sam knappett's media magazine evaluation

Post on 24-May-2015






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Music magazine evaluation for my AS coursework


Music Magazine evaluation

Sam Knappett

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions

of real media products?

Front cover

This Q magazine front cover is conventional in many ways. It has a conventional masthead because it is normal sized, clear and in the right position which is the top left of the cover. Also, there are many cover lines which are easily noticeable to the reader. They colours compliment the background, also it is conventional because they are in the right position (which is at the side of the magazine). The feature article photograph is conventional in terms of how many people are present, like many other front covers it is only using one person for the picture. Also, the plug which is positioned at the top of the page, is conventional in the way in which it is positioned, how clear it is and what it is actually saying.

Conventional front covers

This NME cover is conventional in the way how the cover lines are presented. They are clear, in the same colour scheme and are at the side of the cover. Also, the headline for the main article is conventional in the way it is presented. The colours are in the same colour scheme as the whole front cover, also the font is a lot bigger than the rest of the typography meaning that they are trying to raise more attention to that piece of information. The masthead is placed in front of the feature article photograph, this is conventional because that is how most mastheads are presented in various media products.


Conventional contents pages

This contents page is conventional because it has an ideal ratio of pictures to writing. The writing is clear and is laid out formally. The pictures catch the eye of the reader but they do not completely dominate the page. Also, the house style stays repetitive throughout the page, in terms of the colour scheme not being broken.

This contents page is conventional in terms of the colours being used and where the pictures are placed with the information next to them. Unlike Q’s contents (above) this contents page is rather informal, but nonetheless the pictures are conventional because where they are positioned and the size of them. Pictures on the contents will be bigger and some will be some depending on if there is a big article or smaller article within the magazine.

Double page spread

Conventional double page spread’s

This first page of a double page spread from Q magazine is conventional in the sense that it has a clear headline to say what the double page spread is about and a extended standfirst. This is conventional because most magazines include a separate page for the headline and standfirst. Also, the drop cap used is conventional because it is clearly bigger and noticeable then the rest of the information.

This is conventional because it has various pictures included in the double page spread with the two columns of information underneath. Also it includes a pull-out-quote, which can be used to separate the text of pictures; in this case it has separated the pictures. The information is written in columns which is conventional because many magazines use that style to write their information. Also, similar to the first page of the double page spread (above) it has a clear drop cap which is larger than the rest of the text.

Front cover

The cover lines on my front cover challenge the conventions of normal, original magazines because normally cover lines are easy to catch the eye and are positioned at the side of the feature article photograph. Whereas, I have placed mine at the bottom of the page so that the feature article photograph dominates the cover and my cover lines are quite subtle, what I mean by this is that they aren't in the way and aren't obvious to the eye of the reader.

Also, my cover lines do not catch the eye like other conventional cover lines in terms of their colour and information. Conventional cover lines have small information and attract the reader via colour and position. My cover lines are presented very subtly, they have no information apart from the name of the artist.

Q magazine’s cover lines are conventional in the way they are presented, which is the position, how much information is used and how big it is and whether it catches the eye of the reader.

My puff is developing the conventions of other magazines because it relates to the magazines audience and the genre it is representing, while still boosting the magazines status.

Front cover - puffs

Here we can see that my puff develops conventions of real media products because it is short, in the right position and helps boost the status of my magazine. Like Q magazine, my puff is presented below the masthead, but Q’s puff is projected by a black background whereas mine just lays on the feature article photograph.

Front cover – Mastheads & Feature article photograph

I made my feature article photograph black and white to add to the effect of the group and to project the colours of my magazine (red, white and black). This is challenging the conventions of other magazines because not many magazines make their feature article have a black and white effect. Also, my feature article photograph includes 7 people, this is challenging the conventions of other magazines because most magazines only use up to 5 people for their photograph. For example, The Source only use 3 people for this edition of their magazine, it is very unlikely that you would see a feature article photograph include 7 people in it.

My masthead doesn’t challenge the conventions of real media products because it is clear and in the position that all mastheads are. It covers the top of the front cover, similar to The Source (bottom left of slide). The colour scheme does not break throughout the masthead, neither does the font or size of the masthead. My masthead is quite conventional because of the colours that are being used (bold red being projected by black and white).


