sant nirankari public school, govindpuri class- vii … · 2020. 4. 7. · sant nirankari public...

Post on 20-Nov-2020






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SESSION (2020-21) Date: 9.04.2020 – 14.04.2020



1) Don’t go outside to take the printout. Just copy the assignment from your android phone. 2) Do the assignment from the stationery available at your home like rough papers/ notebook/ register sheets etc separately for each subject CAREFULLY. You can take help of your elders/Internet in case you are not able to understand. You can also contact your subject teacher if required.

3) It is mandatory to do the assignment as the same will be marked for your Internal Assessment.

5) Don’t panic. Eat healthy food, be safe and happy.

ENGLISH ASSIGNMENT 2 Q1. Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions: The aim of teaching is to create in the qualitative elevation of mind and exaltation of character or ideals

or conduct. What the teacher is is more important than what he teaches. A good teacher cannot be

partial or narrow-minded. A worthy idea of a teacher can motivate students to act positively and

achieve their noble objectives. What a teacher is has an ennobling impact on the students and

reawaken them to accomplish marvellous goals in the years to come.

A teacher should painstakingly and methodically develop elegance in thought and action by nurturing

critical thinking. Critical thinking is an approach to any concept or issue in which the thinker enriches

the worth of his thinking by expertly monitoring and controlling the structures that are inherent in the

thought process. The outcome of creative thinking approach can be impressive with teachers

developing clearness in thought.

a) What is the aim of teaching?

b) Write any two qualities of a good teacher.

c) What is critical thinking?

d) Write any two describing words used for a teacher.

e) What can motivate or influence the students?

Q2. Write a letter on any one of the following:

a) You are Isha Grover. You live in Kalkaji. The water supply to your area is highly irregular. The water

quality is also poor. Write a letter to the Editor, The Hindu, about the problem in your area and request

the proper authorities to take notice.

b) Write a letter to the Principal applying for leave of absence as you have an appointment with the

doctor for your mother and you need to accompany her.

Q3. Join the sentences using conjunctions:

a) I am going to work in the US. I complete my education. (when)

b) Lock the house. Give me the key. (when)

c) Our team won the game. They did not play well. (though)

d) Reena might go for a swim. The weather is fine. (if)

Q4. Fill in the blanks with articles where necessary:

a) My brother is _____ excellent teacher. He helps me with grammar.

b) The Pacific Ocean is ______ biggest of the five Oceans.

c) The man was wearing ______ red and white shirt.

d) She had _____ omelette in the morning.

Q5. Choose the correct form of adverbs in the brackets to complete the sentences:

a) Mr. Rahul is a __________ important person. (very/much)

b) Amit is ___________ young to stay at home alone.( very/too)

c) Sally has started working __________ than usual. (hard/harder/hardest)

d) The temperature have become ___________ extreme nowadays. (more/most)

Q6. As you are aware that you all are quarantine at your home due to Novel Coronavirus. Write

a dairy entry for 5 days spend with your family.

Q7. Read the following conversation carefully:

Rosy: Hello! Is it 9035022565?

Rehana : Yes, please. Who’s it there?

Rosy: I’m Rosy, a friend of Roma. Where is she?

Rehana: Oh! Sorry. Actually she has forgotten her mobile here. She has gone to the market. Can I

help you, please?

Rosy: Oh, sure. In fact, I wanted to convey her that today’s music classes \ shall be suspended

because the teacher is not well. Instead it will be held on Sunday. So she should remember it.

Could you please pass this message to her?

Rehana: Oh! Sure. Thank you.

Rosy: Thank you too.

As Rehana is going to her dance classes she needs to reproduce the message for Roma.

Write the message on her behalf with every detail.


DATE- 09.04.2020 – 14.04.2020 CLASS-VII


(Go through the chapter and then solve the worksheet).

Book Link :

Video Link:

Q1. Fill in the blanks:-

i. The opposite of -67 is ___________. ii. -989 + ________ = 0

iii. -102+ (-102) = ____________. iv. The additive inverse of -4 is ______. v. 172+ (-23) =___________________

vi. 6 x 0 = _________________.

vii. The absolute value of-89 is_______________.

viii. -61 + __________ = -61

ix. (-16) x(-10) x9 = ______________.

x. 8 ÷ 0 = ____________________.

