savage babylon 5 (referee's appendixes)

Post on 16-Apr-2015






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Savage Babylon 5: The Orion 7 Campaign

Referee’s Briefing

This ‘Plot Point’ Campaign Book has been devised for use with Pinnacle Entertainment Group’s Explorer Edition of the Savage Worlds RPG system.

It is based on the classic TV series, and has been Adapted from Markus Finster’s ( Savage Babylon 5 RPG, and Wireframe Production’s ‘The Babylon Project’ RPG.

This conversion is not for profit and is not meant to infringe on any copyrights.

GM Appendix: One

Arcane Background (Telekinesis and Clairvoyance)

All Psions start as telepaths, but with experience and training, some show aptitude in Telekinesis and Clairvoyance. To select the following powers, a telepath must first purchase the appropriate Arcane Skill.


Telekinesis covers those powers which allow a psion to move something, and is the ability to affect the physical world with the mind. It requires the Arcane Background (Psionics) and the Arcane Skill Telekinesis. Telekinetic psions refer to themselves as ‘Teeks’.

Telekinetic Powers:


Rank: Novice. Power Points: 2. Range: Self. Duration: 3 (1/round). Trappings: Subtle.

Deflection is a telekinetic barrier which misdirects incoming melee and missile attacks.

With a standard success, attackers must subtract 2 from any Fighting, Shooting, or other attack rolls directed at the user. A raise increases the penalty to -4. This also acts as armour against area effect weapons.

Pyrokinisis (Ignite)

Rank: Novice. Power Points: 2. Range: Smarts x 2. Duration: Instant. Trappings: Concentration.

Combustible targets automatically catch fire and suffer 1d10 fire damage on the round the spell is cast. Each round thereafter the referee checks to see if the fire spreads as normal.


Rank: Seasoned. Power Points: 5. Range: Smarts. Duration: 3 (1/round). Trappings: Concentration and a wave of hand. You push the air; you grab something in your mind.

Telekinesis is the ability to move a single object or creature (including oneself) at will. The weight

a Kinetic can lift is equal to 20 kg (10 lbs) times his Spirit die type, or 100 kg (50 lbs) times his Spirit with a raise.

Disarm: Characters may attempt to pull weapons out of enemies’ hands. Targets may resist with an opposed Strength roll versus the Telekinesis roll (P-Rating applies). If the Force Use roll is successful, the weapon is grabbed from the opponent’s hand and may be moved up to the character Smarts in inches.

Lifting Creatures: Living targets may resist with an opposed Spirit roll (P-Rating applies). If the roll is greater than the character’s Telekinesis skill total, the victim is unaffected. If the creature loses, however, it is lifted as usual, and does not get another opportunity to break free.

Telekinetic Bolt (Bolt).

Rank: Novice. Power Points: 1. Range: 6/12/24. Duration: Instant. Trappings: Push the air in the direction of the attack.

Telekinetic Bolts are sudden concentrations of telekinetic energy that can be directed towards a target. The damage of the bolt is 2d6.

Additional Bolts: The character may cast up to 3 bolts by spending a like amount of Power Points. This must be decided before the power is cast. The bolts may be spread among targets as the character chooses.

Additional Damage: The character may also increase the damage to 3d6 by doubling the Power Point cost per bolt. This may be combined with the additional bolts, so firing 3 bolts of 3d6 damage would cost 6 Power Points.


Clairvoyance covers sensory related powers, and provides the ability to feel, see, or hear things outside normal perception. It requires the Arcane Background (Psionics) and the Arcane Skill Clairvoyance. Clairvoyant psions refer to themselves as ‘Claries’.

Clairvoyant Powers:


Rank: Veteran Power Points: 1+ Range: Self Duration: 3 (1/round) Trappings: Concentration.

Whereas precognition allows a character to see a glimpse of the future, post-cognition lets him see the past, albeit with restrictions.

Each Power Point invested allows the character to view his current surroundings as they were one hour ago, with no maximum. For all intents and purposes, the character views the scene as if

he were actually there in the past. So, if the character turns, he sees the scene from a different angle.

Psychometry (Object Reading)

Rank: Seasoned Power Points: 2 Range: Touch Duration: Instant Trappings: Concentration, trance

Object reading is the ability to see the past of a specific, inanimate object, discovering who held it, where it has been, and such like.

Each success and raise allows the character to see previous owners of the object, starting with the most recent and working backward. The character sees an image, but does not know the person’s name or current whereabouts.


Rank: Veteran. Power Points: 3. Range: Special. Duration: 3 (1/round). Trappings: Concentration.

The character has a limited ability to glance into the future. If the casting is successful, the caster may rearrange any two Action Cards (four with a raise) for any combination of allies or foes (including himself) as he sees fit each round for the duration of the spell starting the round after the spell is cast. Cards must be moved before anyone acts in each round. Edges (such as Quick) take effect after the cards are moved.

