sacraments of christian initiantion 2

Post on 23-Jun-2015






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sacraments of Christian Initiation, baptism, confirmation, fraction of bread, Grace related to the sacraments of initiation,


Sacraments of Christian initiation

Baptism, Confirmation & Communion


Initiantion means the action of beginning something, to be introduce or start somenthing.

introducing someone in a new group, community, or new family

We going to start somethingbeginning, starting, commencement

Since Apostolics times, to become a Christian a process is followed and the initiation cosist of many stages or steps

This process may be concluded fast or slowly, and it consists of some esencial elements:

1) The anouncement of the Word,2) the reception of the Gospel, that leads to Conversion3) Profession of Faith,(CREED)4) Baptismo,5) The pour of the Holy Spirit, (Confirmation)6) The access to The Holy Eucharist.


Christian Initiation is realized through a set of three sacraments:

1) Baptismo that is the beginning of New Life

2) Confirmatión that is the Strenghen, Reinforce or maturity;

3) Eucaristía that nourishes all disciple with the Body and Blood of Christ to be transform in Him. (CCC1275)


There is a Tertullian text from the 2nd Century, in (a small summary), what is Christian Initiation meaning, in the Rites of

Initiation, through the Christians Sacraments

The Flesh is Wash, to purify the soulThe Flesh is Anointed, to Consecrate de soul;The Flesh is Seal, to Revitalized the soul

Also the Flesh is Cover with Laying Hands, to Illuminate the Soul with the Power of the Holy Spirit

The Flesh is Nourished with the Body & Blood fo Chirst, so the Soul is Nourished abundantly with God’s Grace as well

Christian Initiation

The Christian Initiation expresses The Mistery that introduce the person to a NEW LIFE

After hearing the mystery of Christ proclaimed,the person consciously and freely seek the living God

and enter the way of Faith and Conversion, as the Holy Spirit Opens his/her Heart

The Person is transformed interiorly, and as an option of Faith he/she “is compromised” to live as children of God

He/she is integrated in the Community

Which receives him/her as member (Baptism), inspires him how to act (Confirmation) And nourish him/her with the Bread of Life(Eucharist)

The Sacraments and God’s Grace

God wants to share His Divine Life with the human beings (we wants we dwell with Him forever in Eternity)

Through the Sacraments God invites us to be part of His Family

HE gives us “Grace” in abundance to become ONE with Him

We can start participating of God’s Grace , down here on earth, through the “Sacraments”

Indeed, we don’t need to wait to die, and then go to Heaven to participate of God’s Divine Life.

Today we will learn one of the many forms How God Loves and wants to share His GRACE, down here on earth with us.

We will learn how The Sacraments become a very important part in God’s Plan of Salvation.


The Beginning & God’s Grace To understand the Sacraments we need to

go back to the very Beginning of the Creation.

THE SACRAMENTS are related to GRACE.

God Created the Human Beings

a) to share us His love and goodness,

b) and to share his Divine (Grace) life with us.

c) Everything created in the creation, was prepared for the human beings to use and enjoy

The Human Beings are created to share God’s Divine Life and to be forever with Him.

To Share The GRACE means: To Know, Love & Choose God freely. To love others beyond our own strengths & natural

abilities, A tendency to do good


God created man and woman in his images and likeness

and He made them friends of himself.

He intended for them to live in friendship and happiness with Him in Earth, knowing and loving Him

And they then would be take to heaven, where they will be happy with Him for ever


Lets talk about that Special Friendship that Adam and EVE had with God.

The Scriptures say: God gave Adam & Eve the wonderful gift of “Holiness”: Original Holiness or GRACE

ORIGINAL HOLINESS is the state of harmony with God, with themselves, and with the created world. (before they sin)

Friendship with God means Sharing in his Divine Life:

To share in His Divine Live, it's also called: “SANTIFY GRACE”

It is called SANTIFY because it make it HOLY. SANTIFY means to make “Holy” (Sanctity)

SANTIFY GRACE makes us HOLY, because it make us Holy like God (his live come to

dwell in us) When we have Sanctify Grace, we become


Grace: Friendship with God Original Holiness means that Adam

& Eve, have friendship with God, but also have friendship & harmony

within themselves

This means that Adam & Eve had perfect self control, perfect self-mastery

This means they always did what they knew was right

It was easy for them to be good and easy to control themselves,

No one has to tell them to be good because they have friendship with God

and because they have self control they were able to have harmony in their relationship within each other.

Grace : Friendship with God

GRACE is a great gift for us… God didn’t have to give it to us, but He wants it, to make us holy!

God had a plan for his Creation, and He intended for humans beings

to live in harmony (friendship) with him and with each other.

To work with Him to perfect the created world, making it more perfect to reflect his goodness, beauty and Glory.

Also this ORIGINAL HOLINESS means that Adam & Eve enjoyed harmony with the world around them.

Work for them wasn’t difficult, wasn’t hard. It was a delight for them…

Also they did not have to died or they do not have to suffered.

Sanctity or Holiness = Heaven

Since Adam & Eve were Holy, they did not have to die. God is Going to take them into Heaven, at the end of

their lives, so they do not have to suffered A Spiritual death Or Physical Death

At the end of Adam & Eve’s human life, would be taken to heaven to be perfectly happy with God forever, sharing his Divine Live.

Indeed, God wants all of us to be Holy, and to be perfectly happy with Him in Heaven, He says:”Be holy because I, the LORD your God, am holy.”  (Leviticus


Everyone of us is call to be Holy, to be Saint! Jesus Says to us:“Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect…”

(Matthew 5:48)

God Gave Humans Beings The Grace

Share in His Divine Life, is something God has to give us, BECAUSE God himself is the only source of all GRACE.

We can’t be friends (be Saints) with God, just because we want it.

God gave to our 1st parents (Adam & Eve) the gift of sharing His Divine Life.

He fills them with His own Holiness and Love

Since they have God’s Grace, it was easier for them to do good & reject evil.


Since Grace is related with the Sacraments, lets Review it again, to Understand the Sacraments:

GRACE is a gift of God, which is the following: God’s Divine Live (Eternal Life) Sanctity / Holiness The state of being Holy Sharing God’s Divine Life Friendship with God Ability to love & live in harmony with others

God Super natural power Power to know and love far beyond our human

natural abilities.

To Love Supernaturally Ability to love as God loves, and ability to know &

discern as God knows.

The Grace was Lost !

The Grace Was Lost All this beautiful Gift was lost: the gift of

Original Holiness, the Gift of Grace that God pour us in our first Parents,

all gifts graces were lost for the sin of our first Parents.

They rejected the friendship of God, and lost His Grace.

When Adam and Eve freely chose to turn away from God, and rejected his friendship,

they lost His Grace, and their Sin was pass on to all people. Or In other words, they passed Nothing to Us.

So humans born Not in a STATE OF FRIENDSHIP with God, but in State of SIN

They Can’t Transmit Grace

Since they lost His Grace, they can't transmit God’s Grace to others (to us)

They have nothing to transmit to us

Therefore, Our human nature is hurt, our will is weaken,

1) Our flesh is subject to our passions, and our reason to error.

2) It is harder for us to do good, it is easy for us to do evil.

3) We born with a tendency to sin.

They lost the Gift of Grace for them and all their descendants

Since that day for humans being is more easy to do evil and is more difficult to do the good,

Without Grace More Difficulties After they sin and rebel against

God, human started suffering some consequences:

Now, it becomes difficult for them to do what is good.

1. Physical and Spiritual death entered the world because of sin.

2. Original Sin affected human beings relationship with the World around them

3. Also, this Sin, affected Adam & Eve, relationships with each other

4. indeed all Humans relationships!

Born without Divine Life in the Soul

The Original Sin hurt our human nature Our human nature is hurt. We born in state of Sin: WE born without God’s Supernatural Grace

Usually is not a clear vision of evil, everything seems normal.

We are selfish and egocentric We don’t thing about others first, but rather, we think about

us being first, and about us only We don’t have the “Agape Love” that God’s has for


We born with our tendency to sin, called CONCUPISCENCE

1) Our Will is weaken2) It is harder to do the good and easier to do the bad things.3) Our Flesh is subdue by our passions 4) and our intellect is subjected by all error.

The things are not the way God created them to Be!

CONCUPISCENCEHarmony turned into disorder: The things are not the way they suppose to be;

This DESORDER consequence of sin, is called CONSCUPISCENCE

CONCUPISCENCE is our tendency to Sin. It is our tendency to do the wrong things. It is easier to do the wrong things, and it is difficult to do the good things.

Instead of “acting” like directing our will, our emotions, and our desires, Now we move more easily by “our wants”

Our tendency to sin or CONCUPISCENCE increments more, and more every time that we sin.

Every time we sin, we turn away from God, and it becomes easier to reject Him.

The Mercy And Promise Of God

Sin has caused a terrible problem, and it is a problem that we can not solve for ourselves and our own strength. Remember our human nature is hurt, and we born with concupiscence—we

have a tendency to sin.

