rosman roar issue 2

Post on 18-Mar-2016






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The 2nd and final edition of the Rosman Roar. Enjoy!


lake is good for swimming

without worrying about

waves killing you. Camping

at the lake is really fun, be-

cause you can roast

marshmallows over the

fire and make

s‟mores. Also it‟s real-

ly fun to tube and wa-

ter-ski in the water.

Other students said

that they are visiting

family, being lazy, and

working. You may not

be doing anything this

summer, but whatever

you are doing enjoy your-

self! That‟s what summer is

for! Just relax because

guess what, you‟ve survived

almost half of 2012 al-

ready! I know, it‟s a miracle.

Ahh summer. The

warm days laying out by the

pool, swimming, or just hav-

ing fun. Going to bed late,

and waking up even lat-

er. Summer is so close! Only

three more days left until we

finally get to be free! Well

for at least two

what exactly are you doing

for summer vacation? After

sending around a survey,

this is what I found. Most

people said they were going

to the beach. The beach is

great because it is the exact

opposite of the moun-

tains! Warm sand, huge

ocean, no curves, and of

course the hot

sun! Although the moun-

tains are great; the beach is

amazing because not only

are you getting away from

the same surroundings, but

you get to meet new peo-

ple. The beach has lots of

things to do. You get to eat

fresh seafood, go to the

aquarium, and even shop-

ping! But don‟t spend too

much money. Kimberly‟s

article has great tips on

money saving! The other big

thing is going to the

lake. Unlike the beach, the

As we all know, life can be extremely stressful,

especially when it comes to school. With ex-

ams coming up fast, both teachers and stu-

dents alike are rushing to get all lessons in

before testing. This can cause some tempo-

rary but negative effects. Some symptoms are

sleepless nights, lack of focus, tenseness,

skin breakouts, mood swings, and many

more. All of these things can cause you to test

poorly on your exams. Prevent this by trying

these helpful steps to relieve your stress.

1. Find the Source

First you must figure out what is causing you

to be so stressed. Once you have found the

source, you will be able to focus in on fixing

the problem. You will be able to find specific

solutions to this problem.

2. Brainstorm Ideas

Take a minute to sit down and think of how

you can fix this situation. Think about what solu-

tions would help stop or decrease the symp-

toms you are having. For example, if you are

losing sleep because of your next basketball

game, try practicing to become more confident

in yourself. That way you will feel better and get

more sleep. If you consider what will affect your

situation, you will soon be on your way to a de-

creased stress level.

3. Consider the Options

Once you have created many options, you can

start to find the solution that is right for you.

When going through this process, keep in mind

that you have to consider what is right for you,

not what could be good for someone else. Re-

member what your symptoms are how what you

need to do to fix them. When narrowing down

the choices, make sure that what you need is in

the option. This is a necessary thing.

4. Apply the Solutions

After you have decided on a solution, you can

begin putting it to the test. You are almost

there! Follow through with the procedure sug-

gested in your solution that was picked in

step 3. Within a short period of time, you should

see a decrease in your amount of stress. If

this fails to occur, back up to step 3 and repeat

it. Go through the choosing of your options

and try to find where you went wrong. If it did

work, then congratulations! You have

officially become stress-free! This easy process

can be used for any situation and is guaranteed

to help with being stressed. I have used this

myself and it has always worked. If you turn to

these 4 steps, you will go from a depressed

mess to less stressed!

Summer On the Way


I S S U E :










Relieve Your Stress!


M A Y 2 0 1 2 V O L U M E I , I S S U E 2


By: Hannah Sanders

By: Lauren Mahoney

P A G E 2

FCCLA Attends State

Letters to the Principal Q: Will we return our netbooks

right before exams? Some Stu-

dents are released earlier due to

exam exemption.

A: We are developing a schedule

to collect the netbooks that will

probably begin on Monday, May

21. We will hold grade level

meetings to collect the machines

by beginning with seniors since

there are fewer exams for the

seniors. There will be an option

for students to hold their ma-

chine until the last day of school.