My contents is very informative, compared to The Source and XXL, this type of contents is challenging the conventions but when comparing to Q Magazine, my magazine is developing the conventions. (The Source contents above)

Also, my contents only uses two pictures because it is dominated by information. Although, these two pictures are still obvious to the eye and dominate the contents in terms of catching your eye. This is challenging the conventions because most contents do not present as much information as I have nor are there little pictures, most pictures completely dominate a contents page of real media products.

My contents breaks my magazines colour scheme (red, black and white) by using blue. This is challenging the conventions of real media products because most magazine stick to the house style of their magazine.


My magazine is challenging the conventions of other magazines because of the amount of information I have given on the contents. I have done this because comparing to my front cover, I needed to include information to inform the audience and get them interested. My contents and front cover contrast in terms of information given.

Double page spread

My double page spread is challenging the conventions of real media products because there is only one picture used, whereas most magazines use more than one picture. Also, my picture is the background, there isn't a box projecting the text, it goes back onto the picture. This again is challenging the conventions because most double page spreads have white backgrounds to project the text.

My double page spread is not separated by two pages, what I mean by this is that there is no gaps between the double page, most other conventions have text on one page and a picture or pictures on the other page. Also, my text is not separated by a pull out quote, I have included a pull out quote but it is at the top left of the page, it isn't used to break up the text. This is challenging the conventions of real media products because pull out quotes are mainly used to break up the text. Q have used pull out quotes to break up the text (above).

My double page spread is not conventional because it doesn’t change its style from the front cover. What I mean by this is that the picture is very powerful and has a ‘no nonsense’ feel to it. It is there and straight away catches the eye of the reader. It keeps the house style of the magazine. This isn't conventional because other magazines would change the style of their double page spread to change the feel and mood of the magazine. So, for example they could include more images and change the font and colour scheme. Q magazine is an example of this, their double page spread is conventional in terms of changing the feel of the page and adding in more pictures and changing the colours.

Double page spread

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

My media product represents a certain social group through its feature article photograph. The hand gestures, poses and clothes that they are wearing represents and focuses on an urban type social group. It represents people who like rap/hip-hop music and people who follow what rap represents and stands for. Which is to break the rules, be interested in a certain fashion and give off a rough, urban impression. That is what my magazine does. The clothing being worn gives off that urban impression, the hoods and hats are what the target audience wears plus the rap/hip-hop stars. The hand gestures are very important in terms of representing the certain social class that I targeted because they are similar to what they actually do, also represents what they stand for (west coast/east coast etc).

Also, my masthead and puff represent my targeted social group because they are phrases and terms used within the genre. They can relate to it because they are terms that they understand and use.


The picture I use of that person smoking represents my social group that I'm targeting. This is because it gives off that urban, rather bad attitude that rap creates and represents. The social group that I target will appreciate this picture and it will catch their eye because they can relate to it, because it is something that is common within this genre.

The Source have represented their targeted social group through using jewellery. The jewellery will attract their social group audience because this type of clothing/fashion is used within this genre and it is something they can relate to. Whereas I have used smoking and the use of a hat for my targeted social group to relate to.

I have also represented my social group that I have targeted by having pictures of people from a black and white background. This represents my social group because this genre attracts all races. My magazine is attracting people from a black background and at the same time people from a white background.

Double page spread

Similar to my front cover, my picture here is representing social groups that relate to this type of clothing and also who place themselves in areas such as these. It is clear that four of them have their hoods up while two of them are wearing hats. This is representing people who wear this type of clothing. A more urban, non-formal individual. The area is obviously by a building (brick walls) this is also representing certain social groups because it attracts people who are more outgoing or spend their time round areas similar to this, it is portraying rough, rural areas.

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Music Magazine publishers

My magazine would be distributed and publish by Bauer media company because, Bauer only covers Kerrang and Q magazine in the UK. Q is a magazine that relates to pop, indie and many more genres. Kerrang represents rock, heavy metal and all the different genres of rock. Whereas my magazine is relating to the hip-hop and rap genre of music. My magazine would be ideal to Bauer because there isn’t a magazine that represents this genre in the UK. Also, Bauer doesn’t publish a rap/hip-hop magazine. So, this means that they could be entering a completely new market in terms of who would buy the magazine. Rap/hip-hop is very popular within the UK, so Bauer would be successful if it published and distributed my magazine.

