robert f cramer hunger fighter in burma: the story of brayton case

Post on 18-Feb-2018






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Brayton Case and a helper at Pyinmana Agricultural School

proudly display some Christian chickens

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The Story

of rayton Case



Friendship Press New York

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All Bi0le uotations used in this 0ook are rom the

eised Standard /ersion, copyright 1$4! and 1$ 2,

0y the &iision o Christian 'ducation o the ational

Council o the Churches o Christ in the .nited States

o America

+i0rary o Congress Catalog Card um0er% !#-1#"32

Copyright 4 1$!# 0y (riendship Press, )nc

Printed in the .nited States o America


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Chapter 5





Chapter 7




eading +ist


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'To Terry

who would ha e been great, too

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7reatness is peculiar

Brayton Clarke Case 5as great (e5 5ould deny it

8e 5as also peculiar in many 5ays A uniue com0ina-

tion o his peculiar ualities and certain circumstances

in 5hich he ound himsel made it possi0le or him in

thirty-one inentie years to hae the kind o lasting

impact on a nation that many men hae sought 0ut

ery e5 hae achieed

one o his ualities 5as 0y itsel terri0ly peculiar

7uts-ra5 courage-anyone can hae or deelop

7usto-a ;est or cramming t5o days6 e:citement into

one-like5ise is not all t t unusual And the grace o

7od-a gentle reerence you could sense een in the

midst o hearty, 9oking laughter-a lot o men and

5omen hae sho5n this uality o spirit

So it must hae 0een the com0ination that made


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him such a success Since each o the ualities can 0e

cultiated and strengthened 0y almost any0ody, it is

hoped that this 0ook 5ill stimulate some others to

moe into the ree-s5inging, inentie, gutsy style o

the modern rontiersman, Brayton Case


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B!a#on Ca"e &a" j$"# a li##le bo, no# e%en old

eno$gh #o go #o "chool, &hen #he fi!"# of hi" B$!man

plama#e" died. I# b!oke him $p.

He "obbed. Then, a" o$#!age g!e& &i#hin him, he

chomped hi" #ee#h do&n ha!d "o #ha# hi" mo$#h looked

like a !$le!. The "$dden $ie# he p!od$ced &a" "ome

ho& lo$de! #han hi" "ob".

He $i%e!ed, #hinking no# "o m$ch abo$# hi" o&n

pe!"onal lo"" a" abo$# #he "en"ele"" &a"#e #ha# "#!$ck

do&n li##le child!en.

I# &a" B!a#on'" fi!"# epe!ience of "#a!%a#ion. And if

God'" &a" &e!e a" "imple a" a fo$!ea!old'" p!ae!, i#

&o$ld ha%e been hi" la"# "$ch epe!ience.

Hi" mo#he!, pe!hap" "en"ing #ha# #hi" kind of !age

co$ld la"# a life#ime (li##le did "he kno& ) enci!cled

him &i#h he! gen#le a!m" of mi""iona! fai#h.


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3i"e eno$gh al!ead #o $nde!"#and a# lea"# a bi# of

&ha# "he #old him, he li"#ened #o hi" mo#he! "a #ha#

dea#h i" pa!# of life. B$# he &a" #hinking of #he g!ief in

hi" hea!# and #he "o!!o& in a B$!man home, and he

&onde!ed if life m$"# al&a" be #ha# &a.

B!a#on Ca"e &a" bo!n A$g$"# , -.

He inhe!i#ed a pionee!ing "pi!i# f!om bo#h hi"

pa!en#" and #hei! familie", and an e#!a mea"$!e of

f!on#ie!"man"hip f!om hi" name"ake, #he g!ea# B$!ma

mi""iona!, /$!lin B!a#on.

He had a b!o#he!, 2$""ell, #&o ea!" o$nge!. To

ge#he!, #he hea!d #hei! he!i#age !eco$n#ed a# #able and

bed"ide, and #he #ook i# in eage!l.

B!a#on #ho$gh# hi" G!andfa#he! Ca"e &o$ld ha%e

been &onde!f$l #o kno&. G!andfa#he!'" ch$!che" had

n$mbe!ed "e%en and &e!e on a lonel ci!c$i# of 1aine.

*He &a"n'# like "o man of #he p!eache!" of hi" #ime,*

B!a#on'" fa#he! #old him.

*Ci# pa"#o!" &o!e long, dignified f!ock coa#" b$#

o$! g!andfa#he! &o$ldn'#,* 0ohn Ca"e "aid. *Hi" min

i"#e! f!iend" liked #he ci# ch$!che" &he!e #he co$ld

climb in#o poli"hed p$lpi#" and look do&n on !o&

af#e! !o& of f!ill ha#". B$# no# o$! g!andfa#he!.

*He liked #o !ide hi" ho!"e among #he lonel people

in #he &ooded hill".


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*Hi" "addlebag" &e!e loaded &i#h 6c!ip#$!e po!#ion".

Hi" head &a" f$ll of #he #hing" people had #old him

along #he !o$#e. And he "a& #he ne&"pape!" mo!e of#en

#han mo"# people, "o he co$ld b!ing #hem all kind" of

ne&"of f!iend", of #he "#a#e of #he na#ion, and #he

good ne&" #ha# helped make "en"e o$# of #he !e"#.*

B!a#on of#en #ho$gh# of #he people of 1aine. 4i%ing

in #he co$n#! &a" g!ea#b$# #ho"e people of#en &e!e

lonel. I#'" nice #o ha%e open "pace and f!eedom, #o

g!o& o$! o&n food and e!ec# o$! o&n "hel#e!. B$#

#ho"e &ho li%ed in #he &ilde!ne"" &e!e almo"# $nde!

a life "en#ence of loneline"".

6en#ence. B!a#on'" $ick mind #ho$gh# of #he &o!d

ano#he! &a. 3i#ho$# p$nc#$a#ion, a "en#ence goe" on

and on and doe"n'# ha%e m$ch meaning. Hi" g!and

fa#he! b!o$gh# meaning #o people beca$"e he &a"

&illing #o go &he!e #he &e!e, and he didn'# ca!e abo$#

mo%ing $p #he eccle"ia"#ical "$cce"" ladde!. Hi" g!and

fa#he! had "#ood o$# like a p$nc#$a#ion ma!kand #ha#

a" a good &a #o li%e, B!a#on #ho$gh#.

B!a#on'" pa!en#" bo#h &e!e pionee!", #oo.

A" 1i"" 4il B. Cla!ke, hi" mo#he! had lef# a com

o!#able home in &e"#e!n 5e& 7o!k "#a#e #o go #o

$!ma alone.

I# &a"n'# e# a pop$la! #hing #o do. *3omen'" a$

lia!ie"* #o #he e"#abli"hed fo!eign mi""ion boa!d" had


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come in#o being onl a fe& ea!" befo!e "he "o$gh#

appoin#men# $nde! one of #hem. 6he &an#ed #o help

&omen and child!en in B$!ma. 6he kne& #ha# in #he

<!ien# #he &omen $"$all &e!e "econdcla"" ci#i>en"

and child!en had pi#if$ll poo! chance" #o g!o& #o

ad$l#hood and become $"ef$l ci#i>en", beca$"e #he dea#h

!a#e &a" high and ed$ca#ion &a" onl fo! a fe&.

6he &a" commi""ioned j$"# af#e! Ch!i"#ma" in 9.

6he &o!ked on #he field almo"# #&o ea!" befo!e "he

ma!!ied #he 2e%. 0ohn :lijah Ca"e, mi""iona! of #he

Ame!ican Bap#i"# ;o!eign 1i""ion 6ocie#.

=eople al&a" "aid 0ohn and 4il Ca"e didn'# #hink

abo$# ma!!iage $n#il #hei! f!iend", #he /$!lin

B!a #on", go# #he idea.

1abe "o. 1abe no#. A# an !a#e #he Ca"e" and #he

B!a #on" &e!e clo"e f!iend", and &hen #he fi!"# Ca"e

child came along, i# &a" in 2angoon in #he B!a#on

home. Tha#'" &he!e B!a#on'" name came f!om.

Hi" pa!en#" &e!e among #he ea!lie"# of mi""iona!ie"

#o go $p #he I!!a&add 2i%e! #o an a!ea nea!

1andala. B$!ma &a" becoming, af#e! long i"ola#ion,

epo"ed #o o$#"ide infl$ence". 6o mi""iona!ie" &e!e

able #o mo%e in#o ne& a!ea" and #he Ca"e" &en# #o

1ingan, &he!e B!a#on "pen# #he fi!"# do>en ea!" of

hi" life.

I# &a" a da!ing %en#$!e fo! a o$ng famil #o mo%e


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#o 1ingan in #he +'", beca$"e fo! ea!" B$!ma had

been &a!!ing &i#h #he B!i#i"h, &ho &e!e e"#abli"hed in

neighbo!ing India. The a!ea'" poli#ical f$#$!e &a" "#ill

in do$b#. 3e"#e!n familie" had been e%ac$a#ed a# #ime"

f!om %a!io$" place" in B$!ma, and i# migh# happen #o

#he Ca"e". B$# #he!e &a" a job #o be done and #he

&e!e no# af!aid.

B!a#on al&a" liked #o hea! hi" pa!en#" #alk abo$#

#he B!a #on". /$!lin B!a#on, #he #old him, &a" a

g!ea# mi""iona!. He had in%e"#ed a life#ime among #he

back&a!d =&o a!en people. ;!om li%ing clo"el &i#h

#hem he had lea!ned #o kno& #hei! lang$age "o &ell

#ha# he &a" able #o #!an"la#e #he Bible fo! #hem.

B!a#on ma!%eled a# #ha#. He kne& #he lang$age

ne%e! had been &!i##en do&n befo!e, b$# #ha# hadn'#

"#opped 1!. B!a#on f!om doing &ha# needed #o be

done. B!a#on co$ld "ee #ha# a man &ho co$ld do &ha#

#hi" mi""iona! pionee! had done m$"# be #&o kind"

of man all a# oncepa#ien# and "chola!l and de#e!

mined, "o a" #o be fai#hf$l #o #he 3o!d of God he &a"

#!an"la#ing, and on #he o#he! hand o!dina! and

*h$man* eno$gh #o be #ho$gh# of b #he =&o a!en

people a" one of #hei! o&n n$mbe!. I# &o$ldn'# do

fo! #he "chola! "impl #o gi%e #hem "ome#hing@ he

&o$ld ha%e #o be "$ch a man among men #ha# #he

&o$ld &an# #o #ake &ha# he had #o offe!, #o $"e &ha# he


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&a" g&mg #hem, #o accep# a" impo!#an# &ha#


#ho$gh# &a" impo!#an#.

Hi" name"ake made a g!ea# imp!e""ion on #he li##le



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Bra&!on Ca e poke B"rme e before he learned

Engli h.

One of !he !hing a mi ion board in i ! on i !ha!

i! mi ionarie !horo"ghl& learn !he lang"age of !he

people among $hom !he& $ork. John and Lil& Ca e

had onl& been in B"rma a #er& fe$ &ear $hen Bra&!on

$a born, o !he& $ere fore#er prac!icing B"rme e in

!heir home a $ell a a! $ork.

No do"b! Bra&!on helped hi paren! learn !he e%'

q"i i!e, c"rlic"e lang"age. Children pick "p !he poken

lang"age ea il&, and Bra&!on had man& friend in !he

comm"ni!&. He and R" ell $ere !he onl& foreigner

in !he !oddler'!o'!een e! in M&ing&an.

Bra&!on !h" had almo ! a B"rme e mind. He "nder'

 !ood $ha! $a impor!an! in !he !hinking of !he

Orien!al, and $h&.

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/ome of !hi kno$ledge came from pla&ing game

$i!h hi B"rman friend . On !he gro"nd of !he mi '

 ion chool $ere parallel bar . E#er&bod& pla&ed on

!he e, !he ligh!'bro$n' kinned B"rman and !he

 ligh!l& ligh!er +merican all looking a! !ime like a

pack of e%"beran! monke& . Like$i e, !here $ere place

!o pla& marble 'and $he!her &o" pla&ed b& B"rman

or +merican r"le , !he poin! $a !he ame.

B"! mo ! of !he !ime !he game $ere !ric!l&

B"rman' 0"! 0"! and -&i a, for in !ance,

$hich $ere grea! fa#ori!e before !he !"rn of !he cen'

!"r&. Bra&!on didn(! kno$ i!, b"! !ho e pla& !ime

formed !he mo ! ba ic par! of hi ed"ca!ion. 0he

h"man mind i al$a& anal&2ing i! $a& !hro"gh ome

problem, $he!her con cio" l& or "ncon cio" l&. 0o en'

gage in a game i !o ol#e a problem, and !he logic

learned i "ncon cio" l& applied !o one( problem all

!hro"gh life. eople $i!h !he ame logical pa!!ern are

 aid !o !hink alike, and Bra&!on Ca e !ho"gh! in

B"rme e.

He learned !o belie#e !ha! prac!ical e%perience $a

!he be ! form of ed"ca!ion for learning !o li#e $i!h

people. Cer!ainl& !he !ime he and hi friend pen!

o"! ide chool !elling 1oke and !orie $a !ime $ell

 pen!, for la!er on i! $a aid !ha! Bra&!on Ca e $o"ld

en1o& 1oke $i!h !he B"rme e a co"ld no o!her man.


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He "nder !ood !he "b!le!ie and n"ance of B"rme e


La!er on, Bra&!on had !o !ake La!in. He al$a&

regre!!ed !he !ime he pen! !"d&ing i! and of!en cri!'

ici2ed !he c" !om of !"d&ing La!in in order !o !race

!he La!in roo! in Engli h $ord .

/!ill, he did profi! grea!l& b& hi formal chooling.

B"rman $ho kne$ him aid !ha! if &o" heard Bra&'

!on Ca e peaking in ano!her room, &o" $o"ldn(! kno$

a foreigner $a !here. He poke !he lang"age be!!er,

in fac!, !han man& of !he B"rman . He kne$ !he fine

poin! of i! grammar and he learned i! b& diligen!

 !"d&. 0o him i! al$a& $a impor!an! !o do $ell $ha!'

e#er one e! o"! !o do, and he mean! from earl& child'

hood !o be able !o comm"nica!e per "a i#el&'$he!her

in B"rme e or in Engli h3

5! $a no! ea & !o ge! a ba ic ed"ca!ion in B"rme e.

0he mi ion chool con i !ed of !$o dir!'floored en'

clo "re "nder !he Ca e ( mi ion ho" e. 0he B"rman

b"il! !heir home high "p off !he gro"nd for a #arie!& of

rea on , and !he mi ion ho" e follo$ed !he pa!!ern.

0he B"rme e lang"age i no pla&gro"nd for !he

 impleminded, ei!her. 5! c"rlic"e crip! con i ! of

circle , par!'circle , combina!ion of !he !$o piled a!op

each o!her, and addi!ional line '"prigh!, lan!ed and

c"r#ed. 0he no#ice can(! po ibl& !ell $hen a prin!ed


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 hee! of paper i righ! ide "p. Of co"r e, once !he

ba ic charac!er are learned, !he !"d& of #ocab"lar&

and grammar proceed a in an& o!her lang"age. B"!

B"rme e i a lang"age in $hich a child m" ! learn !o

make ra!her fine concep!"al di !inc!ion a! an earl&

age. ;ail"re !o ma !er !hi a! !he o"! e! $o"ld ha#e

made Bra&!on a candida!e for !he dropo"! e!. He

learned !he lang"age !hro"gh !ick'!o'i!i#ene and

en!h" ia m.

Of co"r e Bra&!on $a al o !"d&ing Engli h b& !he

!ime he $a of chool age. 0eaching in !he mi ion

elemen!ar& chool $a probabl& in bo!h lang"age .

=hen he $a fi#e &ear old, Bra&!on became a $orld

!ra#eler. =i!h hi mo!her and a !eacher, Ma Me B$in,

he pen! a &ear in !he <ni!ed /!a!e , $here he a!!ended


+n "ncle and a"n! in Roche !er, Ne$ >ork, !ook care

of him $hile he $en! !hro"gh fir ! grade. Ho$ he m" !

ha#e en#ied hi mo!her and !eacher, for !he& pen!

par! of !ha! !ime in ?896'97 eeing !he igh! , e peciall&

!he grea! Col"mbian E%po i!ion in Chicago3

Back in B"rma, Bra&!on mo#ed righ! in!o econd

grade in hi mo!her( chool. 0here he made !ead&

progre : in fac!, $hen i! $a !ime for him !o lea#e

B"rma again a! !he age of !$el#e, he had fini hed !he

 e#en!h grade.


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+ an ad"l!, Bra&!on Ca e $a i% fee!, one inch !all.

+ a &o"ng !er, he $a !"rd& eno"gh !o earn a mo !

"n" "al e%perience.

 Ho$ $o"ld &o" like !o pend !he ho! ea on #a'

ca!ion on a h"n!ing !rip $i!h me@ a mi ionar& named

Aalen!ine a ked him.

No need for !ime !o con ider a repl&3 Ho! ea on

" "all& $ere pen! packing "p !o go !o a cooler re or!

area, making !he !ick& !rip, "npacking, finding !hing

!o do in "nfamiliar "rro"nding , packing "p again,

 !ick&'!rekking again, and finall& "npacking a! home.