A more concrete schedule will be

available next week.

*EDIT—Returns will begin May


Q: I have heard students of the

same sex have been refused

permission to attend prom to-

gether. Is this true? I thought this

was said to be covered by the 1st

and 14th amendments after the

Aaron Fricke case.

A: Couple tickets are available for

students and are not restricted

based on gender. I do not recall

having a student denied for any

dances based on gender. There

was a recent question where a

student wanted to buy a ticket for

a same-sex friend and go as a

couple. I don't think that it is

appropriate if you are buying a

couple ticket but are not going as

a "couple".

Q: Are images with a copyright

appropriate to use for school

projects or publications without

citing sources?

A: This question is a complicated

one. Copyright and plagiarism

are two items to address. Consid-

ering copyright: Copyright does

not protect names, titles, slo-

gans, or short phrases. In some

cases, these things may be pro-

tected as trademarks. However,

copyright protection may be

available for logo artwork that

contains sufficient authorship. In

some circumstances, an artistic

logo may also be protected as a

trademark. It does seem that the

main issue is with money and

loss of money due to confusion.

So, if someone is using the slo-

gan and making financial gains,

they will probably receive a

'cease and desist' type of letter.

faq/faq-protect.html Plagia-

rism: But can words and ideas

really be stolen? According to

U.S. law, the answer is yes. The

expression of original ideas is

considered intellectual property,

and is protected by copyright

laws, just like original inventions.

Almost all forms of expression

fall under copyright protection as

long as they are recorded in

some way (such as a book or a

computer file). All of the following

are considered plagiarism: turn-

ing in someone else's work as

your own copying words or ideas

from someone else without giving

credit failing to put a quotation in

quotation marks giving incorrect

information about the source of a

quotation changing words but

copying the sentence structure of

a source without giving credit

copying so many words or ideas

from a source that it makes up

the majority of your work, wheth-

er you give credit or not (see our

section on "fair use" rules) Most

cases of plagiarism can be avoid-

ed, however, by citing sources.

Simply acknowledging that cer-

tain material has been borrowed,

and providing your audience with

the information necessary to find

that source, is usually enough to

prevent plagiarism. See our sec-

tion on citation for more infor-

mation on how to cite sources

properly. http://



In conclusion, if slogans, symbols

or pictures are used to endorse a

campaign...then the material

should be cited.

competition and qualified

nationals in Orlando Florida.

Bethany was second in her

competition and also quali-

fied for nationals. Both girls

worked very hard on their

projects. When asked about

the competition Mrs. Wilson

said “As a teacher, it was very

exciting to see Bethany and

Claire walk across the stage.

They put in many hours on

their project and it paid off

big time. Both girls earned

the privilege of representing

North Carolina at the National

FCCLA Conference in Orlando,

Florida. Unfortunately, the

timing did not work for either

and we will not be attending.

Thanks to both girls for mak-

ing this year's FCCLA Confer-

ence memorable!” Mrs. Wil-


This year there were two girls

who attended the State lead-

ership conference in Greens-

boro. The two girls were Beth-

any Green and Claire Harris

along with their advisor Mrs.

Wilson. At the state leader-

ship conference, both girls

competed in competitions.

Claire competed in the Recy-

cle and Redesign competi-

tion. Bethany competed in

the Teach and Train competi-

tion. Claire was first in her


RHS Events

By: Bethany Green

P A G E 3 V O L U M E I , I S S U E 2

Student Council Elections

Young Life Interests Young Lives By: Hannah Sanders

By: Bethany Green

By: Vada Judd

Younglife is a club for young

Christians in high school to

come together, have fun, and

worship God. Most people have

never heard of Younglife, but

you may have heard of Wyldlife.

