review of ncp parking attendants - torbay · 1.4 that ncp be requested to develop clear guidelines...

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Review of N C P Parking A ttendants

Report O SB/23/06 to the O verview and Scrutiny Boa rd

18 O ctober 2006

Rep ort to the C abinet

14 N ovem b er 2006

Further copies of this report can be obtained from :

M ark Ham m ett, O verview and Scrutiny O fficer

01803 207063

m ark.ham m ett@


Forew ord ................................................................................................................... 1

1. Executive Sum m ary ....................................................................................... 2

2. Introduction ................................................................................................... 4

3. Process ........................................................................................................... 6

4. Key Findings ................................................................................................... 7

5. C onclusions and O ptions Appraisal .......................................................... 14

6. Recom m endations and Associated Risks ................................................. 17

7. Resource and O ther Im plications .............................................................. 20

8. M onitoring Arrangem ents .......................................................................... 21

Acknow ledgem ents .............................................................................................. 22

Appendix 1 (Project Plan – Scoping Docum ent) .......................................................... 23

Appendix 2 (Q uestionnaire) ...................................................................................... 25

Appendix 3 (Public C onsultation Results – Final Report) ................................................ 27

Appendix 4 (List of Key Docum ents) ........................................................................... 57

NC P Parking Attendants

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Forew ord

I am delighted to be able to introduce the report of the NC P Parking

Attendant Review Panel.

The im plem entation of parking enforcem ent is never going to m ake parking

attendants popular, but nevertheless it does need to be recognised that they

play a crucial role in m anaging the flow of traffic in our m odern tow ns and

cities. How ever if w e as a local authority are going to convince the public

that parking attendants have an im portant role to play then w e need to

ensure that they carry out their w ork in a firm but fair m anner.

Therefore it is w ith this in m ind that w e em barked on the NC P Parking

Attendant Review Panel in response to a sustained period of criticism (and

support) from the public over the m anagem ent and im plem entation of

parking enforcem ent by NC P.

Throughout the review the panel m em bers m aintained an im partial and

balanced view , and m ade every effort to gather the view s of both those in

favour, and those against the parking attendants and NC P.

I w ant to express m y thanks to everyone w ho cam e forw ard to talk to us

during the review , especially those m em bers of the public w ho took the tim e

to fill out our questionnaire. M ay I also thank all the NC P em ployees w ho m et

w ith the panel, their co-operation on this review w as invaluable and


Finally can I strongly recom m end that you read all of the report as it clearly

dispels m any of the m yths that have grow n up around the parking

attendants in Torbay.

C ouncillor C harlw ood

C hairm an of the NC P Parking Attendant Review Panel

NC P Parking Attendants

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1. Executive Sum m ary

1.1 The NC P (National C ar Parks Lim ited) Parking Attendant Review Panel

m et to consider and review the w orking practices of the NC P parking

attendants operating in Torbay.

1.2 The panel exam ined the contractual arrangem ents that exist betw een

the C ouncil and NC P in relation to the parking attendants and other

w orking practices. It also undertook substantial consultation w ith the

w ider com m unity of Torbay and m et w ith C ouncil officers, parking

attendants and other em ployees from NC P.

That it be recom m ended to the C abinet

1.3 That the Scrutiny Leads for Environm ent and Partnerships be invited to

the m onthly and annual m eetings held betw een NC P and Torbay

C ouncil to m onitor the perform ance of NC P in delivering the contract

for the supply of parking attendants.

1.4 That NC P be requested to develop clear guidelines and procedures for

their parking attendants in relation to the use of discretion and the

issuing of PC Ns (Penalty C harge Notices).

1.5 That NC P be requested to recruit staff w ith custom er service

experience w herever possible.

1.6 That NC P be requested to provide anger m anagem ent and conflict

resolution courses for all their parking attendants, and to include this

training in their “Streets Ahead Program m e” in the future.

1.7 That NC P be requested to introduce m ore interactive role play sessions

into their “Streets Ahead Program m e” so that they can replicate som e

of the difficult situations parking attendants w ill deal w ith in their role.

1.8 That NC P be requested to provide tailored shorts (for the sum m er

m onths), headsets and utility style vests for parking attendants so that

they can carry out their role m ore com fortably in the future.

1.9 That NC P be requested to investigate the reasons for the persistent

failure of the parking attendant’s radio system in Brixham , and to report

their findings, and their solutions, to the review panel.

1.10 That NC P be requested to provide m obile phones for the parking

attendants so that they can com m unicate w ith their control room in

tim es of radio failure, in em ergency situations and w hen other parking

attendants are using the radio.

1.11 That NC P be requested to provide all parking attendants w ith regular

feedback on their personal perform ance in relation to the issuing of

PC Ns so that errors and inconsistencies can be identified.

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1.12 That NC P be requested to investigate, and address, w hy 70.3% of

respondents to the panel’s public consultation stated that in their

experience parking attendants w ere not advising m otorists to m ove

their vehicles (w here appropriate) rather than issuing a PC N.

1.13 That a continued m edia cam paign be conducted by the C ouncil’s

C om m unications M anager (in co-operation w ith NC P, Parking Services

and the m em bers of the review panel) to dispel the m yths surrounding

the parking attendants and their role in Torbay.

1.14 That all C ouncil staff be rem inded via an all staff em ail that they have

a responsibility to adhere to the parking regulations w hilst carrying out

their daily duties.

1.15 The recom m endations contained w ithin this Report are in accordance

w ith the C ouncil’s Budget and Policy Fram ew ork.

The recom m endations contained w ithin this Report w ould be a Key

Decision (Ref. X57/2006).

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2. Introduction

2.1 In February 2005 Torbay C ouncil m ade a successful application to the

Secretary of State for Transport for the pow er to carry out

Decrim inalised Parking Enforcem ent (DPE) from 4 April 2005. Local

Authorities have been able to apply to carry out these pow ers since

1991 under the Road Traffic Act. C ouncils that are successful in

applying for these pow ers can either hire a private com pany or

em ploy their ow n parking attendants to enforce the parking


2.2 Therefore Torbay C ouncil took the decision to invite tenders for the

supply of parking attendants and the issue of Penalty C harge Notices

(PC Ns) for Decrim inalised Parking Enforcem ent for a period of five

years, w ith an option of an extension for tw o years.

2.3 NC P tendered for this contract and w ere successful. They com m enced

the delivery of this service on 4 April 2005.

2.4 How ever since NC P took over the enforcem ent of parking regulations

in 2005 there has been considerable m edia coverage over the w ay

that NC P operates in Torbay. The local com m unity has also been

vocal, both in their support and opposition to the actions taken by the

parking attendants.

2.5 Therefore this review has been com m issioned to investigate the

w orking practices of the NC P parking attendants in the light of the

m ounting public interest.

2.6 The scope of the review w as:

(i) To determ ine the exact contractual arrangem ents that exist betw een

Torbay C ouncil and NC P in relation to parking attendants and all

w orking practices.

(ii) To investigate w hether the NC P parking attendants operating in Torbay

m eet the requirem ents of the contract.

(iii) To seek the view s of the public on the operation of the parking

attendants in Torbay.

(iv) To seek the view s of NC P, and their em ployees currently operating in

Torbay, on the difficulties they encounter in carrying out their w ork.

