rules 2014 opg doc

Post on 11-May-2017






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Otago Potters Group Workshop Rules The Otago Potters Group was founded in 1962, as a non-profit organisation to bring together local, mainly amateur pottery enthusiasts. While some, such as O. C. Stevens have become well-known and collectible potters, quite a few have " given it a go" decided pottery is not for them, and moved on to different endeavours. Fortunately for us, many have discovered an enduring passion for, and enjoyment of pottery, that has stayed with them for a lifetime. Their legacy, to us, is the Otago Potters Group clubrooms and its facilities as they are today. We hope you will both enjoy and contribute to that legacy in your time at the Otago Potters Group, so that we may pass on, improved facilities to a younger generation of potters. We are always especially grateful for member’s donations of time, expertise, materials and equipment. MEMBERSHIP You as a member are the group’s greatest asset. So don’t be backward at coming forward, when sharing the clubrooms, introduce yourself to other members whom we are sure will make you welcome. What you get out of the group will depend on what you put into it. Your contribution as an artist, exhibitor, teacher, supporter, committee member or occasional helper is vital to the group’s future and wellbeing. The rooms are mainly used by members who either don't have enough space at home, don't have their own wheels, kilns etc or simply like somewhere to get together and work. Others prefer to work uninterrupted, so please be tolerant and respectful when sharing the workrooms. All membership applications will be reviewed by committee at their next meeting. Prospective members will be contacted and informed that approval has been given for them to join.There is a probationary period of three months for all new members. During the probationary period all firings are to be paid for by cheque or internet banking before firing takes place. The kiln booking system can only be used after payment has been received .Renewal of membership is not automatic and may be reviewed by the committee annually, however good reason must be shown should the committee decide to withdraw anyone’s membership. It should be said that this is an extremely rare occurrence. Life memberships have been given out to a small but select group of worthy recipients from time to time. Nominations are put forward and voted on at the A.G.M. Fees have traditionally been kept to a minimum but inflation inevitably takes its toll, so the committee has the power to make alterations when necessary. Members are asked to pay their fees within three months after receiving notice of payment otherwise they will be asked to hand in their key and removed from the mailing list. THE GROUPS RULES ARE INTENDED FOR THE PROMOTION OF HEALTH, SAFETY AND HARMONY To ensure that the potters group remains a pleasant place for all members to share and enjoy we ask that you familiarize yourself with all the group’s procedures. COMMITTEE The committee is elected annually at the A.G.M., comprising a president, vice president, secretary, treasurer and other members who may or may not take on positions appointed to them by the committee, e.g. kiln supervisor. The committee governs all aspect of the group’s activities from membership to maintenance of the clubrooms. All members are invited to contribute to the club by rotating on and off the committee. Presidents may only serve for two consecutive years at a time as they begin talking to the pots after a while, which can be a bit of a worry.

AGENDA BOOK Every committee needs support from the general membership. New ideas and assistance are always welcome; therefore an agenda book is kept in the rooms so that any ideas, suggestions, brainwaves, or gripes and grizzles can be put forward to the next committee meeting, which is the appropriate forum for such discussions. Should any individual or group of members have any concerns about the running of the group or the conduct of another member, they should address their concerns directly to the committee, verbally or in writing, so that the committee may resolve the situation. This should be done at the first opportunity to avoid unnecessary conflict, gossip or confusion. Should the committee itself be of concern to members, after receiving a written notice, signed by any ten members of the group, outlining their concerns, the committee must call a special general meeting for all members to address the problems raised. More information on issues such as this is outlined in the group’s constitution. Copies are kept in the library and available to all members. KEYS As a fully paid up member, you may receive a key to the clubrooms, allowing you to access the clubs facilities. These are numbered security keys and a fee is required for them. They must be signed for and returned should you leave the club. Damaged keys will be replaced, but at your cost.NEWSLETTER You will also receive a bi monthly newsletter informing you of all the clubs activities. These include meetings, workshops organised by the committee, clean up days, fund-raising activities, etc. All members are welcome to put articles forward for inclusion into the newsletter e.g. an upcoming exhibition, sale of equipment etc.ANNUAL EXHIBITION All members are invited to submit work, to be considered for selection in the group’s annual show. Notification of the date and venue along with entry forms will be sent via the newsletter well in advance. There is a small fee for entry. We may ask a guest selector from outside the group to jury submissions . The committee coordinates the venue, (as this needs to be booked well in advance), and arranges guest potters to exhibit alongside members. Commissions deducted from the sales of work will vary depending on venue LIBRARY Books and magazines may be checked out at meetings or by arrangement with the current librarian or any other committee member. The records book must be filled out when an item is borrowed and crossed off upon its return. NOTICE BOARD This does tend to change slowly from time to time, but is well worth keeping an eye on about upcoming exhibitions, items for sale etc. 3