(=o"ld he go@ No!hing co"ld !op him3

Bra&!on Ca e fel! !ha! hi roo! $ere in B"rma, for

religio" rea on a $ell a !he happen !ance of hi

bir!h and childhood. +ll !he $hile he $a gro$ing "p,

hi fai!h $a gro$ing $i!h him. He had !he good

for!"ne, denied !o o man& +merican , of eeing !he

Chri !ian fai!h pro1ec!ed in a non'Chri !ian land. + he

$a la!er !o $ri!e mo ! compellingl&, !he Chri !ian fai!h

 o s make a difference in life and he co"ld ee i!

po$er all aro"nd him a a &o"ng !er.

/o in !he la ! &ear of !he nine!een!h cen!"r&, $hen he

$a ele#en &ear old, he $a bap!i2ed $i!h hi bro!her

and a gro"p of o!her choolbo& .

0he e!!ing $a one made nece ar& b& !he Bap!i ! (

prac!ice of !o!al immer ion. 5n !he grea! 5rra$add#


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Ri#er, &mbol of life !o !he $hole na!ion, hi fa!her and

an ordained B"rman preacher led each bo& !hro"gh

!he &mbolic ri!e of comple!e b"rial of !he old life and

re "rrec!ion in!o a ne$ dimen ion. He ne#er forgo!

!ha! he, hi blood bro!her, and hi B"rman bro!her in

!he piri! had done !hi !hing !oge!her. 5! $elded in!o

a ingle a!!i!"de all hi man& e%perience and feeling ,

 o !ha! man& &ear la!er $hen he $a commi ioned b&

!he +merican Bap!i ! !o re!"rn !o B"rma, he aid,

 5 am going back !o !he land $here 5 $a born. Here'

af!er i! $ill be m& na!i#e co"n!r&.

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One of #he g!ea# !oblem" of mi""iona!( "e!%ice i"

#ha# &hen one goe" #o a fa!a&a( lace #o "ha!e Ch!i"# "

conce!n fo! #he heal#h of #he &hole man, hi" o&n

famil( m$"# be !i ed a a!#.

In 1900, i# &a" #ime fo! John and Lil( Ca"e #o "end

#hei! #&o bo(" back #o Ame!ica #o con#in$e #hei! ed$ca)

#ion. Ra#he! #han #o go #h!o$gh #he "ha##e!ing e')

 e!ience of "e a!a#ion #&ice, #he( "en# bo#h bo(" #o)

ge#he!, #$!ning #hem o%e! #o #he ca!e of #&o

mi""iona!( familie" &ho &e!e going home fo! f$!lo$gh.

B!a(#on &a" #&el%e, R$""ell &a" #en.

The!e a!e #ho"e &ho "a( #ha# "$ch a!#ing i" ha!de!

fo! #he a!en#" #han fo! #he child!en. B!a(#on &a" #o

ha%e hi" o&n chance #o find o$#, a gene!a#ion la#e!.

B$# #he a!#ing "eemed ha!d eno$gh #o him #hen.

Fi!"# #he!e &a" #he lo"" of famil(, fo! all !ac#ical


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 $! o"e". In Roche"#e!, &hen he &a" fi%e, i# had been

g!ea# f$n #o li%e &i#h "e%e!al co$"in" and #o go #o "chool

in a g!ea# ci#(. Tha# "e a!a#ion f!om hi" a!en#", ho&)

e%e!, had been fo! a com a!a#i%el( "ho!# #ime. The one

#ha# loomed no& "eemed endle"".

The!e &o$ld be a lo"" of f!eedom, #oo. In (ing(an

#he da(" &e!e long and b$"( b$# #he lace &a"n #

c!o&ded, a" #he "chool in /e&#on Cen#!e, a""ach$)

"e##", &a" "$!e #o be. -e #ho$gh# abo$# ha%ing #o !ai"e

hi" hand and a"k e!mi""ion e%e!( #ime he &an#ed #o

"ide"#e "chool and do!mi#o!( !o$#ine". Fo! one #hing

he &a" glad. -e d hea!d /e&#on Cen#!e &a" a g!een

"$b$!b, and #he -ome fo! i""iona!ie" Child!en

&o$ldn # be "o hemmed in a" #he home" he d "een

d$!ing a %i"i# #o Bo"#on. I# "ho$ld be o""ible fo! him

#o &alk in #he field" all b( him"elf on &eekend".

-e &onde!ed if #he B$!man child!en &o$ld mi""

him. -e d mi"" #hem, he &a" ce!#ain. Righ# no&, #he(

&e!e #!(ing #o ge# him #o !omi"e he d come back.

+B!a(#on,+ #he( "aid #o him "e%e!al #ime")and e%en

a" #he #!ain $lled o$# of #he "#a#ion)+come back #o

$" "ome da(, and &e &ill &o!k &i#h (o$*+

ha# if he did come back, he &onde!ed. o$ld #he(


-i" mo#he! c!ied.

-i" fa#he! faked "#e!nne"".


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+Be on (o$! be"# beha%io! &i#h #he 4ha! " and #he

-a!!i"e". And &hen (o$ !each /e&#on Cen#!e, "e##le

!igh# in. on # ge# off on #he &!ong foo# &i#h (o$!

da(d!eam". 5o$ !e going back b( (o$!"el%e" "o &e can

"#a( he!e #o &o!k)and "o (o$ m$"# &o!k ha!d, #oo. 5o$

&ill, &on # (o$+

B!a(#on !omi"ed. And #he #!ain &hi"#le #old #hem

i# &o$ldn # &ai# an( longe!, e%en fo! Ame!ican


A" i# #$!ned o$#, #he "e a!a#ion &a"n # "o long af#e!

all. The bo(" " en# a (ea! in #he -ome fo! i")

"iona!ie" Child!en and #he a"on 3!amma! 4chool.

Then John and Lil( Ca"e came home fo! a f$!lo$gh

#ha# la"#ed #h!ee (ea!". B( #he #ime hi" a!en#" !e#$!ned

#o #he mi""ion field in 190, B!a(#on &a" half&a(

#h!o$gh /e&#on -igh 4chool.

Back in #he home no&, B!a(#on began #o e' e!imen#

&i#h !$le" and !eg$la#ion". -e co$ld "ee #he( &e!e

nece""a!(, b$# he fel# "ome made le"" "en"e #han o#he!".

-e &a" onde!ing #hi" one mo!ning &hen #he &ake)

$ bell !ang. -e ha#ed #ha# "o$nd. -e #old him"elf hi"

g!o&ing f!ame, no& nea!l( "i' fee#, needed mo!e "lee .

Le# #he o#he!" ile o$# of bed like obedien#)and

blea#ingl)"hee . -e d "#a( a &hile. The!e &a"n # an(

&a( #o ge# o$# of going #o "chool on #ime, b$# he


go &i#ho$# b!eakfa"#.


7/23/2019 Robert F Cramer Hunger Fighter in Burma: The Story of Brayton Case 26/100

-e #!ied #ha#)b$# no# fo! long. The onl( &a( #o

#!a%el #o and f!om #he "chool &a" #o !ide on #&o

 ec$lia! con#!a #ion" !o%ided a# bi!#h, &i#h heel" a#

one end and !o&" of #oe" a# #he o#he!. I# &a" a mile and

a half each &a(, "o b( #he #ime he go# home fo! l$nch

he &a" nea!l( "#a!%ed. The bi# of inde endence gained

&a"n # &o!#h #he effo!#. B$# i# "e# a "$cce""f$l a##e!n

of life fo! him.

-e de%elo ed ano#he! life a##e!n in high "chool. -e

liked #o be b( him"elf, la!gel( #o #hink. Al#ho$gh he

&a" o$#going and f$n)lo%ing, &i#h #he 8$icke"# la$gh in

#he 7a"#, he &i#hd!e& fo! long e!iod" of #ime #o #ho"e

field" a!o$nd /e&#on Cen#!e &hich &e!e a" g!een a" he

had ho ed and mo"# in%i#ing #o a bo( &ho had g!ea#

deci"ion" #o make.

h( &a" he he!e in Ame!ica &hen hi" a!en#" &e!e

in B$!ma To ge# #he be"# o""ible ed$ca#ion)#ha#

&a" ea"( #o "ee.

B$# ed$ca#ion fo! &ha# B!a(#on &a" no# a !o)

fe""ional #hinke!6 he &a" b( na#$!e a doe! &ho #ho$gh#

in #e!m" of ac#ion.

-e lined $ hi" in#e!e"#" and hi" abili#ie" and he

#ho$gh# of field" &he!e he co$ld be c!ea#i%e and $"ef$l

and "ome&ha# inde enden#. F!iend" in "chool and in

#he local Ba #i"# ch$!ch &e!e no& con"$l#ed, and #he(

hel ed him decide on enginee!ing.


7/23/2019 Robert F Cramer Hunger Fighter in Burma: The Story of Brayton Case 27/100

B!o&n =ni%e!"i#( &a" #he be"# "chool he had hea!d

of. B$# B!o&n &a" in <!o%idence, "ome di"#ance a&a(,

and B!a(#on &o$ld no# commi# him"elf finall( #o a

"chool he had no# "een.

-e de#e!mined #o make #he fo!#()fi%e mile #!i a"

chea l( a" o""ible, "o #ha# hi" +inde endence+ &o$ld

no# in !eali#( mean #ha# he &a" being a b$!den #o

"omeone el"e.

The chea e"# &a( &a" #o &alk)"o he did. Ca!!(ing

a ack on hi" back, he &en# #o B!o&n, decided #o

en!oll, and !e#$!ned #o /e&#on Cen#!e con%inced #ha#

he co$ld do a g!ea# man( #hing" #h!o$gh de#e!mina#ion

and &ill o&e!.

-e !o%ed i# b( no# acce #ing financial hel f!om hi"

 a!en#" fo! hi" highe! ed$ca#ion.

B!a(#on &a" g!ad$a#ed f!om /e&#on -igh 4chool,

and en!olled a# B!o&n, in 190:.

-e "#a(ed a# B!o&n #h!o$gh hi" "o homo!e (ea!.

Then an a$n# offe!ed #o #ake ca!e of hi" !oom and

boa!d if he &o$ld #!an"fe! #o #he =ni%e!"i#( of Califo!)

nia. 5e")"he d a( hi" &a( #o go e"# and look, fi!"#*

-e liked i#. The!e in Be!kele(, he began #o "#$d( ag!i)

c$l#$!e and #o &o!k on fa!m" d$!ing %aca#ion". And

#he!e, clo"e #o #he "oil, he fo$nd him"elf a# la"#.

One da( in 190;, B!a(#on Ca"e "#ood b( an i!!iga)

#ion di#ch in Califo!nia " Im e!ial >alle( and #ho$gh#.


7/23/2019 Robert F Cramer Hunger Fighter in Burma: The Story of Brayton Case 28/100

-i" ?ob #ha# fi!"# "$mme! &a" beekee ing, and &hile

hi" cha!ge" d!oned, hi" memo!( #ook &ing".

-e #ho$gh# abo$# #he B$!man eo le among &hom

he had been bo!n)#he one" &ho had been hi" la()

ma#e" and &ho had died of "#a!%a#ion, and #he one"

&ho "#ill li%ed. Tho"e &ho li%ed in B$!ma " !emo#e

%illage" &e!e "#ill enned &i#hin #he a##e!n" of #he

 a"#, he kne&, and "#ill &o$ld be "#!aining again"# #he

na#$!al fo!ce" #ha# #h!ea#ened #hem and #hei! $nde!)

no$!i"hed child!en. The( li%ed &i#h na#$!e, b$# had

ne%e! ha!ne""ed he!.

-e #ho$gh# abo$# #he lace &he!e he no& "$! !i")

ingl( fo$nd him"elf. Califo!nia &a" a" diffe!en# f!om

/e& 7ngland and /e& 5o!k a" &a" a land like B$!ma.

Back ea"#, !ich field" and b$"#ling #o&n" "eemed na#$!al

)3od)gi%en. O$# he!e #he condi#ion" fo! !o" e!i#(

had #o be man)made, in a "en"e. -e &a" "#anding !igh#

a# #he edge of one of #he h$man)con#!i%ed di#che" #ha#

made "$ch a diffe!ence.

-e !eflec#ed. 5ea!" ago he had "een child!en die

beca$"e, in #ha# no#)$n$"$al (ea!, #he flood" had come

#o a!#" of B$!ma and had lef# debili#a#ing di"ea"e in

#hei! "&am ( &ake. /o# onl( #ha#6 #he flood" had

d!agged #he li##le bi# of half)#illed "oil f!om #he fa!me!"

land and lef# a ha!dened g$mbo #o be "c!a#ched again

&i#h a "#!aigh# &ooden + lo&.+ Then #he !ain" had


7/23/2019 Robert F Cramer Hunger Fighter in Burma: The Story of Brayton Case 29/100

failed. The li##le &a#e! #ha# d!ibbled in#o &ell" had

#o be $"ed bo#h fo! familie" and fo! field". 5o$

co$ldn # ca!!( eno$gh &a#e! fo! !ice, an(&a(, "o mo"#

of #he ha!%e"# had been e'#!emel( ligh#. Th$" famine

had follo&ed, and dea#h, de"#i#$#ion and di"ea"e.

4#ill mo!e !eflec#ion. O$# he!e in Califo!nia, #oo,

#he!e migh# be onl( #en inche" of !ain "ome (ea!". -e!e

college" of ag!ic$l#$!e had been e"#abli"hed #o $# d!(

fa!ming on a "cien#ific ba"i", and #he( &e!e "$cceeding.

a#e! &a" ob#ained and &a" $# &he!e i# &a" needed.

The !eclaimed land &a" "cien#ificall( fa!med in "$ch a

&a( #ha# i# ke # !eno%a#ing i#"elf and !od$cing #he

ma'im$m of c!o " in e%e!( "ea"on.

+4omeone o$gh# #o do "ome#hing like #hi" fo!

B$!ma,+ B!a(#on Ca"e "aid #o him"elf.

-e #ho$gh# of hi" f!iend" and of #he #en million

fa!me!" of B$!ma &ho needed "cien#ific kno&ledge if

#he( e%e! &e!e #o " !ing #he #!a #ha# ke # #hem f!om

f$lfilling #he dignified $! o"e" fo! &hich 3od had

c!ea#ed #he h$man !ace.

Ac#$all(, #he #ho$gh# had been in hi" mind fo!

"ome #ime. And "o, &hile #aking ca!e of "ome bee" along

an i!!iga#ion di#ch, B!a(#on Ca"e decided #o be #ha#

+"omeone+ &ho &o$ld hel #he B$!man fa!me!" do

&ha# 3od had "aid +Be f!$i#f$l and m$l#i l(, and

fill #he ea!#h and "$bd$e i#6 and ha%e dominion o%e!


7/23/2019 Robert F Cramer Hunger Fighter in Burma: The Story of Brayton Case 30/100

#he fi"h of #he "ea and o%e! #he bi!d" of #he ai! and

o%e! e%e!( li%ing #hing #ha# mo%e" $ on #he ea!#h.+

And 3od "aid, +Behold, I ha%e gi%en (o$ e%e!( lan#

(ielding "eed &hich i" $ on #he face of all #he

ea!#h ... + 3ene"i" 12;)29 R4>

+Fill #he ea!#h and "$bd$e i# ... +

+ominion ... +

+I &ill go #o B$!ma a" a fa!me!)mi""iona!(,+ %o&ed

B!a(#on Ca"e. And, like nea!l( e%e!(#hing el"e he e%e!

%o&ed #o do, he did. 5e# #he!e !emained #&o ma?o!

de#o$!" along hi" !o$#e.

The fi!"# &a" "#ill mo!e ed$ca#ion. $ch a" he di")

liked fo!mal "chooling, he had #o admi# he needed

"ome #heological #!aining if he &e!e #o be a mi""iona!(.

Be"ide", he had lea!ned ho& #o fa!m "cien#ificall(, b$#

he !eall( needed #o lea!n ho& #o #each.

The &a( ahead looked diffic$l#)b$# e!ha " #he

%e!( diffic$l#( &a" en#icing, fo! he liked i!oning o$# #he

diffic$l# #hing" in life.

-e &o$ld no# ha%e been con#en# #o !e#$!n #o B$!ma

?$"# #o "c!a#ch di!# and bo& #o fa#e &i#h #he B$!man".

In Califo!nia he fo$nd #he &a( #o lead eo le #o a

highe! ma#e!ial "#anda!d of li%ing)no# l$'$!(, b$#

f!eedom f!om #he #h!ea# of ea!l( dea#h. I# &a" #he

 o""ibili#( of b!inging #hi" f!eedom #o o#he!" #ha# made

  m f!ee)f!ee #o "e!%e.


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7/23/2019 Robert F Cramer Hunger Fighter in Burma: The Story of Brayton Case 32/100

"econd)olde"# mi""ion boa!d in all Ame!ica. The B$!)

man eo le al!ead( &e!e fa!me!", af#e! all.

B!a(#on held hi" #ong$e a" #he boa!d, &!a ed in

f!ock coa#" and g!ea# dignified #ho$gh#", looked him

o%e! and finall( a !o%ed hi" going, #ho$gh no# !i)

ma!il( fo! ag!ic$l#$!al &o!k.

B( #he #ime he lef# Ame!ica, in 191D, he had &o!ked

o$# an an"&e! #o #ho"e &ho fea!ed #ha# mi""ion mone(

migh# be &a"#ed on ag!ic$l#$!al &o!k.