2.7 The project plan w hich sets out the full details of the review including

the m ethodology adopted is attached as Appendix 1.

2.8 The m em bership of the panel com prised of C ouncillors C harlw ood,

Hanley, Killick, Lom as, Pentney, Turnbull and W estw ood. C ouncillor

C harlw ood chaired the review panel.

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3. Process

3.1 The panel m et form ally on four occasions to consider evidence and to

w ork through its project plan. The panel also carried out a consultation

w ith the people of Torbay on the 1 and 2 of August 2006 in Torquay

and Paignton w here m em bers of the public w ere asked to fill out a

specially designed questionnaire on parking attendants. The

questionnaires w ere also available online for the public to com plete.

3.2 Evidence for the review panel’s w ork w as collected from the follow ing:

Phil C raem er, C ontract M anager, National C ar Parks Lim ited

M alcolm W ebley, Assistant Director (Highw ays and Engineering),

Torbay C ouncil

Steve Hurley, Service M anager (Tow n Services), Torbay C ouncil

NC P Parking Attendants

3.3 The panel also received w ritten evidence from m em bers of the public

living and w orking in Torbay.

3.4 The list of key docum ents (including background papers, reports and

briefing notes) w hich w ere considered by the panel is attached as

Appendix 4.

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4. Key Findings

G eneral

4.1 Prior to 1991 the m ajority of parking enforcem ent pow ers w ere

delivered by the Police and Traffic W ardens. How ever in 1991

Parliam ent passed the Road Traffic Act w hich decrim inalised som e

parking enforcem ent pow ers and gave local authorities the

opportunity to apply to the Secretary of State for Transport for the

pow ers to enforce on-street parking restrictions, know n as

Decrim inalised Parking Enforcem ent (DPE).

4.2 In February 2005 Torbay C ouncil applied to the Secretary of State for

the pow er to carry out DPE from 4 April 2005. The Secretary of State

sanctioned this application and from this date Torbay C ouncil has

taken over the responsibility for DPE in Torbay.

W hat contractual arrangem ents exist betw een Torbay C ouncil

and NC P Lim ited in relation to parking attendants?

4.3 In O ctober 2003 the Executive of the C ouncil considered a report

w hich outlined the future options for parking in Torbay. This report

outlined a num ber of w ays forw ard for the im proved enforcem ent of

on-street parking restrictions in Torbay.

The options w ere:

O ption 1

Provide additional funding to Devon and C ornw all Police C onstabulary

to provide additional traffic w ardens

O ption 2

That the C ouncil take over the enforcem ent of on-street parking

restrictions through a system of Decrim inalised Parking Enforcem ent

(DPE); and

O ption 3

That the C ouncil take over the enforcem ent of on-street parking

through a system of DPE, w ith the introduction of on-street “pay and

display” parking and consideration of “residents parking” schem es in

selected areas.

4.4 At the m eeting the Executive w as inform ed that in consultation w ith the

public there had been overw helm ing support for options 2 and 3 for

the C ouncil to take over the enforcem ent of on-street parking.

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Therefore a decision w as m ade that the C ouncil should pursue the

enforcem ent of on-street parking restrictions through a system of DPE.

4.5 Subsequently at a m eeting of the Executive in Septem ber 2004 a

decision w as m ade that an application be subm itted to the Secretary

of State to allow Torbay C ouncil to introduce DPE on-street and in

C ouncil car parks w ith effect from 4 April 2005. A further decision w as

m ade at this m eeting that the provision of parking attendants and the

issue of Penalty C harge Notices (PC Ns) should be contracted externally

as one contract w ith a five year term .

4.6 Torbay C ouncil operated a tender process to invite expressions of

interest from com panies w ho w ere interested in delivering DPE in

Torbay. NC P w as one of four com panies w ho tendered for the

contract and w ere successful in being aw arded the contract w hich

w as to com m ence in April 2005.

4.7 The contract that w as signed betw een the C ouncil and NC P included

a section w hich outlined the contractual obligations of NC P in relation

to the parking attendants w ho w ould be operating in Torbay. The m ain

points of the contract in relation to parking attendants w ere:

• staff m ust be capable of handling a custom er interface that can

frequently be tense, aggressive and difficult

• staff m ust be polite and helpful regardless of the situation

• staff m ust dem onstrate tact, restraint and diplom acy

• staff m ust provide accurate, fair and consistent enforcem ent of

the parking regulations

• staff w ill be expected to w ear a suitable uniform at all tim es

• staff are expected to carry out their w ork overtly, fairly and


• staff should advise m otorists to m ove their vehicles (w here

possible) rather than issuing a PC N

• staff should be prepared to answ er questions, offer advice and

give directional instructions.

4.8 How ever the contract is sufficiently flexible to allow for changes in the

w ay that parking attendants operate in Torbay. The C ouncil also has

the pow er to term inate the contract if m ore than 25 Default Notices

are issued in any 7 day period, or if m ore than 75 Default Notices are

issued in a 28 day period.

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Are the NC P Parking Attendants m eeting the requirem ents of the


4.9 The C ouncil ensures that the parking attendants are m eeting the

requirem ents of the contract by m onitoring their perform ance. It does

this by judging the frequency of the patrols undertaken and the quality

of the w ork done by the attendant e.g. capturing data, giving out

inform ation and follow ing the correct processes. The C ouncil’s Parking

Services Team m onitors the quality of the PC Ns issued by the

attendants and raises any problem s w ith the local NC P m anagem ent

team to highlight any attendants w ho are m aking consistent errors.

4.10 No bonus schem e exists for parking attendants w hich is linked to the

issuing of PC Ns. How ever a rew ard schem e does exist for exceptional

perform ance e.g. helping to find a m issing child, helping in an

em ergency situation or if a letter of thanks is received from the public.

The rew ard schem e is in no w ay linked to the issuing of PC Ns.

4.11 The C ouncil and NC P m eet on a daily, w eekly, m onthly and annual

basis to discuss problem s or issues relating to the im plem entation of the

contract and the perform ance of the parking attendants.

4.12 Any com plaints m ade against a parking attendant are m ade through

the C ouncil and are reported onto the local NC P contract m anager.

An investigation is then undertaken by NC P and the findings are

reported back to the C ouncil. If the C ouncil is not happy w ith the

actions taken by NC P, then the decision can be referred to the

regional NC P m anager. How ever it is the right of the C ouncil as the

client to ask for the rem oval of a parking attendant, or for them to be


4.13 At the tim e of the review NC P reported that there had been tw enty

five form al com plaints about parking attendants in Torbay.

4.14 NC P ensures that it is m eeting the requirem ents of the contract through

their recruitm ent process. The process for the recruitm ent of parking

attendants starts w ith the candidate filling out an application form and

undertaking an aptitude test. If successful the candidate has an

interview w hich tests the applicant’s ability to operate a hand held

term inal (com puter), physical fitness, com m unication skills,

interpersonal skills, literacy skills, num erical skills and local know ledge.

