rvc annual report 2011

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RVC's Annual Report to the community 2011


Rock Valley college & Foundation Report to the community 2011


i am delighted that at Rock Valley college our passion for teaching and learning is unmistakable.

Just witness the passion of our faculty, our academic leaders. When they speak about their disciplines their enthusiasm is difficult to ignore. Many spend time outside of posted hours to help struggling students; others have re-written curricula that they believed was ineffective and subsequently implemented what is now a national model.

our instructors choose to be here because they love to teach and it’s obvious to our students. i have met students on our campus who returned after graduation just to visit with former instructors, and i enjoy their stories about how this learning environment shaped their future. each year we are privileged to welcome countless numbers of students who made us their first choice for quality education.

our new Jacobs center for Science and Math (see cover) stands as a testament of the college’s passion and commitment to high-quality education in science, technology, engineering, healthcare, and mathematics. We know that these skill sets are most critical for the jobs of the future – in industries that will improve lives and our community as a whole. our future, like our past, will be defined by great teachers and a great cast who support the learning process. it was true when we opened decades ago and it is true today.

i am thankful for community partners who support us through gifts of time and treasure, and who often serve as our strongest advocates. these individuals and organizations share our passion for teaching and learning, and they are steadfast with us in our commitment to increase educational aspiration and success in our region. For this true spirit of community we are very grateful.

i believe our passion is contagious. i hope that it’s ignited in you, too.

— dr. Jack Becherer

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the President

IgnItIng LIfe’s PassIon…through workforce development, top-quality transfer degrees, and adult continuing education.

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Rock Valley college faculty are highly-qualified instructors in their disciplines, with approximately 20 percent holding a doctorate in their field. Many of these individuals have chosen RVc because of their passion to teach. the daily interaction with students is their primary focus and that is their preference.

“after receiving my doctorate, i went into industry for two years where i had experience working with very well-trained chemists. although i loved the work in the lab, after a few months i realized that what i missed was the accountability of working with the students.

as an undergraduate pre-med student i developed a love of chemistry. during my senior year, i was a teaching assistant and found that i loved teaching and realized that medicine was probably not my preferred career.

in graduate school, i had an organic chemistry instructor whom i loved, and he was passionate about the subject. i developed that same passion and knew that would be my field. So, i found a professor who needed a research assistant and i was able to work on a research project that i really enjoyed. i was also fortunate to work as an adjunct chemistry professor at Rock Valley college.

teaching has been the most significant accomplishment in my career. i have taught at all levels and enjoy being able to work with students who come in afraid of the idea of chemistry and allowing them to see that it’s the same thing they do in their kitchens, but in a laboratory setting. on the other end of the spectrum, i now work with second-year students who are in higher level chemistry with plans for a career in medicine, chemistry, or pharmacy. their ambition, motivation, and determination are exciting.

every year, i am so energized at the beginning of the school year to be in the classroom. i love to observe the learning process and to witness when a student truly understands a concept. it’s so amazing to see that passion stirred in them as it was stirred in me.”

— PeaRl kinney, PH.d., organic chemistry instructor

I enjoyed working with students every day, having to be at the top of my game and prepared to answer any question they might have.


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“Aviation is something I have always loved. It has a real romantic feel to it, and you really get that feeling from the facilities. I can’t say enough about the program at Rock Valley College. The instructors weren’t just teachers, they were friends as well.

Rock Valley college offers more than three dozen career programs in a wide variety of areas. one of the most consistently successful, and continuously growing is the aviation Maintenance technology program. located in a hangar adjacent to a runway at the chicago-Rockford international airport, students get the kind of real-world experience and training that leads to tremendous career opportunities.

aviation maintenance is something i’ve always been around. My dad is a technician. We grew up on a farm in Warrenville and had a grass landing strip. So planes are something i have always been around.

ultimately, what made my decision was that i liked the atmosphere at Rock Valley college. even though you were in school taking classes, the facility being right there at the airport, made it feel like you weren’t in school, but you were working at the airport.

— continued on page 8


i went back this past year, and not much had changed. i walked in and i still got that same feeling. it brought back all those memories about when i was there (1988-1990). the classroom has changed, it’s a lot nicer, the loft has increased in space and the workstations are all improved. it was great being back.

i wouldn’t trade my time in that program at RVc for anything. i had a bunch of good classmates. the instructors were excellent. it was a great experience all around.

currently, i serve as the technician for the Mcdonald’s corporation and global aviation Systems. We have two aircraft. Both are Bombardier products, an XRS and a challenger 300.

their mission is to fly executives for the Mcdonald’s corporation from point a to B both domestic and internationally. We’re very close to the corporate headquarters in northbrook, so it’s convenient for them when they need to travel.

one of the things i’m proudest of, is that as a result of being in my position i was offered the opportunity to represent the global fleet at the advisory level to interface with Bombardier. there are 35 of us, globally, who take issues to them. We meet twice a year in Montreal. you have to be voted in to one of those spots by the committee. i’m currently serving my second term.”

— Wayne SancHeZ, JR., RVc aviation class of 1990

Rock Valley College…where imagination takes flight on a path to a variety of careers. More than 8,800 students enrolled in over 167,000 credit hours to pursue their educational dreams at RVC*.*For the 2010-2011 academic year.


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When Mike Webb was a graduate student at Michigan State university, his peers predicted the Rockford native would have a long and prosperous career as a new york director. there was only one problem: he didn’t want to go to new york. He wanted to return home and make an impact in his community at Rock Valley college’s Starlight theatre.