So, the only one who can solve the Sin problem for us, is God Himself. because He is the Only One who have the

Grace. We don’t have it; we lost it by sin.

God is all source of Grace

If Not Grace ; then No Supernatural Love

If we do not have God’s super natural love (GRACE), we can’t love others.

if we do not have God's GRACE, (sanctity) we can’t share that Grace with others.

This means we can’t share God’s Divine Life with others.

To LOVE SUPERNATURALLY is to Love Freely, without looking for anything in return.

Because this is how God loves us, and this is how WE love each other; this is how we must love,

but we can’t do this by our own; God have to give us the ability to love as He loves.

God has to share in his Divine life, to make us holy, so that we can be with Him forever in Heaven.

God Wants Us In Heaven Adam & Eve send God’s Grace out of their soul

when they sin.

So they can not pass God’s life up to his children. They do not pass it on to you or me.

So when we are born, we are not sharing God’s life (Sanctity)

But we need God to live in us, before we can live in Heaven. Thus why we –all, are called to Sanctity

God Is The Source Of All GRACE

The Mercy & Promises of God The Father

But don’t worry, The Story Of Creation did not ended in tragedy, desperation, or sadness, but rather in HOPE! God himself enter the scene, and shows us

his mercy by giving us hope. God responds to the sin of humans is not to

abandon them, but to show them Mercy and Love.

God loves you, and He wants to be near you. He wants to fill you with his divine life

He wants to make you happy forever. He wants you to be forever in heaven.

In the Old Testament we find 2 important Promises of God. God Promise to send:1) A Savior, (Redeemer, Messiah) He will restore the

Lost Grace2) And His Own Spirit. (The Holy Spirit) He will

change our stone hearts.

Promised that Sin & Evil Will Not Prevail

After God told Adam and Eve the consequences that will bring sin,

God the Father promised that sin and evil will not prevail and all descendants of Adam and Eve will defeat and overcome Sin. (Gen 3:15; Gen 12:13)

God promised to send them a SAVIOR But who was the One who wan back the Grace? Who was that Savior?

Who Won Back for us “the Grace” that was Lost?

Jesus Won Back Grace

1. Jesus won back for us the GRACE lost by Adam and Eve

2. And The Holy Spirit transmits God’s Grace to all human beings.

Jesus took out our place to make up the sin of Adam & Eve, and all our sins.

God wants us to be with him forever, So he became man, and died in the Cross for us, so we will be not died forever.

Jesus is our Savior, who over come death, to give us Life in Abundance (Divine Live or Grace)

Jesus Set Us Free

When Jesus died, he did possible for us to receive God’s life again.

Jesus came to earth for you, so you can be with Him forever in Heaven.

With God’s life in our soul, we will live forever with him again.

RESURRECTION: after Jesus died, he resurrected from death

If we receive God’s Grace, we also will raise up from the death.

Grace set us FREE Grace deliver us from physical Death Grace deliver us from Spiritual Death and deliver us from evil.

While in earth, we are called to become Holy, and share God’s Grace with others.

God The Father Fulfills His Two Promises

1)God the Father promised to send us A SAVIOR: His Son Jesus Christ

(Genesis 3:14,15)

2)But God the Father promise to send us His Spirit as well: THE HOLY SPIRIT

(Ezekiel 36:26-28)

God Fulfills His Two Promises

1) God the Father promised promise to send the Savior who: a) Would restore the Grace for usb) Would buy us and saves us with His Bloodc) And would give us a New Spirit

JESUS By His Death & Resurrection would restored the broken friendship between God and the humanity

2) But God the Father promise to send us THE HOLY SPIRIT: as well.

“And I will give you a new heart, and a “New Spirit” I will put within you. 

And I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.

And I will put my Spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes and be careful to obey my rules…” (Ezekiel 36:26-28)



By giving his life, Jesus won back for us the Grace that was lost by original sin.

Now the friendship between God and man is restored,

and It is possible to have God’s life in us.

CAUTION!: But his is not the end of the story


SCENE There Is More!

There is something need it, and another person to come at the scene.

What is needed, is a way and a person that makes these GRACES (that Christ has won for us), to get to us & to be available for us

And this is the Work of the 3rd person of the Holy Trinity: “The Holy Spirit”.

Jesus Promise to Send us The Holy Spirit

While still on earth, Jesus promise to the apostles that after He ascended into Heaven, He will send the HOLY SPIRIT

At the Last Supper Jesus said to the Apostles: “It is better for you, that I go, for if I do not go the Holy Spirit will not come to you.”

By ascending to the Father ,and sending the Holy SpiritJesus will not be bound by the limitations of a physical body or human body

Through the Holy Spirit, there is no bound by space, place ,or time;

So, the Graces that Jesus wan for us can be made available to all people, on all times, and all places.

The Holy Spirit: The Sanctifier The Holy Spirit is the 3rd person of the

Trinity (Father, Son, & Holy Spirit)

The Holy Spirit is the Sanctifier, the one that make you saint. The one that transform you. The one who transmits us GRACE.

That’s what the Holy Spirit does to us. He transforms us, he changes us.

We are change to move toward God, to be more & more like Jesus Christ.

So The Holy Spirit is the Sanctifier, who gives us Grace.

We are call to be great saints, So we don’t want to lose the opportunity;

THE HOLY SPIRIT: God's Promise Of His Divine Help

We need God's help, through His Spirit, to obey Him from the heart and bring our thoughts, attitudes, and actions in line with His.

“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast” (Ephesians 2:8-9)

With God's Grace, we can be saints; we become able to do all good, and even to do little acts of love, such as

Advocate, Helping others, having empathy Making right decisions & choices Loving others Smiling to others Being patient and act with kindness (All good deeds &

works we do, come from God, not from ourselves)

You want to became Holy and that’s what The Holy Spirit is about: He transform you and Change you by God’s Grace.

How the Sacraments Became Part of God’s Plan of Salvation?

How Sacraments Become Part of God’s Plan of Salvation?

Even though, we sinners, God still wants us with Him Eternity,

and He sends us a Savior: “Jesus”

Here is where the Sacraments enter into God’s Plan of Salvation.

God know that we need access to all the Grace that Christ won for all of us… with His death in the Cross and His Resurrection

How Sacraments Become Part of God’s Plan of Salvation?

The Grace that we receive in the Sacraments is: God’s Divine Life. (GRACE)

That same Grace of God, that dwelled in Adam & Eve soul,

but that it was lost by their disobedience,

Now we recover it through the Sacraments by the Power of the Holy Spirit!!

Someone Had To Pay The Price

The Sacraments give us Grace, but this was Not exactly a Free Gift

Someone had to pay the price: and that someone was Jesus, His Own Son

of God.

God knew that we could not do anything to recover our relationship with Him.

Because our humanity is hurt. We have a wounded humanity Our intellect is subject to error Our flesh is subject to our desires and to its

passions Our Will is weaken

The Pascal Mystery

WE have a wounded humanityOur Will is weaken

Every time we sin, it causes that we to turn away from God more easily,

and it makes more difficult for us to have a relationship with Him.

Therefore, our will needs to be strengthen and our intellect or reason illuminated with God’s Grace.

Share God’s GRACE, it is something we can not do for ourselves.

In order for we Human beings share God’s GRACE, God Himself has to make it possible. He is the only source of all GRACE!

Therefore Jesus, while still on earth, He prepared and instituted the Sacraments to give us GRACE.

Jesus instituted the Sacraments,But We Need The Holy Spirit, too.

Jesus, prepared and instituted the Sacraments to give us GRACE

However is not that simple,

1)There is other Person that we need

2)And an especial form, or way is needed to obtain the GRACE that Jesus wan for us.

3)And this is the job of THE HOLY SPIRIT!

4)For the humans been able to share God’s GRACE , God Himself has to make it possible.

Jesus instituted the Sacraments,But We Need The Holy Spirit, too.

Jesus knew that He wouldn’t stay physically forever, with us down here on earth

Jesus had to find a form or a way for the GRACE 1) to endure forever, last long, 2) and remain available & in existence through

time and space.

Therefore after His death and His Resurrection returned to Heaven and send us the HOLY SPIRIT Who guides and gives life to the Church: “Christ Mystical Body”

THE GRACE received through The Holy Spirit in The Sacraments is from The Sacrifice of Christ, especially from the Sacrificed of the Cross.

The Function of The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit pours Grace & Gifts (talents or Charisms):

In all the Sacraments and in all the activities of the Church.

The Holy Spirit has the Purpose to ”to Build the Body of Christ.” (His Church) and “Sanctify His members”

By the Power Spirit we are: We’re His Presence, His works, and good

deeds in the world (as members of His Body.)

