review article thebiochemistry ofdiabetes...thebiochemistry ofdiabetes roytaylorand loranne agius...

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Biochem. J; (1988) 250, 625-640 (Printed in Great Britain)


The biochemistry of diabetes

Roy TAYLOR and Loranne AGIUSDepartment of Medicine, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, Framlington Place, Newcastle upon Tyne NE2 4HH, U.K.

INTRODUCTIONWe have attempted to review this broad subject not by

being comprehensive, but rather by emphasizing areas ofrecent advance.The hallmark of diabetes mellitus is an inability to

control blood glucose. There are two major clinicalsyndromes: one characterized by insulin dependence andearly age of onset with weight loss and ketonuria, and thesecond characterized by relatively later onset, insensi-tivity to insulin and partial insulin deficiency. Dearth ofprecise knowledge about pathogenesis makes aetiologicalclassification hazardous, and in this review the descriptiveterms insulin-dependent diabetes (IDDM) and non-insulin dependent diabetes (NIDDM) will be used.


Carbohydrate metabolismFasting state. In normal subjects, fasting blood glucose

is maintained constant by control of hepatic glucoseoutput. After an overnight fast, approx. 75 % of hepaticglucose output is accounted for by glycogenolysis andthe rest by gluconeogenesis from lactate, alanine,glycerol, and pyruvate in decreasing order of importance(Hers & Hue, 1983). Hepatic glucose output is controlledby basal levels of insulin and glucagon. Basal hepaticextraction of insulin and glucagon is approx. 500(Waldhausl et al., 1982); and hence insulin and glucagonconcentrations in the peripheral circulation are lowerthan in the portal vein. At least 70 % of extrahepaticglucose utilization occurs in insulin-insensitive tissues(brain, red blood cells and renal medulla) (Vranic &Wrenshall, 1968).

In NIDDM, fasting blood glucose is raised in directproportion to hepatic glucose output (Bogardus et al.,1984; Revers et al., 1984; DeFronzo et al., 1985), andappears unlikely to be a result of decreased insulin actionat the periphery as it has not been shown to correlateclosely with insulin-stimulated glucose disposal(Bogardus et al., 1984; DeFronzo et al., 1982a). Asfasting plasma insulin and C-peptide concentrations arenormal in NIDDM, the elevated hepatic glucose outputis likely to reflect a degree of hepatic insulin insensitivity.Study of the insulin dose-response of suppression ofhepatic glucose output supports this concept (Reverset al., 1984).

Postprandial state. In normal subjects, first-passhepatic glucose extraction is low and over 90 % of anoral glucose load reaches the peripheral circulation(Radziuk et al., 1978; Pehling et al., 1984). Over thesubsequent few hours approximately one-third ofglucose

is cleared by the liver (Katz et al., 1983). Uncertaintypersists about the proportion of glucose stored by theliver which is derived from 3-carbon precursors formedin the periphery, but this is currently thought to beconsiderable (Katz & McGarry, 1984). The post-mealhyperinsulinaemia inhibits lipolysis and stimulatesstorage of glucose and fatty acids as glycogen in muscleand liver and as triacylglycerol in adipose tissue.

In NIDDM subjects, study of plasma insulin levelsthroughout the day has demonstrated that, although theincremental responses to meals are decreased anddelayed, the prolonged postprandial peaks ensure thatmean diurnal plasma insulin levels are elevated (Liuet al., 1983). Postprandial rates of gluconeogenesis arenot suppressed (Wahren et al., 1972; Hall et al., 1979)and total hepatic glucose release as assessed isotopicallyis excessive (Firth et al., 1986a). Gluconeogenesis frommeal-derived 3-carbon precursors is somewhat greater inNIDDM than in normal subjects.

Following glucose ingestion, splanchnic lactate uptakechanges to net output and forearm oxygen uptake andlactate balance do not change (Meistas et al., 1985;Jackson et al., 1986). These findings suggest that intestineor liver metabolizes glucose to lactate, some of which iseventually stored by the liver as glycogen and fatty acid.Most of the glucose taken up by muscle must therefore bestored. Jackson et al. (1987b) demonstrated a transientperiod of lactate uptake in forearm muscle after glucoseloading (probably a mass action effect related tohyperlactataemia) and showed that there was no markeddecrease in skin lactate output over the same period.Fasting superficial venous lactate concentrations aregreater than either arterial or deep venous concentrations,and therefore skin must be one of the major organs oflactate production (Jackson et al., 1987b).Although the insulin-mediated increment in muscle

glucose uptake is subnormal in NIDDM, absolutepostprandial rates of glucose uptake are normal whenmeasured directly by the forearm technique at prevailingblood glucose concentrations despite the marked insulininsensitivity (Jackson et al., 1973; Firth et al., 1986a).This reflects the mass action effect of glucose on tissueuptake (Revers et al., 1984).

Relatively few studies on human muscle enzymes havebeen carried out. Falholt et al. (1987) found decreasedfasting activity of hexokinase and phosphofructokinase,suggesting a potential decrease in glycolysis in NIDDMsubjects, but glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase andmalic enzyme activities were elevated and so was muscletriacylglycerol. However, the patients studied wereremarkably hyperinsulinaemic, fasting plasma insulinlevels being 6-fold elevated, and thus not representativeof the majority of NIDDM subjects.

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Abbreviations used: IDDM, insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus; NIDDM, non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus; VLDL, very-low-densitylipoprotein; GH, growth hormone; IGF, insulin-like growth factor; NEFA, non-esterified fatty acids.

R. Taylor and L. Agius

Table 1. Mean diurnal plasma concentrations of intermediary metabolites under differing degrees of glycaemic control andinsulinaemia

Data represent 12 h day-time means, *24 h means, or t4 h means, compared with normal subjects. SU, sulphonylurea; SC,subcutaneous insulin; N, normal; 4, significantly raised; 4, significantly low.

Subjectsand 3-Hydroxy- Glucose Insulintherapy Lactate Pyruvate Alanine Glycerol NEFA butyrate (mmol/l) (m-units/i) Reference

NIDDMDiet N 4 4 4 _ N 7.0 16 Nattrass (1982)Diet N N N N - N 7.9 - tSheppard et al. (1983)Diet 4 4 4 4 N 4 11.8 23 tSamad et al. (1987)Diet - - - - 4 4 18.4 7 Nankervis et al. (1982)Diet - - - - 4 - 12.2 33 tFraze et al. (1985)Nil 4 4 4 N - 4 13.2 - tSheppard et al. (1983)SU 4 4 4 4 4 N 11.4 - tI. R. Jones (unpublished work)SU N N N 4 N N 5.2 20 Nattrass et al. (1978)SU 4 4 4 1 - N 13.2 26 Nattrass (1982)Metformin 4 4 4 4 N N 7.0 19 Nattrass et al. (1977)

IDDMSC N _ N 4 - 4 12.9 29 Madsbad et al. (1981)SC 4 t N N - 4 12.1 31 *Capaldo et al. (1984)SC N N 4 N - 4 8.5 16 *Marshall et al. (1987)SC 4 4 N 4 N N 8.3 52 Nosadini et al. (1982)Biostator 4 4 N 4 N N 5.6 81 Nosadini et al. (1982)