+ha# did Je"$" mean &hen he "aid, I came #ha#

#he( ma( ha%e life, and ha%e i# ab$ndan#l( + he &o$ld

a"k. +Onl( a mini"#!( #o #he &hole man &ill do if &e

a!e #o follo& Je"$".+ And he &o$ld !eco$n# #he #e!!ible

da(" of famine fo! an( &ho had no# hea!d him #ell i#


Af#e! hi" commi""ioning he had !e a!ed a li##le

" eech and had gi%en i# #&ice))once befo!e #he mee#ing

of #he &hole denomina#ion in e#!oi#, and again &hen

#he Ame!ican Ba #i"# Fo!eign i""ion 4ocie#( "#aff bade

him fa!e&ell a# Bo"#on.

+I "hall a##em # #o be a " eciali"#.

+( fi!"# aim i" #o make im o""ible mo!e famine" in #he

Indian em i!e, of &hich B$!ma i" a a!#. In #he a"# fi%e

(ea!" I ha%e "ea!ched fo! idea" on #hi" !oblem f!om #he

A#lan#ic #o #he <acific and f!om Canada #o <anama.

+( "econd aim i" #o !e%en# #he la!ge)$ni# fac#o!( "("#em


7/23/2019 Robert F Cramer Hunger Fighter in Burma: The Story of Brayton Case 33/100

of #he e"# f!om la(ing i#" bligh#ing hand $ on B$!ma. I

de"i!e #o !e"e!%e #ha# elemen# in #hei! life &hich gi%e"

digni#( #o #he indi%id$al, che!i"he" na#i%e c$l#$!e, demand"

#ime fo! #he " i!i#$al and &ill no# be d!i%en #o di"#!ac#ion.

+( #hi!d aim e!mea#e" and con#!ol" all m( effo!#. I# i"

#o b!ing B$!ma #o ado # #he ideal of manhood a" !e%ealed in

Je"$" Ch!i"# and #o gi%e i#" de%o#ion #o #he 3od &hom he

"e!%ed, "o #ha# lo%e fo! man and 3od and no# me!e "elfi"h

gain "hall be i#" mo#i%e fo! ac#ion. I in%e"# m( life in #hi"

&o!k. I# i" all I ha%e and &hen m( life d!a&" #o i#" clo"e I

#!$"# m( %en#$!e of fai#h &ill no# be in %ain.+


7/23/2019 Robert F Cramer Hunger Fighter in Burma: The Story of Brayton Case 34/100


B%a+#" Ca&e "#ed he i!e #" hi& *ach a& he i e

%i)e% a("ch &ea!ed i"# Ra"g##" ha%b#%. I *a&

4 P.M., M#"da+, Dece!be% 8, 1913.

He *a& back i" B(%!a. The f%ag%a"ce #f f%e&h eak-

*##d f%#! a &a*!i #" he ba"k a&&(%ed hi! #f ha.

He d%a"k i" he &igh #f b#a& a"d I"dia" c## ie& a"d

hi #$& c%#*"ed *ih $ag#da&. The" he ca(gh he

&%#"g &ce" #f

nge pe

he fi&h $a&e (&ed f#% f a)#%i"g

f##d, a"d he c#( d"' *ai # ge a&h#%e.

The a("ch had &ca%ce + d#cked *he" B%a+#"

 ea$ed #(. A #"ce, a (%ba"ed I"dia" &aid # hi!, i"

E"g i&h, M%. Ca&e, d# +#( k"#* !e?

B%a+#" ##ked a hi!, #)e%*he !ed. The &!i i"g

face be #"ged # A$$ e&a!+, c##k i" he Ca&e h#!e

f#% +ea%&, *h# had bee" ba$ied *ih B%a+#" a"d

R(&&e .


7/23/2019 Robert F Cramer Hunger Fighter in Burma: The Story of Brayton Case 35/100

  I ce%ai" + d# &aid B%a+#", g%i""i"g b%#ad + a"d

 ##ki"g a%#("d f#% #he% fa!i ia% face&.

0e *a& Ma Me B*i", he B(%!a" *#!a" *h# had

big-&i&e%ed hi! i" M+i"g+a". ih he% *a& he% h(&-

ba"d, *h# a &# had bee" #"e #f B%a+#"'& eache%&, a"d

hei% &#", "#* fifee" +ea%& # d a"d a &(de" a

Ra"g##" Ba$i& C# ege.

 e k"e* +#('d c#!e back, Ma Me B*i" &aid, a"d

A$$ e&a!+ *hi&$e%ed, The+ ha)e bee" he%e &i"ce

!#%"i"g, a #f he!, # *e c#!e +#( back a& he+ &aid

he+ *#( d.

A hae #f e!ba%%a&&!e", !ade g# de" a he edge&

b+ hi& i"e$%e&&ib e 2#+, e"g( fed B%a+#" Ca&e, a"d he

h(%%ied ($ he ba"k # $%e$a%e hi& fi%& *#%d& #f

g%eei"g i" B(%!e&e.

The 2#(%"e+ *a& "# #)e%. The !i&&i#" b#a%d had

a$$#i"ed hi! # &($e%)i&e he *#%k i" He"ada, a

da+'& 2#(%"e+ ($ he I%%a*add+ Ri)e% f%#! Ra"g##".

D%. a"d M%&. /#h" C(!!i"g&, he %eg( a% !i&&i#"a%ie&

he%e, *e%e g#i"g h#!e f#% f(% #(gh a"d hi& *#( d

!ake a *#"de%f( #$$#%("i+ f#% he b%a&h +#("g

B%a+#" Ca&e # ea%" *ha !ake& a b(& i"g, *e -

%#("ded !i&&i#" &ai#" ick.

Tha *a& he !i&&i#" b#a%d'& idea, "# Ca&e'&. Ag%i-

c( (%a !i&&i#"& had bee" heaed + di&c(&&ed, a"d he

b#a%d had *#" he fi%& %#("d. # #( a"d 2#i" he


7/23/2019 Robert F Cramer Hunger Fighter in Burma: The Story of Brayton Case 36/100

!I77I6" &aff, he+'d &aid, a"d d# he *#%k a&&ig"ed

+#(. If +#( ca" e&ab i&h &#!e ag%ic( (%a *#%k, &#

!(ch he bee%, b( fi%& hi"g& fi%&

E)e" i" hi& e"h(&ia&! # &a% ag%ic( (%a *#%k a&

$a% #f he Ch%i&ia" !i&&i#", B%a+#" had k"#*"

ha #he% hi"g& i"deed !(& c#!e fi%&. He !(& %e-

e&ab i&h hi!&e f a!#"g he B(%!a" $e#$ e. He !(&

be &(%e he had c#%%ec + %e!e!be%ed he a"g(age

h#(gh he had i e d#(b ha hi& dai + %eadi"g #f a

cha$e% f%#! he B(%!e&e Bib e had ke$ hi& !e!#%+

&ha%$5 .

If he had d#(bed hi& abi i+ # %e ae, i" +#("g

ad( h##d, # he $e#$ e i" He"ada, i *#( d ha)e

)a"i&hed i" a" i"&a" #" hi& a%%i)a he%e. Hi& g%eei"g&

i" B(%!e&e *e%e e"h(&ia&ica + %ecei)ed. E)e%+*he%e

he g# a hea%+ *e c#!e.

The #*"&$e#$ e *e%e a #( *achi"g. 7#!e#"e had

&$%ead he *#%d ha he "e* eache% *a& c#!i"g, a"d

he+ f#%!ed a $%#ce&&i#" f#% B%a+#" # head he

!i"(e he g# #ff he b#a a"d & ihe%ed he hi%+ fee

# he #$ #f he !(dd+ %i)e% ba"k.

The $%#ce&&i#" !(& ha)e bee" a &igh. Ta , che&+

B%a+#" Ca&e &*("g a #"g a& h#(gh he %#ad *e%e a

a&e e&& e"%ee # be eae" ($ *ih he fe*e& $#&&ib e

bie& &# a& # ge a he de&&e%. The &!a e% B(%!a"&

ke$ $ace behi"d, &#!eh#*, *i"di"g hei% *a+ a!#"g


7/23/2019 Robert F Cramer Hunger Fighter in Burma: The Story of Brayton Case 37/100

he a $a-d#(k a"d c#c#"( %ee& # he b%#*",

&$%eadi"g b(i di"g& #f he !i&&i#" c#!$#("d.

The%e D%. a"d M%&. C(!!i"g& *aied *ih hei%

chi d%e". 7##" afe% B%a+#" a%%i)ed he $a&#% ca!e.

7i !#%e #*"&$e#$ e a$$ea%ed # ec ai! #)e% he

"e* !i&&i#"a%+'& fa( e&& B(%!e&e g%eei"g&.

E)e"(a + he c%#*d i" he c#!$#("d hi""ed.

E)e"i"g ca!e, a"d B%a+#" *e" a%#("d # he h#!e&

#f &#!e #f he #ca eache%& a"d ch(%ch eade%&.

0e !#%"i"g, he !ade hi& fi%& a$$ea%a"ce bef#%e

he 7("da+ ch(%ch &ch## . The", a he !#%"i"g &e%)ice,

he $( $i *a& (%"ed #)e% # hi! a"d he $%eached

hi& fi%& &e%!#" i" B(%!e&e, (&i"g he e


4:35, ;ee$ +#(% hea% *ih a )igi a"ce.

7#, *ih he # d fa!i ia% B(%!e&e h+!"& a"d $%a+e%&

fi i"g he ai% a%#("d hi!, B%a+#" Ca&e %#("ded #(

hi& fi%& *e"+-f#(% h#(%& back i" he g# de" a"d

*he%e he fi%& A!e%ica" !i&&i#"a%+, Ad#"i%a! /(d&#",

had c#!e a& a fea% e&& $i#"ee% eac + #"e h("d%ed

+ea%& bef#%e.

I had &a%ed ea&i +, b( ife &##" beca!e #(gh f#%

B%a+#" Ca&e. A !i&&i#"a%+, i" h#&e da+&, *a& a )e%+

&$ecia eade% *h#&e *i&d#! *a& &#(gh c#"&a" +.

B%a+#" *a& *i&e, b( "# i" he *a+& #f di$ #!ac+. He

c#( d a$$%eciae he *#%k #f a $a&#%, b( he f#("d

he $%e&&(%e %e e" e&&, a"d &#!e #f he $%#b e!&, f#%


7/23/2019 Robert F Cramer Hunger Fighter in Burma: The Story of Brayton Case 38/100

*hich he%e *e%e "# ea&+ a"&*e%&, *e%e f%(&%ai"g.

6"e da+, #" a #(% #f #( +i"g )i age&, he e"c#("-

e%ed a ca"didae f#% ba$i&! *h# *a& head!a" #f he

)i age a"d he h(&ba"d #f *# *i)e&.

 >%ie"d, *e !(& g# a&ide a"d a k ab#( hi&,

B%a+#" &aid. The head!a" ag%eed, a"d i")ied Ca&e

# hi& h#!e.

 M+ fi%& *ife a &# *a"& # bec#!e a Ch%i&ia", he

head!a" &aid, $#i"i"g # a hi%+-+ea%-# d *#!a"

*ih a bab+ i" he% a%!&.

a"i"g # be a& f%ie"d + a& $#&&ib e, B%a+#" a&ked

ab#( he bab+.

 6h, &he'& "# !i"e, b( he%&< &aid he fi%& *ife

chee%f( +, "#ddi"g #*a%d he +#("ge% *ife, *h# *a&

c##ki"g b%eakfa&. The i e b#+ i&, ##. Tha'&  

da(ghe%. A"d &he $#i"ed #( a $%e+ i e gi% *h#

*a& *achi"g he +#("ge% *ife c##k.

7#!e*ha $e%$ eed, B%a+#" # d he )i age chief

ha #"e #f he %( e& #f a Ch%i&ia" h#(&eh# d f#%bid&

$# +ga!+.

 B( he+ #)e each #he% a& &i&e%&< he !a" e-

c ai!ed. he" #"e !(& g# #" a 2#(%"e+, he #he%

ca""# bea% # &a+ *ih#( he%. If I *#( d &c# d #"e,

he #he% a *a+& $%e)e"& !e. Each ca%e& f#% he chi -

d%e" #f he #he% a& if he+ *e%e he% #*". A"d I #)e

he! b#h he &a!e.


7/23/2019 Robert F Cramer Hunger Fighter in Burma: The Story of Brayton Case 39/100

>a&ci"aed "#*, B%a+#" a&ked he *# *#!e" h#*

he+ *#( d fee if hei% h#!e &h#( d be b%#ke" ($.

 e a%e g##d f%ie"d&, he+ &aid. e "e)e% (a%%e

#% ha)e %#(b e.

Ce%ai" + "#hi"g i" he @"i#" 7e!i"a%+ c(%%ic( (!

had $%e$a%ed B%a+#" f#% hi&. Hi& #*" "a(%e $%e

$a%ed hi! # ("de%&a"d ha dee$ #)e c#( d i"deed

ei& i" &(ch a h#(&eh# d, b( he fe ha if hi&

Ch%i&ia" faih *a& # be $%e&e"ed c ea% +, ba$i&!

a"d ch(%ch !e!be%&hi$ c#( d "# be gi)e". Righ #%

*%#"g, he !(& a""#("ce ha deci&i#".

Afe% e$ ai"i"g he &i(ai#", he # d he!, B+ a

!ea"&, c#"i"(e # c#!e # ch(%ch. B( hi& %e&$#"&e

did "# a #gehe% $ ea&e hi!. He iked hi"g& c ea%-

c(, a"d he %ea ied ha fi"di"g he %igh Ch%i&ia"

a"&*e% i" &(ch a ca&e *a& "# &i!$ e.

>#% f#(% +ea%&, B%a+#" did he be& he c#( d i" he

*#%k #f a ge"e%a !i&&i#"a%+. He g%e* c #&e% # he

$e#$ e. A& he did &#, he fe !#%e a"d !#%e c ea% +

ha he !(& fi"d i!e # gi)e he! he he $ i" ag%ic( -

(%e f#% *hich he had c#!e # B(%!a.

He %ied addi"g &#!e $%acica i"&%(ci#" i" fa%!i"g

# he $%#g%a! #f he &ch## #" he !i&&i#" c#!$#("d.

I did"' *#%k )e%+ *e .

 M+ dea% 7ec%ea%+ Ba d*i", he *%#e # he b#a%d i"

1914, afe% a +ea% #" he fie d. The c#%%e&$#"de"ce I !(&


7/23/2019 Robert F Cramer Hunger Fighter in Burma: The Story of Brayton Case 40/100

ae"d # $i e& ($ #" !+ de&k *hi e I a! #(%i"g he #(-

&ai#"& #% ae!$i"g # &($e%)i&e he &ch## *#%k he%e i"


 Be*ee" 2(!$&, I a! %+i"g # ge i" a c#(%&e i" ga%-

de"i"g. I ha)e be*ee" *e"+ a"d *e"+-fi)e b#+& #(

diggi"g i" he &(" a"d %ai", ba%e ece$ f#% a ga%!e"

a%#("d he *ai&, &*eai"g a"d &!ea%ed *ih !(d 2(& ike

c#!!#" c## ie&.

 The $e#$ e f%#! he c#(%h#(&e ac%#&& he &%ee &a"d

h%ee dee$ # &ee he! a *#%k. B( he c#(%&e i& )# ("a%+,

a"d he+ e"2#+ i.

  I a! a &# %+i"g # ge a c#(%&e i" ga%de"i"g &a%ed a

*# #f #(% #(&ai#" &ch## &. The %#(b e i& # ge a"+hi"g

d#"e *he" I a! "# $%e&e".

A +ea% ae% hi"g& had "# i!$%#)ed f#% he $a%-

i!e ga%de"e%. Agai" he *%#e.

 He"ada, Dece!be% 1. 191

 Dea% 7ec%ea%+ H("i"g#":

  I" ag%ic( (%a *#%k, I ha)e %ied he e$e%i!e" #f

%(""i"g a )egeab e ga%de". The%e *a& ha f a" ac%e #f g%a&&+

g%#("d I *a"ed $ #*ed f#% he ga%de". I *a& # d he #e"

did "# ike $ #*i"g, b( da+ afe% #!#%%#* h%ee $ai%& #f

b( #ck& !igh be had. The g%#("d, *hich *a& 2(& %igh f#%

$ #*i"g, *a& gei"g d%ie% a"d d%ie%. >#% !#"h& bef#%e, i

had bee" ## *e a"d &ick+.

 6" he hi%d da+ he #e" *e%e b%#(gh. I hiched he!

!+&e f # he $ #* *ih chai"&. A he *#%d 'g#' he $ #*


7/23/2019 Robert F Cramer Hunger Fighter in Burma: The Story of Brayton Case 41/100

(%"ed i& "#&e ($ i"# he ai% i"&ead #f i"# he g%#("d-

i *a& fied # be d%a*" b+ h#%&e&, "# b+ +#ked #e".

  I !ade a diffe%e" aach!e" a"d ga)e he *#%d 'g#'

agai". Thi& i!e *he" he $ #* !e &#!e %e&i&a"ce, he

#e" &$%ead #( #" each &ide, a"d, faci"g back a%#("d

#*a%d he $ #*, bega" # ("hich he!&e )e& $%e$a%a#%+

# g#i"g h#!e.

 The d%i)e%& dec a%ed, 'The+ *#"' d# i. The+ a%e #" +

(&ed # $( i"g a ca%. The+ ca"' $( a $ #*: I c#( d "#

d%i)e he ca e #% $( he $ #*. ha *a& # be d#"e?