The Function of The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is “The New Spirit” that the Prophets Prophesized in the Old Testament

It’s the Same Spirit that God said will send to change the Heart of His children down here on earth:Y les daré un corazón, y un espíritu nuevo pondré dentro de ellos; y quitaré el corazón de piedra de en medio de su carne, y les daré un corazón de carne,para que anden en mis ordenanzas, y guarden mis decretos y los cumplan, y me sean por pueblo, y yo sea a ellos por Dios. (Ezequiel 11:19-20)


Christ open up for us life for Grace: Our participation in God’s Own Divine Life, once more.

Jesus spent his time on earth, preparing us for the great Graces that would come to us through the Sacraments.

Jesus knew that He will not be on earth with us always,

and Yet He promise that He will always be with us.


Jesus promise that He will always be with us.

But how he made it on his promise? “Through the Sacraments by the Holy Spirit!” (They are a way that will last through time and space)

Sacraments are his arms to reaching us, to touching us, to feeds us, to heals us, and to give us grace.

He Gave Us A Way To Have Access to the Graces of

The Sacrifice of the Cross During his time on earth,

Jesus instituted 7 Sacraments:1. Baptism, 2. Confirmation, 3. EUCHARIST, 4. Penance/Reconciliation 5. Anointing of the Sick, 6. Marriage, 7. and Holy Orders.

The Graces that we receive from the Sacraments are from:

the Sacrificial offering of Christ: particularly the Sacrifice on the Cross.

What is a Sacrament?

JESUS Instituted The Sacraments to Give us GRACE

through The Power of THE HOLY SPIRIT.WHAT IS A

SACRAMENT?a) SACRAMENT is an “outward

sing instituted by CHRIST,b) and entrusted to the Church

to give us GRACE, c) through the Power of the


Every Sacrament have a particular GRACE that help you to grow in HOLINESSS


Through the Sacraments God invites us to be part of his Family,

And God gives us many Graces to become One with Him, and become Holy.

It is a way God loves us, stay with us, & share his Divine Live with us.

God communicates Spiritual life to our souls in the Sacraments instituted by Christ.

By the Power of the Holy Spirit the sacraments do what they are assign for:a) Make us Holy,b) Sanctify youc) Give you God’s Graced) Strength your will e) and Illuminate the reason

They are visible sings of an invisible reality. They Give us Grace.


The First time, we receive God’s Grace is in “BAPTISM”,

and after that, we continue receiving God’s Divine Life, through others sacraments .

but very specially in the “EUCHARIST”

SACRAMENTS SOURCE OF GRACE Every Sacrament have a particular GRACE that

help you to grow in HOLINESSS

As part of God’s Plan for saving men (all of us), He knew that we’ll need access to all the GRACE; Christ bear it for us by His death on the cross &


God gave us his Grace to make us his adopted sons & daughters & makes us capable of loving him & participating in his divine life

Grace is God’s Divine Life given to us: with what Adam & Eve were created, and lost through sin,we regain through the Sacraments by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Each Sacrament is order to our participation in God’s Divine Life, filling us with His Life & Agape Love.

History of Salvation

LITURGY OF PASCHAL VIGIL, “The History of Salvation”

In the liturgy of the Easter Vigil, during the blessing of the baptismal water,

the Church solemnly commemorates the great events in “Salvation History” that already prefigured the mystery of Baptism:

Father, you give us GRACE through sacramental signs, which tell us of the wonders of your unseen power.In Baptism we use your gift of WATER, which you have made a rich symbol of the Grace you give us in this sacrament. CCC1217

Easter Vigil Commemorates the Great Events in Salvation History

For this reason “is very important”, that in order to understand the Sacraments,

we go way back to the beginning of the Creation, in order toa) To understand God’s Grace b) And to learn about the Promises of God the

Father,c) because“Everthing is Related!

In this Great Vigil we have 9 readings, the first reading is about the Creation The last reading end up with the

Resurrection of Our Savior; Our Lord Jesus Christ.

In Easter Vigil we are Celebrating “The History of Salvation”

1) We celebrate all that God has done in Our Past Created us for Love Loving us unconditionally (sacrifying His Life) and Overcome death for us (His Resurrection)

2) We celebrated what He is doing in Our Present: Pouring His Gracia through the Holy Spiritu, so we can reach

Holiness (in the sacraments) And freely cooperated in his Plan of Salvation

3) We celebrate what He has Promised for Our Future:

The Parousia The Resurreccion And to live forever with Him.

EL Sacrament is a visible sign istituted by Christ, communicates Grace , and it is entrusted to the Church.In other words the Sacraments are sensible and efective signs of the invisible Grace of God, and through them God’s Divine Life is confered or granted

Among other things, it offers the believers to become adoptive Children of God. (Baptism)

They were instituted by Jesus and entrust to the Church, to help every believers to reach Sacntity, to which everyone is called



Sacrament and Grace SACRAMENT

a) A sensible Sign,b) Instituted by Christ , c) That confers or grants Grace. (Santity)d) And entrusted to the Church

GRACE is an supernatural gift that God confers to us to reach Eternal Life.

a) It’s the friendship with God

b) Sharing His Divine Life

c) Santity

d) Our tendency to do good; (facilitates to do good deeds, and reject the evil doing)

e) Enable us to love others as God loves

f) Illumintates the reason or intellect (enable us to make right decisions, and avoid wrong judgent)

Sensible Signs Sensible: means visible, tangible, that can be

perceive through the senses

A Sign means “something” “something else”

Sensible sing: is something visible that represents something else than itself; it may be:

Water Oil Wine & Bread of wheat Imposition of Hands Rings, etc.

For example: WATER pour on the head of the person baptized; it is not only water on the head

It is a Sign” that show, or let us know that something is happening in the Soul of the Person

in this case, it means that is being purify of sin And is receiving the Sanctifying Grace by the Power of

the Holy Spirit

Visible Action Invisible Grace

The Sacraments are “visible actions” that celebrate an Invisible Activity Of God.

The Sacraments are not something we have;

It is something in which we participate to recieve the GRACE through The Holy Spirit

Fraction of Bread (eat & drink) Imposition of hands Anointing of Oil Pour or immersion in Water Admite our faults To make an Alliance (compromise)

Gives & Communicates Grace THE GRACE is a Gift from God pour in our soul.

It enable us to love beyond our own strengthand empower & capacitates our Wills to do good & reject evil.

WE do not have anything to offer to others, but God has a lot to offer to each and everyone

Impregnated with God’s Grace, we are able to share that Grace with others

We share the Love of God with everyone else.

Remember everyone is called to Sanctity.

Gives & Communicates Grace

So the friendship with God, or Sanctity is called GRACE, because is a Gift from God

Exactly as, spending time with a friend, strengths or fortify our friendship

In a similar way, The Sacraments fortify Our friendship with God, as well.

The Sacraments are our fountains of GRACES

They are our forms or resources of opportunity, to repair our friendship (relationship) with God.

Gives & Communicates Grace

a) The Grace receive in Baptism is fortified, strengthen

b) And reach its Maturity in the Confirmation c) And our union with Christ is nourished and

fortified every time that we receive Jesus , truly present in The Eucharist (Holy Communion)

Instituted by Christ

It means that Jesus reveals to the Apostles: the SACRAMENTS (the forms that give us GRACE)

For example when Jesus said to His Disciples:

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, 

baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,

 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.

And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. (Mt. 28, 19-20)

This was the Sacrament of Baptism that Jesús was instituting.

Instituted by Christ

Jesus reveals to the Apostles a los apostoles the Sacraments (forms that communicate Grace)

Another Sacrament instituted by Jesus Christ , in the Last Supper: “The Holy C ommunion”

He took some bread and gave thanks to God for it. Then he broke it in pieces and gave it to the disciples, saying, "This is my body, which is given for you. Do this to remember me.“ (Luke 22-19)

“While they were eating, Jesus took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to his disciples, saying, “Take and eat; this is my body.”Then he took a cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them, saying, “Drink from it, all of you.  This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.(Mt.26,26-28).

All Sacraments were instituted by Christ.

Jesus Instituted Seven Sacraments

The Sacraments instituted by Christ are seven, because Christ instituted not more or not less

1) Baptism, 2) Holy Communion, 3) Confirmation,4) Penance or Reconciliation 5) Anointing of the Sick6) Holy Matrimony7) Holy Orders

All of them have a physical matter and a shape

a) In all there is a object or gesture visible/exterior.

b) They can be perceived by our senses.

c) And in all, there are pronunced some words.

Symbols Instituted by Christ The symbols are not invented

Jesus did Not invented the “Symbols”

Jesus chose symbols that were very common for all the people in that era, (in that period of time)

And over these symbols, Jesus instituted a “New Meaning”

He invested in them His life, His Passion, His death and His Resurrection.

Entrusted to the Church

Jesus send the Apostles to preach the Gospel to the ends of the Earth

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,

 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.

And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Mt. 28, 19-20)

Entrusted to the ChurchThe Holy Spirit makes Jesus presence in the Church and in our souls

“And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever— the Spirit of truth. 

The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him.

