saint paul roman catholic church - saint paul …3005 country club road new bern, nc 28562 (252)...

Post on 07-Jul-2020






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 3005 Country Club Road

New Bern, NC 28562 (252) 638-1984

Office: M-F 8:30-4:00pm

Saint Paul Catholic School (252) 633-0100

Saint Peter the Fisherman Mission Parish in Oriental

(252) 249-3687


Saturday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:00 pm

Sunday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:00 am, 11:00 am

1:00 pm (Misa en Español)

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday . . . . . . 8:00 am

Wednesday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:00 pm

Friday . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:00 am at Old St. Paul

First Saturday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:00 am  

Holy Days of Obligation per announcements


New Parishioners

Please register with the parish office




Natural Family Planning Awareness Week is a national education campaign endorsed by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and supported by indi-vidual dioceses throughout the country. In the Diocese of Raleigh, Rowena Crist, NFP coordinator, clarified that Natural Family Planning is “not all about sex.”

It is, rather, a gift from God to help couples grow closer to one another, while working together with God. And, she added, it’s about more than how many children a couple should have or how a couple may avoid or achieve preg-nancy. Crist wrote:  

NFP encompasses chastity education. The two main virtues in marriage are charity (the virtue of sacrificing, self-giving love) and chastity (conjugal love shared only between a husband and wife.)

Those with infertility, miscarriage and even adoption may be assisted by NFP. When couples learn and practice NFP, many different issues are brought to light. As they learn to chart their times of fertility and infertility, the woman’s gynecological health becomes evident through bio-markers. Couples who have suffered miscarriage may be helped through NFP, both physically and emotionally.

Often, couples come to NFP because of infertility. Success rates for NaPro TECHNOLOGY® in infertility through charting with the Creighton Model Fertili-tyCare™ System is 20 - 40 percent with no medical intervention. Success rates for NaProTECHNOLOGY® in infertility is up to 80 percent with charting and medical or surgical restorative treatment.

We need to acknowledge that NFP is a concrete way which God uses to bring life and love to families. At times, when it is obvious that the couple will not have their own biological child, NFP practitioners may gently lead the couple to the gift of adoption. NFP can provide a place where couples can share inti-mate and personal thoughts and feelings. At times, their practitioner is the one person who can provide compassion and support in accepting the couples’ infertility so that they may move forward.


We need your eyes & ears! We need your information! Please take a minute, each month, each quarter or as often as

you can and give us news about your ministry!

Send your articles to:

Thank you so much for keeping us informed!


August 13th and August 14th, Team # 2


In order to assure our parish data base is current, please

inform the church office of any change in your records (email

address, home address) It is especially important to update

any changes to home or cell phone. Thank you!


8/7 Sunday 8:00am Frank Fahringer + Sunday 11:00am Gertrude Kuermer + Sunday 1:00pm Saint Paul Parish Family 8/8 Monday 8:00am Robert Straley + 8/9 Tuesday 8:00am Andrew Tully + 8/10 Wednesday 6:00pm 8/11 Thursday 8:00am 8/12 Friday 8:00am Jim Whitlow + (OSP) 8/13 Saturday 5:00pm Saint Paul Parish Family


Maria Salvati +


Monday: Ez 1:2-28c; Ps 148:1-14; Mt 17:22-27 Tuesday: Ez 2:8 -- 3:4; Ps 119:14-131; Mt 18:1-14 Wednesday: 2 Cor 9:6-10; Ps 112:1-9; Jn 12:24-26 Thursday: Ez 12:1-12; Ps 78:56-62: Mt 18:21 -- 19:1 Friday: Ez 16:59-63; Is 12:2-6; Mt 19:3-12 Saturday: Ez 18:1-32; Ps 51:12-19; Mt 19:13-15


Sunday 8/7 SHRIMP BOIL TICKETS AVAILABLE AFTER ALL MASSES 9:00AM Olive Branch Gift Store open till 1:00PM 9:30AM Chancel Choir Practice 10:30AM Chaplet of the Divine Mercy – SJC 3:00PM Hispanic Prayer Group – FLC3

Monday 8/8 6:00PM Citizenship Classes – Conference Room

Tuesday 8/9 10:30AM Mass in Oriental 12:00PM One in the Spirit Prayer Group – SJC 1:00PM Prayer Shawl Ministry – FLC3

Wednesday 8/10 FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL 9:00AM Olive Branch Gift Store Open till Noon 5:00PM Medjugorje Prayer Group – SJC 7:00PM Hispanic Choir Practice