In subjects with IDDM, postprandial hyperglycaemiais the consequence of the lack of an appropriate sharpincrease in circulating insulin levels, and reflects in-adequacies in the dynamics of insulin delivery. Hepaticrelease of glucose is relatively uninhibited and this,together with the demonstrated resistance to insulin inperipheral tissues (Proietto et al., 1983; Yki-Jarvinenet al., 1984), results in postprandial hyperglycaemia. Theresults of studies on circulating concentrations ofintermediary metabolites are summarized in Table 1. Astriking feature is the high lactate in IDDM and poorlycontrolled NIDDM. Strong correlations have beenreported between mean 24 h plasma insulin and lactateconcentrations (Capaldo et al., 1984; Alberti et al.,1975). The high lactate persists during establishment ofnormoglycaemia over a 24 h period, although in thissituation measured Cori cycle activity is suppressed(Nosadini et al., 1982). It is possible that the hyper-lactataemia may represent an imbalance of insulin actionon peripheral tissues compared with liver, as sub-cutaneous or intravenous insulin administration leads toequal levels of insulin in the peripheral circulation andportal vein, unlike the normal situation. Restoration ofthe portal-peripheral insulin gradient returns lactateconcentrations towards normal (Jimenez et al., 1985;Stevenson et al., 1983). In poorly controlled NIDDMsubjects, the portal-peripheral insulin gradient is pre-served, but it is possible that peripheral tissues becomerelatively more resistant to insulin action (see below).Proinsulin appears to have a slightly greater effect on theliver than on peripheral tissues in vivo and the rise inplasma lactate usually associated with insulin infusion isnot seen when doses of proinsulin are infused to producesimilar increments in overall glucose disposal (Daviset al. 1986). Changes in circulating pyruvate and alaninetend to reflect lactate concentrations and hence degree ofmetabolic control and hyperinsulinaemia (Table 1).

The sorbitol (polyol) pathway

One of the consequences of hyperglycaemia in humandiabetes mellitus is increased metabolism of glucose bythe sorbitol pathway. This involves the reduction ofglucose to sorbitol catalysed by aldose reductase(EC 1.1. 1.21) and the oxidation of sorbitol to fructose bysorbitol dehydrogenase (EC Aldose reductaseis present in human brain, nerves, aorta, muscle,erythrocytes and ocular lens (Srivastava et al., 1984; Das& Srivastava, 1985b). Although the purified enzyme hasa low affinity for glucose (Km approx. 100 mM) (Moon-sammy & Stewart, 1967), it can be activated by glucose6-phosphate, NADPH and glucose (Das & Srivastava,1985a,b). Sorbitol is not permeable to cell membranesand tends to accumulate in the cell. At high [glucose] theflux through the sorbitol pathway in rabbit lens mayaccount for one-third of glucose metabolism (Gonzalezet al., 1984). This has important implications in terms ofredox changes of NADP and NAD couples andmetabolism of glucose by alternative pathways (Jeffrey &Jornvall, 1983).

Conversion of glucose to sorbitol by aldose reductaserequires NADPH and forms NADP+ (Fig. 1) and therebycompetes with other NADPH-requiring reactions.NADPH is required for the conversion of oxidized toreduced glutathione, a powerful antioxidant whichprotects cellular components from oxidative damage,and for fatty acid and cholesterol biosynthesis. Thepentose phosphate pathway is the major source ofNADPH in most tissues and its flux is generallydetermined by the NADP+/NADPH ratio. Conversionof sorbitol to fructose is coupled to reduction of NAD+to NADH and this competes with glycolysis at theglyceraldehyde dehydrogenase step for NAD+ (Gonzalezet al., 1986). An increase in the NADH/NAD+ ratiofavours increased conversion of dihydroxyacetone



The biochemistry of diabetes

G lucose Hexokinase Glucose 6-phosphate

* NADPH Ribulose -- /5-phosphate

1 Pentosephosphate






ise2 GSSG Se


G lutathioneF reductase

F ructose ----------------------------- am-.


G lyceraldehyde3-phosphate _



D ihydroxyacetonephosphate



Glycerol 3-phosphate

Pyruvate - Acetyl-CoA



L- Lactate


NADP+ &Fatty acid

Fig. 1. The sorbitol pathway and its links with the pentose phosphate pathway and glycolysis through the NADP+ and NADI redoxcouples

The sorbitol pathway involves: conversion of glucose to sorbitol by aldose reductase and sorbitol to fructose by sorbitoldehydrogenase. Reactions coupled to oxidation ofNADPH are indicated by * and reactions coupled to reduction ofNADI areindicated by **. Aldose reductase competes with glutathione reductase for NADPH and sorbitol dehydrogenase competes withglyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase for NADI. (1) An increased flux through aldose reductase favours an increasedactivity of the pentose phosphate pathway (Gonzales et al., 1986) and increased flux through sorbitol dehydrogenase favoursincreased conversion of dihydroxyacetone phosphate to glycerol 3-phosphate (Gonzalez et al., 1983) and decreased conversionof glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate to 3-phosphoglycerate.

phosphate to glycerol 3-phosphate. In rat lens, increasedflux through aldose reductase is associated with increasedpentose phosphate pathway activity, decreased glycolysis(Gonzalez et al., 1986), accumulation of glycerol3-phosphate and depletion of reduced glutathione(Whikehart & Soppet, 1981; Gonzalez et al., 1984).

Disturbances in lipid metabolismFatty acid mobilization and production and utilization

of ketone bodies. One of the most prominent features ofinsulin deficiency is rapid mobilization of fatty acids fromadipose tissue. In IDDM, excessive lipolysis duringinsulin deficiency is the combined result of insulin lackand insulin resistance (Singh et al., 1987). One of theconsequences of excessive mobilization of fatty acids in

IDDM is the production of ketone bodies (acetoacetate,3-hydroxybutyrate and acetone) in liver. Fatty acidstaken up by the liver, after conversion to their CoAesters, are either esterified to glycerolipid or oxidized toacetyl-CoA in mitochondria. A high proportion of theacetyl-CoA formed is converted to acetoacetate and3-hydroxybutyrate. The rate of transfer of fatty acylunits to the mitochondria is regulated by the activityof carnitine palmitoyltransferase I (EC, whichfaces the intermitochondrial membrane space andcatalyses the first step specific to mitochondrial fatty acidoxidation. Carnitine palmitoyltransferase I is regulatedby malonyl-CoA, an intermediate in fatty acid synthesis,and it is also regulated by a phosphorylation mechanism.Malonyl-CoA decreases the affinity of the enzyme for its

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R. Taylor and L. Agius

*CH3COCH2CO2- + H+Acetoacetate

ab CO2

* CH3COCH3Acetone





CH3COCH20P d VAcetolphosphate

CH3CH(OH)CH20PL-Propane-1 ,2-diol


*CH3CH(OH)CH20HL-Propane-1 ,2-diol


CH3CH(OH)CHO *CH3C02L- Lactaldehyde Acetate

QI +

CH3CH (OH)C02D- Lactate

k-> CH3COC02

Pyruvate- CH3CH(OH)CO2

";z L- Lactate

*D-G lucose

Fig. 2. Postulated pathways for the metabolism of acetone to glucose and acetate

Intermediates marked by * increase in human plasma during ketosis (Reichard et al., 1986). Enzymes: a, acetoacetatedecarboxylase; b, acetone mono-oxygenase (NADP+); c, acetol kinase; d, propanediol phosphate dehydrogenase (NADP+); e,

phosphatase; f, lactaldehyde reductase [NAD(P)+]; g, lactaldehyde dehydrogenase (NAD+); h, acetol mono-oxygenase

(NADP+); i, 2-oxoaldehyde dehydrogenase [NAD(P)+]; j, glyoxylase I and II; k, D-2-hydroxyacid dehydrogenase (FAD); 1,lactate dehydrogenase (NAD+).

fatty acyl-CoA substrate (McGarry et al., 1977), whilephosphorylation increases the affinity for substrate(Harano et al., 1985). In insulin deficiency, the rate offatty acid synthesis in liver declines and consequently theconcentration of malonyl-CoA also decreases, and theaffinity of carnitine palmitoyltransferase for malonyl-CoA also decreases (Gamble & Cook, 1985), thusrelieving the inhibition of carnitine palmitoyltransferaseby malonyl-CoA. Changes in the kinetic propertiesof detergent-solubilized carnitine palmitoyltransferasefollowing exposure of liver cells to glucagon (activation)or insulin (inactivation) have also been observed (Haranoet al., 1985; Agius et al., 1986b), indicating that additionalmechanisms contribute to activation (or deinhibition) ofcarnitine palmitoyltransferase in insulin deficiency, there-by favouring increased transfer of long-chain fatty acidsinto mitochondria.The utilization of acetoacetate and 3-hydroxybutyrate

as oxidative fuels (or lipogenic substrates) by a variety oftissues is well established (Robinson & Williamson,1980) and increases with blood ketone body con-centration in the fed-to-fasted transition (Miles et al.,1980). In muscle, at ketone body concentrations attainedin prolonged starvation or diabetic ketosis, the rate ofuptake reaches saturation (Owen & Reichard, 1971).Consequently, with increasing ketone body productionand thereby plasma concentration, there is a progressivedecrease in total fractional clearance (Fery & Balasse,1985).

