sailboats excurtions shado s.r.l

Post on 11-Mar-2016






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DESCRIPTION - cruise with Skipper and comforts on board


Technical SheetL.O.A 16.70 m

HuLL LengtH 16.26 mL.W.L. 15.00 m

BeAm 4.90 mDeep DrAugHt (min) 2.30 m

Deep BALLAst WeigHt 4 535 kg

sHALLOW DrAugHt (min) 1.80 msHALLOW BALLAst WeigHt 4 990 kg

Air DrAugHt (mAx) 23.00 mLigHt DispLAcement (ec) 14 450 kg

FueL cApAcity 474 LFresHWAter cApAcity 970 L

engine pOWer 110 Hp

ComfortsAir cOnDitiOning, sAteLLite tv(sky cOmpLete), externAL pOWer, WAtermAker,

HOme tHeAtre BOse, rADiO cD, DvD pLAyer, tOWeL set, sHOWer set,gALLey WitH WAter, Wine AnD spirits.

tHe BOAt mODeL cAn Be repLAceD Due tO tecHnicAL reAsOns technical org.

SHADO Building & Broker Enterprise s.r.l.Via Arturo Graf, 3 · 90145 · Palermo · ITALY

tel. +39 091 6535304 · Fax +39 091 6765509 · P.I. 05887720828website: · email:

sAn vitO LO cApO is A viLLAge in tHe District OF trApAni. it is One OF tHe mOst pOpuLAr pLAces FOr summer HOLiDAys in siciLy, tHAnks tO tHe BeAuty OF its sHOres. tHe isLAnD is situAteD in tHe tyrrHeniAn seA. tHe nAturAL

mArine reserve OF usticA isLAnD is FuLL WitH cOrALs, seA rOses AnD A cOLOurFuL vegetAtiOn.


07.00 DepArture FrOm tHe viLLA igieA mArinA;10.00 ArrivAL. DAy entireLy DeDicAteD tO tHe seA AnD tO tHe

visit OF sAn vitO viLLAge, tO Be reAcHeD By tenDer;13.00 LuncH On BOArD AnD DepArture tOWArD tHe ZingArO

nAturAL reserve;14.30 ArrivAL. rest OF tHe DAy DeDicAteD tO tHe seA AnD

tO tHe visit OF tHe ZingArO nAturAL reserve, tO Be reAcHeD By tenDer;

19.00 DepArture tOWArDs tHe viLLA igieA mArinA;21.00 ArrivAL, LAnDing AnD gOODBye.


07.00 DepArture FrOm tHe viLLA igieA mArinA;10.00 ArrivAL. DAy DeDicAteD tO tHe seA Or tO visit tHe

isLAnD OF usticA, tO Be reAcHeD By tenDer;13.00 LuncH On BOArD;19.00 DepArture tOWArDs tHe viLLA igieA mArinA;21.00 ArrivAL, LAnDing AnD gOODBye.

individual price: € 100,00minimum 4 persOns · grOup prices On DemAnD

individual price: € 100,00minimum 4 persOns · grOup prices On DemAnD

THE FEE INCLUDESOne DAy cruise WitH skipper AnD cOmFOrts On BOArD, LuncH On BOArD, tenDer, OutBOArD, FueL.

THE FEE INCLUDESOne DAy cruise WitH skipper AnD cOmFOrts On BOArD, LuncH On BOArD, tenDer, OutBOArD, FueL.

* tHe prOgrAm cAn Be cHAngeD At cAptAin DiscretiOn WitHOut nOtice FOr sAFety AnD ADverse metereOLOgicAL reAsOns

DepArture FrOm: pALermO

On FriDAy AnD sunDAy (mOre DAys On DemAnD)DepArture FrOm: pALermO

On sAturDAy (mOre DAys On DemAnD)

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