Q2. Write ‛T’ for true and ‛F’ for false for the following: i. 0 ÷ (-9) = 0

ii. (-34) x -1 = -34 iii. The smallest integer is 0. iv. Zero is larger than every negative integer. v. (-85) + 88 = 3

Q3. The sum of two integers is 73. If one of them is -55, find the other. Q4. Multiply:

i. 3 x4 x (-5)

ii. 2 x (-5) x (-6)

iii. (-4) x (-5) x (-6) x (-10)

Q5. Subtract -134 from the sum of 38 and -97. Q6. Write a pair of integers whose difference gives:

i. Zero

ii. A negative integer

Q7. Evaluate: i. (-98) ÷ 14

ii. (-48) ÷ (-16)

iii. (-133)÷ 19

Q8. Show on Number Line: (+3) – (+4)


NOTE: Chapter-1: NUTRITION IN PLANTS (Go through the chapter and then solve

the worksheet) Book Link:

science/amp/#Class_7_NCERT_Science_Books Video link:


Q.1 Match the following :- Column I Column II a) Plants i) Saprotrophs b) Animals ii) Autotrophs c) Pitcher Plant iii) Heterotrophs d) Fungi iv) Insectivorous Plant e) Lichens v) Symbiotic relationship f) Cuscuta (Amarbel) vi) Parasitic Plants Q.2. Label the photosynthesis diagram with words from the word box.

Q.3. With the help of the pictures shown below, explain how would you test the presence of starch in leaves?

Q.4. Look at the picture given below and answer the following:

a) Identify the plant given.

b) Pitcher like structure is the modified part of a _____________.

c) If the pitcher plant is green and carries out photosynthesis, then why does it feed

on insects?

Q.5. Draw a well labeled diagram of: a) Section of a leaf b) Stomata Q.6. Rearrange the letters to find out the words related to plant nutrition: a) ROPHYLCHLO b) UNLISUNHGT c) TERAW d) TOSAMTA Q.7. Observe the diagrams of organisms given below. Name them and write their category.

Q.8. Fill in the blanks: (a) Green plants are called _________________ since they synthesise their own food. (b) The food synthesised by plants is stored as _________________. (c) In photosynthesis solar energy is absorbed by the pigment called ___________. (d) During photosynthesis plants take in ______________________ and release __________________ gas. Q.9. Name the following:

i) A parasitic plant with yellow, slender and branched stem.

ii) A plant that is partially autotrophic.

iii) The pores through which leaves exchange gases.

Q.10. Tick the correct answer: (a) Cuscuta is an example of: (i) autotroph (ii) parasite (iii) saprotroph (iv) host (b) The plant which traps and feeds on insects is: (i) Cuscuta (ii) china rose (iii) pitcher plant (iv) rose (c) Which of these is/are necessary for photosynthesis to takes place-? (i)Carbon dioxide (ii)Chlorophyll (iii)Water (iv)All of these (d) The organism that can prepare their own food are called (i) Heterotrophs (ii) Consumers (iii) Decomposers (iv) Autotrophs Q.11. Mark ‘T’ if the statement is true and ‘F’ if it is false: (i) Carbon dioxide is released during photosynthesis. (T/F)

(ii) Plants which synthesise their food are called saprotrophs. (T/F)

(iii) The product of photosynthesis is not a protein. (T/F)

(iv) Solar energy is converted into chemical energy during photosynthesis. (T/F)

SUBJECT-SOCIAL STUDIES Q1. Fill in the blanks:

i. __________________ is the holy book of Sikhs.

ii. _________________ is an example of Single line store.

iii. ______________________ have started Indian Railways in India.

iv. _________________ is an example of Hot Desert of India.

v. _________________ is the main ocuupation of India.

Q2. Define the following terms: i) Consumer ii) Communication iii) Tribe iv) Subsistence Farming v)Market vi) Advertisement vii) Mixed Farming. viii) Industrialisation Q3. Make a list of all 29 states and 7 Union Territories. Write the capitals of 29 states and learn them. Q4. Write the following and learn them:

a. Chief Minister of Delhi:

b. President of India:

c. Vice-President of India:

d. Defense Minister of India:

e. Railway Minister Of India:

Q5. Draw a well labelled diagram of Water Cycle in you notebook. Describe the process of water cycle in your own words.

विषय -विन्दी

कक्षा - सातिी ीं

कायय -प्रपत्र (2)

नाम:__________________ तिति:9-4-2020 से 14-4-2020

प्रश्न 1 भारत के निम्न राज्यों में कौि -कौि सी भाषाएँ बयली जाती हैं ------------------

(क) पोंजाब

(ख) उत्तर प्रदेश -----------------

(ग) असम ------------------------

(घ) केरल ----------------------------------

प्रश्न 2 कनि नकस सोंज्ञा भेद का शब्द है ?