Remote Viewing

Rank: Novice. Power Points: 5. Range: Variable. Duration: 3 (1/round). Trappings: Closing of eyes and concentration

Remote viewing is the ability to acquire detailed knowledge of present events and locations across vast distances by projecting the psychic’s own inner eye away from himself to another location. By using remote viewing the psychic can see a location as if he were standing there. The vision is always very clear, but he only has visual knowledge of the environment and no other senses.

To use this power, the caster must make a successful arcane skill roll and close his eyes for the duration of its use; otherwise he must activate the power again. The difficulty of the viewing depends on the distance to the target. The penalty to the arcane skill roll is -1 for every 100 miles to the viewing location. The psychic need not have a line of sight to, or have ever been to, the location for this power to work.

GM Appendix: Two


Technomages first appeared over a thousand years ago and have always been considered mysterious and secretive. They are a rare sight these days, having almost passed into the realm of legend and fairy tale.

Technomages should be created using the following race template, as they are distinctly different from normal human beings.

Racial Abilities:

Arcane Background (Technomancy) – All Technomages are fitted with bio-technological cybernetic implants, and taught how harness the power of the universe from childhood. The process of installing implants and adjusting them is extremely painful (+1).

Knowledgeable – Technomages start with a d6 in Smarts (+2).

Mysterious and Secretive – Technomages are naturally secretive, and are conditioned to maintain an aura of mystery concerning their order. They tend to instil feelings of both wonder and fear, and they are known to follow their own secret agendas. Technomages are therefore ‘Outsiders’ and have a -2 charisma (-1).

Obligated to the Order – Technomages are born, raised, and live within the rules of their Order. While this gives them a certain level of freedom, they must however follow certain rules, and be commanded by their superiors.

These rules and commands may well come back to haunt the character from time to time, and he or she may be asked to perform tasks to the detriment of himself, or to his or her allies.

This works as the minor version of the Vow Hindrance (-1).

Arcane Background (Technomancy)

Arcane Skills: Technomancy (Smarts).

Starting Power Points: 10.

Starting Powers: 3.

Technomages use a variation of the Arcane Background (Weird Science). Due to their bio-technological cybernetic implants, and through their distinctive suits, they are able to establish connections with their ships, staffs, places of power, and other compatible technology. This is called Associating and Disassociating.

Unlike other forms of Arcane Background, the Technomage’s ‘powers’ are not strictly spells, but are in fact the effects of high tech ‘gizmos’.

These devices are imbedded in their robes, staves, and other equipment, and are activated using the Arcane Skill: Technomancy, and channelled and powered through their cybernetic implants.

Please refer to the core rules for the Arcane Background (Weird Science), but with the following notes and changes:

Power Points: Unlike Weird Science, Technomages have a pool of power points, which are channelled through cybernetic implants to power their devices and ‘gizmos’.

Power Points are recharged at a rate of 1 power point per hour.

Malfunction: A device always malfunctions if a Technomage rolls a ‘1’ on his or her arcane skill die, regardless of the wild die result.

On a critical failure, the device causes an electric shock, and as a result, the Technomage becomes shaken.

If the Technomage takes a wound, there is also a 25% chance that a random device will malfunction, causing a second wound.

A device that has malfunctioned cannot be used again until repaired, which requires a Repair Roll and 2d6 hours worth of work.

Sharing Powers: A Technomage is unable to give, or lend a device to another person. This is due to Technomancy’s reliance on cybernetic implants to ‘power’ and focus their devices.

New Powers: Each time a Technomage takes the New Power Edge, he or she receives a new device, or upgrade.

Technomage Powers:

The following powers (with trappings and the equipment the power is usually imbedded in) are commonly available to Technomages.

Shield (Armour & Environmental Protection)

A Technomage can cast a shield around his or her body to absorb damage, or contain atmosphere in hostile environments.


Rank: Novice. Power Points: 2. Range: Self. Duration: 3 (1/round). Trappings: The Technomage’s robes.

Armour creates a field of protection around a character or an actual shell of some sort, effectively giving the target Armour.

Success either grants the recipient 2 points of Armour (4 points with a raise).

Environmental Protection

Rank: Novice Power Points: 2 Range: Self. Duration: 1 hour (1/hour)

This power allows the target to breathe, speak, and move at his normal Pace while underwater, in a zero-G vacuum, in arctic conditions, and so on. Pressure, atmosphere, air, etc, are all provided for the character.

Complete protection is offered only for background hazards. A fire attack still causes normal damage even with environmental protection, for example.

A success is needed to accomplish the power. With a raise, maintaining the power becomes 1 Power Point per 2 hours.

Fireball (Blast)

Rank: Seasoned Power Points: 2 – 6 Range: 24/48/96 Duration: Instant Trappings: Ball of fire is conjured in the hand, and hurled at the target.

