safely your kidney

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safelyyourkidneyMonday, July 26, 2010


****இழந்த சீறுநீரக செ�யல்பா�ட்டை� சீர் செ�ய்வதற்க�ன இயற்டைக வழ�

இழந்த சீறுநீரக செ�யல்பா�ட்டை� சீர் செ�ய்வதற்க�ன இயற்டைக வழ�

How to get back kidney functioning back on track after a fatal failure..........................the suggestions need to be always taken in right spirit. For benefit of english readers refer to below Tamil content.  (Rejuvenating lost kidney function through Ayurveda)To:

Dear Friends......

The protocol which I have given below, has been proved scientificallyby Prof G. Shanmugam, Eminent Scientist.

It is mere simple and the details are given crystal clear by his son, Pari.

Go throught this, and recommend to people who are undergoing dialysis.......

Spread this msg so that it can reach much wider audience....

Read this mail and forward to the needy people.........

இழந்த சீறுநீரக செ�யல்பா�ட்டை� சீர் செ�ய்வதற்க�ன இயற்டைக வழ�

(Rejuvenating lost kidney function through Ayurveda)

2006ஆம் ஆண்டு மே� ��தம் எனது தந்டைத �!று நீரக செ�யலிப்பா$ன�ல் அவ�ர�!க&ச்டை� பா$ர�வ$ல் மே�ர்க்கப்பாட்��ர். இதற்கு முன்னர் அவருக்கு எவ்வ$த�!று நீரக பா$ரச்�!டைனயும் எற்பாட்�த&ல்டை/. அவரது �!று நீரகசெ�யல்பா�டு 5% (50��.லி �!றுநீர் செவளி�செயற்றம் ஒரு நா�டைளிக்கு)கீழ் செ�ன்றுவ$ட்�து.

முதல் இரண்டு வ�ரத்த&ற்கு முழுவது��க ஹீமே�� �ய�ய$�!ஸ் (hemodialysis)செ�ய்யப்பாட்�து. பா$றகு ஒரு நா�டைளிக்கு மூன்று முடைற செபார�செ��ன�யல் �ய�ய$�!ஸ்(peritonial dialysis) அவமேர வீடு த&ரும்பா$ய பா$ன்பும் செ�ய்து செக�ண்��ர்.ஆய$னும் �ய�லி�!ன�ல், அடைனத்து �த்துகளும் ஊற!ய செபாற்று துரும்பா�ய் இடைளித்து��கவும் கடைளித்து நா�க்க கூ� முடிய��ல் ��கவும் கஷ்�ப்பாட்��ர். �ருத்துவர்இன� குண�டை�ய வ�ய்ப்பு க&டை�ய�து என்று டைகடைய வ$ர�த்துவ$ட்��ர்.

எதன�ல் தீடீசெரன்று எனது தந்டைதக்கு இந்த பா�த்த&ப்பு எற்பாட்�துசெயன்றுகுழம்பா$மேனன். பா$றகு ஒரு நா�ள் எசெதச்டை�ய�க PBSல் (Public BroadcastingSystem is non-profit organization in the USA with very informativeprograms that is relatively free from commercial influence) கண்மே�ன்.அத&ல் செக�ழுப்டைபா (Cholesterol) கட்டுபாடுத்த உட்செக�ள்ளும் ஒரு வடைக�ருந்துகள் (statin drugs) �!றுநீரக செ�யலிழப்பா$ற்கு வ$த்த&டும் எனவ$ளிக்கம் அளி�க்கப்பாட்�து. எனது தந்டைதயும் அந்த �ருந்துகடைளி உட்செக�ண்டுவந்த�ர்.

�ருத்துவர் இன� குண�டை�ய வ�ய்ப்பு க&டை�ய�து என்று டைகடைய வ$ர�த்துவ$ட்�நா&டை/ய$லும் கீழ் க�ணும் இயற்டைக வழ�டைய பா$ன்பாற்ற! இரண்மே� ��தத்த&ல் எனதுதந்டைதய$ன் �!றுநீரகம் 80% (650-700 ��.லி �!றுநீர்


செ�யல்பா�ட்டை� த&ரும்பா செபாற்று இன்று முழுவதும் குண�டை�ந்துள்ளி�ர்.

�ருத்துவர்கள் செதய்வங்களில்/. அவர்கள் கூறுவடைத முழுதும்கடை�ப்பா$டிக்க�தீர்கள். அவர்கடைளி வ$� நா�க்கு த�ன் நா�து உ�டை/ பாற்ற! நான்குசெதர�யும்.