Younglife is the high school ver-

sion of Wyldlife. Our Wyldlife

leaders have been working very

hard to train young adults in our

community to become Younglife

leaders. This is so that high

schoolers all around the county

can still enjoy coming together

and worshiping God. I know

what you’re thinking. Ugh, an-

other Christian club. But this

isn’t just your typical Christian

club. This club doesn’t meet dur-

ing school hours. Instead you

have leaders from the communi-

ty that get certified, and they will

meet with whoever wants to

show up once a week. These

club meetings are NEVER the

same. If you think Younglife

doesn’t have anything to offer,

then you’re wrong. Younglife

has many opportunities! This

includes two camps. One in

the winter and one in the sum-

mer. During the winter Young-

life of Transylvania normally

takes a group of kids to Windy

Gap, in Waynesville, for a

weekend. But summer camp

is the one where you can get

out of Rosman for a whole

week! This year, Younglife of

Transylvania is taking kids

from Rosman and Brevard to

Sharptop in Georgia! There

are many things you do at

summer camp, but no one

knows really what you are go-

ing to do until you get

there! Everything is a sur-

prise! You never know what

you are going to do, or even

what you are going to eat. All

you know is you’re at

camp. And yes, there is elec-

tricity, running water, and even

air conditioning! Yes it’s crazy

there is air conditioning! If you

want to go to camp this year,

Anna Brooklyn and EJ come to

school sometime. They have

forms with all the information

you need!

Also if you have any ques-

tions, there are many kids

around the school who partici-

pate in Younglife. Anna

Brooklyn comes almost every

week so you can ask her too!

2012 is a big year in America. With

a new president on the way and

Olympic teams in preparation we‟re

looking to make this a successful

year. In the small town of Rosman

it‟s often hard to connect with the

world around us, but we‟ve got

some exciting changes approaching

too! Last month the entire RHS stu-

dent body gathered to select a new

bunch of elected officials for the

2012-2013 school year. It seems

like a small role compared to Presi-

dent of the United States, but these

students work just as hard. Student

council is the voice of over three-

hundred students represented by a

select few. They spend countless

hours fundraising, planning dances,

and meeting with administrators all

for the good of RHS. The election

period is our chance to voice an

opinion and choose our best rep-

resentative possible. Elections like

this are often referred to as a

“popularity contest” but the deci-

sion is far too important. Who we

select will spend an entire year

expressing our needs to their su-

periors. It‟s no surprise that with

such great responsibility came the

most responsible students for the

job. Our choices for president this

year included three hardworking

juniors. Palmer Holland, Lily Chap-

man, and Hunter Reese stepped

up to the plate with their unique

campaigns and in the end Hunter

came out as winner. President

isn‟t the only important job in stu-

dent council though. Our vice

presidential candidates included

junior Denise Jones and sopho-

more Tiesha Pressley. Although

both put out a great speech Den-

ise will be representing us next

year. We had one choice for secre-

tary, sophomore Candace Petit,

and we‟re sure she‟ll represent us

well. Both of our treasurer candi-

dates originate from the junior

class. Samuel Johnson and Kayla

B. Lance went head to head for

the position and Sam will be rep-

resenting us in the 2013 school

year. These students put their all

into the campaigns and speeches

needed for election and their ef-

forts greatly appreciated. We look

forward to seeing you all next year

as our Student Council Officials!

P A G E 4

Freshmen Year Approaches

Letters to the Principal Q: Even though it is highly

unlikely, is there any way that

competitive gun shooting

could be added to the PE


A: Competitive shooting is

more age appropriate for the

high school students. Typical-

ly, more high school students

have had their hunter safety

courses by the time they have

enrolled in high school clas-

ses. I would be in support of a

more formal safety course

taught at the middle school

level. In that course, we could

teach more formal gun safe-


Q: What type of coffee do you

drink in the mornings?

A: I will drink any kind of cof-

fee. However, I usually drink

Gevalia, that is my favorite

brand. I try to drink my coffee

with only natural local honey

as a sweetener. Local honey

tends to help build a person's

immune system up to a

stronger level.

