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Video: #OccupyChicago Occupies City Hall: ‘Revolution Will Require Collapsing the American


 by Rebel Pundit

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On Tuesday, militant, Marxist, anti-war, and gay-rights activists–including some suspected of providing material support to foreign terrorist

organizations– led the Occupy Chicago protesters into City Hall to stage an “in your face” protest directed at Mayor Rahm Emanuel.

We caught up with one protester, Roger Fraser, a retired Palatine, Illinois school teacher. Fraser is a proud member of the “99%” who earns a modest$7,792.75 a month from his pension.

Fraser is also known as a militant gay rights activist and a member of the Gay Liberation Network  –the same organization founded by Chicago G-8 and

 NATO protest organizer  –and militant, anti-war, social-justice radical–Andy Thayer.

You may remember a previous interviewfrom earlier this year, released by Andrew Breitbart, filmed at a Code Pink-led protest against the Koch brothers inPalm Springs, California–where Fraser called for “Revolution now,” and exclaimed, “Just like in Egypt!“

In the following interview, conducted yesterday inside City Hall, we asked Fraser if “this” was the kind of revolution he was talking about. Fraser told us,

“This is the beginning.”

When asked what he thought it would take to achieve the activists’ goals, he remarked: “This kind of thing on a massive scale.“ He a lso answered in theaffirmative as to whether or not the revolution would require collapsing the American government, and explained: ”Because….the resistance against this

will be overwhelming…very strong….and relentless.”

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Tags: #OWS, American, anti-war , Chicago, City Hall, Gay Rights, government, march, Marxist, occupy, pension, protest, teachers, terrorism, Union

Posted Oct 27th 2011 at 1:27 pm in Big Labor , Local Government, Occupy Wall Street, Politics | Comments (94)

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· 18 hours ago

"He also answered in the affirmative as to whether or not the revolution would require col lapsing the American government"

Sedition, pure and simple. Aidi ng known terrorists? Treason.

Charge. Convict. Execute. That's the law, and the law is the only thing we have le ft to save this country from this vermin.

6 replies · active 11 hours ago

· 18 hours ago

Remedial Economics from today's WSJ:

The Occupy Wall Street protests have drawn huge numbers of confused and directionless young people, but maybe that's not all bad. Some of them at

least seem to be getting a remedial course in economics.

 Nan Terrie learned an expensive le sson last w eek about the importance of property rights. "Stealing is our biggest problem at the moment," the

18-year-old protester told the New York Post. "I had my Mac stolen—that was l ike $5,500." Why? Because she left it in a public place, amid a

crowd demanding the redistribution of wealth. Imagine that.

Perverse incentives were at work at Occupy Boston, where 36-year-old Andrew Warner told the Boston Herald: "It's turning into us against them."

By "them" he didn't mean rich bankers but street vagrants: "They come in here and they're looking at it as a way of getting a free meal and a place to

crash, which i s totally fine, but they don't bring anything to the table at a ll." The same is true i n New York, where "sanitation committee" member 

Lauren Digioia told the Daily News: "There's a lot of takers here and they feel entitled."

The makeshift government at Manhattan's Zuccotti Park i s also deali ng with the problem of externalities, in the form of percussionists who irri tate

neighbors and fel low protesters alike by drumming at all hours. That has inspired both regulations (drumming is permitted only at certain hours) and

taxes. New York magazine repor ts that the "finance working group" had levied a "percussion tax" of 50% on tips.

Drummer Shane Engelerdt sounds like a tea party member complaining about taxation wi thout representation: "They didn't even give the drummers a

say. . . . They're l ike the banks we're protesting." Actually, they're li ke the government the protesters a re trying to expand—but perhaps that will

 become clear i n the next lesson.

1 reply · active 9 hours ago

· 18 hours ago

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+21Hobbes 124p


+17 bassett 94p


+17Gone in 375 Days 106p


+6actsnow 114p


+8Einy 103p


+12Duuuuh 115p


+11stargirl 90p


+9Stan522 113p


+12 Nightfly24 104p


+10Stan522 113p

Collapsing capitalism unless someone can figure out how to make a soc iety run without currency, finite re sources, and the need for human labor, i s

 pretty pointless. Communism doesnt work either.

Sooner or l ater, like per haps within the next half century, it's quite possibl e that new technology will aleviate a number of human concerns about

resources and labor but until then we're stuck with what we got. Grant it, a good reform agenda that works within the current system would have been

a lot smarter to pursue than a world social ist state for some within the OWS movement.

23 replies · active 9 hours ago

· 18 hours ago

"Power to the people"? Does that include my inclination to want to slap the crap out of this guy?

7 replies · active 9 hours ago

· 18 hours ago

Hmmm....if the govt collapses, who's gonna cut the monthly checks that amount to $93,513 annually?

