satish chandra memorial school model question paper … · 2018-02-15 · satish chandra memorial...

Post on 15-May-2020






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Model Question Paper

Sub: English

Class: VIII

Section : A

1. Reading Comprehension Passage [Unseen]

Section: B; Writing

2. Write an e-mail to the Principal of your Institution seeking for a leave of one week on the account

of your elder sister‟s marriage.

Value Points: The format for the e-mail should be followed- the subject-the reason in detail-Word

limit: 100words

3. You have been participating in an Environment Protection Work. Write an e-mail to your cousin

describing your experience in about 100 words.

Value Points: format maintained-treatment of garbage-no garbage heaps-use of separate heaps-asking

for friend‟s opinion

4. You have noticed a disturbing trend among children. They spend more time watching television

than reading books. Write an article in about 120 words on „Impact of TV on Reading‟

Value Points: Impact of television among students- television as a mode of entertainment- books

neglected- reading habit should be inculcated-involvement by family

5. You are Mrinal/ Mrinalini, the class monitor and you feel that staying with your grandparents is a

blessing. You want to share these feelings with your class and your teacher asks you to write an article

on the same and put it up on the class display board. Write the same in about 120 words.

Value Points: Grandparents, a blessing- teach values- wonderful company- role model and great


6. Write a description of the Saraswati Puja Celebration in your school in about 120-130 words.

Value Points: Preparations taken before time- decoration – cultural programme- a celebration with

friends and teachers- your feelings for the day

7. Describe Your School‟s Annual Day Celebration in about 120-130 words.

Value Points: The description of the theme- pre preparation- rehearsals and efforts by the students and

teachers- a grand programme- well organised programme- a grand success

8. Write a notice for your school notice board informing the students about the Blood Donation Camp

as organised in your school on 25th February, 2018.

Value Points: The details of the camp- participation of the students- participation by the teachers-a

noble cause

9. Write a letter to a friend, describing a book you have just read and strongly recommending him to

read it.

Value Points: Name of the book- the good things that you liked in it- recommending it to your friend

10. You have just returned from a holiday at a hill a hill station. Write a letter to a friend mentioning

what you found most exciting about the place and give two reasons to explain why you consider it an

ideal place for a vacation.

Value Points: Description of the holiday spot- scenic beauty of the hill station- the things that you

liked there- how you enjoyed your vacation- a vacation worthy to remember

Section: C; Grammar

11. Choose the correct form of verbs to fill in the blanks:

She ................. worried about something.

Ans: looks

12. Have you kept the secret? [Change the Voice]

Ans: Has the secret been kept by you?

13. They sent me a message. [Change the Voice]

Ans: I was sent a message by them.

14. The enemy has captured the city. [Change the Voice]

Ans: The city has been captured.

15. He said, “Last night I met a fool.” [Narration Change]

Ans: He said that he had met a fool the previous night.

16. Sita said, “Virtue is its own reward.” [Narration Change]

Ans: Sita said that virtue is its own reward.

17. He is too proud to apologize. [Remove Adverb „too‟]

Ans: He is so proud that he will not apologize.

18. Uranium is one of the most valuable metals. [Change into Positive Degree]

Ans: Very few metals are as valuable as Uranium.

19. Shall I ever forget those happy days? [Interrogative to Assertive]

Ans: I shall never forget those happy days.

20. Besides being industrious he is wise. [Simple to Compound Sentence]

Ans: He is not only industrious but also wise.

21. Time which is once lost is lost forever. [Complex to Simple]

Ans: Time once lost is lost forever.

Fill in the blanks with suitable determiners:

22. ................ workers are on strike.

Ans: the

23. We have a get together at our place ............... Sunday

Ans: next

24. ....................... side of the square has the same length.

Ans: each

Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions:

25. Rajesh is working ..................... a famous director.

Ans: with

26. My mother often talks ..................... her childhood friends.

Ans: of

27. The thief jumped .......................... the wall in order to escape.

Ans: over

28. The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the incorrect

word and the correction in your answer sheet.

a. Long ago, before money is invented, people

b. use to obtain goods by bartering. To get an

c. axe, for example, they had to offer anything

d. in exchange. If the seller would not like what

e. was offered, it would be impossible to making

the exchange.

Answers: a. is= was, b. use= used c. anything= something d. would= did e. making=make

29. Omission:

a. England has long famous for her dramatists

b. the greatest whom was William Shakespeare.

c. It is hard to find educated man in the

d. English-speaking world has not heard his

e. name. This actor playwright, born more than

f. 400 years ago, famous not only in

g. England but also in whole world.

Answers: a. long/been/famous, b. greatest/of/whom, c. find/an/educated, d. world/who/has, e.

actor/and/playwright, f. ago/has/become, g. in/the/whole

30. Sentence Completion:

Complete the given headline by choosing the correct answer from the options given below:


India‟s medal tally went up when ace shooter .................................... in the centre-fire pistol.

a. Jaspal Rana won the gold medal

b. Jaspal Rana wins the gold medal

c. Jaspal Rana have won the gold medal

d. Jaspal Rana has won the gold medal

Answer: b.