Although the biochemical routes of metabolism ofacetoacetate and 3-hydroxybutyrate are well established,the conversion of acetoacetate to acetone and itssubsequent excretion or metabolism has only recentlyreceived attention. In man, plasma [acetone] correlateswith, and is generally higher than, [acetoacetate] infasting and diabetic ketosis (Owen et al., 1982) and theproduction rate is estimated to be about half the rate ofketogenesis (Reichard et al., 1986). Conversion ofacetoacetate to acetone can occur either non-enzymicallyor catalysed by acetoacetate decarboxylase (EC, 1986). The occurrence of this enzyme has beendemonstrated in various rat tissues, but only in humanplasma (Koorevaar & van Stekelenburg, 1976). The highacetone production rate in man suggests the occurrenceof the enzyme in other tissues. At low plasma acetoneconcentrations (1-2 mM), as occur in fasting ketosis,about 20% is excreted (in breath and urine) and the restmetabolized, whereas at higher concentrations, as indiabetic ketosis (7-9 mM), about 80% is excreted (Owenet al., 1982). In the rat, acetone is hydroxylated to acetolwhich is either converted to methylglyoxal or to propane-1,2-diol (Fig. 2). The former is converted to pyruvateeither directly or indirectly (Cassava et al., 1984), whereaspropane- 1 ,2-diol is either oxidized to L-lactate orconverted to acetate and formate (Kosugi et al., 1986a,b)(Fig. 2). Studies on the incorporation of [2-'4Clacetoneinto glucose in the rat have shown that at low plasma[acetone] it is metabolized primarily to lactate and




The biochemistry of diabetes

pyruvate, but at high plasma [acetone], acetate formationpredominates (Kosugi et al., 1986b). Recent evidencesuggests that in human diabetic ketosis acetone metabol-ism may be very similar (Reichard et al., 1986). [2-14C]-Acetone was incorporated into glucose via pyruvateand lactate in the majority of patients, but, in one subjectwith high plasma [acetone], label incorporation waspredominantly via acetate formation (Reichard et al.,1986). These findings suggest that, in moderate ketosis inman, acetone is a potential gluconeogenic substrate.

Triacylglycerol secretion and clearance. The plasmatriacylglycerol concentration is elevated in both IDDMand NIDDM (Nikkila, 1984). In IDDM, decreasedclearance seems to be the main cause of the hightriacylglycerol level (Bagdade et al., 1968; Nikkila et al.,1977; Taskinen & Nikkila, 1979), whereas in NIDDMthe triacylglycerolaemia may be due to increased produc-tion by the liver (Greenfield et al., 1980; Kissebah et al.,1982; Dunn et al., 1984) and decreased clearance (Nikkilaet al., 1977; Taskinen et al., 1982; Pfeifer et al., 1983).Production of triacylglycerol by the liver involves theesterification of fatty acid, either synthesized de novo inthe liver from dietary carbohydrate and amino acid, orderived from adipose tissue reserves. The triacylglycerolis either stored intracellularly or it is packaged withapoproteins and secreted in the form of VLDL. Undercertain conditions fatty acid esterification increases withincreasing fatty acid concentration and appears to benon-saturable (Ontko, 1972). VLDL secretion, in con-trast, may be limited by the availability of aproproteinsor other components of the lipoprotein particle. WhenVLDL secretion reaches saturation, triacylglycerolaccumulates inside the liver. The elevated plasmatriacylglycerol in diabetes is generally associated withVLDL, although increases in other lipoproteins (LDLand HDL) also occur (Gibbons, 1986).

In absolute insulin deficiency, the plasma concen-tration and turnover of fatty acids increases, whereasfatty acid synthesis de novo decreases and the proportionof fatty acyl-CoA that is esterified as opposed to oxidizedalso decreases. Any absolute increase in hepatic fattyacid esterification depends on whether the increase infatty acid availability compensates for the increasedfractional diversion towards mitochondrial oxidation. Inpatients with IDDM, intensive insulin therapy, which isassociated with a higher mean plasma insulin comparedwith conventional insulin therapy, results in a decrease intriacylglycerol secretion rate (Dunn et al., 1987, Pietriet al., 1983). Whether the effect of the increased insulin-ization was primarily due to a decrease in fatty acidavailability or to inhibition of VLDL secretion is notclear.

Triacylglycerol secretion rates are generally higher inNIDDM than in IDDM (Greenfield et al., 1980). Innormolipaemic NIDDM, triacylglycerol secretion andclearance are both increased, whereas in hyperlipaemicNIDDM, fractional turnover rate is reduced such thatincreased triacylglycerol removal does not compensatefor the increase in secretion rate (Kissebah et al., 1982).In NIDDM with decreased VLDL clearance, the com-position of VLDL is abnormal, with a high triacyl-glycerol/apoprotein B ratio (Taskinen et al., 1986),indicating multiple abnormalities in VLDL metabolism.A key issue is whether changes in adipose tissue lipolysis,or intrahepatic mechanisms involving either changes in

fractional esterification of fatty acid or in the assemblyand secretion of VLDL, are responsible for the increasein triacylglycerol secretion rate in NIDDM. Studiesin vitro on the effects of insulin on fatty acid esterificationand secretion ofVLDL have led to conflicting hypotheses.In the perfused rat liver, insulin acutely increasestriacylglycerol secretion (Topping & Mayes, 1982; Laker& Mayes, 1984), but in rat hepatocyte cultures incubatedunder conditions of high rates of fatty acid synthesisde novo, insulin decreases the rate of triacylglycerolsecretion during a 16-18 h incubation (Durrington et al.,1982; Patsch et al., 1983, 1986). On the basis of theformer studies, elevated triacylglycerol secretion rates inNIDDM are suggested to be due to hyperinsulinizationof the liver, increasing esterification and VLDL secretion,whereas on the basis of the latter studies it might beargued that hepatic insulin resistance may be responsiblefor the lack of insulin inhibition of triacylglycerolsecretion. The lack of understanding of the physiologicaleffects of insulin on hepatic fatty acid esterification andVLDL secretion renders the interpretation of the lesionsin diabetes very difficult.