Starlight theatre has always felt like home to Webb, dating back to high school. He started as a teenage volunteer before being hired on to build sets. When director neil thackaberry needed someone to lead Evita, he turned to Webb. and when thackaberry left the program in 1985, Webb answered the call again. For the past 26 years, Webb has been the only producer and director of theater RVc has known.

“People say to me, ‘how are you going to top yourself ?’ That’s the point, isn’t it? To get better every time you do something, to learn from what you’ve done. After last year, people said ‘can you top Rent?’ Just watch me.”

Webb recently fulfilled a longtime dream to direct the complete works of Shakespeare, and he has four more plays to complete the entire collection of agatha christie as well.

“it’s really been amazing. this was a career choice of mine and it has special meaning to direct the complete works of Shakespeare and agatha christie in my hometown. i want to build a cultural identity for people. theater can have an impact on people’s lives.

— continued on page 12

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When i was hired, i had a long talk with President karl Jacobs. He saw Starlight as a way for the community to get involved with Rock Valley college. He wanted me to mold the program into something. karl said to me, ’your job is to get as many people on campus as possible.’ i took him at his word.”

Mike Mastroianni, associate Vice President, outreach, Rock Valley college, has collaborated on five original plays with Webb, “during Mike’s time here, Starlight’s subscriber base has grown significantly from 17,000 to more than 40,000. that’s impressive when you consider the struggles of other theater programs; and if you put it in classroom terms, he has 40,000 students a year.

He’s very creative, serious about his work, and has a great sense of humor. He’s thoughtful and he’s a problem solver. “

Mike Webb “our productions are mileposts – events that have high impact on the audience. like Wings, a story about a father’s stroke written by arthur kopit: people still thank me for producing such a heart-felt play. i was in eighth grade when my grandmother suffered her own stroke.

other memorable plays include, Children of Eden, a two-act musical play by Stephen Schwartz and based on the Book of Genesis, Shakespeare’s first tragedy, Titus Andronicus, and Phantom of the Opera, which opened our 45th season. that has been our largest production ever. “

Tom Hunter, Starlight theatre associate Producer, “He’s totally committed to this theater; i don’t know anyone who works like Mike does. He’s focused on making this the best theater he can.

He keeps the bar high for everyone. i don’t know how many people tell us, ‘we saw it in london, we saw it in new york, we saw it in chicago, and this was just as good.’ He is willing to take some risks because he’s created success here.

For someone who knows what they’re doing, he lets them go. He’s an actors’ director. For a lot of people, especially with bigger casts with not much experience, he breaks it down and makes it simple so they get it right. He likes taking a chance and helping folks.”

Mike Webb “to get the best people you have to treat them as professionals; you have to respect their time. We always start rehearsals on time. We run the theatre professionally, which has endeared many of the professionals. it’s like being on a team. you try to get everyone focused on winning the game.”

Mike Mastroianni “He’s had a vision. He’s had the opportunity to do many cool things and has made this grow into what it is. Remember, it used to be on a stage out in the open with lawn chairs. there might have been a couple of spotlights on actors. to go from that to building the Bengt Sjostrom theatre, the vision has kept him excited. it’s been a good run.”

Mike Webb “Starlight is important to me. now, when people have guests from out of town, they bring them to Starlight. that was the idea when this world-class venue was built. Why shouldn’t we have the best possible theater we can? Why shouldn’t we have full houses every night? Why shouldn’t we compare our work to productions in new york or chicago?

We have the talent pool to do remarkable things.

i have no regrets about not going to new york.”

— Mike WeBB, RVc theatre director


to support the needs of Rockford’s manufacturing businesses, Rock Valley college/techWorks collaborated with eiger lab to create Fast-track—an intensive, 150 hour cnc machine operator training program in which students are immersed in hands-on learning as well as classroom instruction. upon completion of the Fast-track program, students are better prepared for the abundant manufacturing jobs in our community. Vincent knepper, a recent Fact-track graduate, used his training to pursue his “dream job.”

“ You can dream something up and hold it in your hands the next day. It’s pretty amazing.

the Fast-track training is literally another tool in my skills toolbox. i didn’t just look at it as though i’d get a job, i wanted to add more tools and more skills for my future, too. i already knew autocad and 3d modeling, so learning cnc machining rounded out my skill set and made me even more employable.

i had two potential employers who said they would help me out if i wanted to work for them and continue for more training. not only does it help you and your career, but it helps them, because the more you can do, the more value you bring to your employer.

Fast-track really gives you a great foundation and you can really roll with it. i got a couple of offers for jobs when i finished the program, and i now work in the eigeRlab in rapid prototyping.

i chose this job because i have a background doing 3d modeling and animation for video. doing 3d modeling on screen is great, but being able to take that process the next step and actually get a real model is great. “

— Vincent knePPeR, Fast-track graduate

to learn more, visit: eigerlab.org/fasttrack.html eigerlab.org/prototyping.html





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Young Entrepreneurs Inspire Students To Create Their Own Jobs

on Friday, april 15, 2011, Rock Valley college brought the extreme entrepreneurship tour to Rockford to inspire youth and young adults to create their own path during one of the worst economic downturns in 80 years. the extreme entrepreneurship tour—the first ever collegiate entrepreneur tour—included keynote speakers, exhibits, workshops, and question-and-answer sessions with young entrepreneurs. Students were able to brainstorm with business professionals and meet like-minded students through networking events. the event, sponsored by RVc Student life, RVc SiFe (Students in Free enterprise), the Rock Valley college Foundation, and the coleman Foundation, brought in over 100 people interested in learning more about how to apply the entrepreneurial mindset to their lives regardless of career choice.

did it work? For RVc student Samantha nation it did. “it put a fire under me,” says Samantha. a general manager at a local Jimmy John’s, Samantha had been taking classes at RVc for two years without yet obtaining her degree. attending the extreme entrepreneurship event inspired her to look into opening her own store within the next two years, while still finishing her associate’s

degree. “in two and a half years, i will have my associate’s degree, and by the time i am 25, i plan on being a successful owner of a Jimmy John’s franchise.”