Section: D; Literature

31. “I do hope that I shall live to see him.”

i. Who is the speaker?

ii. Who is referred to as „him‟ here?

iii. What was the speaker‟s wish?

Ans.: i. Ernest is the speaker.

ii. „Him‟ is referred to the man who would bear the likeness with the stone face.

iii. Ernest wished that he would live to see the man who would resemble the great stone face.

32. “Nothing in the world ever comes quite free”

i. Name the prose from which the above line is extracted.

ii. Who is the speaker?

iii. What did the speaker mean by saying this?

Ans: i. The above line is extracted from This Is Jody‟s Fawn.

ii. Doc Wilson is the speaker.

iii. He meant that nothing in the world comes free. We need to pay for everything that we get.

The doe was killed to save Penny Baxter‟s life and now its Jody‟s turn to look after the fawn and save

his life.

33. How did the doe save Penny‟s life? [2] [In 30-40 words]

Key Points: With her heart and liver to draw out the poison from Penny‟s body.

34. Why is the school boy unwilling to go to school? [In 30-40words]

Key Points: Not interested as the teacher‟s lectures hardly delights him and he gets bored- he feels

like a caged bird

35. What was the great stone face? [In 30-40 words]

Key Points: A work of nature- when looked from a distance it looked like a human face which seemed

to be alive.

36. Where does the grasshopper take rest when he is tired? [In 30-40 words]

Key Points: it rest at ease beneath some pleasant weeds.

37. Explain the line „The poetry of Earth is never dead‟ in the context of the poem “The Grasshopper

and Cricket”. [In 80-100 words]

Key Points: The poetry of earth is never ending- it doesn‟t depend on the change of season-the insects

and birds contribute to this poetry

38. How was the poet‟s journey to Lyonnesse? [In 80-100 words]

Key Points: It was hundred miles away- trees were covered with snow- starlight accompanied him.

Value Based Long Answer Type Questions [120 words]

39. What personal qualities of Ernest made him great? Do you think he deserved to bear a likeness

with the Great Stone Face? Discuss. [5]

40. The Poetry of Earth is not made of words. What do you think it is made up of? How do the

creations of Nature contribute to this Poetry of Earth? Discuss. [5]


Model Question & Answer. Class - VIII

f­b fÊh¡­p

p¢WL Ešl ¢ehÑ¡Qe Ll :-

1) Ga¥V¡l e¡j hp¿¹ / nlv / hoÑ¡ z

2) ­ke g¥V¿¹ ­a­m Qf / f¡yfs / f­l¡V¡l ja E­ÒV f¡­ÒV i¡S­R z

3) m¢qa p¡N¡­ll fl i¨jdÉp¡Nl / h­‰¡fp¡Nl / fËn¡¿¹ jq¡p¡Nl z

4) i¡lah­oÑl j¡¢Vl Jfl ­b­L Hh¡­ll ja / fËbjh¡­ll ja / ­noh¡­ll ja f¡ a¥­m

¢em¤j z

5) ­m­pfp HLSe S¡c¤Ll / ÙÛf¢a / L¢h z

6) j¡b¡l k¿»e¡u Aje ­m¡ie£u / BLoÑZ£u / Bcle£u hCJ fs­a CµR¡ L­l e¡ z

7) S¡q¡­S E­W h­ð ­cM­a ­kje p¤¤¾cl ­aje£ ¢ec¡l¦e / Ll¦Z / Ap¡d¡lZ z

e£­Ql fËnÀ…¢ml Ešl c¡J :-

8) ""hm¡ h¡ýmÉ ¢SqÄ¡ ............................................ Aü£L¡l L­l''-

L¡l ­mM¡ ? ­L¡e N­Òfl Awn ? ­L¡e fËp­‰ Hje hm¡ q­u­R ?

E: EÜ«a¡wn¢V Aæc¡nwLl l¡­ul ­mM¡ z f­b - fËh¡­p N­Òfl Awn z S¡q¡­Sl

k¡œ£l¡ pj¤âh­r ­i­p ­hs¡h¡l pju ­k pj¤âf£s¡l ¢nL¡l qu ­pC fËp­‰ HC E¢š²l

Aha¡lZ¡ Ll¡ q­u­R z

9) ""c¤­ul j¡TM¡­e HL¢V ­pa¥ ¢Rm ''- HC ­pa¥l e¡j ¢L ¢Rm ? H¢Vl OVL¡¢m­a ­L

H­p L¡l q¡a d­l ¢Rm ?

E:) HC ­pa¥l e¡j ¢Rm p¤¤­uS ­k¡SL z HC ­k¡S­Ll OVL¡¢mJ H¢nu¡ H­p

B¢éL¡l q¡a d­l¢Rm z

10) Blh p¡N­ll fl kMe ­m¡¢qa p¡N­l fs¡ qm aMe ¢L OVe¡ OVm ?