(क) व्यक्तििाचक सोंज्ञा

(ख) समूहिाचक सोंज्ञा

(ग) जानतिाचक सोंज्ञा

(घ) भाििाचक सोंज्ञा

प्रश्न-3 मुसु्कराहट नकस प्रकार की सोंज्ञा का उदाहरण है ?

(क) भाििाचक सोंज्ञा

(ख) द्रव्य िाचक सोंज्ञा

(ग) जानतिाचक सोंज्ञा

(घ) समूहिाचक सोंज्ञा

प्रश्न 4 द्रव्य िाचक सोंज्ञा शराब कय जानतिाचक सोंज्ञा में पररिनतित करिे से क्या शब्द

बिता है ?

(क) शराबी

(ख) मैखािा

(ग) शराबपि

(घ) शरबत

प्रश्न-5 नजस सोंज्ञा से अिेक िसु्तओ अथिा प्रानणययों के समूह का बयध हयता हैं ;उसे क्या

कहते हैं ?

(क) जानतिाचक सोंज्ञा

(ख) व्यक्तििाचक सोंज्ञा

(ग) समूहिाचक सोंज्ञा

(घ) भाििाचक सोंज्ञा

प्रश्न -6 बालपि नकस सोंज्ञा का उदाहरण हैं ?

(क) जानतिाचक सोंज्ञा

(ख) भाििाचक सोंज्ञा

(ग) व्यक्तििाचक सोंज्ञा

(घ) समूहिाचक सोंज्ञा

प्रश्न -7 निम्न शब्दय से भाििाचक सोंज्ञा बिाइए ?



3-लोंबा –

प्रश्न 8 खाली स्थाि भररए ------

1-नहन्दी भाषा की नलनप ---------------------- है |(देििागरी /पोंजाबी )

2-मुख द्वारा उच्चाररत भाषा ---------------------कहलाती है |(मौक्तखक

/नलक्तखत )

3 -नहन्दी भारत की -------------------------है |(राजभाषा / जिभाषा )

4 -नहन्दी नदिस ----------------------------मिाया जाता है |(14 नसतोंबर

/12 माचि )

प्रश्न-9 निम्न भाषाओ कय उिकी नलनपयय से नमलाि कीनजए -----

(क)नहन्दी रयमि

(ख )अँगे्रजी देििागरी

(ग )पोंजाबी फारसी

(घ )उदूि गुरुमुखी

प्रश्न -10 कयरयिा िाइरस के बचाि हेतु हमारे देश के प्रधािमोंत्री द्वारा जिता कय पयस्टर

नदखाकर क्या सोंदेश नदया था नचत्र सनहत बिाकर उसका िणिि कीनजए |

प्रश्न 11 डी.डी. िेशिल चैिल दूरदशिि पर रामायण और महाभारत के सीररयल्स नदखाये

जा रहे है |आप सभी निद्यानधिययों से अिुरयध है नक प्रनतनदि अपिे माता – नपता के साथ

बैठकर इि सीररयल्स कय देखे और अपिे मिपसोंद चररत्र के बारे में अपिे शब्दय में नलक्तखए|


सोंत निरोंकारी पक्तिक सू्कल, गोव िंदपुरी व षय: सोंसृ्कत

कक्षा : VII कायय-प्रपत्र

Q.1: यथायोग्यिं श्लोकािंशान् मेलयत-

Q.2: एकपदेन उत्तरत-

(क) पृवथव्ािं कवत रत्नावन?

(ख) मूढ ैः कुत्र रत्नसिंज्ञा व धीयते?

(ग) पृवथ ी केन धाययते?

(घ) क ैः सवितिं कु ीत?

(ङ) लोके शीकृवतैः का?

Q.3: मञ्जूषातैः पदावन वित्वा वलिानुसारिं वलखत-

Q.4: अधोवलखखतपदेषु धात : के सखि?

पदम् धातुैः

करोवत …………..

पश्य …………..

भ ेत् …………..

वतष्ठवत …………..

Q.5: रेखावितपदावन अवधकृत्य प्रश्नवनमायणिं कुरुत-

(क) सते्यन ावत ायुैः।

(ख) सखभैः ए सहासीत।

(ग) सुन्धरा बहुरत्ना भ वत।

(घ) व द्यायाैः सिंग्रहेषु त्यक्तलज्जैः सुखी भ ेत्।

(ङ) सखभैः म त्री िं कु ीत।

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