research report 1

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Research Report

Major Assignment

Due date

January 9, 2013

Report Requirements

Step 1: Research questionStep 2: Write a questionnaireStep 3: Survey 20 peopleStep 4: Collect resultsStep 5: Write an introductionStep 6: Analyze the resultsStep 7: Write a discussion of the results Step 8: Write a conclusionStep 9: Write your reference page

Survey question

First, choose a topic or issue that you are interested in or concerns you.

Sample survey questions

Major national issues.

• Should voting be compulsory in Japan?

• Should the legal age for drinking in Japan be lowered from 20 years to 18 years of age?

• Should Japan continue to use nuclear power?

Sample survey questions

Personal interest.

• Should Reitaku be a smoke-free university?

• Should English be compulsory for all Reitaku students?

Survey question

Should business communication teachers be required to wear a

suit to class?

Let’s begin

Choose a topic or issue you are interested in or concerned about.


You will use 2 types of questions



Closed-ended Questions• You control the range of answers.

What is your gender?

Male or female or Alien

Do you think Mr. Noda is a good Prime Minister?

Yes or No

Is smoking bad for your health?

I agree or I disagree

How much would pay for a haircut?

(a)\1,000 (b)\2,000 (c)\3,000 (d) more the \3,000

Open-ended Questions

• You may receive a variety of responses.Why do you like sushi?

The taste.

I’m Japanese.

It’s our national dish

Why do you think sushi is popular overseas?

It’s healthy.

It’s trendy.

People are interested in Japanese culture.

Designing your Questionnaire

Define your survey sample

Are you a first 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th

year student?

Are you a business major?

Are you male or female?

Lead up Questions

• Do you judge people by their clothes?

• Do you think clothes affect the way people work?

• Do teachers in Japan usually wear suits?

• How would you feel if your BCP teacher wore a polo shirt and jeans to class?

Main Question

Do you think your business communication teacher should

wear a suit to class?

Ask for reasons

1.Gender (Circle one)Male Female

2. What is your grade?1st Year 2nd Year

3. What is your major?Business Not Business

4. Do you judge people by their clothes?Yes No

5. Do you think clothes affect the way people work?

Yes No

6. Do teachers in Japan usually wear suits?

Yes No

7. If your BCP teacher wore casual clothes, such as jeans and a polo shirt to class, how would you feel?

More comfortable

Less comfortable

8. Do you think your BCP teacher should wear a suit to class?

Yes No

9. If yes, why?

10. If no, why?


Lead up questions

Main question

Ask for a reason

Please start creating your questionnaire

• A few audience questions

• Some lead-up questions

• Your main question

• Ask for reasons

Collect your data

• Approach 20 students

(not your classmates)

• Ask the questions

(don’t just hand them a piece of paper)

Write-up your results

Table 1. Male Respondents

QuestionYes No

Q.4 6 4

Q.5 6 4

Q.6 9 1

Q.7 7 3

Q.8 10 0

Table 2. Female Respondents

QuestionYes No

Q.4 8 2

Q.5 7 3

Q.6 9 1

Q.7 4 6

Q.8 8 2

Tabulate your results for your closed-ended questions

Choose 3 main responses to your open-ended questions

Table 3. Reasons

RespondentDon’t care Good for communication Definite line

Male 8 2 0

Female 6 3 1

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