roman catholic parish - echurch bulletins

Post on 22-Nov-2021






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5 0 2 S . P a r k B l v d . S t r e a m w o o d , I L 6 0 1 0 7 6 3 0 - 8 3 7 - 6 5 0 0

Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ November 21, 2021

St. John the Evangelist Roman Catholic Parish

Weekdays: 8:45 AM Wednesday: 8:45 AM & 7:00 PM Saturday: 4:30 PM Sunday: 7:30 AM 9:00 AM 11:00 AM 1 :00 PM (Polish Mass) 6:00 PM


Parish Mission Statement

The Community of St. John the Evangelist accepts as our mission:

To know our Faith, To serve God and others, and to Spread the Gospel

Message by Word, Witness and Deed.

Vicariate and Archdiocese News For news from around the vicariate, please visit, the Vicariate I Ministry Commission Website. For informa on from around the Archdiocese, visit

Our Priests Fr. Gregg Gorczyca Pastor Fr. Nathaniel Payne Associate Pastor Fr. William Moriarity Pastor Emeritus

Our Deacons Dcn. Jim Furey (senior)

Dcn. Mike Benoit

Dcn. Tim Davidson

Dcn. Jozef Mika

Dcn. Bob Pasdiora

Dcn. Larry Rybicki

Religious Educa on Rite of Chris an Ini a on for Adults For those adults who want to be fully ini ated in the church, please consider joining us on a life changing journey of faith. We gather on Sunday morning a er the 9:00 am Mass. Contact the parish office and leave a message for Deacon Tim Davidson.

Youth Educa on For those children who a end public schools, religious educa on is offered for grades Kindergarten through Eighth. For further informa on, call the Office of Faith Forma on.

Membership New Parishioners If you are seeking a church home, we welcome you into our parish family. Please call the Parish Office for more details. Moving? Please contact the Parish Office with your new address.

Liturgies Saturday: 4:30 pm Sunday: 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 11:00 am & 6:00 pm 1:00 pm (Polish language) Monday - Saturday: 8:45 am Wednesday: 7:00pm (rosary at 6:30 pm) Holy Days: 8:45 am & 6:00 pm and 7:30 pm (in Polish) Holidays: 9:00 am Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, & Thanksgiving Day.

Sacraments Reconcilia on Daily on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, from 8:00AM to 8:40AM. On Wednesday, confessions will be from 7:30AM to 8:40AM and from 5:30PM to 6:50PM.

Bap sms Parents need to be registered parishioners and must a end one reflec ve session on the meaning of Bap sm at least three weeks in advance of the Bap smal date. A endance before the birth of the child is suggested. Please contact the Parish Office.

Marriages To allow enough me for adequate marriage prepara on, arrangements for weddings should be made at least 9 months in advance.

Ministry of Care to the Sick Ministry of Care brings the Eucharist to the sick & homebound. Please contact the Parish Office to arrange for a minister to bring the Eucharist to you.

Anoin ng of the Sick Please make arrangements through the Parish Office.

Funerals Please make arrangements through the Funeral Director.

Electronic Giving GiveCentral: St. John the Evangelist accepts all church dona ons and school payments online through GiveCentral. Simply go to the parish website at and click on “Donate Now” to be di-rected to the GiveCentral link.

Parish Services Loaves & Fishes Ministry collects dona ons in the Gathering Space for the food pantry the second weekend of the month a er all the Masses.

Sharing Ministry was created to assist registered parishioners in mes of financial crisis. If you find yourself in such a crisis, call the Sharing Ministry at 630-837-6500 ext. 141, and leave a message, sta ng only your name and phone number. A volunteer will call you back to gather the details. Great care is taken to preserve confiden ality.

Our Staff Business Manager Mary Alice Benoit

School Principal Beth Wennerstrom

Director of Lifelong Faith Forma on Mary Thon

Director of Music Michael Myers

Youth Minister Joe Quinlan

Bulle n Editor Cathy Tampir

502 S. Park Blvd. , Streamwood, IL 60107 Parish Office: (630) 837-6500  

Parish Office Hours: Mon. - Sat. 9 am - 5:00 pm, Sun. CLOSED

Website: Parish School: 630-837-6500 Ext. 200 513 Parkside Circle, Streamwood, IL 60107 Religious Educa on: 630-837-6500 Ext. 126


Follow us on: Find out what’s happening at the parish!