M(& I gi)e ($ he ga%de" beca(&e I c#( d "# ge a ha f ac%e

$ #*ed?

 A a& i" de&$e%ai#" I had he a"d d(g ($, $iece b+

$iece, *ih !a#ck& a c#!bi"ai#" #f a h#e a"d a $ickae5 .

Th(& he !a" *h# had c#!e #( # each he $e#$ e #f

B(%!a bee% !eh#d& i" ag%ic( (%e '$ #*ed' hi& ga%de"<

Th%ee c## ie& &$e" ab#( h%ee *eek& !#%e diggi"g a he

ha f ac%e.

 A a& I g# i" c#%" a"d bea"&, a"d he+ ca!e ($ i"

fi"e &+ e, &# ha I had he! f#% &a e #"g bef#%e a"+#"e e &e

i" he di&%ic. E)e" h#(gh ha)i"g # $ a" a he e"d #f he

%ai"&, i" f#(% !#"h& I had *# c%#$& #f &%i"g bea"& a"d

#"e "#$ #ff hi& $iece #f a"d *ih#( i%%igai#". The

B(%!a" i& (ie &ai&fied if he ge& #" + #"e c%#$. De&$ie

g#a&, c#*& a"d h(!a" )i&i#%& *h# he $ed he!&e )e& #

ge"e%#(& &a!$ e&, I ha)e %($ee&' *#%h 15 #f )ege-

ab e& f%#! !+ ha f ac%e, be&ide& *ha I ha)e eae" !+&e f.

 Ea% + i" he &ea&#" I &e" # I"dia f#% a *ae%- if f#%


7/23/2019 Robert F Cramer Hunger Fighter in Burma: The Story of Brayton Case 42/100

i%%igai"g !+ ga%de". Afe% &#!e i!e i a%%i)ed. I had h%ee

&e& #f ca%$e"e%& %+ # ge i &e ($. 0#* !+ ga%de"e% ha&

&$e" a *eek %+i"g # each he b( #ck& # $( i. he" I

a! *ih hi! he a"i!a & *i g#. he" I ha)e # ea)e f#%

#he% *#%k, he+ *#"'. A a& he b%#ke #( i" ea%&, a"d

gei"g "# &ai&faci#" i" beai"g he #e", he bega" beai"g

hi& *ife-*hich &a%ed a"#he% i"e%e&i"g &e%ie& #f e)e"&<

 A& he ab#)e e$e%ie"ce& &h#*, if I a! # !ake $%#g%e&&

i" ag%ic( (%a *#%k he" I ca""# be #( #(%i"g i" he

2("g e ha f he i!e, a& i& "ece&&a%+ i" he He"ada fie d.

Th%ee a"d a ha f !#"h& ea% ie%, B%a+#" Ca&e had

ca%%ied hi& $ ea f#% f%eed#! # each ag%ic( (%e di%ec +

# hi& f%ie"d& i" A!e%ica" ch(%che&. Hi& ee% %e!ai"&

a& he c a&&ic a%g(!e" f#% he f#(%h di!e"&i#" i"

!i&&i#"a%+ &e%)ice he #he% h%ee bei"g $%eachi"g,

eachi"g, a"d hea i"g5 :

 Dea% >%ie"d&:

 6(% !i&&i#"& a"d #he%


i" I"dia ha)e de&ig-

"aed ce%ai" &(iab e !e" a!#"g hei% "(!be% # be hei%

i"d(&%ia !i&&i#"a%ie&, a"d I &h#( d ike # be &# de&ig"aed

# ag%ic( (%a *#%k.

 Th%ee-f#(%h& #f he $e#$ e #f B(%!a gai" hei% i)i"g

b+ !ea"& #f ag%ic( (%e. The&e $e#$ e a%e $##%, he !a%gi"

ab#)e he !ai"e"a"ce #f ife bei"g &!a . Be&ide& he &a$ e

g%ai" c%#$, !a"+ ge )e%+ i e # ea.

 A a%ge $a% #f he $e#$ e d# "# #*" he ca e *ih


7/23/2019 Robert F Cramer Hunger Fighter in Burma: The Story of Brayton Case 43/100

*hich he+ c( i)ae he a"d. M#& #f #(% B(%!a" Ch%i&ia"&

f%#! he 2("g e ha)e i e # &$a%e afe% $%#)idi"g f#% he

ba%e "ece&&iie& #f ife. @"de% he&e ec#"#!ic c#"dii#"&, h#*

ca" *e e$ec # ge a &%#"g, &e f-&($$#%i"g, &e f-$%#$a-

gai"g ch(%ch?

 0#* if !i&&i#"a%ie& # B(%!a a%e 2(&ified i" $(i"g i"

hei% i!e # each E"g i&h, ge#g%a$h+, !ahe!aic&, #gic

a"d $&+ch# #g+ # !ake hei% $($i & bee% #ffice c e%k&, I

be ie)e &#!e *h# ha)e %ecei)ed &(iab e %ai"i"g a%e 2(&ified

i" $(i"g a" e(a a!#(" #f i!e i"# eachi"g $($i &

# !ake a g##d i)i"g a& fa""e%& i" hei% #*" )i age&.

  I *#( d ike # gi)e a cha"ce f#% a diffe%e" ki"d #f

ed(cai#" # h#&e *h# ha)e a" a$i(de f#% fa%!i"g. I *a"

# !ake i $#&&ib e f#% he! # ea%" a& g##d a i)i"g a& he

#he%&, a"d h(& gi)e dig"i+ # ab#% b+ gi)i"g i a highe%

!a%ke )a (e.

 I d# "# e$ec # &#$ $%eachi"g #% d#i"g di&i"ci)e +

%e igi#(& *#%k b( I *a" # be a #*ed # *#%k a he

#he% a& bei"g i!$#%a" a &#.

 Afe% ha)i"g &$e" fi)e +ea%& i" he &(d+ #f &cie"ific

ag%ic( (%e a"d %e aed &(b2ec&, a"d *aii"g *# +ea%& i"

B(%!a, I &h#( d ike # ha)e &#!e defi"ie $%#!i&e ha I

*i be gi)e" a" #$$#%("i+ # ae!$ &#!e ag%ic( (%a


6" he fie d, B%a+#" f#("d he !i&&i#"a%ie& # be

!#%e e"c#(%agi"g ha" he !i&&i#" b#a%d a h#!e.

Pe%ha$& hi& d%i)i"g a!bii#" a"d &e%i#(&"e&& #f $(%-


7/23/2019 Robert F Cramer Hunger Fighter in Burma: The Story of Brayton Case 44/100

$#&e c#( d be& be &ee" a ha c #&e %a"ge. The !i&-

&i#"a%ie&, *h# !e #"ce a +ea% # e)a (ae he *#%k a"d

!ake %ec#!!e"dai#"& %ega%di"g "e* *#%k a&&ig"-

!e"&, decided i" hei% 191 c#"fe%e"ce ha B%a+#"

&h#( d ##k !#%e dee$ + i"# he $#&&ibi i+ #f &ei"g

($ a" ag%ic( (%a de!#"&%ai#" a"d %ai"i"g ce"e%.


hi& )acai#" i!e ha +ea%, B%a+#" *e" # I"dia

# &(d+ ag%ic( (%a %ai"i"g ce"e%& bei"g &e ($ b+

Ch%i&ia" !i&&i#"& a"d he c# #"ia g#)e%"!e". 6f

&$ecia i"e%e& # hi! *a& he *#%k e&ab i&hed b+

7a! Higgi"b##!, a P%e&b+e%ia" !i&&i#"a%+, a

A ahabad. Higgi"b##! had e&ab i&hed hi& $i#"ee%

*#%k i" 191, he +ea% Ca&e *a& c#!!i&&i#"ed. A %ead+

i *a& a%aci"g !(ch ae"i#", a"d B%a+#" ea%"ed

a g%ea dea f%#! hi& %i$.

The" he bega" a &(%)e+ #f a he B(%!a !i&&i#"

&ai#"& # &ee *hich #"e !igh be be& &(ied f#% he

 #cai#" #f hi& #*" "e* *#%k. The idea &$# *a&

P+i"!a"a.  t *a& #caed #" a %ib(a%+ #f he

I%%a*add+ *he%e %a"&$#%ai#" *a& g##d, a"d had a"

("(&(a c i!ae. A P+i"!a"a he g%#*i"g c#"dii#"&

%e&e!b ed h#&e #f &e)e%a diffe%e" &eci#"& #f B(%!a.

B%a+#" c#( d %ai" +#("g $e#$ e f%#! a #)e% he

 a"d a hi& $ ace, a"d he+ *#( d be ab e # %e(%"

# hei% #*" a%ea $%e$a%ed # $( hei% "e* k"#* edge

i"# i!!ediae a"d $%#fiab e (&e.  t *a& "ea% he


7/23/2019 Robert F Cramer Hunger Fighter in Burma: The Story of Brayton Case 45/100

ce"e% #f he c#("%+, a"d a"d *a& a)ai ab e f#% he

!i&&i#"'& (&e.

I" B%a+#"'& !i"d, he !ae% *a& decided. I #" +

%e!ai"ed f#% he !i&&i#" b#a%d # a$$%#)e he $ a"&.

B( B%a+#" had a" ("&# )ed $e%&#"a $%#b e!. I"

hi& fi%& +ea% i" B(%!a, he had *%ie" h#!e:

 1 d# "# k"#* h#* !(ch #"ge% 1 ca" &a"d hi& '&# ia%+

c#"fi"e!e": The &a%)ai#" f#% c#!$a"i#"&hi$ i& &#!ei!e&

a !#& ("bea%ab e. The%e i& "# #"e +#("g $e%&#" *ih

*h#! # !ee i" he *h# e #*" #% di&%ic. The *eek a he

B(%!a Ba$i& C#")e"i#" a"d he !i&&i#"a%+ c#"fe%e"ce

*a& h(& a" ("&$eakab e 2#+.

He *a& "# &$eaki"g !e%e + #f he i&# ai#" #f #"e

!i&&i#" &ai#" f%#! a"#he%. He had c#!e # he fie d

a &i"g e !a" *ih a &i"g e $(%$#&e. B( he *a& ea%"i"g

ha he *#( d "eed a g%ea dea #f he $, a"d #"e )e%+

i!$#%a" &e$ i" hi& di%eci#" *#( d be # fi"d a *ife.

M#( !ei" *a& *he%e he f#("d he%.

Mi&& Fe"a Ti !a", b#%" i" A &ace-F#%%ai"e a"d a

e"-+ea% )ee%a" eache% i" A!e%ica" &ch## &, *a&

eachi"g i" he M#( !ei" E"g i&h i% &' 7ch## .

Fe"a had hea%d a B(%!a !i&&i#"a%+ &$eak a he%

ch(%ch *he" &he *a& a +#("g&e%, a"d a *a+& afe% ha

&he had *a"ed # be a !i&&i#"a%+ he%&e f. I ##k he%

&e)e%a +ea%& # %ecei)e he% c#!!i&&i#", b( *he" &he

did &he &(died a +ea% a 0e*#" The# #gica I"&i(-


7/23/2019 Robert F Cramer Hunger Fighter in Burma: The Story of Brayton Case 46/100

i#" i" 0e*#" Ce"%e, *he%e B%a+#" had i)ed<5

a"d *e" %igh #( # B(%!a.

7he *a& he )e%+ &$i%i #f g%aci#(&"e&&, h%#(gh a"d

h%#(gh. he" &he a$$ea%ed bef#%e he b#a%d f#%

c#!!i&&i#"i"g, he% )ig#%#(& $e%&#"a i+, kee" &e"&e #f

h(!#%, a"d 2#+#(&"e&& a$$ea ed # e)e%+b#d+. 7he had

&# !(ch #f he g #* #f +#("g *#!a"h##d ha &#!e

#f he $a%e"& he%e h#(gh &he *a& ## +#("g f#% he

%e&$#"&ibi i+ ha *#( d be he%&.

he" B%a+#" a"d Fe"a a""#("ced hei% e"gage-

!e", hei% fe #* !i&&i#"a%ie& *e%e a!aed. A"d he+

*e%e $ ea&ed. The+ $%ediced ha h#(gh Fe"a !igh

ha)e he% %#(b e&, B%a+#"'& ife *#( d g# !(ch !#%e

&!##h +. The+ *e%e hi"ki"g #f hi& %#(gh-he*" i!-

$e(#&i+ a"d he fac ha he had &# i e i!e f#% he

"iceie& i" ife. The+ *e%e hi"ki"g ab#( he *a+ hi&

g%(ff !a""e% di&(%bed )i&ii"g #fficia & *ih *h#! he

%ea + &h#( d ha)e &$e" !#%e i!e. The+ &a* Fe"a,

i" hei% i!agi"ai#", he $i"g # ba a"ce #( he hecic

 ife #f a"+ &ai#" *he%e B%a+#" Ca&e !igh be


A hi& *a&"' #& #" B%a+#". I" ae 191= he !ade

fi"a a%%a"ge!e"& # (%" he He"ada *#%k #

he C(!!i"g&e&. The" he h(%%ied # M#( !ei" #

!a%%+ Fe"a Ti !a" #" /a"(a%+ 1, 191.

He did"' *a&e a"+ i!e de&c%ibi"g he ce%e!#"+


7/23/2019 Robert F Cramer Hunger Fighter in Burma: The Story of Brayton Case 47/100

*he" he *%#e # f%ie"d& a h#!e. He 2(& &aid, Thi&

*a& he be& $iece #f *#%k I e)e% did< The f((%e *a&

# c#"fi%! hi& 2(dg!e".


7/23/2019 Robert F Cramer Hunger Fighter in Burma: The Story of Brayton Case 48/100


Bra&!on mo#ed hi bride immedia!el& !o P&inmana

and pl"nged in!o hi farming $i!h i% fee! and an inch

of p"re e%"berance.

On hi earlie ! co"!ing !rip !o !he area, Bra&!on had

 po!!ed a field j" ! be&ond !he chool b"ilding !ha! he

co"ld " e for hi fir ! e%perimen! .

A #e!eran !"rner of !he B"rman oil b& no$-he !ill

bl" hed !o !hink of hi fir ! "nhapp& a!!emp! a!

Hen'ada-he had !he $hole fo"r and a half acre

plo$ed "p $i!ho"! dela&.

The neighbor , !ar!led b& !he i'e and force of !hi

gian! foreigner, ga!hered a! a re pec!f"l di !ance !o

$a!ch. Ob er#ing him eemed $ell $or!h !heir !ime,

 ince he ob#io" l& $ielded grea! po$er . Wa n ! hi " e

of !heir lang"age, for in !ance, !he be ! of an&bod& ?

He m" ! be a man of grea! learning.


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On econd !ho"gh!, !he& decided he m" ! be j" ! a

li!!le !"pid. +ook a! him forcing hi animal !o p"ll

a plo$ e! !oo deep. Wh& $o"ld he $an! !o !"rn o

m"ch ear!h?

Bra&!on enjo&ed hi neighbor ga$king pec"la!ion .

He $a plo$ing deeper !han !he& for a p"rpo e. And

he $o"ld plan! deeper. He $o"ld lea#e more pace

be!$een hi plan! , and he $o"ld " e o m"ch fer!ili'er

!ha! hi har#e ! co"ldn ! fail !o impre !he B"rman .

o! !oo m"ch fer!ili'er, mind &o", b"!


He plan!ed hi field !o "gar cane, an impor!an!

prod"c! of cen!ral B"rma. And "re eno"gh, i! $a n !

long before !he re "l! ho$ed. He compared hi neigh-

bor field $i!h hi o$n.

)& cane i abo"! !$ice a high and !$ice a !hick a

!heir , and !he e! ha#e !ooled o"! !o a man& a !en

cane , $hile !heir ha#e onl& !$o or !hree()

The har#e !, $hen i! came, $a bo"n!if"l. All !he

people a ked "e !ion abo"! i!, b"! he co"ld ee !ha!

!he& fel! he d done ome!hing !he& co"ld ne#er do. *!

$a ob#io" !ha! !he B"rman farmer $a no! going !o

be ea & !o $in o#er !o cien!ific agric"l!"re. Pa!ience,

lo#e, de!ermina!ion $o"ld be needed. And ma&be-

$h&, &e , no do"b!(-a bi! of dedica!ed ho$man hip.

Bra&!on $a "re he co"ld drama!i'e hi "bjec! if an&-

one co"ld. The fir ! field $o"ld be onl& a "ie! !ar!.


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The neighbor reall& looked "rpri ed $hen Bra&!on

p"! "p !$o b"ilding in a corner of !ha! fir ! field.

)The& re ho" e ,) he !old !ho e $ho co"ldn ! re i !

a king.

One $a for a B"rman farmer. Tha! $a "nder !and-

able !o e#er&one, for in B"rma in !ho e da& a man

had !o look af!er hi crop $i!h grea! care if he $a !o

a#oid being "nin!en!ionall& genero" $i!h hi prod"ce.

People came and helped !hem el#e if farm $ere no!


The o!her b"ilding ca" ed a fl"rr&. *! $a j" ! a

 hack. *! re iden! !"rned o"! !o be

 o s-bi ,


Berk hire , fi#e of !hem, !ha! Bra&!on had managed !o


)The& re !he mo ! re pec!able-looking hog !o be een

aro"nd !hi par! of !he co"n!r&() he boa !ed. And !he&

$ere. The& had !o be een !o be belie#ed. People came

from mile aro"nd !o !are0 b"! again !he& fel! !here

m" ! be ome pecial magic in being a foreigner.

