rise of england and france. ii. france a.french monarchy starts from further behind b. advantages of...

Post on 12-Jan-2016






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Rise of England and France

II. France

A. French monarchy starts from further behind

B. Advantages of the monarchy1. Historical legitimacy2. Guardians of the church

a. leadership in the crusades3. Struggle against English power

C. Importance of cities1. Kings and cities are mutually supporting

II. France

D. Louis VI “the Fat”1. Overcomes the power of the nobles around Paris2. Help of Abbot Suger

E. Philip II (r. 1180-1223) 1. Defeats King John2. Greatly expands the royal domains3. Builds Paris into a administrative and cultural center

III. St LouisA. Influence of Queen Blanche

B. Deeply pious. Vows to go on crusade1.Leads 7th crusade to Egypt2. Defeat and capture3. Guilt and regret

C. Builds St. Chapelle

III. St LouisA. Influence of Queen Blanche

B. Deeply pious. Vows to go on crusade1.Leads 7th crusade to Egypt2. Defeat and capture3. Guilt and regret

C. Builds St. Chapelle

D. Commits to establishing benevolent and effective governemn1. Standard of piety.

III. St LouisA. Influence of Queen Blanche

B. Deeply pious. Vows to go on crusade1.Leads 7th crusade to Egypt2. Defeat and capture3. Guilt and regret

C. Builds St. Chapelle

D. Commits to establishing benevolent and effective governemn1. Standard of piety. 2. Oath for royal officers3. Places royal officers under direct supervision and control

.E. A crusader to the end

IV. Philip IV (1285-1314)

A. Solidifying control of money and church1. Efficient taxation2. Abolish the wealthy Templars

B. Confronts the Pope over taxing the church1. Briefly imprisons Pope Boniface III

C. Established Estates General to fortify royal power

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