Church Bulle n Submissions to the Bulle n must be made at least 10 days prior to the date requested. All submissions are subject to approval. Send submissions to

St. Cecilia Monday: Dn 1:1-6, 8-20; Dn 3:52-56; Lk 21:1-4

Pope St. Clement I Tuesday: Dn 2:31-45; Dn 3: 57-61; Lk 21:5-11

St. Andrew Dung Lac Wednesday: Dn 5:1-6, 13-14, 16-17, 23-28; Dn 3: 62-67; Lk 21:12-19

St. Catherine of Alexandria Thanksgiving Day Thursday: Dn 6:12-28; Dn 3: 68-74; Lk 21:20-28 Thanksgiving Day, Suggested: Sir 50: 22-24; Ps 145:2-11; 1 Cor 1:3-9; Lk 17: 11-19

St. John Berchmans Friday: Dn 7:2-14; Dn 3: 75-81; Lk 21:29-33

St. James Intercisus Saturday: Dn 7:15-27; Dn 3: 82-87; Lk 21:34-36

St. Papinianus Sunday: Jer 33:14-16; Ps 25: 4-5, 8-10, 14; 1 Thes 3:12 — 4:2; Lk 21: 25-28, 34-36

Monday, November 22 8:45 AM † Rachel Morris Tuesday, November 23 8:45 AM † Ed Murray III Wednesday, November 24 8:45 AM † Jim & Agnes Rryan † Julian & Anna Staszkiewicz † Soledad Salazar Healing for Nancy Licht & Erik Portiera 7:00 PM † Marian Krawczynski Thanksgiving for successful surgery for Kelly Margaret Ready Thursday, November 25– Thanksgiving 9:00 AM † Andrew Dunaway † Robert Korby Friday, November 26 8:45 AM † Karen M’Malley Saturday, November 27 8:45 AM Birthday Blessings for Maria Katherina Elumba 4:30 PM † J. Michael Nugent Sunday, November 28 7:30 AM † Vincent F. Mochocki 9:00 AM † Frances Rosen 11:00 AM † Freddie Welke. † Francisco Cabral Sr. † Agnes Robst † Barbara Bailey † For the McCarron Family Thanksgiving for successful surgery for Kelly Margaret Ready Blessings for St. John’s Parishioners 1:00 PM Mass in Polish 6:00 PM † Franz & Eva Lutsch

Readings for the Week of November 21, 2021

Sunday, November 21, 2021 Mass Intentions

Sunday, November 21 7:30 AM † Charlotte & Sylvester Lorkowski 9:00 AM † Arveda Gregory 11:00 AM † Carl Vachlin Jr. † Rachel Morris † Vincent F. Mochocki † Bernard Cadavez † Michael McCarron † Stavroula Bekos Birthday Blessings for Nathaniel Cabral Thanksgiving for successful surgery for Kelly Margaret Ready Blessings for St. John’s Parishioners 1:00 PM Mass in Polish 6:00 PM † Shirley Alpers


We welcome with joy and support these newly baptized children along with their parents, Godparents, and family members. May they grow to

believe that they are loved.

Gabriela Kosinski

Ayla Rose Nguyen 3

"That in the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those that are in Heaven, on earth and under the earth: And that every tongue should confess that the Lord Jesus Christ is in the glory of God the Father."

Philippians 2:10-11

Dear Parishioners, With this Sunday we conclude our liturgical year by celebrating the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe that was established by Pope Pius XI in 1925 as an antidote to secularism - a way of life which leaves God out of man's thinking and living and organizes one’s life as if God did not exist. The feast is intended to proclaim in a striking and effective manner Christ's royalty over individuals, families, society, governments, and nations. Christ’s power is not the power of the kings or the great people of this world. It is the divine power to give eternal life, to liberate from evil, to defeat the dominion of the devil, sin, and death. It is the power of Love that can draw good from evil, that can melt a hardened heart, bring peace amid the harshest conflicts and kindle hope in the deepest darkness. Jesus wants to be the only king of our life. He is not a tyrannical ruler who uses and abuses His subjects, but a loving king who desires what is best for all people. Jesus invites us to serve Him as our king. This means loving Him with all of who we are and obeying His teachings and commandments. Doing so, will lead to a joy-filled life and ultimately to salvation and eternity with Him in the Kingdom of Heaven. Let us, therefore, entrust ourselves to our divine King and let us all allow Jesus to rule our lives with His perfect love. This coming Thursday we will celebrate Thanksgiving Day. It is my prayer and hope that all of us in our parish family will offer a continual prayer of gratitude to our loving and gracious God for all the blessings received throughout the year. The reasons for having grateful hearts should make up a long list: the gift of life; faith in a God who loves us and is very near to us; good health; loving family; caring friends; opportunities to serve our neighbor; food on our tables; clothes on our backs; roofs over our heads, the success of our recent Parish Gala celebration, and many, many more… But gratitude is not something we are called to express only once a year, but every single day as we share generously our time, talent, and treasure. I hope that we will never tire of finding new reasons to thank God especially during our fervent celebration of the Eucharist. Yes, we have our times of doubt, our aches and pains, our family conflicts, our economic struggles, the loss of a loved one, problems of addiction and substance abuse in someone close to us, the pain of damaged or broken relationships, all the pandemic hardships… Yet, we can still find many reasons to be grateful to God. Saint Paul wrote: “Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God.” (Philippians 4: 6) Truly, in all circumstances we can express our gratitude to our provident God who blesses us with many gifts and who gives us strength and bears us up amid any affliction. I thank God for each and every one of you. I pray for you so that the Good Lord will bless you and your family this Thanksgiving. I pray that Jesus will be present in your hearts and your homes and that He will reward your faith and loyalty to Him and your abundant generosity to our parish. May you have safe journeys in your comings and your goings this holiday week! I invite you all to attend our Thanksgiving Day Mass on Thursday, November 25th at 9:00 a.m., to express our gratitude for the many gifts received from our God. God bless Fr. Gregg