Blast is an area effect power that can put down many opponents at once. The caster first picks where he wants to centre the blast, then makes the appropriate skill roll.

Normal ranged attack modifiers apply.

The area of effect is a Medium Burst Template. If the roll fails, the blast deviates as a launched projectile.

Targets within the blast suffer 2d6 damage.

Unlike other attacks, raises on the attack roll do not add to damage to area effect attacks.

Additional Effects: For double the Power Points, the blast does 3d6 damage or the size is increased to a Large Burst Template. For triple the points, it does both.

Platform (Telekinesis and Fly)

The Technomage can generate an invisible platform that can suspend items above the ground. With further abilities, mages can move and even ride on these platforms.

(Limited) Telekinesis

Rank: Seasoned. Power Points: 5. Range: Smarts. Duration: 3 (1/round) Trappings: The Technomage’s cloak

Telekinesis is the ability to move a single object or creature (including oneself) at will. The weight a Kinetic can lift is equal to 20 kg (10 lbs) times his Spirit die type, or 100 kg (50 lbs) times his Spirit with a raise.


Rank: Veteran Power Points: 3/6 Range: Self Duration: 3 (1/round) Trappings: The Technomage’s cloak

Fly allows a character to fly at his basic Pace with a Climb rate of half that number. He may double his Pace by spending twice the number of Power Points.

Hologram (Summon Ally)

Rank: Novice Power Points: 3+ Range: Smarts x 2 Duration: 3 (1/round) Trappings: The Technomage’s staff. Technomages can generate holograms, like Alwynn's famous red-eyed, golden dragon, or more complex holo-demons, which can actually interact physically with their environment.

This power allows the character to summon an Extra completely loyal to the caster. On a success, the ally is placed at any point within the range of the power. On a raise, the ally is more durable and gains the Hardy ability. A summoned ally acts on the initiative card of the caster and gets an immediate action as soon as it is summoned.

A character may learn this spell while of Novice Rank, but he cannot summon more powerful allies until he attains the appropriate Rank. The cost in Power Points depends on the type of ally the character wishes to summon, and should be pre-designed by the caster, using the normal character creation rules, and the ‘Summon Ally Table’ below as a guideline.

A caster of sufficient Rank to summon more powerful allies may instead choose to summon additional lower Rank allies instead at the same cost. For each decrease in Rank, he gains one additional ally. For example, a Veteran caster could spend 5 Power Points to summon one Veteran-Rank-allowed ally, two Seasoned-Rank-allowed allies, or three Novice-Rank-allowed allies. Allies summoned by a single casting must all be of the same type.

Cost; Rank of caster; Ally Types.

3; Novice; Small insubstantial illusion (e.g. dog), Basic Extra (no edges, hindrances, or abilities).

4; Seasoned; Human sized insubstantial illusion (e.g. human), Novice Extra.

5; Veteran; Large insubstantial illusion (e.g. rhino), Seasoned Extra.

6; Heroic; Huge insubstantial illusion (e.g. dragon), Veteran Extra.

7; Legendary; Gigantic insubstantial illusion (e.g. starship), Heroic Extra.

Electron Incantation

Rank: Novice. Power Points: 1. Range: Self. Duration: 10 minutes (1/10 minutes). Trappings: The Technomage’s Robes.

Through this technique, A Technomage can establish real-time communication with another Technomage regardless of distance.

While under the effect of this ability, the speakers’ consciousness is manifest within a sort of dreamscape in which time moves quickly enough for the participants to have whole conversations in the span of seconds.

Download from the Dead

Rank: Seasoned. Power Points: 3. Range: Touch. Duration: Instant. Trappings: Technomages are capable of downloading information from dead brains. This involves cutting up the brain, which may pulsate for some moments after the procedure.

On a success, the Technomage will be able to access the target’s last thoughts, sights and sounds before his or her death. On a raise, the Technomage will also know the targets immediate concerns at the time, and by spending another two power points, will be able to access deeper thoughts and memories.

Primal Powers

Unknown at the time of the first three seasons of Babylon 5, the Technomages were originally created as weapons one thousand years ago by The Shadows. Through the course of their studies, Galen and Isabelle discovered several primal abilities that underline conventional Technomage powers, and relate to their connection to The Shadows. Two of these abilities are:

Cloak (Invisibility):

Rank: Seasoned Power Points: 5 Range: Self Duration: 3 (1/round) Trappings: The Technomage’s robes.

With a success, the character is transparent, but a vague outline is visible. A character may detect the invisible presence if he has a reason to look and makes a Notice roll at –4.

Once detected, he may attack the foe at –4 as well. With a raise, the character is completely invisible. The penalty to Notice or hit him is –6.

Plasma Beam (Bolt)

Rank: Novice Power Points: 1 – 6 Range: 12/24/48 Duration: Instant Trappings: The Technomage’s staff.