RVC Student Lands Transfer Scholarship

Rock Valley college student Jessica cabe was awarded the niu transfer center Residential Scholarship for the 2011-2012 school year. She transferred from RVc to northern illinois university in the fall of 2011. Jessica was among 20 recipients of the third−annual award which pays for two semesters in a residential hall suite.

RVC Graduates Record Number

you could feel the energy in the air as there was a packed house once again at RVc’s 45th commencement ceremony on May 20, 2011. approximately 400 of the over 1,100 students who graduated participated in the commencement ceremony, marking the highest number of graduates and participants on record at RVc. Speakers for this year’s ceremony included RVc 2011 Faculty of the year, RVc associate Professor of Psychology, dr. Julie Hernandez, and graduating student speaker, Stacey Slintak, winner of numerous prestigious academic honors.

Sister Helen Prejean Inspires Hundreds

over 700 guests packed the RVc Physical education center on March 2, 2011 to hear guest speaker Sister Helen Prejean. Prejean is the author of Dead Man Walking: An Eyewitness Account of the Death Penalty in the United States. the book became a movie, an opera, and a play for high schools and colleges. Since 1984, Sister Helen has divided her time between educating citizens about the death penalty and counseling individual death row prisoners. Her appearance at RVc was made possible by the Rock Valley college Philosophy department, in conjunction with the Rock Valley college Foundation, as the inaugural guest in the david H. caskey Memorial lecture Series.

“[Sister Helen] was brilliant,” said dr. Michelle Rotert, RVc Professor of Philosophy. “She spent hours in conversation with students afterward—they talked seriously, they laughed, they cried.  She counseled, she taught, she motivated.  She left her email address with students and continues still to communicate with some of us.  the response papers that students wrote after her address were, by far, the most appreciative and enthusiastic we have ever received.”

RVC SIFE Named National Finalist In Sam’s Club Competition

the Rock Valley college Students in Free enterprise (SiFe) team was named one of eight united States national Finalist teams in the Sam’s club environmental Sustainability challenge competition. the SiFe team competed in the final round at the Sam’s club headquarters on thursday and Friday, april 21-22, 2011. the challenge provided the opportunity for SiFe and Sam’s club associates to work together to effectively empower Sam’s business members to raise their quality of life and standard of living through environmentally sustainable practices in their facilities, operations, and community. the SiFe team served as strategically-focused, third-party providers of guidance, leadership, and innovation. throughout the challenge, the team committed to a partnership with their local Sam’s club where they worked with a designated Sam’s associate to complete projects addressing waste and recycling, energy and water, and people and community.

a yeaR in Review

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GED Graduates Achieve Their Dreams

on May 19, 2011, 300 excited general educational development (ged) students and their families packed the physical education center for the 26th annual graduation Recognition ceremony. each year, the ged and Basic Skills program at Rock Valley college serves over 1,600 adults who enter the program with reading levels ranging from fourth grade to college entry and above.

ged student, debra Funk, addressed the crowd and spoke passionately about her life’s journey. in 1984, debra had a baby, got married, and dropped out of high school. She experienced some success in the following years working as a business manager. When she lost her job and was unable to find work, she became motivated to obtain her ged and turned to RVc. Having successfully raised a family, been married for 27 years, and now having completed her ged, debra spoke about being a survivor and feeling like she can overcome any obstacle that may be placed in her path.

RVC’s Cierra Morris Earns Division I Basketball Scholarship

Rock Valley college sophomore cierra Morris accepted an athletic scholarship to continue her college career at Southeastern louisiana university, a member of the ncaa division i level Southland conference. Morris became only the third RVc women’s basketball to player to earn all-american honors from the nJcaa (national

Junior college athletic association). She earned that honor for the 2010-2011 season while also being named Player of the year for both the conference (n4c) and the region (Region iV- division iii). Behind Morris’ team-leading 17.8 points per game, RVc cruised to a 13-1 conference record and finished as the second- ranked team in the final nJcaa division iii poll last season.

Non-Traditional RVC Students Receive Business Awards

the recipients of this year’s Rock Valley college annual merit awards were 45-year-old erin oliver and 38-year-old amy Patsis. the RVc Business division awards are based on gPa, outstanding achievement, and faculty recommendations. oliver received the accounting Merit award, and Patsis received the Business Merit award.

erin said, “i was honored to be chosen. it’s nice to get recognition for working hard. it proved to me that i can succeed with my disability (attention deficit disorder).”