Informacje parafialne

"... aby na imię Jezusa zgięło się każde kolano istot niebieskich i ziemskich i podziemnych. I aby wszelki język wyznał, że Jezus Chrystus jest Panem - ku chwale Boga Ojca." Flp 2:10-11

Rok liturgiczny bądź kościelny to wspomnienie zbawczego misterium Jezusa Chrystusa, które przeżywamy w ciągu roku kalendarzowego. W trakcie jednego roku ukazana jest cała tajemnica Zbawienia. Rok iturgiczny nie pokrywa się z rokiem kalendarzowym. Chociaż liczy prawie tyle samo dni i tygodni, to jednak rozpoczyna się pierwszą niedzielą Adwentu, a kończy się ostatnią niedzielą w czasie zwykłym, czyli w Uroczystość Chrystusa Króla. Centralne miejsce w roku liturgicznym zajmuje wydarzenie Zmartwychwstania Jezusa Chrystusa, a więc wydarzenie paschalne, które Katechizm Kościoła określa jako „źródło światła” (KKK 1168) opromieniające swoją jasnością cały roczny obchód. Dzisiaj właśnie kończymy kolejny rok liturgiczny. Zamykamy go uroczystością Chrystusa Króla Wszechświata. Ma ona przypomnieć wierzącym, że to Jezus jest Panem nieba i ziemi. Dzisiejsza uroczystość ma uświadomić wiernym, iż jedynym Panem ich życia jest Jezus Chrystus. Uroczystość Chrystusa Króla Wszechświata ustanowił dla całego Kościoła papież Pius XI, encykliką "Quas primas" w 1925 roku. Kościół obchodzi to święto w ostatnią niedzielę roku liturgicznego, aby podkreślić, że Chrystus Król zamyka, jako Pan historii, ludzkie dzieje i do Niego należy ostatnie słowo w sprawach świata. Uroczystość ta ma przypominać wiernym Chrystusa, władcę panującego w królestwie prawdy i miłości. Jego koroną jest wieniec uwity z cierni, a tronem - krzyż. Chrystus jest królem, który po ukrzyżowaniu i zmartwychwstaniu żyje wiecznie i panuje w sercach wiernych. To król miłosierdzia, przebaczający winy. Jest przez Kościół czczony jako Władca Sumień, Potężny Mocarz, Książę Pokoju. Chrystus jest jedynym królem, który przyszedł aby służyć, i wypełnieniem jego misji jest służba drugiemu człowiekowi.