Orien!al pig $ere p"n&. Al$a& had been. Al$a&

$o"ld be.

o, !ho"gh! Bra&!on 1a e. We ll in!rod"ce a li!!le

lo#e affair be!$een ome of m& hog and ome of &o"r ,

and $e ll ee(

The demon !ra!ion farm oon had a po"l!r& depar!-

men!. +ena 1a e $a appoin!ed manager. 2or &ear !o


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come, he $o"ld be o deepl& in#ol#ed in !hi projec!

!ha! Bra&!on $o"ld !ea e her abo"! i!. )1an ! keep m&

corre pondence ca"gh! "p, b"! m& $ife-$ell, he a

real ecre!ar&. 6ecre!ar& !o !he hen ()

The& !ar!ed $i!h $hi!e leghorn !ock, and before

long $hi!e leghorn $ere !o be fo"nd all o#er B"rma.

Perfec!l& adap!ed !o !he co"n!r& and i! clima!e, !he

$hi!e leghorn $a in demand a a o"rce of n"!ri!io"

mea! and a a near-perfec! prod"cer of egg , $hich

al$a& had been carce.

r . 1a e had ano!her impor!an! d"!&, beginning

2ebr"ar& 4, 33/. Tha! da& !heir onl& child, !o be

chri !ened 1larke Tillman, $a born in !he P&inmana

mi ion compo"nd.

+ike hi fa!her and hi 7ncle 5" ell, 1larke pen!

hi fir ! !$el#e &ear going !o !he li!!le mi ion chool

and pla&ing $i!h !he B"rman children.

Hi paren! lo#ed him dearl&, b"!, e#en a an onl&

child, he $a hardl& poiled. Bra&!on pen! mo ! of hi

pare ho"r !ending !o econdar& ma!!er !ha! had been

p" hed a ide d"ring !he ine#i!able dail& cri e . 1larke

mo!her !"!ored him, a mi ionar& paren! m" ! if !heir

children are !o be "cce f"l la!er on in American

 chool . 6he pen! m"ch !ime in !illing in him !he

f"ndamen!al of !he 1hri !ian fai!h. A a re "l!, he $a

able, in addi!ion !o becoming one of cen!ral e$ 8ork


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 !a!e o"! !anding "rgeon , !o become an effec!i#e

1hri !ian la&man and a forcef"l member of !he mi ion

board !ha! had "ppor!ed hi paren! and hi

grand paren! .

The demon !ra!ion farm $a a going concern, b"!

Bra&!on $an!ed !o do more !han !o en!er!ain an

a"dience. 2arming co"ldn ! be a pec!a!or por!. Tha!

$a $ha! ailed farming in B"rma. People didn ! like

!o ge! dir!&. 2arming $a , !o !hem, "ngen!lemanl&. *f

&o" co"ld learn !o do an&!hing el e a! all, !hen &o"

migh! ha#e a chance !o mo#e off !he bo!!om r"ng of

!he ocial ladder.

Tha! idea $o"ld ha#e !o be changed, Bra&!on re-

ali'ed. He $o"ld ha#e !o !ar! a chool, a!!rac!

proml6lng &o"ng men !o i!, and ho$ !hem b& di -

ciplined !"d& !ha! farming co"ld be profi!able and

re pec!able b" ine .

Bra&!on $a a$are !ha! a chool of an& kind co"ld

ea il& a!!rac! in!elligen! B"rman !"den! . 6am Higgin-

bo!!om $a learning a! Allahabad, in *ndia, !ha! !"-

den! $o"ld come and be grad"a!ed $i!h honor , e%-

pec!ing !o ge! job in go#ernmen! a a re "l!. The& $ere

$illing !o learn abo"! agric"l!"re a long a !he& didn !

ha#e !o prac!ice i! !hem el#e .

He $o"ld !ri#e !o a#oid !hi from !he #er& fir !, he

decided. Tho e bo& he d labored $i!h do$n in


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Hen'ada had been $illing eno"gh !o $ork a long a

he $a o"! !here $i!h !hem. The& had been able !o ee

!ha! i! didn ! h"r! !he big, "re-of-him el; foreigner !o

ge! hi hand dir!& a par! of hi $ork. He d ho$ !he

 ame !hing !o bo& from all o#er B"rma.

o$, $here co"ld he ge! ome b"ilding ? A c"r-

ric"l"m? 6!"den! ?

The land and !he fir ! b"ilding prac!icall& fell in!o

hi hand , or o he aid. Ac!"all&, i! !ook !he kind of

ner#e !ha! fe$ men po e ed !o ei'e an oppor!"ni!&

!ha! mo ! people $o"ld no! ha#e een.

. e%! door !o !he farm !here $a a #illage chool r"n

b& a B"ddhi !. The b"ilding $a in bad hape. And

Bra&!on co"ld ee !ha! no!hing m"ch $a happening

!here-beca" e, he aid, !he man lacked bo!h ed"ca!ion

and energ&. B"! in!elligence !he !eacher e#iden!l& had,

for $hen Bra&!on approached him, offering !o !ake !he

proper!& off hi hand , !he man agreed !o ign o#er !he


Bra&!on bo"gh! !he chool e"ipmen! and an ad-

jacen! plo! of gro"nd. On !he gro"nd he b"il! a mall

bamboo h"!, $hich he filled $i!h benche from !he

old chool b"ilding.

Then he en! o"! a call for !"den! . While he $ai!ed

for a re pon e, he !ran ferred 6a&a &a B", a !eacher

from !he mi ion high chool, !o !he ne$ agric"l!"ral


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 chool, and !he& $orked o"! a beginning c"rric"l"m.

B& "l& <=, 33/, fo"r bo& had ho$n "p, and

Bra&!on 1a e opened hi fir ! e%perimen!al chool. He

did i! $i!ho"! fanfare and $i!ho"! m"ch no!ice !o !he

board in America, beca" e he $a n ! "re, him elf, ho$

$ell i! $o"ld proceed. *f !hing $orked o"! $ell a! all,

he d re"e ! permi ion !o e! "p formall& a f"ll-fledged

mi ion agric"l!"ral chool.

He $a $i e !o demon !ra!e re "l! !o !he board

before re"e !ing a polic& deci ion. The board $a

rel"c!an! !o begin "ch a chool. The& kne$ Bra&!on

1a e $a en!h" ia !ic, able, and !o!all& dedica!ed !o !he

mi ion aim of b"ilding "p !he life of !he people of

B"rma. B"! !he& had no ba i for j"dging !he $or!h of

hi no#el propo al . He $o"ld con !an!l& ha#e !o pro#e

!heir $or!h him elf.

The Bri!i h >o#ernmen! $a becoming in!ere !ed in

Bra&!on 1a e, !ho"gh, and !he& enco"raged him !o

e%perimen!. 2or a long !ime, !he colonial a"!hori!ie

had fel! !ha! B"rma f"!"re depended on her abili!&

!o increa e agric"l!"ral prod"c!ion. A na!ion can ! mo#e

ahead "n!il large n"mber of her people are freed from

ineffec!i#e $a& of rai ing food. *n B"rma each man $a

pending mo ! of hi !ime gro$ing j" ! eno"gh for hi

o$n famil&.

The go#ernmen! had !rained ome men in cien!ific


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agric"l!"re, b"! e%perience ho$ed !ha! !heir learning

$a n ! ge!!ing do$n !o !he #illage people. The go#ern-

men! picked "p !"den! af!er !he& had fini hed !heir

high chool ed"ca!ion. A grad"a!e of a college-le#el

agric"l!"ral program, !he& $ere highl& o"gh! a

!eacher and admini !ra!or , and no! a farmer .

Bra&!on 1a e, kno$ing !he people $ell, !ho"gh! !he

 ol"!ion la& in !aking !he on of farmer $ho had

onl& a!!ended grade chool and !eaching !hem !he prin-

ciple of farming. o! onl& $ere !he& more likel& !o

re!"rn !o !he farm from $hich !he& had come, b"!

!heir accompli hmen! $o"ld carr& more $eigh! $i!h

fello$-#illager !han !ho e of highl& ed"ca!ed o"! ider .

Before long, Bra&!on had i%!& p"pil enrolled in

hi !ill-"nofficial chool.

)o ! are #er& &o"ng,) he $ro!e !o !he board, )b"! $e

ha#e !ar!ed making a garden in !he li!!le plo! of land.


ha#e plan!ed #ege!able and e! o"! banana and g"a#a !ree .

The children $ill gro$, a $ell a !he !ree , and $e e%pec!

!he agric"l!"ral chool !o gro$ $i!h !hem.)

*f !he board $a impre ed, i! didn ! ho$ i!. B"!

Bra&!on $a beginning !o demon !ra!e !ha! a chool a!

!he econdar& le#el $o"ld be apprecia!ed b& !he B"r-

man people, and !ha! $a $ha! !he Bri!i h colonial

a"!hori!ie $an!ed !o ee.

He con "l!ed !he go#ernmen! agric"l!"re depar!-


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men! la!er !ha! &ear, $hen he co"ld repor! an e#er-

gro$ing program a! P&inmana, and ec !a!icall& hared

!heir re pon e $i!h !he mi ion board.

)The& ha#e laid plan for an agric"l!"ral college a!

andala&, $i!h a n"mber of e%perimen! !a!ion loca!ed o#er

!he pro#ince,) he rela!ed. )One of !he e $ill be a!


)The go#ernmen! $ill earch for impro#emen! in !he

adap!a!ion of crop and machiner& !o !he need of B"rma.

The re "l! $ill !hen be demon !ra!ed in prac!ice on o"r

mi ion demon !ra!ion farm .... The go#ernmen! recogni'e

!ha! $e are e%per! a! reaching !he common people, and i

$illing !o coopera!e $i!h " .)

Thi finall& bro"gh! re "l! from !he mi ion board.

B& )$illing !o coopera!e,) Bra&!on mean! !ha! go#ern-

men! $o"ld hare f"nd !o help make hi $ork a

 "cce . *f !he& $ere !ha! m"ch in!ere !ed, !he board

rea oned, !hen !here m" ! be #alidi!& !o Bra&!on 1a e

plan . 6o in 33 !he $ord came !o him !ha! he co"ld

 !ar! a real chool a! P&inmana.

*mpa!ience !o begin $a !empered b& Bra&!on le#el-

headed kno$ledge !ha! !he chool m" ! be caref"ll&

fo"nded !o be a "cce . He pen! !he &ear 33 !o

3<@ e!!ing "p a formal c"rric"l"m, !alking $i!h

go#ernmen! agric"l!"ral e%per! , and o"nding o"! !he

opinion of 1hri !ian leader all o#er !he land.


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>o#ernmen! f"nd $o"ld largel& "ppor! !he chool.

)The& belie#e m& cheme $ill $ork,) he aid.

1hri !ian leader agreed !ha! !he propo ed chool

$a in line $i!h !he mo ! pre ing need of !he co"n!r&.

)And non-1hri !ian leader of B"rma, !o $hom *

ha#e poken, ha#e $i!h one accord !a!ed !hi i !he

kind of ed"ca!ion needed mo ! for !he co"n!r&, and

!ha! i! ho"ld a!!rac! !"den! ,) Bra&!on !old friend in

America $hen he $en! home for a f"rlo"gh in 3<9-<3.

Of one more !hing he $a cer!ain. The people $ere

pre ing for ed"ca!ion along o!her !han li!erar& line ,

)and American "gge !ion on !he impro#emen! of

economic life are e peciall& $elcomed b& !hem.)

*n 3<@, !he P&inmana Agric"l!"ral 6chool $a finall&

opened. o'en of hopef"l !"den! immedia!el& made

!heir applica!ion , o $i!h !he #er& fir ! cla man& had

!o be !"rned a$a& for lack of room. Thi $o"ld be-

come a pa!!ern, "nfor!"na!e for !he di appoin!ed

&o"ng !er $ho had come do$n-co"n!r& $i!h hear! f"ll

of hope b"! for!"na!e for !he progre of !he chool and

for !he economic life of B"rma.

The bo& came from e#er&$here. Word of Bra&!on

1a e mar#elo" e%perimen! $i!h machiner& and

me!hod had !ra#eled far ince 33@. Bra&!on him elf

$a no! !he kind $ho $o"ld fail !o men!ion hi "c-

ce e and hi dream $hen he !o"red !he #illage (


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*! $a impor!an! !o Bra&!on !ha! !he !"den! come

from all o#er B"rma. *! $o"ld make !eaching diffic"l!,

for B"rma i made "p of man& racial gro"p $i!h

 epara!e lang"age and !radi!ion . B"! if he "cceeded,

no one co"ld a& !ha! hi me!hod $ere effec!i#e onl&

for !he foreigner or $i!h onl& one or ano!her of !he

c"l!"ral "bgro"p of !he land.

Al o, he had loca!ed hi chool in P&inmana no! onl&

beca" e of i! acce ibili!&, b"! beca" e i! la& $here

 e#eral differen! kind of land and clima!e came !o-

ge!her. Wi!ho"! going far in an& direc!ion, he co"ld

e%perimen! "nder #aried condi!ion . He $an!ed hi

grad"a!e !o be able !o go an&$here in B"rma and

make a "cce of agric"l!"re. He mean! !o crea!e an

impac! on !he economic condi!ion of !he $hole na!ion.

Thi ne#er-ending concern !o ha#e hi chool reflec!

!he ac!"al condi!ion in B"rma #illage $a re pon-

 ible for one of Bra&!on 1a e mo ! "b !an!ial con-

!rib"!ion !o mi ionar& agric"l!"re.

He kne$ !ha! hi bo& $ere no! )profe ional !"-

den! .) #en o, he oon fo"nd !ha! he $o"ld ha#e !o

modif& hi c"rric"l"m.

He had al$a& in!ended !o "pplemen! cla $ork

$i!h a lo! of prac!ical $ork in !he field . A! fir ! he

began b& ha#ing !he !"den! !"d& in !he cla room

all one da& and le!!ing !hem $ork o"! ide !he ne%!.


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B"! he fo"nd !hem re !le d"ring !he long cla period

and changed !o a plan of ha#ing !hem $ork o"! ide

each morning and a!!end cla e in !he af!ernoon .

Bra&!on 1a e made !rip !o o!her ed"ca!ional cen!er

in *ndia, B"rma and !he 7ni!ed 6!a!e !o ee ho$ !he&

did !hing , b"! al$a& looking a! !hem from hi o$n

pec"liar #ie$poin!-no! !o ee ho$ o!her agric"l!"ral

cen!er made cien!i ! of !heir !"den! , b"! !o ee ho$

!he& adap!ed !heir cience !o !he bo& .

The go#ernmen! recogni'ed !he #alidi!& of hi

approach. The& had been doing re earch on "ch !hing

a eed , di ea e and fer!ili'er before Bra&!on 1a e

e#er $en! !o B"rma. B"! !he& had no! been able !o ge!

farmer !o " e !he re "l! of !heir re earch. 1a e, $i!h

hi "ni"e approach !o !he people, go! !he me age

 !raigh! !o )!he farmer in !he dir!,) $here i! co"n!ed.

*! happened !ha! $i!h hi "nder !anding of !he B"r-

man people, 1a e co"ld p"! hi finger on one of !he

major problem in !eaching agric"l!"re.

)6ome mi ionarie !old me !he& ne#er a$ B"rman

bo& $ork o hard before a ome of o"r bo& did

d"ring !he #aca!ion. *n a land $here !he objec! of

ge!!ing an ed"ca!ion i !o ge! o"! of $ork, i! need a

good deal of promo!ing !o make pop"lar an ed"ca!ion

!ha! aim !o !each people !o $ork harder and be!!er,)

he aid.


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And he kne$ ho$ !o promo!e i!. 6ho$ a man $ha! he

can ge! from hard $ork !ha! he can ! po ibl& ge! o!her-

$i e, and demon !ra!e !ha! an&bod& can do i!, and

&o" #e made &o"r poin!. 6ho$ him !ha! e#en !he

)$eal!h&,) highl& ed"ca!ed American mi ionar& i no!

a hamed !o $ork hard in !he oil and !he poin! i


A a farmer-preacher, 1a e $a iden!if&ing him elf

$i!h a grea! n"mber of men in B"rma for $hom he

had bo!h admira!ion and pi!&. The e $ere !he &o"ng

B"rman men $ho e e%perience $i!h 1hri !iani!& had

led !hem !o !heological chool. Af!er grad"a!ion, $hen

!he& looked aro"nd for a place !o e!!le $i!h a ch"rch

!o lead, !he &o"ng men $o"ld find !hem el#e ca"gh!

in !he ame !rap $i!h B"rma million of farmer .

While man& #illage ch"rche longed for a f"ll-!ime

leader, !he& co"ld no! afford one.

The e $ere !he people of $hom Bra&!on 1a e once


)* fel! called !o er#e !he farmer $ho $ork a fi#e

acre farm, li#e in a fi#e dollar ho" e on fi#e cen! a da&,

and i !r&ing !o fa!!en hi children on one cen! a meal.

*f &o" li#ed like !ha! and a mi ionar& came !o preach

!o &o" !ha! a good >od crea!ed !he ear!h and lo#ed

and cared for &o", $ha! $o"ld &o" an $er?)

Ac!"all&, !he people did belie#e !ha! >od i good.


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The& became 1hri !ian and formed ch"rche and aid

!o !he &o"ng preacher j" ! o"! of choolC

)Here i all !he rice $e can ge! for &o". We kno$ i!

i n ! eno"gh, b"! $on ! &o" !ake !hi and come? We

$an! &o" o.)