4.15 If the candidates successfully com plete the interview process they then

undertake a training program m e w hich consists of:

• three days of w alking the streets w ith an experienced parking

attendant to see w hat the role entails

• five days of classroom training know n as the “Streets Ahead

Program m e”; and

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• a final exam w hich tests their know ledge

4.16 O nce the exam has been successfully com pleted the new attendant is

placed on a probationary period for tw elve w eeks and is

accom panied by an experienced attendant w hen they initially go on

patrol. Throughout the probationary period the new attendant is

assessed and gaps in their know ledge are addressed. O nce the

attendant has com pleted the probationary period they are then

subject to the full term s and conditions of being an em ployee of NC P.

4.17 The panel w ere inform ed by the Service M anager (Tow n services) that

in his opinion the parking attendants w ere in general com plying w ith

the requirem ents of the contract and that he believed that the service

given to the people of Torbay w as of a good quality.

W hat are the view s of the public on the operation of parking

attendants in Torbay?

4.18 To gather the view s of the people of Torbay the review panel

undertook tw o consultation events held in Torquay and Paignton in

early August. At both events m em bers of the public w ere asked to fill

out a questionnaire on the parking attendants (attached at Appendix

2). This questionnaire w as also m ade available on the C ouncil’s w ebsite

and w as distributed to libraries and C onnections offices across Torbay.

4.19 The full findings of the consultation are attached at Appendix 3.

How ever the m ain points w ere:

• 389 residents took part in the consultation

• Nearly 70% of respondents w ho had received a PC N understood

w hy they had been issued w ith a PC N

• 55% of respondents w ho had received a PC N (and contested

the PC N) w ere either dissatisfied or very dissatisfied w ith the w ay

the appeal w as dealt w ith

• 35.6% of respondents agreed or strongly agreed that the parking

attendants w ere polite and helpful. How ever 32.3% of

respondents disagreed or strongly disagreed w ith the statem ent

• 41.6% of respondents disagreed or strongly disagreed that the

parking attendants are diplom atic, tactful and restrained in

com parison to 30.7% w ho agreed or strongly agreed w ith the

statem ent

• 51.4% of respondents disagree or strongly disagree that the

parking attendants are accurate, fair and consistent. 25% of

respondents agreed or strongly agreed w ith the statem ent

NC P Parking Attendants

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• 39% of respondents disagreed or strongly disagreed that the

parking attendants are courteous and reasonable. How ever 35%

of respondents agreed or strongly agreed w ith the statem ent

• 53.6% of respondents agreed that the parking attendants w ere

prepared to answ er questions, offer advice and give directional

instructions. How ever 46.4% disagreed w ith this statem ent

• 83.7% of respondents agreed that the parking attendants w ere

w earing suitable uniform s w ith a visible unique num ber

• 33.5% of respondents disagreed or strongly disagreed that

parking attendants are capable of coping w ith difficult

custom ers and aw kw ard situations. 25.7% agreed or strongly

agreed w ith the statem ent

• 70.3% of respondents stated that in their experience the parking

attendants in Torbay are not advising m otorists to m ove their

vehicles (w here appropriate) rather than issuing a PC N.

4.20 As w ell as the results of the consultation, m em bers of the public also

sent in letters and em ails outlining their view s on the w ork of the parking


W hat are the view s of NC P on the difficulties they encounter in

carrying out their w ork in Torbay?

4.21 NC P m anagem ent reported that they had experienced a high

turnover of parking attendants in Torbay. It w as stated that the

attendants receive verbal and physical abuse and that this had led to

m any of them leaving the em ploym ent of NC P. O ver the period of the

contract NC P reported that they had em ployed fifty six attendants but

that tw enty seven had subsequently left. This equates to a turnover rate

of 48%. How ever these figures need to be qualified as som e of those

w ho left m ay have done so for reasons other than the abuse they


4.22 NC P m anagem ent stated that the negative experience they had

received in Torbay w as unprecedented in their experience. Norm ally

w hen com m encing w ith a new contract they expected a negative

response from the public for the initial six m onths, but that they w ould

expect this to decline in tim e. How ever this has not been the case in

Torbay. Nevertheless NC P stated that they w ere happy w ith the level of

support that has been given to them from the staff at Torbay C ouncil.

4.23 W hen the panel m et w ith parking attendants to discuss their

experience of w orking in Torbay the follow ing points w ere m ade:

• that they felt they received adequate training to carry out their

role but that they w ould like to receive m ore training and

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guidance on anger m anagem ent and conflict resolution. They

also suggested that m ore role play situations could be used in

the initial training to replicate som e of the difficult situations the

attendants m ay face in the future, possibly w ith input from

senior parking attendants

• that they felt com fortable to discuss problem s and issues w ith

supervisors and m anagers

• that m any of the parking attendants that the panel m et cam e

to the role from a background in custom er service w hich they

found useful in carrying out their role

• that in their opinion prior to NC P enforcing the parking

regulations the procedures had not been strongly enforced.

Therefore NC P w as, in their opinion, feeling a backlash from the

public as the regulations w ere now m ore strictly enforced

• that the parking attendants did use their discretion on a regular

basis as the hand held term inal (com puter) they used does not

allow the issuing of a PC N until after a 5 m inute observation tim e

has expired. They also explained that in extrem e circum stances

they exercised discretion by not logging a vehicle on their hand

held term inal (thus starting the 5 m inute observation tim e) if it

w as obvious that the issuing of a PC N w as not appropriate.

• that the parking attendants did not see their role as issuing PC Ns

but as traffic m anagem ent

• that all car park ticket m achines are checked to be operating

correctly by the parking attendants w hen they arrive at the car

park before any PC Ns are issued for ticket related offences

• that at tim es the Police w ere not supportive in attending

incidents w here parking attendants felt intim idated or


• that the hand held term inal (com puter) used by the parking

attendants ensured that they accurately recorded inform ation

linked to the issuing of a PC N

• that supervisors m onitored the issue of PC Ns on a daily basis for

accuracy and consistency

• that som e parking attendants used m ore discretion than others

in carrying out their role. How ever the parking attendants stated

that if they used too m uch discretion this brought them into

conflict w ith being consistent

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• that on the w hole the parking attendants w ere pleased w ith

the uniform and equipm ent they used, how ever there w as plea

for tailored shorts in hot w eather, as w ell as headsets (to aid

com m unication) and utility style vests to carry their equipm ent.

They also inform ed the panel that their radios did not alw ays

w ork correctly in Brixham and that this m eant that they had to

rely on their ow n personal m obile phones to com m unicate w ith

the control room

• that the parking attendants w ere keen to receive regular

feedback on their personal perform ance in issuing PC Ns from

their supervisors and m anagers

• that the parking attendants felt supported by the C ouncil but

w ould like to have m ore of an opportunity to engage w ith the

C ouncil in the future

• the parking attendants reported that at tim es the C ouncil’s ow n

staff parked in inappropriate places in carrying out their daily

w ork

• the parking attendants stated that in their opinion the

introduction of residents parking perm its, and other parking

procedures being introduced as part of DPE, w ould reduce the

pressure on them in the future, and w ould assist residents

• that in the opinion of the parking attendants the enforcem ent

of parking regulations by NC P in Torbay w as not as stringent as

in other parts of the country

• that in the opinion of the parking attendants local people

seem ed to be m ore vocal in their opposition to their w ork than

visitors to Torbay w ho w ere m ore accepting of the situation and

the enforcem ent of parking regulations.