But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.  I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you…

“...But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.” (John 14:16-19; 26)

Entrust to the Church

Jesus promised to the Apostles that after is Ascension to Heaven, He would send The Holy Spirit

After the Last Super Jesus told the Apostles:

“But very truly I tell you, it is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Advocate will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you. (John 16:7)

Entrust to the Church All the Sacraments are encountered with

Christ, and unite us more to Him.

Jesus by returning to The Father, and sending The Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit help us in union wiht Christ through the Church in the Liturgy and The Sacraments

The Holy Spirit is not limited not to “time”, nor to “space” or matter.

In this form, all GRACE wan by Jesus, is available for all people, All the time and in all placesthrough the Church in the Liturgy and the SACRAMENTS

And Also the Holy Spirit makes Jesus Presence in the available in the Church all the Time, as He Promised.

Entrust to the Church Jesus promised to be present with us in the

Sacraments (very time we celebrate them), to give us GRACE.

“…And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age”

In all the Sacraments there is a Minister to confer them,

and Christ acts in him, throuhgout the Holy Spirit, to pour the GRACE

The Sacraments are place of reunion to be in contact with God, and they help us to be present before God. Who always is present with us.


The Holy Spirit makes Jesus presence in the Church and our Souls.

He make possible Gods Divine Life in our Souls

For this reason, The Holy Spirit is called “The Giver of Life”



When you are born, you are a unique wonderful creature, in all the world created by God.

Yet in order to become adopted by God, and become a member of Jesus mystical body, you must be baptized.

The priest held you over the Baptismal fount, and he pour water over, claiming you as an adopted Child of The Holy Trinity.

Baptism is so important that without it the person can not receive the other sacraments.

Because Baptism is so important & in it, it’s received God’s Grace, a baby can be baptize without the grave of the action.

We call this whole process of Baptism on growing up in the faith Christian initiation.

What Christian Initiation means?

It means that in order to become a member of God’s Christian family, you have to learn and start a process.

The baby or kid has to learned gradually, the process of becoming a Christian, a good saint & what this means

They learned, and it happens over time, not all at once.

They learn that we all are call to have Sanctity, not to be sinners, so they must avoid sin—

even when they grow up, they must keep their heart pure! Their whole life

In Christian life in the Sacraments, the person or the Baby is baptized, and this begins the process of initiation.


But Baptism is just the 1st step of Christian initiation,

In fact the process is not completed, on least the person receive the sacraments of Confirmation and the Eucharist.

CONFIRMATION completes and seals the process of initiation.

No matter how old when the person is—when she or he is confirmed…

…the Christian baptized, and now Confirmed, and having make his or her 1st COMMUNION,

Is a New Christian (or a New Person) who completed the process of initiation.

In the eyes of the Church, this Christian has an status of adult– on of the special gifts of Confirmation, granted by the Holy Spirit.


Confirmation in the Early Church

For the early Christians, they understood Confirmation as closely link of with the sacrament of Baptism,

We still have the same understanding today; however, in some Dioceses & Parish, the Sacrament of Confirmation is given a long time after Baptism.

And the sad part, is that sometimes Christians, lose sight of the huge connection between Baptism & Confirmation.


The Sacrament of Confirmation is not an optional sacrament

It is so important for Christian Life, for Confirmation completes and seals the process of initiation.

the Christian baptized, and now Confirmed, and having make his or her 1st Communion,is a New Christian who completed the process of initiation.


SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM El Baptism is the sacrament where

everything start

It is Our Beginning to our Sacramental Life, and in Union with God.

We began to be members of the Church, and we are initiated in the Faith.

we are united to Christ and we receive the Holy Spirit.

We receive the GRACE of the Most Holy Trinity.

Bautismo (from greek baptizein) it means “immerse", "introduce to water”

COMPREHEND MANY REALITIES For us, as Catholics, The Baptism comprehend various


Baptism not only forgive personal sins, but also, has the purpose of:1. Cleans us from the Original Sin 2. Gives us Grace3. Makes us temple of the Holy Spirit4. Introduces us to the Holy Trinity 5. Initiates us in the Faith6. makes us Children of God’s Christian Family. 7. We became members of the Body of Christ,

In that very moment , that the Minister introduces us the water and pronounces the words (Name________), I baptize you in the name of the Father the Son, and the Holy Spirit ,

The person or the baby receives the Holy Spirit and become adopted Children of God.

And God immediately begins to live in the soul of the baptized


For Christian Catholics, Baptism has a greater meaning, than just forgiving their sins.

In the rite of Baptism, not only sins are forgiven, but also,

at the moment you are baptized, God’s Grace is poured out in your soul, for the first time.

You were given the dwelling of the Holy Spirit You were given the dwelling of the Holy Trinity in

your soul. Given the theological Virtues: Faith, Hope &

Charity And You become part of God’s family: the

mystical body of Christ

Remember the sacraments are the reception of Grace in your soul

Baptism Cleanses our Soul from Original Sin

Remember since Adam & Eve disobey God, there has been a brake relationship with him.

Baptism cleanses our soul from Original sin, and brings forward new life: God’s life

It repairs this broken relationship

Now we’re sons & daughters of God & heirs of heaven, as God intended from the beginning.

Something special came to live in your soul: God’s divine life.

Indelible Seal of Baptism“Set Us Apart for God”

Indelible Seal Or Character

From the day of your baptism you are change forever

In your baptism you are mark, so you belong completely to God.

You receive a INDELIBLE SEAL or character

This Seal can never be remove from your soul.

It configures you to Christ. You are set apart from baptism.

This invisible mark in your soul, changes you into child of God

Because of your Baptism you receive the seal, you only need to became baptize “once”, and you never need to be baptize again.


The Indelible Seal of God’s Grace is so real in Baptism, that when others Baptized Christians or Pastors (from other Christian denominations) become Catholics,

they do not receive the baptism again;

They already have received God’s grace in their soul; when they got baptized the first time.

They just need to continue nourishing their soul with the Graces of others sacraments,

but very specially by the Holy Eucharist.

SYMBOLS OF BAPTISM Symbols used in Baptism:

1. A Baptismal Candle2. The Pascal Candle.3. Fountain or Piscine Baptismal (WATER)

The Pascal Candle: is blessed in Easter Vigil and is used in each Baptism

Remember that Jesus is The Light and the Life

And Jesus communicates and enable us to participate of His Life, when we are baptized.

Our baptismal Candle is lighted as a symbol of receiving God’s Divine Live or the Light of Christ in our souls.


CANDLE is a symbol of God’s Divine Life.

THE BAPTISMAL CANDLE is lighted in the Pascal Candle, after you are baptized,

This represents that God’s life “now” is living in your soul.

Jesus is the light of the world, and He gives us His Divine Life to share with others.


WATER communicates information about our baptism

It’s telling us that something important is really truly happening in that moment

It shows us that something is happening in the soul of the person “The reception of GRACE in person’s soul”

It shows us that (water & the words) through the Power of the Holy Spirit) washes away the dirt of sin, and makes us

clean And Gives us God’s life in our soul


person is baptized, water is pour in the head of the person 3 times, and the priest said the words:

“I baptize you in the name of the Father the Son, & the Holy Spirit”

With those words, and the pouring of water, or the immersion in water,

We became members of the Body of Christ, and the Holy Trinity comes to dwell in our souls.

We become sons & daughter of God God gave you his life God came to live in our soul. God wash away all sins fills you with his life Participation of Christ resurrection with new life


CHRISM OIL The anointing of the baptize with the

Holy CRISMA: (a perfume oil consacrated by the Bishop.)

It means the Gift of The Holy Spirit to the New baptized.

He became a Christian, this means, an “Anointed" by the Holy Spirit

And Incorporated to Christ, who is the anointed priest, prophet & King.


“Easter vigil & God’s Grace” The Easter Vigil is a very important day for the Baptized Because the first time, we receive God’s Grace is in “BAPTISM”

Baptism is the beginning of God’s Grace in our lives BAPTISM is our beginning of our sacramental life and we are united

with God God wants everyone to receive that special gift: Grace. Anyone who have never being baptize can receive the gift of Grace

in baptism.


1) When you were born, your were given the Gift Of Your Life God gave you “Your Life” when you born.

On your birth you were given 2 great gifts:1. The gift of life2. And the Gift of your family

2) When you were baptized, God gave you the Gift of His Own Divine Life “GRACE” He gave you “His life” when you were baptize.

THE BAPTIZED IS A NEW PLANT All and everyone who has been baptized, becomes or turns

into a Neophyte; which means a New Plant from latín neophytus and this from the ancient greek νεόφυτος

(neóphytos), and νέος (néos), "nuevo" and (phytón), "retoño"

The Grace of God in you, is the best gift that you can ever receive, you just become a New creature

God’s Grace is an invisible gift, but very real; you only need to nourish it with other sacraments, in order to grow, to develop, to reach maturity & perfection.


The Rite of Baptism Welcome to the Family, Little Ones!

There are few things as joyful as welcoming a new member into the Body of Christ,

And Easter is one of the best times of the year because we welcome so many new members! 

