request for proposals (rfp) - · proposal at any time during the solicitation...

Post on 10-Aug-2019






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Barbra Schlifer Commemorative Clinic 489 College Street, Suite 503, Toronto ON, M6G 1A5 |

Request for Proposals (RFP):


Issue Date: Thursday June 27, 2019

Application Deadline: Monday July 22, 2019

Table of Contents

PART 1 – Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Project Description .................................................................................................................. 1

1.2 Budget and Timelines .............................................................................................................. 1

1.3 Invitation to Bidders ................................................................................................................ 2

PART 2 – RFP Details ........................................................................................................................ 3

2.1. Proposal Submission Components .......................................................................................... 3

2.2. Submission Instructions .......................................................................................................... 3

2.3. Communication ....................................................................................................................... 4

2.4. Key Dates ................................................................................................................................. 4

2.5. Selection Process ..................................................................................................................... 5

2.6. External Factors ....................................................................................................................... 5

APPENDIX A – About Barbra Schlifer Commemorative Clinic ............................................................. 6

APPENDIX B – RFP Cover Page and Checklist ..................................................................................... 8

APPENDIX C – Conflict of Interest Statement .................................................................................... 9

APPENDIX D – References .............................................................................................................. 10

Barbra Schlifer Commemorative Clinic 489 College Street, Suite 503, Toronto ON M6G 1A5 |


PART 1 – Introduction

Barbra Schlifer Commemorative Clinic is requesting proposals for an Evaluation Consultant to design an Evaluation Framework that incorporates processes and outcomes from across all the Clinic’s programs and projects, to train the Clinic staff on the Framework’s scope, and to work with the Clinic staff on its implementation, results, and report generation.

The Barbra Schlifer Commemorative Clinic (the "Clinic") offers legal representation, professional counselling and multilingual interpretation to women who have experienced violence. Our diverse, skilled and compassionate staff accompany women through personal and practical transformation, helping them to build lives free from violence. We are a Centre by, for and about women. We amplify women's voices and cultivate their skills and resilience. Together with our donors and volunteers, we are active in changing the conditions that threaten women's safety, dignity and equality.

Increasingly, both government funders and private foundations expect clear articulation of the impact of our work, Quantative data and feedback from program participants, while informative, does not provide detail on program outcomes and effectiveness or offer an analysis of results. Systematic, formal program evaluation is a key component of internal and external accountability.

1.1 Project Description

The Clinic is seeking an Evaluation Consultant for short–term and mid-term evaluation processes over a period of 1-3 years. The Clinic seeks someone with recent experience of designing and implementing evaluations and impact assessment studies for not-for-profit service providers.

The consultant's responsibilities include:

1. Identify evaluation process and outcomes for the Clinic’s programs and projects based on planned goalsand deleiverables

2. Develop an evaluation framework to show relationship of inputs (resources and activities) to expectedresults or outcomes

3. Develop and design a graphic summary of how programs and projects relate to the overall mission andvalues of the Clinic

4. Provide training and suppport to Clinic staff on the evaluation framework for ongoing monitoring oflogical outcomes and corresponding indicators

1.2 Budget and Timelines

Total Budget for the project shall not exceed $30,000 over 3 years. This shall include all applicable taxes.


August 2019 – August 2020 August 2020 – August 2021 August 2021 – August 2022

Barbra Schlifer Commemorative Clinic 489 College Street, Suite 503, Toronto ON M6G 1A5 |


1.3 Invitation to Bidders

This Request for Proposals (RFP) is issued by the Barbra Schlifer Commemorative Clinic to identify qualified individuals or organizations and award a contract related to the services described in Section 1.1 - Project Description to the successful organization.

Serious bidders are asked to read this invitation carefully and are invited to ask for more details and a copy of our existing (confidential) evaluation framework, and to submit an application according to the instructions outlined in PART 2-RFP Details.

Barbra Schlifer Commemorative Clinic 489 College Street, Suite 503, Toronto ON M6G 1A5 |


PART 2 – RFP Details

2.1. Proposal Submission Components

1. Appendix B - RFP Cover Page and Checklist. The completed cover page must indicate the contact person authorized to bind the Bidder to this opportunity

2. Appendix C - Conflict of Interest Statement. Completed and signed

3. Appendix D - References. Bidders will provide 3 (three) current references for projects of similar size and scope from within the last three years. Please complete and submit Appendix D – References. The Barbra Schlifer Clinic reserves the right to contact these references at any time throughout this process.