InsulinMechanism of insulin action. The extent to which

primary or secondary defects in insulin receptor activitycan explain cellular insensitivity to insulin is still hotlydebated. The insulin receptor is well characterized(Kahn, 1985) and its gene has been cloned (Ullrich et al.,1985). It comprises two 135 kDa a subunits which areextracellular and contain insulin-binding sites, and arelinked by disulphide bonds to two 95 kDa /, subunits.The /3 subunit has a hydrophobic transmembrane region,and an intracellular domain which has several tyrosineresidues, a tyrosine kinase and an ATP-binding site.Insulin binding to the a subunits activates the /3 subunittyrosine protein kinase and brings about phosphorylationof tyrosine residues on the /3 subunit. Activation of the /3subunit kinase may be involved in transmission of theinsulin signal, perhaps by initiating a phosphorylation/dephosphorylation cascade (Denton et al., 1981). Kinaseactivity of the insulin receptor can be decreased by cyclicAMP-dependent protein kinase phosphorylation ofserine or threonine sites on the , subunit, and this couldconceivably underlie catecholamine-induced insulinresistance (Roth & Beaudoin, 1987). In states of extremeinsulin resistance (Grigorescu et al., 1987; Grunbergeret al., 1984; Le Marchand-Brustel et al., 1985) andNIDDM (Freidenberg et al., 1987; Caro et al., 1986) theprocess of signal transmission from the receptor a

subunit insulin-binding site to activate the kinase appearsto be defective at one or more sites. Amino acidsubstitution in the ATP-binding region or the tyrosinekinase region (Chou et al., 1986; Ellis et al., 1986)abolishes insulin action. Whether or not the kinase isinvolved in mediating all actions of insulin remainsuncertain. Some antireceptor antibodies simulate insulinaction without changing kinase activity (Simpson &Hedo, 1984; Forsayeth et al., 1987). Not all actions ofinsulin are modulated in parallel by treatment of insulin-resistant states, suggesting that divergent pathways ofintracellular insulin signal transmission may be separatelyaffected (Boden et al., 1983; Pedersen & Hjollund, 1982).A remarkable array of second messengers of insulin

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action (Saltiel et al., 1986; Gottschalk & Jarrett, 1985)and substrates for the insulin receptor kinase (Whiteet al., 1985; Accili et al., 1986) have been reported, but allawait substantiation.The action of insulin in stimulating glucose transport

in adipose tissue and muscle has been intensively studied.Insulin brings about rapid translocation of glucosetransporters from an intracellular pool to the plasmamembrane (Karnieli et al., 198 la; Cushman & Wardzala,1980). Ignoring potential technical difficulties in assessingglucose transporter number by cytochalasin B binding,insulin also enhances intrinsic activity per transporterunit (Kahn & Cushman, 1985). In states of insulinopeniaor insulin insensitivity, total glucose transporter numberdecreases and this is likely to reflect lack of insulin effectupon glucose transporter synthesis (Karnieli et al.,1981b; Hissin et al., 1982). It must be considered,however, that a decrease in transporter number couldreflect a compensatory change in the face of hyper-glycaemia. The role of the glucose transporter system inthe pathogenesis of hyperglycaemia remains uncertain,as do the mechanisms of translocation to the plasmamembrane and change in intrinsic activity.

Studies in vivo in NIDDM. Whereas normal subjectsincrease glucose utilization by over 300 %0 during insulininfusion, NIDDM subjects do so by only 30% (Reavenet al., 1985; Donner et al., 1985; Swislocki et al., 1987).Obesity and NIDDM frequently coexist. Hollenbeck andcolleagues have demonstrated that the effect of obesityupon measured insulin sensitivity is similar in normaland NIDDM subjects, and that this effect is small incomparison with the effect ofNIDDM per se (Hollenbecket al., 1984).The parameter most commonly used to assess insulin

sensitivity is tissue uptake of glucose administeredintravenously, usually under conditions of hyper-insulinaemia sufficient to inhibit net hepatic glucoseproduction. Hence uptake and storage of glucose asglycogen predominantly in muscle is measured (Rizzaetal., 1980; Reversetal., 1984; DeFronzo etal., 1985). Asthis is increased by mass action during hyperglycaemia,the effect of insulin in hyperglycaemic states may beoverestimated. The experimental evidence for insulininsensitivity, gathered in the highly artificial setting ofconstant hyperinsulinaemia, is corroborated by observa-tions upon diurnal profiles of blood glucose and plasmainsulin. Several studies have demonstrated the co-existence of hyperglycaemia and relative hyperinsulin-aemia in NIDDM subjects (Swislocki et al., 1987; Liuet al., 1983).The older techniques ofassessment ofinsulin sensitivity

were not able to distinguish between the relative contri-butions of muscle and liver to the apparent insulinresistance. DeFronzo et al. (1985) demonstrated thatduring a hyperinsulinaemic euglycaemic clamp approx.85 00 of the intravenously administered glucose wastaken up by peripheral tissues (almost entirely muscle).As hepatic glucose production appeared to be reduced tozero under the conditions of the clamp, it was deducedthat peripheral tissue insulin insensitivity was thepredominant lesion in NIDDM. Methodological prob-lems cause overestimation of the degree of suppressionby insulin of hepatic glucose production in NIDDM andnormal subjects, but nonetheless hepatic insulin insensi-tivity appears to contribute relatively little to overall

measured insulin sensitivity (Bell et al., 1986; Firth et al.,1986a).

Studies in vitro in NIDDM. Adipocytes from newlydiagnosed NIDDM subjects demonstrate minimalresponsiveness to insulin in terms of glucose oxidation orlipogenesis (Bolinder et al., 1982; Hjollund et al., 1985).Interestingly, lipolysis was found to be normally inhibitedby insulin in cells from the same subjects (Bolinder et al.,1982). Insulin receptor number has been shown to benormal when measured at 37 °C (Hjollund et al., 1985;Kashiwagi et al., 1983). One site of defect may be withinthe insulin receptor itself. Freidenberg et al. (1987)studied insulin receptors partially purified from isolatedadipocytes taken from abdominal subcutaneous tissue ofmoderately obese NIDDM, moderately obese normaland lean normal subjects. The concentration of insulinrequired for half-maximal stimulation of insulin receptorautophosphorylation was similar for all groups, but thatfor insulin receptor kinase activity towards the artificialsubstrate poly(Glu-Tyr) was increased in the NIDDMgroup only. Obesity per se had no effect on insulinstimulation of kinase activity. Although these dataappear to argue for a defect in insulin receptor kinase asan explanation for the post-binding defect characteristicof NIDDM, the results depend on comparison of equalnumbers of receptors. Receptor number was determinedby extrapolation of a Scatchard plot to the x-axis, anotoriously inexact procedure which depends largely onthe behaviour of the low-affinity binding. The biologicalsignificance of the latter is uncertain. Furthermore,quantification of insulin receptors by one function,binding, in order to assess a second function, kinaseactivity, presupposes a fixed relation between variableswhich holds for all insulin receptors. Sinha and colleagueswere unable to demonstrate differences in auto-phosphorylation and kinase activity between receptorsprepared from adipose tissue ofmorbidly obese NIDDMand morbidly obese subjects with normal glucosetolerance (Sinha et al., 1987). In the latter study, datawere corrected to equal binding activity of receptorsuspensions rather than equal insulin receptor number.

Muscle insulin receptor number has been shown to beabout 30% decreased in very obese subjects withNIDDM or normal glucose tolerance compared withlean subjects (Caro et'al., 1987). Insulin receptor kinaseactivity was decreased to the same extent in the diabeticand normal obese groups, suggesting that diabetes didnot further exacerbate the kinase defect of obesity. Instreptozotocin diabetes in the rat, insulin receptornumber was 60 7000 increased and the insulin-stimulated autophosphorylation and kinase activity onexogenous substrates per unit receptor were diminished(Burant et al., 1986). Insulin treatment for 3 daysreversed these changes. No studies of viable humanmuscle in vitro have examined NIDDM, although insulinstimulation in viable human muscle strips has recentlybeen demonstrated with respect to glucose uptake andglycogen synthesis (Dohm et al., 1987; Taylor& Argyraki,1987). Limited information is available on substrateconcentrations and enzyme activities in needle biopsyspecimens of muscle. The studies of Falholt et al. (1985,1987) have been discussed above. Subnormal insulinstimulation of glycogen synthase in NIDDM subjectswas not restored by an 8 week period of good control oninsulin therapy (Y. T. Kruzsynska, unpublished work).