6 replies · active 9 hours ago

· 18 hours ago

I can't think of a faster way of getting one's melon "collapsed" a t the business end of a billy club than to do this in Chicago City Hall. Br illi ant!

Memo to Mr. Fraser the "revolutionary:" That $93,513-a-year pension of yours is nearly twice the median household income for Illinois and is in at

least the 90th percentile for household income nationally. That puts you a LOT closer to the 1 percent than to the 99 percent, hypocrite.

2 replies · active 12 hours ago

· 18 hours ago

These people w ant to be able to do w hatever they want, when they want ,and not have to be held accountable to anyone,I read about a place they

would love called Sodom,we all know how that turned out,don't we?

· 18 hours ago

"The power of the people united is capable o f great things"

I'd say the Tea Party has succeeded in that much more than your merry band of degenerates w ill...Ever!

· 18 hours ago

I wonder how much "monetary" support he is providing OWS from his sweet li ttle retir ement package?

Take a long hard look America.... this is the face of the people w ho are teaching your children.

2 replies · active 16 hours ago

· 18 hours ago

would this be the very same roger frase r who is on record as being affiliated wi th the communist party? 

naw, teachers wouldnt belong to such a group............

· 18 hours ago

My private sector pension was eliminated back in the early 90's. It was replaced by the 401K. And of course, we know this will either be erodedaway by Wall Street's bubble industry, or confiscated by the federal government looking for their fair share to r edistribute.

· 18 hours ago

So what is this revolutionary traitor complaining about? Sounds li ke he's scammed the system with that bloated pension. How much of that $93,513

does he contribute to the needy? My bet is $0.

2 replies · active 17 hours ago

· 18 hours ago

Sure, let's al l unite and crumble America down to her knees, create more programs that give more free sh!t to American's that don't work and then

expect us not to look like Europe right now.

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+6losttreasures 44p


+3Groucho_Marxism 86p


+4FreedomFan 108p


+3gb8898 114p


+5ladykrystyna 130p


+4nceeno 130p


+3ninecats 87p






+4Goo 125p


1 reply · active 18 hours ago

· 18 hours ago

When will these Occupy people understand that they are the sheep class that Marxists have used rel iably to hurt others, destroy lives, steal, oppress

the poor, take away freedoms by simply telling the sheep lies about "making the world a better place" and giving them promises of goodies to come.

When the sheep have served their purpose, and the Marxist 1 percent has taken everything they have, the sheep will be cast as ide li ke the trash they

toss away now. The sheep wil l then be serfs, and the Marxists wi ll emprison or slaughter them by whim.

· 18 hours ago

These people need to meet Jack Bauer 

· 17 hours ago

Is it okay to assert that the 0bama 0ccupiers are "Marxists", yet?

· 17 hours ago

"Fraser is a proud member of the '99%' who earns a modest $7,792.75 a month from his pension." 

Poor baby. How can he survive?

"Come and see the violence inherent in the system! Help! Help ! I'm being repressed !"

1 reply · active 17 hours ago

· 17 hours ago

"He also answered in the affirmative as to whether or not the revolution would require col lapsing the American government, and explained:

”Because….the resistance against this will be overwhelming…very strong….and relentless.”

You're damn right there will be res istance, ya old phuck. Take your $90,000 + pension and shove i t up your fat @ss.

1 reply · active 9 hours ago

· 17 hours ago

If I was making that kind of money in retirement, from teaching, I'd STFU and never tell anyone.

· 17 hours ago

collapse the government and replace i t with what? anarchy?

· 17 hours ago

You people are kidding yourselves? This goof-ball s are l aughable....look at that YOU TUBE video. I did....w ell I am just over-f-ing whelmed with

terror <sarcasm/sneer>....placards, posters, bumper-sticker chanting slogans...whoopee doo.

Che Guevara once remarked..."WHAT...a revolution wi thout firing a shot? Your crazy! Look at these goofballs fear this? Not one could lift a

 bayonet a use it let alone fire a weapon into a man.

· 17 hours ago

.....but just in case Marxist Bolshevik wannabes - bring it on. bring the violence on to me. I will not hesitate to exterminate you in the defense of 

myself or my beloved USA.

· 17 hours ago

Time to clean house. These people need to be dealt wi th swiftly and crushed. They are not protestors any longer. They are fodder for the nightstick,

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+5JTWhistler  61p


+3Crystle 88p


and need to be given the maximum devestation possible. You crush rebellions, you do not allow them to fester like an open so re.

Before my words are misinterpreted, this is the job for the police. Let them go to town.

· 17 hours ago

We should be getting quite a li st of OWS people by now. I think it's time to start organizing protests in front the of their homes, coll eges, universities,

union halls, etc. Kind of tough when the res t of us are working and taking care of business though.

· 17 hours ago

Does the demented Fraser realize that if he and his cronies succeed in col lapsing the sytem, he won't be getting his cushy pension anymore?

1 reply · active 9 hours ago

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