TUTOURED CLASSES Any member wishing to run classes must first seek permission from the committee and sign an agreement form. Members who hire the rooms to teach classes have exclusive right to the use of the rooms during class times. Other members must have their permission to use the facilities during such class times. Dates and times should be posted well in advance on the notice board and placed in the newsletter. STORAGE All new members are asked to purchase a large plastic bin, capable of fitting into or under the shelves, (in the main workshop area) for personal storage of tools, clay etc all to be clearly labeled with member's name (bin included). EQUIPMENT We are big on respect at the Potters Group. It is very disrespectful and distressing to other members, who, having put time aside, to use the rooms arrive to find broken equipment that prevents them from continuing with their own work, However - we also know as potters, , that bisque ware explodes, kiln shelves break, glazes run, wheels won’t turn and everyone makes mistakes. So please don't feel embarrassed or, hesitate to let a committee member or kiln supervisor know when something does go wrong, so that we can get repairs under way as soon as possible. Equipment can be costly to repair if used incorrectly. If you are unfamiliar with the types of equipment installed in the rooms (pug mill, kilns etc) instruction will be made available to you. This is essential to avoid damage, especially with the kilns. These may not be operated independently until the kiln supervisors are satisfied with your level of competency. So remember, if you’re unsure of anything don’t hesitate to ask. SMOKING Is not permitted in the clubrooms. Smoking is however allowed outside in the yard, provided butts are disposed of in an appropriate manner, not left lying about on the ground. KITCHEN Earthiness can be an excellent quality in a wine and grit a great characteristic in a sportsperson, but is not generally very welcome in sandwiches or tea! So please remember, NO clay or glaze material in the kitchen area. No items from the kitchen are to be used for any other purpose other than the preparation or consumption of food and beverages. All such items to be washed, dried and put away after use and the kitchen area kept clean and tidy at all times. TOILETS Like the kitchen should be kept clean and tidy at all times.

RADIOS You may like talkback radio; the elderly person beside you may prefer Split Enz and the teenager beside them might be a fanatic on the bagpipes, so when listening to radios or other devices without earplugs, please be mindful of everyone’s tastes and be prepared to compromise. Alternatively you may prefer to gossip about the nutty committee members who sit down and type up long lists of rules. POWER Power is provided for the wheels and plugs through the use of a coin meter. Currently running on old 20cent coins. (old money as tokens) These can be purchased at the rooms. RECOMMENDED PRACTICES TO FOLLOW WHEN USING THE WORKSHOP All clay slops from both wheel and hand building work are to be put in the clay slops bin by the ceramic sink when you have finished. You must thoroughly wash and clean wheels, floors and all other surfaces you have used, or splattered (self included). Always wet mop and use wet sponges to clean up, as clay dust is hazardous to your and other member’s health. All water used for cleaning "clayey" hands and tools must be put down the ceramic sink, NOT the kitchen sink. Wet pots are to be put on the shelves in the workshop. Please write your initials on the underside of these or somehow clearly label them as the committee organises clean ups from time to time and unlabelled clay is recycled. (Remember to label your bags of clay as well) If handling plaster, scraps must be wrapped up in newspaper and thrown away in the dustbin outside the clubrooms. No plaster wet or dry is to go down any sink or be put in the clay slops bin.AIRBORNE CERAMIC MATERIALS ARE HAZARDOUS TO YOUR HEALTH CLEANLINESS IS NEXT TO GODLINESS IN THE WORLD OF POTTERY RECOMMENDED PRACTICES FOR THE GLAZE AREA Always wear suitable SAFETY GEAR (e.g. masks) when glazing and mixing your glazes. These can be purchased from any safety equipment supplier. Do not glaze in the main workshop area. No glaze is to be put down the ceramic tub or sink drains. We currently have no fan operating in the spray booth at the clubrooms please open a window whilst spraying glazes or apply them outside. Always wet mop and wash down surfaces thoroughly after use. Never sweep the floor with a brush.