The Rite of Baptism is one special rite in the Church a) each action calls to mind the mystery of our

salvation b) and the joy we find in this family in Christ Jesus.

So, just as we renew our baptismal promises during this holy season,

we invite you to call to mind the joy of your own Baptism, renewing your promises and rediscovering the wonder of the Sacrament!

The Rite of Baptism The meaning and grace of the sacrament of

Baptism are clearly seen in the rites of its celebration. By following the gestures and words of this celebration

with attentive participation, the faithful are initiated into the riches this sacrament

signifies and actually brings about in each newly baptized person.

The priest (or deacon) begins the Rite of Baptism for Children by asking the parents what they’ve named their child a) and what they ask of God’s Church for their

son/daughter (Baptism!). b)  He reminds them that they are accepting the

responsibility of training their child in the practice of the faith

c) and asks them if they understand what they undertake.  d) Then he addresses the godparents, who are to support

the parents in this duty, asking if they, too, are ready. CCC 1234   

The Rite of Baptism Then he says:

“The Christian community welcomes you with great joy.  In its name, I claim you for Christ our Savior by the sign of his cross.” 

He traces the cross on the child’s forehead, inviting the parents and godparents to do the same. CCC 1235

    The Sign of The Cross, on the threshold of the

celebration, marks with the imprint of Christ the one who is going to belong to himand signifies the grace of the redemption Christ won for us by his cross. 

The Rite of Baptism Then, there is a reading: The proclamation of

the Word of God enlightens the candidates and the assembly with the revealed truth and elicits the response of faith, which is inseparable from Baptism.

Indeed Baptism is “the sacrament of faith” in a particular way, since it is the sacramental entry into the life of faith. CCC 1236   

Since Baptism signifies liberation from sin and from its instigator the devil, one or more exorcisms are pronounced over the candidate.

The celebrant then anoints him with the oil of catechumens, or lays his hands on him, and he explicitly renounces Satan.

Thus prepared, he is able to confess the faith of the Church, (THE CREED) to which he will be “entrusted” by Baptism. CCC 1237   

The Rite of Baptism Then we pray the Litany of Saints,

asking our brothers and sisters in heaven to pray for the child and for us.   After, the priest blesses the baptismal water: CCC 1238


The baptismal water is consecrated by a prayer of epiclesis (either at this moment or at the Easter Vigil).

The Church asks God that through his Son, the power of the Holy Spirit, may be sent upon the water,

so that those who will be baptized in it may be “born of water and the Spirit.”

After the water is consecrated, but before the child is baptized, the priest turns to the parents and godparents and asks them to renew

their own baptismal promises, renouncing Satan and affirming their faith in Christ and the Church

The Rite of Baptism CCC 1239    The essential rite of the sacrament

follows:  Baptism properly speaking. It signifies and

actually brings about death to sin and entry into the life of the Most Holy Trinity through configuration to the Paschal mystery of Christ.

Baptism is performed in the most expressive way by triple immersion in the baptismal water.

However, from ancient times it has also been able to be conferred by pouring the water three times over the candidate’s head.

CCC 1240   

In the Latin Church this triple infusion is accompanied by the minister’s words: “N., I baptize you in the name of the Father,

and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” …

We Participate In The Jesus Pascal Mystery

The Rite of Baptism

The anointing with sacred chrism, perfumed oil consecrated by the bishop,

signifies the GIFT of the Holy Spirit to the newly baptized,

who has become a Christian, that is, one “anointed” by the Holy Spirit,

Is incorporated into Christ who is anointed priest, prophet, and king. CCC 1241 

LOS SIGNOS SENSIBLE DEL BAUTISMO The Water and the Words are the

Sensible signs of Baptism The "plunge" into the water symbolizes the

catechumen's burial into Christ's death, from which he rises up by resurrection with him, AS "A NEW CREATURE.“CCC1214 

Water pour on the Head, or the immersion in it, is a Visible Sign of an Invisible Reality: The Baptized is receiving Grace in the Soul and being cleans of sin.

In the very moment of Baptism: 1) You are clean of sin2) The Holy Trinity dwells in you3) Receive the Theological Virtues: Faith, Hope,

Charity4) Become part of God’s Family; member of the

Body of Christ.


THE BAPTISMAL CANDLE, lit from the Easter candle,

signifies that Christ has enlightened the NEOPHYTE. • NEOPHYTE: new convert or novice, new


In Christ the baptized are “the light of the world.” (Mt 5,14; Flp 2,15).


THE WHITE GARMENTS symbolizes that the person baptized has “put on Christ,” has risen with Christ.

“For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.” (Galatians 3,27):

Rises as a New Creature Then the priest makes the sign of the cross

over the child’s ears and mouth saying, “The Lord Jesus made the deaf hear and the mute speak.  May He soon touch your ears to receive his word, and your mouth, to proclaim his faith.”

CCC 1243 

…  The newly baptized is now, in the only Son, a child of God,entitled to say the prayer of the children of God: “Our Father.” 

ALLELUIA!“Adopted as Child of God”

Adopted as Children of God God invites us to show ourselves into the world

as children of God. He is inviting us to start discovering which is our


It is a called to assimilated the Presence of God and to embracing the deepest reality of who we really are.

Learn that we are sons of God created at his Images & likeness, and we have a Called.a) It is our responsability to educate ourselves in the Faith, b) And it is our responsability “act” as children of Godc) We are the light & the salt of the world

The Church allows to baptize Children, but it is the responsability of the Parents and Godparents educate the children in that reality.

The Child is entrust to the Parents & Godparent to teach him: How he has to live, and why he is here in these world.

NEW CREATURE El Baptismo es something more deep and

profund : we must show with our actions and our deeds that we are Sons & daugthers of God, that we have started a New and different life

Many of us have lived the Baptism: ¿But how many have had a profound experience or sincere conversion?

It doesnt consiste of the amount of Water, but rather in BELIEVE deeply; Believe in that overpowering experience (my relationship with God) in the Grace of the Sacrament

The words just by themselves aren’t going to change me, or give me strength

But the Word of God, when it resounds in our hearts, then we see the difference in our lives, The Holy Spirit gives us like a sixth sense:.

It Gives us the experience of like Him, A Longing for Him, A Feeling for Him

We make this experience ours, because He has revealed Himself in our hearts

Jesus Teaches Nicodemus to Born Again Jesus replied, 

“Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.”

Nicodemus asked.  “How can someone be born when they are old?”

“Surely they cannot enter a second time into their mother’s womb to be born!”

Jesus answered,  “Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom

of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit. Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit.

  You should not be surprised at my saying, ‘You must be born again.

’The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going.

So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.” Nicodemus asked

“How can these things be?”  (John 3)

BORN AGAIN We must found our own & TRUE IDENTITY ;

by experiencing, that we’re the Son or Daughter of God, and that we have a Mission; Then this profound knowledge or insigh will truly change completely our life.

You must renew the EXPERIENCE of your Baptism:

you need to motivate yourself, have the wish to change your life style or your way , and start a sincere Relationship with God Have the wish to change, open the heart to the Lord

We need To become a Child: to Born Again If I am not like a child, and I do not born again

my baptism doesn’t make sense.1) Have you ever had a personal encounter with

Christ that changed your Life? 2) Every day you become aware of what implies to be

baptized3) What Changes produces this in your life?

Rediscover your true Identity! BECOME WHO GOD INTENDENT YOU TO BE!


CONFIRMATION“Sacrament of The Holy

Spirit” Confirmation: “The Sacrament

of the Holy Spirit” It receives this name for a very

important reason.

This sacrament (to the one who received it) is a special out pour of the Holy Spirit.

Holy Spirit comes & takes out residence in the soul, in a very special and unique way.

What does the Holy Spirit Do?


a) We know that the Father is the Creator,

b) and the Son is the Redeemerc) But what about the Holy Spirit?

What He does?

The Holy Spirit is the SANCTIFIER:

This means that the Holy Spirit’s work is to sanctify us1) He is the one who makes us Holy 2) He is in charge of Holiness3) He brings Holiness wherever He is.

Special Out Pouring of The Holy Spirit

In our Catholic Tradition, we believe that the Sacrament of Confirmation is a very special out pouring of the Holy Spirit.

a) It is a moment of intensity!

b) When the Christian is confirmed, the Holy Spirit comes

c) and gave us God’s Grace.

Direct Effects of the Sacrament of Confirmation

The Sacraments have effect in our lives.

The more open we are, and more aware of the effect,

the more intense we will feel them.

Direct Effects of Confirmation

These are some of the directs effects of Confirmation:

1) Increases the GRACE of Baptism.

2) We receive a Special Mark o Character on our Soul.

3) Gives us a Special Outpouring of the Holy Spirit


The Sacrament of Confirmation Increases the Grace of our Baptism.

Confirmation does “Not Repeat”, or Redo the Sacrament of Baptism.

However, all that happen at our Baptism is RENEW & Strength.

