred 1921

Sternbeck William Ephraim 1921

Stevens James 1921

Stevens John James 1922

Stevens William Nighton 1926

Stevenson Harry 1922

Stevenson Henry 1921

Stevenson Mr. 1926, 27

Stevenson Richard 1922

Steward Arthur 1927

Stewart A. W. 1923

Stewart Charles Alexander Rev. 1929

Stimson Mr. 1927

Stinson Constable (Police) 1921, 22

Stinson George 1926

Stockdale Henry James 1921, 23

Stockdale William Harold 1928

Stocker Dorothy 1922

Stoddart Frederick William 1921, 22

Stokan Percy 1924

Stokes Mr., Inspector 1927

Stokes Samuel 1921

Stokey John 1926, 27, 28

Stokie Leslie John 1926, 27

Stone John Berry 1922

Stoxley Charles 1928

Stratton Clarence George 1920

Street A. N. 1928

Street H. (J. P.) 1921, 24, 25

Street Jack 1926

Street Joseph 1928

Street Mrs. 1928

Strickland Robert M. 1927

Strutton John Thomas 1926, 27

Stubbs A. 1923

Stubbs Albert 1929

Stubbs Malcolm Felix 1924, 28

Studdert H. J. 1926, 28

Stutfield F. A. (J. P.) 1925, 26

Stutfield Francis Anthony 1926

Stutfield Mrs. 1926

Sullivan David 1922

Sullivan George 1922

Sullivan Jack 1924

Sullivan John Henry 1929

Sullivan John Rafael 1926

Sullivan John Strange 1925

Sullivan L. C. P. 1927

Sullivan Railway Inspector 1927

Sullivan Thomas 1920

Sullivan Vera May 1920

Summerhayes C. 1920

Summersgill Robert Hay 1929

Summersgill W. H. 1929

Summersgill William Thomas 1929

Surridge Arthur Detective (Police) 1923

Sutherland F. D. H., Police Magistrate 1929

Swaddling Roy Henry 1927

Swadling Arthur Percy 1924, 25

Swadling Cecil Ernest Elwyn 1924

Swadling George Ernest 1925

Swadling Will 1924

Swancott Charles 1925

Swanson Cecil Jack 1928

Sweeny Constable (Police) 1922, 23

Sweet Joseph 1928

Swinbourne Christopher Charles 1923, 1925, 26, 27

Sylvester Charles Alfred 1926

Sylvester Evelyn May 1923

Sylvester Norman 1928

Sylvester Norman Jack 1926

Sylvester Robert 1920, 23

Sylvester Thomas John 1923

Symons John William 1927

Taddish G. W. 1926

Taddish Giuseppe William 1927

Tanner Edmund Charles Rev. 1923, 26

Taranto Peppina 1927

Tassell Constable (Police) 1920

Tatham Ernest 1925

Taylor A.E. 1920, 26

Taylor Albert Charles Leslie 1920

Taylor Angus Edward 1920, 24

Taylor Austin Richard 1926

Taylor Cecil 1921, 24, 25

Taylor Constable (Police) Constable 1923

Taylor Constable 1st Class 1928

Taylor Dennis 1928

Taylor Edward 1922, 23

Taylor Edward Albert 1929

Taylor Edwin 1923

Taylor F. L. 1928

Taylor Fred 1927

Taylor Frederick Llewellyn 1925

Taylor George 1923, 24

Taylor H. W. Constable 1st Class (Police) 1929

Taylor Leslie 1922

Taylor Louis Edward 1926

Taylor Raymond Clyde 1925, 27

Taylor Sydney 1923

Taylor Walter Henry Victor 1921, 22

Taylor Walter John 1925

Taylor William 1922

Tebb Oliver Corston 1927

Teddar Walter John 1927

Tedder James G. (J. P.) 1921

Teesson Ralf Dean 1923

Terry William Arthur George 1926

Thane Sidney Arthur 1924

Thomas A.W. 1920

Thomas Alfred 1923

Thomas C. H. 1929