The damage of the bolt is 2d6.

Additional Bolts: The character may cast up to 3 bolts by spending a like amount of Power Points. This must be decided before the power is cast. The bolts may be spread among targets as the character chooses. Firing the additional bolts does not incur any attack penalties.

Additional Damage: The character may also increase the damage to 3d6 by doubling the Power Point cost per bolt. This may be combined with the additional bolts, so firing 3 bolts of 3d6 damage costs 6 Power Points.

GM Appendix: Three


Avioki, Brakiri Syndicate

The cornerstone of the Brakiri fleet, this is the single most common vessel the Brakiri field.

Acc/Top Speed: 80/FTL; Climb: —; Toughness: 53 (28); Crew: 50; Size: Huge; Handling: -2.

Notes: Spacecraft, Jump Engine, Gravitic Engine, Targeting Computer +2.

Cargo Spaces: 20


Front Arc

o Twin-Linked Graviton Beam

o Twin-Linked Graviton Pulsar

Port Arc

o Graviton Beam

Starboard Arc

o Graviton Beam

Aft Arc

o Twin-Linked Graviton Pulsar


2 light Shuttles.

G'Quan Heavy Cruiser, Narn Regime

This is perhaps the best-known ship of the Narn Regime.

Acc/Top Speed: 75/FTL; Climb: —; Toughness: 61 (36); Crew: 110; Size: Huge; Handling: -2.

Notes: Atmospheric, Spacecraft, Jump Engine, Targeting Computer.

Cargo Spaces: 15.


Front Arc

o Twin-Linked Heavy Laser Cannon

o Energy Mine Launcher

o 2x Twin-Linked Particle Array

Port Arc

o Twin-Linked Particle Array

Starboard Arc

o Twin-Linked Particle Array

Aft Arc

o Twin-Linked Particle Array


6 Frazi

Hyperion Heavy Cruiser, Earth Alliance

A standard space fighter designed to protect capital ships or fly short-range patrols.

Acc/Top Speed: 60/FTL; Climb: —; Toughness: 60 (35); Crew: 114; Size: Huge; Handling: -3.

Notes: Atmospheric, Spacecraft, Jump Engine, Targeting Computer.

Cargo Spaces: 15.


Front Arc

o Twin-Linked Heavy Laser Cannon

o Twin-Linked Medium Plasma Cannon

o Medium Pulse Cannon

o Tri-Linked Particle Beams

o Mk I Interceptor

Port Arc

o Medium Pulse Cannon

o Mk I Interceptor

Starboard Arc

o Medium Pulse Cannon

o Mk I Interceptor

Aft Arc

o Twin-Linked Heavy Laser Cannon

o Mk I Interceptor


2 light Shuttles

6 Starfuries

Nova Dreadnought, Earth Alliance - Gargantuan

Once viewed as the ultimate weapon in Earthforce’s arsenal, the Nova ensured victory in the Dilgar War.

Acc/Top Speed: 30/FTL; Climb: —; Toughness: 84 (54); Crew: 392; Size: Gargantuan; Handling: -4.

Notes: Atmospheric, Spacecraft; Jump Engine, Targeting Computer +1.

Cargo Spaces: 36


Front Arc

o Laser/Pulse Array

o Mk I Interceptor

Port Arc

o 5x Laser/Pulse Array

o Mk I Interceptor

Starboard Arc

o 5x Laser/Pulse Array

o Mk I Interceptor

Aft Arc

o Laser/Pulse Array

o Mk I Interceptor


2 light Shuttles

24 Starfuries

Omega Heavy Destroyer, Earth Alliance

The Omega is the pride of the Earth Alliance, designed to stand against the Minbari in the event of another war.

Acc/Top Speed: 45/FTL; Climb: —; Toughness: 79 (49); Crew: 287; Size: Gargantuan; Handling: -2.

Notes: Atmospheric, Spacecraft, Jump Engine, Targeting Computer +3.

Cargo Spaces: 30


Front Arc

o Twin-Linked Heavy Laser Cannon

o Twin-Linked Heavy Pulse Cannon

o 2x Mk II Interceptor

Port Arc

o 6x Particle Beam

o Mk II Interceptor

Starboard Arc

o 6x Particle Beam

o Mk II Interceptor

Aft Arc

o Twin-Linked Heavy Laser Cannon

o 2x Mk II Interceptor


2 light Shuttles

24 Starfuries

Shadow Cruiser

Fearless and unstoppable, there is no ship among the Younger races that stand a chance against a Shadow vessel in open combat.

Acc/Top Speed: 60/FTL; Climb: —; Toughness: 72 (42); Crew: 1; Size: Gargantuan; Handling: +3.