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5. C onclusions and O ptions Appraisal

5.1 The panel is of the opinion that w hilst the contract betw een Torbay

C ouncil and NC P is adequate to m eet the requirem ents of Torbay they

do have concerns over som e of NC P’s w orking practices.

O ption 1

That the Scrutiny Leads for Environm ent and Partnerships be invited to

the m onthly and annual m eetings betw een NC P and the C ouncil to

m onitor the perform ance of NC P in delivering the contract.

O ption 2

Take no further action.

5.2 W hilst the panel are of the view that the parking attendants are

m eeting the requirem ents of the contract they do have concerns over

the parking attendant’s use of discretion, training and their equipm ent

and uniform .

O ption 1

That NC P develop clear guidelines for their staff on the use of discretion

and the issuing of PC Ns. That NC P be advised to recruit people w ith

custom er service experience w herever possible. That NC P be advised

to provide anger m anagem ent and conflict resolution courses for all

their parking attendants. That NC P be advised to introduce m ore

interactive role play sessions in their “Streets Ahead Program m e”. That

NC P be advised to provide tailored shorts, headsets and utility style

vests for their parking attendants. That NC P be advised to investigate

reasons for the persistent failure of the parking attendant’s radio system

in Brixham . That NC P be advised to provide m obile phones for the

parking attendants so that they can com m unicate w ith their control

room at all tim es. That NC P be advised to provide all parking

attendants w ith regular feedback on their personal perform ance in

relation to the issuing of PC Ns.

O ption 2

Take no further action.

5.3 The panel cam e to the conclusion that parking regulations had not

been strictly enforced prior to NC P taking responsibility for DPE in April

2005. Therefore in the opinion of the panel NC P had received a

backlash from a public w ho had becom e com placent about parking

regulations. The panel also found that visitors to Torbay w ere m ore

accepting and understanding of the parking arrangem ents in Torbay

than residents. Therefore in the opinion of the panel NC P w as not

im pacting on Torbay’s tourist trade.

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5.4 The panel found that the results of their public consultation suggested

that the public w ere divided in their view s on the operation of parking

attendants in Torbay. How ever they w ere pleased to discover during

their public consultation that nearly 70% of respondents w ho received

a PC N understood w hy it had been issued. Nevertheless they w ere

disappointed to discover that over 70% of respondents stated that in

their experience parking attendants w ere not advising m otorists to

m ove their vehicles (w here appropriate) rather than issuing a PC N.

O ption 1

That NC P be asked to investigate, and address, w hy 70.3% of

respondents to the panel’s public consultation stated that in their

experience parking attendants w ere not advising m otorists to m ove

their vehicles (w here appropriate) rather than issuing a PC N.

O ption 2

Take no further action.

5.5 The panel w as pleased to discover that NC P does not operate a bonus

schem e for parking attendants w hich is linked to the issuing of PC Ns.

O ption 1

That a continued m edia cam paign be conducted by the C ouncil’s

C om m unications M anager (in co-operation w ith NC P, Parking Services

and the review panel) to dispel the m yths surrounding the parking

attendants and their role in Torbay.

O ption 2

Take no further action.

5.6 Finally the panel w ere w orried at the high turnover of parking

attendants in Torbay and the abuse they received from the public and

the local m edia. They w ere also concerned that som e C ouncil staff

failed to adhere to the parking regulations w hilst carrying out their


O ption 1

That all C ouncil staff be rem inded that they have a responsibility to

adhere to the parking regulations w hilst carrying out their daily duties.

O ption 2

Take no further action.

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6. Recom m endations and Associated Risks

It is recom m ended to the C abinet:

6.1 That the Scrutiny Leads for Environm ent and Partnerships be invited to

the m onthly and annual m eetings held betw een NC P and Torbay

C ouncil to m onitor the perform ance of NC P in delivering the contract

for the supply of parking attendants.

Risk associated w ith the recom m endation

There is little or no risk associated w ith this recom m endation.

6.2 That NC P be requested to develop clear guidelines and procedures for

their parking attendants in relation to the use of discretion and the

issuing of PC Ns (Penalty C harge Notices).

Risk associated w ith the recom m endation

If the recom m endation is not im plem ented the C ouncil and NC P m ay

suffer negative publicity and com plaints from the public.

6.3 That NC P be requested to recruit staff w ith custom er service

experience w herever possible.

Risk associated w ith the recom m endation

If the recom m endation is not im plem ented the C ouncil and NC P m ay

suffer negative publicity and com plaints from the public.

6.4 That NC P be requested to provide anger m anagem ent and conflict

resolution courses for all their parking attendants, and to include this

training in their “Streets Ahead Program m e” in the future.

Risk associated w ith the recom m endation

If the recom m endation is not im plem ented the C ouncil and NC P m ay

suffer negative publicity and com plaints from the public.

6.5 That NC P be requested to introduce m ore interactive role play sessions

into their “Streets Ahead Program m e” so that they can replicate som e

of the difficult situations parking attendants w ill deal w ith in their role.

Risk associated w ith the recom m endation

If the recom m endation is not im plem ented the C ouncil and NC P m ay

suffer negative publicity and com plaints from the public.

NC P Parking Attendants

Page 16

6.6 That NC P be requested to provide tailored shorts (for the sum m er

m onths), headsets and utility style vests for parking attendants so that

they can carry out their role m ore com fortably in the future.

Risk associated w ith the recom m endation

There is little or no risk associated w ith this recom m endation .How ever if

the recom m endation is not im plem ented it m ay im pact on the

effectiveness of the parking attendants in carrying out their role.

6.7 That NC P be requested to investigate the reasons for the persistent

failure of the parking attendant’s radio system in Brixham , and to report

their findings, and their solutions, to the review panel.

Risk associated w ith the recom m endation

If this recom m endation is not im plem ented then there is a risk that the

parking attendants w ill not be able to com m unicate effectively.

6.8 That NC P be requested to provide m obile phones for the parking

attendants so that they can com m unicate w ith their control room in

tim es of radio failure, in em ergency situations and w hen other parking

attendants are using the radio.

Risk associated w ith the recom m endation

If this recom m endation is not im plem ented then there is a risk that the

parking attendants w ill not be able to com m unicate effectively.

6.9 That NC P be requested to provide all parking attendants w ith regular

feedback on their personal perform ance in relation to the issuing of

PC Ns so that errors and inconsistencies can be identified.

Risk associated w ith the recom m endation

If this recom m endation is not im plem ented then errors and

inconsistencies in the w ay PC Ns are issued m ay not be addressed.

6.10 That NC P be requested to investigate, and address, w hy 70.3% of

respondents to the panel’s public consultation stated that in their

experience parking attendants w ere not advising m otorists to m ove

their vehicles (w here appropriate) rather than issuing a PC N.

Risk associated w ith the recom m endation

If the recom m endation is not im plem ented the C ouncil and NC P m ay

suffer negative publicity and com plaints from the public.

6.11 That a continued m edia cam paign be conducted by the C ouncil’s

C om m unications M anager (in co-operation w ith NC P, Parking Services

NC P Parking Attendants

Page 17

and the m em bers of the review panel) to dispel the m yths surrounding

the parking attendants and their role in Torbay.