Thomas Freda 1927

Thomas Frederick 1921

Thomas James alias Percy Johnson 1920

Thomas Mary Isabella 1923

Thomas Mr. 1922

Thomas Parker 1920

Thomas Richard Ransley 1923

Thompson Alfred Charles 1925

Thompson Clara Eva Australia 1921, 22, 24

Thompson Constable (Police) 1922

Thompson Detective Sergeant (Police) 1926

Thompson Ernest Stuart 1921, 25

Thompson F. W. 1927

Thompson Gilbert 1926

Thompson H. Detective Sergeant (Police) 1922

Thompson H. E. 1922

Thompson James 1923, 27

Thompson Mrs. Thomas 1926

Thompson Neville C. 1926

Thompson Priscilla 1926

Thompson Selina Helen 1927

Thompson Silby E. 1920

Thompson T. J. (J. P.) 1920

Thompson Thomas Joseph 1926

Thompson W. Detective Constable (Police) 1922, 23

Thompson W. E. M. 1925

Thompson William 1920, 1921, 22, 24, 29

Thompson William 1926, 27, 28

Thompson William jun. 1928

Thomson Donald Colquhound 1920

Thorley Clyde William 1929

Thorn William 1922

Thornley Detective Sergeant (Police) 1926

Thornley Sergeant (Police) 1924

Thorpe H. 1927

Thorsby Albert Harold 1928

Thorsby Eliza Ruby 1924

Thorsby H. 1922

Thorsby H. A. 1928

Thrift F. H. 1923

Thrift Frank 1923

Thwaite Oliver Roland 1926

Tiesdale William 1928

Timms Charles 1927

Tinney Arthur 1928

Tobey Stanley 1921

Toland Constable (Police) 1920

Tolman John 1922

Tolson Robert Johnson 1924

Tomlinson G. L. Dr. 1920, 1924

Tompkins W. 1925

Tonkin A. J. 1921

Tonkin Annie J. 1928

Tonkin Charles 1921

Tonkin Charles George 1929

Tonkin John Bennett 1922

Tonkin Mr. 1923

Tooby John Pitt 1927

Toohill Acting Inspector D. C. (Police) 1927

Toohill Denis Cecil Sergeant 1st Class No. 7192 (Police) 1922, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27

Toon Harriet 1925, 28

Topple Basil 1921, 23

Torkewit William 1923

Torpey S. J. 1920

Towns Albert Norman 1922

Tracey Constable (Police) 1923

Trackson Walston Hill 1927

Trainer "Digger" 1925

Trask George 1928

Travass Norman 1927

Trenoweth J. 1925

Tricker Robert Harry 1920

Trickett Paul Dalby 1929

Trotman Florence W. 1927

Trott Edgar William 1929

Tubman W. N. 1926

Tuck John Warn 1922, 23

Tucker Henry Albert 1922

Tucker R. 1926

Tunks Florence Emily 1923

Tunks James Henry 1923

Turnbull Jack Bathurst 1923

Turnbull Mr. 1927

Turner Alphonse Joseph 1926

Turner Bert 1927

Turner Florence 1927

Turner G. 1920

Turner Henry 1921

Turner Herbert 1929

Turner Mrs. 1927

Turner William H. 1924

Turvey Eric 1923

Twist Ernest 1923

Urwin J. A. 1920

Van Hemelryck Francis 1925

Vaughan Walter Thomas 1928

Vecsey Otto Alfred 1922

Veness Frank 1929

Verden Henry 1925

Verey Ernest 1922

Verge Frederick 1921

Victor Albert 1928

Vidler Eric 1926

Vincent Edward Charles 1922

Vindin Edmund James 1922, 23, 24

Viney Charles 1920

Vivian Mr. 1926

Vogan Constable (Police) 1928

Vogt P. 1929

Vokes Bert Edgar 1921, 23, 24

Vola Del alias Jack Della, alias Joe Della, alias Joe Dellevadovar, alias Joe Costa, alias