E:) ­p pju pj¤âf£s¡ h¡¢p q­u ­N¢Rm z

zz c¢rZ ­jl¦ A¢ik¡e zz

p¢WL Ešl ¢ehÑ¡Qe Ll :-

11) ú­Vl ¢fËu L¢h ­nm£ / ­V¢epe / L£Vp z

12) 16/14/17 -C ­éhË¥u¡l£ ¢hu¡XÑ­j¡l ¢qjh¡ql am¡u Ci¡­¾pl jªa¥É qu z

13) ECmpe / JVp / Ci¡¾p q­u¢Rm ­pÀ¡ hÔ¡Cä­e­pl ¢nL¡l z

14) 14) JVp q¡¢l­u ­N¢R­me ¢Qla­l j¡œ 40/32/28 hRl hu­p z

15) ­pC f ¤œ hs q­u üe¡jdeÉ fr£¢hn¡lc J ¢QœLl pÉ¡l pÉ¡j¤­um úV / ¢fV¡l úV /

m£ úV q­u¢R­me z

16) úV c¢rZ­jl¦ A¢ik¡­e ­h­R ­ee Q¡l / f¡yQ / RuSe p‰£ z

17) HC c¥NÑj k¡œ¡ ¢Rm 81 / 75 / 72 ¢c­el z

e£­Ql fË­nÀl Ešl c¡J :-

18) "" l¡S¡l l¡S¡l J DoÑZ£u ­pC Af§hÑ pj¡¢d '' - L¡l ­mM¡ ?

­L¡e lQe¡l Awn ? ­L¡e pj¡¢dl Lb¡ hm¡ q­u­R ?

E:) EÜ«a¡wn¢V ......................... ­mM¡ ..............lQe¡l Awn z

hl­g Y¡L¡ a¡yh¤l j­dÉ ­b­L k¡­cl ­cq EÜ¡l Ll¡ qu a¡­cl pj¡¢d fËp­‰ HC E¢š²l

Aha¡lZ¡ z HC ¢ho­ul Efl B­m¡Lf¡a Ll­a q­h z

19) úV J a¡l p‰£l¡ ¢L ¢L ¢e­u A¢ik¡e öl¦ L­le Hhw ¢Li¡­h c¢rZ ­jl¦­a

­f±yR¡­me a¡ ­mM z

E:) ­jl¦ A¢ik¡­el pw¢rç L¡¢qe£ ¢m¢fhÜ Ll¡ q­h z

20) "" S¡¢al E­Ÿ­nÉ ............................... ¢m­M ­l­M k¡e ¢a¢e ''-

L¡l Lb¡ hm¡ q­u­R , a¡­cl ­jl¦ A¢ik¡­el A¢i‘a¡ pÇf­LÑ ¢mM­a q­h z

zz Bh¡l B¢ph ¢g­l zz

21) "Bh¡l B¢ph ¢g­l' L¢ha¡u L¢hl ü­cn fË£¢al ­k f¢lQu f¡Ju¡ k¡u - a¡

B­m¡Qe¡ Ll z

E:) HM¡­e pjNË L¢ha¡ Ahmð­e ¢houhÙ¹¥l Efl B­m¡Lf¡a Ll­a q­h z

22) ""p¡l¡¢ce ­L­V k¡­h ................................ ''

L¡l ­mM¡ ? ­L¡e L¢ha¡l Awn ? f­ll fP¢L¹¢V ­mM z "Sm' në¢Vl HL¢V pj¡bÑL

në ­mM z

E;) S£he¡e¾c c¡­nl ­mM¡ z ""Bh¡l B¢ph ¢g­l''L¢ha¡l Awn z

Sm Lb¡l pj¡bÑL në h¡¢l z

23) L¢ha¡u L¢h ­L¡e ­L¡e ­h­n Bp­a ­Q­u­Re HC dl¡u ? HC L¢ha¡u ¢L ¢L

ec£l E­õM B­R ?

E:) HM¡­e n´M¢Qm, n¡¢mM CaÉ¡¢c ph l©­fl E­õM Ll­a q­h z Bl ec£ Sm‰£,

l©fp¡ CaÉ¡¢c ph ec£l E­õM Ll­a q­h z

zz ­m¡q¡l hÉb¡ zz

p¢WL Ešl ¢ehÑ¡Qe Ll :-

24) ­L¡e ­i¡l q­a q¡a¥l£ d­l­R üZÑL¡l / LjÑL¡l / L¥ñL¡l z

25) B…­el a¡­f q¡a¥l£l / ­R¢el / py¡s¡¢nl Q¡­f B¢j ¢Ql ¢el¦f¡u z

26) "­m¡q¡l hÉb¡' ¢m­M­Re ka£¾cÊe¡b ­pe…ç / ka£¾cÊ­j¡qe h¡NQ£ / p¤¤L¡¿¹ i–¡Q¡kÑ z