Meanwhile, amy hopes that winning this award may help to motivate her 16-year-old son to pursue his college degree. “this may be just the incentive he needs,” said amy.



l ReportsRock Valley College Financial Report Operating Funds for the year ended June 30, 2011

Revenues Amount* % of total Student tuition & fees (net) $7,881,125 10.3 Sales & service fees 1,694,126 2.2 State grants and contracts 7,216,727 9.4 Federal grants and contracts 19,152,547 24.9 State appropriations 5,630,984 7.3 local property taxes 30,778,672 40.1 Personal property replacement tax 1,601,965 2.1 investment income 129,944 0.2 other 2,685,497 3.5

total Revenues $76,771,587 100.0

Expenses Amount* % of total Salaries $31,693,361 44.0 employee benefits 13,361,426 18.5 contractual services 3,740,972 5.2 general materials and supplies 3,856,475 5.3 travel & conference/meeting expense 609,687 0.8 Fixed charges 1,183,332 1.6 utilities 1,608,315 2.2 amortization 375,328 0.5 depreciation 7,372,468 10.2 other 8,472,167 11.7

total expenses by object $72,273,531 100.0

Rock Valley College Foundation Financial Report for the year ended June 30, 2011 Amount Beginning assets July 1, 2010 $6,647,388

Revenue donations $760,211 Special events $117,906 investments $1,417,508

increase (decrease) in net assets $2,295,625

Expenses operating $685,143 Fundraising $152,090

increase (decrease) in net assets ($837,233)

ending net assets – June 30, 2011 $8,105,780

distribution of awards grants $78,080 Scholarships $128,736 capital $250,000

*2011(pre-audit numbers)


Many worthy organizations rely on contributors to carry out their mission, and thankfully there are many kind and generous people to support the variety of causes. But, have you ever wondered what prompts donors to choose one organization over another?

in my fourteen years of development experience, i have been fortunate to witness the good deeds of many. and although there are deep personal considerations that affect someone’s giving, there is always one common factor — passion.

the Rock Valley college Foundation is privileged to have the support of individuals and organizations possessing a strong conviction regarding the importance of higher education for all. it was such passion that inspired community leaders to establish this educational institution almost 50 years ago. it is this very same belief that higher education changes lives, which continues to inspire contributors to provide support of our mission today.

i hope that in reading this annual report, you, too, will feel not only the passion for life-long learning but also the impact that your gifts to the Rock Valley college Foundation have on real people in our community today.

i understand what emerson meant in his quote. Passion is all about rebuilding the world for the youth. and through our donors’ passionate support, they are making all things possible, alive, and significant for the youth in our community whose lives they touch.

thank you all for your generous support of Rock Valley college!

— PaMela oWenS, cFRe executive director, RVc Foundation and college advancement

RVc Foundation Scholarship Recipients

“My husband suffered an accident that

left him significantly disabled which led

to medical debt. As a result I have

been working three jobs to get by and

pay for school. I can’t thank you enough

for the scholarship.”

- Anne-Catherine Schroeder, biology student

“Thank you so much for the scholarship! It is a huge help!”-Kyle Lundin, considering medical studies

Ralph Waldo emerson said,

“Passion rebuilds the world for youth. it makes all things alive and significant.”

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Rock Valley College Foundation Contributors

In Recognition ofAccumulated GiftsAs of June 30, 2011* In memoriam

Accumulated gifts of $1,000,000 or moresjostrom & sons foundationRobert W. stenstromWoodward, Inc.

Accumulated gifts of $100,000 to $999,999aMCoRe financial, Inc.aMCoRe foundation, Inc.Jean a. Bullen trustCLaRCoR foundationIllinois Community College system foundationHarlan J. & elsie Ingwalson Charitable trustLoRayne LoganKarl L. & Jeanette e. nelson trustDean a. olson foundationLydia Luhman Pederson Charitable trustRockford Health systemswedishamerican Health systemDonald H. Wrork, MD Charitable trust

Accumulated gifts of $50,000 to $99,999anonymous Donornancy e. anderson estateatwood foundationMary Caskeyeloise K. eshbaugh trustthe Helm group, Inc.Ross edgar HuntMarjorie Brookman Marlowe trustJohn & Roberta Minkosf saint anthony Medical Centersundstrand Corporation foundationsuntec Industries, Inc.swedishamerican Health systemWinnebago County Dental society Accumulated gifts of $10,000 to $49,9992 anonymous Donorsalpine Bankamerican Centuryanderson Industries, Inc.aqua-aerobic systems, Inc.arc Design Resources, Inc.Bank one foundationBank one-Rockford n.a.Mr.* & Mrs. Ralph BartelsDr. William & Leah BaskinDr. Jack J. & Janna K. Becherersuzanne & Don BergerBergstrom Manufacturing CompanyBergstrom, Inc. Charitable foundationBlackhawk state BankMr. & Mrs. Charles M. Bradley*Dr. James stanford BrownBonnie B. CartierMr. & Mrs. frank ChmelikIna Cholke & olga Dean Bullard trustChrysler CorporationCitizen’s scholarship foundation of americaCity fire fighters Local 413thomas L. Clinton, sr.

Community foundation of northern IllinoisJames & Carol CoxDain Rauscher, Inc.DankaMike & Pat DavisDemonica Kemper architectsDynacorp, Inc.elco textron, Inc.forest City gearthe funderburg foundationgannett foundationMr. & Mrs. Joseph t. geraghty, Jr.thomas D. gibbonsgloyd family foundationgoodwill of northern IllinoisBill & sue gorskithe grainger foundationgreenlee textron, Inc.Dr. steven & tina gundersonHaldex Hydraulics CorporationJane Hawkins-Hoffshirley s. HolzwarthHughes Business telephones, Inc.Jennifer HustonIllinois Community College system foundationIllinois Water treatment, Inc.Ingersoll Milling Machine Companyallen W. JohnsonJohnson Controls foundationJohnson Controls, Inc.David D. Kalber trustJanet KjellstromDr. & Mrs.* William J. KramerLeonard J. LaPassoJane s. Marlowe*Clint Maslen*Mattison foundation, Inc.Mattison Machine WorksMr. & Mrs. Richard J. McIntoshMarian & george* MeadowsMechanical, Inc.Karen & John MessleynIBCaRichard D. nordlof