இஞ்�! ஒத்த�ம்

ஒரு பா�டைனய$ல் மூன்று லிட்�ர் நீடைர செக�த&க்க டைவக்கவும்.125க& இஞ்�!டைய துண்டு துண்��க நாறுக்க&, ��க்�! அல்/து அம்��ய$ல்

அடைரத்து செக�ள்ளிவும்.அடைரத்த இஞ்�!டைய ஒரு துண�ய$ல் �!று மூட்டை�ப்மேபா�ல் கட்�வும்.இப்மேபா�ழுது செக�த&க்கும் நீர�ல் இஞ்�! ��டைர நான்கு பா$ழ�ந்துவ$ட்டு, துண�முடிச்டை�யும் மேபா�ட்டு ஒரு தட்டை� செக�ண்டு மூ�வும்.அடுப்டைபா குடைறந்த எர� நா&டை/ய$ல் (�!ம்) 20 – 25 நா&���ங்கள் டைவக்கவும்.பா$றகு அடுப்டைபாடைய அடைனத்துவ$ட்டு மூடிய நா&டை/ய$மே/ 5 நா&���ங்கள்

வ$�வும்.�!க&ச்டை�க்க�ன நாபாடைர �ட்டை�டைய கழற்ற!வ$ட்டு தடை/க்குப்புற பாடுக்க செ��ல்/வும்.பா$றகு ஒரு �!று துண�டைய, செக�த&க்கும் இஞ்�! நீர� ல் நாடைனத்து புளி�ந்து, மேவறுஒரு க&ண்ணத்த&ல் புழ�யவும். அந்த துண்டை� சீறுநீரகம் அடை�ந்துள்ளி முதுக&ன்அ டிபாகுத&ய$ல் வ$ர�த்து மேபா��வும்.சூடு தண�ந்தவு�ன் துண�டைய மீண்டும் நாடைனத்து, வ$ர�த்து செத��ரவும். இவ்வ�ற�கநீர் ஆ றும் வடைர செத��ர்ந்து அடைர �ண� மேநாரம் செ�ய்யவும்.


�ன�த எண்ணத்த&ற்கு �க்த&யுண்டு. த&ய�னம் செ�ய்ய நீங்கள் செபாரும்முன�வர�கமேவ�, �ந்த&ர தந்த&ரங்கள் அற!ந்தவர�க இருக்கமேவண்டிய

அவ�!ய��ல்டை/.அடை�த&ய�க ஒர��த்த&ல் அ�ர்ந்து, �னடைத ஒரு நா&டை/ப்பாடுத்த& உங்கள்�!றுநீரகத்டைத பாற்ற! எண்ணுங்கள். �!றுநீரக செ�ல்கள் புத்துனர்வு அடை�ந்துமீண்டும் இயங்குவடைத உங்கள் அக (�ன) கண்ண�டிய$ல் கண்டு

�க&ழுங்கள்.எல்/�ம் நான்டை�க்மேகசெயன்று எண்ணுங்கள், நாம்புங்கள். நாம்பா$க்டைகத�ன்ஆயுர்மேவதம் �ட்டு�ல்/ அடைனத்து �ருத்துவ முடைறகளுக்கும் முதல் பாடி.

பா�த ���ஜ்

நா�து பா�தத்த&ல் 7000 நாரம்பு முடிவுகள் உள்ளின. ஆயுர்மேவதத்த&ன் பாடி,பா�தத்த&ன் நா�ன்க�வது வ$ரலில் �!றுநீரக நாரம்பு செத��ர்கள் முடிவடை�க&ன்றன.ஆகமேவ, அடை�த&ய�ன இ�த்த&ல் அ�ர்ந்து முழு�னது�ன் நா�ன்க�ம் வ$ரடை/ த&னமும்�!ற!து மேநாரம் ���ஜ் செ�ய்யவும். இச்செ�ய்டைக �!றுநீரகத்டைத புத்துனர்வு அடை�யசெ�ய்க&றது.

உணவு முடைற

�!றுநீரக செ�யல்பா�ட்டை� சீர் செ�ய்வதற்க்கு, உணவு கட்டுபா�டு ��கவும்அவ�!ய��னத�கும். மே�மே/ கூற!ய அடைனத்டைதயும் கடை�பா$டித்து உணவு முடைறய$ல்ஒழுக்க��ல்டை/செயன�ல், ய�வும் பாயனற்றத�க&வ$டும்.