Thursday 8/11 8:35AM Adoration 10:45AM Reconciliation 11:45AM Benediction 6:00PM Master Gardeners - School Garden 7:30PM Folk Choir Practice – Church

Friday 8/12 12:00PM August 21st Bulletin items are Due 5:00PM K of C Shrimp Boil - K of C Hall

Saturday 8/13 12:00PM Fatima Rosary - SJC 3:30PM Reconciliation

The entire parish calendar is always available for viewing at

Bulletin items that can be edited for publication are due on Fridays at 12:00pm to

Bulletins can be viewed online at


The Letter to the Hebrews today sings a hymn of praise to Abraham and to his faith, upon which are founded the religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Abraham is called "father" in faith by more people on earth than anybody else, numerous as the sands of the seashore or the stars of the heavens. Hebrews tells us it was this foundational faith that led Abraham to obey God's call when he heard it, though he was called to journey to a land he did not know and told he would father a mighty race through a marriage he thought was barren. But Abraham's faith, the author of Hebrews tells us, was his realization of what he hoped for, and the evidence of what he could not see. How often are we, in simple daily events of our own Christian vocation, called to an unfamiliar place or told we are to do something we do not believe we can? How fortunate we are to have Father Abraham as our guide and example!


First Reading -- Your ancestors waited in faith and courage for God's promised summons (Wisdom 18:6-9). Psalm -- Blessed the people the Lord has chosen to be his own (Psalm 33). Second Reading -- Because of his faithful obedience to God's call, Abraham's descendants number as the stars (Hebrews 11:1-12). Gospel -- Keep watch and be prepared, for you do not know the day or the hour when the Son of Man will appear (Luke 12:32-48).

PASTOR’S CORNER Sunday, August 7, 2016

Father Tully's sister, Catherine, and her husband, Rev Deacon Ralph Muscente, are in Krakow, in pilgrimage for World Youth Day 2016.

There are also representatives of our Diocese accompanying the Holy Father.

Pope pays tribute to Holocaust victims in silence, prayer 07-29-2016 By Junno Arocho Esteves, Catholic News Service OSWIECIM, Poland (CNS) -- Sitting with head bowed and eyes closed, Pope Francis paid silent tribute to the victims of one of the worst atrocities of the 20th century.

The pope arrived July 29 at the Auschwitz-BirkenauNazi death camp in Oswiecim, an area now blanketed by green fields and empty barracks lined by barbed wire fences, remnants of a horror that remains embedded in history.

Among those killed were St. Maximilian Kolbe, a Polish Conventual Franciscan friar, and Edith Stein, a Jewish philosopher who converted to Catholicism and became a Carmelite nun, St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross. Passing each plaque, Pope Francis reached the end of the monument where he set a candle in a large glass bowl and once again stood in silence, clasping his hands together over his chest in prayer. While he prayed, the voice of Poland's Chief Rabbi Michael Joseph Schudrich echoed Psalm 130 in Hebrew throughout the camp. The psalm begins with a cry to God: "From the depths I have cried out to you, O Lord."

The event ended with the pope greeting 25 people honored as "righteous among the nations," a recognition of non-Jews who risked their lives to save Jews from the Nazi extermination. Among those present for the solemn occasion was Rabbi Abraham Skorka, a longtime friend of the pope from Buenos Aires.

Speaking to journalists July 28, Rabbi Skorka recalled a telephone conversation with Pope Francis in which he asked about the visit to Auschwitz.

"The pope told me, "I am going to behave the same way I did in Armenia -- the places where people were killed -- I will remain silent,'" he said.

"From a theological point of view and from a biblical point of view, this attitude means a lot," the rabbi said.


My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the most Blessed Sacrament. I love You above all things and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot now

receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You have already come, and unite

myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen.


Friday August 12th, 2016 Social Hour 5:00PM Dinner 6:00PM

$15.00 per Person or $25.00 per couple / Children $8.00

Tickets will be sold after all the Masses this weekend or by contacting Danny Gennantonio: 637-2322, Jim Whetzel:

633-1855 or Pat Rocco: 514-0405.

Come out and join us for an evening of great Shrimp and fun.

K of C

MOVIE OF THE MONTH Indescribable

The true story of how the classic hymn “The Love of God” came to be,

August 28th at 2:30PM in the Chapel

Blynn Lehman is an adventurous boy determined to help his family face the financial struggles brought about by WWI. Since his father has already

begun writing a song about the love of God, Blynn and his siblings try to help him finish it. Their comical failed attempts to write a verse for the song cause Blynn to realize he doesn’t really understand what it means to love God. As he grapples with feelings of failure and grief, it’s up to Frederick to help his son discover the truth about God’s love.