Risk associated w ith the recom m endation

If the recom m endation is not im plem ented the C ouncil and NC P m ay

suffer negative publicity and com plaints from the public.

6.12 That all C ouncil staff be rem inded via an all staff em ail that they have

a responsibility to adhere to the parking regulations w hilst carrying out

their daily duties.

Risk associated w ith the recom m endation

If the recom m endation is not im plem ented the C ouncil m ay suffer

negative publicity and com plaints from the public.

NC P Parking Attendants

Page 18

7. Resource and O ther Im plications

7.1 Legal

There are no im plications linked to the recom m endations.

7.2 Financial – Revenue

The m ounting of a publicity cam paign to dispel the m yths surrounding

Torbay’s parking attendants w ill have a direct cost to the C ouncil. Also

m any of the recom m endations w ill have a direct cost im plication for


7.3 Financial – C apital Plan

There are no im plications linked to the recom m endations.

7.4 Hum an Resources

There are no im plications for the C ouncil in relation to the

recom m endations but there w ill be considerable im plications for NC P if

the recom m endations are im plem ented.

7.5 Property

There are no im plications linked to the recom m endations.

7.6 Procurem ent and Efficiency

There are no im plications linked to the recom m endations.

7.7 Im plications for O ther Business Units

If the recom m endations are im plem ented then there w ill be an im pact

on the w ork of the Highw ays and Engineering Business Unit and the

C om m unications and C ustom er Services Business Unit.

7.8 O ther Im plications

The review panel’s recom m endations w ill have significant im plications

on the w orkload of NC P.

8. M onitoring Arrangem ents

NC P Parking Attendants

Page 19

8.1 That the panel should reconvene in M arch 2007 to m onitor the progress

that is being m ade in im plem enting their recom m endations.

NC P Parking Attendants

Page 20

Acknow ledgem ents

The m em bers of the review panel w ould like to thank all the people and

organisations w ho took the tim e to contribute tow ards the w ork of the review ,


Phil C raem er, C ontract M anager, National C ar Parks Lim ited

M alcolm W ebley, Assistant Director (Highw ays and Engineering), Torbay

C ouncil

Steve Hurley, Service M anager (Tow n Services), Torbay C ouncil

Les Jennings, C om m unity Pool M em ber

Hannah Tom s, C onsultation and Research Team , Torbay C ouncil

The NC P Parking Attendants w ho spoke to the m em bers of the review panel

All the people w ho took the tim e to give the panel their view s by subm itting

evidence or by filling out questionnaires.

NC P Parking Attendants

Page 21

Appendix 1

NC P Parking Attendant Review Panel

Project Plan – Scoping Docum ent

O bjective of the Review

To investigate and review the w orking practices of National C ar Parks Ltd (NC P) operating in


Scope of the Review

1. To determ ine the exact contractual arrangem ents that exist betw een Torbay C ouncil

and NC P in relation to parking attendants and all w orking practices.

2. To investigate w hether the NC P parking attendants operating in Torbay m eet the

requirem ents of the contract

3. To seek the view s of the public on the operation of the parking attendants in Torbay

4. To seek the view s of NC P Ltd and their em ployees currently operating in Torbay on

the difficulties they encounter in carrying out their w ork

Rationale for the Review

Follow ing legal changes in 1991 (Road Traffic Act) som e parking enforcem ent pow ers w ere

decrim inalised and transferred from the police and traffic w ardens to local authorities.

Therefore local authorities can now apply to the Secretary of State for pow ers to carry out

Decrim inalised Parking Enforcem ent. Local Authorities that successfully apply for these

pow ers can then either hire a private com pany or em ploy their ow n parking attendants to

enforce parking regulations.

In February 2005 Torbay C ouncil m ade an application to the Secretary of State for the pow er

to carry out Decrim inalised Parking Enforcem ent from 4 April 2005. The Secretary of State

sanctioned this application and from that date Torbay C ouncil took on the responsibility as

the local traffic authority.

Torbay C ouncil subsequently took the decision to invite tenders for the supply of parking

attendants and the issue of Penalty C harge Notices (PC Ns) for Decrim inalised Parking

Enforcem ent for a period of 5 years w ith an option of an extension for 2 years. NC P tendered

for this contract and w ere successful and com m enced the delivery of this service on 4 April


Since April 2005 there has been considerable m edia attention on the w orking practices of

NC P in carrying out their duties in Torbay. The local com m unity have been vocal, both in their

opposition and support of the actions taken by the parking attendants. M em bers of the

C ouncil have also received letters from constituents on this issue.

NC P Parking Attendants

Page 22


O fficers from the C ouncil’s Highw ays and Engineering Business Unit

Representatives from NC P (including m anagers as w ell as local parking attendants)

The w ider com m unity of Torbay (including local businesses and other stakeholders)

Review Panel

C ouncillor C harlw ood (C hair)

C ouncillor W estw ood

C ouncillor Hanley

C ouncillor Lom as

C ouncillor Killick

C ouncillor Pentney

C ouncillor Turnbull

It is anticipated that the O verview and Scrutiny Board w ill consider the report of the Panel at

its m eeting to be held on 18 O ctober 2006. O nce the report has been adopted it w ill be

forw arded to the appropriate decision-m aker.

NC P Parking Attendants

Page 23

Appendix 2

NC P Parking Attendants

Page 24

NC P Parking Attendants

Page 25

Appendix 3

Parking Attendants Review 2006 Public Consultation Results.

Final Report.

In July 2006 Torbay Council initiated a review to investigate and review the working practices of National Car Parks Ltd (NCP) operating in Torbay. This report details the full breakdown of results from the public consultation which was held in August 2006.

NC P Parking Attendants

Page 26

142 37.7%

235 62.3%

377 100.0%




Count %

Q1a - Have you ever been issued with a Penalty Charge Notice?

A total of 389 residents took part in the consultation through one or more of these consultation processes:

I) Attending the consultation road show on the 2nd and 3rd August in Paignton and Torquay

ii) Filling out our paper survey from a library or connections office in the bay

iii) Filling out our online form at

The following tables show the full results from the online, face to face and paper surveys. Table 1: The responses to Q1a) Have you ever been issued with a Penalty Charge Notice?

Key points from the table.

• Over half (62.3) % of all respondents have never been issued with a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN).

NC P Parking Attendants

Page 27

95 69.9%

41 30.1%

136 100.0%

a) I received a penalty charge notice on

my car and had no dealings with a

parking attendant.

b) I received a penalty charge notice on

my car and spoke with a parking

attendant about it.


Count %

Q1b - If yes, Please take a look at the following statements and place a cross in

the box that applies to you

Table 2: The responses to Q1b) If yes, Please take a look at the following statements and place a cross in the box that applies to you

Key points from the table.

• The Majority (69.9%) of respondents have not had any dealings with a parking attendant.

• 30.1% of respondents who have been issued with a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) have spoken with a parking attendant about it

NC P Parking Attendants

Page 28

15 11.0%

17 12.5%

1 .7%

16 11.8%

28 20.6%

5 3.7%

54 39.7%

136 100.0%

Parking on Double Yellow Lines

Parking on single Yellow Lines between the

times outlined on

Parking in a Bus stop Clearing

Parking in a loading bay

Parking in a car park, returning late to your


Parking in a car park, over the lines of the

parking space.