உப்டைபா தவ$ர்ப்பாதன் மூ/ம் மே��டியம் அளிடைவ குடைறக்க/�ம். �ன�தன�ல் உப்பா$ன்ற!வ�ழ இயலும், 50 /ட்�ம் ஆண்டுகள் உப்பா$ன்ற!த�ன் வ�ழ்ந்த�ன். எனமேவ உணவ$ல்அடைர உப்பு மே�ர்த்து செக�ள்ளிவும். அத&க உப்பு க�ல்�!யத்டைத இழக்க செ�ய்து,எழும்பு மேநா�ய்களுக்கு வ$த்த&டுக&றது. உப்புக்கு பாத&ல் எலு��ச்டை� ��று,��ளிகு அல்/து குடைறந்த அளிவு மே��டியமுள்ளி ஏசெதனும் த�வர இடை/கடைளி மே�ர்த்துசெக�ள்ளிவும்.நீ ங் கள் செபார�மே��ன�ல் �ய�லி�!ஸ் செ�ய்த�ல் உப்டைபா குடைறக்க மேவண்��ம்,ஏசெனன�ல் �ய�லி�!ஸின�ல் அத&க அளிவ$ல் மே��டியம் செவளி�செயற்றப்பாடுக&றது.

செபா�ட்���!யம், பா�ஸ்பாரஸ்

உணவ$ல் செபா�ட்���!யம், பா�ஸ்பாரஸ் அளிடைவயும் குடைறத்துக்செக�ள்ளிவும். பாய$ர்வடைககடைளி தவ$ர்க்கவும். க�ய்கற!களி�லுள்ளி செபா�ட்���!யம் அளிடைவ �டை�ப்பாதன் மூ/ம்குடைறக்க/�ம். மே�லும், க�ய்கடைளி துண்டுதுண்��க நாறுக்க& ஒர் பா�டைன

நீர�ல் 4�ண� மேநாரத்த&ற்கு ஊறடைவத்து உண்பாதன் மூ/மும் செபா�ட்���!யம் அளிடைவ குடைறக்களி�ம்.பா�ஸ்பாரஸ் நா&டைறந்த பா� ல் �ற்றும் பா�ல் செபா�ருட்கள் தவ$ர்க்கவும்.

புரதங்கள் (ப்மேர�டீன்)

புரதங்கள் �ன�த உ�லுக்கு இன்ற!யடை�ய�தது. �ய�லி�!ஸ் செ�ய்பாவர்கள் அத&கம்புரத்டைத இழக்க&ற�ர்கள் எனமேவ அவர்கள் புரதம் நா&டைறந்த உணவுகடைளிமே�ர்த்துசெக�ள்ளி மேவண்டும். குற!ப்பா�க ஊறடைவத்த, முடைளி கட்டிய பா�த�ம்பாருப்புகள் ��கச்�!றந்த புரத செபா�ருளி�கும்.�!றுநீரக செ�யலிழப்பா$ன் செபா�ழுது, அத&க புரதம் கடுடை�ய�ன வ$டைளிவுகடைளிஏற்பாடுத்தும். குற!ப்பா�க இரத்தத&ல் யூர�ய�வ$ன் அளிவு அத&கர�த்துநாரம்பு�ண்�/த்த&ல் மேக�ளி�று ஏற்பாடும். இதன�ல் பா�!ய$ன்டை�, சுடைவ

மேவறுபா�டுகள்,மேத�ல் கருடை�யடை�தல் ஆக&யன நா&கழும்.


நீர�ன்ற! அடை�ய�து இவ்வு/கசெ�ன்பாது மேபா�ல், நா�து �!றுநீரக செ�யல்பா�ட்டுக்கும்அதன்மூ/ம் இரத்த அழுத்த கட்டுபா�ட்டுக்கும் நீர�ன் அளிவு முக்க&ய��னது.த&னமும் 1.4 லிட்�ர் நீர் அருந்தவும். அத&க நீர் உயர் இரத்தஅழுத்த&ற்க்கு வ$த்த&டும். நா�ம் த&னமும் எடுத்துக்செக�ள்ளும் பாழங்கள்,��ம்பா�ர், இர�ம் முதலியடைவயும் நா�து நீர் மேதடைவடைய பூர்த்த& செ�ய்க&றதுஎன்பாடைத நா&டைனவ$ல் செக�ள்க.

மே�ர்த்து செக�ள்ளிமேவண்டியடைவ


ஒ� இடை/ �!றுநீரக செ�யல்பா�ட்டுக்கு ��கவும் நால்/து. எனமேவ த&னமும் உணவு�ன்�!ற!து ஒ� இடை/டைய மே�ர்த்து செக�ள்ளிவும்.


