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1 .:


(lvtrtirmrnt.'msimss CMs.THE DAILY

Pacific Commercial Advertiser


Even' aXoniiHg Except Sundays.



ARTIST.Studio: ' Jtoom 0, Sprcclcls Iilock.



WENNEB & CO.92 Fori Street.

Have on hand Xew Foreign and HomemadeJewelry.

S Watches, llracelets, NeckletsTins, Lockets, Clocks,

And ornaments of all kinds.

Silver and Gold Plato,Elegant Solid Silver Tea Sets.

Suitable for Presentation.


llepairinir In nil Its brandies.HT Sole AKcnla for King's Eye Preservers.



Daily 1. (.'. ajvkktisek, one year f G 00Daily I. C Auvkrtiskk, six months :i 00Uaily P. (,'. Awvehtiskr, three months 1 50Daily P. C Advertiskk, per month 50Wkkkly P. C. Advehtiskk, one year 5 00V eiiju .Suhscription, W. 1. (J. A. ( inclinling

postage) 6 50

Payable Invariably in Advance.

We have just received, by the steamer ALA-MEDA, a consignment of

Automatic Trash FeedingFurnaces.

For for.r and rive foot furnaces, complete withgrate bars, bearers and trash carriers. Machinesof this make are now in successful operatkm atSpreckeisville, Makee sugar Company and otherplantations.

PLANTERS AND OTHERSInterested are requested to call and examine" theabove. For prices and further particulars ap-ply to

Wm. G. Irwin & Co.,


:a3tf Aeiit. MONTHLY PAYMENTS.lJr,.v Kxclitinife on the principul parls of theworld.

All accounts for Advertising and Job Printingat theWill reeelw tleposita on opt-i- i account, nmkf

collec tions ami conduct :i general hankin? andexchange husinesH.

Pari lie Commercial ..rtiser

u:;;::; feed co

Quern f-- Edinburgh Streets,


Dealers l.i

HAY ANI tiltAIX,Telephone Xo. 175.

Goods delivered promptly.

Of all medicinal preparations that have !een putupon the market iu recent years, the extract o.'malt has proved itself one of the most valuableas a tonic or remedial beverage. It has receivedthe unqualified recognition and support of phy-sicians, and is freely prescribed by them n mauycases, especially where the nervous or Physicalsystems have been impaired by disease r "over-work. Tne house of "DAVID XICIH'LSOX,"of this city, lias recently introduced a pure maltextract ol high character, made at tlieii requestand under their siiK'estions by Mr. AdolphusI'.usch, and which is popularly known as "X1CH-OLSOX'- S

LIQUID BREAD," from its lKe-givi-

and hea.Hh-restnri- n properties. A san' pie sub-mitted to Dr. F. L. James was made tli" subjectof a chemical analysis by him, and the result ofhis investigations are given iu the appended cer-tificate:

"t. Loris, April 29, ISs-l- .

"W. F. Coi ltfr, Esq., National Druggist DearSir: Having submitted the Xicholson malt ex-tract to examination. as requested, I take pleasurein reporting that I find it to be all that the pro-prietors ciidm for it. The results, nsshown in thefollowing summary are necessarily only Jtpproxi-mat- e,

but are sullicieiitly accurate for all practicalpurposes.

"The specimens .submitted consisted of aneffervescing tiuid, dark brown by direct nd of adeep ruby color by transmitted light, resemblingin general appearance and behavior a v ry supe-rior article of porter. Its taste was, bowever,much milder and more pleasant than porter, be-ing somewhat sweeter than beer, the sweetnessmasked and covered by a very pleasant bitter,derived evidently from hops. The specific gravityof a sample fresh f om the bottle is l.'-- 2 plus.Amount of extractive matter in 50 cubic centi-metres of the fluid is 3.!t grammes, or ab'iut 8 percent. Amount of alcohol, per cent, is -- .81 plus.The extractive matter is apparently identical withthe "extractum maltis" of Trommer, or of theCierman Pharmacopoeia. It consists almost en-tirely of malt sugar, dextrine, being free fromfatty acids, etc. The fluid contains a very largeamount of diastase, as shown by the faot that iteasily liquefies an equal bulk of gelaliuoi'-- i starch.This fact, its low percentage of alcohol, its effer-vescence, its delightful taste and odor, all combineto recommend Nicholson's malt extract as beinga most nourishing beverage, and the best articleof the sort that has ever come under my exami-natio-

Respectfully,"FRANK L. JAMES, Ph. D., M. D."

G. . Macfarlane k Co., Agents.

Office will from this date be presented foi pay-ment monthly.

Honolulu, March 2, 1885.

Deposits hearing interest received in their Sav-ings Department subject to published rules andregulations. 77oc3tf


Inlrtntl Order Solicited.


Spruance, Stanley & Co.,Importers and Jobbers of Fine


410 Front St., San FrancKeo..7 If w

Fulton Iron Works,HINCKLEY, SriKKS, & IIAYKS,


S. I Tpvlor & Co.",Agents South Coast Paper Millx. Proprietor

Pioneer and Sun tieronlmo laper Mills.


Manufacturers and Dealers.4-- i 1 and i 16 Clay street, ' San Francisco, Cal

low JylO ly

A. 1. iJLi SOISCommission Mcrcliants,


Dunliani, Can jgan & Co.


San Francisco, Cal.Ii'2-au2.l- y

Demiii"; Palmer Milling Co.,OF THE CAPITOL JinjJS1ROPRIETORS 204 Davis street, San Franciwo

Manufacturers of and Dculeisin Flour, Grains ofall kinds, Oatmeal, Bran, Middlings, Cortimeal,Ground and Rolled Barley, Cracked Wheat,Cracked Corn, Buckwheat Flour, Oil Cake Meal,Hominy, Etc., Etc. .

IvJIISJXO & CO.,Importers of

HATS and CAPS.Xos. 26 and 2S Battery Street, 8. K. Cor. of Pine,


WM. G. IRWIN & Co.,

Sl;K FACTO ItS antl oiiiiilouHonolulu 1. J. tf



IuiIHirtero and Wholesale DcalerM iuBoots, Shoes, Hats, Men's Furuish-in- g

and Fancy Goods. No. 11 Kaahuiuanu Street.Honolulu, JI. I. l Uf-w- tr

FRANK GERTZ,.Importer and Mannfacturer J

Of all Descriptions of

BOOTS & SHOESCT Orders from the other Islands solicited.

No.-11- 4 Fort StM

13urr & U'inck,The Leading Fashionable Tailors

OF SAX FltAXCISCO.No. C20 Market St., Opposite Palace Hotel.

St. K.(nl4. Mo.


Insurance oi all descriptionsIAlre be effected at Moderate Hates of l'r uduui, by the undersigned.

WM. O. IKWIX A CO.Managers for Haw. ii.'amls

UNIONFire and .Marine Insurance Co.

Of New Zealand.CAPITAL. : !O.OOO.OOU

Hating; F.tallished nit Asciioy attor the lia'vaiiun Islands, the un-

dersigned are prepared to accept risks against Fireiu dwellings, stores warehouses and merchandiseon favorable terms. Marine risks on cargofreights, bottomry, profits and commissions.

losses promptly adjusted A-- payable.82-d- WM. .:. IKWIX A CO.




rillie above Company Iiavin? estab- -1 hshed an Agency at Honolulu, for the Hawa-

iian Islands, the undersigned is authorized to acceptand write

IXYX,HVJE RISKSONMerchandise, Freights. Treasure,

Commissions, and Hulls.At current. Rates.

WM. C. IRWIN & CO.,tf Mauagers for Hawaiian Islands


NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO.,Assets 80,000 ,000


Capital - f 10,000.000


Combined Capital J0,000,000


Assets f l,.r.00,000


Fike and Marine.Capital f 200,000


SAFES!Fire Proof, Burglar Proof, Fire and

Burglar Proof.


SPRINGFIELD GAS MACHINE.la9 Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance & Co.

C. O. BERGEE,100 niy29 HONOLULU, H. I.


Manufacture and Supply all kliuls of

Hook. News,flat and Label Papers,

Hinders' Hoards,Twines, Etc.

U tr uueen St., Honolulu, H.I.



205 Leidesdortr Street.!

Having already a large trade wiUi Honolulu, theyrespectfully solicit further Island patronage, andare prepared to complete orders at one day's no-

tice. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed, and thefinest stock of latest goods constantly on hand.

-- .. 61 tLw. . .

The RLsdonIron & Locomotive Works,

Corner of Beale and Howard Streets,SAN FI'.ANCISCO CAL1 FORNIA

ED. HOFFSCHLAEGER & CO.,Importer l-- Commiioit MereliautM.

Honolulu, H. J. H-t- f

A. S. CLEGH0RH & Co.,Importers and Wholesale aud Itetall

General Merchandise,Comer Queen aud Kaahuiuanu St. 15-- tf

X. R. Special Attention tfiven toLarse Contracts. 58 tf&w

V. H. TAYLOR PresidentJOS. MOORE Superintendent BRICKS !BRICKS !



39 OOOerai Jonoers in vvifcs and LlQUOKis.

No. 12 Kaabninanii Street,HONOLULU. I9--


24 1'oit Strcrttint Ktrnj,

Sum Wratuim. Cal.

P PLANING MILL.Alakea. near Heen St.


t; I

"is t ,l7

jr if ;

- Hi


c ' ,


71-- i




X:- - II,1" I.

t P;v ViV- -;': f -


nV I 'f. :'


i J


' t! V

, .-.-J

' 1 i


ifornia Hard Bricks,Cal31. S. Grinbaum & Co.,


eueral Merchandise and 4oiu mis-sion Merchants, Honolulu, II. I.o. 124 California street, San Fraucisco, Cal.

104-Jyl-- ly

C. J. HARDEE, Proprietor.

Contracting Building.MOULDINGS AND FINISH


FOR SALE IlarJ and Soft Stovewood, Cutand Split.

2!-- tf

GUILDERS OF STEAM MACHINERY, IN1 3 all its branches; Steamboat,Land Engines and Boilers, High Pressure orCompound.STEAM VESSLLs, of all kinds, built complete

w ith Hulls of Wood, Iron or Composite.ORDINARY KXUIXES compounded When ad-

visable.STEAM LAUXCHES, Barges aud Sioam Tugs

constructed with reference to the trade inwhich they are to be employed, snoed, ton-nage and draft of water guaranteed.

SUGAR MILLS AXD SUOAR-MAK1X- O MA-CHINERY made after the most approvedplans. Also, all Boiler Iron Work connectedtherewith.

WATER PIPE, of Boiler or Sheet Iron, of anysize, made in suitable lengths for connectingtogether, or Sheets Rolled, Punched andPacked for shipment, ready to be riveted onthe ground.

HYDRAULIC 1UVETING. Boiler Work andWater Pipe made by this establishment,Riveted by Hydraulic Itiveting Machinery,that quality of work being far superior tohand work.

SHIP WORK, Ship and Steam Capstans, SteamWinches, Air and Circulating Pumps, madeafter the most approved plans.

SOLE AGEXTS and manufacturers for the Pa- -

c lie Coast of the Heine Safety Boiler.PUMPS Direct Acting Pumps, for Irrigation or

City Works' purposes, built with the cele-brated Davy Valve .Motion, superior to anyother pump.

J S. WILLIAMS: Honolulu(Agent for Hawaiian Islands

220se:)-l- y

(.Send for Circular.The Full Business Course Includes Single and

Double Entry Book-keepin- as applied to alldepartments ot business; Commercial Arithmetic;Business Penmanship; Mercantile Law BusinessCorrespondence; Lectures oh Law; BusinessForms, and the Science of Accounts; Actual Busi-ness Practice In Wholesale aud Retail Mercbandis us, Commission Jobbing, Importing, Rail-roading, Express Business, Brokerage, ai: HunkIng; English Branches, Including Reading, Spell,ing, Grammar, etc.; Drawing and Modern Lna-guage- s,

consisting of practical instruction InFrench, Herman and Spanish.

Special Branches are: Ornamental Penmanship, Higher Mathematics, Surveying, Naviga-tion, Civil Engineering, Assaying,

Telegraphy, etc.For full information address,


Cuse of tl.e Fa mo in Author' Life-Lon- g

Sorrow From a I'rivate Notebook.IHattie Tyn j GriswoM in Oiicajfu Tribune.It was during these years that ho

made the acauaintance and learned tolove so deeply Matilda lio Tman. a beau-tiful young gir), a daughter of one ofhis older friends. She was a most lovelyperson in body and mind, and in his eyesthe paragon of womanhood, lie wasyoung, romantic, , full of sensi-bility, and his love for thisbeautiful girl filled, his whole life.He was poor and could not marry, buthe had many arguments with himselfabout tho propriety of doing so even

.without an income. "I think," he finallywrites, "that these early and improvi-dent marriages are too apt - to breakdown tho spirit and energy of a youngman, and make him a hard-workin- g,

half --starving, repining animal all hisdays." And again: "Young men inour country think it a great extrava-gance to set up a horse and carriagewithout adequate means, but they makeno account of setting up a wife andfamily, which is far more expensive."

But while he was looking about onevery side for some way to better hisfortunes, that he might "t ake to his homothis woman he loved so tenderly, herhealth began to fail, and in a short timehe was deprived by death of her com-panshi- p.

