sage intelligence reporting where to go to learn more about sage intelligence reporting sandra smith...

Post on 12-Jan-2016






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Sage Intelligence ReportingWhere to go to learn more about Sage Intelligence Reporting

Sandra SmithSage Intelligence Product Specialist

We will begin momentarily. Todays webcast is being recorded and will be provided to you through email. All participants are muted. If you have questions, please use the Webex chat window or email us anytime!

1Sage Intelligence ReportingWhere to go to learn more about Sage Intelligence Reporting

Sandra SmithSage Intelligence Product Specialist

2Todays WebcastSage Intelligence informationFinancial Report Designer new versionsShort video demo for new usersSage Intelligence Community site for resourcesUpcoming webcastsTypically demonstrate the product but this time we are demonstrating our Community site and what it offers you in the way of helpful resources

3Sage ERP X3

Sage ERP X3 Sage 300 ERPSage 300 ERPSage ERP X3Sage 100 ERP Sage 50 U.S. EditionSage 50 Canadian EditionSage 500 ERP Sage VIPSage 300 ERPSage 100 Contractor+25,000 customers choose Sage Intelligence.

For those of you who are not familiar with Sage Intelligence Reporting it is currently integrated with or available for 13 Sage desktop and cloud accounting solutions in North America, Africa, Asia, and AustraliaWe have over 25k customers using Sage Intelligence and growing.

What it means to you it is a tried and true product, tested with lots of feedback over time from many customers so you can be confident that it will be a great fit so that you can use Excel. Weve thought about a lot about what is needed for better reporting to make better decisions.


Sage IntelligenceODBC-compliantValue out-of-the-boxExcel interfaceEliminate spreadsheet chaosAutomate report preparationCustomize and manipulate reportsAutomated report distribution

Easy to useSave time and moneyControlled and secureFlexible reportingPredefined reportsConsolidate dataImprove communicationSage Intelligence is Easy to use in the familiar interface of Microsoft Excel.

Eliminates spreadsheet chaos providing a controlled and secure environment to store and run your Excel reports.

Saves time and money - Sage Intelligence automates report preparation by pulling trusted info from Sage 100 Contractor and other sources into Excel report templates so you can spend your time analyzing the data rather than pulling it together. Financial staff can save hours each month by reducing manual report preparation times and repetitive data pulls.

Allows for Flexible reporting You can take full control of financial reporting with the Report Designer module including drill down tools and Excels native analysis tools for filtering, sorting, and analysing data.

Improves Communication- With automated report distribution and notifications. Improved access to information will allow for improved communication among teams.

Consolidates data - To stay competitive, you need more than simple general ledger reporting. Sage Intelligence goes beyond financials and allows you to combine information from multiple sources, including S100C, CRM, and others, to deliver a 360-degree view of your company.

Out-of-the-box value - The solution comes with predefined financial, project, and other reports so you can get up and running immediately.

Download your own 30 day trial today! 5Analyze data to make better business decisions

Lets take a quick lookView your reports in 3 simple steps1.Open the Sage Intelligence Report Manager and select the report you would like to view2.Run the report at the click of a button 3.Enter your report parametersNow you can spend your time making sense of your information, giving you the confidence to make informed business decisions. For more details you can easily drill down on your report. You can then customise the report to suit your businesss unique requirements using your existing Excel skills to edit the report accordingly and then save your changes for future use.Once complete you have the option to share your report via email, uploading it to an ftp site or saving it to a file in a format of your choice (show icons of pdf, xl & html) improving team collaboration.No longer do you have to base your business decisions on gut feel, or manually collate your data in an Excel workbook to make sense of it. Put an end spreadsheet chaos and improve reporting across your business with Sage Intelligence Reporting.

6Standard Reports@ssmithatsageFinancial reportsFinancial trend analysisGeneral Ledger transaction detailFinancial Report Designer*

Operational reports Dashboard AnalysisInventory StatusVendor PurchasesCustomer sales

* Report Designer module required

Sage ERP Intelligence Reporting includes several standard report templates, some with additional layouts available for alternative views of your data. And why did we choose these reports? These reports in Sage ERP were locked down reports with no flexibility. We knew that these were the ones that you needed to customize to fit your own business needs.