புளி�ய$லுள்ளி ��ர்�மேரட் அ��/ம், �!றுநீர ஆக்�மே/ட் கற்கள் உருவக்கத்டைததடுக&றது. புளி�டைய அத&கம் உணவ$ல் மே�ர்த்து செக�ள்வத�ல்த�ன் இன்மேத�மேன�!ய�க்களுக்கு அத&கம் �!றுநீர பா$ரச்�!டைனகள் ஏற்பாடுவத&ல்டை/செயன்றுஉறுத&செ�ய்யப்பாட்டுள்ளிது.


�ஞ்�ள் இந்த&ய உணவுகளி�ன் ஒர் தவ$ர்க்க முடிய� க/டைவய�கும். �ஞ்�ள்

�!றுநீரக செ�யல்ய$ழப்டைபா தவ$ர்க்கவும், இழந்த செ�யல்பா�ட்டை� புத்துணர்வுஅடை�யவும் செ�ய்யும் �க&டை�யுடை�யது என்று �!த்த �ருத்துத்த&ன்பாடியும்,இக்க�/ அற!வ$யலின்பாடியும் நா&ருபா$க்கபாட்டுள்ளிது.

க�ய்கற!கள்& பாழங்கள்

க�ய்கற!கள்: பூண்டு, செவங்க�யம், க�ரட், கத்ர�க்க�ய்முள்ளிங்க&, பாச்டை�பாட்��ண�, முட்டை�மேக�ஸ், க�லிபா$ளிவர.பாழங்கள்: ஆப்பா$ள், த&ர�ட்டை�, எலு��ச்டை�, மேபார�க்க�ய், அன்ன��!, ப்ளிம்ஸ், தர்பூ�ண�எண்செணய்: நால்செ/ண்செணய், ஆலிவ்


க�ய்கற!கள்: தக்க�ளி�, புழுச்டை�கீடைர, உருடைளி, �ர்க்கடைரவல்லி க&ழங்குபாழங்க்ள்: வ�டைழ, ��ம்பாழம், பாப்பா�ளி�, ஆரன்ஜுW, உளிர் பாழங்கள்பாழச்��றுகள்: ஆரன்ஜுW, க�ய்கற! ��றுகள், கூல்ட்ர�ங்ஸ்.


மே�மே/ கூற!யவற்டைற ஒழுக்கத்து�ன் உங்கடைளி ஏ��ற்ற��ல் நாம்பா$க்டைகயு�ன்கடை�பா$டித்த�ல் �!றுநீரக பா$ரச்�டைனகள் தீரும்.

Kidney Recovery

November 6th, 2006 Pari Health, Personal Leave a comment Go to comments

Earlier this year, my dad had went into chronic end stage renalfailure and was in critical condition, with the kidney functioning atless than 5% capacity (his urine output was less than 50ml per day –i.e. less than a quarter cup). In addition, every renal surgeontelling him outright that there is no possibility of the kidneyrecovering. He had to do peritoneal dialysis 3 times a day, for 3months.

After a lot of persuasion I got him on an Ayurvedic regiment. Within 2weeks the kidney for the first time showed signs of improvement (urineoutput going from 50ml to 100ml). From being “dead”, it steadily anddramatically came back alive day by day, and by the end of 2 months

the kidneys returned to 80% capacity (in terms of urine outputreaching 650-700ml, and levels of creatine, BUN,… much closer tonormal). Now he is very healthy and lively, compared with how weak,emaciated, and distressed he was before.

For anyone suffering from kidney disease I very much recommendedtrying out the treatments outlined here. It is all a matter dedicatedeffort, patience, and confidence. For all those suffering from kidneyailment: it can be reversed (even critical stage kidney failure whichdoctors pronounce as hopeless!).


In May this year my dad was rushed to the hospital on account ofcomplete kidney failure. Both kidneys had shutdown. The condition wasdescribed as “end stage kidney failure”, the worst possible state akidney can go into. The doctors said in the history of patientsthey’ve had, once a kidney goes into this stage they haven’t seen itrecover. He had never had a problem with his kidney in the past, hewas very healthy.

So how did this happen, and why so suddenly without warning? Later itwas found that there actually were some very significant warningsigns. Two months before the failure, the creatine level was way outof range. But our family doctor had dismissed it as nothing (even whenmy dad pointed it out to him twice). Given the faith that people tendto have in doctors, my dad took that answer as gospel. Until that onenight when he collapsed and had to be rushed to the hospital and puton emergency hemodialysis. His whole body had gone into a criticalstage due to complete shutdown of the kidneys.