We still have the Graces from Baptism, but we need the Effects of Baptism to be Strengthen and increased

You have a Demanding Mission ahead of you, & you need the Grace of Confirmationto increase all that you have received, when you were baptized.


One of the Gifts of Baptism, that you receive when you were Baptized, is Adoption—The Gift of Adoption is a Grace.

The Grace of Adoption means That it is essential that the new baptized

Christian belongs to God And it is a property of the Trinity God is his/her family now.

Remember, among other things, Baptism means you belong to God

This is the most important effect of Baptism, and it is Strength in Confirmation


1) After Confirmation, You are closer to God than before; you are more deeply bond to His Grace.

2) In Baptism our Sins are wash away and we are given the gift of Sanctifying Grace

Remember: When we are born, we had a stain in our soul,

We call the stain original sin.

It is a mark left by our 1st Parents: Adam & Eve, when they sin and disobey God.

We suffer from the mark and the left over effect of Original Sin, until we are Baptized.


God lives in us, from our very moment of our Baptism. We call this indwelling of God: Sanctifying Grace.

GRACE is God’s life in us, that gives us Power, to be like Him in goodness and kindness To be Holy and to be Good.

Some of the Effects of Baptism are Strength and Renew in the Sacrament of Confirmation.


2 ) A SPECIAL MARK IS RECEIVED IN OUR SOUL Again, In the Sacrament of Confirmation we receive

the INDELIBLE MARK OR SEAL, that helps us to be witness of Our Lord here on earth.

Confirmation is closely link with the sacrament of Baptism, God is so generous that continues providing us with all His Grace,

we need, to go Heaven.

According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church:

Baptism, the Eucharist, and The Sacrament of Confirmation together constitute the "sacraments of Christian initiation," whose unity must be safeguarded.

It must be explained to the faithful that the reception of the sacrament of Confirmation is necessary for the completion of baptismal grace.

For "by the sacrament of Confirmation, [the baptized] are more perfectly bound to the Church and are enriched with a special strength of the Holy Spirit. Hence they are, as true witnesses of Christ, more strictly obliged to spread and defend the faith by word and deed."CCC1285


In the Sacrament of Confirmation we receive a special mark on the soul. (indelible Seal)

Confirmation effect is a permanent mark on the Soul. No one can wash out this seal No sin can take this mark away Nothing can hide it or remove it.

The mark is a sing: It means that the Christian, now Confirmed, belongs to God in a very special & unique way.

The Christian is God’s property, and a special representative of his Church.


This Seal on the Soul, not only shows God’s ownership,but it also gives the Christian a very special power.

The Mark is design to move the Christian to perform certain actions

The Mark of Confirmation takes the Christian:from Spiritual Childhood to Spiritual Adulthood or Maturity.

The Christian is now able a) to perform Mature and Stable acts or virtues b) and to be witness on behalf of the Church.


The Confirmed Christian is officially a part of the Church in such way.

a) That all his acts, virtues, and good deeds are done, not jus for himself anymore, but as the Church acting.

b) He makes the Church—The Body of Christ—visible for the world to see.

Now, his actions help or damage the Church,because he is not alone on the Church; there are others in it, too.

Each and every Christian has an important part to play, but Everyone acts together

Your actions & virtues, and good deeds represent the Church, and Not just “you” anymore.

Special Outpouring of The Holy Spirit


Do you remember, in the Act of Apostles, about 1. the Wind moving in the House, and the

Flames of Fire coming from heaven & resting over the Apostles?

2. they were filled with the Holy Spirit

Well, Similar outpouring takes place in the Sacrament of Confirmation!

The Sacrament of Confirmation gives us a special outpouring of The Holy Spirit,

and makes us God’s witness for the entirely world

Come Holy

Spirit !

What does the Holy Spirit Do? If someone is Holy, or has the

quality of holiness virtue,it is because the Holy Spirit is at work with him.

Holy Spirit moves like breath and enters us like breath or air, to

make us Holy.

He is the Sanctifier :The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.” (John 3:8)

Especial Gifts And Virtues Received From The Sacrament Of Confirmation

Especial Gifts And Virtues Of The Holy Spirit 7 Gifts or Virtues of the Holy Spirit are:

1) Wisdom2) Understanding3) Counsel4) Knowledge5) Fortitude6) Piety7) Fear of the Lord

With this Gifts or Graces the Christian is enable to bear Fruit: “The Fruits of the Holy Spirit”

The moral life of Christians is sustained by The Gifts Of The Holy Spirit.

These are permanent dispositions which make man docile in following the promptings of the Holy Spirit. ccc1830

The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit complete and perfect the virtues of those who receive them.

They make the faithful docile in readily obeying divine inspirations. ccc1831


Christians Not only receive a) a special outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the

soul (Grace)b) and receive the mark or Seal of the Holy Spirit

But also by the Power of the Holy Spirit, in Confirmation, the Christians receive another special gift as well:c) The Gift: TO BE OPEN TO THE HOLY SPIRIT; this

is very important in Christian life:

Not only do we need the Holy Spirit Grace, but we need Gift or Help to be open to Him1) To hear him2) To listen to him3) And follow his inspirations


The Holy Spirit work is often hidden and goes unnoticed Those instance are called Inspirations

They are from the Holy Spirit. Thus the Holy Spirit moving in you He is telling you what to do He is trying to tell you to do good He give you Intuition

And very often We can recognize Him by the feeling inside of Peace and Rest.

If you feel on inspiration in you to do something and you feel a restful stillness (inside you) & peace,

You can be sure, that the Holy Spirit is moving you, to perform the action

Seek The Holy Spirit & His Inspiration In Our Lives

The goal of our life, then, is to be open to the Holy Spirit movement, His influence and His Grace

It is precisely, what we receive in the sacrament of Confirmation: “We receive a special presence of the Holy Spirit in our souls.”

And not only that but we receive a special grace:“to be open and respond to him.”

This is how the Holy Spirit has an open link, and contact with the Christian that received the sacrament of Confirmation.

Rite or Celebration of the Sacrament Of Confirmation

RITE OF CONFIRMATION RITE is a special word, to refer to Solemn Catholic

Ceremonies and occasions in our lives

The 7 sacraments, each has their own special Rite

There is a very special book that the Bishops uses during the RITE,

to tell them what words to use and what actions to perform, and when

And it is so special and so sacred, and holy that the Bishop doesn't want to change anything or make anything up.

The Sacrament of Confirmation is so special that the Bishop must celebrated the Rite,

at least, he can make it for a reason, in this case, he can appoint a priest to take his place.


Usually the Confirmation sacrament takes place during a Mass, after the Homily—when the priest or Bishop comment on the Gospel

The Bishop call all the people, who be confirm, to the front of the Church,

before everyone and the entirely congregation, and really before the entirely universal Church,

the Bishop asks the Christians, who will be confirm, TO RENEW their BAPTISMAL PROMISES,

This is beautiful and symbolic, specially with what we know about the Sacrament of Initiation:

The Baptismal Consecration is Renewed and Strengthen through the Sacrament of Confirmation

And how truly fitting it is, to have a Renewal of Baptismal Promises, right before the Sacrament of Confirmation is confer.


After the Bishop has determined that the person to be confirm,.. are serious in their intentions to be strong & courage Christian—who will bear witness to the Faith,

Then the Bishop, says a very special prayer, and it’s very Powerful–with his hands extended outward.

The Prayer begs God the Father to send down the Holy Spirit upon the Christians to be confirm

The Prayer also mention a certain list of gifts that we will to receive.


After the prayer the Bishop takes a very special oil called the CHRISM

And anoint each candidate for confirmation on the forehead,

while he does this, he says the most powerful words in the Rites

“Be Seal with the Gifts of the Holy Spirit”

An these very words the Sacrament is completed and effective.

While performing the Actions and saying the words, {and the very fact ,that the Bishop is the properly ordain to ministry the sacraments}the Christian is Now Confirm in the GRACE of the Holy Spirit


For being so very simple, the Rite is very Symbolic: the use of CHRISM OIL symbolizes the Holy

Spirit action, and making the Christian strong, when it comes to give witness of Faith.

The Holy Spirit come and dwell to the Soul of The Confirm Christian

Now in the way, very similar to that 1st Pentecost, when the house was filled with wind,

and fire came to rest upon the apostles; they were filled with the Holy Spirit

And so are the Christians, too, receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation

SELLO ESPIRITUAL INDELEBLE The Oil is sing of Strength, anointment,

abundance, and joy; also is use to Heal It’s sing of the Character or mark s el signo del

Sello received in Confirmation.

Similar to Baptism, in Confirmation we receive the Indelible Mark; our soul is seal

You are mark and set apart as Witness of Christ when the Bishop confirm you says: “Be Seal with the Gifts of the Holy Spirit”

In this moment The Holy Spirit imprint in your soul the Indelible Mark or Character that bonds you more to Christ & His Church, and gives you a special strength to be His witness.