Q: I believe we need better

breakfast that doesn't make

us sick all the time. Is there

anyway you could fix this?

A: In order to answer that

question I will need more

details about your concern. I

am unaware of our breakfast

program making any stu-

dents sick. Please elaborate

more with your next question.

feel for where everything

is and what the teachers

will be expecting from

you in each class. My

advice to you would be to

take as many honors

classes as you can. If you

start while you‟re a fresh-

man, it will be very bene-

ficial in the end. Also, try

not to procrastinate, it

will only hurt you and

make school harder for

you. The work in high

school builds on what

you have learned in mid-

dle school, giving you a

more advanced

knowledge in each sub-

ject. If you find the work

too overwhelming, don‟t

be scared to stay after

and get additional help.

In high school, you get to

be involved in more ex-

tracurricular activities

such as clubs, music and

theatre, student govern-

ment, and sports. This

will give you an oppor-

tunity to make new

friends and really get in-

volved in the community.

Just remember that

Rosman High School is

like a family and we are

all here to help no matter

what. So don‟t worry if

you get off to a rough

start, it will all fall togeth-

er as you get more into

the year.

What‟s it like to be in

high school? Is it really

stressful, overwhelming,

or just scary? If you have

had these thoughts be-

fore, just know that you

are not alone. Entering

high school can be one of

the most exciting times in

your life, if you let it be.

Our school is very differ-

ent than many others in

this region. With the mid-

dle school connected to

the high school, many of

you guys already know

upperclassmen. This will

come in handy on the

first day because they

can help guide you to the

classes you will have. On

your first day, it will be a

little nerve racking but

this day is mainly to get a


RMS Events

By: Maddie Dunning


Track Takes Over Regionals

Sports have always been a

part of Rosman High School,

from football to basketball to

wrestling. Track & Field has

been around since ancient

times. In the early Olympics

in Greece, only men were

allowed to compete, and

strangely enough, they com-

peted naked. That‟s right. So,

obviously, women were not

allowed to attend the Olym-

pics at all. Those who at-

tempted were severely pun-

ished. Today, both men and

women are allowed to com-

pete and attend track meets

and competitions. There are

many events involved in

Track and Field. Some of

them are shotput, discus, high

jump, long jump, hurtles, pole

jump, and many individual and

relay races. But, of course,

there are many more. We just

so happen to have some track

stars among us. Throughout

the season, you do not only

compete to place well, but for

the possibility of qualifying for

regionals. There are set times,

distances, or heights for each

event that you must beat to

make it to regionals. This year,

we have three athletes that

qualified for regionals:

Duran Scruggs- 200 meter


Beau Owen- 1600 meter run

Kara Saltz- 3200 meter run

On top of this amazing achieve-

ment, Kara has a very good

shot of qualifying for state, and

Beau is very close to setting the

school record in the 1600 me-

ter run. Be sure to stop them in

the hallway to congratulate and

wish them luck as they move

forward in their outstanding


By: Lauren Mahoney

By: Maddie Dunning

“I don‟t have a favorite”


“Volleyball!” “seizure”

What’s your favorite sport to watch?

Hawk Jarrett Morgan Hoxit Kris Huff

The Money Muncher

In this economy you have to how to

save money, so here are a few tips

to help you munch on your money.

· Ride a bike instead of driving a car

· Use a clothes line instead of a

clothes dryer

· Use coupons when you go grocery


· Go to a store where you get money

off of gas (BI­-LO)

· Buy items online

· Get a prepaid phone

· Get healthy so you don‟t have to pay

those doctor bills

· Shop at a dollar store to get things like

light bulbs, batteries, office supplies,

and etc.

· Use a fan or raise a window instead of

using the AC

· Use your reward card whenever you


· Stick to your list! Do not buy anything

Life & Style

By: Kimberly Holliday

Get it Together! By: Maddie Dunning For all of you who are much

unorganized, here are some

tips that will help lower your

stress and raise your grades.