His sorrow was life-lon- andit was a sorrow which ho held sacredlyin his own heart. Ho never mentionedher name, even to family friends, andthey learned to avoid any allusion toher, he was so overcome with emotionwhen merely hearing her name spoken.This was in his early youth, andthroughout a long life he held himselffaithful to her memory; never, it is be-

lieved, wavering once in his allegiance.It was at this time that he was

writing the "History of New York." Hewrote afterward: "When I becamemore calm and collected I applied my-

self by way of occupation to the finish-ing of my work. 1 brought it to a closeas well as I could and published it; butthe time and circumstances in which itwas produced rendered me always un-able to look upon it with satisfaction."His countenance long retained thetrace of his melancholy, and he wasever after a more subdued and quietman. After his death a beautiful pict-ure and lock of hair were found amonghis private papers marked in his hand-writing Matilda Hoffman. He also keptby him through life her Bible andrrayer-Book- . Ho lay with them underhis pillow in the first days of 1manguish, and carried them with himalways in all lands to the end of hislife.

In a little private notebook intendedfor his own eye were found these wordsafter his death: "She died in the beautyof her youth, and in my memory shewill ever be young and beautiful." Trulynot an unhappy fate as the world goes

to live thus'in the memory of such aman. What would years and cares andthe commonplace of existence have douefor such a love as this, we wonder? Weshall never know. But we have all seenloves apparently as pure and as strongworn away by the attritions of life bytho daily labor for daily bread, by littleincessant worries, and faults, andfoibles upon the part of one or bothuntil there was nothing left of the earlycolor of. romance only a faded web oflife where once was cloth of gold. Howsweet to man' a faded and carewornwoman would be the thought of beingalways young and beautiful to the manshe loved. Fortunate Matilda Hoffmanof the olden time!

Skylarking frith Canadian Cinderellas.Quebec Cor. Boston Advertiser.

A gentleman who has spent muchtime "down along" wherever that maybe told us about tho habitans' curiouswedding customs. After the morningmarriage service in church, the bridalparty in caleche or cariolo make . a tourof calls upon relatives and friendsthrough tho day, and then again tochurch for vespers. Before the even-ing dance at the bride's new home coniesthe supper.

When they rise from the table thebride keeps her seat, and some oneasks with great dignity, "Why does ma-dam- e

wait? Is she so soon in badgrace" She replies, "Somebody hasstolen my slipper; 1 can't walk." Theycarry her, chair and all, into the mid-

dle of the room, while a loud knockingannounces a grotesque, ragged venderof boots and shoes. He kneels beforethe slipperless bride and tries on a longsuccession of old boots and shoes of ev-

ery variety and size till at last he findsher missing shoe. The groom redeemsit for a good prico, which is spent intreating the com pair.--

. If the groomis not watchful they steal her hat . andcloak, which he redeems in the sameway, and they haA--e been known tosteal the bride, for whom he must paymost liberally.

The church forbids round dances, sothey content themselves with contradanees. The event of the evening is ajig, in which a guest volunteers to out-dance the bride. If successful the vic-

tor demands a prize from the irroom.


Castle fc Cooke.7'Jtf

WM. McCANDLESS,No. G 0.uoen Street,


Beef, Veal, Mutton, Fish, Ete.


O F I. O N I N .

J. 31. Oat, Jr., & Co.,


Hawaiian Gazette Block.

27 Merchant St., Honolulu. II. I.65 t


Manufacturing Jeweler,


Royal Perfume ALOHA !


Benson, Smitii & Co,

Sample bottle free.TRY IT. GStf

Family arid Shipping Orders carefully attendedto. Live Stock furnished to vessels at shortnotice, and vegetables of all kinds supplied toorder. 102 tf


EFFECTED UPON EVERYINSURANCES property at the current ratesof premium.

Total sum Insured in 1831 - - 318,599,310

Claims arranged by the local agents, and paid

with promptitude and liberality.

The Jurisdiction of the Local Tribunals recognized.

G. W. Macfarlane & Co.,

lOQ&wif Agents for tho Hawaiian Islands.

Araci'ican Exchange Hotel,

KaiiHome Street,Opposite Wells, Fargo A Co.'s Express, one door

from Bank of Callforiiii,


This Hotel is In the very center of the businessportion of the city, and has beeu renovated andnewly furnished throughout. But one b.'ock fromthe Oregon Stearnshl,) Company's omce. Thetraveling public will Hud this to be the most con-venient, as well as the most comfortable and re-spectable Hotel in the city.

Hoard and ltoom,fcl ami HI 2-- 1 per 1 ay-Ho-t

and cold baths free. None but the moil ob-liging white labor employed.



No. CO Ntinann Street,tOpposite Ho'.liater Co. ,

Houoliiln, II. I. Metropolitan MarketI.. L. (dHF.V.7J. LYONS.22 UParticular attention paid to repairing.



BOOK BIDDER,2aper Killer aud Blank Book



PROPRIETOR.O. J. WALLER,Proprietors.3.r,0d eelGenoral Commission Merchants,



Opposite Wilder Jfc Co.'b

H. J. Nolte, Propr.Ol'K.V KOV 3 A. M. TILL 10 P. M



Cigars and TobaccosOF BEST BRANDS

Plain and Fancy PI IES personally sel"cted from

the Manufacturers, and a Large Variety


Beaver Block, Queen St., Honolulu

DR. C. N. WESTales ofriirnitiire. Stock, IlealS and tieneral Merchandise properiy mi."",.-.- ,

Ice Cream Parlor FAMOCS ELECTRO MEDICAL BELTClioicet Meat lroni Finest llerrfts.

Sole Agents for

American & European Herctanuise.lni-t- f

&T Book binding of all descriptions ueatly audpromptly executed, and at reasonable charge.

Gazette Duifding;,27 tf MERCHANT HTBEET.




VZ and H ltne street, san Francisco, Cal.

forma of dis-o- ut

medl-lall- y

all the

Cures allease with

ciue, especAml- -

e blood andnnrit V I of tilforms of im

ersex. Mostsexual ni!rn in 1 - eunFmnilies and shipping supplied on SHORT

powerful Belt and f only one In theAsonts for Kirby's Santa Cruz Tanneries. Sole

Harness and ali other kinds of leather.15 Uses ly

NOTICE and at theConfectionery, world charged with water. Full directions sentwith belt.

to DR. C. X. WEST, Xo. 652 Market St.,San Francisco, Cal.

Sole Proprietor and Patentee. 351

T. J. SPENCE.Special Agent for the

Michigan Portrait Co.

Producers of the finest grade of



Ol FIl K At

J. WILLIAM'S lMiotoafrali Gallery,

Lowest Market Prices. A. F. HINZ. WM. FLA OEM AX N.UiiiU Street. Lincoln Illock.

J)B. M. GOTO,Physician and Surgeon.

Leprosy, syphilis and skin disease a spec-ialty. I ttice. mauka of the residence of Hou Jas.Kean.Kim? street, Kapaluma. Honolulu. Ollicehours. I to 5 p. ni. Sundays, s to VI a. m. X. U.

Parties on the other islauds can consult by let.ter. 2t! octtJOs

SMOKERS' ARTICLES.Lovers o BILLIA RDS will find an Elegant

".':;:";::--: : milliard iasleon the Premises.

The Pioprietor would, be pleased to receive a call

from his Friends and the Public generally

who may desire a


H. J. N0LTE.CG-tf

YOLO MILLS,XE. Comer Mission and Main Streets, SAX


Telephone Xo. 5G8.

Ilinz A-- PlajreiManu,Manufacturers of Extra Family, Graham, Rye.Buckwheat and Rice FP nr; Rye, Oat. Corn andFeed Corn Meal; Sago. Tapioca, Farina, Buck-wheat Groats, Hominy, Cracked Corn, Pearl Bar-ley, Ground Feed, etc., etc.Dealers in (irain and Feed of all kinds. Grinding

done to order. 125 aug26 ly



Hawaiian Islands.Honolulu - -

Wliere a Iar?e variety of specimens can be seen

at all times. Mr. T. J. Spence will frequentlyvisitthe several Islands of the group, when hewill bo pleased to show specimens and take orders

Ail meats delivered from this market are thor-ougl- v

chilled immediately after killing by meansof a Bell-Colem- Patent Dry Air Refrigerator.Meat so treated retains all its Juicy properties,and is OCA RANTEED TO KEEP LONGERAFTER DELIVERY THAN FRESHLY-KILLE- D

MEAT. H3tl

J0A tine assortment of CANDIES

and CAKES always on han-1- . Parties,fK josEPn SMITH WILL RUN FORM Representative for bis district, Xortta Ko-hai- a,

Hawaii. tf::cs tffor same.supplied. 141-tf-J-- w


fHj Jilt W Wifc n


'1 1 .'abinet met immediately and the Queen uiifttistnun'.s.'Uthcrizo'i annexation oi Eastern Hou-g- S

mclia.kinni-hin- ; had taken place tn both

i- -i tie.-l- SiH?TT7l tlie Servians eonPacific Commercial Advertise!a

Thr:emplated besieging in force. The Czarr jj.'iad formally notified the Servian Embas- -

15 1 J Y YO URShirts. Underwear, Hosiery anil Neckwear front


va? appointed Regent. In accordance w:tb'aw the Ministers of the Cabinet have ten-- q

!rfl ttit.Tr ri:!v-rT- i i tj.-..- , 1.-- . . : 1 .i 7 , ?,o 111 i v a- t-m e oemiing ine liesrent "s pleasure.

ofly of Alfonso will be burie in thepalac S

the Emu rial. rders have been isuedlbat. trie troois le ivmtm.,.i

racks. Great anxiety urevail here and fe

rigid censorship is exercised over press tel-- i

ograrns. It is stated that Princess Aferedes. tlie five-year-o- ld daughter of Al-r'ons-

will be tueen. under the regency ofher mother Christina. Senor Segasta hasformed a new Cabinet. Spanish 4 per cents..losed 3 per cent lower.

The deceased sovereign was l.rn on No-

vember 28, 1C7, and was therefore 2S yearsf age. He was expelled with his mother I

'iueen Isabella. During his exile he reeived a military training at the lioyal

Military Academy, Sandhurst. He left theAcademy to spend the New Year of 17."'with his mother at Paris, when he receivednews that he had been proclaimed otSpain. He was in Madrid a fortnight after

and suppressed the Carlist revolu 5

Stion within a month from assuming command of the army. He likewise consentedto a limited monarchy in 1S7', and therein

imade friends of the Liberal party and tinConstitutionalists of Europe. In January.

I1S78. he married his cousin Mercede 1 . .

liirrltM- - ..f T",w, .1.. f. .......... ;., lilt iir .UUJ 1 I t 1 1 -- o 1 , .OMl?- -


1II t C i

LiJ i0 J.

We can safely guarantee a saving ofCall and see what we oiler.


rpA V C1 1

rranddaughter of King Louis Philipe o:il'l,ul"1'l :i!" r v hours' sangninanFrance.. She dicl in June of the samel... .

ivear. when A tonso married Maria ( bris-- F

-- ador that he di avowed the action otjervia. ine submissioti of Prince Alex- -

f.niiler to the .Sultan had greatly strength -

liis p. -- ition. King Alilan was forcedto retreat, owing t. the failure of the Com-

missariat. Wounded soldiers were con-

tinually arriving at Belgrade. The positionof the combatants wa stated to be as fol-

lows: Prince Alexander has held at baythe Aloravia and Shumadi.i divisions.

. . . . .....1 r 1 1 ' l 1 :.Minn w're aiivancmg via i.aioiuir, am.sprevented them from joining the Drinajind Danube divisions. He has driven theflatter hack trom lra:;oman. I lie .Moraviatand Mm madia divisions still hold their po-I- ,


Mtii.ns. and are probably commanded byKing Alilan.

A telegram from a Servian sourcethe Servians have bombarded iddmthat the city is on tire. The ltonibardniriii

f lildin continued tor an hour withoutinv decisive result on November "Jlth. Ther.ulgariuns replied vigorously to the Serv- -

m lire, r lghtiug continued betore idlin without intermission ui to the iSuh.rhe Serbians continued the bombardmentdl night on the 21th and attempted tistorm the fortifications next dav, but wen

idghtmg. A sortie of the garrison was re j- 'PI. ...I- 'Uisen 011 int' .mi. liieiiiii waaieios

l'rviimy drove the garrison into the cilod continued the bombardment. General

loped to capture Widdin next day.Prince Alexander is reported to hav t

"iiifnri'.l liriif O tli luiint i if tinrj.ifter a bloody battle before the town with

the Serian. He refused to receive a Hagtruce irom the Kmg of Servia or treat .....1 11 ........a fin ... v , l.'in......oi. I ini' . OKI , O, tit u:ir.....! ndemnity and the evacuation of the Widi lin district bv the Serians. King AlilansIwas requested to propose in a rmistice byjibe Cz;ir, and the Austri M mister atj

Helgrade was instructed to visit PrinceAlexander with an ultimatum should hereject an armistice. It was reported atVienna that King Alilan bad secretly visited the Enioeror of Austria to ask foi

1assistance. On the 2s th the King of Servia4 .

U I1C I his army nearPirot, where he wouldK.a i . ... ...... .....

eral Toplovitch refused to propose anarmistice to Prince Alexander.