Music magazine publishers

Harris Publications publishes for XXL magazine, it is based in the United States. But, my magazine is ideal for this company because even though it relates to the same genres of music as XXL, it is based in the UK so they can be entering a new market and new buyers. My magazine would be good for this publishing company because it focuses on up-coming artists, it has its own unique style of how to present its information; it is very formal. It also target young working class adults, it represents an urban society. This would be ideal for Harris because it is in some ways different to XXL in terms of what it is presenting.

Music magazine publishers

IPC Media publish NME magazine, this company is ideal for my magazine because NME is the only music magazine it publishes and distributes for. My magazine would be ideal for this because it covers the rap and hip-hop genres in music, it relates to a different audience than NME does. This means that IPC Media can expand their company because it will be going into a new market. Also, my magazine is more subtle than NME, it still has the same effect but it is more formal rather than informal.

Music magazine publishers

My magazine will be distributed and published by Bauer. This is because this company doesn’t publish a magazine for this sort of style. What I mean by this is not it is formal unlike Kerrang, also my magazine targets a younger audience who are in an urban society whereas Q targets a more widespread audience and a society who is sophisticated. Also, like I said this company doesn’t publish for a magazine which represents rap and hip-hop as their genre. So, this will increase their money because they are going into a new market with a different audience as to Kerrang and Q magazine.

Who would be the audience for your media product?

Target audience and genre

My target audience for my magazine is mainly for people aged between 15-25, it is aimed at mainly males because rap and hip-hop is a masculine based genre. My magazine targets people who live in urban, rural areas. This is because of the typography I have used throughout my double page spread and contents. Also, because of the clothing and hand gestures used in my pictures that I have used. This is the reason why I have targeted teenagers and young adults because men and women can relate to this type of mode of address. My magazine includes a certain colour scheme because it only represents three genres of music (Hip-hop, rap and R&B). It doesn’t give a range of different colours and feels because it is singled down in terms of the genres. My magazine targets all ethnic and racial groups, rap is a widespread genre in terms of what ethnic group it targets. So, for my magazine it relates to every race.

The audience for my magazine is younger males and females. Rap and hip-hop focuses on both genders, mainly young adults.

How I attracted my audience – front cover

I attracted and addressed my audience on my front cover through the feature article photograph. The clothes and hand gestures used attract my audience because it is a common and well known to this targeted type of social group/audience. The hand gestures used by the two people (2 from left front row and top right) address my audience because they are communicating with the audience and performing a gesture that is well known to them. The person who is pointing into the camera (3rd from left front row) is addressing my audience because it is almost as if he is interacting with the audience himself, he is pointing right into the camera which obviously makes the audience think he is pointing at them. The clothing used is very influential in terms of addressing and attracting my audience because they are types of clothing that my audience would wear and be attracted to. The hats and hoods used attract my audience because this is the type of clothing associated with the genres I am addressing also the audience who are interested with the genres.

My masthead is very influential in attracting my audience because the phrase ‘Don’t Front’ is used within my target audience and also within the rap/hip-hop genre. My audience can relate to my masthead because it is a phrase that they understand and have knowledge of. It is used within social groups that my magazine is trying to attract. The phrase means to not lie, or to not make something out that you’re not.

Similar to my masthead, my puff attracts and addresses my audience because it is a phrase used within the rap/hip-hop genre. Which means that they are comfortable with the phrase and understand what it means. The phrase means that our word is true, it is bond. We are not lying and are true to our word.

How I attracted my audience – front cover

My front cover does not include many cover lines nor do they convey a lot of information, it only presents the name of the artists that are featured in the magazine. This attracts my audience because I am targeting people that prefer a bigger, ‘no nonsense’ feature article photograph rather than focusing on cover lines and how they are presented. My cover lines are associated at the bottom of the page, out of the way of the feature article photograph. Also, my cover lines are attracting my audience because they are presented in a formal manner. They are in line, are not ‘in your face’, they are clear on the page but do not present themselves like Kerrang. Here we can see that Kerrang have presented their cover lines in an in-formal way, standing right out to the reader and are interfering with the feature article photograph.

How I attracted my audience - contents

I attracted my audience through my contents by being consistent with my house style. What I mean by this is that I kept the colour scheme from my front cover. Also, I attracted my audience by the pictures I used. The main picture is of a person smoking, with a hat on, with his hand in his pocket and by a brick wall. This attracts my audience because they can relate to the clothing (hat) presented as it is normal within the genre I am relating to. Also, the smoking and the stance that he has (hand in pocket) portrays the ‘bad boy’ feel that is given off by rap/hip-hop, my audience can relate to this because it is something they are used to .