north american tool Corporationolson aluminum Castingsann L. oswaldsam & Debra overtonJack W. & LaVonne a. Packard fund of the RCfPepsi-Cola Rockford Bottling Co.Pillsbury-green giantPoplar grove state BankJohn t. QuirkRBC Dain Rauscher, Inc.RJ galla Company, Inc.Rock Valley College student CommissionRock Valley College student government associationRockford acromatic ProductsRockford ambulatory surgery CenterRockford anesthesiologists associated, LLCRockford orthopedic associates, LtDRockford Powertrain, Inc.Rockford Products Corp.Rockford surgical service, s.C.Dan & Michelle Rojosaavedra gehlhausen architectssavant Capital Management, Inc.george & frances schwenkner Chartitable trust sikich, LLPstenstrom foundationRobert & Jan stenstromJames stormontsIfesundstrand Corporationsundstrand Corporation - Data Controlswedishamerican Hospitalswedishamerican Medical foundationJames & shirley Waddellfrank & Jen WehrsteinW. a. Whitney CorporationWilliam Charles, LtDWilliams McCarthy, LLPedward & Kathryn Way fundYaBa of northern Illinois Bowling foundation

in appreciation to our kind donors–igniting students’ passions and changing our community.

Rock Valley College Foundation Contributors

In Recognition of Annual Gifts Received from July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011 * In memoriam

Gifts of $100,000 or moreWoodward, Inc.

Gifts of $50,000 - $99,999anonymous Donoratwood foundationHamilton sundstrandthe Helm group, Inc.Rockford Health systemsjostrom & sons foundationswedishamerican Medical foundation

Gifts of $10,000 - $49,999aMCoRe foundation, Inc.Dr. Jack J. & Janna K. BechererMary Caskeygoodwill of northern Illinoisolson aluminum Castingssam & Debra overtonJohn & Roberta MinkDonald H. Wrork, MD Charitable trust

Gifts of $5,000 - $9,999the Brent Bernardi familyIna Cholke & olga Dean Bullard trustBill & sue gorskiMarjorie Brookman Marlowe trustMechanical, Inc.Rock Valley College Class of 2010Rock Valley College Class of 2011Kathie ayres & ted RossDaniel & Diana saavedrasaavedra gehlhausen architectssavant Capital Management, Inc.James & shirley Waddell

Gifts of $2,500 - $4,999Bergstrom Charitable foundation, Inc.Mr. & Mrs. Brent BrodeskiDemonica Kemper architectsfriends of the RVC LibraryDr. steven & tina gundersonallen W. JohnsonnIBCaosf saint anthony Medical CenterJohn t. QuirkRJ galla Co., Inc.Rockford ambulatory surgery CentersIfesikich, LLP

Gifts of $1,000 - $2,499anonymous Donoralpine Bankamerican society of Heating, Refrigeration, & a/C engineering Rockford Chapterarc Design Resources, Inc.William & Leah BaskinBelvidere area Chamber of CommerceBelvidere IoU ClubBMo Capital MarketsBradford systems CorporationDick & grace Leighton Donor advised fund of the CfnILKen & antoinette Dufourforest City gearRobert s. giesecke

Hanson Professional services, Inc.Brian & Kari HelmIllinois Community College system foundationgeorgann a. JohnsonMr. & Mrs. W. David MarkKaren & John MessleyPMa financial network, Inc.Martin & Christy PocsMary RahornRK DixonRobbins, schwartz, nicholas, Lifton & taylor, LtDRockford Bank & trustRockford east/Cherry Valley Rotary Clubted Ross & Kathie ayresscandroli Construction Companygeorge & frances schwenkner Charitable trust stenstrom foundationMarcia D. stenstromMr. & Mrs. Robert W. stenstromWilliam Charles, LtDWilliamsMcCarthy, LLPJack & Peggy Wolf

Gifts of $500 - $999Julie & alan ackermanalpha Controls & services, LLCDavid & Madeleine arnoldBarnes & noble-RVCsuzanne & Don BergerJames M. BonaviaDr. Craig e. BooherBooth Hansen, LtDstephen & Lisa CarterChapman & Cutler, LLPMichael & Patricia DavisKevin Daytodd & Kaye eckstaineLinda goldsteinJane Hawkins-HoffDr. & Mrs. Karl J. Jacobsstuart KempPaul J. KlazuraLexus of RockfordLois H. & thomas B. LundgrenKathleen McCartyDiane & grant nyhammerBarclay & Debra olsonon the Waterfront, Inc.Pamela & terry owensDan & Holly ParodKatie & Ken PetersonPhi theta KappaMr. Robert e. Porod

Rockford Lions Club Charity foundation, Inc.the Rockwell groupKathie ayres & ted RossDavid & ann schertzsheet Metal Workers Local Union no. 219sjostrom & sons, Inc.special Power, Inc.specialty floorsMarcia D. stenstromstudio gang architectsMr. & Mrs. greg Wearfrank & Jen Wehrstein