This is a movie that will inspire you! For everyone who has ever experienced pain and questions about life, this film

delivers the ultimate message: God loves us during our pain and His love is inexhaustible as well as…indescribable.


Have you been away from the Charismatic Renewal? Do you want

to reconnect? Do you want to be refreshed? St. Paul’s One in the Spirit

Prayer Group is sponsoring a charismatic retreat on October 19, 20 and 21, 2016. It will be

held at Trinity Retreat Center in Salter Path NC.

Please contact Karen Moore at or 252.672.0490 for more information on registration.

Food Supplement Distribution: Thanks to the Knights of Columbus for the funds providing distribution of foods and snacks for several destitute inmates who are without family and other monetary resources. This is the only means for disseminating supplemental nourishments to prisoners in confinement. Without aid from the Knights, it would have been impossible to order these nutritional supplements by the Aug. 1st deadline. Such

assistance is a primary example of how Saint Paul’s parishioners comply with Pope Francis’s appeal for Catholics to participate in this Corporal Work of Mercy on behalf of our prisoner brethren. Dismas Union of Prayer: St Paul Prisoner Prayer Guides are

now available in the Parish Office and from a box located at the Atrium counter. Prayers are included both for inmates and those outside the prison walls to recite daily prayers on behalf of our incarcerated brethren. Instructions [on page 25] also provide information on how to enroll with the Dismas Union

of Prayer Ministry whereby you simply agree to pray regularly as part of this nation wide prayer effort. It is not practical for all to become prison volunteers, but this is an excellent way for ALL of Saint Paul’s parishioners to actively comply with Pope Francis’ initiative. Only through a unified coalition of outside prayer to support this prisoner outreach effort can we collectively participate in this Corporal Work of Mercy.

Ministry Update




RCIA will resume meeting on September 11th. We meet every Sunday morning from 9:15 to 10:30 in the FLC. Our goal is to help you become

educated in the faith and to prepare you to receive the sacraments. Sessions are informal and interactive. We answer the questions presented by those in

attendance. Please call the church office at 638-1984 to register or Marcelene McLure at 252-497-0619 for detailed information.

FYI: There’s a TON of people down there thanking you that it is Friday.

Saint Paul Catholic Church had 20 volunteers help with Paint Your Heart Out, New Bern. They withstood 100 degree heat all week and they worked on many of the 50 homes that were updated this year. Thank you to all who participated in helping families in need. God Bless you!


The parish is starting a group of caring volunteers to reach out to elderly or movement restricted parish members in need of staying connected to the Saint Paul Community. We will need volunteers to help our fellow parishioners with

transportation, meals and weekly visits. You can help as much as you would like.

If you are interested in Senior Caring Outreach, please call the church office. 638-1984


Did you know that we have a good selection of St. Michael medals in

stock for you to choose from? He is the patron saint of soldiers, police, doctors, mariners, paratroopers, and even grocers! He is known as a healing angel, and as a protector and the leader of the army of God against the forces of evil. Devotion to Michael the Archangel is one of the oldest devotions of the Church. Come see our items.

Open Sun. 9–1 & Wed. 9–12 in the Family Life Center. All proceeds benefit St. Paul Catholic Church.

The Knights of Columbus recently held a local collection for funds for their LAMB (Least Among My Brothers) project. This project was started in 1960 in North Carolina by Bill Scott and became a statewide program in 1974. This year we have collected over $3,000 with one more collection slated for October 21 and 22 at Wal-Mart. We will also be soliciting local businesses for contributions. 85% of the funds collected are distributed to local organizations within the tri-county area that administer to, educate and train our mentally challenged citizens. The remaining 15% is sent to the State LAMB Director for distribution to statewide charitable programs. Since 2012 we have collected and distributed to local organizations over $30,000. We wish to thank the citizens of Craven, Pamlico and Jones County for their generosity. We also thank Walmart, Food Lion and Harris Teeter for allowing us to collect at their stores. And finally

thanks to the Brother Knights who passed out the Tootsie Rolls and solicited funds for this most worthwhile project. Pictured above are two of our dedicated Knights, Mike Farino and Nick Dalessandro, doing a great job.


A catechist is one who is open to the Word, to God, to the church and has a “missionary openness” to the world. We are looking for people of

faith willing to grow more deeply in your faith, in your relationship with God and willing to serve our parish community by passing on our most precious catholic faith to our children. Please ask the Lord for His guidance.