Count %

Q2 - For what reason did you receive the Penalty Charge Notice?

Table 3: The responses to Q2) For what reason did you receive the Penalty Charge Notice?

Key points from the table.

• The most frequent reason (out of those that are listed) for receiving a ticket is ‘parking in a car park, and returning to your vehicle late’. (20.6%)

• Nearly 40% (39.7%) of all respondents stated that they received a Penalty Charge Notice for another reason.

• Some of these reasons include: (For the full list of comments to Q2 other please refer to appendix A.)

Parking in a Taxi Rank Loading outside a school Loading in a loading bay Outside building society – no yellow lines Failed to notice blue badge was out of date Quayside in Brixham

NC P Parking Attendants

Page 29

100 69.9%

43 30.1%

143 100.0%




Count %

Q3 - Do you understand why you were given a

Penalty Charge Notice?

Parking within a designated place which had no signs saying how long you may park. Parking area – no clear signage Disabled driver in proper place, badge on display. Parking in a restricted zone.

Table 4: Responses to Q3) Do you understand why you were given a Penalty Charge Notice?

• Nearly 70% of respondents understood why they were issued a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN). Table 5: Responses to Q4) Did you contest your Penalty Charge Notice?

15 17.2%

54 62.1%

18 20.7%

87 100.0%

a) With a parking attendant

b) With the Council/NCP

c) Both with a Parking attendant

and through NCP/the Council


Count %

Q4 - Did you contest your Penalty Charge Notice (PCN)?

NC P Parking Attendants

Page 30

11 9.2%

17 14.2%

26 21.7%

15 12.5%

51 42.5%

120 100.0%

Very satisfied


Neither satisfied nor



Very dissatisfied


Count %

Q5 - Were you satisfied that it was dealt with


Key points from the table.

• 62.1% of respondents who answered question 4 contested their Penalty Charge Notice with the Council/NCP.

• Only 17.2% have contested the PCN with a parking attendant. Table 6: Responses to Q5) Were you satisfied that it was dealt with appropriately?

Key points from the table.

• Just over half (55%) of respondents were dissatisfied or very dissatisfied with the way their contest was dealt with.

• Only 23.4% were ‘satisfied’ or ‘very satisfied’ that it was dealt with appropriately

• And 21.7 % were neither satisfied nor dissatisfied with the way it was dealt with.

NC P Parking Attendants

Page 31

3 20.0%

2 13.3%

10 66.7%

15 100.0%

Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied


Very dissatisfied


Filter 3: Respondents who have contested their

PCN with a parking attendent. Count %

Q5 - Were you satisfied that it

was dealt with appropriately?

3 17.6%

1 5.9%

3 17.6%

10 58.8%

17 100.0%

Very satisfied



Very dissatisfied


Filter 5: Respondents who have contested their PCN

with both a parking attendant and through the

Council/NCP Count %

Q5 - Were you satisfied that it was

dealt with appropriately?

Table 6.1 Shows the filtered response from those respondents who contested their PCN with a Parking Attendent.

Key points from the table.

• The Majority (66.7%) of the 15 respondents who contested their PCN with a parking attendant were Very dissatisfied with the way it was dealt with.

• Table 6.2 Shows the filtered response from those respondents who contested their PCN with the Council/NCP

NC P Parking Attendants

Page 32

Key points from the table.

• 23.5% of respondents who contested their PCN with the Council/NCP were very satisfied or satisfied with the way it was dealt with.

• 58.8% of respondents who contested their PCN with the Council/NCP were very dissatisfied with the way it was dealt with.

• None of the respondents stated they were neither satisfied nor dissatisfied with the way their PCN contest was dealt with. Tables 7, 8 and 9: The responses to Q6) In your opinion which of the following statements apply to the way the parking attendants operate in Torbay? Responses to Q6a) They are polite and helpful

Key points from Table

• 35.6% of responses agree or strongly agree that parking attendants in Torbay are Polite and helpful.

• 32.3% of respondents disagree or strongly disagree with the statement.

• 32.2% Neither agree nor disagree with the statement.

38 10.6%

90 25.0%

116 32.2%

56 15.6%

60 16.7%

360 100.0%

Strongly agree


Neither agree or disagree


Strongly disagree


Count %

Q6a - They are polite and helpful

NC P Parking Attendants

Page 33

6 4.7%

30 23.3%

36 27.9%

20 15.5%

37 28.7%

129 100.0%

Strongly agree


Neither agree or disagree


Strongly disagree


Filter 1. Respondents who have

received a PCN only. Count %

Q6a - They are polite and helpful

Table 7.1 - Shows the filtered response from those respondents who have been issued with Penalty Charge Notice (PCN).

Key points from Table

• 28% of the 129 respondents who have been issued with Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) stated that they agree or strongly agree that the Parking attendants in Torbay are polite and helpful.

• 27.9% had no strong opinion

• 44.2% strongly disagree or disagree that the parking attendants in Torbay are polite and helpful.

NC P Parking Attendants

Page 34

32 14.5%

58 26.2%

75 33.9%

34 15.4%

22 10.0%

221 100.0%

Strongly agree


Neither agree or disagree


Strongly disagree


Filter 9: respondents who have never

received a PCN Count %

Q6a - They are polite and helpful

Table 7.2 - Shows the filtered response from those respondents who have never been issued with Penalty Charge Notice (PCN).

Key points from Table

• 40.7% of respondents who have never been issued with Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) agree or strongly agree that the Parking attendants in Torbay are polite and helpful.

• 33.9% neither agree nor disagree with the statement

• Only 25.4% of respondents who have never been issued with Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) disagree or strongly disagree that the Parking attendants in Torbay are polite and helpful.

NC P Parking Attendants

Page 35

2 5.3%

6 15.8%

5 13.2%

5 13.2%

20 52.6%

38 100.0%

Strongly agree


Neither agree or disagree


Strongly disagree


Filter 2: Respondents who have received a PCN

and have spoken with a Parking attendant about it. Count %

Q6a - They are polite and helpful

Table 7.3 - Shows the filtered response from those respondents who have been issued with Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) and have spoken with a Parking attendant about it. Key points from Table

• 65.8% of respondents who have never been issued with Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) disagree or strongly disagree that the Parking attendants in Torbay are polite and helpful.

• 13.2% neither agree nor disagree with the statement

• Only 21.1% of respondents who have never been issued with Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) and have spoken with a parking attendant about it agree or strongly agree that the Parking attendants in Torbay are polite and helpful.

Table 8: Overall responses to Q6b) They are diplomatic, tactful and restrained

NC P Parking Attendants

Page 36

Key points from Table

• Overall 41.6% of respondents disagree or strongly disagree that the parking attendants in Torbay are Diplomatic, tactful and restrained.

• 30.7% agree or strongly agree that the parking attendants in Torbay are Diplomatic, tactful and restrained.

• 27.7% had no strong opinion. Table 8.1 - Shows the filtered response from those respondents who have been issued with Penalty Charge Notice (PCN).