The Prince of Montenegro has notifiedijthe Powers that if Prince Alexander at X

tumtd t. ("irrr til t lil; tlifo-i- f ovtortniii. tjll. Ill J'l. kO itl i I toik ill i ll(Vt. i ..(VJating the Servians he will take a hand in5the fight. Austria is massing alarge armyijin Herzegovina and accumulating trop

i r , i f t ;iri i m llii A 1 t ii- -

V"T, f ..,..,. .,( --m.uOU

tina. daughter of Archduke Ferdinand ofgJll:irtt--r- with, 1 bayonets. llnAustria, who is now Pegent and by whomfhe has left two daughters. The Queen Pe -

Is now fr n!t-- i li.Y at tli.- - iiii; Flares :

i. VI. OAT A lt . Men-hun- t stlree-- .

CRYSTAL SODA V(f:KS . ..Htel KtreeiS. h BL'KOKSS Kiiirf xtrt-e- ;

WOLF A KDWA UI)S...Cfr Kii.s Hiel Nuuunii ttt

C. J. MCCARTHY .llotci streeFive Cenl it tupy.

MONDAY December 1 4th


- Hy the ai rival of the Lriuitiiie Join.1. Spreckel.-- 1 frorn San Francisco on Sat-"liri'la- y

lu-- t, v have new up to Novem- -

kt 29th inc hi.-tv-e. As it is of more thanusual intcre.-- t we ilevote the greater or-tio-

of our ppavt: to a n'sentation of thtini'iortant items.

The leath of Vice l'rcvswlcnt Hi'iulricks- -

will Ik? reirretted hv all American citi.ens. He was a man of more thanordinary ability, of high moral characterantl strong conviction. Hi.s death,however, leaves a void in the KUccessionto the Presidency which the Constitutiondoes not contemplate. To preserve the

.equilibrium of parties as nearly as posr--i

ble, the late Vice President kept thechair as President of the Senate until the

. adjournment last session ; and the Senate, out of restn'ct to him. did not elect a!

President pro tern. It followed, there-fore, that until Congress assembled onDeeemlx'r 7th, and the Senate elected upresiding ollicer to succeed Hendricks,there would ro no Vice President of theUnited States. As Con-re- ss expiredwith the last session, the House of Reiresentatives was without a Speaker until

. it again organized, and therefore this- -

Constitutional link in the Presidentialchain was also wanting. There was lit-

tle likelihood, however, of the death ol

the President, and Congress will doubt-


provide against a similar con-

tingency again arising. Mr. Hendrickswas on the ticket as Vice President withTilden in 187.

The death of King Alfonr-o- , of Spain,was not unexpected ; but now that it hacome to pass it will likely plunge hicountry into civil war. Spain is m anunfortunate condition, having been exhausted by earthquakes and cholera, andan almost total loss of crop. It is e

IivI that the anxietv of the Km:; on- -

account of these troubles, added to theCarolines affair, hastened his death.There will probably le Carlist and He--

puhlican risings in Spain and a revolu-tion in Cuba.

The Indian army has conquered Bur--

gent opposes Mercedes being proclaiinedfiSLeshjanin telegraphed to P.elgrade that luci

F1SHEL:o:- -

2." cent to purchasers of clothing, etc


THK- -


December 12,


Queen, having given the Council of Stattthcr belief that a posthumous male heir t(the throne will be born in Afarch.

Fears of a revolutionary rising in spamare prevalent. ine 1 artists havelance of money and are well organized.The Republicans are not prepared for revo- -

lu n ()!d Castile has been proclaimed ha state of siege, and 100,000 of the reserves.have been called out.

The news of King Alfonso's death sprea,gloom in Cuba, where a revolutionary outbreak is threatened at tlie first note of civil

.,war 111 Spain.Dentil or Jflarsluil .Serrano.

Alar.shal Serrano of Doniinguex, Dukt1le la Torre, one of the most eonspieuou. m4,

tin rnfl r 1 11 Sti ;oo 1 1 li i s:t r- - .1 i. i

Not For Sale.T G I r .15 1ST A Y

-- ATnNoveml)er 2Uh, two days after the deaths.!"00" nave 1,u'n ""f'faied. .en

Popular Millinery House,of King Alfonso, whom public scandal de- -

'clared was closely related to him.IConquest of ltiirmali.

IIam.wx, November 27th. An ollicialdisjatch from General Prendergast, Com-

mander of the British expeditionary forces,states that the British have had a success- -

?tul fight with tlie Burmese at Hagan on thei J. 1 . i . : . . . 1 . . ... i. x r i . r.-- imnstaio, ami f.M.u to rea. ii .wauua-- f


?104, Fort StreetC1 A rVI7TT iOfLl UIVlA 1

a every one purchasing- H.e va'ue of TWO






i i


1 1 1

lay, the capital of 5unnah, witli .V) .o.Ki horses and W cannon atA large lurkisn army is also!

MII.I.A lis woith or mole will be entitled to a Doll orloy, to select from a large autl well assoi to.I utoek. InuueiiM,' itispJay of


'"""'"j 1.- uiiv nmv. im.ii.waddy river, but the boats cannot

inearer than three mites, so it will he ratherftoo far away for anything like an effective!

Vire trom the JJritisii imn boats, siiouui tiieyt.

;ci in.,, in uji in . aii.iti- - v?brick wall around the four sides of the city. t:

i raah almost without firing a shot. Theinhabitants hail the British as deliverers?

. from the intolerable tyranny of KingfTheebaw. Tlie civil administration of

iiiitable for yoiinyr or old, mule or f. inul.-tmv- e I'lfirst each wall has a gate, and over theff j. awaiting orders to cross the frontiei

vas of great ail to hiiii in his oIilical caJreer, as sfic had large anl varie.l infonaa li

ion ami excellent jmlgment. beMe s being ;greatly ambitious for her husband's politi t

. , ,.1.1 t i m

ai advancement. Min e ner nusnaui s se-- i jnous attacK oi two years ago txtn oi uieminave been apprehensive of the Midden endt Jfl his life, and the attachment betweerhem has grown very strong alnio.-- t sen- -

:imentally so. So intense had this become.'n fact, that he would not consent for hi- -

ife to ue away from him for any lengthf time. Only last week, while in Chicago

ne accompanied Airs. Hendricks even 01.

her shopping expeditions. Thev had fre-- t

luently talked over his coinlition and tinprobabilities of his early death, and it i.--

vident that for several months past thennas been a growing fear of this kind on hi- -

nind. His method of living was Mmphind unpretentious. His house is an oldfashioned structure, large, and built so a- -

Ito give the most room. It was furnishedrichly, but in excellent taste, and had ii

cheerful, home-lik- e appearance.Hendricks had no near relatives except u

brother, who lives in helbyville, Indiana,and a sister, wife of Dr. Winslow 8. I'ierccof New York. He owns considerable proi- -

rty in this city, but his entire fortune i--

lestimated to be no more than $100,1x10, tingreater part of which he earned by the Ji

ractice of his profession. It is knowntiere that it was his intention to abandonpolitics at the end of his term as Vicet'resideut.


The news of the Vice-l'reident- 's deathrcated a great sensation at Washington.

A Cabinet Council was called, and thePresident issue! the following proclama-tion ;

Executive AIkxsiox.Washington (D. C), Nov. 2.", l:ssr,."

To the People of the United States:iThonias A. Hendricks, Vice-Preside- nt ofthe United .States, died to-da- y at 5 p. m. atIndianapolis, Ind.. and it becomes my jmournful duty to announce tlie di.stresingt:. . .....i. A 1 r,.lT ..X T .":iaci 10 ins leiiow-couiiirymc- n. inrespecito the memory and eminent and variedervices of this high official and patriotic

public servant, whose long career was scfull of usefulness and honor to his Statemd to the United States, it is ordered thatthe national Hag be displayed at half-ma- st

upon all public buildings of the United:tates; that the executive mansion and!

several executive departments in the city!f Washington be closed on the day of the

funeral and be draped in mourning for afperiod of thirty days; that the usual andappropriate military and naval honors berendered, and that on all legations and!consulates of the United States in foreign.'oun tries the national Hag shall be di.--

played at half-ma- st on reception of the order, and the usual emblems of mourning heiadopted for thirty days.

G rover Cleveland.Ry the President.

T. F. Bayard, Secretary of State.The President likewise sent a telegram!:

to Airs. Hendricks expressing his sentiinents of respect for the memory and char-- :

acter of her deceased husband. Congn iwill be properly represented at the funeral,or tne late ice-- i resident ot the tintedStates.

BIRTH AND FAMILY OK HENDRICKS.Thomas Andrew Hendricks was horn in

Muskingum county, Ohio, near the city offJaiuesville, September 7, 1810, and wa

'therefore (id years, 2 months and 17 day1010 ai ine nine 01 nis ueatn. ins iainer.the late Alajor John Hendricks, with hisfamily, left Ohio when Thomas was only afew months old, and settled at Aladison.Indiana. His father subsequently removed to Shelby, Indiana, where he madehis home, which was the most hospitable!in the county, and where every travelingor "circuit" preacher invariably stopped.In such a home and amid such surroundings Thomas A. Hendricks grew to man-hood. The quiet home life, with its purifying influences, left an impression upon the

(character of the man which time could notefface, and it was doubtless owing to these!that his private and public careers havebeen as free from those qualities which are)ften observed in the character of the public men of the day, especially those whohave hail much to do in the world of polities. After completing his education atHanover College, one of the pioneer educational institutions of the West, Air. lien- -

1tmL--c .......cTiiilinil ...bu' , ....Mini ill .Inn....v, timaw,., .4.7 ....mluiitted to the bar. From that time uutilrhis election to the Vice-Presiden- he wa:active in the practice of his profession, exepting onl' the period during which he a

was t omnussioner ot the General I.amlj viiOffice, and the four years he was Governors

of Intliana.Air. Hendricks marrietl Aliss Kliza C

Morgan, who is now about years of age.Mrs. Hendricks is known among her ac

quaintances as a woman of good sense.She is remarkably well informed, of saga-cious judgment, and was her husband'sbest adviser as well as a competent assist- -

mt in affairs not frequently of absorbinginterest to women. It is said that hisspeeches on several occasions were evideuces of her taste ami discriminationHer charities are administered with a busiuess-lik- e method which is admirable. 'WheiiEher husband was Governor of Indiana sluvisited with him the various penal and reformatorv institutions, and made close in-- ;

quiry into their affairs. Airs. Hendrickhas no childrcM living, the only one borito them, a boy, having died in lsol, wheionly three years of age. It was a matter otLreneral observation that Air. and Airs.Hendricks presented one of the most beautiful examples of confidence and domesti,felicity anywhere to be seen.

nr.Ain or run liixt or simi.v.Queen 4'lirittiiia I'roclrti nieil Itt;t'iil

A Cnrlitt IC i- if I'cnred.

A Madrid dispatch to London announcingthe death of King Alphonso of Spain on the

m1 reduced Spanish securities 7 percent.ut they soon recovered. The rumor wasiremature. The King had suffered fron.

the early Spring with fever and prostrationbut refused to take repose or ret of amkind, attending incessantly to his publicduties. On the night of the J:l he wasseized with spasmodic attacks, the result olfever and debility. Six doctors from Ala- -

lritl and two physicians of Kl Prado werein constant attendance upon mm Theyfltin

JST. S. SACHS, Proprietor.

f'Mtoste,l !lt v(ivi Tlie (J reeks e,m- -,., a.o.. 5, .oo., !.-- i, ...... .., hn will1,

v- - refrain with this vast force to oo- -

i,111f tbo.., iiii.atd,.... from Mhens states!il'"- - 1 ...v..... t r

'that General saiiunuaku', i iunmanter oilI,,,,, First r...v iWi.s w,,s co,n.l ml

j,nii ...ivance on Salomca. The Greeks iidMacedonia were rising and forming a force1of irregular troops.

Armistice Sinned.tin November 2sth, at o'clock p. m

'an armistice was between Servia and!IlUdiraiia. Kinsr Milan instructed his troops!Ito cease hostilities. The Bulgarians not

i ..r ,i a. i mi

..jquesimg nun to stoi ins auvanee intoiServian territory. All the lighting hadbeen on Bulgarian soil. There will bechange of Ministry in Servia consequent oiid, faying that he felt much better!ml intense,! to attciiii to onMerabJe lc

business Iuring the lav. He ancfitlli',;'::'.,' end rick walked alut for ncarh 3

naif an hour, and he had apparently regained bis physical vigor and cheerfulness.An hour later, however, he began to trou hied with pains in the stomach am'.

Mrs. Hendricks sent for the family phvsiian, Dr. V. ('. Thompson, a lite-lon- g am:ontidential frieml of the Vice President.

As the pain in the -- toiua h continued tcincrease lie was given an emetic, and afterward an injection, and relief came in thenatural way. He aro-- e from his bed. irwhich lie had lain only a few minutes, andread the morning papers, talking cheer-fully with his wife ami an oid hou-- e servant.

A KKI..WSK..1 u- -t before noon he had a relap-e- . how-

ever, and the physician was again um- -

.nione'l anl aunuuitereii the u.-u- al reme- -

Jies, besides bleeh'ng the patient, and MrHendricks again expressed himself as beinggreatly relieved. Almt 1 :30 oMx k MrIIendrick, who had leeii at his bed.-id- e aliilay, went to the parlor to see a caller whJhad f ailed to consult with Jier regarding!;he atJ'airs of a reformatory, of which shrjwas one ot ttie managers, ami sue reinamenwun mm aiMiiu twenty minutes. ioui,:i

servant, and Harry Morane, Hendricks' nephew and page in Washington, re- -

iiuained with him. The servant went outuid Mr. Morane staved. Mr. Hendricks-

Itossed uneasily in his led and complainedof great pain, but suddenly it seemed U

ease and lie said to his nephew: "lamfree at last; send for Kliza," meaning his

iwife, and these were hi- - lat words, for theyoung man, not realizing the urgency olthe message, did not deliver it at once.