Guiseppe Della Vedorre, alias G. Vola 1923

Waddell Robert 1922

Wade Frederick John 1923

Wade Leonard 1924, 25, 27

Wade Reginald 1924, 25

Wade Walter 1927

Wakeling Cecil 1924, 28

Wakeling Charles 25, 27, 28

Wakeling Charles William alias Charley Anderson 1923

Wakeling William 1923

Wakins J. J. 1927

Waldegrave Wilfred 1926

Waldron Thomas 1926

Walker Bruce 1921, 22, 23, 24

Walker Bruce 1928

Walker C. Keith 1928

Walker David John 1925

Walker E. 1928

Walker H. (J. P.) 1920

Walker J. J. 1926

Walker John 1922, 23, 24, 27

Walker Joseph 1920

Walker Mrs. 1924

Walker William 1927

Walkley George 1924

Wallace C. W. 1922

Wallace Hubert 1924

Wallbank Jack 1923

Waller Mabel Grace 1923

Wallis William James 1927

Walsh Alfred 1923

Walsh Alfred F. 1926

Walsh Detective (Police) 1923

Walsh Harold 1922

Walsh J. 1928

Walsh John Joseph Sergeant (Police) 1923

Walsh Martin 1920

Walsh William 1923

Walters C. N. (J. P.) 1924

Walters Charles Nathanial 1922, 23, 26

Walters Clyde Adrian Livingstone 1921, 25

Walters Hercules Herbert 1926

Walters Holly 1927, 28

Walters Meses 1922

Walters Nellie 1925

Wamsley Victor 1921

Ward Bruce 1927

Ward M. (J. P.) 1920

Ward P. 1920

Ward William 1922

Wardman Nellie 1926

Wardmoll F. C. 1927

Ware Arthur Percival 1925

Wark James 1924

Warmley Charles 1927

Warmoll Frederick Charles 1923, 25, 28

Warne W. L. 1923

Warner Alfred Hamlyn 1920

Warner Mr. 1926

Warner Robert 1921

Warpigeon Sepon 1925

Warren James 1927

Warren James Henry George 1921

Warren T. L. 1922

Wasson George Clarence 1929

Wasson L. H. 1929

Waterman Albert 1927

Waterman Emma 1927

Waterman John Joseph 1927

Waters A. L. 1925

Waters Cleve 1923, 26

Waters Constable (Police) 1923

Waters Lyle 1926

Waters Mona Mrs. (J. P.) 1925

Waters Onslow Erasmus 1926

Waters Ridgeway Wyong Reid 1922

Waters W. J. (J. P.) 1920

Watkings J. J. 1925

Watkins A. E. 1923

Watkins Eugene 1923

Watkins Frederick 1927

Watkins George 1926

Watkins James Joseph 1923, 24, 27

Watkins John David 1921, 25

Watkins John James 19266

Watkins Thomas William 1929

Watkins Valoise Edwin 1923

Watling James Hubert 1922

Watson H. H. Railway Inspector 1925, 27, 28

Watson Mrs. 1927

Watson Norman 1929

Watson Ralf 1927

Watt A. (K. C.) 1926

Watt Florence 1923

Way E. 1928

Weatherburn Joseph 1923, 25

Weaver F. G. (J. P.) 1920

Webb Arthur 1923

Webb Walter “Monkey” 1920, 1921

Webber Samuel Bowen 1925

Weber Ulmer John 1923

Webster Constable (Police) 1923, 24

Weir John Harold Gordon 1927

Weir Wallie alias Allan Weir 1925

Weiss Hector 1921

Weiss Hector Vivian 1922

Wells William 1927

Wemyss Sidney Douglas 1923

Wenborn Wilfred Ivo 1927

West E. M. 1920

West Ellen 1921

West J. S. 1926

West M. E. 1921, 25

West Mabel 1928

West Maude Evelyn 1923, 27

West Mr. 1927

Westland Alexander 1928

Westmoreland Alexander.1926

Wetenhall Arthur 1929

Wharton J. A. 1923

Wharton James Henry 1924

Wheeldon George Henry 1929

Wheeler Charles Rev. 1927

Wheeler F. 1928

Wheeler Frederick 25, 27

Wheeler William 1924

White Archibald Sydney 1929

White C. P. 1927

White Charles Winbourn 1923

White Constable (Police) 1920

White Douglas Alfred 1928

White Ernest Keith 1920

White Frederick 1923

White Frederick A. G. 1924, 28

White G. A. 1925

White Harold 1928

White Henry 1926

White His Honour, Judge 1928

White John 1922

White John Joseph 1927

White K. M. 1927

White Lydia 1921

White Marshall 1929

White Matthew 1927

White Mr. Justice 1924

White Percival G. 1924

White W. (J. P.) 1924

White W. R. 1922

White William 1923

White William R. 1927

Whiteman Harold Thomas Spencer 1928

Whittell H. L. 1920, 1921, 22, 23

Whittell H. L. 1925

Whittington John Roger 1926

Whittington Robert 1922

Whittle Phyllis 1923

Wickham Detective Constable (Police) 1922

Wiggins Nellie Louise Irene 1927

Wiggins W. W. 1922

Wilbow Frederick James 1929

Wilbow James 1920

Wilcox Arthur Horace 1923

Wilcox H. (J. P.) 1920, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29

Wilcox Henry 1926

Wilke Fitz H. R. 1921

Wilke Paul F. 1921

Wilkes Robert George 1927, 28

Wilkinson A. 1920, 23

Wilkinson A. H. (J. P.) 1920

Wilkinson Alexander (J. P.) 1921, 25

Wilkinson C. A. R. (J. P.) 1920

Wilkinson C. B. 1924