29 8.1%

81 22.6%

99 27.7%

81 22.6%

68 19.0%

358 100.0%

Strongly agree


Neither agree or disagree


Strongly disagree


Count %

Q6b - They are diplomatic, tactful and restrained

NC P Parking Attendants

Page 37

Key points from Table

• Just over half (56.2%) of respondents who have been issued with a PCN disagree or strongly disagree that the parking attendants in Torbay are diplomatic, tactful and restrained.

• 23.1% agree or strongly agree that the parking attendants in Torbay are diplomatic, tactful and restrained.

• 20.8% neither agree nor disagree with the statement. Table 8.2 - Shows the filtered response from those respondents who have never been issued with Penalty Charge Notice (PCN).

6 4.6%

24 18.5%

27 20.8%

33 25.4%

40 30.8%

130 100.0%

Strongly agree


Neither agree or disagree


Strongly disagree


Filter 1. Respondents who have

received a PCN only. Count %

Q6b - They are diplomatic,

tactful and restrained

NC P Parking Attendants

Page 38

Key points from Table

• 36.1% of respondents who have never been issued with Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) agree or strongly agree that the parking attendants in Torbay are diplomatic, tactful and restrained.

• 32.9% of respondents who have never been issued with Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) disagree or strongly disagree that the parking attendants in Torbay are diplomatic, tactful and restrained.

• 31.1% had no strong opinion Table 8.3 - Shows the filtered response from those respondents who have been issued with Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) and spoken with a parking attendant about it.

23 10.5%

56 25.6%

68 31.1%

46 21.0%

26 11.9%

219 100.0%

Strongly agree


Neither agree or disagree


Strongly disagree


Filter 9: respondents who havent

received a PCN Count %

Q6b - They are diplomatic, tactful

and restrained.

NC P Parking Attendants

Page 39

Key points from Table

• 76.3% of respondents who have been issued with Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) and spoken with a parking attendant about it disagree or strongly disagree that the parking attendants in Torbay are diplomatic, tactful and restrained.

• 18.5% of respondents who have been issued with Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) and spoken with a parking attendant about it agree or strongly agree that the parking attendants in Torbay are diplomatic, tactful and restrained.

• Only 5.3% neither agree nor disagree with the statement.

2 5.3%

5 13.2%

2 5.3%

7 18.4%

22 57.9%

38 100.0%

Strongly agree


Neither agree or disagree


Strongly disagree


Filter 2: Respondents who have received a PCN

and have spoken with a Parking attendant about it. Count %

Q6b - They are diplomatic, tactful and restrained

NC P Parking Attendants

Page 40

29 8.1%

61 16.9%

85 23.6%

75 20.8%

110 30.6%

360 100.0%

Strongly agree


Neither agree or disagree


Strongly disagree


Count %

Q6c - They are accurate, fair and consistent

Table 9: Overall Responses to Q6c) They are accurate, fair and consistent

Key points from Table

• 51.4% of respondents disagree or strongly disagree that the parking attendants in Torbay are accurate, fair and consistent.

• 25% of respondents strongly agree or agree that the parking attendants in Torbay are accurate, fair and consistent.

• 23.6% neither agree nor disagree.

NC P Parking Attendants

Page 41

Table 9.1 - Shows the filtered response from those respondents who have been issued with Penalty Charge Notice (PCN).

Key points from Table

• Only 12.9% of the 132 respondents who have been issued with a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) strongly agree or agree that the Parking attendants in Torbay are accurate, fair and consistent.

• 62.1% the 132 respondents who have been issued with a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) strongly disagree or disagree that the Parking attendants in Torbay are accurate, fair and consistent.

• 25% had no strong opinion

8 6.1%

9 6.8%

33 25.0%

25 18.9%

57 43.2%

132 100.0%

Strongly agree


Neither agree or disagree


Strongly disagree


Filter 1. Respondents who

have received a PCN only. Count %

Q6c - They are accurate, fair and


NC P Parking Attendants

Page 42

Table 9.2 - Shows the filtered response from those respondents who have been issued with Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) and have spoken with a parking attendant about it.

Key points from Table

• Around ¾ (75.7%) of the 37 respondents who have been issued with Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) and have spoken with a parking attendant about it strongly disagree or disagree that the parking attendants in Torbay are accurate, fair and consistent.

• 13.5% neither agree nor disagree

• And only 10.8% of the 37 respondents to this question strongly agree or agree with the statement.

2 5.4%

2 5.4%

5 13.5%

7 18.9%

21 56.8%

37 100.0%

Strongly agree


Neither agree or disagree


Strongly disagree


Filter 2: Respondents who have received a PCN

and have spoken with a Parking attendant about it. Count %

Q6c - They are accurate, fair and consistent

NC P Parking Attendants

Page 43

Table 10: Responses to Q7) Overall do you agree that the parking attendants in Torbay are courteous and reasonable?

Key points from Table

• Overall 35% of all respondents to this consultation strongly agree or agree that the parking attendants in Torbay are courteous and reasonable.

• 26% neither agree nor disagree that they are courteous and reasonable

• And 39% disagree or strongly disagree with the statement.

Table 10.1 - Shows the filtered response from those respondents who have been issued with Penalty Charge Notice (PCN).

31 8.5%

97 26.5%

95 26.0%

73 19.9%

70 19.1%

366 100.0%

Strongly agree


Neither agree or disagree


Strongly disagree


Count %

Q7 - Overall do you agree that the parking attendants in Torbay

are courteous and reasonable?

NC P Parking Attendants

Page 44

5 3.7%

27 19.9%

35 25.7%

31 22.8%

38 27.9%

136 100.0%

Strongly agree


Neither agree or disagree


Strongly disagree


Filter 1. Respondents who have

received a PCN only. Count %

Q7 - Overall do you agree that the parking

attendants in Torbay are courteous and


Key points from Table

• Nearly half (49.8%) of the 136 respondents who have been issued with a PCN stated that they strongly disagree or disagree that the Parking attendants in Torbay are Courteous and reasonable.

• 25.7% had no strong opinion

• And 23.7% agree or strongly agree that the parking attendants in Torbay are Courteous and Reasonable.

Table 10.2 - Shows the filtered response from those respondents who have never been issued with Penalty Charge Notice (PCN).

NC P Parking Attendants

Page 45

Key points from Table

• Nearly half (42.8%) of respondents who have never been issued with Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) strongly agree or agree that the parking attendants in Torbay are courteous and reasonable.

• 25.7% neither agree nor disagree

• 31.5 % disagree or strongly disagree that the parking attendants in Torbay are courteous and reasonable.

Table 10.3 - Shows the filtered response from those respondents who have been issued with Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) and spoken with a parking attendant about it.

26 11.7%

69 31.1%

57 25.7%

38 17.1%

32 14.4%

222 100.0%

Strongly agree


Neither agree or disagree


Strongly disagree


Filter 9: respondents who havent

received a PCN Count %

Q7 - Overall do you agree that the parking attendants in

Torbay are courteous and reasonable.

NC P Parking Attendants

Page 46

2 5.0%

6 15.0%

7 17.5%

6 15.0%

19 47.5%

40 100.0%

Strongly agree


Neither agree or disagree


Strongly disagree


Filter 2: Respondents who have received a PCN

and have spoken with a Parking attendant about it. Count %

Q7 - Overall do you agree that the parking

attendants in Torbay are courteous and


Key points from Table

• 62.5% of the 40 respondents who have been issued with Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) and spoken with a parking attendant about it disagree or strongly disagree with the statement.