When you go school supply

shopping in August, try to get

different color folders for

each class. Some of the

teachers might already have

specific ways to organize

your binders but for the clas-

ses that don‟t, try to get divid-

ers so you can separate

notes, class work and home-

work. When you receive the

papers you handed in, hole

punch them and put them in

the designated sections in

your notebook to avoid mess

that would be built up in the

binder pockets. It will be easi-

er to find what you need in-

stead of being stressed out

and going through all those

papers. Another useful tool

you should get would be a

calendar or a planner. When

a teacher assigns a test or a

project due date, you can just

write it down and be pre-

pared. A planner will help you

stay organized with home-

work assignments. Besides

having to organize supplies,

you should also organize your

study and homework time.

Always take advantage of the

time your teacher may give

you after the lesson to work

on any unfinished homework

before the bell rings. Study-

ing for a major test coming

up can be stressful but note

cards can be very useful.

Repetition is the key for do-

ing well and if you keep going

through the note cards, they

will eventually get stuck in

your head. It is very im-

portant to stay focused when

you are studying. Find some-

where quiet and less distract-

ing to study. Don‟t let your

mind wander, you will get

done faster and retain more

information. Find an organi-

zation strategy that best

works for you. Once you find

your system, you will be

amazed on how little stress

you have and how your

grades have improved.


· Buy the generic brand, there is barely a


· Use the library or borrow a book from a


· Shop for everything in one trip

If you do this then you can stop working

so hard and use your extra money for

something fun! Just remember to keep

saving money; it helps you in the long


Ask Jeeves Q: I have someone who is a

really great friend but they lie

to me a lot. How should I con-

front them about their con-

stant lying without hurting our


A: When they told me some-

thing that I assumed was a lie,

I would probably question

them like, “Are you sure that’s

what they said?” or “Are you

sure that’s true?” That way you

wouldn’t straight out call them

a liar, but you’re kind of hinting

at it. Also, you could tell them

something like, “Don’t feel like

you have to keep things from

me, I can handle whatever

you want to tell me.”

Q: I'm going on a blind date

for prom and I'm supposed to

meet my date before we go.

I'm really nervous and have

considered ditching due to

the awkwardness. What

should I do?

A: I think you should go with

them because it’ll probably

be fun. They might end up

being really great, but you

won’t know if you ditch them.

And if you meet and it ends

up being really awkward even

after you get to know each

Totally anonymous advice!

Craft Corner Leather Bow Bracelet

The leather bow bracelet is a cute little bracelet you can wear to dress some-thing up. The best part to this is that you made it by yourself and you can

recycle an old purse.

What you will need:

Leather (maybe from an old purse)




Snap button

How to:

Step 1: Cut the piece of leather in an oval shape but make sure it fits around

your arm.

Step 2: Pinch the leather in the middle of the oval. Then wrap thread around

where you pinched it.

Step 3: Cut a thin strip of leather off of your scraps and wrap it around the

thread. Then superglue that down.

Step 4: Place the snap buttons on the ends wherever you would like them. You could either superglue them down or sew them on, it is your


Step 5: Let it sit until dry. Enjoy!

Duct Tape Bracelet

We have all heard of duct tape and that it fixes almost everything, so why not wear it? I know this sounds really tacky but it does look very cool!

This is also for the girls and the guys!

What you will need:

Duct Tape (Designed or not)


A flat surface (a big book or


How to:

Step 1: Cut a piece of Duct Tape the

size of your wrist.

Step 2: Put the piece of duct tape down on the flat surface sticky side


By: Kimberly Holliday

other a little bit, you don’t

have to dance with them or

anything. If you both agree

that it’s weird, you can just

go your separate ways at the

dance and hang out with your

friends if things don’t work


Do you have problems or questions

that you need advice on? Not to

worry, just send them to Mrs. Hall at or put them in her

box in the office. It‟s a completely

anonymous advice column, so

there‟s no fear in asking anything.