Notes: Atmospheric, Spacecraft, Self-Repairing, Adaptive Armour, Shadow Jump, Targeting Computer +4

Cargo Spaces: 40


Molecular Slicer Beam (Turret)


6 Shadow fighters

Shadow Fighter

These vessels are as deadly to other fighters as the bigger cruisers are to capital ships.

Acc/Top Speed: 200/1200; Climb: 50; Toughness: 22 (12); Crew: 1; Size: Small; Handling: +4.

Notes: Atmospheric, Spacecraft, Self-Repairing, Adaptive Armour, Shadow Jump, Targeting Computer +3.

Cargo Spaces: 1.


Polarity Cannon

Sharlin Warcruiser, Minbari Federation - Gargantuan

This is the primary front line spacecraft of the Minbari Federation

Acc/Top Speed: 70/FTL; Climb: —; Toughness: 72 (42); Crew: 476; Size: Gargantuan; Handling: -1.

Notes: Spacecraft, Gravity Engine, Jump Engine, Minbari Flight Computer, Minbari Jamming Suite, Targeting Computer +5.

Cargo Spaces: 54


Front Arc

o Twin-Linked Neutron Laser Cannon

o 2x Twin-Linked Fusion Cannon

o Electro-Pulse Gun

Port Arc

o 2x Twin-Linked Fusion Cannon

Starboard Arc

o 2x Twin-Linked Fusion Cannon

Aft Arc

o Twin-Linked Neutron Laser Cannon

o 2x Twin-Linked Fusion Cannon


4 Flyers

· 24 Nials

Space Liner, Earth Alliance

A standard space fighter designed to protect capital ships or fly short-range patrols.

Acc/Top Speed: 70/FTL; Climb: —; Toughness: 55 (30); Crew: 39+512; Size: Huge; Handling: -4.

Notes: Spacecraft, Targeting Computer +1.

Cargo Spaces: 6.


Front Arc

o Particle Beam

Port Arc

o Particle Beam

Starboard Arc

o Particle Beam

Aft Arc

o Particle Beam


4 Shuttles

Sunhawk Battlecruiser, Drazi Freehold

Possible the most common military ship of the Drazi Freehold, the Sunhawk is capable of going toe-to-toe with other races’ capital ships when deployed in squadrons.

Acc/Top Speed: 120/FTL; Climb: —; Toughness: 44 (24); Crew: 38; Size: Large; Handling: -1.

Notes: Spacecraft, Targeting Computer +2.

Cargo Spaces: 10.


Front Arc

o Particle Clutter

o 2x Twin-Linked Particle Blasters

Tiraca, Abbai Matriarchy

The standard attack vessel of the Matriarchy.

Acc/Top Speed: 100/FTL; Climb: —; Toughness: 42 (22); Crew: 24; Size: Large; Handling: +1.

Notes: Spacecraft, Targeting Computer +2.

Cargo Spaces: 10.


Front Arc

Combat Laser

Quad-Linked Particle Array

Port Arc

Quad-Linked Particle Array

Starboard Arc

Quad-Linked Particle Array

Turret Weapons

Particle Impeder


2 light Shuttles

T'Loth Assault Cruiser, Narn Regime

This is an old ship among the Narn Fleet, some date back to their first exploration of space. It is still, however, brutally effective, especially as bridgehead for invasions.

Acc/Top Speed: 25/FTL; Climb: —; Toughness: 64 (34); Crew: 194+300; Size: Gargantuan; Handling: -4.

Notes: Spacecraft, Jump Engine, Targeting Computer +2.

Cargo Spaces: 70.


Front Arc

2x Twin-Linked Heavy Plasma Cannon

2x Light Pulse Cannon

Port Arc

Light Pulse Cannon

Starboard Arc

Light Pulse Cannon

Aft Arc

2x Light Pulse Cannon


4 Shuttles

12 Frazi

Vorchan Warship, Centauri Republic

The Vorchan is the backbone of the still-mighty Centauri Republic.

Acc/Top Speed: 65/FTL; Climb: —; Toughness: 59 (34); Crew: 50; Size: Huge; Handling: -1.

Notes: Atmospheric, Spacecraft, Gravitic Engine, Jump Engine, Targeting Computer +3.

Cargo Spaces: 14.


Front Arc

o Plasma Accelerator

o 2x Particle Array


2 Shuttles

Vorlon Transport

The Vorlons are the most technological advanced race yet encountered and even their transports are wonders to behold.

Acc/Top Speed: 100/FTL; Climb: —; Toughness: 42 (22); Crew: 0-1; Size: Large; Handling: +3.

Notes: Atmospheric, Spacecraft, Adaptive Armour, Biological Engine, Jump Engine, Living Ship, Self-Repairing, Targeting Computer +5.

Cargo Spaces: 20.


Turret Discharge Gun

White Star, Interstellar Alliance

These ships are based on Vorlon and Minbari technology and after being introduced soon become the fleet of the Rangers.