The biochemistry of diabetes

The isolation of viable human hepatocytes presents animportant technical advance in metabolic studies (Caroet al., 1986). Hepatocytes from an obese non-diabeticgroup exhibited a moderate right-shift of the insulindose-response, but hepatocytes from a NIDDM groupfailed to increase amino acid uptake rates even at IO-' M-insulin. Insulin receptor number was similar in all threegroups as judged by insulin binding experiments per-formed on intact cells at 4 'C. Either patient selection orexperimental differences may account for the discrepancywith the results of Amer and colleagues, who found a2-fold increase in insulin binding to the liver plasmamembranes from NIDDM subjects (Amer et al.,1986).

Studies in IDDM. The insulin sensitivity of glucosedisposal in IDDM (DeFronzo et al., 1982b; Proiettoet al., 1983) implies that the daily dosage of insulin (U.K.average 52 units/day) is in excess of normal dailysecretion rates. This has recently been demonstrated(Polansky et al., 1986). As with NIDDM, errors ininterpretation of radioactive tracer methods lead to thesupposition that hepatic glucose production is suppressednormally by insulin. It is now apparent that the liver ofIDDM subjects is modestly resistant to insulin (Bellet al., 1986).

In contrast with the findings in studies of adipocytesfrom NIDDM subjects, adipocytes from poorly con-trolled IDDM subjects dissplayed increased insulinreceptor binding and normal insulin sensitivity withrespect to glucose oxidation and lipogenesis (Pedersen &Hjolland, 1982; Lonnroth et -al., 1983; Yki-Jarvinenet al., 1984). It has been suggested that conventional twice-daily injection of insulin causes hyperinsulinaemia whichmay partially be avoided by continuous subcutaneousinsulin infusion. The latter therapy was observed toincrease maximally-stimulated rates of glucose transporttowards normal without change in either adipocyteinsulin binding or insulin sensitivity (Marshall et al.,1988). These data suggest that some of the observedabnormalities in adipose tissue may be secondary to theinsulin therapy. Hyperglycaemia itself does not appear tocause insulin resistance, as maintenance of near-normalglycaemia for 6 weeks in a group of previously poorly-controlled diabetic subjects did not improve insulin-stimulated glucose disposal rates (Kruszynska et al.,1986). No changes in the activation state of muscleglycogen synthase either basally or in response to insulinwere induced, and the response to insulin was less thanin normal subjects.

GlucagonPlasma glucagon levels are high in untreated diabetes

(Gerich et al., 1976a) and particularly during episodes ofdiabetic ketoacidosis (Muller et al., 1973), but are rapidlysuppressed by insulin treatment (Gerich et al., 1976b;Stark et al., 1987). In IDDM, glucagon secretion inresponse to hypoglycaemia is frequently blunted orabsent. This subnormal response develops within 1-5years after diagnosis and becomes more marked in lateryears (Gerich et al., 1973; Benson et al., 1977; Bolli et al.,1983). Impaired glucagon secretion is also observed inNIDDM (Bolli et al., 1984).Glucagon has a primary role in increasing hepatic

glucose output by stimulating glycogenolysis and gluco-

neogenesis. In diabetic subjects, inhibition of glucagonsecretion markedly suppresses the development of hyper-glycaemia after insulin withdrawal (Gerich et al., 1975).The stimulatory effect of a glucagon infusion on glucoseoutput appears transient, because it returns to normalwithin about 90 min despite persistently high glucagonconcentrations, probably due to feedback inhibition viainsulin secretion (Bratusch-Marrain et al., 1979).Though the stimulation of glycogenolysis may betransient (Komjati et al., 1985), that of gluconeogenesisis probably sustained because high glucagon levelsunaccompanied by appropriate increases in insulinsecretion result in a sustained increase in hepatic glucoseoutput (Rizza et al., 1979a,b). At physiological levels,glucagon infusion has been shown to have either noeffect on glucose uptake or to cause mild glucoseintolerance (Bajorunas et al., 1986); whether the latter isdue to a direct effect of glucagon on extrahepatic tissuesor to stimulation of catecholamine secretion is not clear.However, studies in vitro using isolated adipocytes haveshown that preincubation with glucagon decreasessubsequent insulin receptor binding and stimulatedglucose transport (Yamauchi & Hashizume, 1986).Glucagon also has a direct acute stimulatory effect onadipocyte lipolysis (Lefebvre, 1966; Honnor & Sagger-son, 1980). There is little evidence for stimulation ofketogenesis by physiological levels of glucagon in normalman (Liljenquist et al., 1974; Schade & Eaton, 1976),although increased ketone body levels are observed insubjects made insulin-deficient with somatostatin (Gerichet al., 1976c). In insulin-deprived diabetics, suppressionof glucagon secretion with somatostatin impairs ketonebody production (Gerich et al., 1975), suggesting thatendogenous glucagon contributes to the maintenance ofketogenesis.

CatecholaminesCatecholamine levels (adrenaline and noradrenaline)

are elevated in insulin-dependent diabetics during keto-acidosis or poor metabolic control (Christensen, 1974).In man, adrenaline causes a transient increase in hepaticglucose production (Rizza et al., 1980) mediated througha fl-receptor mechanism, while noradrenaline is weaklyhyperglycaemic in normal and insulin-deficient man(Schade & Eaton, 1978). When glucagon secretion isnormal, blockade of the adrenergic receptor system doesnot modify glucose counter-regulation following insulin-induced hypoglycaemia (Rizza et al., 1979a), suggestingthat catecholamines may not be essential for glucosehomoeostasis in hypoglycaemia. However, duringinfusion of insulin and somatostatin, to inhibit glucagonsecretion, adrenergic blockade prevents the increase inhepatic glucose production in response to hypoglycaemia(Hansen et al., 1986), suggesting that catecholaminesmight be important for glucose counter-regulation whenglucagon secretion is impaired. Adrenaline, nor-adrenaline and dopamine have been shown to be keto-genic in man; their effect is largely due to stimulation oflipolysis in adipose tissue, but they may also have a directketogenic effect on the liver (Keller et al., 1984a; Keller,1986). Stimulation of the sympathetic nerves in theperfused rat_liver increases glucose production andketogenesis (Beuers et al., 1986), suggesting that nor-adrenaline may have a role in regulation throughsympathetic nerve stimulation.

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Growth hormonePlasma GH profiles are elevated in diabetics with long-

term complications and poor metabolic control (Fineberg& Merimee, 1974; Gerich, 1984). It is uncertain whetherthe high GH levels are the cause or the consequence ofthe metabolic imbalance. Infusion of physiological levelsof GH in normal and hypophysectomized subjects isassociated with an early insulin-like effect on bloodglucose followed by insulin resistance. The former is dueto increased glucose clearance and suppressed glucoseoutput; the latter is due to impaired suppression ofglucose output and decreased glucose clearance(MacGorman et al., 1981; Bratusch-Marrain et al., 1982,1984). Physiological doses of GH increase ketone bodylevels in man (Schade et al., 1978; Metcalfe et al., 1981;Keller et al., 1984b). This is due to increased lipolysis andpossibly also increased ketogenesis at the hepatic level.Although some direct effects of GH on the liver havebeen demonstrated, including stimulation of glucosetransport and oxidation (Fix & Moore, 1981), increasedactivity of phosphatidate phosphohydrolase (Pittneret al., 1986) and acute inactivation of acetyl-CoAcarboxylase at micromolar GH concentrations (Born-stein et al., 1983), there is as yet no evidence in vitro fora direct ketogenic effect of GH on liver cells atphysiological hormone levels. In adipose tissue in vitro,acute insulin-like effects ofGH on glucose transport andoxidation, leucine oxidation and glycogen synthesis andstimulation of lipolysis after prolonged exposure are welldocumented, although the effects are more prominent inadipose tissue from hypophysectomized than fromnormal animals (Davidson, 1987).The high GH levels in IDDM have been implicated to

be involved in the long-term complications associatedwith neovascularization (Gerich, 1984). GH regulates theproduction of insulin-like growth factors (IGF) by theliver, although IGF levels do not always correlate withGH (Herington et al., 1983). IGF I levels are raised inplasma and ocular vitreous in diabetics with proliferativeretinopathy (Grant et al., 1986) and evidence in vitro hasshown that IGF I increases the proliferation of bovineretinal endothelial cells in culture (King et al., 1985).

