review with q & a finding hope in the wonderful counselor

Post on 18-Jan-2018






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Q: Based on what passage?  Romans 8:24 For in hope we have been saved, but hope that is seen is not hope; for who hopes for what he already sees? 25 But if we hope for what we do not see, with perseverance we wait eagerly for it.


Review with Q & A

Finding Hope in the Wonderful


IntroductionQ: What is the definition of hope?

hope = the anxious anticipation of good

Q: Based on what passage? Romans 8:24 For in hope we have been

saved, but hope that is seen is not hope; for who hopes for what he already sees? 25 But if we hope for what we do not see, with perseverance we wait eagerly for it.

* There is only one TRUE source of hope. . . and that is God!

Lesson #1: Hope in the Questions He Asks1. INTERACTION – Responding to

the question of others (Mark 8:4-5)

2. INFORMATION – Gathering data (Mark 8:5, 19-21)

3. INSTRUCTION – Making statements (Mark 8:12)

4. COMMUNICATION – Conveying a message (Mark 8:17-18)

5. CORRECTION – Pointing out a problem (Mark 10:18)

6. APPLICATION – Personal relationship (Mark 8:27-29)

7. EVALUATION – Personal examination – Mark 8:36-37

8. REVELATION – Reveal our heart (true character)

Lesson #2: Hope in How the Wonderful Counselor Defined Problems

1. Physical Problems 2. Spiritual Problems

Lesson #3: Hope in the Relationships He Built1. He Took the Initiative2. He Showed No Partiality3. He Looked Beyond the Offense

to the Need!

4. He Modeled Unselfishness at All Times!

5. He Modeled the Heart of a Servant

Lesson #4: Hope in Giving Hope1. The Process:(i.e. foundational

principles [lesson 1-3] and realizing the NEED for hope!

2. The Practice of Giving Hope: He modeled hope by His life/words! & there are many examples of the Wonderful Counselor giving Hope:

3. The Potential of Giving Hope: A Changed Life!

Lesson #5: Hope in Proper Instruction1. Q: Why do we NEED

instruction?2. Q: What is our SOURCE of

instruction? [Answer: God’s Word]

3. Q: What instruction did the Wonderful Counselor give us?

Lesson #6: Hope in His Expectations1. Consider the Rationale Behind

Jesus’ Expectations2. What Resources Do We Have

that Can Help Us DO What Jesus Expects?

3. The RESPONSE to Jesus’ Expectation

4. The RESULTS of Obedience to Jesus’ Expectations

Lesson #7: Hope in the Disciples He Chose1. What They Were2. What They Could Be3. What They Became

Lesson #8: Hope in Helping Other to Grow – John 151. Jesus Loved the Disciples – v. 12-

132. Jesus Spoke the Truth to the

Disciples – v. 14-153. Jesus Expected Them to Grow –

v. 16-17

4. Jesus Modeled the Right Response to Life Situations – v. 18-25

5. Jesus Sent the Holy Spirit to Help Them

1) Which concepts captured your attention the most? Why?

2) What do we need to DO as an ABF to apply these truths to our relationship with each other?

Lesson #1: Go asking questions (get the facts) when problems occurs

Lesson #2: Use biblical terms (define the problem properly

Lesson #3: Grow in our love for each other

Lesson #4: Consciously try to give each other hope in hard times

Lesson #5: Admonish one another w/truth (Eph. 4:15)

Lesson #6: Be doers of the Word and not just hearers

Lesson #7: Realize we’re all just tools in the Redeemer’s hand

Lesson #8: We have to be growing to help others grow – conscious choice!

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