27) ¢Tõ£j¤Ml /T¥¡j¤Ml - Ù¹ì fõ£ z

28) ka£¾cÊe¡­bl ¢hMÉ¡a L¡hÉNË¿Û jl¦j¡u¡ / N¡b¡”m£ / L¥ý J ­LL¡ z

29) Li¥h¡ p¢m­m L¢l­m pSm / n£am / ¢pš² ApqÉ c¡q jj z

zz ­R¡V­m¡L zz

p¢WL Ešl ¢ehÑ¡Qe Ll :-

30) ¢l„¡Ju¡m¡ paÉC q©øf¤ø / c£OÑ­cq£ / S£ZÑ-n£ZÑ

31) "B¢j ¢ir¡ ¢eCe¡' hš²¡ l¡Oh plL¡l / ¢l„¡Ju¡m¡ / f¢bL z

32) heg¥­ml f¤­l¡e¡j j¡¢eL h­¾cÉ¡f¡dÉ¡u / hm¡CQy¡c j¤­M¡fÉ¡d¡u / a¡l¡nwLl

h­¾cÉ¡f¡dÉ¡u z

33) l¡Oh plL¡l L¡q¡lJ cu¡l / L«f¡l / Ae¤NË­ql fËaÉ¡n£ e­qe z

34) "A¢ÙÛQjÑp¡l ­m¡LV¡ a¡q¡l ¢c­L Ll¦Z / Evp¤¤L / ­m¡m¤f cª¢ø­a Q¡¢qu¡ B­R z

hs fËnÀ :-

35) ""­m¡LV¡l ­Q¡­M j¤­M HLV¡ e£lp Ah‘¡ ............................j¤aÑ qCu¡ E¢Wm''-- L¡l Lb¡

hm¡ q­u­R ? fËp‰ E­õM Ll z

E:) HM¡­e l¡Oh plL¡l ¢l„¡u e¡ Q­s kMe ¢l„¡Ju¡m¡­L a¡l fË¡fÉ fup¡ ¢c­a ­Nm

­pC fËp­‰ HC E¢š²l Aha¡lZ¡ Ll¡ q­u­R, HC ¢hou¢V­L B­m¡Lf¡a Ll­a q­h z

36) "­R¡V­m¡L' N­Òfl e¡jLl­Zl p¡bÑLa¡ B­m¡Qe¡ Ll z

E:) HM­e l¡Oh plL¡lC ­k fËL«a ­R¡V­m¡L HC ¢houV¡­L ¢e­Sl i¡o¡u gy¥¢V­u a¥m­a

q­h z

­m¡q¡l hÉb¡

hs fËnÀ :-

37) "­m¡q¡l hÉb¡' L¢ha¡l j§m EfS£hÉ ¢hou B­m¡Qe¡ Ll z

E:) k¤N k¤N d­l ­k nË¢jL-j¡¢mL à¾à Q­m Bp­R ­pC ¢houV¡C L¢ha¡ Ahmð­e

¢m¢fhÜ Ll­a q­h z

38) ""LÓ¡¿¹ ¢e¢Mm Ll­N¡ ¢n¢bm ......................... hSÊj¤¢W'' - L¡l ­mM¡ ? ­L¡e L¢ha¡l

Awn ? "¢e¢Mm' n­ël AbÑ ¢L ? Hl Bl HL¢V pj¡bÑL në ­mM z L¡l E­Ÿ­nÉ HC

B­hce z

zz R¡œc­ml N¡e zz

p¢WL Ešl ¢ehÑ¡Qe Ll :-

39) ­j¡­cl f¡­ul am¡u j§­µRÑ h¡cm / a¥g¡e / h¡a¡p z

40) ­N±l­h¢l L¡æ¡ ¢c­u i­l¢R j¡ ph¤S / Ll¦e / nÉ¡j ByQm z

hs fËnÀ :-

41) p¡hd¡e£ j¡e¤o­cl p­‰ R¡œ c­ml ag¡v ­L¡b¡u a¡ pw­r­f B­m¡Qe¡ Ll z

E:) p¡hd¡e£ j¡e¤­ol¡ ­k ­L¡e L¡S Ll¡l B­N c¤-h¡l i¡­h z h¤­T ö­e H­N¡u, f¡

­g­m Bl R¡œl¡ Q’m, Aá¥a, a¡l¡ eh£e ­k±h­el c¤a ; a¡C ­k ­L¡e L¡S Ll­a

a¡l¡ c¤-h¡l i¡­h e¡ ­p¡vp¡­q ANËpl qu z HC ¢hou…¢m p¤¤¾cli¡­h ¢m¢fhÜ Ll­a q­h


42) ""Bjl¡ d¢l jªa¥É - l¡S¡l

k‘ ­O¡s¡l l¡n,

.................................... S£he C¢aq¡p z''