Also, the second picture I have used attracts my audience because it is of someone who is black. This attracts my audience because the genre attracts people from all races, so including someone from a different background and of different race attracts my audience because it is something they can relate to.

How I attracted my audience – double page spread

Similar to my front cover, I have attracted my audience through the clothing of the people in the picture on my double page spread. The hats and hoodies used will make my audience relate to the picture because it is the same style and sense of fashion used within the genre of rap/hip-hop. Also, the hand gesture used by the person (far right) attracts my audience because, similar to the fashion presented, it is something that is used within the rap/hip-hop genre and it is something that my audience will use and understand.

Also, my double page spread is referring to the house style of my magazine through the colours used. This page is keeping the colour scheme of the magazine (red, white and black).This will obviously attract my audience because it is something they associate with the magazine and it is something that is key and obvious.

I attracted my audience by the typography of the double page spread and the mode of address. The double page spread is written in a formal manner, which is the magazine’s style. Also, the double page spread is communicating with the audience through the way the people in the picture are posing and where they the picture is taken. It is behind a brick wall, which is suggesting that it is in a rural, urban area. Which of course attracts the audience because my target audience is based in those type of society's. It is something they can relate to.

How I attracted my audience – double page spread

I have attracted my audience by the picture I have used. What I mean by this is that I have chosen to only use on picture to dominate the page instead of using more than two. I have done this because it projects the picture more and makes the audience focus on one picture and the text. Also, similar to my front cover it is a ‘no nonsence’ picture, I have done this because I want the audience to only focus on one dominant picture. Which I believe will attract them.

Also, the way I have placed the headline, standfirst and pull-out-quote will attract my audience. Because they are at the top of the page and not effecting the picture nor the information at the bottom of page, I believe the audience will be attracted to this because similar to my front cover, it leaves the focus onto the picture. The cover lines on my front cover are positioned at the bottom of the page, out of the way so that the audience can focus on the feature article photograph and headline.

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

What have I learnt about technologies – front cover

I started off making my feature article have colour, but I wanted to change it to black and white. I done this by clicking on the effects on the side of the page. I found the ‘black and white’ effect (black and white apple) and dragged it over onto my front cover (bottom right), from here it made the feature article photograph black and white because before I had clicked the black and white effect I had selected the layer for my feature article photograph (below).

This is my finished front cover with the black and white effect.

What I have learnt about the technologies – front cover

I created the background for my cover lines by drawing two black boxes, obviously one bigger than the other. I performed this by clicking on the square tool (above) which means a box. I drew the box by going onto my front cover and holding the mouse until I needed to stop.

I added to these two boxes by creating two dashes so I can separate each cover line. I did this by drawing 4 lines with the line tool, then I made them stand at an angle so it looked like dashes. I performed this by clicking onto the line tool (below).

What I have learnt about the technologies – Front cover

What I did to make my masthead, was go onto ‘Urban Fonts’ on the internet and find a font that I thought was suitable and attractive for my magazine and its genre. I used the ‘colleged’ font. From here, I type in ‘Don’t Front’ (name for my masthead) and then copied and pasted this onto a blank file on Photoshop next to my front cover file.

This is what it looked like when I copied and pasted the font onto a blank file.

What I learnt from the technologies – Front cover

To make the font the colour I wanted, I had to select the text on that file and then fill the font in with the paint bucket tool. When I finished colouring my font, I clicked on the text and then dragged it over to my front cover. From this I had to make the layer be infront of the feature article photograph, this is so that I can actually see the masthead because otherwise it would be positioned behind the feature article photograph.

What I learnt from the technologies – Front cover

I learnt quite a lot in terms of knowing how to copy and paste fonts onto my page and making them visible on the page, changing the colour and mood of a picture and knowing how to create a background for my cover lines. By doing this on my front cover I set the foundations for the knowledge of knowing how to create my contents and double page spread.

The other aspects of my front cover were quite simple and basic in making. For example, creating the text for my headline, date and puff. Also, placing and positioning my barcode was quite simple because all I did was copy and paste the picture and click on the layer, put it in front of the feature article photograph layer and then position it where I wanted it to go.

What I learnt from the technologies - Contents

I created all the boxes on my page by using the square tool in the tool box, similar to how I used that tool creating the background for my cover lines on my front cover. Obviously, all the boxes on this page are different sizes but It was still the same technique.