Acc/Top Speed: 130/FTL; Climb: 40; Toughness: 46 (26); Crew: 24; Size: Large; Handling: +2.

Notes: Atmospheric, Spacecraft, Gravitic Engine, EM Shield, Jump Engine, Minbari Flight Computer, Self-Repairing, Targeting Computers +5.

Cargo Spaces: 10.


Front Arc

o Improved Neutron Laser Cannon

o 4x Molecular Pulsar


2 Nials

GM Appendix: Four

Chronology of Babylon 5 (2245 to 2260)

Notable individuals are highlighted in blue. Notable events, which may impact on Orion 7, are highlighted in red.

2245 - Dukhat tries to encourage the Grey Council to acknowledge that the Shadows may indeed be returning, but still does not inform them of the presence of the Vorlons.

November 2245 - The Earthforce ship Prometheus encounters a Minbari cruiser (carrying the Grey Council) with its gun ports open, assuming it to be hostile. The Prometheus opens fire first, killing Dukhat. Delenn has the deciding vote over whether to retreat or pursue the humans - she elects in a moment of rashness to eliminate them. The Earth-Minbari War begins.

2246 - John Sheridan destroys the Minbari cruiser Black Star, becoming the only human to successfully destroy a Minbari ship during the War. Delenn discovers that Dukhat had been associating with Vorlons, and comes to the realization that they have made a terrible mistake going to War with the humans.

Early 2248 - The Minbari fleet moves in on Earth, resulting in humanity's last stand at the Battle of the Line. Squadron leader Jeffrey Sinclair is captured by the Minbari, who discover Minbari souls have been emerging in humans. The Minbari surrender to Earth, without explanation. Sinclair's memory of his 24 hours in captivity is wiped and he is ejected back into space.

2249 - The Earth Alliance President Elizabeth Levy proposes the "Babylon Project", which is supported by many of the other races and the League of Non-Aligned Worlds. Construction of the first Babylon station begins.

Early 2250's - Three Babylon stations are constructed and all three are sabotaged, and destroyed prior to completion. Human determinism drives them to keep trying.

2251 - Food riots on Mars are brutally quashed by Earthforce. Jeffrey Sinclair meets John Sheridan, and Laurel Takashima, Head of Mars Security.

2253 - Interplanetary Expeditions (IPX) unearths a Shadow vessel from the surface of Mars, which is soon after retrieved by another Shadow vessel. IPX have a probe planted on the ship which tracks it to Alpha Omega 3 (otherwise known as Z'ha'dum), on the galactic rim.

2254 - Babylon 4 constructed, completed and made operational. 24 hours after coming online, it vanishes without trace.

2255 - Construction of Babylon 5 commences. After an association with Sinclair, recovering alcoholic Michael

Garibaldi is gainfully employed in security division of Mars colony.

2256 - IPX discovers ancient ruins on Alpha Omega 3 and considers mounting an expedition. Anna Sheridan and Mr Morden are chosen to join the crew of the Icarus to investigate the planet. Upon arriving, they discover the Shadows are re-awakening. The ship is destroyed and all crew are assumed lost. Anna Sheridan and Morden are recruited by the Shadows. Babylon 5 is completed and goes online.

January 2257 - Jeffrey Sinclair chosen by Minbari and Earth to command Babylon 5 and Delenn is appointed Minbari Ambassador to keep watch over him. He chooses Garibaldi to be Chief of Security, and Laurel Takashima as Second-in-Command. Lyta Alexander is resident telepath. Ambassador G'Kar represents the Narn, and Ambassador Londo Mollari is sent by the Centauri, who do not consider the position a particularly important one. The Vorlons send Kosh as a delegate to Babylon 5, and he is attacked upon arrival by an assassin.

March 2257 - Lyta Alexander and Dr Benjamin Kyle are recalled to Earth from Babylon 5 after having close contact with the Vorlon.

Late 2257 - Laurel Takashima is recalled to Earth, and replaced by Susan Ivanova.

January 2258 - Luis Santiago re-elected President of Earth. The Narn invade Ragesh 3. Babylon 5's new resident telepath, Talia Winters, arrives on the station, as does Vir Cotto, Londo Mollari's attaché.

February 2258 - Steven Franklin arrives on Babylon 5, to assume position of Chief Medical Officer.

Late March 2258 - Delenn's attaché; Lennier, arrives on Babylon 5, as does Na'Toth, a new aide for G'Kar, to replace Ko'Dath, who was killed in a mysterious airlock accident. Delenn stages the first nafak'cha ceremony on Babylon 5.

April 2258 - Sinclair is interrogated by two rogue "Knights" regarding the missing 24 hours of his life during the Battle of the Line. Alfred Bester makes his first visit to Babylon 5.

July 2258 – Mr Morden makes his first appearance on Babylon 5, representing the Shadows. They choose to make their alliance with the Centauri Ambassador Londo Mollari.