- L¡l ­mM¡ ? ­L¡e L¢ha¡l Awn ? HM¡­e ­L¡e k­‘l Lb¡ hm¡ q­u­R ? R¡œ­cl

S£he . C¢aq¡p ­L ­m­M z

43) ""R¡œc­ml N¡e'' L¢ha¡l i¡hhÙ¹¥ ¢h­nÔoZ Ll z

E:) HM¡­e fl¡d£e i¡lah­oÑl ­fËr¡f­V d­l ­pC pj¡­u R¡œc­ml ¢œ²u¡-Lm¡f,

a¡­cl S£he£ n¢š² CaÉ¡¢c ¢ho­u B­m¡Lf¡a Ll­a q­h z

zz hɡLlZ zz

1) L­uL¢V ¢eaÉ Ù»£¢m­‰l Ec¡qlZ c¡J z

E:) pa£e , mme¡ , ¢hdh¡ z

2) Eiu ¢m‰ hm­a ¢L ­h¡T ? Ec¡qlZ c¡J z

E:) ­k n­ël à¡l¡ f¤l¦o Ù»£ Bm¡c¡ e¡ h¤¢T­u c¤Se­LC ­h¡T¡u a¡­L Eiu¢m‰ h­mz

­kje : ¢nö , ¢nÒf£ , L¢h , j¿»£ z

3) ¢h­noÉ fc…¢m c¤-h¡l h¢p­u h¡­LÉ fË­u¡N Ll :-

Ol , f¤Öf , NË¡j z

4) f¤l¦o­i­c ¢œ²u¡l l©f¡¿¹l h¤¢T­u c¡J z

E:) ­kje - B¢j ¢m¢M z

a¥¢j ­mM z

­p ­m­M z

hÉ¡ph¡LÉ pj¡p ¢eZÑu Ll :-

5) nË£q£e , SeÈ¡å , h£e¡f¡¢Z , ehNËq , c¤¢iÑr , fË¢a¢ce , ql­l¡S , cn¡ee , na¡ë£,

­a¡jl¡ z

6) h¡­LÉl BL¡´r¡ J Bp¢š² hm­a L£ ­h¡T ? Ec¡qle pq ­h¡T¡J z

E:) h¡­LÉl BL¡´r¡ J Bp¢š²l pw‘¡ J Ec¡qlZ ¢mM­a q­h z

7) e£­Ql në…¢ml fËL«¢a-fËaÉu ¢eZÑu Ll :-

hš²hÉ , O¡aL , jªeÈu , S¡N¢aL , Qm¿¹ , L¡æ¡ , Qm¢a , °nnh , p¡j¡¢SL , ¢jb¤ÉL


8) ­L¡e¢V pj¡¢fL¡ ­L¡e¢V Apj¡¢fL¡ ¢œ²u¡ ­mM :-

L) j¤­M h¢m­m ¢q­h e¡ , M) Bjl¡ ¢qj¡m­u p§­kÑ¡cu ­c­M¢R , N) f¡¢M X¡­L , O)

f¡n Ll­m ­hs¡­a k¡h z

9) ­L¡e¢V ¢œ²u¡l L£ i¡h ­mM :- L) k¢c h¡lZ Ll a­h N¡¢qh e¡ z

M) Ae¤NËq L­l ­ia­l Bp¤¤e z

N) HC f¤L¥­l j¡R B­R z

O) p¤¤M£ qJ hÉp z

10) fË¢a¢Vl Q¡l¢V L­l pj¡bÑL në ­mM :-

BL¡n , p¤kÑ , fª¢bh£ , hªr , l¡¢œ , fcÈ , pj¤â , ec£ , A¢NÀ , fhÑa , h¡u¤ , e¡l£

, A‰ , Qr¥ z

zz NÒf…µR zz (L¡h¢¤mJu¡m¡)

1) ""a¥C H Bd¤¢m ­L¡b¡u ­f¢m''- hš²¡ ­L ? L¡l E­Ÿ­nÉ E¢š² ?

E¢Ÿø hÉ¢š² Bd¤¢m¢V ­L¡b¡u f¡u ?

2) ""¢pM¡­eC k¡­µR''- hš²¡ ­L ? ¢a¢e ­L¡b¡u k¡­µRe ? L¡l E­Ÿ­nÉ H E¢š² ?

¢pM¡­e k¡Ju¡l L¡le ¢L ?

E:) Ef¢lEš² c¤¢V fËnÀC L¡h¤m£Ju¡m¡ ­b­L EÜ«a z L¡h¤m£Ju¡m¡ NÒf¢V i¡m L­l f­s

fËnÀ Ae¤k¡u£ Ešl ¢c­a q­h z

3) ""­p J ¢fa¡ B¢j J ¢fa¡ '' - L¡l ­mM¡ ? ­L¡e N­Òfl Awn ? c¤C ¢fa¡ ­L ?

a¡l H Ae¤i¨¢a LMe q­u¢Rm ?