Place glazed pots on the shelving at the side of the room. Check that the bottom on the pots is not covered with glaze so they will not stick to the kiln shelves when fired. Alternatively place them in the appropriately labeled area if you wish to share your firing with other members work. Make sure to clearly label whom they belong to (with a phone number) and what temperature to fire them at e.g. bisque 1000, stoneware glost 1240, earthenware glost 1120 etc. If you are unsure about what temperature to fire to please ring and ask a committee member or kiln supervisor. This information is usually listed on the bag your clay comes in. WHEN WORKING IN THE KILN AREA Instruction is given on the use of kilns but some points are worth noting. The tea trolleys are used when loading and unloading kilns. Please leave them clear of debris and dust. Two books are provided for kiln information, one is for making bookings and the other to record any problems experienced. Also a folder for totaling accounts. Feedback is vital to the successful running of the kilns. Allow 4 days for each firing when making bookings and LIST YOUR LATEST FIRING on your page in the folder for billing. Fees for firing are set by the committee and the accounts sent out monthly should be paid by the end of month invoice is received. If payment has not been received by the end of the month no further bookings can be made until the outstanding balance has been paidA vacuum cleaner is provided to keep both elements and the internal base areas, free of debris or any other impediments. Kiln wash must be used on the top side of all shelves. Shelf props should be placed directly above one another (between shelves) for maximum support, as you stack the kiln. We recommend no pots extend above the top element and none hang out over the sides of shelves. Movement takes place inside a kiln during firing, so PLEASE, remember its better to leave out a pot rather than wreck a kiln! We also recommend the use of temperature monitoring cones in your firing so that early warning is given about any failures in the kilns heating processes. If your glazes do damage shelves or kilns, repairs are your responsibility e.g. grinding off any glaze stuck to shelves. Care should always be taken not to chip or damage kilns when loading or unloading. We have a night rate for power so whenever possible kilns should be set to run between 11p.m. and 8 a.m. Always double check your firing programme, and make sure the probe has been correctly inserted before firing begins! 6

Kilns are for members use only. Any firings for non-members must be passed by the committee. Special prices apply. POTS Pots go through a lifecycle, they are made, dried, bisqued, glazed, glost fired and then REMOVED from the clubrooms by their now proud owner! Unfortunately, as is the nature of pottery, sometimes we are not so successful. These learning exercises must also be taken away and disposed of at home. Pots left at the rooms for longer than 3 months are in danger of being thrown out during organised cleanups, especially if they are unnamed. LOGBOOK Everyone is asked to fill in the activity log before leaving the clubrooms. This is not optional as this is an important record of events, so that, the committee knows what activity is occurring in the rooms and when. Nothing, that is not yours, can be taken from the rooms. This is not borrowing; this is considered stealing, and immediate reason for anyone’s membership to be terminated. Some pieces of equipment may be borrowed but only in special circumstances with the prior approval of the committee. This approval will be recorded in the committee meeting minutes.LASTLY ONE FINAL CHECKLIST BEFORE LEAVING THE WORKSHOP HAVE YOU Labeled everything clearly?

Cleaned up appropriately after yourself? Put everything back where it should be? Signed the logbook? Checked all lights, radio and heaters are switched off? Ensured windows are securely shut. Doors are securely locked (deadlocked the front door)? Padlocked the front gate? Thank you. WE REALISE There is a lot to remember and this may initially sound quite daunting but with practice these rules become second nature and are all there for good reasons. Good luck potting. We hope you will enjoy many happy years with the Otago Potters Group!

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