Za kilka dni będziemy obchodzić Święto Dziękczynienia (Thanksgiving Day). Pierwsze dziękczynienie miało miejsce w listopadzie 1621. Rok wcześniej do Plymouth w stanie Massachusetts na statku Mayflower przypłynęli kolonizatorzy z Anglii (tzw. ojcowie pielgrzymi). Była to grupa 102 purytanów, którzy ze względu na prześladowania religijne w ojczyźnie postanowili wypłynąć do Ameryki i tam założyć pierwszą angielską kolonię. Ponieśli oni pierwszej zimy wielkie straty i wielu z nich zmarło z głodu. Żniwa w 1621 roku były już obfite. Pozostali przy życiu koloniści zdecydowali uczcić to świętem, wraz z Indianami z plemienia Wampanoagów, którzy pomogli Pielgrzymom przetrwać trudny okres. Święto Dziękczynienia obchodzone jest przez wszystkich Amerykanów, bez względu na wyznanie i pochodzenie. W tym dniu Amerykanie tradycyjnie spożywają uroczystą kolację w gronie rodziny i przyjaciół, dziękując Bogu za wszystko, co dobrego ich spotkało. Na stole podczas posiłku króluje indyk, który stał się symbolem Dnia Dziękczynienia. Jest on pieczony, nadziewany i podawany wraz sosem żurawinowym. Oprócz tego do tradycyjnych potraw należą słodkie ziemniaki i ciasto z dyni lub z jabłkami. Obchodząc ten dzień pamiętajmy, że każdy dzień jest okazją, aby podziękować Bogu i ludziom za wszelkie dobra nieustannie otrzymywane. Msza św. w Święto Dziękczynienia 25 listopada będzie o godz. 9:00 rano w języku angielskim. Zapraszamy do wspólnej modlitwy.


Financial Report - (Fiscal Year Ending June 2021) Each year, the Finance Council provides a summary of the Parish's financial state to the parishioners. A full, detailed report including year-end financial numbers for the last fiscal year is also available on the Parish web site ( 2021 has continued to challenge our Parish, but we have persevered to overcome the COVID19 pandemic, while trying to get operations working as normally as possible. Your Parish is meeting these challenges by continuing to take extraordinary actions where necessary. Some of these are summarized below. We would like to begin by first recognizing everyone who has been contributing consistently to both the Parish and mortgage collections, as well as to the To Teach Who Christ Is Capital Campaign (TTWCI) and Annual Catholic Appeal. Thank you Overview of Fiscal Year 2021: 1. No additional emergency relief from the Federal Government, for COVID19, was sought out or

received. Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) funds received in 2020 were split between two fiscal years.

2. Total income from the weekly collections, School tuition, and other operating sources was $2.36 million, a decrease of $192K or 7.5%, from the prior fiscal year. Subtracting mortgage collections from this figure results in a more accurate view of operating income. This amounted to $2.24 million.

3. Total expenses were $2.35 million, a decrease of about $225K or 8.7% from the prior fiscal year. This resulted in an operating deficit of about $107K.

4. The Parish is behind schedule in collecting pledges for the TTWCI capital campaign and does not expect that all pledges originally made will be fulfilled. As we complete the fifth and last year of the campaign, St. John’s has received about $1.6 million out of a total $2 million in pledges. These payments are tracked separately and are, therefore, not included in the Operating Budget or Reports.

5. It should be noted that over the last two fiscal years, total expenses have been cut by over a half million dollars. Due to the current challenging circumstances Sunday and Holy Day collections reflect decreased Mass attendance. As a result, all expenditures are being monitored with extra scrutiny.

Revenues and expenditures are broken out separately for the Church and the School. The School ended the fiscal year with an operating deficit of $76K. However, this was an improvement of over $70K, compared to the $147K deficit from the prior fiscal year. 1. Currently, there are 220 students enrolled for the 2021-2022 school year, which is 30 more than

enrolled during the previous school year. 2. Several new students are from our Polish community, as a result of the successful onsite Polish

school which also rents our school facilities 3. The School qualified for an educational grant from the Federal Government worth $80K, which is

to be used over the course of three years. This was due to the number of children enrolled in the school, who come from low income households. This grant allowed the school to pay for COVID19 and remote learning expenses, as well as to hire a new part time social worker.

4. The School received $8K in scholarship funds from the Archdiocese. 5. The Parish is still subsidizing the operating deficit of the School. The School Board continues to

explore options to increase revenue and to decrease costs.

(Continued on page 7) 6

Financial Report (Continued from page 6) Moving forward, the Finance Council would like to focus on an important topics: the Parish’s mortgage. Plans for several large capital expenditures that are planned will appear in the bulletin at a later date. Regarding the mortgage: The Archdiocese restructured our original $4.6 million debt in June of 2012. The debt reduction, along with our consistent monthly mortgage payments, have reduced our

outstanding balance to just under $1.1 million Our monthly obligation remains at $14,000 and it is important that we remain current on mortgage

obligations, without incurring any additional debt. However, during this past fiscal year, total mortgage collections fell short of the obligations, by $46,494. Please keep in mind that the Parish must continue to tap other resources in order to make up this shortfall.

