request for proposal - mpls network management_v1.9 - 20 sep

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Request for proposal – MPLS Network Management

Information contained herein is for internal use and may be used only for business purposes authorized by Max New York Life Insurance Co. Ltd.

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Request for Proposal

MPLS & Network Management Services

Request for proposal – MPLS Network Management

Information contained herein is for internal use and may be used only for business purposes authorized by Max New York Life Insurance Co. Ltd.

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Contents 1. Introduction ....................................................................................................... 3

1.1 Confidentiality ....................................................................................................... 3

1.2 Contact information ............................................................................................... 3

2. Selection process ............................................................................................... 4

3. Requirements....................................................................................................... 5

3.1 Migration of existing MPLS connectivity to Single window MPLS Network Management ..... 5

3.2 Providing bandwidth .............................................................................................. 5

3.3 Network monitoring ............................................................................................... 7

3.4 Audit and compliance .............................................................................................. 8

3.5 Performance management ....................................................................................... 8

3.6 Maintaining documentation ..................................................................................... 8

3.7 Management review ............................................................................................... 9

3.8 Service Provider Responsabilities ............................................................................ 10

3.9 ITIL Based 24X7 Service Desk ................................................................................. 12

4. Project delivery timeline ..................................................................................... 13

5. Penalty clause .................................................................................................... 14

6. Guidelines for submitting the proposal ........................................................... 14

6.1 Approach and methodology ................................................................................... 14

6.2 Engagement model ............................................................................................... 14

6.3 Commercial bid..................................................................................................... 14

6.4 Relevant experience .............................................................................................. 15

6.5 Other considerations ............................................................................................. 15

Request for proposal – MPLS Network Management

Information contained herein is for internal use and may be used only for business purposes authorized by Max New York Life Insurance Co. Ltd.

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1. Introduction

The objective of the document is to list the requirements and the terms and conditions for MPLS &

Network Monitoring Management (NMM) for Max New York Life Insurance (MNYL). This document

will be referred to by the name “Request for proposal (RFP)”. On the basis of this RFP the prospective

service provider can submit proposal to MNYL which meets the listed requirements.

The initial term of the contract shall be for two year and will be renewed in the subsequent years.

In the following sections the requirements mentioned are for the initial two years of the contract.

1.1 Confidentiality

Along with the RFP the prospective service provider shall execute a non-disclosure agreement,

whereby the RFP and the information contained herein shall not be disclosed, distributed, shared,

leaked or disseminated by the prospective service provider to any third party.

In the event that the prospective service provider is not selected or short listed by MNYL for the

purpose of providing the services, this RFP must be kept confidential.

1.2 Contact information

Following are the authorized representatives from MNYL with respect to processing of the RFP. All

correspondence, communication, questions, queries, clarifications and requests for additional

information by the prospective service provider should be addressed them.

Name : Karan Bhatia

Designation : Manager IT-Procurement

Mail :

Phone No : +91 120 4219090

Mobile No : +91 9971444600


Request for proposal – MPLS Network Management

Information contained herein is for internal use and may be used only for business purposes authorized by Max New York Life Insurance Co. Ltd.

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Name : Neeraj Sharma

Designation : Manager - IT

Mail :

Phone No : +91 120 4159090

Mobile No : +91 9818401327

The postal address of the above authorized representatives is:

Max New York Life Insurance Co. Ltd.

Ground Floor, 90A,

HUDA Sector 18,

Gurgaon - 122002

2. Selection process

The selection process shall be based on competitive bidding and guided by internal processes of


MNYL will release the RFP to prospective service providers and request proposal from them. On

receipt of the proposals, MNYL shall conduct a detailed review of each proposal and evaluate them.

The evaluation process may involve MNYL seeking clarifications and additional inputs from the service

provider, MNYL requesting the service provider to give a presentation on the proposal and similar

such steps. Subsequently, Management of MNYL shall decide on the service provider to whom the

contract is to be awarded.

Approach to address the listed security requirement, engagement model, commercial bid and relevant

experience of the potential service provider shall be the key parameters in the selection process.

Following is the indicative schedule for the important activities of the selection process:

Sr. # Event Schedule

1 Release of requirements by MNYL to the prospective

service providers

Approximately 20th of

September, 2011

2 Submission of proposal by service providers Approximately 26th of

September, 2011

3 Evaluation of proposal by MNYL, presentation by Approximately by 1st week of

Request for proposal – MPLS Network Management

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prospective service providers to the MNYL

management etc

October, 2011

4 Short listing and finalisation of a service provider Approximately 3rd / 4th week

of October,2011

It is important the prospective service providers adhere to all the timelines that MNYL communicates.

In case a prospective service provider fails to meet the scheduled timelines, MNYL reserves the right

to reject their proposal.

3. Requirements

The main objective of MPLS & Network Management services is to provide secure and uninterrupted

connectivity to MNYL offices to access core applications. Following sections indicate the specific areas in

which the services of prospective service provider are being sought.