GlucocorticoidsCortisol excess increases hepatic glucose output and

ketogenesis in insulin-deprived diabetics (Barnes et al.,1978) and in normal subjects treated with somatostatinto inhibit insulin secretion, but not when insulin secretionis unimpaired (Johnston et al., 1982). High cortisol levelshave been observed in diabetic ketosis and have beenimplicated to aggravate increased lipolysis in adiposetissue and increased fractional diversion of fatty acidstowards mitochondrial ketogenesis at the hepatic level(Johnston & Alberti, 1982). Glucocorticoid increasedketogenesis and gluconeogenesis in rat hepatocytes in theabsence of insulin, but not in its presence (Agius et al.,1986a). The stimulatory effect is much smaller than thatof glucagon, supporting the clinical evidence that cortisolhas a relatively minor role as regulator of ketogenesis.

INSULIN SECRETIONPhysiologically, plasma glucose concentration is a

major regulator of insulin secretion. This effect may bemimicked and potentiated by amino acids (Floyd et al.,

1966), potentiated by glucose insulinotropic peptide(Dupre et al., 1973; Jones et al., 1987) and inhibited bycatecholamines which act predominantly via the a-adrenergic receptors (Robertson et al., 1976). Whetherthe signal for insulin release is generated by a glucosereceptor such as the glucose transporter or by a step inthe metabolism of glucose remains uncertain. It has beenargued that the capacity of molecules to stimulate insulinsecretion is directly proportional to their suitability as ,cell fuels for glycolysis (Ashcroft, 1981; Sener & Malaisse,1984). Glyceraldehyde and pyruvate are respectivelygood and ineffective insulin secretagogues (Zawalichet al., 1978; Sener et al., 1978). Whatever the precisenature of the initiating signal, it is clear that insulinrelease is closely associated with a rise in intracellularfree calcium (Rorsman et al., 1984). However, under anumber of experimental conditions, glucose brings abouta paradoxical decrease in intracellular free calcium.Glucose affects cellular uptake and efflux of Ca2" andmovement of free Ca2" into organelle-bound calcium,these processes exhibiting different latencies (for reviewsee Hellman, 1986).Assessment of pancreatic , cell capacity/responsive-

ness in NIDDM is complicated by prevailing bloodglucose concentrations. Although NIDDM subjects haveno absolute deficiency of insulin as assessed by diurnalplasma insulin profiles (Liu et al., 1983) and normal orraised fasting plasma insulin (DeFronzo & Ferrannini,1982) this cannot be interpreted as indicating normalityof , cell function. When normal subjects are examinedduring hyperglycaemia, resulting rates ofinsulin secretionare far higher than in equivalently hyperglycaemicNIDDM subjects (Halter et al., 1979; Ferner et al.,1986). Conversely, when NIDDM subjects are renderednormoglycaemic by prior insulin infusion, steady stateinsulin levels after a wash-out period are lower than inweight-matched normal subjects (Turner et al., 1976).

Following an intravenous bolus of glucose, first phaseinsulin release is absent in NIDDM subjects, and indeeda temporary sharp decrease in insulin secretion rates isoccasionally observed (Brunzell et al., 1976; Metz et al.,1979; Hellman, 1986). Although it is frequently assumedthat second phase insulin release is not grossly abnormalin NIDDM, it is dependent upon the degree of hyper-glycaemia (Ferner et al., 1986).

Initial assessment of the effect of such non-glucoseinsulin secretagogues as isoproterenol or arginine sug-gested that , cells of NIDDM subjects respondednormally (Pfeifer et al., 1981). Examination of the slopeof glucose potentiation demonstrated that, althoughthe insulin response to arginine in NIDDM subjects at ablood glucose around 22 mmol/l was equivalent to thatof normal subjects, the latter exhibited a 5-fold enhance-ment of response when blood glucose was raised to22 mmol/l (Robertson & Chen, 1977; Ward et al., 1984).The glucose level required for half-maximal responsive-ness to arginine was normal in NIDDM. These findingsimply a generalized loss of , cell capacity rather than aproblem of glucose sensing as the basis of the insulinsecretory abnormality in NIDDM. In support of this,post mortem studies have suggested a 40-60% decreasein mean , cell mass in NIDDM (Saito et al., 1979; Gepts& Lecompte, 1981). A 70-90% pancreatectomy does notusually bring about overt diabetes (Brooks, 1979),emphasizing the importance of concurrence of amoderate decrease in both , cell function and tissue



The biochemistry of diabetes

sensitivity in the pathogenesis of NIDDM. Dysfunctionof a normal number of, cells induced by somatostatin inman and partial pancreatectomy in the rat both give riseto impaired first and second phase insulin responses toglucose and normal responses to non-glucose stimuli(Ward et al., 1983; Leahy et al., 1984).

Early defects in insulin secretion in IDDMIt is now recognized that IDDM is a disease of slow

onset, even though clinical presentation may be suddenand dramatic (Tarn et al., 1987). The preclinical phasemay last for 5 years or more, may be characterized by afluctuating rate of , cell attrition (Spencer et al., 1984)and first phase insulin response may decrease slowlybefore disappearing (Srikanta et al., 1983). It is highlylikely that an immunological attack causes the pro-gressive , cell damage (Bottazzo, 1986). However,immunological /? cell attack may not always progress toIDDM, and mild abnormalities in insulin secretion mayresult (Millward et al., 1986; Heaton et al., 1987). Thepotential for halting the immunological damage has ledto clinical studies of the effect of the immunosuppressiveagent cyclosporin A. Although early results appearencouraging, it is possible that spontaneous fluctuationsin disease progression or 'honeymoon phase 'may explainthese data (Stiller et al., 1984; Assan et al., 1985).

THERAPEUTIC ASPECTSMechanism of action of sulphonylureas

Sulphonylureas have a pronounced acute effect instimulating insulin release (Yalow et al., 1960). However,sulphonylureas potentiate insulin action in recentlypancreatectomized animals (Houssay et al., 1957; Caren& Corbo, 1959) and they inhibit lipolysis and ketogenesis,in addition to enhancing glycogen and non-esterifiedfatty acid synthesis in vitro apparently independently ofinsulin (Stone & Brown, 1967; Boshell et al., 1960; Fleiget al., 1984, Salhanick et al., 1983). Chronic administra-tion of sulphonylureas is not associated with persistenceof insulinotropic effects (Duckworth et al., 1972). Adirect drug effect on tissue insulin sensitivity has beenclaimed (Kolterman et al., 1984; Ward et al., 1985),although contrary evidence exists (Marchand et al.,1985). The positive studies are open to interpretation, asenhanced insulin sensitivity may be a secondary effect ofimproved metabolic control, whether achieved by dietarymeans (Pedersen et al., 1981), exercise (Yki-Yarvinenet al., 1984), or insulin therapy (Andrews et al., 1984;Garvey et al., 1985). Studies on isolated cells in vitro haveproduced similarly discordant results (Vigneri et al.,1982; Goldfine et al., 1984; Altan et al., 1985; Wardet al., 1985).