Gifts of $250 - $4992 anonymous DonorsBenchmark flooring Inc.Mr. & Mrs. John BorlingCasler foundationstephen & Cindy Casperamy L. ChristenChuck Harkness Insurance agency, Inc.Corporate Benefit Consultants, Inc.Dean a. olson foundationDavid & sara Deutschamy & David Diazandy & Beri DolanDrs. Dale & elaine Drakeemployers’ Coalition on HealthMr. & Mrs. gerald W. grupeKevin HolderDonald s. HoltDr. Kurt & susan JensenHarry J. Kloeppel & associates, Inc.KJWW, P.C.David & Beverly KlintworthMr. & Mrs. thomas KniepBrian KobischkaKostantacos Law firm, P.C.Laurence LeaseMarilyn LindemanLindstrom travelMr. & Mrs. Charles R. LindstromMr. & Mrs. Don ManzulloRaymond & Debbie MarsiliMichael & Crystal MastroianniMichelle McReynoldsagnes MonksMark & sherrie MorrisPatrick & Lisa MorrowJoesph J. PerkoskiJames & Lucy PiragesBradlye B. RecoyRockford Chamber of CommerceRockford orthopedic associates, LtDtimothy & Carrie RollinsMr. & Mrs. William C. Roop

“You have helped me immensely in ways you could not fathom. Thank you for your donation and your help. You are changing my life for the better.” - Jenny Seidel,

radiology student

Scholarship Recipient

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Michelle & gary RothmeyerRock Valley College Marketingsam’s ClubDr. & Mrs. Joseph schoeningJohn & sue spitzerRobert & Jan stenstromtarget Commerical Interiorssteve thompsonRobert & norma trojanUniversity of Illinois College of MedicineMary C. & Richard g. WolfXerox Corporationsue & Bill Zillmer

Gifts of $100 - $249anonymous DonorMr. & Mrs. Perry accountiMarsha & Larry ackermanJessica adkinsDavid L. anderzonaurora University

David & Mary Beth BarichDavid & Diana BarthelmanJeff & Chris BeckDr. erick H. Beninkstephen Coyle BHfX Digital ImagingCharles & Penny Billman, Jr.ted & Pat Biondoeric W. BlauertKatie & William BoughtonDavid & Karen BrownMr. & Mrs. thomas e. Brownsusan BusenbarkLinda a. CarlsonLynn fischer Carlsonguy & Paula Carynskisally ChastainMr. & Mrs. James ClarkCoalesseJames & Connie CoffeyJames M. Conleysusan Convington-fumoJames M. CorcoranDave CostelloBrian DeBenedettoDominick DemonicaDeVry UniversityXuan DinhMichael R. Domtracy eckburgReeven elfmanRex entsmingerJanyce B. faddenRuthe ann falkfatwallet Charitable foundationRick D. & nancy g. fehrfidelity Charitable gift fundstephen R. fleemansteven fransenDavid g. gallaMr. & Mrs. Richard J. gallaguy & Debra gehlhausenLinda e. gerberJessica gonzalesJose L. gonzalezDr. tao guoMr. & Mrs. eugene M. gustafsonDr. & Mrs. norm HagmanCarol Hansonshaine Henerttherese HlavinKelly & Heath Hoffmananthony J. Holubshirley s. Holzwarthstephanie JacobsBonnie M. JohnsonJoanne M. JosephsonJody Jungerberg

Mr. & Mrs. scott KaiserMr. & Mrs. samuel n. KantayyaDave H. KeaggyJames & Pamela Keeling-green Pass through fund of the CfnlLRobert & Ritchla KingMr. & Mrs. Peter C. KostantacosBill & Jaci Kousoulastiffany KousoulasRaymond KrouseRobert & Dianne LayMr. & Mrs. norris K. Levis, Jr.Jeff & Carol LinkenheldPete & Pam LonswayRoger & nancy LundstromJames & Karen LyddonMr. & Mrs. Michael John ManleyDan R. Manningeleanor Delores Martinamy C. Massothellen & John McHughDr. evan McHughMr. & Mrs. Kenneth MettlerJonathan MeyerKen & Mary Lou MillerDr. stephen & Laura Minoregrant MooreLaura Mrukeleanor Joanne MuckMarcia L. MuellerMr. & Mrs. eric neubauerMr. & Mrs. Keith B. o’HigginsMr. & Mrs. Rex a. ParkerLaura Pauliannette PetersonQuiana PrestonMr. & Mrs. george t. Ralph, IIIRockford CollegeRockford egg Harbor, LLCMr. & Mrs. arnold M. RosenJudge & Mrs. stanley J. RoszkowskiJo Carol & Lawrence J. RoyCindy sageBrian sagersaLsa Business network, Inc.Michelle & Joe scandroliangela schmidtMr. & Mrs. stephen R. schoeningJohn & shirley schouRonald M. schulzClarke C. shihMr. & Mrs. Jack L. simongerald J. & Barbara L. smithJo ann M. smithDavid & Lana stenersontricia & Lawrence sweeneyterracon Consultants, Inc.

Paul trybulMr. & Mrs. Dennis t. UeharaMr. & Mrs. John e. Vanderheydentom Vielscott & Katherine VoggMary WebbDan WhalenWIfR-tVMarion f. WilkeMr. & Mrs. Donald P. WilliamsWilliams-Manny Charitable trustRay & nola Wood

Gifts of $1 - $993 anonymous DonorsMr. & Mrs. James W. andersonJoy BaldwinMarguerite BarbagalloMr. & Mrs. frederick H. BeckRobert & Kathy BellLorene BenzelLeota Benzel-schillingBlackhawk area Council #660Margaret R. BlaisdellLarry g. BoekeRuth BowerLoreen BurtonMatt & Kristina Casciogarrett CliffWilliam & Mary ConklingH. ConnellBenedict & frances ConwayDr. Dennis& Brenda CorcoranCarole CotterKelly Croutchergregory & Deborah CussenHalana & John Deboglenn & sharon DennyDg Digital Printing, LLCJasper R. DibenedettoPaul W. DickoverJack & Zelka DillonMr. & Mrs. John DixonMary K. DuaneMary ann eiblerC. eugene & Carolyn elliottsandra e. ellisonelsie R. estabrookMr. & Mrs. Jalil etminanJanyce evistonRandolph & Patricia farneythomas & Lisa finchKaren fishmanscott & Melody flemingBarbara ann fridayMark friedmanLois a. fulkerson