August 2258 - Rioting increases on Mars. The Great Machine on Epsilon 3 is discovered.

September 2258 - Babylon 4 reappears in Sector 14. Sinclair and Garibaldi investigate and manage to evacuate the station before it disappears again. Sinclair, Sheridan, Delenn, Ivanova and Marcus Cole (who have travelled back from 2260) protect the temporally-fluctuating station from attack by Shadow agents, ensuring that it does indeed make its journey through time safely. Delenn refuses leadership of the Grey Council.

November 2258 - Dr Franklin discovers an alien healing device on Babylon 5. The Order of Techno-mages attends convocation on the planet Soom, and elects to flee the galaxy to avoid the oncoming Shadow War. The Narn outpost in Quadrant 37 is destroyed by Shadows. Earth President Luis Santiago is killed when his ship, EarthForce One, explodes near the jump point on Io. Garibaldi is shot when he uncovers the plot. Delenn enters a chrysalis to begin her transformation into a half-human.

January 2259 - William Morgan Clark is appointed President of the Earth Alliance. Sinclair is recalled to Earth. Captain John Sheridan is assigned command of Babylon 5. Delenn emerges from her chrysalis. On Minbar, Sinclair is accused of an assassination attempt on the Grey Council leader. Investigating the mysterious attacks on the Narn, G'Kar discovers that the ancient enemy, the Shadows, may indeed be returning, and returns to Babylon 5 with this information. The Drazi ritual fighting period begins: in long-held tradition (instigated by the Shadows), the Drazi randomly split into two factions, the Purple and the Green, and each one tries to eliminate the other. Londo Mollari begins his association with Lord Refa. A delegation of Techno-mages arrives on Babylon 5, as part of their journey out of known space. Uncovering Shadow activity (including the excavation of a Shadow vessel) on Thenothk 4, Galen discovers the truth about Techno-mage technology. As the mages leave known space, Galen intercepts Matthew Gideon, stranded when his ship the Cerberus is destroyed by a secret Earth ship built with Shadow technology.

February 2259 - There are increased sightings of Shadow vessels in hyperspace. Jeffrey Sinclair is appointed Entil'zha (Ranger One), of the Anla'Shok.

March 2259 - Bester uncovers an underground railroad on Babylon 5 (being operated by Dr Franklin), which is transporting telepaths away from Psi Corps influence.

April 2259 - The Centauri Emperor arrives on Babylon 5 to attempt peace with the Narn; however, Londo Mollari and Refa have other plans. The Centauri Emperor dies before they have a chance to carry them out. Heralding the new glory days of the Centauri Republic, Mollari arranges another attack on the Narn. War is officially declared between the Centauri and the Narn. Cartagia succeeds Turhan as Emperor of the Centauri.

June 2259 - The Underground Railroad helps Lyta Alexander escape from Psi Corps. She joins with the Mars Resistance.

Jul 2259- After losing his brother in a Shadow attack on the Arisia Mining Colony, Marcus Cole joins the Rangers on Minbar. Delenn is removed from the Grey Council and replaced by Neroon, a member of the Warrior Caste. An underground movement begins on Earth, opposed to President Clark's policies. General Hague travels to Babylon 5 seeking Sheridan's support. Na'Toth leaves Babylon 5 to join the Narn resistance.

August 2259 - President Clark's physician, Dr Everett Jacobs, arrives on Babylon 5 with sensitive information regarding Clark's part in the assassination of President Santiago.

September 2259 – ‘36 Hours on Babylon 5’ is compiled and transmitted by ISN. The Centauri are discovered to be smuggling weapons of mass destruction through the station. Sheridan discovers from Kosh and Delenn what happened to the Icarus expedition, and learns about the Shadows and the Great War. Nightwatch; a division of President Clark's Ministry of Peace, begins recruiting. Its aim is to weed out traitors and sedition amongst Earth colonies.

November 2259 - A virulent plague known as the "Drafa" wipes out the Markab race. Lyta Alexander arrives on Babylon 5 to uncover a "sleeper" agent placed there by a top-secret government agency. It is revealed to be Talia Winters.

December 2259 - The Centauri attack the Narn homeworld with illegal mass-drivers. The Narn surrender, ending the war. G'Kar requests sanctuary on Babylon 5. Lyta Alexander finds a transport to take her to Vorlon space, where she remains waiting for three days before being taken to the Vorlon homeworld. The Vorlons send an Inquisitor to interrogate Delenn and Sheridan, to determine if they are up to fighting the Shadows in the coming conflict. The Centauri begin stretching their influence to include the Drazi and Pak'ma'ra territories. Earth sends a delegation to Babylon 5 to establish a non-aggression pact with the Centauri. Kosh reveals himself to onlookers on Babylon 5, where he is witnessed as a deity of each races' religions.