A PKACEKl'l. KEATH.Just e f o'clock Mrs. IIendrick

ame into the room and found that heiflhtisband was dead. The end of a long andjeventful life had come peacefully andpiietly. He lay on the bed outside of thdovering, only partially disrobed, with his

ieyes only half closed, as if he were in aentle sleen. On Ins lace there were nol

traces of pain or suffering, but a pallor hadome over it that indicated only too plainly

that he had passed away. It needed noclose examination to tell that he was deadtnd Airs. Hendricks screamed ami ranilown stairs. A servant was dispatched tthe residence of Dr. Thompson, adjoiningand he came iuitiiediatly, but by the turn

Ihe hal reached the bedside of the distinguished dead man the limbs were be-- j

coming cold and rigid, and to Mrs. Ilendricks' pathetic appeal, "Oh, doctor, can't

ivou do something i he was ooiigen to!

answer, "It is too late."THK A KKLKTEU llOl'SKHoLU.

Mrs. Hendricks liwmic almost distractedwith grief. When the news was bulletineddown town it was generally discredited and

iin a very tew minutes one hunureu ortjniore of Mr. Hendricks' close political andfoersonal friends had hurried to the house.Very soon a great crowd collected aroundthe entrance and in the street, and it was'found necessary to refuse admission to anyami all comers, picptit immediate relatives.

IDr. Thompson says that in his ojinion Airlllendricks died of paralysis of the brain.


The news of Mr. Hendricks' death spreadJrapidly throughout the city, and there wasa general expression of sorrow over it.Those who were his political enemies wert

Jtns personal triends, and to everybody wii4callel on him or met him he had a pleasant word of greeting. There were crowd.-aroun- d

the bulletin boards down town allthe evening, while in the vicinity of hisresidence there was another crowd, all?anxious to learn the particulars of his sud-- i

.1 : . ti... : .. i i .yicu oemi.-- e. iiie evening paptis louui nuiget out extra fast enough to supply the de-man- d.

He had been dead but a fewJininutes when forces of men began draping.... . .. ..... .1ithe Mate, county ami city building; inIblack, and tl iroughout the night similariiemblenis were placed on nearly all the3prominent business houses and residences.iso that by morning the city will have putJon


a general garb of mourning. All the! j i m icity ininisiers win in tneir inaiiKsgivme

serv ices make appropriate mention of thedeath of the distinguished statesman, andthe J'ight Ilev. Bishop Knickerbocker,Bishop of the Diocese of Indiana of theEpiscopal Church, of which Air. Hendrickswas a lifelong member, will, it is understood, preach a memorial sermon.

i:t J,o;iZF.l BY A KIVAL.

Ex -- Senator Joseph E. McDonald, whowith Mr. Hendricks had shared the honorsof his party in this iSate, said to-nig-

'No man in his day occupied a higher oripnore conspicuous position in his party, 01

in public life, than did Air. Hendricks, andvery few public men have had their orlicialjconduct less criticised than he. I think!Mr. Hendricks is fairly entitled to the goodname he has wrought out for himself inboth public and private circles, and hi.s

leath leaves a void in political ami socialircles in Indiana that will not soon or

easily he tilled.SOCIAL LIKK.

Air. and Airs. Hendricks had lived in Indianaiolis for nearly thirty years, andhave been prominent in all representativesocial features of the city's existenceThey entertained their friends frequentlyby parties and receptions, and were alway.--

at home to those who called. At his housi. .a Hendricks' was very charitable, ami

Jcalls on him for aid were freuuent, ant!jnever unheeded. For several years he had'i....... ;,!....(;,;,.. i .. r...i:., i uiTii I'lLiiiiiiT. n tin tiir iiK,,iltlilMenevolent Sik iety, an organized charityanl had contributed liberally to the causito which it was devoted, ltoth in money andwork. He had Ikhmi a deacon in St. Paul's

lKpiscopal Church for a long time and con- -

fnected with various other religious ioi-iii.-

flent as 'ciation- -


Aside from his jmlitical duties he devotedmuch of his time to the practice of his pro

;iesion, iM-in- a memoer oi ine law linn oifoaker, llopl tv I leiulricks, and since the7lcath of Baker he ha ; beenIthe senior member. Hi practice wasJlargely in the 1 Courts, and princi

tipally in lailro.Kl ea es. tic having been ein-- l

'ployed in everal national impor-- ltance. His long experience in legislation

fon governmental a Hairs had made him oneJof the !'st e.'iounilers of constitutionalflaw in the country, and hi opinion on!questions involving thi was solicited from!all parts of the country, He often said thatthe ambition of his earl v manhood was ttbe either Justice of the : Mipreme Uourt ofthe United States, or the author of worksn law, or the editor of a legal journal.

A PkVoTKl" iicsbaxp.His domestic relations were of tlie most

pleasant character, and Airs. Hendricks

j;ates are towers with seven roots, ail w

fthem bright with gilding. At regular intervals there .are smaller towers, whichserve for the purpose of guardhouses. Thewalls are surrounded by a deep ditchteet wide. The Isritish expeditionary forcehas captured Alangyan, after a sharp fightwith the Burmese. Three of the British;were wounded.

The British expedition reached Nycenyanin the 2.")th instant, and proceeded for

14 B. P. EHLEES & CO.,Mamtalav fbe same evfiiiiii' Tho Mn.lm.Msappers, supported by the Hampshire regiment, scaled the earthworks at Pagan, and

ithe enemy lxdted into the jungle. TheBurmese were strongly intrenched att

JXyeenyan, their line extending tw o miles.Thev ooencd a sham fire on the Britishuj.

the country is leing organized by the 1

Indian Government. i- The defeat of the Liberal party in -

. lind has the Biirmhcance almost oi apolitical revolution. The new conftucuccd generally- - returned Liberals,wliile the old constituencies Avheeled intoi J

the Tory line. The Irish brigade will, byall appearance, "hold the fort."

Severe storms are reported along theAtlantic' and Pacific Coasts. A revolt in !

Nepaul and the defeat of the revolution-ary army in Peru are also reported Anarmistice has been concluded letwee:iServia and Bulgaria. O


Vice President Hendricks Dies oftid

Paralysis of the Brain.

Career or the CireHlDmiM'rnllc Leader.National Moiiruiugr.

fYice President Thomas A. Hendricks

1I et he armistice,

. .

but no dynastic change.J,, -I .ri nee Alexander has abandoned Eastern

iei s tltut will please and astrtaisb all. I'ump early and

IMPORTERS,IrIonoliilu I--I. I.

in Fancy Goods eceived by

Steamer. S


-- :o:-

sreiit. satisfaction. vi. l.av been Instructed to coil- -tllH SHIIH- - on

flotilla, and the latter replied with shells. I'll,1After two hours of bombarding the enemvt 3

ir ir i




, 4

r )1





fled into the jungle, leaving thirteen menfkilled and a large number wounded. The:1tBurmese leader hastened to Alandalav. Itlippears the Burmese imported their am - fmunition in biscuit and sardine tins, andgtheir rifles as consignments of lnachinory.feri.a ;.,t..o.o...ow ..v.. .h.itci.o..! ot i, nlLIJ IllllilMILilllt.. v..i.a,... ..i lllv (1 F

i e i i i. . . .

rotir Jieputv l omnussioners ami louiij. . raji lines

.of the late Airs. s. .1. Lyman of



A1I the Latest NoveltiesH


1-- a



Of SATl'KIUY NIOIIT host haviiii; Sivcn sm liliiiii

Tuesday Evening,A I OL'JC

TlU lit--n we


. .NKLF... AT

.Al fTinV- a 1

J ieil at his home in Indianapolis shortlybefore 5 o'clock Novendwrth, of paralysi

;r M the brain, lie had leen trouuico witii

assistants nave oeen apponueu ior liurmaii.eI nis is tantamount to annexation.rusttiu Liberal Icfcut in tlie I'nite:!

Itiiigdoiu.ine general ciecuou m vne.o oinaio ano

1. . ..... . . i.I Ireland has resulted disastrously to thiLiberal party. The London "Times" savsl-the disruption of that party is inevitable !

SOld time Liberal constituencies havefcelected Tories. Parnell has been suetcessfulgr

iin Ireland. --Mr. Lhiiders, t nanceiior olthe Kxchequer under tdadstone, Air. Lefevre, another Cabinet Minister, and bisJ

i ijell.s of illness for some days previous.

Dee. 15, 1885,two L nder Secretaries, llayterand Holmes .f

rt .7.t.i.i ti-.- l ....Sitr I'lifirhv- .I li. L'ti line l..ivi!Ml LVai.l. .......' 1. V. .....I ..V Vlij. . ..I ..1 1 ..1elected at cneisea iy a narrow majority.;

T. P. O'Connor, an Irish Nationalist, carried one of the Liverpool divisions againstthe Tory candidate by a majority of 1,231.Parnell and Healey have been returned forCork. The Alarquis of Lome was defeated.A dispatch of the 28th states that the Lib-

erals sustained a crushing defeat at theihmids of the constituencies. Chamberlain

blamed for this defeat, owing to hisIis upon property. This, added to the

ry of "The Church is in danger," caused a

defection among the Liberals. It


and promised obedience to th e!


W e have been conipelled to holdover af. .. , ,. . 4.

1 . ,., . . .. ...it5j

T ahaina, Alaui, to make room for thej)

:linteresting foreign new: 1

1till tl lsfo'd 111 to

... .II I 1 tl r 1 irtijoay s iiu. we aiso noiu over isiaiuifJjNotes, an interesting account f the obse

llilo.'a , ...'Jf.i!iil other local items lor the same reason.


s if '

&Tk 5 t3 fei"

Abso! PurefiisrO A .l. r J.-- . v ; I. s. ?i'.:r.l ct purity,

strength sir. t vV L .. -

than jhco;-'';- ; .. . 'm.'., '. ,r.r... :iiti I'.r.s' lil iiii-mu-- t

petitio i tie.: sliortweight, a!!:::i or ;..'i ; n.-t- j: v JH PONI.VI3CANS. iWA l o' :.l.ll V u.N. V.

,. A f

c ; kx fix !:lSt. Pattli P.ier.

(WAI'.UAN'rKl) ,

Pilscner 'l(MrAND

fust Ian. le.! eft'. It. II is ioi." and for salequantities to suit, uy

H. Uackibld cfc Co377-dec- H

" ' - .oi.-ai- ii tio.f.s, jme hina Tea mid Dinner Srt, Toilet JSKs,



fine l:u;;-- in all si.t-s- . Also, ):i:ljcul:ir :,tteiitin is l to tbe very line lin of

Oleographs and Other Pictures,lis said that Chamberlain win organize andiVvJ

but attended a reception on Tuesday even-- 'ing, the 2.'M. The news of his death wasreceived with considerable sensationthroughout the country, owing to the highposition he held in his party, and partlybecause the Presidential succession is nowRepublican. Under the law the Presidentpro tempore of the United States Senate isnext in succession after the Vice President.An attemnt was made bv the last 1 ongressto fix the succession, but the bill failed in thtHouse. Senator Edmunds, who had filledthe position of President pro tempore fromthe time of the death of Garfield up to tht4in 01 last larcn. wi.s at ineextra session, and is now President pretempore. If the precedent set at the time

r01 tne ueatn ot tierrv, nun v i ei

President of the United States, who died I

November l:, 1x1 1, is followtl.a re-ele- ioiof President pro teniore will Ik nH-essar-

In that case John Gaillard, who was Presilent pro tempore when (Jerry died, helduntil Congress

An Indianapolis dispatch states: Honjnomas j. iienuricKs, u e l'resnient otthe United .States, died very .suddenly athis residenet jn this city at l:lo'elK k

this evening, November 2oth, undercircumstances that were particularly distressingto his family and friends, insomuch as theyhad not anticipated a latai termination oihis brief illness, and noliody was with himwhen death came. He returned fronChicago last Saturday, and since then hbeen complaining Mmewhat of pain in hi.head and breast , but nothing serious wa-thoug-

of it. Last night he and AirsHendricks attended a reception at the residence of Hon. John J. Cooper, Treasurerof the State, returning home in their carriage about midnight. Hendricks hadtaken off the heavy clothing he usuallywoft, put on a dress suit of light material,and before he got home complained of dull-- .

luss and a certain degree ot exhaustion .1

.. . . . ...l 1 : 1 : i ir.I ti attribuieu 11 uuiuuaiiAi iiiuui'ih i'. liesat bv the fire for an hour or more leforiretiring, but declined to send for a doctor.1

m.1 though urged to do so. Itesiept restless-- t

lv until alout H o'chx k this morning, whenf't


o'clock.. ....t u .,:... - -v. I...HIUIUI v uina uii.i i.i.siu i i intuit iiin, .iivr

of lo!l-- i ninl --lo orclfoiis, J'tH-lce- t books C'i"ur aminame. I'urneiilur attention patil ti tlie comfort ofliciiji; cool, and tne largest in tlie city.


COHEX. Auctioneers.

ri hlUHT ! LIGHT !

Xti More Dtivkness.

f.J list rccc! Yd MAIM IIA OA VIS, from Boston,

Downer's Kerosene Oil.