E:) HM¡­e l¢h W¡L¥­ll "L¡h¤m£Ju¡m¡' N­Òf c¤C ¢fa¡ q­me ¢j¢el h¡h¡ Bl

L¡h¤¢mJu¡m¡ lqja z kMe lqja ¢j¢el ¢h­ul ¢ce H­p Ef¢ÙÛa q­u a¡l ­j­ul q­Ù¹l

HL¢V io¡L¡¢m j¡M¡­e¡ ¢hhZÑ L¡NS ¢j¢el ¢fa¡l p¡j­e ­j­m d­l aMe H Ae¤i¨¢a qu


zz l¡jL¡e¡C­ul ¢eh¤Ñ¢Üa¡ zz

1) "" hÉ¡f¡lV¡ kMe pÇf¨ZÑ f¡¢Lu¡ E¢Wm ......................................

............................................ X¡¢Lu¡ f¡W¡C­me '' z

- L¡l ­mM¡ ? ­L¡e N­cÉl Awn ? ­L¡e hÉ¡f¡­ll Lb¡ hm¡ q­u­R ?

E:) HM¡­e c¢mm S¡­ml fËp‰ a¥­m ¢mM­a q­h z

2) ""­h¡T¡C N¡¢s p­ja ....................................... pqÉ L¢l­me ''z

- L¡l p¡­b L¡l a¥me¡ Ll¡ q­u­R ? ¢hou¢V f¢lØg¥V Ll z

E:) HM¡­e hm­cl p¡­b l¡j L¡e¡C J N¡­s¡u¡­ml p¡­b a¡l Ù»£l a¨me¡ Ll¡

q­u­R z HC fËp­‰l E›¡fe L­l ¢hou¢V h¤¢T­u ¢mM­a q­h z

zz The End zz





Section-A :( 1 Mark Questions)

1.Write the multiplicative inverse of 𝑝

(−𝑞) (where q≠0).

2.What is the identity element for addition of rational numbers?

3. Give an example of a linear equation.

4. Give an example of an irregular polygon.

5. In a rhombus the diagonals ______________ each other at_____________.

6.Write the width of a class interval 25-37, 38-50, 51-63, ……….

7. The midvalue of a class interval is called its _________________.

8. Probability of an event = ?

?, when the outcomes are

equally likely.

9. All square numbers end with ___________________________ at unit‟s place.

10.Find the profit when it is 10% on Rs.896.

11. A monomial multiplied by a monomial always gives a ______________________.

12.Write the Euler’s formula for a polyhedron. r

13. 1 𝑚3 = ___________L.

14. Total surface area of a cylinder =________________________ sq. unit h

15. Express the number in the Standard Form: 0.00000000000908.

16. Write the factors of the expression: 𝑝2+(x+y)p+xy.

17. What is the coordinate of the Origin?

18. Write the measure of the angle between the axes.

19. A number is divisible by 9 when _______________________________.

20. 𝑎𝑏3

= ( 𝑎3

) x _________________.

Section- B(All Type Questions)

21. Two adjacent sides of a parallelogram are 5𝑥2 + 3𝑦2 and 𝑥2 + 2𝑥𝑦. Find the


22. If 𝑥+1

𝑥 = 5; find 𝑥2 +


𝑥2 .

23.Using identity, evaluate 8.92 .

24. Find the value of the expression (36𝑥2 + 25𝑦2 − 60𝑥𝑦), when x = 11 and y = 1

3 .

25. Draw the front view, side view and top view.




26.Draw a route map giving instructions from your school to your house.

27.Can a polyhedron have 12 faces, 20 edges and 15 vertices ?

28.The shape of a garden is rectangular in the middle and semi circular at the end as shown in

the diagram. Find the area and the perimeter of the garden.


29.The area of trapezium is 383 sq. cm. Its parallel sides are in the ratio 5:3 and the distance

between them is 12 cm. What is the length of the longer side of the parallel sides?

30. The diagonal of a quadrilateral shaped field is 24m and the perpendiculars dropped in it

from the remaining opposite vertices are 8m and 13m. Find the area of the field.

31.If the length of each edge of a cube is doubled, how many times does its volume

becomes? How many times does its surface area becomes?

32. An iron pipe is 21cm long and its external diameter is 8 cm. If the thickness of the pipe is

1cm and iron weighs 8gm/𝑐𝑚3, find the weight of the pipe.

21 cm



33.The mass of the earth is 5.79 x1024 kg and mass of the moon is 7.35x1022 kg. Compare

their mass approximately and find their total mass.

34.By what number should ( −2

3 )−3 be divided so that the quotient is (


9 )−2 .

35. A photograph of bacteria enlarged 50000 times attains a length of 5cm. What is the

actual length of the bacteria? If the photograph is enlarged 40000 times only, what would

be its enlarged length?

36. A batch of bottles was packed in 25 boxes with 12 bottles in each box. If the same batch

is packed using 20 bottles in each box, how many boxes would be filled?

37. 7 taps of the same size fill a tank in 1hr 36min. How long will 8 taps of the same size take

to fill the tank?

38. Factories:

i) ab(𝑥2 + 𝑦2)+xy(𝑎2 + 𝑏2)


iii)𝑝2- p(a+2b)+2ab

39. Use the table to draw a linear graph:

Population (in thousands) of men and women in a village in different years.