But why was the creatine level out of range in the first place? Ifound my answer a couple of months later. By chance I saw a program onPBS (Public Broadcasting System is non-profit organization in the USAwith very informative programs that is relatively free from commercialinfluence). The program was about an investigation into the FDA (Foodand Drug Administration, USA) on how it had approved a group ofcholesterol drugs that were known to cause catastrophic kidneyfailure. The investigation revealed a whole network of giantpharmaceutical companies that had its hands inside that government


Getting to the point… that particular group of drugs (known as statindrugs) is exactly what my dad was taking prior to the sudden kidneycollapse. And yet, it continues to be prescribed by doctors forcontrolling cholesterol.

May 8, 2006

As stated, my dad was rushed to emergency care in critical conditionseveral times in the first two weeks of the failure, put onhemodialysis almost continuously. Then, in the following months he wason peritoneal dialysis (PD) for about 3-4 times a day, every day. Whatwas worse, is that PD was having toll on his body. Apart from thehighly restrictive diet, the PD removes a lot of nutrients from thebody. Not to mention kidney is responsible for other things likeproducing one of the key components for generating red blood cells andcontrolling blood pressure.

He had lost several pounds (due to breakdown of muscles), became veryweak and emaciated. His skin had also turned dark and patchy.Depression also set in (not to mention the loads of chemicals thatwere acting on him) and he felt that he would not last long.

Meanwhile I wasn’t ready to give up so easily. I strongly believe inthe body’s tremendous and remarkable capacity to heal itself, evenfrom the most critical conditions. I was scouring the web, day andnight, reading, cross referencing several Ayurvedic books andarticles, eventually putting together a healing regiment. What made itso difficult was the amount of junk information out there and that ittook time differentiating what is genuine.

I tried convincing my dad over phone, to follow Ayurvedic healing. Buthe being a trained scientist in Western medicine wasn’t too excitedabout it. He had an almost religious faith in Western medicine,despite the fact that modern medicine was increasingly earning areputation for causing more damage than curing them.

After six weeks of trying unsuccessfully to convince him to take theAyurvedic approach, I rolled up my sleeves and took a short two week

trip to India.

July 19, 2006

Starting the day I landed (Tamil Nadu, India, July 19th, 2006) I gothim on a regiment of couple of things: ranging from ginger compressw/reiki, meditation, morning walks, turmeric, omam/ajwain water,tamarind juice, foot massage at kidney meridian, strict changes indiet to control excess salt, potassium, phosphorous. This started onday 1. On the 4th day, his urine output for the first time had doubled(from 50ml to 100ml). By the time I left (i.e. two weeks) it hadreached 120ml. From that point on it steadily improved, and in lessthan two months from July 19th, it reached an average of 650-700ml.

Even the doctors were so skeptical that even after a blood/urine test,they said the test might be messed up! and asked him to get anotherblood/urine test! In fact, they’ll just label this as a case of“spontaneous remission” (a fancy escapist term used by modern science;so as to easily avoid/escape acknowledging the possibility that theycould have been wrong about it being incurable (by modern science),and that other means of curing it (outside of modern science) couldpossibly exist (for fear of being sued, losing their licence, losingprofitability, etc).

Early 2007

My dad’s urine output now averages around 1000ml (close to the normaladult output of 1200ml per day).His creatine has very much improved though a bit more to go to get tonormal level.He does dialysis just once day (as opposed to 3-4 times a day).He was even able to do dialysis once every alternate day (he triedthis for a whole month) with no problem. But we learned it is notadvisable to do alternate days – it can cause the dialysis tubinginside to dry up, shrink, and possibly get clogged – so we resumeddaily once a day instead of alternate days.So how to test whether the kidney is ready to be back on its ownfully? as we have the restriction that we cannot reduce dialysis toless than once per day. Instead of reducing the frequency of dialysis,we decided that he’ll slowly resume foods from the category that

kidney patients are strictly forbidden to eat. After each of thesetrials, at end of month, we do blood work – to make sure everything iswithin limits. So far the kidney is handling it very well.Eventually, after he resumes normal diet (except for salt — whichshould be avoided anyway), once we are satisfied with the blood testresults that the kidney is able to handle it, we hope to removedialysis all together.

November 18, 2008

After consulting with our doctor, we decided to stop dialysis for onemonth to see if the kidney can function on its own, so that if so wecan plan on earmarking a date to have the dialysis implant removedcompletely. We stopped dialysis today – November 18, 2008.

February 28, 2009

Two months have gone by since we stopped dialysis (on November 18,2008). Lab tests have shown all things as being stable. We concludedthat the kidney is functioning well on its own and that the dialysisimplant (peritoneal sac implant and tubing) can now be removed.