Please send in your questions ASAP!


The Yearbook / Newspaper

Staff :)

Step 3: Fold the piece of Duct Tape over so that the sticky sides are stuck together and the slick side is


Step 4: Put the folded piece of Duct Tape around your wrist and cut it to

the wanted size.

Step 5: Cut a little strip of Duct Tape(1 inch). Once you have the folded piece of Duct Tape around your wrist, stick the little strip where the ends

are showing. Enjoy!

Quick Craft!

You can make your own weights

for use with light exercise! Simp-

ly take an old milk carton and fill

it with sand or gravel. Then tape

the top with duct tape to assure

a tight seal. You can measure

the exact weight on a scale or

just fill it until it seems heavy

enough. Not only will you be re-

cycling but you‟ll be doing your-

self a favor too!

Year in Review

Where you’ll find



Favorite Class:


Best Friend:

Kerrigan Irby



Riding Horses,


Favorite Music:


Favorite Food:

Sour Patch Kids

Best thing about being

a tiger:

I don’t know. I’m a


What you probably

didn’t know about her:

I’m actually Hannah


Sabrina Smith

Where you’ll find


Beside the art


Favorite Class:

Library assistant

Best Friend:

Kristen, Lauren


Walking, riding

four wheelers

Favorite Music:


Favorite Food:


Best thing about being

a tiger:


What you probably

didn’t know about him:

I’m a car freak!

(On our FBLA field trip,

Tyler was more worried

about scratching a nearby

BMW than tipping the bus


Tyler Holbrook Where you’ll find



Favorite Class:

Mrs. “Paul”

Best Friend:

I have a lot,

especially Fred


Having seizures

and working on


Favorite Music:


Favorite Food:


Best thing about being

a tiger:

Getting to eat out of

the garbage

What you probably

didn’t know about him:

I can fly.

Hawk Jarrett

Where you’ll find


The Hallway

Favorite Class:


Best Friend:

Brittany Kirby

and Hayleigh




Favorite Music:


Favorite Food:


Best thing about being

a tiger:

We’re close

What you probably

didn’t know about her:

My middle name is Ray

Brianna Cole

RHS Hall of Fame Rosman High School students have tak-

en on an ambitious endeavor—to cre-

ate the first Alumni Hall of Fame in the

county. The idea to create the RHS

Alumni Hall of Fame came from a Youth

Speak project in the Character Educa-

tion and Leadership class. Youth Speak

encourages students to identify com-

munity and school issues that matter to

them and created an action plan for

dealing with them. When listing the

strengths and weaknesses of the

school, the lack of school spirit and

pride came up. The ideas for addressing

the issue started with adding more

paint of the school colors and quickly

evolved into something bigger. After

much discussion, the group of seven

students, ranging from then freshmen

to seniors, decided the problem went

beyond current students. Sophomore

Benny Buchanan says, “I don’t think we

know how much we have to be proud

of. This gives us a chance to recognize

the great people who have graduated

from Rosman High School.” Sophomore

Kanen Fisher agrees, “It feels really

good to be part of something this big.

We hope this will create more commu-

nity pride.” They also quickly realized

that there was a lot more work in-

volved than they initially thought. “It’s

one thing to say we’re going to have a

hall of fame,” says now sophomore

Storm Chapman. “It’s really hard,

though, when you have to start writing

rules for how it’s going to happen.”