Year 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

Number of Men

12 12.5 13 13.2 13.5

Number of Women

11.3 11.9 13 13.6 12.8

40.Consider the relation between the area and the side of a square as A=𝑥2. Draw a graph

for the function.

41.Draw a graph for the following table:

Side of a cube(in cm)

1 2 3 4

Total surface area(in 𝑐𝑚2)

6 24 54 96

Is it a linear graph?

42.Replace A,B,C by suitable numerals:

i) A B ii) 1 2 A

x B A + 6 A B

(B+1) C B A 0 9

43. Fill the numbers from 1 to 6 without repetition, so that each side of the triangle adds up

to 12.





1. Name the hormone that controls sugar level in blood.

Ans: Insulin

2. Expand LED

Ans: Light emitting diode

3. Name any two wind instruments

Ans: flute and saxophone

4. What is the range of audible frequencies of human ear?

Ans: 20 Hz to 20000Hz

5. Discuss „Green House‟ effect.

Ans: Hint:UV radiation, green house gases and trapping of radiation

6. What is drag?

Ans: Hint: fluid friction.

7. Does pure water conduct electricity? If not what can we do to make it conducting.

Ans: Hint: No. By adding impurities like acids, bases or salt.

8. What is electroplating? Why iron articles are plated with zinc or copper? Why

sometimes silver ornaments are plated with gold?

Ans: Hint: deposition of metals on other substances.To prevent from rusting.To

reduce the cost.

9. How do the clouds get charged and how does lightning occur?

Ans: Hint: movement of air current and water droplets causes separation of charges.

When the magnitude of accumulation of charges becomes large, it no longer resists

and negative and positive charges meet producing streaks of bright light and sound.

10. What happens when a glass rod is rubbed with silk?

Ans: Hint: conventionally positive charge is said to be generated

11. What do you mean by constellation? Name and draw any three such constellations.

Ans: Hint: group of stars resembling objects. Orion, ursa major, Cassiopeia

12. What is asteroid? Where is asteroid belt found?

Ans: Hint: large number of small rocky objects that revolve around the sun. The belt

is found between Mars and Jupiter.

13. State any five cares that is needed for your eyes.

Ans: Hint: cares: a. suitable spectacles

b. sufficient light

c. do not look at powerful light

d. do not rub your eyes to remove dust particles

e. wash frequently with clean water

14. State any three advantages of using CNG and LPG as fuels.

Ans: Hint: Advantages: i. produces harmful products in very small amounts

ii. does not produce ashes

iii. can be stored and transported easily and conviently.

15. State the laws of reflection.

Ans: Hint: laws: i. angle of incidence = angle of reflection

ii. incident ray, reflected ray and normal lie on same plane

16. Differentiate between regular and diffused reflection. Does diffused reflection means

the failure of the laws of reflection.


17. What is coke and state any of its industrial use?

Ans: tough porous and black substances almost purest form of carbon.

Use: manufacture of steel

extraction of metals

18. A pendulum oscillates 40 times in 4 seconds. Find the time period and frequency.

Ans: Hint: frequency = no of oscillations/ time taken

Time period = 1/ frequency

19. Draw a human eye and label any 6 parts


20. Shoulder bags with wider straps are more comfortable to carry than the bags with

thinner straps. Why?

Ans: Hint: Pressure = force/ unit area

21. Mention the different ways in which water can be contaminated and explain.

Ans: Hint: Three ways a. Agricultural chemicals b. Industrial wastes c. Sewage waste

22. What is „marbel cancer‟- explain with example.

Ans: Hint: White marbels when adversely affected with and corroded with acid rains.

Example: TajMahal.

23. What are the differences between fertiliser and manure.

24. What are the weeds and weedicides?

Ans: The undesirable plants along with desired crop. Weeds are controlled with

chemicals named weedicides.

25. Who discovered fermentation and in which year?

Ans: Louis Pasteur in 1857.

26.Name the carriers of dengue and malaria germs.

Ans: Hint: Aedes and Anopheles mosquito.

27. Define thermoplastic with example.

Ans: Hint: Plastic which can be bent easily. Example Polythene.

28. What is your observation regarding the following reaction as you have seen in lab in the

following case?

Ans: Hint: The Fe will form Ferrous sulphatedisplacing Cu.

29. Mention two uses of non metals.

Ans: Hint: Oxygen for breathing and Nitrogen in fertilisers

30. What is forest fire?

Ans: Hint: A natural phenomena or due to anthropogenic causes. During extreme hot dry

grasses catch fire which is very difficult to control.

31. Define species and ecosystem.

Ans: Hint: Species: The organism capable of interbreeding within the same group.

Ecosystem: A system where plants, animals, microbes interact with nonliving one

(biotic and abiotic interactions occur).

32. Draw the structure of a typical animal cell and label any four major parts.

33. What is IVF explain.

Ans: Hint: Fertilisation outside female body and baby developed in this way also termed as

test tube baby. This process is fruitful when female oviducts are blocked.