On February 28, 2009 we had the surgery done to have the dialysiscompletely removed. Now the kidney is working on its own, free fromdialysis.

FYI, removing the dialysis was a fairly common procedure. Takes about1/2 to 2 hrs surgery depending upon the amount of fibrin that hasgrown into and around the implant that is being removed. For my dad ittook about 1.5 hours, and was done under local anesthesia(administered via spinal).

September 1, 2009

This will be the final update. It has been six full months sinceremoval of dialysis on February 28, 2009. Kidney is fine, and he’s invery good health.

The Treatment

First, don’t buy too much into what doctors say. You will never hear a

doctor tell you that the kidney will recover (due to the risk ofgetting sued if it doesn’t). The kidney is one of the organs that hasvery good potential for recovery. I am very confident that if thebelow regiments are followed the kidney can recover.

It is very important that you read this article on Ayurveda firstbefore proceeding with the treatments. This so that you understandwhat you are doing, and follow the treatment methodically and withdiscipline, and not expect “miracle cures” (i.e. cure without anyeffort on your part). You need to put in effort. Also, while thekidney will likely respond almost immediately to the treatment, don’texpect the kidney to get back to 90% normal overnight. Be patient. Ittakes time, especially the last stretch. Also, don’t mistake“patience” with “patience with no effort”. You need to be diligent.

Ginger Compress

According to Ayurveda [ref. Ayurveda Secrets of Healing - MayaTiwari], ginger compress is specifically mentioned for treatmentkidney ailments. To prepare ginger compress concoction, take a handfulof grated ginger, wrap it in thin cotton cloth, tie it into a bundle.Squeeze the ginger juice from it into a pot of one gallon (about 4liters) of boiling water (try to use a steel pot; avoid non-stick,aluminium, etc), then drop the bundle into the pot. Let it simmer,covered, for about 30 minutes. Remove the pot from heat and let it sitfor 5 minutes before uncovering.

To apply, dip a towel into the pot, squeeze excess water into the pot.Make sure to cover the pot so that it doesn’t lose heat. Apply thetowel on lower back, over the kidney, until the towel looses warmth.Re-soak towel and re-apply until ginger water in pot cools down andlooses its warmth. You can apply warm sesame oil over area before andafter treatment.

Note, the purpose of the heat is so that the pores in the skin open upand the active ingredients from the ginger are readily absorbed intothe body. So make sure it is hot enough, just bearable, but enough notto cause discomfort.


It is important to meditate on the kidney. Any form of meditation willdo. Whatever inspires you. You can imagine your God sending healingenergy, or sunrise bathing the kidney, or simply imagine/visualize thecells in the kidney regenerating, or listen to bhajans (devotionalsongs), or Indian instrumental music bathing the kidney. This is veryimportant. Imagine if you instead did the opposite – watching TV,engaging yourself in work, chatting,… Then you’re basically tellingthe brain that you don’t care about the kidney. Essentially you’regiving the kidney the signal that it is ok to shutdown. Even just alittle bit of loving attention from your heart and mind towards yourkidney will go a long way to mobilize the brain and other bodymechanisms to repair and regenerate it. Start by imagining howtirelessly it has been working all these years. Like if your servantworks tirelessly, day in and day out, year after year, withoutcomplaint, taking every abuse (workload), and then one day he fallssick, what do you do? do you ignore him and let him die? or do yougive him a break and give him your fullest attention? It is amazinghow we don’t do the same for our internal body parts. Be thankful, andlook at the meditation as a way of giving your kidney (and all organs)a break, a nice vacation for it take its time to recover (don’t rushit).


The effectiveness of the ginger compress can be greatly enhanced byapplying Reiki. You don’t have to be a Reiki expert. This is not todownplay training and experience, but to emphasize that it is anatural potential built into everyone that can be easily nurtured withpractice, but is often discarded by the average person. The simplestway is to place the palms of your hands on the affected area, and justsimply let the universal energy flow through your hands into theaffected area. The healing touch is an important part of healing —don’t underestimate it or do without it. Reiki can even be doneremotely, throughly visualization of the person and the affected area.When you can do this regularly and at a specific fixed time, it willbecome more potent.

Foot Massage

The are over 7,000 nerve endings at the base of each feet. Theancients had mapped these in fine detail (that is 5,000 years ago –

more than modern science with all its technological innovations couldpossibly identify). Acupuncture and acupressure, once considered asuperstition or pseudo-science, is increasingly being used by westernmedicine.

According to Ayurveda, “the fourth toe is the location of the kidneymeridian, and massaging it helps to increase the flow of vital energyto the kidneys”.

