sanity for stormbringer

Post on 27-Dec-2015






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OTHER RULES1) Sanity for Stormbringer

a) Introduction

The Demon Magic supplement introduced the concept of Sanity in Stormbringer. Several sorcerors in the Elric saga, including Yyrkoon, Theleb K'aarna and ultimately Jagreen Lern, eventually went insane from their sorcerous activities, so the concept fits quite nicely in the Young Kingdoms.

The rules worked much like the CoC SAN rules but were more targeted to the environment of the Young Kingdoms. Seeing dead bodies is quite common in the Elric stories and this is less frightening to a Young Kingdoms inhabitant than it is to a more civilised, educated CoC investigator in the modern world.

I do not wish to reproduce the entire article here as that would violate copyright and out of respect for the original author's work.

b) Sanity Mechanics

The character's base SAN is POWx5% (as it is in CoC) modified for nationality:

Melniboneans +20% Pan Tangians +10% Eshmirians and Myrryns +5% Oinites and Yurits -10% Orgens -20%

All other nationalities receive no modifiers

The rules for testing SAN are as per CoC, i.e. when a test is called for, roll percentile dice and a roll of equalc to or less than the character's current SAN score is a success and generally does not cost SAN points. A roll higher than current SAN is a failure and the character will lose SAN points. Occasionally, a sight is so horrific or mind-bending that even a successful roll causes a loss of SAN.

When the character reaches zero SAN, he goes permanently insane and may be played by the GM as an NPC pawn of the Lords of Chaos.

c) When are tests needed?

The article lists several circumstances which call for a SAN roll. For instance:

Witnessing horrible natural or unnatural deaths Seeing or being affected by the raw stuff of Chaos Seeing or being affected by chaotic changes Seeing chaotic creatures (dragons, oonai, clakars and so on) Seeing or Summoning Demons, which makes sorcery risky, as each

summoned demon may cost the sorceror SAN Seeing the Elemental Rulers, Beast Lords or Lords of Law and Chaos

2) Runes of Rathdor

a) Introduction

This was an ancient magical system, invented by Sarowlon Rathdor, a Melnibonean sorceror who lived many years before Elric's time, whereby runes were inscribed onto an object and temporary POW used (often from the victims of ritual sacrifice) to give them energy. Most of the knowledge is lost now but some runes have been identified and used in later ages.

Again, I have no wish to reproduce the original article, due to copyright issues and out of respect for the author's work.

b) Rune Powers

The runes listed in the article allowed several effects:

Doors to be magically locked Objects to change shape Creation of illusions Invisbility Preservation, so the object does not rust or decay Activation of heat or cold

c) Some new runes

KAE'YAR'KANA - A modified rune of Preservation where each POW point expended in its making preserves the object for 100 years, rather than a mere 24 hours.

SP'RUN'GAH - the rune of Blasting. A booby-trap which causes 3D8 damage to whoever is not permitted to open a chest, door, drawer or similar container.

ST'RYK'A - the rune of Strength. Used to increase the strength of an object beyond its natural limits. For example: a thin piece of yarn could support the weight of an armoured man; a weapon could be rendered unbreakable if parried with a critical parry;

HEL'SE'HEN - the rune of Vision. Used to see in the dark. The object should be placed in front of the user's eyes (e.g. on a helmet visor or even a blindfold).

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