While we are most grateful for your generous support of the TTWCI campaign as it winds down, it is vital to have your continuing and stable support for the regular weekly collections. If you have previously been unable to contribute to the weekly collection, mortgage or Annual Catholic Appeal, the Finance Council asks you to pray about starting, as we need everyone’s support in meeting the Parish’s fiscal needs. If you have missed some previous Sunday offertory collections due to the pandemic, the Finance Council sincerely asks that you consider doing a one-time “catch up” contribution. We also encourage you to sign up for GiveCentral, our online giving program. “eGiving” as it is also called, is our preferred way for you to support the Parish. Approximately 31% of our contributions are coming in electronically, which is about the same as last year. Enrollment takes only a few minutes. The Web site is secure and you can choose between debit and credit cards. You can build up your

miles and other rewards, all while helping our Parish. You control when to donate and to what causes you would like to support. Some parishioners may be able to deduct their donations, but only when contributions are made by

using the envelopes, or through eGiving. GiveCentral can generate a donation statement on demand. TTWCI collections are reported separately.

To sign up or to get more information, please visit: We again thank you for your generous support over the past year. We humbly ask that you pray about your level of giving. For those not currently giving to the mortgage collection, beginning to contribute $5 monthly (automated through GiveCentral) would be a big plus. That's less than the cost of most any streaming service. But we also understand that some parishioners are unable to give more. In that case, simply signing up for GiveCentral at your current level of contribution, would be greatly appreciated! Respectfully Submitted by: 2020-2021 Finance Council of St. John the Evangelist Catholic Parish: Linda DuBois Henry Glodny Kathleen LeMaire Robert LeMaire Mike Tripicchio


Bethlehem Arts Coming Again to St. John’s on December 11-12

We will host representatives of the Catholic Christian Community from Jerusalem and Bethlehem in the Holy Land who will be displaying

handcrafted olive wood religious figurines and articles. Due to the political conflict and covid19 results in the reduction of tourism, the Catholic Community has come to depend more on the sale of these articles abroad to survive. The woodcarvings are beautiful and reflect faith and love for the Lord. Please consider purchasing a gift that will be remembered and cherished for yourself or someone dear to you. The handcrafted olive wood religious figurines and articles will be available for purchase after all the weekend Masses.

Tickets Now On Sale - BBQ With the Bears Enjoy an all-you-can-eat BBQ dinner before the Chicago Bears vs. Green Bay Packers game on Sunday December 12th. Cheer your favorite team on to victory while enjoying some fellowship in the St. John's Parish Center. Proceeds from the event will be used to defray cost of new carpeting in the main church. Tickets are $16 (Adults) and $11 (Kids 12 and under). Price includes all-you-can-eat BBQ Pork Sandwiches, Coleslaw, Mac 'N Cheese, bag of chips, and one beverage of your choice (beer, soda, water). Additional drinks will be available for purchase. There will also be a 50/50 Raffle. Bring the whole family and friends to enjoy some football, food, and fel-lowship. If you have any questions, email us at Pay online by credit card or GPay at kofc12801.square/site/bears or return

the form below to the parish office.

To learn more about what we do visit the Knights & Ladies website ( You can also leave a message at the parish office, 630-837-6500. Visit us on Facebook ( Talk to a Knight or visit our donation site to get tickets for both programs.



BBQ with the Bears Benefit Night Sunday December 12, 2021

5:30 PM – 10:00 PM St. John the Evangelist Parish Center

Name _________________________________ Email ________________________________________ # Adults ___ @ $16 = $ _____ # Kids (under 13) ___ @ $11 = $ _____Total Enclosed $_____________

Please Make Checks Payable To: Mary’s Millennium Knights of Columbus #12801 Please Put in Envelope & Return to Parish Office by December 6th

On the Lighter Side..….

Congratulations to our 8th grade boys volleyball team on an undefeated season and winning the Big West Catholic League.

We are very proud of your hard work and teamwork

this season. A special thanks and congratulation

to Coach Frost.


Me? Read the Whole Bible?

You Gotta Be Kidding!

There is today in the Church a strong emphasis on encouraging all Catholics to become familiar with the Scriptures, and to make these Scriptures a part of their faith and a part of their prayer. With this encouragement in mind, I am offering once again a Bible reading opportunity. The journey starts on December 1.In the course of one year, the entire Bible is read, in an organized way, from cover to cover. The program is a good way to acquire a basic familiarity with the Bible. If you are up to such a challenge, call me as soon as possible so that I can set you up and get the necessary material to you before December 1. I'd be happy, of course, to answer any questions. Deacon Jim Furey St. John the Evangelist Church – Streamwood, IL 630-289-7670


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please call the Parish Office.

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