“I emigrated from Thailand and learned English by reading Braille. My friends gave me the nickname ‘Miss Independent’ because I am reluctant to accept help from others. Because of my independent attitude I am able to attend college without having an aid and handle my everyday life on my own. I greatly appreciate the scholarship.” -Mingkhwan Zehner, psychology and special education student

Scholarship Recipient Mr. & Mrs. Keith LarsonLarry & Judith LarsonRichard & Mary LeatherbyHsiao-Hung Lee & Hsin Ying ChiIan Linnabaryapril M. LipnitzkyMr. & Mrs. thomas LombardoKatherine LotzerJane LyonsMr. & Mrs. Dennis J. MackeyMichael & naomi MaddenBrenden Maherfaye MarcusDavid & Kathleen MarshLisa J. MawyerKay MondulMarrisa D. MoraBill MosesKatharine M. MutertDaniel & Maureen normanMr & Mrs. Charles odellRay & Cheryl olsonConstance owensDr. & Mrs. Harold J. PalmPatricia a. Papson-stadelmansusan e. Parhamanne Parkersharon PattersonDr. & Mrs. gerald PetersonMichelle PrincerCharles J. ProrokDarlene K. & timothy J. RiddleMr. & Mrs. Ronald D. Rodakowskiapril & edward RottmanLillie L. Rudeedward & Jeanne RudnickiMr. & Mrs. sam W. RuzicsaMCogenevieve K. sandonaanthony scandroliRandy & Debi schaeferMr. & Mrs. William C. schlampPhyllis schmittMr. & Mrs. thomas W. sherrardnorman shirkLinda smithPeggy spangler & Daniel DieboldWilliam & Kathleen stanicekCynthia stonesiferangelika streckLoretta swansonMr. & Mrs. Ryan swansontinker swiss Cottage MuseumJamin Ungerthe Howard C. & Mildred I. Van Valzah trustValisa WalkerMichael & Karen Weber

Vel M. WeckerlyMr. & Mrs. Kevin Wheelertimothy & Rebecca Whitlowshirley WordenworkplaceMr. & Mrs. Craig WyattMr. & Mrs. Larry ZacharyJames & susan ZarembskiMr. & Mrs. Donald ZierkeRandall & stephanie Zyvoloski

IN KINDacacia accupuncture & ChiropracticJulie & alan ackermananderson Japanese gardensDavid & Madeline arnoldartalé Wine Companyawards by Mr. B.Barnes & noble-RVCDr. Jack J. & Janna K. BechererBeef-a-Roo, Inc.BeldenK. sue BernardiMr. & Mrs. shepard BlumenthalBrick Cafe & galleryCarlyle Brewing CompanyMr. & Mrs. Joseph CastrogiovanniCastronovo’s Bridal shopCDW government, Inc.Cedarville WineryConflux DesignCookies by DesignDanica RacingDrs. Dale & elaine DrakeJoel DryerJason edlenegg Harbor CafeJoanne eysterfamous Dave’sfive forks MarketJennifer & Charlie frittsHugh K. funderburgfredrick J. & Mary H. gahlPaul & Joan goreDr. steven & tina gundersonHampton PhotographyJane Hawkins-HoffRobert & Jean HerroKimball J. HigginsHoffman HouseIllinois Machine shedIndia HouseMr. & Mrs. Chuck JonesJosef-BarbadosKegels Cycling & fitnesstom & Mary Cay Laughlin

Douglas LeeLoRayne LoganJane LyonsMane expressionsKathleen McCartyMceachran HomesteadMeg’s Daily grindMichael’sBill Mosesthomas nicholsole salty’soscar’s Pub & grillsam & Debra overtonPepper CreekKatie & Ken PetersonDarlene K. & timothy J. RiddleRock Valley CulliganRockford art MuseumRockford Charter Coach, LLCRockford LithoRockford Park DistrictRockford symphony orchestraCarole RoseDaniel & Diana saavedraKaren sargentWilliam & Kathleen scarpacieugene seelesonco’s Bella RoseMary stantonRobert & Jan stenstromstockholm Innstone eagle tavernsummerfield farm, Inc.swedishamerican Health systemtarget Commerical Interiorstimber Pointe golf Clubtoni’s of Winnebagotodd s. tuttleRosemary Umenhofersteven & Joy VeeJames & shirley WaddellMike WebbWilliam Charles, LtDYMCa of Rock River ValleyMarie Zamis

Donna gasiorowskiKristine ginleygoodsearchKaylene grohPaula gruedererich & Jan HagenlocherKendra HarrisMr. & Mrs. terry Hedmanamie e. HeinzerothKaren HellerDaniel & Cathy HerdemanDeena HergertBrian & Kim HesgardVivian HickeyRoss M. Hille. susan HolmesMr. & Mrs. John HolmesWilliam R. & Helen L. HolmesJean L. HomanBrent L. HorsleyJoe & sally Hugginsscott C. & Monica K. JamesBeverly L. JonesJanet C. & Wayne R. JonesMr. & Mrs. Randall Jurasekann & John L. Kerwitzthomas & Rebecca KojetinMr. & Mrs. John a. Krebsedward & Lelia LadenburgerMr. & Mrs. thomas L. LambPaul & Diane LarsenMr. & Mrs. John Larson