Each of these reports can be run out at the click of a button into Microsoft Excel where you can simply analyze your information. And, using the power of Excel you can use your Excel experience to make additional changes. Also, additional reports can be built for more individualized reporting needs.

Lets talk about the Financial Report Designer


Generate Layouts with a simple drag onto the worksheet

Run reports at the click of a buttonMissing AccountsSage IntelligenceFinancial Report DesignerSage 100 Features in current 2015 version Sage 300 Features coming to 2016 version!Sage 500 Features coming to 2015 version!Similar to the other report templates you have the benefit of reducing duplications, saving time, and increasing productivity using the these templates with live data by just clicking a button, giving you the latest data each time you run your report. With the Financial Report Designer you can generate one of several financial layouts, make changes to the layout using simple drag n drop functionality or editing them using the Layout Generator. And you can distribute the Report Designer reports them just as you would any of the other templates.

8Designing Financial Reports

Users have two methods of creating financial reportsThe Task Pane for intermediate Excel users is a 100% Excel experience and offers maximum control and flexibility over report layoutsThe Layout Generator for novice Excel users is easy to use and automates the design and generationLG - For novice Excel users the Layout Generator is easy to use and automates the design and generation of simple financial report layouts quickly and accurately

TP - For intermediate Excel users the Task Pane is a 100% Excel experience and offers maximum control and flexibility over report layouts

Sage Intelligence Reporting10

Sageintelligence.comCommunity- Hover over each tabGo to Group; Go to 100 Group ** Show right side *Open Kick Off document *Show Citrix *Show FRx section conversion doc, video *Show 2014 versionsGo to 300 GroupGo to Free Report TemplatesVideos Visit our Channel todayWebcasts Recorded LIVE Register Home Knowledgebase for errors or technical questions- Academy for SIR and Excel on SteroidsBlog Click on each Excel and SI Tips and TricksForum

10Sage Intelligence Reporting templates/utility focus coming soon!

The Sage Intelligence Reporting team is focusing on providing more out of the box value through more report templates for customers.

We currently offer a suite of additional free report templates on the Sage Intelligence Reporting Community which is in the process of being moved to an interactive webpage so all reports will be easily visible and easily consumed by customers.

Sage Intelligence are also creating a Report Template Utility which will allow clients to select the reports they are wanting and these will automatically be imported into their Report Manager module eliminating the manual upload they currently have to do. This piece of software will be downloaded from the Sage Intelligence Community website and installed on the customers machine.

So how will this Report Template Utility work?

Once downloaded and installed on the customers machine, it will automatically detect the accounting/ERP solution on customers machine (Starting with Sage 50, 100, 300 and 500 ERP). If a business partner has more than one solution on his/her machine it will ask which one the customer would like to insert reports into

It would then check to see if customer has latest reports

Once the user has selected the reports they would like to import

They will get a confirmation screen to sync these reports to a Free Report Templates folder in their Report Manager module.

This is a new exciting innovation that will allow customers to the latest reports quickly and easily and not have to wait for the next new release of Sage ERP Intelligence Reporting

11Other Sage Intelligence Webcasts to attendWebcast TitleSession DateSession Start TimeNeed more flexible reporting? How to use Sage Intelligence Reporting to improve your reporting needs.Wednesday, August 19, 201511:00 PSTExcel Tips and Tricks for customizing your Sage Intelligence reportsWednesday, August 26, 201511:00 PSTSage Summit Session: Sage Intelligence for Sage 100, 300, and 500 ERP: financial reportingThursday, September 3, 201511:00 PSTSage Summit Session: Power up your Excel skills for effective business reportingWednesday, September 9, 201511:00 PSTBecome a power user of your Sage Intelligence solution and produce more meaningful resultsThursday, September 17, 201511:00 PST12Training


Sage Intelligence Excel on

13Click on YouTube: We all learn better by watching and doing so one of our greatest resources is our YouTube channel where we have specific Sage 100 Contractor Intelligence Reporting videos ready for you to watch at your own pace.This will allow you to get started with the installation and other informational videos that you can watch immediately to help you understand and learn the product. Click on Webcasts Save this as a favorite so that, overtime you can learn more about SIR by signing up for a watching our Webcasts. Sage Intelligence Excel on Steroids This is a Self-service online and interactive, training course ready for you to boost your Excel knowledge Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced; Also Excel on Steroids.


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