Studies in vivo of sulphonylurea effects in NIDDM aredifficult to interpret, as any direct drug effect cannot beseparated from secondary effects mediated via increasedinsulin secretion or improved metabolic control. InIDDM subjects, lacking any insulin secretory capacity,no effect on tissue insulin sensitivity could be detected(Grunberger et al., 1982; Keller, 1986). However, Pernetand colleagues demonstrated that at low insulin infusionrates sufficient to achieve moderate physiological levelsof insulin, glibenclamide appeared to enhance the insulin-mediated glucose disposal (Pernet et al., 1985). As thiseffect could not be seen at higher insulin levels, it is

possible that it reflects an alteration in hepatic ratherthan peripheral tissue metabolism.The observation of a raised plasma insulin to C-

peptide ratio has led to the suggestion that decreasedhepatic insulin extraction is a direct drug effect (Beck-Nielsen et al., 1986; Scheen et al., 1984; Kolterman et al.,1983). Tolbutamide decreases insulin extraction in theperfused rat liver (Marshall et al., 1970). If this is thecase, the lesser amount of insulin interacting with andtaken up by hepatocytes is relatively more potent indecreasing net hepatic glucose output in the presence ofthe drug.

Mechanism of action of metforminMetformin does not increase plasma insulin con-

centrations and it has been postulated to act by decreasinggluconeogenesis (Meyer et al., 1967; Jackson et al.,1987b; Nosadini et al., 1987) or increasing insulin-mediated glucose disposal (Prager et al., 1986; Nosadiniet al., 1987; Pagano et al., 1983). In vitro, metforminincreases basal but not maximal, insulin-stimulated ratesof glucose oxidation in rat fat cells (Fantus & Brosseau,1986) and enhances insulin-mediated glucose uptake inmuscle of diabetic rodents (Bailey & Puah, 1986; Frayn& Adnitt, 1972). In NIDDM subjects, metformin appearsto increase insulin-mediated glucose uptake (Prageret al., 1986; Nosadini et al., 1987). This concurs withprevious studies on phenformin action in the humanforearm (Butterfield et al., 1961), supporting a directdrug effect. Metformin administration to IDDM subjectsbrought about a slight increase in maximal insulin-stimulated glucose uptake rates (Gin et al., 1985) and adecrease in daily insulin requirements (Prager et al.,1986; Nosadini et al., 1987). However, Jackson et al.(1987a), studying a group of NIDDM subjects whoexhibited a good response to metformin treatment,found no evidence for an increase in muscle glucoseuptake after an oral load. Rather, the improvement inglycaemic control appeared to be due to decreasedhepatic glucose output (Jackson et al., 1987a). Theglucose tolerance curve was not changed in shape butstarted from a lower point. There is evidence for ametformin-induced decrease in gluconeogenesis but nothepatic glycogenolysis (Meyer et al., 1967; Haeckel &Haeckel, 1982). Unless glycogenolysis accounts for alesser proportion of fasting hepatic glucose output inNIDDM than normal subjects, it must be involved inany substantial reduction in hepatic glucose output. Ageneral increase in hepatic insulin sensitivity couldaccount for the observations. The effects of metformin inincreasing plasma arterial lactate concentrations may beinterpreted as confirming the drug-induced inhibition ofgluconeogenesis (Jackson et al., 1987a), since metformindoes not increase lactate production in the forearm ofNIDDM subjects in vivo (Jackson et al., 1987a).

Effects of dietary therapyDietary composition affects metabolic control in

subjects with impaired glucose tolerance and diabetes.Prescription of low carbohydrate diets for all diabeticsubjects was the norm until 1984, and this inevitably ledto consumption of a high fat diet. This was unsound inview of the propensity of diabetic subjects to ischaemicheart disease and hyperlipidaemia. The observation thatdiets with a high proportion of unrefined carbohydrateimproved metabolic control was of great interest. Such

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diets have been shown to improve insulin sensitivityin vivo and in isolated adipocytes (Hjollund et al., 1983,1987). Although some studies suggest that addition ofsucrose to the diet of NIDDM subjects does not affectglycaemic control under experimental conditions (Bantleet al., 1983), the hyperlipidaemic effect of added sucrose(Coulston et al., 1985) has been demonstrated.Many NIDDM subjects are obese. A weight loss

averaging 6.7 kg produced no changes in insulin-mediated glucose uptake at physiological insulin con-centrations nor in adipocyte metabolism in vitro(Zawadzki et al., 1987). In a similar group, weight loss of16.8 kg average was associated with a decrease in hepaticglucose output despite no change in fasting plasmainsulin, and increased glucose uptake at high physio-logical plasma insulin levels was enhanced (Henry et al.,1986). The unchanged fasting plasma insulin levels despitea pronounced decrease in blood glucose suggests that ,cell sensitivity to glucose is improved.

Effect of insulin treatmentAlthough the titles of the early studies on the effect of

insulin therapy on insulin sensitivity in NIDDM sug-gested that it could be returned to normal (Scarlett et al.,1982, 1983), the data were less impressive. Hepaticsensitivity to insulin may be increased at only modestimprovement in glycaemic control when peripheral tissueinsulin sensitivity is unaffected (Nankervis et al., 1982).The improvement seen in peripheral tissue insulinsensitivity appears to be most marked in the least obeseindividuals (Andrews et al., 1984). However, the minornature of the changes in tissue sensitivity are emphasizedby the observation that fasting plasma glucose andglucose intolerance return to pretreatment levels shortlyafter insulin withdrawal, whereas the changes in tissuesensitivity persist for up to 6 weeks (Gormley et al.,1986). Insulin therapy in NIDDM improves insulinsecretion in response to glucagon (Garvey et al., 1985)and oral glucose (Andrews et al., 1984; Gormley et al.,1986; Hidaka et al., 1982). Unfortunately, few of thesestudies looked at lipid metabolism in an attempt toestablish whether or not changes in insulin action may berelated to changes in NEFA levels (Randle et al., 1963).Improvement of diabetic control from abysmal to poorwas associated with a reduction in fasting NEFA andketone bodies (Nankervis et al., 1982).As improvement of metabolic control by exogenous

insulin and sulphonylurea administration results insimilar changes in hepatic glucose output or peripheraltissue insulin sensitivity, it is quite possible that neithertherapy acts directly on insulin sensitivity, but that someaspect of the metabolic state itself is responsible (Firthet al., 1986b). Indeed, dietary therapy alone decreasesfasting blood glucose and improves insulin-stimulatedrates of glucose oxidation (Boden et al., 1983). Decreasein circulating NEFA improves glucose utilization(Randle et al., 1963), but unfortunately NEFA, inter-mediary metabolites and counter-regulatory hormoneswere not measured in the majority of above studies. Itmay be hypothesized that only one of several concurrentdefects is modified by insulin therapy.

Conventional subcutaneous insulin administrationresults in slow absorption from the site of injectionthroughout the day and hyperinsulinaemia in thesystemic but not portal circulation. Hence, even whenblood glucose is almost normalized on such a regime,

abnormalities in plasma free insulin levels and inter-mediary metabolites remain. Achievement of strictnormoglycaemia by intravenous insulin administrationstill requires hyperinsulinaemia (Nosadini et al., 1982).Administration of insulin directly into the portal systemby intraperitoneal delivery does indeed reduce thehyperinsulinaemia (Jimenez et al., 1985; Husband et al.,1984). The normalization of carbohydrate and lipidmetabolism in diabetic dogs by intraportal but notintravenous insulin administration has been reported(Stevenson et al., 1983a,b). However, intraportal islettransplantation with peripheral venous drainage nor-malized glucose tolerance (Guy et al., 1987). The resultsof studies currently under way into the metabolic effectsof relatively hepatospecific insulins will be of greatinterest.


Tetradecylglycidate (methyl palmoxirate) and Eto-moxir are oxirane carboxylic acids whose CoA estersinhibitcarnitinepalmitoyltransferase I, therebypreventingmitochondrial long chain fatty acid oxidation. Thismight be expected to increase glucose utilization via theglucose-fatty acid cycle and indeed these compounds arehypoglycaemic in fasting animals (Tutwiler et al., 1978;Eistetter & Wolf, 1982). Suggestion of an action ininhibiting gluconeogenesis in animals and man is of greatinterest (Selby et al., 1987).