4. Your Proposal. This shall include:

a. Process and methodologies to be utilized in achieving the project deliverables

b. Qualifications, Experience, and Value-Added Service: information regarding bidder’s qualifications and any value-added services attached to proposal which will detail their experience in working with broader public sector entities, and demonstrated ability of successfully carrying out projects of similar scope and size.

c. An overview of the services to be provided in each Phase that will achieve the project deliverables.

d. Project Budget, broken down into Phases over the 3 years, and including any non-profit discount.

2.2. Submission Instructions The proposal can be delivered in one of two ways:

In a sealed envelope containing two printed copies and one digital copy on a USB key to:

By email as one zipped file to:


Evaluation Consultant RFP #EO-EV1

c/o Executive Office

Barbra Schlifer Commemorative Clinic

489 College Street, Toronto ON M6G 1A5

Subject line: Evaluation Consultant RFP #EO-EV1

Monday July 22, 2019 at 5 pm EST

Late submissions will not be accepted

No inquiries about this RFP will be accepted

Barbra Schlifer Commemorative Clinic 489 College Street, Suite 503, Toronto ON M6G 1A5 |


2.3. Communication

A. From the issuance of this RFP until a contract resulting from this RFP is executed by the selected Bidder,any contact regarding this RFP (other than as permitted in this RFP) with personnel employed by orcontracted to the Clinic is prohibited. During this period, no Bidder shall approach any Clinic staff,volunteers, contractor or Board Member concerning this bidding and contracting process or theirproposal.

B. Should the need arise, the Clinic may contact Bidders for clarifications about that particular Bidder’sproposal at any time during the solicitation process.

C. Bidder Inquiries: Bidders may submit questions concerning this RFP in writing via email no later than the date specified in Section 2.4 - Key Dates. The Clinicwill review and consolidate all inquiries received by the deadline and will provide answers for thoseinquiries deemed appropriate. Submission of a question does not guarantee a response to that inquiry.The Clinic reserves the right to offer consolidated responses to similar questions.

D. We thank all Bidders for their submissions, however only shortlisted applicants will be contacted

2.4. Key Dates

Event Date

RFP Issue date Thursday June 27, 2019

Deadline for bidders’ questions Tuesday July 17, 2019

Issue addenda to bidders’ questions (estimated) Wednesday July 19, 2019

Deadline for applications Monday July 22, 2019 5 pm EST

Interviews (estimated) Friday July 25, 2019

Bidder selection and contract awarding (estimated) Friday July 30, 2019

Phase I completion date August 30, 2020

Phase II completion date August 30, 2021

Phase III completion date August 30, 2022

Barbra Schlifer Commemorative Clinic 489 College Street, Suite 503, Toronto ON M6G 1A5 |


2.5. Selection Process

A. Only proposals that include all the listed requirements in Section 2.1 will be considered.

B. A Selection Committee will conduct an evaluation of all bids received and invite the most qualified candidatesto an in-person interview, following which the Selection Committee will present its findings to the project lead.A contract will be awarded based to the proposal that offers the best value and solution. This may notnecessarily be the lowest priced proposal.

C. The selected Bidder will be notified by the Clinic project lead in writing.

D. The Clinic reserves the right to reject any Request for Proposals or to accept any Request for Proposals.

E. All Bidders who are invited to attend an interview will be notified of the outcome of their submission.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please be sure to describe any special training or special benefits at no charge that may be available, and any unique benefits you may offer. The award may be determined by best value analysis - not necessarily the lowest price received.

2.6. External Factors

The Clinic reserves the right to withdraw this RFP or terminate the resulting contract within the terms of the contract without penalty. The Clinic's programs and services receive funding from various sources and therefore all contracted services are subject to budget constraints.

Barbra Schlifer Commemorative Clinic 489 College Street, Suite 503, Toronto ON M6G 1A5 |


APPENDIX A – About Barbra Schlifer Commemorative Clinic

Barbra Schlifer Commemorative Clinic is a specialized clinic for women experiencing violence, established in the memory of Barbra Schlifer – an idealistic young lawyer whose life was cut short by violence on the night of her call to the bar of Ontario on April 11, 1980. In her memory, the Clinic assists approximately 9,000 women a year to build lives free from violence through counselling, legal representation, and language interpretation. Since opening in 1985, the Clinic has assisted more than 70,000 women.