January 2260 - Marcus Cole arrives on Babylon 5, including various other alien missionaries hearing of Kosh's appearance. Brother Theo and his monks also arrive. Warren Keffer is killed tracking a Shadow vessel in hyperspace, but a recording buoy is discovered and the images broadcast.

February 2260 - Ivanova uses the Great Machine to attempt to contact the remaining First Ones to help fight the Shadows. She uncovers information regarding President Clark's assassination of President Santiago. She and Marcus travel to Sigma 957 and meet the "Walkers". Use of Dust, a telepathy-inducing drug, increases on Babylon 5. Bester arrives to investigate. G'Kar has a deep psychological experience with it when he mentally violates Londo Mollari. Imprisoned after his attack on Londo, G'Kar begins to write a journal of his experiences and philosophy. A Shadow vessel is unearthed on Ganymede.

March 2260 - Sheridan takes the White Star to battle the Shadow awakened on Ganymede. President Clark declares Martial Law on Earth and its colonies.

April 2260 - G'Kar is released from imprisonment, where he and his fellow Narn assist Captain Sheridan in ridding Babylon 5 of Clark's strong-arm force, Nightwatch. The Narn assume control of Security on Babylon 5. Mars refuses to implement Clark's order of Martial Law. Lady Morella provides Londo Mollari

with a prediction of his Emperor-hood. Conflict arises with EarthForce ranks regarding President Clark's authority. Sheridan's contact with the underground anti-Clark movement, General Hague, is killed in battle. Orion 7 and Proxima 3 declare independence from the Earth Alliance. Babylon 5 soon follows. ISN is taken off the air.

May 2260 - Delenn tries to re-stage the nafak'cha ceremony on Babylon 5.

July 2260 - ISN resumes broadcasting, as a tool of propaganda for the Clark administration. A shipment of telepaths bound for the Shadows is intercepted by Sheridan, with Bester's help. The Shadows begin to attack other races more openly.

August 2260 - The Shadows attack Brakiri space. Sheridan confronts Kosh about the Vorlons getting involved with the war. They do, but Kosh is attacked and killed by Morden and the Shadows. Dr Franklin resigns from his position due to a stim addiction. Jeffrey Sinclair and Delenn receive handwritten messages from Valen. Sinclair travels to Babylon 5, and then with Sheridan, Delenn, Ivanova, Marcus and Zathras, they travel to Sector 14 to find Babylon 4 so that Sinclair can prepare for his destiny. During this time, Sheridan becomes "unstuck in time" and experiences flash-forwards to 2278.

October 2260 - The Shadows continue attacking randomly. The new Vorlon Ambassador arrives on Babylon 5.

Nov 2260 - Delenn becomes the new Entil'zha of the Rangers.

Dec 2260 - Sheridan begins to recruit telepaths for the war against the Shadows. Londo plots the demise of his co-conspirator, Lord Refa. The White Star fleet is unveiled to Sheridan. A major battle against the Shadows takes place in Sector 83. Dr Franklin returns to MedLab. Anna Sheridan arrives on Babylon 5. Sheridan travels with her to Z'ha'dum, where he uses the White Star to destroy a Shadow base, and jumps into the abyss. Garibaldi is abducted aboard his starfury by a Shadow vessel outside Babylon 5.

GM Appendix: Five

The History of Orion 7

Orion VII is the seventh planet in the Orion System and the location of an Earth Alliance colony on the border to Centauri space. Founded in 2178, Orion VII quickly became one of the key trade centres between the Alliance and the Centauri Republic.


In 2260, at the onset of the Earth Alliance Civil War, loyalist forces ambushed the EAS Alexander on its way back from a meeting of Resistance leaders at Orion VII. The Alexander was hit amidships by the EAS Clarkstown, killing Resistance leader General William Hague. The Alexander attempted to flee without returning fire with the main batteries, resorting to interceptors and a fighter screen only. When the Clarkstown persisted, inflicting damage that threatened to cripple the ship, Major Ryan was forced opened up with aft batteries, destroying the Clarkstown completely. After retrieving their fighters, the Alexander jumped out of the system bound for Babylon 5.

Shortly afterwards, under order from EA President Clark, Earthforce began bombing civilian targets on the Mars colony in retaliation to Mars Provisional Government head Xavier Montoya's refusal to enact Clark's Martial Law Decree. In protest, Orion VII along with Proxima III declared independence from the Earth Alliance, setting themselves up as independent states until such time as Clark is impeached. Just after the announcement the EAS Churchill also left Orion VII for B5 after intercepting transmissions relayed to the EAS Agrippa and EAS Roanoke to seize B5 and arrest the command staff. ISN received word of Orion and Proxima's secessions but was ordered by Earthgov not to report it. When some of the reporters attempted to breach the gag order armed troops moved in on the ISN Broadcast Centre in Geneva, forcing the station off the air. By the end of the day Babylon 5 had also declared its independence.

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