Carnitine palmitoyltransferase inhibition only inhibitsfatty acid oxidation. The flux-generating step for fattyacid metabolism is lipolysis. Nicotinic acid inhibitslipolysis in adipose tissue and thus lowers plasma NEFAlevels. Oral administration of the nicotinic acid analogue,Acipimox, is followed by a decrease in glycerol, NEFAand 3-hydroxybutyrate levels by approx. 80% within2 h, and an improvement in glucose tolerance andperipheral glucose uptake (Piatti et al., 1987).The a-glucosidase inhibitor acarbose and its newer

derivative Bay ml099 have been shown to have dramaticeffects in decreasing postprandial excretions of glucose,lactate and pyruvate in normal and diabetic subjects.Despite the marked postprandial changes in bloodglucose profiles, overall indices of glycaemic control indiabetic subjects have been remarkably little changed(Lardinois et al., 1984; Samad et al., 1988). The role ofsuch substances in the management of diabetic patientsremains speculative.

CHRONIC COMPLICATIONS OF DIABETESLongterm diabetes brings about distinct abnormalities

in the microcirculation and in nervous function whichare clinically manifested as nephropathy, retinopathyand neuropathy. The risk of developing such com-plications is related to longterm average glycaemiccontrol (Tchobroutsky, 1978; Pirart, 1978), but acomponent of genetic susceptibility to complicationsmeans that not all individuals with relatively gooddiabetic control escape problems and that some indi-viduals can endure metabolic mayhem over decadeswithout apparent problems. In addition, but unrelated todegree of glycaemic control, arterial-disease is manifestedas coronary heart disease and peripheral vascular disease.



The biochemistry of diabetes

Basement membrane thickeningThickening of basement membranes is a universal

finding in longstanding diabetes. After 5 years of clinicaldiabetes, basement membranes are 25-30 o thicker thanin normal subjects (Osterby et al., 1986). The basementmembrane matrix, composed of type IV collagen andlaminin, is more permeable in diabetes, and thickeningmay represent a compensatory change (Rohrbach et al.,1982). The role of collagen glycosylation in the patho-genesis of the basement membrane abnormality remainsto be elucidated (Cohen et al., 1980), but it is clear thatbasement membrane thickening does not antedatemetabolic disturbance (Osterby, 1975). Tight metaboliccontrol can partially reverse basement membranethickening (Raskin et al., 1983).

Non-enzymic glycosylationEnzymic glycosylation is a highly regulated post-

translational process responsible for conferring specificstructural and functional changes on proteins (Uy &Wold, 1977). In contrast, non-enzymic glycosylation isgoverned solely by prevailing glucose concentration.Lysine and valine residues undergo rapid aldimine (Schiffbase) and subsequently ketoamine formation. Advancedglycosylation endproducts ultimately result. If affectedamino acids are close to the active sites of their molecule,or if stereochemical configuration is disturbed, thenfunction will be altered. Thus glycosylated albumininhibits hepatic uptake of glycoproteins (Summerfieldet al., 1982). Glycosylated fibrin is less susceptible tofibrin digestion (Brownlee et al., 1983), thus making anythrombus more likely to result in permanent vascularocclusion. Glycosylation of apoprotein B causes areduction of affinity for the low density lipoproteinreceptor (Kesaniemi et al., 1983). Glycosylated collagendisplays increased intramolecular cross-linkings (Kohn& Schnider, 1982) and this may underly the decreasedsmall joint mobility of longstanding diabetes. The latterhas been claimed to be an indicator for the developmentof microvascular complications (Rosenbloom et al.,1983). As red blood cells have a relatively constant half-life, estimation of the percentage of haemoglobin whichhas been glycosylated gives a reliable index of averageglycaemic control over the preceding 2 months (Bunn,1981). This index is invaluable for clinical and researchpurposes.

Relevance of the sorbitol pathwayIn the ocular lens particularly, sorbitol concentrations

are grossly elevated in diabetic rats, and this may berelated to formation of cataracts, at least of the acutetype (Gabbay, 1973). Glucose, sorbitol and fructoseconcentrations are elevated in the nerves of diabeticanimals and man (Ward et al., 1972; Greene et al., 1975;Greene & Mackway, 1986; Dyck et al., 1980). Althoughinitially it was postulated that the osmotic effect of thesechanges could cause cellular oedema, Schwann cells fromdiabetic rats have a decreased volume (Jacobsen, 1978)and calculated osmolar changes are very small.

Both treatment with aldose reductase inhibitors anddietary myo-inositol supplementation reverses neuraldepletion of myo-inositol and corrects abnormalities inNa+/K+-ATPase and axonal transport (Greene &Lattimer, 1984; Tomlinson & Mayer, 1984). Treatmentof human diabetic neuropathy with myo-inositol or

aldose reductase inhibitors has not yielded clearcutanswers. Clinical and electrophysiological improvementshave been documented after myo-inositol therapy insome (Greene et al., 1981; Salway et al., 1978; Clementset al., 1979) but not all (Gregersen et al., 1978, 1983;Greene et al., 1981) studies. Aldose reductase inhibitortherapy brought about small but significant improve-ments in motor, sensory and autonomic nerve functionin the majority of studies (Judzewitsch et al., 1983;Fagius et al., 1985; Jaspan et al., 1985). Other studiesfailed to demonstrate any benefit (Handlesman & Turtle,1981). A degree of symptomatic improvement in painfulneuropathy follows aldose reductase inhibition (Younget al., 1983; Koglin et al., 1985). As glucose competeswith myo-inositol for active transport into nerves,hyperglycaemia per se results in myo-inositol depletion.Maintenance of near normoglycaemia for 4-8 monthsresults in some improvement in symptomatic andobjective measures of nerve function (Boulton et al.,1982; Service et al., 1985). The chronic neuropathy oflongstanding diabetes is at least in part secondary toirreversible microvascular disease, and endoneurialoxygen tension is low (Low et al., 1985). In suchcircumstances metabolic manipulation is obviously toolate.

Glucose uptake by the retina is insulin-independent,and the retina depends for its energy supply uponanaerobic glycolysis. Aldose reductase inhibitors preventloss of retinal capillary pericytes and basement membranethickening, which are thought to be associated withpolyol pathway activation (Robison et al., 1983, 1985).Retinal pericytes contain aldose reductase (Akagi et al.,1983). Loss of retinal pericytes could induce some of theretinal capillary changes observed in diabetes.

AtherogenesisDiabetes is a major risk factor for atherogenesis and

arterial disease. Elevated low density lipoprotein choles-terol may result from glycosylation of the lysyl residuesof apoprotein B, decreased affinity for the low densitylipoprotein receptor and hence decreased metabolism(Kesaniemi et al., 1983). It remains to be establishedwhether elevation of plasma lipids is a necessarypathogenic state or merely a marker for atherogenesis.Lipid synthesis in situ in the arterial wall may occur, andincreased activity of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenasehas been demonstrated in muscle and aortas of hyper-insulinaemic pigs and muscle of NIDDM subjects(Stout, 1979; Falholt et al., 1985a, 1987). The peripheralhyperinsulinaemia of NIDDM and of insulin-treatedsubjects would stimulate lipogenesis in situ and in thiscontext the epidemiological association between raisedserum insulin levels and cardiovascular disease is ofinterest.

CONCLUSIONMore questions about the biochemical basis ofdiabetes

remain than have been answered to date. In particular,hormone insensitivity, the reversal of such insensitivity,metabolic interactions between tissues and the patho-genesis of chronic complications are areas of veryuncertain knowledge. Current research on these difficultquestions will provide a basis for advances both inunderstanding and therapy.

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We are grateful to George Alberti for critical comments,Peter Selby, Ian Jones, and Pierro Piatti for permitting mentionof unpublished data, and Ann Potts for expert word-processing.


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