And !he preacher $o"ld repl&, )* $ill come. * $ill

!ake $ha! &o" can gi#e, and o !ha! * can "ppor! m&

famil& * $ill make i! "p b& being a farmer a $ell a a


The &o"ng preacher !h" became a la#e !o !he oil,

j" ! like !he re !. The difference $a !ha! $hen nigh!

came and !he o!her co"ld re !, he had !o !"d& for hi

6"nda& ermon or go o"! among hi people.

)Wha! kind of leader hip can &o" e%pec! "nder !he e

condi!ion ?) a ked Bra&!on 1a e. )8o" ee, fi#e cen! a

da& no! onl& !ar#e !he bod& b"! i! al o !ar#e !he

 o"l. *! !ar#e !he preacher and !he !eacher and !he

 chool and !he ch"rch.

)Tha! i $h& * am a farmer-mi ionar&-no! for !he

 ake of co$ , or !he pig , or !he hen , b"! for !he ake

of !he o"l of men.

)*n pi!e of !he e handicap ome of !he noble ! and

mo ! de#o!ed preacher * kno$ on ear!h are !he e

farmer-preacher , and * admire !hem. * am no! !oo good

!o farm and preach, $hen !he e friend of mine are

farmer-preacher , !oo.)


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The c"rric"l"m of !he chool 1a e e%plained !o !he

board in America !hi $a&C

)*n !he fir ! &ear, !he !"den! main "bjec! i gardening,

and !he& learn !he " e of hand implemen! . *n man"al

!raining !he& learn bamboo and cane $ork.

)The econd &ear !he main "bjec! i farm crop , and !he

 !"den! learn !he " e of o%-dra$n implemen! . ach gro$

one acre of crop a hi projec!, and carpen!r& i !a"gh! in

man"al !raining.

)Animal h" bandr& i !he main "bjec! of !he !hird &ear,

and for hi projec! each !"den! rear a gro"p of animal 0

carpen!r& and iron repair $ork are !a"gh! in man"al


)The fo"r!h &ear !he !"den! doe pecial $ork in one

of !he !hree depar!men! of agric"l!"re he ha pre#io" l&

 !"died, and in addi!ion !ake "p farm managemen! and

 imple farm engineering.)

When !he fir ! cla $a grad"a!ed in 3<=, eigh!een

had fini hed !he f"ll fo"r-&ear co"r e. One more had

fini hed a pecial !$o-&ear co"r e in agric"l!"re.

1a e $a plea ed $i!h !hem. The& had been !he one

!o "r#i#e !he fir ! hock of di co#ering !ha! !he chool

$a a place !o $ork harder !han !he& had e#er $orked

before. The& had been !he one $ho had gone o"! on

field !rip and $ho, d"ring #aca!ion , had been !he

 chool be ! recr"i!er of ne$ !"den! .


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)The& are going o"! $i!h en!h" ia m,) 1a e happil&

repor!ed, )confiden! !ha! !he& can $in "cce o"! of

!he oil, and an%io" !o help !heir o$n people back

in !he j"ngle.)

A! la !, more !han !hir!een &ear af!er arri#ing in

B"rma, he $a eeing $ha! he had dedica!ed hi life !o

make po ible.


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Some of his fello" missionaries tho ght Bra$ton

Case had a one&track mind, b t he didn t. In those

da$s, "hen a missionar$ "as a jack&of&all&trades, Bra$ton

"as in his element. He co ld do an$thing, almost; and

f rthermore, he co ld do a do%en things at once.

While the school "as getting started, he kept the

demonstration farm going f ll tilt. His e#perimental

"ork "as e!er$ bit as demanding as masterminding a

pioneer c rric l m.

He also spent man$ "eeks each $ear to ring the

!illages, preaching and holding comm nit$ de!elop&

ment and ste"ardship instit tes. He trained and

directed e#tension "orkers. B$ the time the school

"as ten $ears old, he and Mrs. Case "ere heading p

marketing cooperati!es that f rther accelerated the

de!elopment of B rma s econom$.


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In ()( he bro ght back from his f rlo gh in the

1nited States a cane cr sher and engine. He had estab&

lished the fact that m ch better s gar cane co ld be

gro"n in B rma. /o" he "as concerned to see the most

profitable se made of it. hen he set p his rig, it

e#tracted so m ch j ice from his cane, and did it so

m ch faster, that B rman cane gro"ers immediatel$

ordered se!eral o tfits like it for their o"n se.

He tho ght other crops co ld be impro!ed, and he

started "ith corn. Selection of the seed "as important,

and for this he so ght the help of the scientists in the

go!ernment s agric lt re department. He "anted the

B rman farmers to kno" the specialists "ere there to

be sed and that heeding their ad!ice made sense.

Before planting his corn, Bra$ton tho ght abo t his

labor costs. Might not corn be c lti!ated in ro"s, as in

merica, so that o#en co ld dra" c lti!ators thro gh

it- 0he B rman method "as to broadcast corn kernels

b$ hand. 0hen, "ith corn gro"ing in irreg lar patterns,

men had to hoe o t the "eeds and keep the soil broken

 p entirel$ b$ hand. So Bra$ton drilled in the seed in

ro"s and "as able to mo!e s$stematicall$ p and do"n

the ro"s "ith his o#en, "hich the B rmans tho ght "as

great' nd "hen the$ sa" the har!est, "hich "as b$

far the best in the "hole area, the$ resol!ed to follo"

the ne" method themsel!es.


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0he s ccessf l drilling of seed corn opened the "a$

for B rman farmers to get a"a$ from the a"f l, back&

breaking "ork of rice planting. 4eople had been

spending fantastic amo nts of time bending o!er their

padd$ fields, inserting rice transplants indi!id all$ into

m ck$ soil.

Bra$ton bo ght p rebred rice seed and drilled it in

&the first time s ch a method had been sed in

B rma. /ot onl$ "as the crop !er$ high in its $ield,

b t it mat red earlier than s al.

0he rice har!est on Bra$ton Case s e#perimental farm

"as a "onder to behold. He had a mo"er, ordinaril$

 sed for c tting ha$ for li!estock. With a reaper attach&

ment, he not onl$ sa!ed most of the time ordinaril$

"asted in har!esting, b t he managed to sa!e more of

the precio s grain. He estimated that he gained a )3

per cent increase in the !al e of his crop thro gh this

har!esting s$stem, and another )3 per cent in planting.

Best of all, he had not made an$ changes in the land.

Some e#perts had tho ght merican methods co ldn t

be sed on the ordinar$ padd$ fields, b t Case sho"ed

that the$ co ld. He finished the e#periment b$ thresh&

ing the grains from the stalks "ith a threshing machine,

c tting his labor cost and adding to his profit.

0he se of the mo"er meant s ch a sa!ing of time

that he tried planting other crops in the still&moist


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earth. His neighbors rice took t"o months to har!est

"ith hand sickles, and b$ this time the gro nd had

dried p. B t Bra$ton "as able to harro" and re&plant,

this time to field peas and sorgh m.

0he idea of getting t"o major crops in a single

season had an ob!io s appeal to an$bod$ "ho co ld

act all$ see it happen. 0o an$one else, it "as simpl$


So Bra$ton Case "ent into the a dio&!is al b siness.

He de!eloped lantern slides sho"ing his methods and

their res lts. B t it soon da"ned on him that the best

a dio&!is al aids "o ld be his chickens, pigs, and rice.

0he lantern slides s bse6 entl$ "ent o t to !illages

"ith his st dents, "hile he took to !isiting ch rch

association meetings to 5preach5 in a most ni6 e "a$.

S ch meetings al"a$s "ere large. 0he$ "ere held in a

har!ested field o!er "hich rice stra" had been scattered.

Bamboo poles "ere st ck in the gro nd and stra"&

co!ered roofs raised to pro!ide shelter.

Bra$ton Case "o ld march into this meeting place

"ith a pig nder one arm and a barred rock hen nder

the other. 0he pig "o ld alread$ ha!e ad!ertised the

meeting b$ s6 ealing all along the !illage street.

0he people "o ld gather&one tho sand, t"o tho &

sand, sometimes three tho sand or more&for the big&

gest e!ent of the $ear.


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0he$ "o ld sing, officials "o ld read letters and

doc ments, and then Bra$ton Case "o ld be

introd ced.

59riends, the pig is m$ te#t,5 he d sa$. 0hen he

"o ld e#po nd the !irt es of good parental infl ence,

as in the case of the pig. 5What a great father he had'5

Bra$ton "o ld sa$, relishing the almost& nbelie!ing

stares of the people as he told abo t the father s im&

pressi!e "eight. 5nd "hat a splendid mother5&

and, of co rse, he "o ld gi!e her "eight. He "o ld tell

ho" the pig needed to be fed and cared for in order to

gro" p to be 5a real respectable Christian pig.5

He had de!eloped charts for the ne#t part of the

stor$. 0he sermon on the pig had ten points, all nicel$

ill strated in "a$s the people co ld nderstand and

remember. nd the title "as a s re&fire best&selling


A Good Pig Is a Friend of Burma.

0he pig, ho"e!er, "as onl$ the first major point.

:nce he "as certain the people "ere properl$

impressed, Bra$ton "o ld start all o!er again, this time

"ith the hen. With a ne" chart boldl$ lettered,


to Make Hens Lay Golden Eggs

Bra$ton "o ld hold

 p his chicken.

5What a fine fig re she has' nd she la$s an egg

almost e!er$ da$'5 70his "as a feat nheard of in

B rma.8


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0hen he "o ld sho" some heads of rice and another


 en Commandments for Ri!e Growers.

nd at

the end, the anno ncement "as made that each of these

sermons "ithin a sermon "as for sale, at a penn$ each.

Still the sermon "o ld go on. 0he people, e#cited

and almost aching for more, "o ld be disappointed

"ith j st an ho r s sermoni%ing.

So Bra$ton "o ld anno nce a plo"ing contest&right

here, right no", part of the sermon, an e#perience to

remember and treas re. He "o ld pick p the plo"

he had de!eloped for the B rman soil, one "ith a

moldboard, and point o t the differences bet"een his

ne" plo" and the !illagers "ooden ones.

0he people "o ld h rr$ to hitch p some o#en.

0"o members of the cro"d "o ld start plo"ing f r&

ro"s right aro nd the meeting shelter, "hile the entire

congregation formed a procession behind them. Before

long, there "o ld be a nice set of f rro"s from each

plo" for the people to compare.

5See ho" it t rns the gro nd all the "a$ o!er&t"ice

as "ell, and t"ice as fast, as o rs' Ho" m ch does the

ne" plo" cost-5

Bra$ton had an ans"er read$. 5:nl$ a dollar.5

5 dollar' 0hat s no more than "e pa$ for o r

old plo"s. Where can "e b $ ne" ones like $o rs-5

4repared for this, too, Bra$ton "o ld pick p a bo#


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f ll of plo" points, and sell them right in the meeting.

=#citement "o ld become a fire, lighting p the

"hole !illage. =!en the non&Christians&e!er$one for

miles aro nd&b$ no" "o ld be pressing in, hoping

to share in the "ondro s blessings bro ght b$ this

friendl$ giant.

50he pig&ho" m ch for the pig-5 0o the people s

delight, Bra$ton "o ld sell not onl$ his sermon s first

point, b t other pigs that he had bro ght and left at

the edge of the !illage to be a pleasant s rprise. Hens,

too, "o ld go on sale, "ith bo#es of eggs.

/o do bt some offering mone$ "ent into these trans&

actions. Bra$ton belie!ed that it "o ld take an in!est&

ment to raise the standard of li!ing, and that mone$

in!ested "isel$ in this "a$ "o ld be a special kind of

offering to >od. /ot e!er$one agreed "hen Bra$ton

"ent this far; b t he "as a compelling leader, and no

one co ld do bt that he "as leading the people in the

right direction and that the$ "anted to go.

Women "o ld tie a fe" eggs in handkerchiefs and

carr$ them, almost on tiptoe, as long as fo r da$s "alk

back to their o"n !illages. 0here the$ "o ld lo!ingl$

tend them ntil the eggs prod ced some of Case s

famo s 5Christian chickens5 for them to raise.

S ch meetings "o ldn t end "itho t an e!angelistic



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50he plo"s and pigs and chickens are all gone no",5

Bra$ton "o ld tell the people "ho had ret rned to the


5B t I still ha!e something that is best of all&jes s

Christ, "ho helps s to li!e, and "ho died for s, and

"ho rose and still cares for s. He s not like B ddha,

"ho onl$ lost himself in

k rm

I ha!e a li!ing >od,

"ho hears m$ pra$ers, and helps, and cares for me.5

?no"ing Case co ld deli!er "hat he promised, fan&

tastic tho gh it might be, the people listened.

His testimonies "ere backed p b$ others.

preacher from a distant !illage might j mp p and

sa$, 5I ha!e been preaching in m$ !illage for fi!e $ears.

@ast Christmas a team of bo$s came from the gric l&

t ral School and preached pigs, rice and religion. 0he$

did more good in one "eek than I ha!e in fi!e $ears.5

deacon "o ld stand p to sa$, 5:ther preachers

ha!e been telling s that "e m st gi!e more. B t this

preacher sho"s s ho" to prod ce more so that "e c n

gi!e more.5

nd an old, gra$&headed farmer "o ld be s re to

sa$, 5I ha!e been pra$ing for $ears that the @ord might

send s an agric lt ral missionar$. He does ans"er

pra$er. He sent $o .5

Whene!er his colleag es dared, the$ 6 estioned his

ch rch&meeting sho"manship. Was it necessar$-


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5 tho sand million people in the "orld earn their

li!ing b$ agric lt re,5 Bra$ton Case "o ld retort. 5B t

half the "orld is h ngr$. Half the "orld is sick. 4ra$ers

rise to >od to help them. I m st "ork for >od in m$

o"n "a$, and I am helping them.5

Bra$ton Case co ld aro se enth siasm in !illage

meetings, and he co ld also s stain it in his st dents.

isitors, "ho began to come to 4$inmana in respectable

n mbers to obser!e his "ork, sometimes "ondered if

his s ccess "ere dependent on his o"n ni6 e per&

sonalit$. 0he$ "ondered if his kind of leadership co ld

be transferred to the B rmans themsel!es.

It co ld. His o trageo sl$ cornball e#hibitions at

!illage meetings "ere effecti!e beca se he kne" pre&

cisel$ "hat "o ld impress the people. His st dents, "ho

came from among the same people, onl$ needed to be

sold on the prod ct in order to go o t and sell it the

same "a$ themsel!es.

0he c rric l m of the school allo"ed them to prac&

tice their leadership skills from the !er$ beginning.

Bra$ton organi%ed fora$s o t into remote !illages on


0eams "ere composed of st dents and teachers. 0"o

"o ld pla$ games "ith !illage children and tell stories.

0"o "o ld plant seeds and fr it trees. 0"o "o ld

perform p blic health ser!ices, either digging latrines


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or impro!ing conditions aro nd the !illage "ell. 0"o

"o ld dispense medicines and !isit the sick. 0"o "o ld

!isit in the homes, distrib ting literat re and e#plain&

ing it "hile telling ho" the Christian life had made

them stronger and more confident. /o obser!er co ld

honestl$ sa$ that Case s leadership training "as shallo";

ordinar$ $o ngsters "ere being mobili%ed to take the

"hole Christian gospel to the "hole man.

When the mission board in merica started

appointing more agric lt ral missionaries to enlarge

Bra$ton Case s "ork, he began to broaden the base of

the school.

Man$ "ho "ere sold on his ideas co ldn t afford to

come to his school for a fo r&$ear co rse. So he or&

gani%ed an ann al ele!en&da$ "orkers instit te at

4$inmana. 0he training there "as so thoro gh that a

preacher "ho attended once "ent home sa$ing, 5We

learned all abo t Corinthians and cabbages, and

preaching and pigs'5

ll "ent home telling abo t the "onders the$ had

seen< h ge cabbages, peppers and tomatoes; corn as

s"eet as s gar; "onderf l rice, "ith grains so big and

e!en, j st like ro"s of peacocks heads. With bare feet

the$ had "aded into the soft earth of Bra$ton s fields.

50his gro nd has been plo"ed differentl$ from o rs.

See ho" soft it is'5


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nd, I m going to get some of that seed, and I m

going to take home one of those plo"s'5

nd again, 5Ho" f nn$&ho ses for hens' Ees, and

feed mi#ed speciall$, j st for hens. 0hose are pigs-

M st ha!e been crossed "ith elephants' We re going to

take home some of these, and sho" them there ho" it

can reall$ be done.5

What of it- id their enth siasm last-

Whene!er Bra$ton "as asked this 6 estion, he an&

s"ered, "ith ill&concealed pride, 5When "e tra!el

abo t and meet them back in their !illages, the$ sho"

 s "hat the$ ha!e accomplished. 0he$ re pro d to be

doing things the "a$ the$ fo nd them done at


former arm$ officer pro!ided one of Bra$ton s best

opport nities to e#tend the benefits of scientific agri&

c lt re to large n mbers of people.

When Captain Di!ers became the director of a

*3,AAA&acre estate "ith (3,AAA tenants farming it, he

"as disma$ed at the "a$ the people li!ed. 0heir rice

$ield "as poor. 0he people became sla!es to mone$&

lenders, and life seemed hopeless.