When the class ended and the project

wasn’t finished, teacher Julie Queen

thought the idea would die. “I was real-

ly surprised when the four sophomores

came back to me saying they still want-

ed to work on this.” Sophomore Devin

Owen says, “Last year, we argued a lot

over what we thought was important

and got really tired of the working out

the details. Taking a break from it

helped us to re-focus.” It took several

months of additional work to revise

guidelines for induction, create the

application, and establish the voting

committee. Queen adds, “They have

put in a lot of time outside of school,

which shows their level of commitment

and dedication.” Anyone in the commu-

nity, including current students, is now

invited to nominate the future induc-

tees in five categories. Four categories

of induction will be open only to RHS

alumni: Public Service (military and

government), Career Success, Athletic

Achievement (for longstanding RHS

records and achievement beyond high

school), and Inspirational Experiences

(for overcoming obstacles). The final

category, Contributions to RHS, is open

to anyone, including non-alumni, who

has devoted time, money and energy to

RHS. The Alumni Hall of Fame guide-

lines and applications are available at

the RHS office and on the RHS website . Completed nomi-

nation applications need to be returned

by July 1 either to the RHS office or

emailed to rosman- (no hy-

phen) .Nominations will be reviewed by

a selection committee of 11 members

including current RHS students, RHS

staff, and community members. The

first induction ceremony will occur on

Sept 14, at the home football game.

Photography; it’s a Lifestyle By: Sabrina Smith

Growing up my parents always told

me to follow my dreams, whether it

be going to the moon or winning a

Grammy I’ve always set my goals ex-

tremely high. When I was 12, my dad

bought me my first camera, ever since

then I have not been able to put it

down. I love nature and humans and

capturing those moments you wish

you could remember forever. For me

it’s not just “taking pictures” it is find-

ing beauty in things that might not be

that beautiful to the Seeing Eye. Its

making something “ugly” into some-

thing unique. It’s just like with people,

at first you can only go by their looks

to judge the kind of person they are,

and then once you get to know them

and pay careful attention you notice

that even the scariest looking man can

have the biggest heart. I live my life

behind the lens, knowing that one day

maybe my photography will change

someone’s day around. I don’t just

capture the beauty of the person or

thing; I capture the beauty of their

presence the way they move without

having to pose. Photography not only

is what I enjoy, it’s what I want to

make a life out of, I want to know that

one day I can look back at this article

and realize how far I’ve made it. Never

forget to chase

your dreams.

You can do any-

thing if you set

your mind to it.

Letter from

Dear Readers,

Sorry for the lateness factor. The past few weeks have been a bit hectic. Somewhere

between yearbook distribution, research papers, and endless projects I lost my way. I‟m

back though, and hopefully you‟ve enjoyed this issue! It‟s official, those good old days filled

with free time at the end of school are long gone. We‟ve now moved on to those stressful

times filled with ginormous projects and those much dreaded final exams. We‟ll survive

though, and move onto even bigger schools with even worse final exams. So even

though our final issue for the 2012 year is a week late, it‟s here. I‟ve been in a rush to get

this out since it is the last week of school and all. I have to say, I might actually miss this

place. Maybe not my homework, but I will miss the people. I just have to keep in mind that

next year will be even greater. The 2013 editions will be published quarterly by our year-

book/newspaper staff. Want to write for us? You can submit whatever articles you like or

become a „newspaper staffer‟! If you wish to be a newspaper staffer just email me at As a staffer you will write two articles of your choice for each issue.

You‟ll do this in your free time so this won‟t require any time away from class. You will how-

ever be able to add this awesome title to job or college applications. This newspaper start-

ed on a whim but has become something bigger. I hope you guys have enjoyed these two

small issues. Next year will bring even bigger and better things though. For now I hope you

guys have an awesome summer and enjoy forgetting everything you learned this year! En-

joy it because school starts back August 13th. Oh, and thanks for reading.


Vada Judd

“Rosman Roar” Newspaper Editor

The Editor

“I’m glad I paid so little attention

to good advice; had I abided by it

I might have been saved from

some of my most valuable


~ Edna St. Vincent Millay

Quote From the Editor:


The 2013 editions of “Rosman Roar” will

be published quarterly by the RMHS Year-

book Staff. If you would like to be a part of

the newspaper process throughout the

year please email our newspaper editor at You will receive an

article assignment each quarter to be

completed upon deadline. For any article

submissions please contact our editor us-

ing the address above or contact advisor

Tammy Hall via email at

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