Sit in a quiet place, be calm, relax you breath, visualize the kidneymeridian, and massage the fourth toe (the one next to your smallesttoe).


Ajwain (अजवा�यन, ஓ�ம்). According to Ayurveda, it is beneficial tokidney function. If you are suffering from kidney ailment, you mightwant to make it a habit to add a little bit of omam to your food andfluid intake.


The extremely low incidence of kidney stones in the Indonesianpopulation has been attributed to the frequent use of tamarind inAyurvedic cooking: “Tamarind rinds contain tartrates, which inhibitthe formation of calcium oxalate stones by decreasing the amount ofionized calcium in the urine.”. At the same time don’t over do it astamarind increases your bad cholesterol levels when taken in excess.In fact, don’t overdo anything!


Turmeric (traditionally used by Ayurvedic cooking, and an importantpart of all Indian curries) has been shown by Western Medicine toprevent kidney damage and restore kidney function.

A study investigated the effect of curcumin on artificially inducedkidney disease in rats. Results indicated that treatment with curcuminprevented the kidney injury and restored kidney function. Treatmentwith curcumin significantly protected against proteinuria,albuminuria, hypoalbuminaemia and hyperlipidaemia. Curcumin

inhibitedthe increase in urinary excretion of N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase(a marker of kidney tubular injury), fibronectin and glycosaminoglycanand blood cholesterol. The data also demonstrated that curcuminprotected against kidney injury by suppressing free radicals andincreasing kidney glutathione content and glutathione peroxidaseactivity (endogenous antioxidants). Curcumin also eliminated kidneymicrosomal and mitochondrial lipid peroxidation. The data suggest thatadministration of curcumin is a promising approach in the treatment ofkidney disease.

BRITISH JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY, 2000, Vol 129, Iss 2, pp 231-234


The most important treatment towards recovering from kidney disease isin restricting your diet. You need to be very vigilant about thenutrients you feed the kidney. Even a small lapse in the diet cancause more than just two steps backward.


The first thing you will need to do is cut your sodium intake. Cuttingdown on salt (sodium chloride) is probably the easiest thing to do(compared with cutting down on potassium and phospherous). Can yousurvive without salt?

Humans have been surviving for 5 million years without salt. The bodycan survive without salt (table salt, rock salt, sea salt,…). In fact,adding salt causes it to go haywire, because it does not know how tohandle it. Salt came into use only in the last 2000 years when it wasused initially as a preservative to pickle things.If you really crave for salt, use genuine rock salt (do not use tablesalt) and limit the intake should be absolutely limited to less than500mg per day.If your kidney is critically ill, then you should completely eliminatesalt. With the exception, if you are undergoing peritoneal dialysis(PD) you may need to take about 250mg of salt (rock salt), as PDdrains salt from your body.

Note that excess salt causes one to lose calcium which can lead tobone weakness and bone disease.

Potassium and Phosphorous

It is important to restrict your diet to low potassium (below 200mgper serving) and low phosphorous (below 100mg per serving) foods. Toomuch or too low potassium can result in irregular heart beat and heartfailure. Too much phosphorus stimulates the parathyroid gland whichwill deplete calcium from your bones (which will weaken the bones andcause painful joints). It can also result in calcium deposits inmuscles, organs, and blood which can be dangerous.


Vegetables: garlic, onions, carrots, cucumber, eggplant, green beans,lettuce, summer squash, sweet peppers, bell peppers, cabbages,cauliflower.Fruits: apples, berries, grapes, lemon, peaches, pineapple, plums, watermelon.Juices (limited): apple, cranberry, grape.Dairy substitutes: rice milk, ragiMisc: instead of salt, use lemon, pepper, or low sodium herbs and spices.Oils (in moderation): olive, sesame.


Vegetables: tomatoes, spinach, potatoes, sweet potatoes, wintersquash, dried beans (lentils, peas).Fruits: bananas, dried fruits, mangos, papaya, honeydew, canteloupe,oranges, kiwi.Juices: orange, prune, vegetable juice, soft drinks.Dairy: milk, yogurt, cheese (all dairy products are a concentratedsource of phospherous).Misc: table salt and salt substitutes, chocolate, pickles, proteinsupplements, biscuits, snacks that contain salt (chips, pretzels).Oils: (these are extremely harmful even in very small quantities)partially hydrogenated oils, hydrogenated oils, vegetable shortening.Nuts and seeds: avoid all seeds and nuts (they are extremely high in

phosphorous and potassium; for example cashews, peanuts, walnuts,almonds – whether raw or roasted have more than 600mg of potassium and500mg of phospherous, per 100g).Medicine: painkillers, antacids, when avoidable cutdown on pills.