“I just wanted to express my profound thanks and gratitude for your generous gift. My education would not be possible without your help.” -Jack Furness, liberal arts student

Scholarship Recipient


Planned Giving Heritage SocietyLeola arnold*Madeleine & David arnoldDr. Jack J. & Janna K. BechererJames H. BreuhausJean a. Bullen*Mrs. Leonard J. Cartiereloise K. eshbaugh*Ronald V. HarrisJane Hawkins-Hoffshirley s. HolzwarthHarlan J. & elsie Ingwalson*David D. Kalber*Peter C. KostantacosDouglas LeeRichard t. & grace H. Leightongene & Kathryn Lindell*LoRayne LoganRoger e. & nancy a. Lundstromfred e. Machesney*John & Roberta MinkJeanette e. nelson*Carol a. ostromLydia Luhman Pederson*Bill & terri Roop William R. samuelsongeorge & frances schwenkner*george e. seidler*tricia Cratty sweeneyedward & Kathryn Way*Jack & Peggy WolfDonald H. Wrork*frederic & Wendy Young* Posthumously Inducted

List accuracyWe are thankful to our generous donors and have taken steps to ensure the accuracy of this report. We apologize for any errors that may have occurred and ask that you notify us of any corrections by calling 815-921-4500.

Foundation Board of DirectorsDavid H. arnold** – RVC Professor emeritusBrent Bernardi – alpha Controls Inc.stephen t. Casper – WoodwardMichael W. Davis – Community LeaderBrian DeBenedetto – alpine BankDale a. Drake – Drs. Drake, Ltd.Bill gorski, M.D. – swedishamerican Health systemsteven a. gunderson, Do – Rockford ambulatory surgery Center/Rockford anesthesiologists associatedJane Hawkins-Hoff – Community LeaderBrian Helm – Mechanical, Inc.Robert J. King – associated BankDouglas Lee – Harris Investment group, n.a.LoRayne Logan – workplaceRoger e. Lundstrom – Community LeaderKaren Messley* – Retired RVC Professorstephen K. Miller* – Hamilton sundstrand John W. Mink – Community LeaderPatrick W. Morrow – alpine Banktad olson – olson aluminum Castingstimothy J. Rollins – WilliamsMcCarthy LLPMichelle scandroli – Community LeaderRobert W. stenstrom – stenstrom Companies, Ltd.James s. Waddell – Community Leaderfrank Wehrstein – Dickerson nieman ReaLtoRs* term began 7/1/11

** term ended 6/30/11

RVC Board of Trusteesas of May 24, 2011Katherine M. Kelley, ChairRandall J. schaefer, Vice ChairDr. stephanie Raach, secretaryted BiondoMichael P. Dunn, Jr. Mike D. olsonMary a. tuitenaomi e. fisher, student trustee

MATCHING ORGANIZATIONPfizer foundation Matching gifts Program

GIfTs–IN HONOR Of:DR. JaCK BeCHeReRJo Carol & Lawrence J. Roy

RICK JoHnsonHamilton sundstrand

RoBeRt PoRoDamy Christen

GIfTs–IN MEMORY Of:eVeLYn aBRaHaMsonJames Waddell/fridh Corporation

DaVID H. CasKeYMary CaskeyMr. & Mrs. norris K. Levis, Jr.

LLoYD HosHaWMr. & Mrs. Randolph R. farneyDr. & Mrs. Harold J. Palm

aaRon D. MannIngPeggy spangler & Daniel Diebold

CatHeRIne ManZULLoMr. & Mrs. Don Manzullo

RICHaRD MaRtIne. susan HolmesMr. & Mrs. John HolmesWilliam R. & Helen L. HolmesLarry & Judith Larsonedward J. RudnickiPhyllis schmittWilliam & Kathleen stanicek

CHaRLes MeLanDeReleanor Delores Martin

RonaLD R. RaHoRnMr. & Mrs. Perry accountiMr. & Mrs. James W. andersonLoreen BurtonBenedict & frances ConwayHalana & John DeboRick D. & nancy g. fehrMr. & Mrs. scott W. flemingKaren HellerMr. & Mrs. Brian HesgardRoss M. HillJoanne M. JosephsonMr. & Mrs. Randall JurasekMr. & Mrs. John a. KrebsMr. & Mrs. Paul e. LarsenMr. & Mrs. Robert g. LayDan R. ManningMr. & Mrs. Raymond MarsiliDr. & Mrs. gerald PetersonMary RahornMr. & Mrs. Ronald D. RodakowskiDr. & Mrs. Joseph schoeningMr. & Mrs. stephen R. schoeningMr. & Mrs. thomas W. sherrardLinda smithMr. & Mrs. Dennis t. UeharaMr. & Mrs. Michael R. WeberMr. & Mrs. Randall J. Zyvoloski

BettY W. saDtLeRKaren fishmanMr. & Mrs. gerald W. grupeerich & Jan HagenlocherKatherine Lotzerscott & Katherine VoggVel M. Weckerly

geoRge e. seIDLeRLinda goldstein

ann WaDDeLLJames Waddell/fridh Corporation

“I have a daughter, live on my own, and have many financial obligations. Last year, I found that classes and books cost so much that I shared books with a friend. The scholarship will help a lot. Thank you!” -Sierra Chandler, human services student

Scholarship Recipient

3301 n Mulford RdRockford, il 61114815-921-4500www.rockvalleycollege.edu

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