Call Joy Harsen 252-229-2394 to find out about the vocation of a catechist.

Next Monday, August 15th, is not a Holiday of Obligation as it falls on a Monday, but we will still

celebrate the Assumption at 8 am and 12 Noon Masses.



PASTORAL STAFF Father Thomas S Tully, Pastor: 638-1984

Father Michael Schuetz, Parochial Vicar: 638-1984

Deacon Rick Fisher: 229-1644

Deacon Mike Mahoney, ObISB: 571-1597

Sister Monique Dissen, IHM, Hospital: 675-0333

Admin Assistant, DeLesa Conway: 638-1984

Bookkeeper, Donna Simon: 638-1984



Danny Gennantonio 637-2322 Director Operations:

Deacon David Kierski 633-0100

Faith Formation: Joy Harsen 229-2394

Funeral Arrangements: 638-4436

Music Ministry: Megan Johnson 633-0100

RCIA Coordinator: Marcelene McLure 633-2539

Catholic Charities: 638-2188

Catholic Daughters: Belinda Swager 617-0849

Extraordinary Ministers of Eucharist: Mary Spano: 633-4768

Eucharistic Ministers (Home / Sick): Dennis Colbert: 638-1555

Finance Council: Bob Nenni

Knights Third Degree: Phil Nassef

Knights Fourth Degree: Patrick Rocco

Pastoral Council:

Religious Community Services: 633-2767

Rectory: 638-4436 Sacrament Arrangements: 638-1984

Saint Paul School Administrator: Deacon Kierski: 633-0100


Reconciliation: Thursdays 10:45-11:45am; Saturday 3:30-4:30pm or by appointment

Baptism Classes: Second Wednesday Evenings of the Month First time parents must attend Baptismal Preparation Classes

First Communion/Confirmation: Please call 633-3030

Marriages: Contact Parish Office - 6 month advance notice is required

Anointing of the Sick: Contact the Office at 638-1984

Funerals: Call 638-4436 or e-mail


PROJECT RACHEL SUPPORT GROUP Abortion is one of the most common procedures in the US, experienced by millions of women, many of whom are Catholic. Abortion creates a wound in post-abortive women, (and men) resulting in spiritual and emotional problems. The Project Rachel ministry assists women and men who have been wounded by abortion to find truth and healing. There is a support group beginning in the Triangle area in August. If you have experienced an abortion and would like more information about the support group, contact Project Rachel at (919) 852-1021 or email For more information go to Calls are kept strictly confidential.

CELEBRATION OF LAY MINISTRY St. Mary Mother of the Church, 1008 Vandora Springs Road, Garner, NC 27529 Saturday, August 27 Mass, Conversation and Lunch 10:00 a.m. Liturgy 11:00 a.m. Conversation with Bishop Michael F. Burbidge, followed by lunch. Please register online by August 19. Contact Lauren Green 919-821-9763 or

SCOUTING “DAY OF RECOLLECTION” St. Andrew the Apostle Parish 3008 Old Raleigh Rd., Raleigh, NC 27613. September 10th 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM. All Scouters are invited to join the Raleigh Diocese Catholic Committee on Scouting for a "Day of Recollection" to spend time in prayer and discussion on the topic of "Catholic Scouting in a Secular World: Faith, Hope, & Charity". Here, we will reflect on how Faith, Hope, & Charity coincides with the Scout Oath & Law. Our guest speaker will be Mark DeLerosa, instructor at Cardinal Gibbons High School. Lunch will be served. For additional information contact: Meredith Orr

SINGLE/SINGLE AGAIN MASSES August 14, September 18, October 16, November 20 and December 11 at 5:30 at Cardinal Gibbons HS. For more information, contact Celia

2016 WEDDING ANNIVERSARY MASS 2016 Bishop Michael Burbidge invites all couples celebrating 25, 50 or more years of marriage to honor their vocation of marriage. The Wedding Anniversary Mass will take place on Sunday October 16 at 4:00pm at Saint Michael the Archangel Catholic Church, Cary. Register through the Parish office or at Family members are welcome to attend. Questions please call the Office of Marriage and Family at 919-821-9771.

IGNITED BY TRUTH SPEAKER SERIES Saturday, October 22, 2016 6:30-9:30pm St. Mark Catholic Church, Wilmington. Hector Molina, Proclaiming the Fullness of Truth with Passion and Purpose. $10 online or $15 at the door. Includes dinner!

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