For the boxes at the side of the page with a rounded edge, I used the same tool as the box tool. But, I changed the box tool to the ‘rounded rectangle tool’. It is the same when using the box tool, I measure how big I wanted it to be on the page and the positioned it into the place I wanted it to be in. Also, the same as the other boxes I made the text box layer be in front of the box and rounded rectangle box layers.

What I learnt from the technologies - Contents

For the headline of my contents page and the ‘DF’ symbol that has been carried on from my masthead, I have created a border around the textbox and box that I have created. This was to continue the house style of the colour scheme of the magazine, also to emphasize the pages headline; which is of course ‘contents’. I did this by creating a box and then adding a border to it.

I created the border by clicking on the layer of my box, then clicked on ‘edit layer style’. From here this box loaded (right). I made the red border by applying ‘stroke’, from here I made the opacity ‘100%’ and the size ’10%’ and then obviously made the colour red.

What I learnt from the technologies - Contents

The process of making the main picture on my contents how I wanted was this. I opened the picture on Photoshop, it opened at the wrong angle with bricks that I did not want in the actual picture that would be on my contents.

I clicked on image to rotate and crop the picture. From here I had a separate copy of what I wanted on my contents. I then, similar to my feature article photograph for my front cover I dragged the picture onto my contents file and created a layer on that page. Obviously I changed the size of the picture to fit where I wanted to put it.

I did exactly the same for my other picture on my contents page. Making a separate copy, rotating and cropping the picture.

What I learnt from the technologies - Contents

From my contents I learnt how to crop and rotate a picture and then place it onto my file with my work on. Also, I learnt how to create a border by using the ‘edit layer style’ tool and ‘stroke’ tool. Also I successfully learnt how to create boxes and rounded rectangle boxes.

What I learnt from the technologies – Double page spread

I created the lines to separate the interview by using the ‘line tool’. But, to get the lines in line and of equal height I used the ‘grid’ tool that is on ‘view’ on the tool bar at the top of the page. The grid tool made me position my lines accurately. I also used the ‘grid’ tool to help me position my text boxes equally and accurately.

What I have learnt from my preliminary task

These are my front cover and contents page for my school magazine that I made before I started my music magazine. From making these two pages I have learnt a lot in terms of knowing how to work Photoshop and what looks good and what doesn’t. Also, I have learnt how to base what my magazines appearance and content from what my target audience want.

What I have learnt from my preliminary task – Front cover - Mastheads

The first thing I have learnt from my school magazine was that where to put my masthead and the size to have it. The masthead is the title of the magazine and its purpose is to be large, loud and noticeable for the audience. It is meant to be one of the main reasons why people by the magazine.

My school magazine has a small masthead and is positioned at a angle. ‘Neal’s corner’ is not a different colour from the cover lines, it is only a different front. The size is small and not very noticeable. Also, it is at an angle and not right in the top left hand corner of the page (which is conventional) nor is it going across the top of the page.

I have learnt from this to make the masthead clear, noticeable and in the right position. Here we can see that the masthead dominates the top of the page, it is a different font and colour from the rest of the page. Also, its size is projected by a slim black and white border.

What I learnt from my preliminary task – Front cover – Cover lines

I learnt from my music magazine where I should position my cover lines, what font they should be, what colour they should be and how big they should be.

The cover lines on my school magazine’s front cover are very large and in a way disrupt the feature article photograph. They do this because they are actually crossing over to the middle of the feature article photograph, this is where the main focus of the picture should be. Also, the font and colour used is very plain and not very attractive. They do not relate to the house style in anyway because the font is different and the colour is different to the masthead and puff. The yellow ‘exclusive’ is very irrelevant and looks pointless. This is because that is the only yellow used on the page, and the mix of yellow and red isn't very aesthetically pleasing.

I have used a different approach in terms of cover lines on my music magazine front cover. My cover lines are associated at the bottom of the page and do not disrupt the feature article photograph in any way. I have learnt that my cover lines should fit the house style of the magazine, my cover lines fit the colour scheme and they are the same font used in the headline and puff. Also, the colour and font is aesthetically pleasing whereas my school magazine’s cover lines were not. They do not look like they are floating on the page, this is because they are within a background (black box) and separated by red dashes. Overall I have learnt that my cover lines should not affect the feature article photograph, they should fit with the house style and should be presented in a smart, formal manner.