SJ3 Standard Kerosene Oil.J

Water White Kerosene Oil.FOR SAI.K BY


iieatl a Badical party in Parliament.Another rumor is to the effect that 'dadstone oilers the Liberal vote to Lord Salis;uiry, to prevent the ruinous domination ofParnell and the Irish Nationalists. TinLiberal press appears to be stunned at thedefeat of their party. Full returns had notome in. Bright and ilatl-ton- e have beeh


rhe .Hcrvo-lIulK'aria- ii Witr An Ar-mistice.

There had been severe lighting at varioustomts in bulgana hetween the 2.'d an,!Sjlh of November. From the disjiatchesffwe compile the following:

On the 2tth of November rumors ofrevolutionary outbreak at Belgrade reachediLondon. The Servian Alinister denied ittruth, but said that the people woul,overturn the (lovernment in certain con

gencies. Bulgaria had been the agirres'sor, and nothing would satisfy Servia ex-

cept a cession of territory suflicient tt compensate her for war losses. It was eonside red possible that the diplomats at Constantinople would arrange for a small ces ?

sion of territory to Servia. This would besufficient to keep King Milan on histlirins. .it,l 1 1 w..llll 1 vn.r.i i. . 1 fl lilltl- -

L?1IH1V 111 Illt lllai 1U11J 1V1 IHVI1 U4 4

Lately iuinoi tf-t- l fioui Km opc. A n ex tensiA e line;3j- 'sait-ii- tasi's, i.i ijer liooiis too nutm-ro- to

wbo are esjieeially invited, ouri



pllouse and Lot for Sale 01


i nt. ii-- ' th k i"iM:sr iiom i:sti:ahs int i. ii... . ... j .. . ...

r'sf:r,r,,, ,;, t. . U tr..tll ftl... I.u.i,,....!, ....el,,.,, ,.finn tity. iot iii'iuK veii .siocktwi uufi uzjiarK1 itsioruiuMtt f fruit tre s, naiivo m1 for-in- .

aut tli tinst nini largest v irirtv if Yin;......-ti in- - luirn. j w i w - w, n.i.,.. s,

roouis, parlor, tlinins roon,, tiath room, antr fand kitchen. Ol'TIH ILI'lNliS consist of eur -

house, stables icontainiiii; seven stalls , liar.. ... . .lies'- room and servants iiweiinit; nous.-- , nmuiii-- f

rami? lour rofims, toL-- tiler Willi large sior;ii;e m- -

omiiiodati'ilis. A line strenin of iirtesimi wateris ennstuntlv riinninir tli lot.uli tlie lot. and tlie sat.of frtiit realizes in tlie neighborhood of Jiidi) pel i............ l:.. r...l...- - ui. rtlt' t.--

rllllJUIII. r'I llil UIVI IK ma. .'('I-'.- . "j V. M. tllFFARII,

31 if Oilie of Wm. 'i. Irwin t Co.

I.!.!.-..- ! .... T,,..-.l..,- , tl..t th..... Will ,

a.wnoill jiii.i uiiif. "."... ., , . .. I

n-- .i J .i s p it 'inTIll I I ' 'U- - VlPUllt'll.itinued to affect him throughout Tuesdayand he died at o'clock in the morning.fhe Pope's benediction arrived before heexpired. All the officers of the State and

ACabinet Alinisters. except the Alinister otrWar ami Alinister of the Interior, I

present at the moment of dissolution. Tll(-- Jhe arose, dressed himself ami ate a heartyJwho is a brilliant and accomplished w oman


BY ACTIIOJtlTl. .Ijcrtisiintr.ts. beam, 12.6 feot depth of hold, sross toar'ljil.Ti, an I the ret 391.11. she is commandeo. - yp I

I'Japtain A. If. Paul, and will go into the UawaiiarH

A Successful Ilolirtaj ale. f 3

There wa. a very hi- attcivl.intv iit4Lvons iv Cohen's saWroom.s on S:itur-iS-- i

3STJIAYEI) Oil ST0LKM1I Special Notice to the Ladies.

G-vea- t Closing Out-- op


Evervthinir Must be

This iini a j;rc;t indiuvnii'iit toViinorv



Rowel, Jackson & Webster,Vi il iiimI Meciiitiiical l.'u'iieerM, Surtej orwaihl Iritiii;IUmeii.

Iiesltfns ami estiuuiteM ireuirel, etc., for all kimls of Mechanical, Arcliltectural and llvil V:n- -jineerini; work.

Terms Jjeasonaible- -

Consullin and Prauijhtini; Knoins In Caninhell'sIcr.s promptly atteinleil lo.


Have Bemoved to

109 FOET

The American bri'antine Hesperian arrived a:;?Dili. IT days from !?-- ;

fc.iparture ;a; , B. C, with 3VJ tons of coal for!J Messrs. S. ; WJi ler Co. She was off .Maui f i v i

lavs.The American schooner I la'Schuauer arrive la

Kahului, M ml, Iieceinoer 'tuj'.!7 days from Humjoldt Pay, with lumber.

Tb-- nierican briyantlne Consuelo tjni-ihe- s dis- -

.'hftrginij the balance of her caro to-da- y. Shei:owk in siijar from the Heaiuer W. a. Hall Iie- -

ember an I expects to siil tjxsau Fiaiidsfo.

The schooner P.ob I'.oy brought i:i Lits.- - j'a!from Ueela, Koohtu, Iecember 12th, and wen

l,iut into the Oceanic Company's warehouse. '

The steamer Lehua sails at noon to-da- w Itl.luiu-iiiijer- jor l aanau,, Hawaii: an f

J'he r l.ikeliWo le:vea Ml ..'.1... L' fi.r U' i

uuiui.ltie Hteamer J. I. Iowsett brou-'- ht IV) has;.- -

fti'ar, l' head cattle, 110 sheep, "i packafcs suniries and deck s from Mulokai Ieember I'.'th. s strong tif,rtheat trade

tud heavy svell in Ihechariuel.The American burkentirie Foreat tiuecn. Cap

rain Winding, has finished discharging her coal a.Jllana, JUui, and is taking in ballast. She exnect-- .

ii leave, in ballast, next Wednesday for San Franisco.TWe American barkentine Mary Wiukelmai,

lischarged ber full cargo oi' general merchaudisvitliiu tliree days, besides taking iu some siijfar. jSlip will shortly leave for San Francisco will;.nirar.

The American bark Southern Chief, Captain JItoss, sailed for Hongkong leceuiber l.'tb , w itl. 4

;s- - Chinese passengers in transit, and iwo cable.lassengeis from this pot t.

The steamer Mokolii brought 'Ji bas sugar, 8e isticks Hour and C bides from Molokai Decembei

-- tii. J t is not likely that siie will leave this afterioou, 011 account of the weather.The American tern O. C. Perkins is now loading

umber at the Sound for Kabului, Maui.The American barkentine Klikitat, Captain U

O. Cutter, arrived In port earl y December 12thJs days from Port Townseud, W. T., with GKJ- ,-

70 feet lumber, 100,000 shingles and 5,000 laths, to!

Messrs. H. Uackfeld A Co. Sailed from Portniwnsen.l, v. T., November 13th. Experiencedlougii weather on the coast of California: thenceiad luotlerate weather until within 200 miles of

this port, when she encountered very roiiKh.veather. Sighted Maui December llth. she wille docked at the foot of Fort-stre- wharf thi

morning to discharge her lumber.The American brigantiue John I). Spreckrls,

' 'aptain C. S. Frils, arrived in port December 12th,IS days from San Franeiscu. Sailed from SanFrancisco November 2'Jtli. Experienced strong,soiitheasU trades the entire passage; sighted Molokai atG a.m. December 12th, and was ilT portthree hours later. She brings a full cargo of genrul merchandise and some machinery. Her livi

stock consisted of 50 pigs and 12 mules, consignedto Messrs. V. O. Irwin d Co. Eleven mules dieilhi the voyage. She Is docked at the old CustomJouse. j


Tlie Y. M. C. A. bookkeojiin"- - lass meetsthis evening; at 7 o'clock.

Fresh mince ju'es daily from and after!late at Meller it Halbe'.s confectionery.

Tlie liana Su;ar Comjiany, laui, comrnenced grinding the new crop on Friday.

His Excellency (Jovernor John O. Doni- -

inis returned from Lahaina on Saturday bxthe Kinau.

,'Mr. John 31. Paty has purchased Jule.--

Tavernier's last pictvire of the crater ofKilauea.vFresli cream cakes and Eclairs daily fromand after date at" Meller & Ilalbe's con-fectionery.' Tj'i the Police Court, Saturday, Mary Ke

mAhaluai, who deserted her husband, vaVdered to return and iay costs.

Colonel Peter Donahue, of ii&n Francisco, wiio recenty visited tins cuy, islead. lie was many times a millionaire.

The best otler of the season. Dolls andtoys given away at ihc Popular MillineryHouse, 101 Fort street, this Saturday, De-emb-

12, 188.3.

On Thursday, the 17th instant, Lyons A

JCohen will hold a special Christmas sale ofwines and liijuors, particulars of which art!.jiven in an advertisement.

His Excellency Hon. Paul NeumannAttorney General, returned from I.ahainajn Saturday, whither he went to attend a

term of the Second District Court.Don't buy dolls and toys when you c:m

,'ct them for nothing at N. S. Sachs', 101

Fort street, on Saturday, December 12

ISSo. So early anil get first pick.For a clean and easy shave, a neat hair

ut and other tonsorial work go Cus A

N'etli at the Hawaiian Hotel Shaving Par-- j

i,. ...;n t.i........ill tll'l, o II J ill itriini,.tii...-iovnv- 'The tlags oi the United States Legation

and the Consulate were lowered to half- -

mast immediately after the receipt of thefnews of tlie death of Vice President Hen- -

'd ricks.A new meat market w ill be opened to-

day on Hotel street, opposite the FashionStables, by Iiornholgt & Co., who will supply the best of meats and sausages at

lieasonable rates.The Hon. Kobert Stirling and Mis Maud

Wodchouse, daughter of the Uritish Com-

missioner, arrived in San Francisco Novcmber 28th from England. They may beexpected here on the next steamer. ."

It has graciously pleased His Majti-t- y

the King to decorate Henry Turton, V.Sq..

Lahaina, with the insignia of KnightCompanion of the lloyal Order of Kaki-!cau- a

Tlie decoration was presented toMr. Turton last week by His Ex-ellen-

tbtvernor Dominis on behalf "of

His Majesty.Yesterday morning an imported sorrel

horse darted into the grounds of tlie Lima- -

3m.. Uome a turious rate ant w as noi"

aptured until he had broke down severalfences. The bridle and part of the harnes.-wa- s

on the animal, ami it had evidentlyrun away ami freed itself from a vehicle.

We must acknowledge that the finest di- -

!I:iv of holiday roods are to he m tiihow windows of M. Mc lnernv. We wouhi...i.lvise. . - j--i'(ner:il .Ttlil !irlv- - iiwt... hv in...

M'v.liil'liif..v.... 1, ill rell 'KlTs A tine line of ladies'iLiis-o- s and c liddreii s Lilse and real treti- -

line I'.albri'gan hosiery ami undertveaian seen at the same et:dli-hinc- nt

Also, u full line of men's ware of same classf ii hhIs.

trimdav was one of tlie mot disagreeableand uncomfortable days experienced foi-- oiue time past. The wind blew a pale amithe rain came down at intervals in torrentsi 'onsideral'le damage has been done to tlietrees in ilitiereiu pans oi uie cuv ;mu

uhurbs, and several femes were blowndown. One in particular was almt lorn;Vet on the Knwna iireinise. Nuuanu

Steamers or Sale

Tlie U!iicr?ii,'ncd Lc- -s to call tin. attt at.fiif stcanihii coiniiiiuics and others intvr-stci- l

to the following list cf steam lauuch---- s

tUL'j and other steam boats offert-- J forLy one of hii ctTiespouJeiits in Liverpool

ith the prices attached, anJ which nount of the remarkably dej rt.-.e- d stat-M.- :

the shipjiins bUsine.-- . will be it t u to he x. ri nuly h.-.v-


Launches, tr.'ri and small boats 1 hat cm i

jh brought on deck of a large steamer oiailing vesse l:

New stcul screw tut; IS feet x 10 feet x i8 ia. witli 10 lior.--o power engines nomi- -

ml, sunacc condensers, donkev pump, ttcSpeed. 1J miles an hour. Trice in Liveruool, i'l.UoO or 53,200.

I 8i,U0. Wood Screw rasseii-'- i r and C.j. 'Launch, buiit iu lb;, pair of G in. in. rtrone. speed about 10 miles: extratrong oak franiep, pitch pine planking, ciJpcr fastened, ilimeusion.s, drufi

if water aft o feet. I'rice, 315.2 301. A Steel Twin-Scre- Steam Yacht. t in lssr 2 pairs of vertical U I A ' 11 i

,r-- It' engines of lb It. i'., four b in. cylinders.t-- stroke, speea y knots on consumpti"L jf 3 cwt. per hour, bunkers contain G toos.heliall tlctpiug berth.--; was built to go

ip the Nile; dimensions G3. '2xl"2. 7x0.7 Tri- - e. kSSl.aoD.J 2,30'J. A Ntw Wood Screw Steam Lauu 'ti.

fastened, compound SIC enginesand 12-i- 7 iu stroke, large multitulu ij

:ar boiler, teak lagged, of 00 lbs. working 1

iressuic, uimeusions 4U.0xa.ux 1.1. 1 rice3i 050. 8

i2,301. A:i Iron Twiu-Seie- w Steamer

iauilt in lSTth for river passenger tratUcJuull, engine and boiler latelv overhauled at

i cost of 1G7, speed 11 knots on aconsumpriou of about 1 tons per day, bunkers con-tain 12 tons, dimensions G3. 0x12.1x1.0.Price, 4S0.