Important Notes:

Leach high potassium vegetables to reduce the potassium: cut thevegetable into small pieces and place in a very large pot of water andlet it soak for at least 4 hours at room temperature or overnight in arefrigerator.High potassium vegetables should be eaten in very limited quanity.Limit the serving size so that you keep the potassium under 200mg perserving.Vegetables should be cooked. For example, raw cabbage is 246mg ofpotassium uncooked, and cooked it is 97mg.


If you are undergoing peritoneal dialysis (PD), it is important tonote that protein is lost during PD, so one needs to eat sufficientprotein.

Note that when the kidney is not functioning, excessive protein isdangerous, as the kidney leaks protein albumin into the blood, whichcauses increase in blood urea nitrogen (BUN). Symptoms areneurological disturbances such as altered cognitive function, impairedtaste (bad taste in mouth), swelling of legs, loss of appetite, andskin takes on gray color due to urea crystals forming on skin.

Protein deficiency can lead to symptoms such as fatigue, insulinresistance, loss of muscle mass, hair loss, low body temperature,hormonal irregularities, as well as loss of skin elasticity.

Therefore calculate your protein intake. Your body needs typically0.8g of protein per kg of body weight. So if you weigh 50kg you need40g per day from quality protein sources.

Quality protein sources:

Eat a variety of legumes (soaked overnight, sprouted). Of the legumes,whole mung dhal (with skin, soaked overnight) is the best (it is knownas the queen of all dhals in Ayurveda).According to ayurveda, almonds soaked overnight is the highest qualityof protein found among vegetables. Soak it in a large vessel (forexample, 8 almonds in 1 litre of water), so that the potassium isleached.

Important Notes:

Raw unsoaked almonds are are very high in potassium and phosphorous(like all nuts and seeds). I am assuming that in soaked almondspotassium is greatly reduced (I cannot find any data on soakedalmonds). There is reason to believe extensive changes in chemicalcomposition takes place when soaked – unsoaked almond is oily, thesoaked almond develops into a sweetish milky substance. But cannot sayto what extent it reduces potassium and phospherous level as there isno data available on nutritional content of soaked almonds.


The kidney plays an important role in regulating blood pressure bycontrolling the amount of water.

Taking excess water can cause high blood pressure (and stress the heart).Too little water can affect kidney function and recovery. It can alsoresult in low blood pressure and can cause one to become unconscious.So it is important to take the right amount of water. Do not have morethan 1.4L of fluid per day. Be aware that some fruits have a lot ofwater and contribute to your water limit.After the kidney is fully functioning one can do water therapy to keepit in good health.


The main key to recovery is discipline. Follow through the your kidneyrecovery with seriousness. Else the kidney can permanently shut down –

in which case even dialysis can be ineffective. Even worse, a moreserious condition may manifest (such as the liver failure, bonedisease, loss of cognition, stroke, loss of vision, etc.). For exampleif you are negligent on avoiding phosphorous, you may recover fromyour kidney disease only to find out you have severely debilitatingbone disease. The kidney is one of the organs that can easilyregenerate even if its condition is terminal. Any failure for it torecover, is a failure or lack of effort on your part; not the kidney.Therefore, set your goals, and treat it as a challenge.

Note: As your kidney recovers you may (or rather should) cautiouslyincrease your intake of banned foods. As these are important nutrientsalso, and they are also needed to restore your health. For examplepotassium is used to reduce regulate your BP (it helps reduce BP, i.e.the opposite effect of sodium). There is no substitute for thesemicro-nutrients. Deprive your body from them long enough, and it maycause some other ailment.


I am not a medical doctor. Proceed with confidence and patience, butat the same time exercise caution and monitor diligently. The aboveAyurvedic approach can be combined with modern medical science byusing the later to diligently monitor the progress and using it tomake informed choices in your Ayurvedic approach.

Further Reading

AyurvedaDangers of Statin drugsWebMDEating a vegetarian diet while living with kidney diseaseNutrition DataDiet for Kidney Disease


This wouldn’t be complete if we don’t owe it to the Knowledgetransmitted to us via great sages/yogis, without which all this wouldnot have been possible — we would have been at the mercy of theverdict of doctors (the emperors with no clothes).

--வணக்கம்........மேபாரன்பு�ன்இர�. க�ர்த்த&மேகயன் .............With regards,Karthikeyan RGenomics Meritorious Research FellowDept of Animal Behavior & PhysiologySchool of Biological SciencesMadurai Kamaraj UniversityMadurai,  Tamil NaduIndia 625 025

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