resume for results

Post on 24-Feb-2022






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Resume For ResultsHow To Ensure Your Resume Stands Out From The Crowd

Recruiters and hiring managers make decisions fast!

▪ Resumes need to look great

▪ Resumes need to be easy to read and process

▪ Resumes must make it easy for readers to see a ‘fit’

Time is of the essence!

First Impressions Count

Chronological (Reverse):

▪ Career history shows growth

▪ Objective is similar to your recent


▪ Previous employers prestigious

▪ Highly traditional field


▪ Experience in different, unconnected jobs

▪ Objective different from experience/career changing

▪ Emphasis is on competencies not used in recent roles

▪ Entering job market after an absence

Types Of Resume Formats


Maybe appropriate for less

traditional employers and those

areas including:

▪ Design

▪ Creativity

▪ Marketing

▪ Social Media

Types Of Resume Formats


Sample Source: JobScan

Hybrid Resume Formats(also known as Combination)

Using a chronological or functional

resume AND including graphic elements

such as:

▪ Personal details icons

▪ Employer logos

▪ Brands you have worked with

▪ Section dividers






5 Simple Tips

KEEP It SIMPLEConsistency is Key:

• Max 2-colour scheme

• Use one bullet style

• Consistent font type and size (avoid Times New Roman)

• Align to the left or justify

• Minimize bolding and italics

• Clear section headings

Resume Formatting

Structure Of Resume

Why do I need key words?

▪ Applicant Tracking Systems

▪ Fortune 500 /100

▪ Human sifting criteria

▪ Matching employer key words

from JD /Mirroring

▪ Speeds search

How do I use key words?

▪ Mirror organisational and

industry language

▪ Repeat the words throughout

▪ Acronyms & in full

▪ Use bullets and build depth

▪ Not less than font size 11

▪ Beware of excessive graphics


Key Words


Resume Power


Action verbs are the

key to making your


sound impactful

What are the most overused words or phrases on resumes?


Self motivated

References available on request

Effective communicator

Team player

Seeking a challenging opportunity

Self starter



Results driven or oriented



Examples Of Clichés

and how to rephrase

Experience by Symplicity - 10 Most Overused Resume PhrasesBy Victoria C

Achievements are how you show you have gone above and beyond your job scope and duties.

They are accomplishments, where you have contributed to your employer and added value!

Everybody has career accomplishments..



An action verb animates a sentence, either physically (swim, jump, drop, whistle) or mentally (dream, believe, suppose, love).

Verbs make sentences move; sometimes dramatically, sometimes quietly.

▪ Sentence openers to show responsibilities

▪ Sentence openers to evidence achievements

▪ Strong words to show your contribution

▪ A means of bringing variety to resume for impactful reading


Action Verbs



What to include:

• Positioning statement

• Industries & functions

• Key skills

• Achievements

• Narrative/bullets/combination

• < 3rd of a page

• Avoid clichés

Executive SummaryA compelling executive summary near the top of your resume will serve

as your sales pitch. In just a few impactful sentences, it should highlight

your relevant experience, detail your accomplishments, and provide

insight into what you can do for an organization.

Source - JobScan

Profession:“I am an Information Technology Manager ...”

Expertise:“… with expertise in developing solutions through reengineering”

Types of organizations:“… both in large insurance firms and as a consultant ...”

Major/Key strengths:“I have been particularly successful managing large IT budgets.”

The Positioning StatementYour positioning statement should be the most powerful content on your resume.

It’s a compelling snapshot of your personal brand. It immediately creates an

impression when scanned by hiring managers, recruiters and decision makers.

What to include:

• Company name (can use logo)

• Period of employment (month/year)

• Job title (Make sure it’s understood!)

• Responsibilities (verb in present tense)

• Achievements (verb in past tense)

• Avoid jargon/clichés

Professional Experience



▪ Oversee the management and coordination of all fiscal reporting activities for the organization

▪ Established both annual and monthly sales objectives in coordination with the Company's business plan

▪ Develop marketing strategy, based on knowledge of establishment policy, nature of market, copyright and royalty requirements, and cost and markup factors

Use past tense if experience is no longer in the present

AchievementsHow Did You Add Value?

▪ Grew the company by increasing sales?

▪ Saved money for the company?

▪ Streamlined office systems and procedures?

▪ Reached timeline requirements?

▪ Improved relationships with others (customers, colleagues, management)?

▪ Were you promoted for a reason?

▪ Were you selected for a special project? Why?

AchievementsHow To Craft A Statement:

What it is

Expression or


Final Remnders

Highlight Strengths

Qualify &


It is about yourself, achievements and struggles. It emphasizes on underlying aspirations. It is your story!

Content should be structured, well-organized and coherent. Substance is important

Finding and leveraging your workplace strengths. Any ability that is enjoyable, applicable, and that you are better at than most of your colleagues

Quantify through Action Verbs

& PAR (problem, action, results)

Qualifying that you have the

right skills, qualifications and

credentials. Qualifying

enhances true abilities

High-quality resume accomplishments are quantifiable and measurable. Dollar amounts, timespans, volume, and percentages are all great ways to quantify your accomplishments on a resume

▪ Achieved 5% Year-on-Year savings through energy conservation and waste reduction


▪ Successfully achieved double digit returns for my clients for 3 consecutive years earning

the award for best investment manager of the year.

▪ Achieved zero write offs in inventory for the 7 consecutive years by designing an inventory

management process and implementing it across 5 departments.

▪ Improved office efficiency and customer service by introducing new computerized filing


▪ Coordinated a fund-raising event for 100 attendees and secured donations of USD$50,000

▪ Completed a USD$500K project 4 weeks ahead of schedule and 8% under budget

▪ Reduced inventories by 22% by developing and implementing new sales forecasting



▪ 98% of Fortune 500 companies use ATS

▪ Is a software application that enables the electronic handling of

recruitment needs

✓ Allows application viewing

✓ Automatic Rankings based on Resume Scores

✓ Keywords Searched & Matched

Resume formatting matters !

ATS is everywhere and is here to stay

Applicant Tracking System (ATS)

There are Resume Scanning Tools to leverage:

• JobScan -

• Resume Worded -

• Skillsyncer -

Word cloud generators


• https://www.

Every ATS platform is designed differently. However as a benchmark, try

achieving 60% and above skills word match

Applicant Tracking System (ATS)

Avoid “Resume Fatigue”

Why Do We Need A Cover letter?

▪ Your first chance to make a great impression, personalizing through a letter indicates you are serious about your job search.

▪ It reflects your “personality” through your communication skills

▪ a good way to show an employer what you want them to know about you

Give Recruiters a reason on “why You”.

When down to last 2 candidates, it’s the cover letter that makes all the difference!

Cover Letter – Dos & Don’ts

▪ 1-page business letter format

▪ State the position

▪ Demonstrate knowledge of company and position

▪ Why this job interests you?

▪ How you will be able to contribute?

Align closely to the language used and Proofread

▪ Spelling and Grammatical errors

▪ Addressing to the wrong Company or Contact

▪ Convoluted or long paragraphs

▪ Salary requirements and expectations

▪ Personal information not relevant to the role

Thank You

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