Wilkinson Charles Alexander Richard (J. P.) 1922

Wilkinson Henry 1920

Wilkinson Mrs. 1920

Wilkinson Myra Rose 1920

Wilkinson W. F. 1923, 28

Wilkinson William Frederick 25, 27

Willard Ellen M. 1928, 29

Willbrook George 1928

Willey Leila 1926

William Allen Frederick 1928

Williams Alfred Ernest 1921, 22

Williams Arthur Hector 1929

Williams Bert 1921

Williams Charles Benjamin 1924

Williams Charles Benjamin alias Charles Williams 1926

Williams Constable (Police) 1920, 24, 28, 29

Williams E. W. 1927

Williams Elizabeth Myra 1923

Williams Ernest 1927

Williams Ernest William 1921, 25, 28

Williams F. 1923

Williams Florence 1927

Williams Florence Adelaide 1924

Williams George 1920

Williams George V. 1924

Williams J. C. Inspector 27, 28

Williams Jack 1922, 23

Williams James 1920

Williams Keith M. 1923

Williams M. 1927

Williams Mrs. 1921, 23, 25, 27

Williams Percy 1923, 24

Williams Ronald Joseph 1929

Williams T. F. 1928

Williams Thomas 1921, 25

Williams William 1920, 21, 23

Williamson Agnes Annie 1923

Williamson Henry 1921, 22

Williamson J. A. 1923

Williamson James 1926, 27

Williamson Joseph 1923

Williamson William Frederick 1927

Williom Charles 1925

Willion Charles 1928

Willis Albert Charles 1924

Willis Violet May 1922

Willmott Constable (Police) 1920

Willon Charles 1920

Willoughby Harold Holsted 1927

Willoughby John 1927

Wilson Arthur Edward 1920

Wilson Charles 1924

Wilson Charles William 1921

Wilson Clem 1925

Wilson Detective Sergeant (Police) 1926

Wilson Eric 1928

Wilson Ernest Henry 1921, 22

Wilson George 1921, 25

Wilson George William 1924

Wilson H. A. (J. P.) 1920

Wilson Joseph 1929

Wilson Leslie 1920

Wilson Malcolm 1925

Wilson Martha J. 1921, 25

Wilson Rachel 1921, 27

Wilson Reginald 1926

Wilson Reginald Mrs. 1926

Wilson Reginald V. P. 1926

Wilson Sydney Victor 1929

Wilson T. A. W. (J. P.) 1920

Wilson Victor E. 1921, 28

Wilson Wallace 1923, 27

Wilson Walter 1920, 23

Wilson William James 1924

Wilson William Knight 1921

Wilton James Henry 1922

Wimble A. 1920

Winby Ida 1922

Winch Phillip C. 1928

Winchester Charles 1924

Windle Harley Henry 1921

Windybank Alice 1925, 26, 29

Winsor Leslie 1927

Winter A. 1926

Winter A. E. 1927

Winter Alice 1923, 24, 25

Winter Arthur 1922

Winter Arthur Edward 1921

Winter Harold 1922

Winter J. 1924

Wiseman Edye 1924

Wiseman Thomas 1924

Withers Albert Charles 1928

Wix Noel Vivian 1921

Wood G. A. 1925

Wood H. C. (J. P.) 1920

Wood H. K. (J. P.) 1929

Wood Louisa 1922

Wood Miss 1926

Wood Robert Charles 1922

Wood W. H. (J. P.) 1924

Wood Walter 1920

Woodbury A. W. 1928

Woodbury B. 1928

Woodbury David 1920

Woodbury Elizabeth 1927

Woodbury H. J. 1921

Woodbury Hubert 1928

Woodbury Leo 1921

Woodbury M. J. (J. P.) 1920

Woodbury Percy Arnott 1926

Woodbury William 1928

Woodbury William B. (J. P.) 1921

Woodford Edward 1924

Woodger Rev. F. A. 1923

Woodrow Alfred Gordon No. 9681, Constable 1st Class (Police) 1924

Woods Dorrie 1922

Woods Jack 1924

Woodward Clarence 1927, 28

Woodward Clarrie 8

Wooffindin Joseph Edward 1928

Woolfe Charles Frederick Andrew 1920

Woolford Charles Edward 1922, 26

Woolsey Clement Robert 1921, 23

Workman Constable (Police) 1920

Worley L. L. 1925

Wright Albert 1924

Wright George Henry 1921

Wright Gordon 1928

Wright Henry Griffith 1921, 25

Wright J. R. 1920, 1921, 22

Wright John 1921, 23

Wright John Robertson 1929

Wright Mary Ann 1924

Wright Maynard James Humphries 1928

Wright Miss 1922

Wright Mrs. 1928

Wright Robert 1925

Wright Vernon William 1928

Wunderich George James 1920

Wyatt Edgar 1929

Wymer Robert 1923, 25

Wynn William W. 27

Wynne Clifford Ernest 1924, 26, 28

Wynne Ernest 1926, 28

Wyper Jessie Dr. 1923, 25

Yates Ernest 198

Yates Herbert Frank 1923

Yates Leslie Ernest 1926

Yates William 1922, 25

Yelland B. 1928

Yeomans Ernest George 1923

Youll George 1927, 28

Young Arthur Sydney 1927, 28

Young Charles 1927

Young Constable (Police) 1920

Young George 1928

Young Harry 1927

Young Henry 1924, 26

Young J. 1925

Young John 1921, 23

Young Joseph 1922

Young R. W. 1923, 24

Young William 1927

Zimmerman Maurice David 1922

Zimmerman Morris David 1921


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