0he captain did all he co ld to lift them to a better

le!el. He established a bank that lent tenant farmers

mone$ at () percent instead of the s al (AA percent.

He al"a$s paid a higher price for the har!est than did


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the neighboring merchants. He opened roads to the

!illages. He pro!ided a pri!ate police force to protect

the people from mara ding robber bands, and his door

"as al"a$s open to the farmers "ho had diffic lties and

disp tes to settle among themsel!es. He "as like a

father to his tenants.

nd $et he co ld not gi!e them the basic help the$

needed. So he said to Bra$ton Case, 5Eo are teaching

impro!ed practices at 4$inmana. Co ld $o locate some

of $o r grad ates on m$ estate as demonstrators-5

0hree $o ng men immediatel$ !ol nteered. =ach

took ten acres, the a!erage si%e of a tenant farm, and

the$ began gro"ing go!ernment&pedigreed impro!ed

rice. /ot onl$ did it $ield )3 per cent more, b t it

ripened a month earlier than that on s rro nding


0hen, beca se the gro nd "as still moist, the$ co ld

plant co"peas in the st bble, plo"ing nder both seeds

and st bble. 0he$ picked the peas, eating some and

selling some, and feeding the !ines to the cattle that

"orked in the field. nd the ne#t $ear the pea!ines,

plo"ed nder the s rface to share their nitrogen "ith

the soil as the$ decomposed, made the soil richer for a

still better crop of rice.

0he 4$inmana grad ates also di!ersified their crops,

planting s garcane, so$beans and pigeon peas on


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higher gro nd. Being scarcer than rice, these prod cts

bro ght a better price.

:n land near their ho ses, the$ planted !eg&

etables&cabbages, carrots, onions, radishes, tomatoes,

eggplants and lima beans. 0he$ th s had a !ariet$ of

foods to eat "hile the rice "as gro"ing and being

har!ested. 0he$ co ld sta$ a"a$ from the mone$&

lenders altogether bet"een har!ests. :ther tenants

"ere mightil$ impressed.

0he $o ng men s infl ence began to spread e!en

be$ond the h ge estate. =!er$one "anted to se plo"s

like theirs. 4eople "anted to get Berkshire pigs and

barred pl$mo th rock hens&the 5Christian5 pigs and

hens that Fere so re!ol tionar$.

0h s there de!eloped a need for marketing kno"&

ho". Marketing on a nation"ide basis isn t simple.

Cons mer demand for brand&ne" prod cts m st be

g essed at long before the people reali%e the$ ha!e a

need for them' 4rod ction, transportation, and mone$&

handling all ha!e to be arranged on a tr st"orth$


:thers in B rma had seen the need for marketing

cooperati!es that "o ld in!ol!e large n mbers of

people, gi!ing them incomes "hile teaching them the

f ndamentals of the agric lt re b siness. B t ntil

@ena and Bra$ton Case "orked o t the sol tions,


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B rma didn t ha!e s ch cooperati!es&at least, not

ones that "orked.

0he ke$, the Cases tho ght, "as to ha!e cooperati!es

fo nded on Christian principles and "ith Christians

r nning them. M t al tr st is absol tel$ necessar$ in a

marketing cooperati!e. 0he honest operations of enter&

prises has al"a$s been one of the distincti!el$ Christian

mission contrib tions to de!eloping nations, and this

"as so "ith the Case&designed s$stems.

4o ltr$ marketing came first. 0he po ltr$ coopera&

ti!e started on @ena s back kitchen !eranda, then gre"

so m ch it had to be mo!ed to the garage. 0he po ltr$

$ards "ere right ne#t to the big brick ho se, so the

hens co ld ha!e @ena s reg lar attention. She al"a$s

had to str ggle not to ha!e the "hole ho se r nning

o!er "ith farm b siness.

0he$ called that first cooperati!e the 9resh =gg s&

sociation. 0he first high&grade roosters "ere s pplied b$

the go!ernment. 0hese Bra$ton distrib ted to a circ it

of man$ !illages. 4$inmana grad ates then di!ided the

circ it p into sections the$ co ld easil$ handle. 0heir

job "as to gi!e instr ctions on the care of po ltr$,

and to collect good eggs for marketing as the$ made

their ro nds. 0he association s eggs reall$ "ere fresh

and plentif l; the$ fo nd their "a$ all o!er B rma.

Bra$ton co ldn t go do"n to Dangoon "itho t taking


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as man$ cases of eggs as he co ld handle, and he ne!er

had to bring an$ home.

Case also de!eloped plans for the cooperati!e

marketing of pigs and fr it. He "as so s ccessf l that

the go!ernment in (*2 a thori%ed him, for the first

time in all B rma, to organi%e t"o incorporated co&

operati!es for the plift of B rman !illage life&the

Cooperati!e 4o ltr$ Societies, @imited, and the

4$inmana Cooperati!e Bank, @imited.

0hose da$s in the (*A s "ere Bra$ton Case s most

jo$o s. He "as doing "hat he most "anted to do, and

"as seeing res lts. 0he go!ernment, too, sa" res lts,

and in (*2 the$ ga!e him the rare ?aisar&i&Hind sil!er

medal for conspic o s ser!ice, a"arded b$ the =mperor&

?ing himself.

In all his efforts, Bra$ton "as helped b$ his de!oted

"ife, @ena. 0heir son, Clarke, had been left in merica

at the age of t"el!e, in (*A. Det rning from f rlo gh

"itho t him, @ena at first "as brokenhearted. Seeing

other missionar$ children r nning aro nd the com&

po nd, she co ldn t help cr$ing. B t Bra$ton con&

!inced her that in a "a$, these "ere her children, too,

and that her job "as to share her mother&lo!e "ith the

people in her adopted co ntr$.

She thre" herself into her "ork "itho t reser!ation,

b t b$ (*G, she "as e#periencing diffic lt$ in making


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long trips, and finall$ she admitted she "as in great


0he trips "ere not eas$, an$"a$. Some "ere as long

as t"o tho sand miles. =!en going to an association

meeting in the Chin Hills meant that she and Bra$ton

had to catch a 2<*A


train. fter a long time on the

rails the$ got off, "alked at least part of the fo r miles

bet"een the railroad and a ri!er, and crossed the ri!er

in tin$ d go t canoes, holding their breath and

s6 ee%ing the inside edges of the canoe for balance.

0hen there "as a b mp$ cart ride of fi!e miles, d ring

"hich @ena "as so shaken p she literall$ h rt all o!er.

rri!ing at the meeting b$ da$ s end, she fo nd she

had to prepare food for a cro"d, beca se there had

been tro ble "ith the cook. She co ld onl$ get a fe"

min tes rest to ease her aching head.

0he$ both kne" "hat it meant to be 6 ietl$ heroic.

In (*, @ena 0illman Case fell !ictim to cancer.

0he disease "as disco!ered in mid$ear. rrangements

"ere made for her to be flo"n to merica.

Sho ld Bra$ton go "ith her- :b!io sl$, he sho ld.

B t j st as ob!io sl$ 7to them8, he "as needed at

4$inmana. 0he$ decided he "o ld sta$ at his post.

0he$ read 4salm ( together. 5Eo "ill not fear the

t rro r o f th n ig h t nor the arro" that flies b$ da$.5

0he$ decided to abide b$ its promises, kno"ing the$

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"o ld not be separated in spirit no matter "hat might

come bet"een them ph$sicall$.

t the airport, Bra$ton almost changed his mind.

B t he tho ght of the 4salm and he stood his gro nd.

@etters and cablegrams spanning the continents the

ne#t fe" months "ere poignant. @ena "eakened, and

s rgeons co ldn t e!en operate. Clarke, "ho had j st

finished his M.. co rse at Har!ard, spent all the time

he co ld "ith her.

:n ecember )G, her heart simpl$ stopped beating.

5t last,5 Clarke "rote to his father, 5she kne" peace.

She had s ffered a great deal.5

Bra$ton recei!ed the ne"s b$ cable; then Clarke s

letter came after she "as b ried. His heart "as hea!$,

b t his smile "as not dimmed. He "ent on teaching

and tra!eling among the people, pla$ing Beetho!en on

the piano "hen he entertained in his empt$ ho se, and

telling jokes in B rmese and singing "ith the !illagers

the songs passed do"n from father to son for co ntless



7/23/2019 Robert F Cramer Hunger Fighter in Burma: The Story of Brayton Case 81/100


N"*/" *%&&%&$&, "% & & S&$/% /%

", #/ $"& / B5" * & &" 1940 3. B"/

C"3& '/5% *3 $"&& &" $"&%.

S* & 7"3 & 3"& ". H& 7"3 3&& "3 "& "3

1942 / & /"% / M"%"" 7* " * 5%& /&

" "% " & 5%& & /&. H& /6&% & B5"

&/& 3/ 5$ " & $/5% #&" & /5 /'

&"6* & 7*& & $/5% #& /' " &.

A &/& '/ & A33/$*"&% P&33 /5 *3 5*&

" &"+"#& "*5%&, 3/ & '//7* 3/ 7"3 7*&%

"/5% & 7/%.



R*3+3 L*'& / R/5% U F//% F/ B5" A*&3

B5", M"$ 28, 1942 (AP)-D*3&"%* %"& '/

J""&3& #/#&3 "% 7*% %"$/* *#&3&, " A&*$"

*33*/" 7"3 "3"* '//% 35*&3 '/ & C*&3&


7/23/2019 Robert F Cramer Hunger Fighter in Burma: The Story of Brayton Case 82/100

A * B5" " " /'-#/#&% B"*3 "(*$5,5", 3$)//,

#&)*% )& '/.

C*6*, "5)/**&3 ,/( 3*$& )"6& %&"&% '/ )& 35-

/5%*( "&" #5 )& R&6. B"/ C"3& " ,&" *%%,&-

"(&% B5"-#/ N&7 E(,"%& 7)/3& /, 3/ *3 35%*(

&%*$*& " H"6"% *3 3*$+*( / )*3 =/#.

9 <&(&"#,&3 '/ <*$/ 9 )& 3"*% 7*) " 3*,&. 9I =53

3& /'' 3*> 5$+,/"%3 /' $"##"(&3 / )& C)*&3& " "%

I 6& (/ 20 / :0 )/(3 &"% / (/. A3 ,/( "3 I )&& I

35& I $" (& )& '"&3 /' )*3 %*3*$ / 3&,, & ",, )&

$" /%5$&.

9T)& "(*$5,5", 3$)//, *3 5)"&% ",)/5() '*&#5(3

#5&% " 3&$*/ /' )& /7 )*3 7&&+. I (&*( " $/5,&

/' C)*&3& 3/,%*&3 / 3"% (5"% 7)&&6& I (/ */ )&


9I' I " /'' '/ (//% )&& 7/5,% #& / /& "/5% )&&

/ /5% 5 '//% '/ )& C)*&3& "% )&3& /5( &

)"6& / &" * /%& / '*(). S/-I 3*$+*(.9


M"$, 1942, C"3& 7"3 3* " P*"". B5

7** 7&&+3 & 3$// 7"3 $/&& #/#&% /5.

H& "&% 5$/5 7* /3& 7/ &' &* /&3

"% '"3 =53 "&"% /' & J""&3&.

T7/ /3 "&, C"3& 7"3 7* ;&. J/3& .

S*7&, B5" S5&/ ;/%/ S. S&""6& "% &

53&3 & "% "*&%, &'5&&3 '/ " /6&, "% &-

"3 /' 3&6&" '** /53. ;&&" S*7&

"$&% & 3&"%* * "$* &" / %*6* "*.


7/23/2019 Robert F Cramer Hunger Fighter in Burma: The Story of Brayton Case 83/100

T& '/$&% &* 7" /5 =5&3, '/%&% / 37"

$&&+3, '/"&% / #"#// "'3 %/7 *6&3 "% &

$*#&% "?/#"$+ /5"*3 */ I%*". C"3& '/"&%

'/ &, 3$/5&% '/ & * /"%, ""&% '/ #*&3

* "#"%/&% /"3&*&3, "% /5%&% 5 /&3 "%

5&3 / $" 35*&3 "% & 3*$+ "% &>"53&%.

I I%*", B"/ /5 & % & " $"$& / 7*&

3/& #//+3 & % "% * & #"$+ /' *3 *% /6& &

&"3, / *6& "/ "% & C*3*" *#&3&.

S5$ " &"$&'5 *'& 7"3 &6& / #& *3. H& /#"#

7/5% "6& #&& "#& / *6& " 7" '/ /,

"7". N/ 3//& "% & "*6&% * I%*" "

;&&" S*7& "3+&% * / &5 / B5" "3 "

$*6**" &/&& /' & U.S. '/$&3. H& 7/5% "$ "3

*"*3/ #&7&& & A&*$" **" '/$&3 "% &

&/& /' B5".

H*3 *'& 7/5% #& $/3" * %"&, #5 & $/5%

#& 7* *3 &/&. A3 & 5%&3//% & =/#, * &6&

"% 3/& &**/53 /6&/&3. H& 7/5% #& " 3/ /'

$""*-/ & B5"3, / /''*$&3, "% / &

/%*" A&*$" 3/%*&3. C""* / &6&#/%. I

'*&% * 7& 7* *3 *%&" /' " *33*/" //-

5*. H& $/5% $&"& 5%&3"%* "% //% 7*.

N"5", & //+ & =/#. O& *33*/"*&3 *

B5" "% I%*" 7&& %/* 3**" "3+3, &*

7* &'5&&3 "% &%*$" 7/+, "% &"%* $/3 /'


7/23/2019 Robert F Cramer Hunger Fighter in Burma: The Story of Brayton Case 84/100

*%*&/53 7/+&3. B"/ &&%&% " //5 &3,

"% %/$/3 "% /% *3 $/&"5&3 / 53& " &*

*'5&$& / & * "6/*% " &6/53 #&"+%/7 #5

/ /& $/5% & * / 3/7 %/7.

H& '/5% & 7"3 / "6& "3 5$ "3 1,@00 *&3 "

/, 5$ /' & *& * =&&3 #&*% && *&3.

T" 7"3 " * 7* *. D"& 7"3 3/&* "

*33*/" 3/5% '"$& =53 "3 7& "3 " 3/%*&, &


I '&& * *3 %5 / & %*6& & J""&3&

*6"%&3 /5 /' B5", "% 3"& * & %"&3 7*

/5 A&*$" 3/%*&3 7/ "6& $/& &&, & 7/&

/ *3 3/, C"+&. I $" 3* * 3/& 3"'& "$& &*

& %/ & 35* "% 35''&*, "% & $/&

* "% $/'/"# $"/ & *33*/ 7/+ * B5"

"'& & 7" *3 " /6&.

M/3 /' B"/ 3 A&*$" $/"*/3 7&&

3/%*&3 5$ /5& " &. T& $"&% * "

/% " " '*3 #5 "3 & / / +/7 *, &

7&& ""?&% " *3 &&%/53 6*"*.

H& 7"3 $"&% / & '/7"% &"%5"&3 /' &

" /& %", "% & 7"3 "#& / *%& " /' & 7".

B5 & "3 7&-'*6& *&3 & "% / ", $"*

*3 "$+. T& & 7* *, 7& &"3 "% /& *3

=5*/, '/5% * " 3&5/53 *, & & 3//% * 5$

#&& " &.


7/23/2019 Robert F Cramer Hunger Fighter in Burma: The Story of Brayton Case 85/100

M""*" 7"3 " "=/ /#& '/ & 3/%*&3. S/&

/' & "3+&% *, H/7 " *&3 "6& /5 "%

""*" %5* /5 / 3" * &3& =5&3

O, & &*&%, I "% " *& '&6& "#/5 7&

&"3 "/, #5 /* 3*$&

H& "5 B5&3& / & /''*$&3 "% & 3/ &

$/5% "+& &* 7*3&3 +/7 / & &/&. H& 7"3

* %&"% "3 " 3&"+& / *'& * & =5&, "% / &

&/& "% $/5 /' B5". S* 6& 5$ &

"5%*/-6*35" %&6/&&, & "&&% " 5#& /' "3-

&%*#& =5& //3, 3&3 "% &"6&3-"% "33&% &

"/5% "3 &>"&3 /' /7 " " * *6& /'' &

"% *' &$&33".

H/&3*$+ 3/%*&3, //5 %*353&% 7* & 7"

* & =5&, &>&33&% ""?&& " B"/ C"3&

7/5% "6& $/3& / *6& * B5" '/ 3/ /.

T& /3 */" * "#/5 /5 7/+, &

7/5% "37&, *3 / 7&& /5 %/ *, #5 & &/&

7* 7/ /5 "& 7/+*. I' /5 "6& /5 '*&%3

"#/5 /5, /5 $" 5 5 7* "/3 "*. A

&" /3 /' '*&%3 "& * B5", "% 7& I

$" #& 7* & "% & &, I " ".

A **" $""* &"% B"/ C"3& 3&"+ / &

3/%*&3 /& *&. A3 & *3&&%, & /5, H&& *3 "

" 7/3& *'& 3 7/+ *3 %&3/&%, "% & " *3 "& &

*3 "+* / 53 7* /5'5 &53*"3, "+* "#/5


7/23/2019 Robert F Cramer Hunger Fighter in Burma: The Story of Brayton Case 86/100

& "* /' & L/% "/ & "3&3-"% " 3

" " 7"3 &' /' *3 *33*/ * P*"". T&& 3 /

%&'&" * *3 "+&5.