84,131. Steel Screw Tug, built in 183.ingined C j S j C 23 II, V. N. 11-i- u. and!tubular boiler, 100 lbs. working pressurw.fooiier lagge.l, cylinders lagged with felt andnahogony, dimensions 70x12.8x0.2. Drafifcif water, l!i feet and G feet. Price, XI, 830. F

LAltGEU VESSELS.An iron rcrew Meamcr, nowt j

building, and classed 100 Al at Lloyd's, tof ;230 tons on 'J.G draft, bunkers con tain F-

Am tons, speed 9 knots on a consumption ols'ii tons )er day, compound I) A engines offtu ii. i.--

.,i(-ii- i. ana JU-i- cvliuacrs, boiler

if 80 lbs. working pressure, donkey engint i jaim Bicain wincn, uiniensions lo.uxii.ox10.C. Trice, 4,CU0.

2,311. An Iron Screw Tucr. bnilt in 1S-s5-

lassed Al at Lloyd's for towing purposes. t:wo compound b C J D A engines of iopII, P., 10-i- n. and30du. cylinders, 22 strokepctd 10 to 12 knots, dimensions 7y.315.9x

J.3. I'rice, 3,500.2. SOS. An Iron Screw Steamer, built in

ISSo, and classed 100 Al, 5G5 tons register,md carries 1,120 tons I). W. on 15.0 draft.2 common D I A I S I C engines of 5)0 11. P.25'i-i- n. and 48-i- n. cylinders, 33-ii- i. strokecylindrical multitubular boiler of 80 lbsworking pressure, bunkers contain 1G2 tons,consumption 8 tons per day, donkey enginci'ami boiJcr, also 3 steam winches, dimensions 203.030.0xl5.10. Trice, 12,000.

2.291. An Iron Screw Steamer, built in1SS5, and classed 100 Al at Lloyd's, 97 tonsregister, carries 350 tons on 10. G draft.bunkers contain 50 tons, speed 13 'i to 14 fiknots on consumption of 8 tons per day.

Jeompound S j C engines of 80 II. T.,21i-in- ,and 42-i- n. cylinders, 30 in. stroke, steel

tubular boiler of 95 lbs, working pressure.donkey engine and 2 steam winches, dinicn- -

Jsions 145.0x23.1x10.0. Trice, 3,500.

The above ars only a few of the steamvessels that are offered at sale in GreatDritain at the present time. Almost any de-- i

iscription ot steamer, and of any size de- -

'si red, can now be purchased at very favora-ble rates. It is of course necessary that

jsome responsible party m England shouldexamine the condition of the steamers of- -

ili uu iui oinc ucjuiu j.'ui i;iia.diii,3C9tf W. L. GREEN.



Contractor and Builder.Hii Hotel Mreol, Jluauliilti, II 1.,

Opposite Fashion .sta'des).

Iv. o. nux a is. BELL TELEI'llOXE 53

All work in my line faithfully done. Flans anOmade. Jiihhinff lit nil letans "oiie

snort nonce. ,oOtl worK aim iu rnarg'-- t

rm,rik .'lii 4 -- i I



At tlioir SalesroomsI

ri'i:-!.V- Y, December 1.1th, at 7 p, Hi.,

HOLIDAY G001rnilT.sDAY, Iiecemher 17th, at 10 a. in.,

ItFAiULAll CASH SALH.KltllUY, December Hth, at 7 p. m.,


WEDNESDAY, December 2M, at 7p. in.,




Tahiti Lemonade Workst Sunny Son Hi

Aerated waters of every description, which wil.lie. found to he as sood as those offered the piibliiin London or Paris, ran now be furnished.

V Machine of Urent Tower, on the newest prin- -

iples for securing purity, and especially for predentin: the carrvini; over any sulpuric iu id in thevaters, has lieen imported from England.

The rapacity is one hundred dozen an hour;ittt-- d into Crystal Vnlve Bottles the most recentetteiit in Europe: by usins which all danger unrouble in oneiiini; is avoided. These bottles wil,ie univeisaJly approved of. Payment n iil be e.iiiecte.l for those not returned in g. o.

London and Tahiti Lemonade, Ginger Ale, etc..ready for issue.

Vhun Soda, in corked bottles for export, su- -

:erior to any thing of the kind imported.These waters will effervesce for minutes uftei

leintr oiiened. and the taste of carbonic acid ws -

.icrfect, producitit,' that pleasant and invigoratingsens;itioii ill drinking wnicn cannot oe mi parted o..nferior niachinery.

liONOLCLV DKPOT, Fort street, opposite E.'). Hall Sons, and next to Al. smith.

Telephone, Sunny South. No. 213.Telephone, Fort .street, No. "Co.

Picnics an I Evening I'arties reiuire little elsis refreshments" than these pleasant and pure!Iroductions. which fire moderate in price.

373dee -- 3


dren. Address P. O. liox 4'.".t.

lay evening, the x."easion K'in the tlrstktiction isaie ot L liri.-tm-as and .New leaf4xl. Only those who went early wereihle to obtain a plaee in the lare noms.iiiel crowds wtre comi.?Ue'l to turn away.The prices obtained fur tlie many lean- -

iful art ices sold were rood and in someinstances very hiu. All the ru'.rs wertsold, in fact at the time the sale close 1

11 :3o u'cl-c- k wrview article-- ; remainedinsoi.i. ine ltnaui ta;ie

:'et hed $70. Owin to the nitress if tluJsalt?, Lvons A Cohen that it

will le continued on Tuesday evening atthe same time and place, when tlc re wil;

offered Iliemian ari'l other fancyrlas.svare. Japanese '"jods, a line line o:

and oleoraiihs just receive"from Kiiroje, dulls, rus and other rojil.--

Uxj numerous to mention. I,adies artsocially invited.

i'ou((rlat Lium Square.The following i"' the musical rorainiale civt-i- i hv the Knvul Hawaiian Mill

r 't w 1 .in. I of tlni Mitenrr flow nvuliittfit 7 :.'" o'elok at Kiiima tjimare

i verture 'The Vestale" . SjMtiitin'avatini 'lielisario" Dunizett

Waltz "Nieima dumnISelection "The Mikado". s'ullivan

"Mahina MalamalaniaIleininisoences f Verdi" ( Midi "re

Walt "In the Twilight" . . ..(' it fJMa7airka "Love's tlreetiiifr" I'aust

I.Uan h "Malanai me Ahi Wela" I'ergei"Hawaii l'onui."


Special Christmas


Wines & Liquors.We have received instructions to oflVr at Public

Auction at our Salesrooms on

Thursday, Dec. 17tli,Vt 10 O CLOCK A. M., to close consignment, i

very extensive and superior lot of Liquors, consistngiu part of

i ii aji r.uiA I?), siijH'iior inaiiiv, l1IIIIVC 11MVJ.V t'iJ v i 1 1 1 v i.i. j:..t,KIM.MKL, jBRANDY,HLOOD AVOLFK PALE ALK in pts.riLSENEll liEEIl, in pints,WHISKEY, in bbls. and cases.

U in good order and to be sold without reserve.

LYONS & COHEN, Auctioneers.dec 14 4 1

ITOXJjSD.i sort i: el house with harness on

i The owner can have the same by provingJinopertv and paving expenses and damages on

ipplication to Mil. H. SV I N 1 ON, Luuahlo Home.decH-l- t

Flic forest Meat Market

HOTEL ST., Opposite the Fashion stables.

Bornholgt & Co.!


L usjes of all kinds on the most reasonable termsresli every day. (iive un a all. lecH-t- f

Oceanic Steamship Col


The Al steamship

Will leave Honolulu for the ulmve port onor alimit


December IStli- -S3


Fr freight or paKuire apply to

1Win. (J. Irwin & Co.,

1 1


Australian .Mail Service.


The new and s)!ein:id A I steel steamship

)f tlie I'nion steamship t'oiiipmy. New Zealandill he due at Honolulu from Sydney and

Aucs.1 mil on or ahout

December 1 9tlijVnrt will leave for tiie ulve port with inuiis at.i.isseni rs mi or nhout that d:ite.

For freight or passage, having Sl'PEHIOI'iUVOM Mill A HONS, apply to

Win. G. Irwin Co.,AliENTS.

f 4

For Sydney and Auckland.

The t. s. s. Co. "s fine Al stian)sl,ij

6 Z MARIPOSA,!Will he due at Honolulu Iroiii San Fruiiclseo

or or uhoiit

December 25tlijVnd will have prompt ch ilh nuiila ami

for the aliove ports.For I.eiu'ht or piissae, having SLI'EHIOR AC


Wm. U. Irwin & Co..AGENTS.

"W illiams' Block.

VMAI.K 1 I'l'tiKIIII. COACII-ln- a Kia.KJ)with hiack spi.i.. tx.iU ears t.i.u-k- .

tfodt s okl. A proper reward u;II I

jveii t the party reliiriM'e; lo J, N. l.illjl.0", lieit l.ilii.i str t. :t7'.-- l if


subs r'ptioii books. Albums, Kattun kr.ibl. s, I.l. Chart. Uiis,-- . K.evelo,e,h:t i'.rit V

itinicil. Aim 11. all Keprlllt. etc. elld for clreU-t.- :

.trs aiel pireiuu terms. A. nt re m:vkni: fri.ta lee to f ".i pt r inonih selluii; uur puidialions.

A. I.. HANCKDFT A e i).,jl-Ja- nl Nan Fritneii-o- , I", s. A


L UitVi K W. 'I NKY V.ASH (UUI), I! KOilK.

Astilrl A Aslilorl.ATTOKN FYS, covnski.loi:, t Ol.H liOli

AlYO' ATKS. ETC.( llli;'.. Hiilli.lll'll 11 ilk iiijoinins tlie Pn

."Jtlicf. 'JiIT.iiVW If


lIV-- ' Notary Public, Caniphcll's Jilock..ti eet. :''-- 1 in'2i)

A. HO A,i ITOUNKY AT LAW A N I N't IT A It Y 1TI5V I.IC. OiHee with tlie AtUTileY (.eneral. A lli

Inn i Hale, Honolulu, 11. I. K



NOTARY PUBLIC.Real Untitle in any i;irl ut lite liini'oiifjht.Sulil uml l,ei.setl on ( 'ointiiissiuiiloans Negotluteil unil Legu.1 liucuincnt.s Drawn.

x. 27 jiiiiu iiAvr si hi;i:t,Ciazette Block, Honolulu. n; tf





Steam Candy Factoryj

AND BAKERY.F. HOUX, Practical Confectioner,

1 "as try (!ook and Iiaker.Hotel street. TS tf Telephone 74


KOOjIS to let.EAT AND COMFOUTAV.LK FUKXI8IIEPX rooms at Xo. 3 Kawaialiou lane, a few step

. ....... ........1. t v,-- k tiiiil.timr 4 ..! t

llUlll lllt I I 11 1111 11 I UIIUUIII, fl 1L111II Mill. 11 111

I'un also have conifortalile fnrnislied rooms, ortwo rooms unfurnished, and accommodations to.ook for themselves. Mlts. VAl:i.

l'Jj-t- f


JUJ)U AUSTIN,it nil n n Avenue.

Fine two story house? with lars;e grotinds. Twicottages, large lanai, servants rooms, carriatrei

ilionsc, staiile and chicken houses. t ry thing nperfect order.

Terms reasonable to a tenant. Inquire ofi

JONATHAN AUSTIN,oI7 tf Over Lishop it Co.'s Uank.

notice::Hats and FeathersCLK.VXKl) AND DYED AT Til E

Tempi' f I'ltsliion. ;7rjanL,:i



1(1. W. 3IacfarlaiH' & CO. 3

On Wednesday, Dec. Kith,AT 10 A. M.

t their store, cc.rner Fort ami Queen streets, ww ill oiler m hir.jand Choice Collection of

iFi'Ciich Enirlisli XoveltiesI'articuhirly suitable for Christmas and

N'ew Year's, and which have neverbefore been offered at auction.

The fine quality of these goods cannot fail U

ommciid them to a cultivated taste, and we.herefore conii ientiy ask their inspection by tinallies of Honolulu, heinr sure their judgment wilrontirni ours.


Many Beautiful NoveltiesWe can only mention a few, sm h as

French llronze Statue?, "Front de P.oeti'and Kobiu Hood," Gentlemen s Hussta

Writinif Desks,

Massive Bronze Ewers,square Spliynx Jardiniere, Tiii quoi.e Crounds.

Esquimaux and Sscal Lmbrella Stands.Incised a!l Carved Persian Va s.

Jar Shaped Vases, Vallamls, P.ei'round and lilac k,

Ilihbon lia.sket. Chocolate ground end Chintz.Eiesatit Uronze Statne with Clock.

One Pair of Magnificent Vases !

reproduced from old Sevres models, granted U

M. Ianiel by II. I. M. Napoh-oi- 111. Tlievare of Kose Adveiuuritie tint, surniountei:with Tropical Ih'rds of most brilliant pltima-fe- .

elaborately and richly finished iu (.old.Ine Uoheuiian tilass Set,

Parian Marble Lust "Clyii,"lelescope by Negretta fc Tamhra.