Same like Baptism, Confirmation is a sacrament that cannot be repeated

Forever you would have the Spiritual Indelible Seal of Baptismo & Confirmation in Christ.

In Confirmation we are more United to Christ

In Confirmation we are united to Christ and His Church

We are called to be Witness of Christ: …"by the sacrament of Confirmation, [the

baptized] are more perfectly bound to the Church and are enriched with a special strength of the Holy Spirit.

Hence they are, as true witnesses of Christ, more strictly obliged to spread and defend the faith by word and deed." CCC1285

At this time you’re strengthen with the Graces in the Sacrament of Confirmation

The Sacrifice of the Apostles and the first Christians was possible by the Graces and Strengths of the Holy Spirit.

In confirmation we are united to Christ In Confirmation we receive the

Outpouring of The Holy Spirit, just as the Apostles received Him in Pentecost

The Special Strength that we receive in confirmation, is a Gift or Grace of the Holy Spirit The Apostles had received the Baptism of Juan

Bautista, but they were not Confirm by the outpouring

of the Holy Spirit until Pentecost

He filled them with strength and courage, so that they lost the fear to become Witness of Jesus in all the nations

In confirmation we are united to Christ When we receive The Holy Spirit we

are strength and can see & understand with more

clarity Remember that our Nature was hurt:

so our flesh was subject to the passions, and

our intellect or reason was subject to error,

Our will weaken

but the Holy Spirit comes and gives us His Help and His Grace

To Make Jesus Presence in the world After Baptism, God know that is

not easy for us to be His Witness therefore, He strengthen us with the

Holy Spirit in the Confirmation, and HE gives us His Grace once more

You are called to make Jesus present in the world Sometimes you just need to share his

teachings Other times you have to defend and see for the

needy and poor Or make decisions between right or wrong.

To Make Jesus Presence in the world We have to think very careful about what

the Society dictates as “right and Just”, and “What is truly Just” for God

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil;

that put darkness for light, and light for darkness;

that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Isaiah 5:20

How Jesus was treated, wasn’t a just action, But Jesus did the Correct, in front of God’s eyes.

Extra Grace to Love & be Witness

The Grace in Confirmation helps us to love Jesus, the Church, and always to Choose God in every decision we take.

In Baptism you become part or member of Jesus Body, God’s Divine life comes to dwell in you.

The CONFIRMATION gives us extra Grace & strength, no only to become part of the Body of Christ, but more over

To become his Hands, His feet, His heart, and His Eyes in the world

Extra Grace to love others as God does, and to be Witness of Jesus for them.

Remember the Catechism said “in words and deeds” CCC1285

The Holy Spirit: Wisdom, Intellience, Knowledge.


The Confirmation is a called to experience God in my life

It perfects and strength our soul; it reinforces, fortifies what happen in Baptism

You are Confirmed anointed Strengthen And send with a Mission to the World

We can interiorize and make our own the mind of Jesus. 

Remember the Sacrament of Confirmation consecrates us and set us apart for witness in the world.

The Confirmed Christian acts officially for God and the Church, and with the Power and Strength of the Holy Spirit.

The more you think of your Confirmation and used the power and GRACE you have received, the closer you will grow to Christ,

and indeed you will reach great Holiness, by the Power of the Holy Spirit.

The Sacramento of Confirmation give us Grace and strength to defend our Faith

This is the Sacrament of Christian Maturity.

The Sacrament of Strength and boldness enable us to take the message of the Gospel to the world, (a AGAPE Message) that is our Mission!

Interiorisar Mi Confirmacion

Holy CommunionThe Summit of our


The Eucharist: Summit of our Faith This Sacrament is the Summit of our


The Holy Sacrament, The Holy Eucharist, Holy Communion: EUCHARIST

It is the real and truly presence of Jesus: Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity

It is the Holy Sacrament that pours Grace over Grace, through the Power of the Holy Spirit.

It Fulfills the promise of Jesus:

“…And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Matt. 28, 20)


“THE EUCHARIST” Eucharist the Source & Summit of our Faith.

The True presence of Jesus: Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity!

The Eucharist is the Sacrament of Sacraments. The source of Grace and the Summit of all other


God, the Father, in his plan, united with Christ and the Holy Spirit, give us Grace, or His Divine Life through the Blessed Sacrament.

Of the 7 Sacraments, and the Eucharist is the most important of them, because it is actually Jesus Himself.

Jesus teaches the Apostles of His Presence in Eucharist: The Bread of Life

Jesus: I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats this bread will live forever. This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world...”

T hen the Jews began to argue:“How can this man give us his flesh to eat?”

Jesus said to them, “Very truly I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. 

Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day.

For my flesh is real food and my blood is real drink. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me, and I in them.

Just as the living Father sent me and I live because of the Father, so will live because of me the one who feeds on me. (John 6: 25 50-59)

The Holy Sacrament bonds us closer to Christ Himself.


By eating this bread, which He called my flesh, we will live for ever. (no spiritual death, nor eternal death, but resurrection)

The Blessed Sacrament united us with Jesus Himself.

By eating the body of Jesus in the “Blessed Sacrament, we share more & more Christ Divine Life & we become more like Him.

Here he comes to save us from our sin, and share with us His Divine Life.

Jesus instituted this Sacrament and said to his disciples “Do this in memory of Me”

The Priest in Mass is carrying on the commandment that Jesus told his disciple and continue to command throughout time.


Don’t forget Grace is the Supernatural life of God in our soul. It is his Divine Life!

When Grace is in your Soul, Jesus not only feels right at home, but He adds Grace upon Grace.

It strengthen you and help you to grow in Holiness. Your soul needs nourishment and energy to grow in Spiritual life.

Eucharist life of Holiness & Virtue The life of Holiness and virtue come from

Him, that’s why is important to receive the Eucharist to grow strong

After the Holy Communion, The Holy Trinity is united with you in a very Special Way.

1) The Holy Eucharist helps to keep your soul happy & healthy.

2) His Grace help you to Grow in Holiness because you are strengthen.

3) Also cleans your soul, wiping away any venial sins.

4) And preserve you from committing moral sins, which bring Death of the Soul.

5) Another Benefit is that you grow in love for your neighbor.

6) Receiving Eucharist builds up the light of your soul, and makes you Spiritually healthy.

Eucharist Source & Summit of Grace


The Church teaches us that the most great & beautiful gift of all gifts that we have received from God is:“The Gift of His Own Son” who stay with us always in the Church, by the Power of The Holy Spirit in the Eucharist.

The Eucharist is “the Sacrament of Sacraments”: it's the summit or pick of our Faith.

The Holy Communion is truly & real presence of Jesus: Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity.

LA EUCARISTIA ES JESUS MISMO Remember A sacrament is a ensible sign

instituted by Christ, Give us Grace by the Power of the Holy Spirit, and is entrusted to the Church.

The undertanding of SACRAMENT; helps us to understant the Eucharist (The Sacrament of the Sacrements)

God in His plan helps us to be united with Him. He gives us His Grace, or His Divine life through the Sacrament

There are 7 Sacraments & all are important, but the EUCHARIST is the most important because is Jesus Himself in the Eucharist

The Eucharist is no a sign or symbol, is “Jesus Himself, body, blood, soul and Divinity” after the Consecration.

This is the Gran Mystery we going to talk


A Sensible Or Visible Sign, means something that we can see, touch, feel, taste, ear, etc.

What is a sensible sign of the Eucharist?

A visible sign of the Holy Sacrament: looks like Bread, taste like Bread

But the key is in the CONSACRATION!

It isn't just bread any more, but rather is “JESUS” truly presence

TRANSUBSTANTIATION In the Last Supper Jesus says this is

my Body; for this reason the priest acts in Persona Christi (in the person of Christ)

The Priest says over the bread: “This is my Body….”

And over the Wine, the priest says something similar: “This is my blood…”

This are the Words of Consecration in the Mass”

The Priest say: This is my body over the bread and the bread turns into the Body of Christ

He says: This is my Blood over the wine and the Wine turns into The Blood of Christ.

Cannot be rationally demonstrated, but it can be see the effects in the person who sincerely & consciously receives it

This Is Called Transubstantiation Every time we go to Mass we are witness a Miracle; this

miracle is called TRANSUBSTANTIATIÓN TRANS means Transformation SUSTANTIATION means Substance

This means: Transformation of the Substance Therefore, in Mass we have: Bread & Wine that looks and taste and it

feels as bread and wine But after CONSACRATION, is Jesus Himself Body, Blood, Soul & Divinity.

Even though the sensible or visible sign looks and taste and feels as Bread & Wine.

There for the Substance of Bread and Wine is transformed in Body & Blood of Christ.

Body & Blood, Soul & Divinity

At this point we have learned that

the Eucharist has a visible sign Bread & Wine

But with the words of the Priest: “This is my Body..and this is my


Or Words of Consecration, the bread and wine are transformed into Jesus Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity.