34. What is growth hormone?

Ans: Hint: Secreted from pituitary and controls normal growth of a person.

35. What is contact force explain with example.

Ans: Hint: Forces resulted keeping the touch between the objects like mascular force when

applied to lift a bucket.

36. What is the effect of lubricants on friction?

Ans: Hint: Reduce surface irregularities and reduce friction.

37. What is noise?

Ans: Hint: The unpleasant sound to ear.

38. Does lemon juice conduct electricity?

Ans: Hint: Yes, as it is a good conductor of electricity.

39. Draw and label the various structure of earth.

40. What is the role of retina?

Ans: Hint: The eye lens focuses light on retina to get image.

[Note: Question marks will be variable from 1 to 3 depending upon content asked for. ]






1. What is Colonization? 2. Who was Robert Clive? 3. What is Spinning Jenny? 4. Who are Orientalists? 5. Who was Swami Dayanand Saraswati? 6. When did Indian National Congress formed?


1. What was Mahalwari Settlement? 2. What was the immediate cause behind the Revolt of 1857? 3. Write about the contributions of Raja Rammohan Roy. 4. How did Gandhi ji tried to stop the import of cotton textile from

Europe? 5. Why did Gandhi ji support Khilafat agitation and merged it with

Non Cooperation Movement?


1. What led to the Battle of Plassey? Key words: i.Sirajuddaulah disagreed to the proposals of Company

ii. Attacked Kassim bazar

2. What were the various causes of the Revolt of 1857? Key words: i. Economic ii. Political iii. Social iv. Military v.


3. What were the new rules and regulations enforced by British after the inspection of William Adam?

4. What economic impact did the First World War have on India? 5. After the independence Congress did not take any step to divide

the country into linguistic states – why? Key words: i. India already divided on the basis of religion. ii.

Gandhi and other leaders did not agree with this.


1. Write about the steps taken by British government after the Great Revolt. Key words: write about aftermath.

2. Write a short note about following persons: a. Raja Rammohan Roy b. Pandita Ramabai

3. Discuss about the various forms that the Non Cooperation Movement took different parts of India.

4. Discuss those developments of 1937-47 periods that led to the creation of Pakistan.



1. Define resource conservation. 2. What is rain water harvesting? 3. Define organic farming. 4. What do you mean by Industry? 5. Define human recourse.


1. What do you understand by private land and public land? 2. Why does vulture known as the cleanser of the environment? 3. Distinguish between – biogas and natural gas 4. What are the types of culture?


1. ‘Time and technology two important factors that can change substance into resources’ – explain. Key words: i. People are the recourse ii. With their abilities they

can create iii. Inventions and discoveries are the main weapons.

2. Coal is known as buried sunshine – explain. Key words: i. the economic value of coal ii. Buried under the

surface of the earth.

3. Different crops are grown in different regions. Explain. Key words: i. geographical conditions ii. Favorable topography.

4. Bengaluru refers as the Silicon Valley of India – why? 5. With the help of a chart list various factors of soil formations.


1. Explain the classifications of natural resources. 2. With a help of a chart explain the various types of farming. 3. What are population pyramids? How do the help in understanding

about the population of a country?



1. What is constitution? 2. Define secularism. 3. Define marginalization. 4. What is human trafficking?


1. What is the structure of courts in India? 2. What is a role of a judge? 3. State one reason, why you think reservations play an important

role in providing social justice to dalits? 4. Why do you think there are so few cases of private water supply

services in the world?


1. Why is it important to separate religion from the state? Key words: i. for a country to function democratically ii. Prevents

majority from gaining access to the state power.

2. What are the various features of criminal and civil laws? 3. What are the fundamental Rights provided by the constitution to an

accused person? 4. How does article number 15&17 help lower class to fight against



1. How development does affect the lives of adivasis? Key words: i. British forest acts ii. Political activities iii. Militarization

iv. Construction activities …..

2. How did scheduled castes and scheduled tribes act of 1989 help Rathnam to get justice? Key words: i. various clauses of the act ii. Rathnam’s education iii.

Support of media

3. It is only people with money who have the Right to water – a far cry from the goal of universal access to sufficient and safe water ---- explain. Key words: i. wealthy have more choice than poor ii. Wealth

determines the Rights not the Constitution.

4. A clear environment is a public facility – explain. Key words: i. it is also a part of public facilities ii. Responsibility of

the government iii. As a part of Right to Life – under article no.21



1. On the given map of India mark the following: a. Any two iron ore producing area in Karnataka and Jharkhand b. Bauxite producing area in Maharashtra

2. On the given map of India mark the following cotton and jute producing states: a. Cotton: Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Karnataka b. Jute: Assam, Orissa, West Bengal

3. On the given map of India mark the following: a. Two states in South which are densely populated b. Two states in North which are thinly populated


1. On the given outline map of India mark the territories under British and Nizam after the Battle of Bauxar

2. On the given out line map of India, mark the following centers of Non Cooperation Movement: Kheda, Guntur, Amritsar, Chauri Chaura, Aligarh


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