• 17.5% had no strong opinion

• 20% of respondents who have been issued with Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) and spoken with a parking attendant about it strongly agree or agree that the parking attendants in Torbay are courteous and reasonable.

Table 11: Responses to Q8) In your experience are the parking attendants in Torbay prepared to answer questions, offer advice and give directional instructions?

NC P Parking Attendants

Page 47

Key points from Table

• Just over half of all respondents agreed that the parking attendants in Torbay are prepared to answer questions, offer advice and give directional instructions.

Table 12: Responses to Q9) Are the parking attendants in Torbay wearing suitable uniforms with a visible unique number on their epaulettes (badge on their shoulder)?

158 53.6%

137 46.4%

295 100.0%




Count %

Q8 - In your experience are the parking attendants in Torbay

prepared to answer questions, offer advice and give directional


NC P Parking Attendants

Page 48

308 83.7%

27 7.3%

33 9.0%

368 100.0%



Don't Know


Count %

Q9 - Are the parking attendants in Torbay wearing suitable uniforms

with a visible unique number on their epaulettes (badge on their


Key points from Table

• The majority of all respondents (83.7%) agreed that the parking attendants in Torbay are wearing suitable uniforms with a visible unique number on their epaulettes (badge on their shoulder).

Table 13: Responses to Q10) To what extent do you agree that the parking attendants in Torbay are capable of coping with difficult customers and / or awkward situations?

NC P Parking Attendants

Page 49

11 4.7%

49 21.0%

95 40.8%

40 17.2%

38 16.3%

233 100.0%

Strongly agree


Neither agree or disagree


Strongly disagree


Count %

Q10 - To what extent do you agree that the parking attendants in

Torbay are capable of coping with difficult customers and / or

awkward situations?

Key points from Table

• 25.7% agree or strongly agree that the parking attendants in Torbay are capable of coping with difficult customers and / or awkward situations.

• 40.8% neither agree nor disagree

• 33.5% disagree or strongly disagree with the statement. Table 14: Responses to Q11) In your experience, are the parking attendants in Torbay advising motorists to move their vehicles (where appropriate) rather than issuing warning a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN)?

NC P Parking Attendants

Page 50

97 29.7%

230 70.3%

327 100.0%




Count %

Q11 - In your experience, are the parking attendants in Torbay advising

motorists to move their vehicles (where appropriate) rather than issuing

warning a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN)?

Key points from Table

• The majority of respondents (70.3%) stated that in their experience the parking attendants in Torbay are not advising motorists to move their vehicles (where appropriate) rather than issuing warning a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN)?

Conclusion The results from this consultation have revealed that the public opinion of the parking attendants in Torbay is generally more negative than positive, particularly with those respondents who have received a Penalty Charge Notice. Residents are generally happy that parking attendants in Torbay offer advice, give directions and offer information to residents, however the results show that they do not generally advise motorists to move their vehicles rather than issuing a ticket. For a full list of all of the comments from this consultation please refer to appendix A. Appendix A: comments from all respondents. Comments placed on the Consultation Caravan Notice board at the events held on 1 and 2 August 2006

• No where to park to collect parcels at Paignton Post office

NC P Parking Attendants

Page 51

• Confusing parking signage across Torbay especially on the seafront in Torquay

• Its wrong that blue badge holders have to pay in car parks

• Annoyed at faulty parking meters

• Why can’t we park in Hyde Road, Paignton after 6pm?

• Could holiday accommodation providers have an official card so that guests can unpack?

• System worked better when it was run by the Council

• We need residents parking in Torwood Street

• There are problems with disabled parking on Hyde Road, Paignton

• Half hour parking restriction in Fisher Street is not long enough

• There should be free parking in car parks as we pay for it!

• Some people feel intimidated by the parking attendants

• More should be done to stop dangerous and irresponsible parking in Torbay

• Concerned at difficulty to get temporary disabled badge

• If car parking charges were less more people would use the car parks

• Parking system seems to be working in High Road, Paignton

• Butland Avenue, Preston needs to be residential parking only as workers use up all the spaces

• Have pay and display on the seafront

• Parking signage needs to be bigger and updated

• Parking attendants are just doing their job stop pressurising them

• More should be done to stop lorries parking on pavements, this is dangerous to the disabled who want to us e the pavements

• More parking attendants needed on Walnut Road

• Parking in Cleeveland Road, Paignton is a problem

• Parking meters in Clennon Valley and Churchwood Street are running slow

• Appendix B: Further analysis breakdowns – Tables only.

About the respondents

The following tables show the breakdown of respondents by age and gender.

NC P Parking Attendants

Page 52

64 17.6%

300 82.4%

364 100.0%




Count %

Do you consider yourself to be disabled

in any way?

1 .3%

14 3.7%

44 11.5%

77 20.2%

86 22.6%

88 23.1%

49 12.9%

22 5.8%

381 100.0%

0 - 15

16 - 24

25 - 34

35 - 44

45 - 54

55 - 64

65 - 74



Count %


215 60.2%

142 39.8%

357 100.0%




Count %


NC P Parking Attendants

Page 53

9 6.6%

36 26.3%

44 32.1%

25 18.2%

23 16.8%

137 100.0%

Strongly agree


Neither agree or



Strongly disagree


Female Respondants Count %

Q7) Overall do you agree that the parking attendants in

Torbay are courteous and reasonable?

45 67.2%

8 11.9%

3 4.5%

11 16.4%

67 100.0%

it affects my mobility

it affects my hearing

it affects my vision

it affects me in another way

(please state below)


Count %

If yes, please tell us how it effects you

6 10.2%

16 27.1%

15 25.4%

8 13.6%

14 23.7%

59 100.0%

Strongly agree


Neither agree or



Strongly disagree


Filter 8: Respondants

with a disability Count %

Q7 - Overall do you agree that the parking attendants

in Torbay are courteous and reasonable?

NC P Parking Attendants

Page 54

20 9.8%

54 26.5%

43 21.1%

43 21.1%

44 21.6%

204 100.0%

Strongly agree


Neither agree or



Strongly disagree


Male Respondants Count %

Q7 - Overall do you agree that the parking attendants in Torbay

are courteous and reasonable?

NC P Parking Attendants

Page 55

Appendix 4

List of Key Docum ents

• M inutes of the m eeting of the C abinet 6 August 2002, Torbay C ouncil

• M inutes of the m eeting of the Executive 14 O ctober 2003, Torbay

C ouncil

• M inutes of the m eeting of the Executive 14 O ctober 2004, Torbay

C ouncil

• The Road Traffic (Perm itted Parking Area and Special Parking Area)

(Borough of Torbay) O rder 2005, Stationery O ffice

• Torbay C ouncil Parking Policy 2005, Torbay C ouncil

• Torbay C ouncil Enforcem ent (Parking) Policy M anual, Torbay C ouncil

• C ontract for the Supply of Parking Attendants and Issue of PC Ns

betw een Torbay C ouncil and NC P, 2005

• Herald Express, W ednesday 16 M arch 2005

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