Our Vision

We envision a world where all women: ▪ build lives free from violence▪ work together to create a more just world▪ live their own lives in respectful communities that provide meaning and belonging

Our Mission

The Barbra Schlifer Clinic offers legal representation, professional counselling and multilingual interpretation to women who have experienced violence. Our diverse, skilled and compassionate staff accompany women through personal and practical transformation, helping them to build lives free from violence.

We are a centre by, for and about women. We amplify women’s voices and cultivate their skills and resilience. Together with our donors and volunteers, we are active in changing the conditions that threaten women’s safety, dignity and equality.

Our Values

Feminism and Anti-Oppression We root our work in the insights and achievements of feminism and women’s movements, including struggles against colonialism and racism:

Compassion and Self-Awareness We are committed to staying rooted in compassion, imagining the world from multiple perspectives

A Reflective Awareness of Power We reflect on and learn from shifting power relations. We understand and acknowledge our own power and the change we invite in ourselves, the women we work with and the world we live in [inter-subjectivity of our journey both as and with women]

Community and Connection We work in community and partnership with international movements to end violence against women, knowing that individual suffering is embedded in systems and structures we challenge [ourselves to change]

Autonomy and self-Determination We respect and broaden women’s choices to determine their own paths according to their values, hopes and positive self-regard

Barbra Schlifer Commemorative Clinic 489 College Street, Suite 503, Toronto ON M6G 1A5 |


We Believe

▪ Violence against women means any act of violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual orpsychological harm or suffering (including financial, structural, institutional or spiritual) to women, includingthreats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or in private life.

▪ Violence against women happens in all cultures. It is based on abuse of power, results in inequality, and affectsall relationships through the generations.

▪ Women in every culture in the world have ways of working together to stop violence, and our work will honourand value these diverse strengths.

▪ Respectful relations and positive social change are possible when women and men work toward them. Eachwoman who comes to the Clinic and each woman who contributes to the Clinic is participating in that change.

Strategic Priorities

1. Increase our effectiveness in underserved communities through service evolution and innovation;2. Broaden our sphere of influence; and3. Strengthen our organization.

Barbra Schlifer Commemorative Clinic 489 College Street, Suite 503, Toronto ON M6G 1A5 |


APPENDIX B – RFP Cover Page and Checklist

This sheet is to be completed and submitted as page one of the package.

Submission for Evaluation Consultant


Contact Name


Company Name





The respondent has carefully examined the RFP documents and has clear and comprehensive knowledge of the deliverables required. The respondent represents and warrants its ability to provide the deliverables as required under the contract terms as described.

I have authority to bind the organization listed above.

Signature of bidder:

Name and Title:


Barbra Schlifer Commemorative Clinic 489 College Street, Suite 503, Toronto ON M6G 1A5 |


APPENDIX C – Conflict of Interest Statement

In addition to the other information and representations made by each Proponent in the IFP, each Proponent must declare whether it has an actual or potential Conflict of Interest. If at the sole and absolute discretion of the Clinic, the Proponent is found to be in a Conflict of Interest, the Clinic may, in addition to any other remedies available at law or in equity, disqualify the Proposal submitted by the Proponent.

By submitting the Proposal, the Proponent warrants that, to its best knowledge and belief, no actual or potential Conflict of Interest exists concerning the submission of the Proposal or performance of the contemplated Agreement other than those disclosed in the Form of Offer. Where the Clinic discovers a Proponent’s failure to disclose all actual or potential Conflicts of Interest, the Clinic may disqualify the Proponent or terminate any Agreement awarded to that Proponent under this Proposal process.

Conflict of Interest Response

Is there an actual Conflict of Interest, relating to the preparation of the Proposal, or if the Proponent foresees an actual or potential Conflict of Interest in performing the contractual obligations contemplated in the RFP?

☐ Yes ☐ No If yes, please enter details here:

The Proponent agrees to provide any additional information which may be requested by the Clinic.

Barbra Schlifer Commemorative Clinic 489 College Street, Suite 503, Toronto ON M6G 1A5 |


APPENDIX D – References

Reference Number 1:

Company Name:

Contact Name:

Company Address:

Company Telephone Number:

Contact Email Address:

Date Work Undertaken: From: To:

Nature of Services:

Reference Number 2:

Company Name:

Contact Name:

Company Address:

Company Telephone Number:

Contact Email Address:

Date Work Undertaken: From: To:

Nature of Services:

Reference Number 3:

Company Name:

Contact Name:

Company Address:

Company Telephone Number:

Contact Email Address:

Date Work Undertaken: From: To:

Nature of Services:

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