What I learnt from my preliminary task – Front cover - puffs

My music magazine’s puff is quite obviously wrong. This is because it is positioned right across the face of the person in my feature article photograph, also it is completely disrupting the picture and affecting the viewing for the reader.

Also, it is projected by a black border, which makes it quite hard to read and understand. Essentially it is irrelevant, to long and in the wrong position.

From this learnt how to structure my puff, where to position it and also to make it readable. I made my puff short and snappy (what it should be like). I positioned the puff under my masthead and out of the way of my feature article photograph, in terms of it not disrupting the picture. Also, I made my puff fit the magazines house style, it fits in with the colour scheme which is red, white and black.

What I learnt from my preliminary task – feature article photograph

The feature article photograph on my school magazine is very plain and boring. What I mean by this is that the background is a light grey and only has one person crossing her arms. Of course crossing her arms in a formal manner but the picture is cut short at the bottom so you cant actually see her crossing her arms properly. The feature article photograph isn't very attracting to an audience and doesn’t really relate to the audience, besides the fact that she is standing in a formal stance.

The feature article photograph for my music magazine is a much better improvement from my school magazine. What I mean by this is that the surrounding and environment for my picture is attractive and it relates to my magazines audience. Also, the picture is non-conventional meaning that it is different and maybe something different for the audience, possibly making it more attractive. The poses and clothes that they are wearing are clear and it really addresses and attracts the audience, whereas for my school magazine you can barely see her crossing her arms. Also, the black and white effect added to the feature article photograph adds to the front cover being more attractive and pleasing.

What I learnt from my preliminary task – Contents - information

The contents for my school magazine is very boring, plain and not attractive. The information is limited and doesn’t expand the reader’s knowledge of what is in the magazine.

The contents doesn’t give the audience a lot of information about the other pages in the magazine. The contents should be a very important part in playing how to attract the audience because that is where they can see what else is in the magazine other than the feature article photograph. It is supposed to give them a brief inside of what is to come. The information for each page presented is only two lines long and not very helpful. Also, the text is not centred, it is positioned at the left of the page; making it now very attractive.

From my school magazine contents, I have learnt how much I should include in terms of information, where to place it and how to make it look attractive. I have included a lot of information for every page that I am presenting, also they are positioned in a ordered and formal manner. Making it more attractive for the reader and more engaging. Also, I have made the numbers for the pages bigger and in a different font. This is so that it is easier for the readers to check the page quickly, whereas on my school magazine contents the numbers for the pages are small and not clearly visible for the reader.

What I learnt from my preliminary task – Contents - Pictures

It is quite obvious that on my school magazine contents there is only one picture, which is very small and doesn’t really have any effect to the page. The contents is dominated by information, it doesn’t have an equal picture to information ratio.

My music magazine contents includes two pictures, although there is more information than pictures on the page the pictures still in a way dominate the page. Especially the biggest one, this is because it is in the middle of the page and it is the first thing that the reader will see. The pictures are relevant to the page because they are pictures from two articles inside the magazine. I learnt from my school magazine that I should make my pictures relevant and visible to the audience. Also, I learnt that the position of the pictures are important in terms of attracting the audience.

What I learnt from my preliminary task – Contents – house style and appearance

The house style for my school magazine is broken during the contents. I mean this in terms of the colour scheme, the colour scheme is red and white. During the information ‘exclusive’ and ‘free pencil case inside’ are two completely different colours to the colour scheme. Both of these make the page look unattractive and are unnecessary. The ‘free pencil case inside’ is blue and looks completely out of place and makes the appearance look awful, exactly the same with ‘exclusive’ which is in yellow.

The overall appearance for the contents is very boring and plain. The border is red, which is not measured accurately, and the main background for the page is just plain white. There is no tone or style added to the page, making it unattractive.

The house style throughout the contents for my music magazine is kept the same. The colour scheme is not broken, the information uses black and red and the page has some white involved. The only time it is broken is the blue box at the bottom right of the page, but the purpose of this is so that the writing is visible to the readers. All the colours used are relevant and complement each other, they all make the page look attractive.

The appearance of the overall page is effective. The information is presented in accurate, formal columns. Every box and line is measure correctly and the border round the headline of the page is relevant, attractive and has been measure correctly. Also, the ‘DF’ at the top of the page boots the page’s and magazine’s status because it is a shortened version of the masthead of the magazine.

top related