Jesus Instituted the Eucharist Before His Death

Jesus teaches his disciples about the Eucharist the night before His death (Luke 22:19-20)“And he took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me.”In the same way, after the supper he took the cup, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you”

The Food strength our bodies, however, THE EUCHARIST stregthen or Will and Soul

By Eating the Bread of Christ, we share in God’s Divine Life more and more, so we become like Him (Holy or Saints) by the power of the Holy Spirit

Receiving the Eucharist with a Constrict and Conscious heart we can reach Holiness or Sanctity, to which we are called to.

Jesus Celebrate The Passover With His Disiples

Passover was feast celebration of the Old Covenant, where Israel were deliver from the Slavery of Egypt

But this time Jesus celebrate the Mystery of the New Covenant where

He Comes to Saves us or Delivers us from Sin And He Comes to Share His Divine Life with us, to give

us Grace.

Jesus commanded His Disciples: “do this in remembrance of me.”

And since He ask for it, so we still to do it, Therefore the Priest in Mass are exercising  the

commandment that Jesus asked to the disciples And He continues prolonging it through all the times by

the Power of the Holy Spirit.

Letter Of Paul To The First Christians About The Eucharist

For I received from the Lord what I also passed on to you: The Lord Jesus, on the night he was betrayed, took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, “This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me.”

In the same way, after supper he took the cup, saying, "This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me.For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes.

So then, whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of sinning against the body and blood of the Lord. 

Everyone ought to examine themselves before they eat of the bread and drink from the cup. (1 Cor. 11:23-28)

Warnings about the Holy Eucharist

According to the warnings of Paul to the first Christians, when we receive the Holy Eucharist inappropriately (not deserving effort, attention, or respect) our soul instead of Receiving Grace, it becomes weaker and weaker.

For those who eat and drink without discerning the body of Christ eat and drink “judgment” on themselves. 

That is why many among you are weak and sick, and a number of you have fallen asleep.


But if we were more discerning with regard to ourselves, we would not come under such judgment. 

(1 Cor. 11, 29-31).

Healthy Foods Fortify The Body & the Soul

When you eat you become strong & your body is fill with energy , so you may still enjoying and participating of your daily life! Then you may use your energy to think, study, work, etc

a) But after you eat, eventually you body needs more food to get more energy.

b) As you body needs to take energy from fruit & other foods, the same happens with the Soul

c) The Soul is nourished with THE HOLY COMMUNION

THE EUCHARIST makes better things for your soul. In the Holy Eucharist, Jesus is united to you in a very

special and particular form. Exactly like you body, your Soul needs food & energy to

grow in a spiritual: “in a Life of Holiness & Virtue” For this reason we recieve frecuently the Holy Eucharist

because it is very important to Spiritually strong.

Why is Important to Receive The Eucharist?1. First of all, It increases our union

with Jesus, and all His Body: the Church.

2. Also it help s to maintain the soul healthy and joyful, peaceful.

3. Grow in Holiness; become stronger; cleans your soul of venial sins

4. The Eucharist also preserves you from committing Capital sins, which destroy the soul

5. Other Benefit: Grow in Patient and Love to your neighbor.

6. When you receives the Holy Communion , this builds light in your soul , which makes you spiritually strong and Healthy.

Why is Important to Receive the Holy Communion?

1. When we receive with great reverence & devotion, the Holy Communion, it helps us to do great things out of love for God and others

The 1st Christians received the Eucharist with great reverence and very frequently

By the power of the Holy Spirit, they received strength, wisdom, illumination, leadership abilities, etc.

Indeed they were able to taught to everyone who didn’t know about Jesus and His love for them.

why is IMPORTANT to Receive the Holy Communion?

1. Only the Great Devotion & reception del of the Eucharist can help us to do great things with our lives,

2. It can help you to be Who God intended you to Be

Similar to the Apostles, it is not by our own strength, that we can

Defend the Truth and the Faith of the Church. And love others in the same way God loves them.

Only when we are fortify by the Power of the Holy Spirit in Eucharist: Jesus Himself!!

NAMES OF THE EUCHARIST Others names of The Sacrament of

the Eucharist: The most Sacred Sacrament Sacraments of Sacraments Fountain of Grace and Summit of our Faith

Jesus Celebrated his 1st Eucharist with His disciples at Holy Thursday in the Last Supper

The Sacraments Are Our Answer To God’s Love

Since the Beginning of the Creation God chose us, to be Holy, to be Saints without stain or faults

God loved us first, even long before we could love Him, and even before we had born

The Sacraments can only be understood in the Light of the TRUTH: “God loves us & wants everyone of us to reach Sanctity”

God loves us first, and The Sacraments are our Answer to that Love

All and each of us is called to Sanctity, to reach Holiness!!

Each and everyone of the & sacraments give us strength and power to reach Sanctity (GRACE)

We don’t need to do radical things or extraordinary All we need to reach God’s Grace is to

live the Sacraments consciously (not as an simple act of routine)

But living a Sacramental Life: living each moment in Grace of the 7 Sacraments.

This means consecrate ourselves in special form to be active, and visible Christians, in the world today.

Sacraments Source of God’s Grace

God’s Plan Since the beginning, God’s Plan was t o

share His Divinity with us, for all the eternity.

Dying on the cross, Jesus recovered all that was lost, and with the cooperation of the Holy Spirit, makes possible the Plan of God.

The Friendship with God and Man is restored by Jesus;

and now it is possible to participate in His Divine Life

After the Fall of Adam and Eve, God gave us a form (sacraments), so that we can restore His friendship, “His GRACE” (share his Divine Life).

What Happen to Us When We Receive or We Have God’s Grace?


The 14 presents (GRACE) are called virtues & gifts.

VIRTUE is a very especial power we receive from God.

A virtue is a Firm Depositor that we receive from God to do, to say or think something good & holy

The tricky part about the virtue, it is a lot like a present,

You have to open it, and have to use it, in order to have the power that the virtue can takes.


1) Wisdom

2) Understanding

3) Counsel

4) Knowledge

5) Fortitude

6) Piety

7) Fear of the Lord

8) Prudence9) Justice10) Temperance11) Fortitude

12) Faith13) Hope 14) Charity


How the Holy Spirit works in & through the Believers

Once we have received Graces (gifts of the Holy Spirit)

1) God himself comes to dwell in our soul,2) and He makes it possible, for us to

became holy.3) And bear good fruits

In him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord.


And in him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his

Spirit. (Ephesians 2: 8-10)


9 FRUITS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT With God’s Grace in our Soul, we may bear

9 (or more) fruits of the Holy Spirit:

1) Love

2) Joy

3) Peace

4) Patient

5) Kindness

6) Goodness

7) Faithfulness

8) Gentleness

9) Self-Control

Once we have receive the Graces (Gifts of the Holy Spirit) in the Sacraments,

Now, We, “the Christians” are equipped with tools

To bear good fruits To do good deeds and To do little acts of loves.

But we have to recognized that all good deeds that we do, come from GOD himself,

because He is the Source of all Graces and goodness.

For it is by GRACE you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—  not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do (Ephesians 2: 21-22)

With God’s Grace We Bear Good Fruits











Counsel Knowledge


yFear of the Lord



Temperance Prudence






The Eucharist Nourishes &

Strength Pours Grace over

GraceBy the Power of the

Holy Spirit

In the Sacraments:We receive the Gifts of

the Holy Spirit.Graces are pour in our

soulsBy the Power of the Holy


Our actions and good deeds are Fruits of the

Holy Spirit,Results of God’s Grace


Jesus said: “No good tree bears bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit. 

Each tree is recognized by its own fruit. People do not pick figs from thorn bushes, or grapes from briers. 

A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart.

For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of. (Luke 6:43-45)

CATHOLIC DOCTRINE It teaches that God has imparted Divine Grace upon

humanity, and uses the sacraments to facilitate the reception of his grace.

In the Catholic Church a state of grace is granted by God from Baptism firstly, instead of plainly by faith,

Grace is granted from the Sacrament of Reconciliation after Sacrament of Baptism, if a mortal sin is committed. 

A mortal sin makes the state of Grace lost even if faith is still present.

The sacrament of the Holy Eucharist pours Grace over Grace, It nourish our soul, cleans us from venial sins, and protects our

soul from mortal sin. Jesus come to dwell into our souls to give us Eternal life. So we can share God’s grace with others

Sharing in God’s love Growing in Loving & Patient Living in harmony Strengthen our will Avoiding doing evil.

GRACE: Supernatural Divine Power

Divine Grace  It has been defined as

the divine influence which operates in humans

to regenerate and sanctify, to inspire virtuous actions and to impart strength to endure trial and resist temptation Helps to keep soul happy & healthy And growing in holiness because

strengthen. Helps to grow in love for the neighbor.

It is an individual virtue, and excellence of Divine Origin

With God’s Grace, We Can Be Holy for the Sake Of Others & the Glory Of


“Sacraments of Christian Initiation”God’s Plan Mystery of Salvation


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