A Variety of Esautiful Vases.Flat. Medallion Lronrc. Majolica, Etc.,

Garden St-at- -, Yellow and Turquoise,PlUsh W'ul k Table,

Bronze AVall Clocks.Alljiims Cabinet size, and Variety of Styles.

Flour Pots, Pink Ground and Primrose,P.rackets and Plaques, and numerousother Beautiful Artich-- which can beInspected the day before the Sale atLeisure.

We invite every one to come and see what wehave to sell, for an opportunity is now offereoiiat w ill probably never asjain occur.

K. P. ADAMS & CO.,371dec-u- ; Auctioneers.

Not ".

All persons haviiii; garbage, etc., for removal bythe City Scavenger, arc requested to l.uv'e thesame in readiness before s. o'clock a. ui. Afteithui hour the eartmeii are otherwl-t- employedand will nut fall until the following uioruii.K. thii- -

leaving the unsightly boxes or barrels in front oljyour premises an nay.

J. N. K A I A K AWA II A .

deeH Contractor for Cleaning Streets.

Water ulire.From this l tie, till further notice. W. K. I

w alone authorized to collect wat-- r ratesand duei oi. account of the lloiolulu WateiWorks.

lie is fully empowered to yive i.'..o 1 and stitlitirfit receipt, and none other will be aeknowledged.

All parties art- - requested when paying wateirates, to produce to tin? ICeceiver their las'receipt.

This Herniation does not apply to any businesslelalinir to the Water Works, w nich now Is, oimay hereafter b placed in the hands of the Attoruey-eiener- for Hetlleiiicnt.

CI IAS. T. (if LICK,Minister of the Interior.

Interior Olliee, November , Hs. r 1:5 no'df

The Board of Immigration proposes to make arrangements forthe further importation ofJapanese immigrants into tinKingdom and would request thatall parties desirous of procuringthe service of such contract laboiwill forward thcfcr ajplications to'Wra. U. Irwin & Co. the dulyappointed Agents of the Boardfor Japanese Immigration.

It is requested that these appli-cations be sent in without delayand that the parties orderingstate as definate as possible whattheir requirements will be for thenext six months, so that the nec-J- -

essary arrangements can be madefor the introduction of thesepeople.


Minister of Interior and PresidentBureau of Immigration

Interior Office, Aug. 21, 188o.


AKICIVAIA.Saturday, Iieccmbcr 12.

Himr Kinftii. Kin?, from Jfawaii mid MauiHtuir llkelike. lireu.en, from Kahnluisstmr Kilailea Hou. Weislmi th, from Hamakiia !

ntmr Jame I lowsetl, C ini.loit, from Mthkaifcltinr Mokolii, Mot Jremir, from .MoloUai J

C K llishop, Mai-aulay- , from HanaleiLvia Waianae

Am bktne K'kitat, Cutter, JS 'i .lays from l'ortTwnsend, W V

Am bgtne J I) .Sprei kels, C Fibs, dayrifront San Francisco

sfcbr Itob Koy, from KoolauiSrvrtv, iJecember

Stair Planter, Cameron, from KauaiSchr Mana, from liouomu

DKI'AIlTl'IlKS.Satcrday, Dccemlier 12.

Am bk. Southern Chief, Itoss, for Hongkong

Velt I.cnvin I'liiH ltny.Stmr fakelike, Lorenzen, for liana and Kabu

lul, at 5 p instmr J as X Dowsett, for Molokai, at 5 p inStmr Lehua, Davies, for Hamakua, Hawaii

at 5 p mStuir Waloianalo. for WaimanaloSchr Malolo, for Faupahoehoe, Hawaii

Ur Domltila, for IliloSchr Kob Itoy, for KoolauSchr Kainbow, for Koolau


From San Francisco, per brlgantine J D Spreckels, December 12th: K A Martin and C Thacher.

From Molokai, per ste.imer Mokolii, December12th: Kev J Manase, J Ainiu, 8 prisoners, and 2."

deck piissengcrs.From Libue, Koloa, Waimeu and Nawlliwili,

Kauai, per steamer Planter, 13th:It Itice. wife and six children, W ii Mini

wife, Mrs W (i II Deverell, Mrs J Kalili, one Chi-

nese, and CI deck passengers.From llanalel, via Waialu:i and Waianae, per

hteamer C H Bishop, December l.'tli: Hon H A

Widemanu. Mrs 11 Ii Macfarlane. Miss Wide- -

luanil.tieo Hoss,J Hopu, and 47 deck passengersFrom Kaunakakai.Haiia.and Kabului, December?

12:h: His Kxcellencv Hon 1 rsenmann, lion AiVchorn and servant. Hon I. McCuiiy, Chas lilMakee, II K Smythe, l)r Yoshita, C NakayainaMiss 10 Meutber, C II Wallace, C II Dickey, V IWilcox, F I. Sloiz, Ah Cbeu. and 5-- J deck passen-Kr- s.

From Ijthaln.i. Maahuiea and II lo, per steamerKiuau, December 12th: Hon S U ilder, Hon JA J f tJi;tiilan, Thos Huchanan, JViria, C C Webb. Hon Jos Nawihl, J Coersser. J4" Itiiloii, JIrs Malia Kahai, Mrs A Corscatbleii. ;

11 Kvart and wife, I.;e Pat, Miss l.ahaoa, HisGovernor J (I Dominis, Hon Cecil Brown

CO Merger, F H I iayselden. Captain (IKli Jack-won- ,

W A Kinney. U Y Horner, J it Jones and --

iliildren, and H.l deck passengers.JIKl'AHTVIt

for Hongkong, per bark Southern Chief, Decem-ber 13th; J Guillaume, D M Hedge, anil s2 steerug? Chinese passengers in transit.

Stxiiiv, Decsmbcr VI.

All tlie uteiuners bfclongina: to W'il.Kr's line artnow iu tort.

Tlie steamer V. J. Hall .sails afternoon at 3 o'clock for w UiJwar.l ports.

Tlie steamer Kinau lirousilit 3,-7- 5 ha2:s sugarJ107 hi-lr.- i hore ami 190 packages sunJries fron.windwarJ ports loc Miiher litli. She stills

afteruoon at i o'clm-- for her Volcano trip.

The steauier Planter hrousut 1 .1'1 Iniif suiiur.40 bas rice, 40 bags pin, 20 lii.P s, IM sheep anJ .

liorscH from Kauai r loth.

The bark laidy Rowen, with conl to Messrs. g.:

O. Wilder fc Co., is GOtlajs out from Newcastle.S. W.

The Biitisli bark Muiint Lebanon, Captain Nel-


U 5j days out from Hongkong for this port.

The American bark C.ubitrleu, Captain II. V.

Jlubbard, sutrt from San Fra tor HonoluluXovemtier 2tli. a day alma. I of tin' brinutiiie J.Jl. Spreckels.

The Norwegian bark Luvspring. Captain Thomp

ton, consisjned to lle.-sr- s. Castle A Cooke, is l.f-day-

3out from ew York. 4

ti,. - ,..,, i it uisnou ir.ui:iii in.- - msio t "2lWiii.nim r t ullllnillthe uevv crol) of the --Til 1

TV.a ru.,.,ui- - ! I!... l'.is!loII hro'.Ubt O- -S haUM C .,1' ,1 1 1 1 v. - I

ugr f roui Wuiuiiue, O.tliu, O io eriiorts tine weather :tt K.nii. So-- - I' '1

juorrow morniiiK- -

TUe steauwiiii Ausira.i i, ..!. i'.:i C. i;roiisi'li.

tuy be expected ti. morrow from tU- - Colonies.?ii route to the Sun Francisco.

TUe steauier I.iKehkc brought 4:b baits sutfiujliild 30 bays corn from Kaliuiul, Muni, lieceuitieiI'illt. She sails this tternoon ut 5 o'cliK-k- . I

'l'h Francisco "Chronicle" of November.lias Ihl following: new schooner W'X

S. Browne, which arrived yesterday from PoitJBlakeley, is a three-ma-st- ed schooner, built hy thesUaUs. Her dimensions are 111.1 feet loujr, "il.J

oi t:

DEPAJmiENT.Sold hv J)mkinbor 1st.

obtain l'.AlKJAlNS in all articles of Mil- -


(5 Street.

lUuek. Entrance on Merchant Htreet. AliaMJtt



Housekeeping GooiIh.

and Sheet Iron Work

of Goods.

Cane -l)ottomel 11. V. and Assorted Dining

(PArr ! :-- r.


XT "If - i --J .


Stoves, ltanges and

Plumbing, Tin, Copper

Big Stock:o:


Have on hand, in inMition to their usual stork, a luiyc assortinont of

'Fancy Goods and ToysToo numerous to mention. Also, a large a'Mitional XMAS order of

Furniture and Picture MouldingsOn the "ALAMEDA."

Just nveivetl on "AT.AMKDA" large sto k of Furniture, cons'mtinj; of

Light and Dark Cedar and Ash Bedroom Sets,Threo-quurte- rs and Full-siz- e

liooni Chairs, Nurse Rockers and assortment of ChiMrenV Chain.7" A fine assortment of Holiday Goods to arriye by next Steamer.

V alley. 0


Advertisements. .y3 licimti!t &&vtttlistmtnU. flverustments. 3tatrtistnunts.


"ir it riTTTnciATTAr cv OAATCHO WING & CO,

'o. Ht uunuu Street,Wm. G. Irwin & Co, ill. H. MeLLllliOiiiL CV Oll

"The requirements for a Brandy likelv to be of an medical r.;p are all present iu that supplied byMessrs. J. E. Pellison t Co. Vide Public Health.

Uncolored, Unsweetened, Pnro Old Brandy.Battled at Coctiac. for Medicinal and Pouiestic Uses, as Analyzed.

e call the attention of all readers to the following extract froru the Analvsts' P.epom audOpinions of the Prer;

laboratory, Greshai;; House, 24 Holborn Viaduct, London, E. C.Thia brandy is a pure grape spirit, remarkably rich in fragrant ethers; contains a large amouatof

tannin, derived from staring In oat casks, which imparts to tine old brauJy one of us valuable medici-nal properties, and will be of the greatest value to the physaiau in lLose numerous cases where pureFrench brandy is the most useful of all medicines.

EDMUND P.. SOUTH BY, M. P.. C. S., F. C. S.-T- he

only two quail: es shipped "Seven and Ten Years Old" an be had in oce-dore- n case.

OFFER FOR SALE iiavk received,

May 8 tli Per Mariposa, 1,754 Packages ;

One hundred dozen ;ENIS' full fashionedSOl'WH,

"Morlev's of London."At 25 renin er plr.

dozen EAI;IES COTTON HOSK, extraloug and silk clocked never excelled.

"Louvre of Brussels,"


Crockery,Ola ssware

AN- t-

01iina May 22d-P- er Alameda, 1,922 Packages ;

To Arrive Per Consuclo, 332 Packages,Now offer for sale at very low rates a choice va PREETH & PEACOCK,Fort Street.M7 feb2S riety of

Sole Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.TEA SETS, VASES, FLOWER POTS. LIKDS


Ureal Bargain. Great Rarcalu. ASSOETED GEOCEEIES,H. XC. IMcIntyre & Tiro.,IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN


Id Barrels,Half Barrels,

And Boxes.

CUBE?Id Half Barrels

And 25 pound Boxes.


GOLDEN C. (.COFFEE)In Half Barrels

And Boxes

New and beautiful articles of the most delicateworkmanship just received frcm Japan.

P. O. box 2 9. Honolulu. 31- -' Jan5



Lowest Market Itates,

A Large Htuek of tlie Most FavoriteBrands of


Groceries? l?rovisions and Feed.EAST CORNER FORT AND KING STREETS.

New Goods 'received by everv packet from the Eastern Slates and Europe, fresh CaliforniaINTER-ISI.AN- D


"Will be Sold at tlie Lowest jNlavket Iates.Produce by every steamer. All orders faithfully attended to, and Goods delivered to any part of thecity free of charge. Island orders solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. Postottice Box No. 145Telephone No. 92. TtiaplT

Steam Navigation (Jo.rv


LEWIS & CO.,"YVTiolejsale and Retail Grocers,

G7 aud' (39 Hotel street. P. O. Box 297. Old" aud New Telephone, 240.

NEW GOODS JUST RECEIVED ON ICE. Fresh CaliornU Fruits. Fresh California Fish

"W. McChesney fe Son,42 ami II Quoeit Street. Honolulu.STEAMER W. G. II ALL,


POWCHONG. (MALULANI.) and a full line of Fancy and stuple Groceries. Goods delivered to all parts of the city free of charge


Will run regular.y to Maalaea, Maui, and Kona prti's tic Color Prin tfng .r TA. nwMi: .:"-::, ills:!'i iur i ' e.w..-i .r. iand Kau, Hawaii.Soap.



TIIIVrLi: lKW HIIINKY.(in cases and casks,)

(7 and 10 jvars old,)

jikwiikh's :i,t;rjiAvr,Mis


Budweiser Lager lleer,For which we are the .Sole Agent iu the Ha-

waiian Islands, are particularly recommended..

THE HONOLULU IKON WORKS CO.Have completed m! offer loi- - sale tl:e v w iiiu l!itev. iz:



(L1LINOE,CommanderCAMERON. 1 PAUL COMPOUND STEEL IIOILEKS J:.Salmon. Leaves every Tuesday at 5 p. ni. for Nuwiliwili,

Koloa. Eleele and W'aimea. Returning, will leaveNawiliwlli every Saturday at 4 p. iu., ariiving atHonolulu every Sunday at 5 a. ni.