 &&6& & 7&, B5"3 $/7%&% "/5% 7*

&"& 7&$/&. T& "% +/7 *3 " #&'/& &

7". H& $/5% "7"3 &.

&& $" 7& '*% *$& * & &> "6&3, 7&

7" & " &' #&*% *3 /& & "3+&%. A'&

& 7" "% 37& /5 &* 6*"&3, & 7/5%

&5 / 7" 7"3 &' /' /&. E& %&"% 7/5%

3* #& * "/5%, "% 3& $"&3, 3* 3/+*,

7/5% #& "* 7*%&. T&* #/%*&3 * "% 7/,

#5 &* '"$&3 '/ 3/& &"3/ 3* &>&$", &

B5"3 7/5% //+ '/ " "$& / 3&& %/7 ""*

"'& /3 /' /6* "% *%*.

B" / C"3& 3 &" 7& /5 / &3& &/&. T*

"3 & 7&&, & //+&% 5$ #&& 7* "$+3 '5

/' *$& '/ " &&&$ 35 %&/ *&% * /

&* #"$+3. T& $/5% '"$& & '55& 7& & "%

" "&&% #"+& "% 3/& $/&3, " '&7 $//+*

/3 "% " 53 "&, "% " &$*/53 $*$+& / 7/

/ &3/$+ & 6*"&.

B"/ &6& "6& 5 *3 "%&*. H& %*% *

7&&6& & '/5% &&%, 7&& * "&"3 "&"%

$&"&% /' J""&3& "% &"*6& 3"'&, / #&*% &

*&3 /' $/#". H& 7"3 "#3/5& '&"&33.


7/23/2019 Robert F Cramer Hunger Fighter in Burma: The Story of Brayton Case 87/100

H& 3"&% " A&*$" 3/%*& /& %", 3*> *&3

#&*% & && *&3 * /& B5". T&

3/%*& &"% B"/ $/* %/7 & =5& "

"% 7"3 35& * 7"3 & J""&3&. H& *%. T& &

//+&% /5 '/ *3 *%* "$& "% 3"7 & $&&'5

'&"5&3 /' & *33*/".

T& 3/%*& 3"*%, M ;/% D/ /5 +/7 7&& /5


!&3, C"3& 3"*%, I #"$+ /' & J""&3& *&3.

" "& /5 %/* &&, "7" & 3/%*&

"3+&%, *$&%5/53.

C"3& 3* 3"*%, M"+* 6&&"#& "%&3. H&

7"3 "* "%&3 3/ " 7& & J""&3& 7&&

%*6& #"$+, & &/& 7/5% "6& 3/&* / 3"


T& 3/%*& 3"*% "&, & / #&*% & *&3 /

7& 7& & /% 7& "6& /. H& /&3 #&$"53& & 7"3

/-& &/& "& " */" / *.

A% /& " /& 3"*%, T& &"3/ 7& " *+&

C"3& *3-& =53 "3 53

;53 "% $/"33*/ $"*&% B"/ C"3& /5

7/ &"3 /' &*3 7"'"&.


J5, 1944, +/7* " /53"%3 /' B5"3

7&& &"* 3"6"*/ * & %&6"3"&% /,

B"/ 3& /5 / ""& '/ & "* /' *$&.

H& 53 '*% 3&&%, "+ *3 /7&3 */ 3"* *, "%


7/23/2019 Robert F Cramer Hunger Fighter in Burma: The Story of Brayton Case 88/100

& * 3*&% 7&& * 7"3 /3 %&3&"& &&%&%.

H& '/5% " '/& &"-3/ /7& "&% M"5

B" ", 7/ +&7 & "&" "% *3 &/&. T/&&

& ""&% " 3$/5* * " 7/5% "+& &

"$/33 I%"7* L"+&.

T& B**3 A 7"3 &6"$5"* &'5&&3 '/ &

"+& &*/ # #/", "% B"/ "% B" " '/5%

" "$& * " B**3-"&% #/".

T& #/" 7"3 "%& '/ 7/ 3"& B5" #/"3,

7* " "'/ "3&% #&7&& &. P&/& 3" /

*3 &&6"&% "', "% " /5#/"% // 7"3 /5&%

/ & 3&.

H"' " /5 /5 */ I%"7* L"+& / & /*

/' J5 14, & #/" 5&% " 6& 3" $56& "%

7"& '*&% " /' /& /' & *& #/"3. E6&/&

/6&% /6& / & //3*& 3*%& / #""$& *.

N&" &6&/& / & #/" "% #&& /% "

/5 & "+&3*' "' * 3* 3/& 7"&, *

7/5% / 3*+. I $"3& /' &&&$, & 7&& /%,

& 3/5% /% // & #/"3 *. B5 B"/

C"3& "% B" " "% $/& // "& '/ & *35$-

*/3. T& /6* & $"53&% & 3&$/% #/" / "+&

/ 3/& 7"&, "% & 7/& "' *&% $"?* /7"%

/& 3*%&. I %*% /6&5, #5 &6&/& 7"3 /7

*/ & 7"&.

A3 B"/ '& *, & &&% * B5&3& / B" ",


7/23/2019 Robert F Cramer Hunger Fighter in Burma: The Story of Brayton Case 89/100

;"# 3/&* T& B5" $/5% 37*, #5

& &% *3 * #&%/ "% " & "3/*& *

* 5%& *3 3/"$ 5* & 7"3 5&% */ &

#/" # " 3/%*&.

C"3&, / & /& "%, $/5% 37*. B5 &

7&*&% $/3& / 19@, "% & "% 5##& #//3 "% "

3&& && / /% * %/7. A 3/%*& &"$&% '/

*, &% * /&"*, & "% / & * /.

B"/ 35&% " #* * & 7"&, & 3"+. T&&

& "* // #/"3 '/"&% %/73&", #5 7&&

&3$5&%. E6&/& 3"&% '/ " 7*& 3&"$* * 6"*

-'*3, '/ " 3&, 35* " &, /&&33, '/

*3 #/%.

T& &6& '/5% *.

T& /6&/ /' B5" *&%*"& $"#&% &

A&*$" B"*3 F/&* M*33*/ S/$*&

B5" "+3 /5 '/ B"/ C"3&. H*3 "*$55"

3$// " P*"" 7"3 " "*/" "33&. H*3 &"&"&%

&53*"3 7"3 " *3*"*/. H*3 7/+ %5* &6"$5"*/

"% * *#&"&% "&"3 7"3 *6"5"#&. H*3 &3&$& 7* #&

5$ *33&% * & 6*" &$/35$*/ &*/%.

T& B5" C*3*" C/5$* 3& 3**" 3&*-

&3 /5 & A$#*3/ /' R"//.

T& B**3 $/3*%&&% *3 &''&6&3$& &"%&3* "

&" $/*#5*/ / & %&6&/& /' B5", "%


7/23/2019 Robert F Cramer Hunger Fighter in Burma: The Story of Brayton Case 90/100

'/ *3, & "%& * (/35/53, * 194@) "

&#& /' & O%& /' & B**3 E*&.

B"/ C"3& $/5% / "6& *"*&% & *#5&3

" 7/5% /5 * '/ " /6& & 7/%. I "

&6&, & /& *#5& " "&&% / * & "%

&$&*6&% * "#5%"$& %5* & *-/& &"3 *

B5". T" 7"3 & /6&, '&& #&3/7&% * &5

'/ *3 /7, /' & &/& /' & "*/ / 7*$ &

"% #&& $"&%.


7/23/2019 Robert F Cramer Hunger Fighter in Burma: The Story of Brayton Case 91/100


The author asked Dr. Clarke Tillman Case !hat he

thought about the timeliness of a book about his father.

After all, it must be remembered that Bra"ton Case

is a figure from another time.

 This ma" be a time !hen urban patterns dominate

our thinking, Clarke Case said, but adequate food

production is the timeliest of topics still, and probabl"

al!a"s !ill be. E en though fe!er people no! ma"

produce more food, m" father !as addressing his !hole

life to a subject that has not been sol ed adequatel"

e en toda".

the latter half of the t!entieth centur" it is proper

to judge a missionar" organi#ation b" the amount of

attention it gi es to helping people sol e the root prob$

lems of human sickness, injustice and alienation.

It !as not so fashionable !hen Bra"ton Case !ent


7/23/2019 Robert F Cramer Hunger Fighter in Burma: The Story of Brayton Case 92/100

out to Burma. As the first Baptist agricultural mission$

ar", he had to fight hard to make the church under$

stand its responsibilit" in dealing !ith the major facts

of life.

*oe +ear", a "oung oman Catholic suppl" officer for

a maintenance medical battalion in Burma, summed

up Bra"ton Case%s philosoph" in !ords that could al$

most ha e been Case%s o!n.

 At the time of his death, +ear" !rote his mother,

 Case !as !orking er" hard getting the people re$

settled and producing agriculturall" as close to their

pre$in asion "ears as possible. -eople can%t be inde$

pendent if the" aren%t self$sufficient.

/cuttlebutt around militar" camps boils do!n to

some prett" accurate appraisals. +t. . +. Corn!ell

reported, Case is credited !ith doing more for the

Burmese farmer than an" other man.

Dr. Clarence E. Chane" said, Bra"ton Case spent

his life, in his !ords, %helping hungr" poor people

produce food and glorif" (od in doing it%.

(usta A. /!ord, eteran fello! missionar", summed

up the effect of Case%s life, )is !ords !eighed hea il"

in the scales of the might".

In the files of the American Baptist 'oreign ission

/ociet" rests a letter from the great (eneral *oseph

0. /til!ell&


7/23/2019 Robert F Cramer Hunger Fighter in Burma: The Story of Brayton Case 93/100

 I !ish to state that in m" man" "ears in Asia, the

e erend Bra"ton Case !as one of the hardest !orking and

reall" selfless men I ha e e er met.

 'or t!o "ears r. Case !orked !ith me and members of

m" staff. )is thoughts and actions !ere al!a"s for the

nati e population and means of alle iating their hardship.

The Burmese had no better friend. 9fficers and men of the

theater admired r. Case, and regretted that he !as lost

in the line of dut".

Bra"ton Case%s mark has been left on Burma, and on

all agricultural mission !ork e er"!here.

In Burma toda" the   o Case peh 1 Chief Case

bean 2 and the




1 Chief Case pig 2 are

tremendousl" popular. an" people of Burma kno!

these toda", reported Thra Eddie +oo, Burma Baptist

Con ention agricultural !orker, in 3654. The barred

-l"mouth ock chicken, no! in general use in Burma,

is sometimes called the Case chicken.

The kind of agricultural !ork he started at

-"inmana !as successfull" e:tended b" missionaries of

the ne:t generation, notabl" 0illiam D. )ackett at the

Baptists% -ang T%7!a 'arm. 8o! that all foreign per$

sonnel ha e been e:cluded from the countr" !hile the

Burmans get established on their Burmese 0a" to

/ocialism, !ord is sent out from time to time that

communit" uplift of the Case ariet" continues.


7/23/2019 Robert F Cramer Hunger Fighter in Burma: The Story of Brayton Case 94/100

Bra"ton Case !as partl" responsible for the de elop$

ment of a famous !inter course at Cornell ;ni er$

sit"%s College of Agriculture, !hich has gi en countless

missionaries to rural areas an intensi e month of

training in the fundamentals of modern agriculture.

)e found his !a" into the histor" books, too. 9fficial

militar" histories mention his ser ice and the great loss

sustained b" his death in action.

)is !ork is fore er timel". Inno ation is al!a"s

timel", his son sa"s. 'ift" "ears later it still is being

sho!n that it%s not the technological de elopment that

counts, but it%s getting the conser ati e farmer to follo!

it$in Burma or an"!here.

This, then, !as the genius of Bra"ton Case. )e could

sing songs$secular songs, gro!ing out of the soil$

!ith the Burman people. )e could tell jokes !ith them

in their language, and !ith a full appreciation of !hat

e er" subtle shading of the !ords meant to them.

In a da" !hen missions raised up great institutions,

much to the chagrin of toda"%s missionaries !ho fear

institutionalism, Case !as institutionall" minded onl"

to the e:tent that a school center !as essential to the

permanent contribution that he !ished to make. It !as

made to ser e his larger purpose of bringing more

light and a better life to the farmers in the illages of

Burma. /o said the leaders of Agricultural issions,


7/23/2019 Robert F Cramer Hunger Fighter in Burma: The Story of Brayton Case 95/100

Inc., an agenc" in the ;nited /tates that Case helped

to found.

 Bra"ton Case met life on e er" corner !ith a smile,

said Dr. Clarence E. Chane", missionar" colleague. )e

faced man" an obstacle and bitter disappointment, but

I ne er kne! him to lose his patience or his smile.  

recent "ears the habit of laughter had become almost


-erhaps Bra"ton Case%s finest insight !as this&

 I am constantl" finding that some of the greatest

obstacles to better agriculture and better li ing in the

 illages are spiritual obstacles-lack of moti e for per$

sistent effort, lack of lo e, lack of honest", lack of faith

in one another, lack of unselfish ser ice.

 The Christian religion helps me o ercome these

obstacles and I see it helping them !hen the" accept it.

 I am an agricultural missionar" because I am a

Christian, and I hope I am helping others to become

trul" Christian because of m" agriculture.

7/23/2019 Robert F Cramer Hunger Fighter in Burma: The Story of Brayton Case 96/100


  O !her B iographie

C!0+, L. M

onganga Pa"l

T(% C' 0

!$ !00$ & P!3+ C!0+, M.D.). N% 0*:

H!0/%0 !$ R, P3"+(%0, I#., 1966.

D!%, C0+

J . Kaga$a of Japan.

N!(++%: A"'$

P0%, 1961.

G!++!'(%0, T%0%!.

Gi#e Jo% !o M% Yo"!h

! M%0 &

D0. T D+%, 1927-1961. N% 0*: F!00!0,

S0!3 !$ G03, 1965.

G0!(!, B++.

World Aflame.

G!0$% C: D3"+%$!

  C., I#., 1965.

H!00, A M. A Tool in Hi Hand   0. P!3+ W.

H!00, %$#!+ !0 A0!"!) . N% 0*:

F0%$(/ P0%, 1958.

H!, H%+% W!+*%0.

Franci and Clare

S! &

7/23/2019 Robert F Cramer Hunger Fighter in Burma: The Story of Brayton Case 97/100

A. N% 0*: F!00!0, S0!3 !$ G03, 1956.

L!#, C0%'(.

Fran- Ma on (or!h

  #!+ !$ #-

3%#!+ L%!$%0) . N!(++%: A"'$ P0%, 1967.

L!(, J%/( P.

&ag Hammar -,old.

G!0$% C:

D3"+%$! !$ C., I#. 1961.

L!=%++, J. A0(30. Ala -an Apo !le   (% L&% S0 &

S(%+$ J!#*) . N% 0*: H!0/%0 !$ R, P3"-

+(%0, I#., 196.

M!(%, B!+.

'i#ing !one !he Pa!hfinder.

N% 0*:

F0%$(/ P0%, 1954.

M%!, F+0%#% C0!%++.

*age+r" h *"rgeon


C+!0%#% S!+"30, 30'% (% N!!( #30).

N% 0*: F0%$(/ P0%, 1956.

M*, R"%0 C.

John We le%.

N!(++%: A"'$

P0%, 1966.

N+!, L!. *mall Man of (ana!a-i   ( W!!-

!"%). N% 0*: . P. D3, !$ C., 1966.

<+%0, R"%0 T.

*%ngman )hee

T(% M! B%($

(% M(. N% 0*: D$$, M%!$ !$ C., 1964.

P%0*, S!0!. )ed China Pri oner  !3"'0!/().

W%$, N.J.: F+%' H. R%%++ C., 196.


7/23/2019 Robert F Cramer Hunger Fighter in Burma: The Story of Brayton Case 98/100

P%2%0%, W++!


Ano!her Hand on Mine  T(%

>20 & D0. C!0+ ;. B%#*%0 & A&0#! I+!$ M-

) . N% 0*: M#G0!-H++ B* C., I#., 1967.

P0#(!0$, M!0!! N3'%2 !$ N0! 3'


Ten Again ! !he *!orm

  '0!/(% &

2% #30!'%3 J!/!%% C(02! +%!$%0). N%

 0*: F0%$(/ P0%,


R+!$, S2!+%@., J0.

Men for O!her

S(02 "'-

0!/(%). N% 0*: F0%$(/ P0%, 1965.

R3$+/(, L. C. Franci A +"r%. N!(++%: A"'$

P0%, 1966.

S%!!$, J( T. Pioneer of !he Yo"nger Ch"rche .

N!(++%, A"'$ P0%,


S%!0#(%0, ?#20. Fare$ell !o 'incoln. N!(++%: A"-

'$ P0%,


W+, D02( C+!0*%. Handicap )ace. N% 0*:

M#G0!-H++ B* C., I#., 1967. A /!0!/+%'#

2%0 2 2(%0 (!$#!//%$ /%0.)

W+, D02( C+!0*%. Ten Finger for God  D0.

P!3+ W. B0!$, ?%++0%). N% 0*: M#G0!-H++

B* C.

I#., 1965.



7/23/2019 Robert F Cramer Hunger Fighter in Burma: The Story of Brayton Case 99/100


• • •

7/23/2019 Robert F Cramer Hunger Fighter in Burma: The Story of Brayton Case 100/100

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!i!le in !h e Bold Belie# er * erie 0

FTR-MA;R IN INDIA .3he *!or% of *arah Cha--o

M!0 L3% S+!2%0

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