1 Combination Boiler. 12 ft. a r It. (' in.

1 Conibination JSteol Roiler, 12 fr. x 1 ft., also1 Secoml-llan- d Tubular PoiliT, 12 ft. x 4 ft.

ApDiy to The Monolnln Iron Works Co.



BARRELS. ...CommanderFREEMAN.v.


Will run regularly to Hamoa, Maui, and Kukui- -Tom u mihI ioiinlry 4rlcr filled haele, Ilonoka.t aud Paauhau, Hawaii.

lromptly. ami Nat iafnetloii Uuhkh-- Flour.STEAMER C. R. BISHOP,

MACAl'LEV CommanderFAMILY quarter sacks).

HUKH'H EXTRA (I half tack), GEO. ENGELHAEDT,Leaves every Friday at 8 a. ni. for Waianae,Oatau, and Hanalel and Kilauea. Kauai, Return- -

HAVE RECEIVED AND fUTF.R FOR SALE,FTeetli & Peacock.TA Nu nan u street. Honolulu. H. 1.

ng, leaves Hanalel every Tuesday at 4 p. m., andtouching at aialua and waianae weunesaays.

Cases Medium Bread. and arriving at lioaolulu same day.Teleonoue No. 46. P. O. Box 36X Formerly ttitli Samuel lt.Importer and Dealer in

Ex. 4 JIKNDOTA," and Other Late Arrivals1 10 &SC

NOTICE. STEAMER JAMES JMAKEE,From New York and Sun Fram isco, a und Varied Assortment of

Merchandise, Suitable forWEIR Commander Stoves, Chandeliers, Lamps, Crockery and Glassware.Lime and Cement.MEU TSCHYASO. PHYSICIAN. BUR Will run regularly to Kapaa, Kauai.

X geon end accoucheur, late Hurgeon to theCamon Mission House, Canton, China, baa openedan rifHce for the practice of medicine In all Its Plantations, Country Stores and families,T. R. FOSTER, President.branches at No. 39 King street, left side of China J. Kna, Secretary.

llouse Furnishing Hardware,Agate Iron and Tinware.

Agent for Hall's Sale and Lock Company.-- CONN1NT7NO IN FAItT OFMANILA

Engine, Honolulu. 3- -. mayia



Beaver 13 lock : : : : Kort street,fllHE UNDERSIGNED HAS SOLD THElease and drygoods store, corner of Hotel

aud Nuuauu streets, to LAM KAI WINO. Alldebts owed by me will be settles!, and all amountsdue ma collected by me before my departure for Store formerly occupied by !S. Nott, opposite spreckels di Co.'s Bank. 201 nov3 S

Reed's Felt Steam PipeThe maguiiicent steamship

AUSTEALIA,(Brouifti, Cvmnisudfr,)

Will leave for the alove port on or about

China. I am not responsible lor any neooi con-tracted from said store after October 1", 185.

LAM CHING WAA.Honolulu, December 4th. dec!

1886,1886.and Boiler Covering. Third Year of Publication.

Tl-II-i: HONOLULUDecember 15tluTHEREAL ESTATE For freight or passage apply toGREAT 25 A" TEN IS, (suitable for camp-

ing aud surveying parties.) Tril v Ii T HI i AT A f 1 4 ATTA lTD I? 1m mH. HACKFELP & CO., AIJMAi ill iLl 1 171X1 VJAND


General Business Olces EUREKA ! (IliXiUSTRATED. )

For tho Year of Our Lord 1SSG, Containing an

Palace Kerosene Oil the highest test oil in tho market. Vulcan ami Electric Kero-

sene Oils, Lard Oil in barrels ami oases, Sperm ami Cylinder Oil, Albany CompoundPlumbago, etc., Galvanized and Plain Cut and Wrought Iron Nails, Galvanized Cor-

rugated Iron, Plain Iron and laskt Fence Wire, Plain and Perforated Sheet Zinc,Galvanized Wire Cloth, Centrifugal Wire Cloths, Centrifugal Itubber Springs,Blake Pump Company Patent Itubber Valves and Springs, I. It. Hose,?4 inch to 2 inch, 3 and 1 ply. Steam Packing, round, square and flat, allstyles, Anvils, Vises, Hydraulic Hams, Jack Screws, Paris Steel llreaking Plows- - theboss plow yet; Molisse Furrowing and Breaking Plows, all sizes, Cultivators, HoisiHoes, Gang Plows, Planters' lloos, our own make, inch Goose Neck Lane'sPlanters' Hoes, Shovels, Spades, Hakes, Forks, Scoops, Push Scythes, Feed Cutter.Cane Knives, our own make and superior quality; Lawn Mweis, lload Scraper,Cart Axles, Fuirbank's Scales, three sizes; Grindstones, nil sizes, Axes, HatcLtta,Pick and Ax Mattocks, Pick Axes, Horse Shoes, Machine Bolts, all sizes andlengths, a full and superior line of Shelf Hardware, Builders' Hardware a full line.Locks, Buts, Screws, Hinges, Staples, Tacks, Brads, etc., Planes of all kinds.Badey's Patents, etc., Machinists' tools of all kinds, Hammers, etc.. Paints, Oilsand Glass.

White Lead and Zinc, Rubber Paint, Boiled and Raw Oil, Valentine's Varnishes,Turpentine, Patent Lryers, a large variety of small paints iu Oils, Chandeliers, GlassLamps, Lanterns, a large variety, Stationery Ink-;- , Tin and Hollow Ware, MedicineBLUE DENIMS, 8, 9 and 10 oz. at bottom rates.

FINE RED SALMON, in barrels.


CRUSHED and GRANULATED SUGAR, in half barrels.


Xc oo4i4 i;xieclel per Steiiiiisliiit AIiiiioIh.BLAKE BOILER, FEED, LIGHT SERVICE aud VACUUM PUiirS IN STOCK- -

H(i tf


ulLDEKS STEAMSUlr CO., Astronomical. Civil & Ecclesiastic'! Calond'r!J. E. WISEMAN,HOXOLlLt, II. I.

j -

We have received a consignment o the most

Economical at. J Valuable Faed for allkinds of Stock, vin.r

COOKED LINSEED MEAL.It Is the greatest Flesh former, Milk and

Butter producer In use.



Official and Business Directory of HonoluluSTEAMER KINAU,(King, Commanaer),tbltliel 179.) OU Cake Meal shows about 37 per cent, of nu

trltive matter; this nearly 3 per cent.

100 s. ol this meal Is equal to 30O . of oata, Leaves Honolulu as per following schedule. TOGETli EH W IT IIThe foUwiiMC various branches of business will touching at Eahaina, Maalaea, Makeua, laliu-kona- .

KawaihaeLaupahoehoe. Hilo and Keauhou:enable the public on the Islands and from abroad or 31s ts. of corn, or to 77 . of wbeat gain general Information on all matters io the Commencing on MONDAY. October I2tb, and

thence on the first Monday following the arrivalof the "Alameda" and "Mariposa. " on the MaFor Sale in IaU to Suit. Full Statistical and General Informationfollowing departments:and 22d of each mouth:AUo. 0111 Uurivalled MIXED FEED, as well as

The steamer Kinau will make the VOLCANOTRIP, reaching Keauhou on Wednesday mornHeal Estate- - Department

Buys and sells Real Estate 111 oil parts of the ing, giving tourist two days and two nights at RELATING TO THE HAWIST ISLANDS.our c.sual supply of the best kluds of

Hay, OrU, Wheat, Corn, Kte., Ete. the VOLCANO HOUSE.When the 8th and S2d of the month fall onKingdom.

Mondav. the Kinau will leave that day.



t'resident and llanajfcr.JAMES O. SI'ENCEIl,

Secretary and Treasurer.The Kinau will arrive in Honolulu .Sunday

mornings on Volcano trips. On Hilo trips, willleave Honolulu on Tuesdays, and return Saturdaymorning.

PASSENGER TRAINS will connect with theKinau at Mahukoua.

The Kinau WILL. TOUCH at Hotiokaia andPaauhau on down trips from ni'o for Passengers


BONE MEAL!!if a signal is made from tbe sliore.

Values Real Estate and Property in city audsuburos.

Rents and leases. Houses, lottoKcs, Rooms andLauda.

Attends to Insurance, laxts, Repairing andCollecting of Rental.

Draws legal papers of every nature SearchesTitles, Records, Etc.

Employment DepartmentFinds Employment in all branches of Industry

connected with the Islands.

General Business MattersKeep Rooks and Accounts, collect Bills, loans

or invest Moneys. Penmauship, EnRroHslnit andall kinds of Copying done.

Procures Fire and Life insurance.Advertisements and Correspondence attended 'to.Information of every description connected

with the Islands coming from abroad fillyanswered.

Custom House Broker.Mm-i-liaiit- s will rind this Dcpal tment a special

STEAMER LIKELIKE.(Lorenzeu, Commander;,


First Week in January, 18S(.

Great pains and expense Lave been gone to by the Publishers tomake this Almanac and Directory the most useful and comprehen-sive work of the kind ever published in the Hawaiian Kingdom. Itwill be found invaluable to men of business, travelers and tourists,and is guaranteed a wide circulation at Home and in Foreign Coun-tries.

Its Court and Official Calendar carefully corrected to the latesmoment.

Articles of special value to the Islands have neen prepared by ex-

pert writers, which are well calculated to beget great interest intheir condition and prospect abroad.

Secretaries of Societies and Heads of Departments are respect-fully solicited to make returns of their officers, Compiler's aimbeing correctness and perfection.

Advertising Space Limited--Larg- e CirculationGuaranteed.

Leaves Honolulu every Monday at 5 v. m. torKaunakakai.Kahului, every week; Huelo, liana

and Kipahulu. Keanae, Mokulau aud Nuu everyother week. Returning, will stop at the aboveporta, arriving back Saturday mornings.

For mails and passengers only.


Sueressors lo IliMiiiliaiii V . itud ShiiiiioI .ol(.

Fort Streer.Preparatory to stock taking we offer a Iar?c Jim oJTINWAI'.E suitable f.r country and retail

stores at

Grreatly J;?ecliiced l3rices.COFI'EE POTS,








The uuderuistied are uow preiircd to re

ceive orders for this Celebrated Fertilizerbeuetit to them, as I attend to entering goodsthrough power of Altoruey und delivering the

STEAMER KUjAUEA HOU,from tbe manufactory of Buck & Ohlaudt

same at a small coumimbjon.

Molirltlliu: .Isent for the "MUTUAL LIFEtvKimiVi'i.'. MiMPAXY (IK NEW YORK." (Weisbarth, Commander),the larsest. giandcst Biid soundest Insurance 1 San FrancisCO

Will leave regularly for Paauhau, Kobolalele,I'nmnunv In the world.Ookala, Kukaiau, Honohina, Laupahoehoe, Haka- -The following is a report of tlie compo--lau and Onomea

"farcat UMrlliiKloii itallnay Koute," nent parts, aa obtaiued by CLeniical analyT.. & mav;.u Travpli'K iflltrup villi 1 V pufl InAmerica will Hud this route the most comfortable j 818

STEAMER LE1IUA.Water 8.10 per centand most delightful. The scenery Li the graudest

going East, aud w ith the PULLMAN PA LACKSLKEPINU CARS and good meals along the trip,polite attention from employees and reason-able fare 110 route can excel this. iDavies, Commander)Organic Matter 29.18

Silicious Matter 4.65

lime 31.70

rbophoric Acid 23.11

Oxide of Iron 85

Carbonic Acid. 1.89Alkali Salts 52

Will leave rerulurly for same ports as Kilaueallou.

AGENT for the

Honolulu ltoyal tiera Uotte.Managers of tlrst-clas- s companies abroa 1 will

address me for terms, etc.I'll: PLATES,



100.00Nitrogt 11 2.7 per rnt. mm.(Mc"iregor, Commanaer ,

Leaves Honolulu each Monday at 5 p. m. forKaunakakai. Kamalo. Piikoo.Lahaina. ljinal,Moa-nui,Halawa,Waila- u,

I'elekunu and Kahmpapa. Re-

turning, leaves Tukoo Friday 6 a.m. for Honolulu,arriving Saturday morning.

Order Received will have Prompt j TUe Company win not e responsible for . fJrany freight or packages unless for, nor

DEPARTMENTS.Heal Kstate ItroWer.

t'nstoui limine Itroker.Moury Itroker.

'l re anil I. lie IiiHiiranee Ajral,Kiuployment Aireiif,

Kail roi il Atrent aulCeiieral Jliioine Axe tit.


- J. E. WISE3IAX.U. I.HONOLULU,Si myG-8- 6

atd Careful Attention.

WII.D'.ER cSc CO.,i


Lum13ei a ncl Co a.1 ,lKM)rs, SasUand niimN. All kinds of linUifclliS' 11 A ItDW A UK, Paints, (jils, (lias- -, Mttiifr

j Corrugated Iron, Portland C'emnit : STEEI. NAli.s u ndi septilor to 1 r r, , m, ' k M I i t )i J


i for personal baRUiijf' unless plmnly niarKeo. .oiresponsible for money or jewelry "Miless placed incharge of the Purser.

I All possible care will be tafeen of Live stock, butthe Company will not assume any risk of accident.

J SAMX. . WILDER, President--

j s. H. ROSE, secretary.I OFFICE Corner Fort aud Queen streets,j C9-- ly liar 30

W. (i. Irwin & Co.,Agents or the Hawaiian Islands.

8tfSAN JOSE, CAL, U. S. A.


top related