3.1 Migration of existing MPLS connectivity to Single window MPLS Network Management

The current network connectivity is provided by multiple service providers. This would have to be

migrated to a consolidated platform with Management of Network and Devices.


(1) Delivery of connectivity as per MNYL Network Architecture and design includes (Primary,

Secondary and tertiary connectivity) at client and core locations.

3.2 Providing bandwidth

The annex A has information about MNYL sites for which the network connectivity is to be provided.

The bandwidth shall have the following features:

• Options to connect Layer 3 Access to the MPLS VPN Service

• EOSDH Connectivity at last mile

• Multicast / Unicast Capabilities

• QoS Capabilities management

• Security on MPLS as per industry recommendations

• Network best practices as per industry & MNYL standards

• Proactive / Reactive Fault Management approch

• NMS Used in command centre (NOC)

• Dynamic Routing to be enabled as per MNYL requirements

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B/w required – Each site should be provisioned with 1 Mbps at client and 70% of client bandwidth at

Core with n+2 level of redundency at Data centre and Data Recovery location.

Last mile options for client locations Up to 2 Mbps – Any media and the drop should be Ethernet o SDH. It

should be constant across PAN India for all the branches.

Backup: RAS port with-in same state is required to dialup from client locations.

Last mile options for client locations greater than 2 Mbps – Ethernet-o-SDH with dual last mile ring from

two different PoP. It should be constant across PAN India. All the branches should have dual ring topology

on central site with no SPOF at all levels including PE devices.

Performance indicator

SLAs should not be limited to network, performance and availability, but should encompass support and

growth. The details of an SLA may vary, but it should meet the below requirements:

Variable bandwidth (b/w on demand): With in 14 to 24 hrs from the order release

Network Response time: Less than 90 mili seconds

Packet drop: Less than 1% & measured in every 24 hrs

Interface queues to managed and monitored

Backbone Network availability: 99.99%

SLA reporting should be on calendar monthly basis

Availability end to end: Not less than 99.70% without backup

MTTR (Repair) No longer than 2 hours after arrival

MTTA (Arrive) No longer than 15 Minutes during normal business hours

No longer than 30 minutes after normal business hours (7 x 24)

Chronics Details required for more than 2 outages in one month for a location,

Documentation on restoration and preventative actions to be taken to avoid reoccurrence.


Service Level Parameter – SLA

Min Requirement

1 Network Availability at all Locations (Uptime) for HO CPE

to Client end CPE

>99.7% per client location

2 Interface Ques all kind of errors < 0%

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3 Individual Branch Uptime should not be less than 99%

and it will be measured on daily basis.



Sl No. Failure category Response time MTTR

1 Severity 1 < 10 min 1 hours

2 Severity 2 < 20 min 3 hours

3 Severity 3 < 30 min 4 hours

4 Severity 4 < 30 min 4 hours

Definition of severity:

Severity 1 - More than 5 client location or backbone links are down, users are not able to access

Applications PAN India or region.

Severity 2 - MNYL Network is down affecting limited users PAN India not able to access applications

Severity 3 - Link performance is degraded at particular MNYL location, but users are able to access the

application. Based on Mutual agreement with MNYL testing will be performing and fault will be rectified.

Severity 4 - Includes any change request to be raised over the network

As the locations are under proactive monitoring by service provider, response time will start with

automated trouble ticket logging by service provider.

3.3 Network monitoring

The service provider shall ensure that the network is proactively monitored and managed as per KPI. The

elements to be included for performance management include:

MNYL can change the location address with a information of address and contact details to service


• Router monitoring & Management

• Link Failure Detection on Ethernet –using CSF TSF signalling

• Proactive / Reactive Fault Management

• Proactive monitoring and management of Network & devices

• Routing Management & monitoring

• Probe monitoring

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All 215 client and backbone locations

Worksheet in MPLS SOW Service provider V1.5.xlsx

Bandwidth details-4.xlsx

3.4 Audit and compliance

IT department of MNYL is audited by various entities. It is required that the service provider shall provide

to MNYL all the evidences required for these Audits a timely manner. Also, it is required that the

observations highlighted in the Audits are closed in a timely manner.

3.5 Performance management

The service provider shall ensure that the performance of various network components is effectively

managed. The elements to be included for performance management include:

CPU, Memory & Link Utilization

Network probes

Network device Configuration & troubleshooting

Device Access Control

NTP Management /configurations

DHCP configurations

Management of Event Logs

Provide Software licenses and patches

Perform vulnerability assessment and penetration testing


All devices under monitoring

3.6 Maintaining documentation

Maintain and share details of the network infrastructure documentation and inventory management for

LAN/WAN Devices and Network links. Service provider has to arrange feasibility, rollout and roof rights

in case of new branch connectivity or shifting , address and contact details will be shared by MNYL.


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All Devices under monitoring


(1) Documents that are approved by MNYL

Performance indicator

(1) Inventory management mapping with asset FAR.

3.7 Management review

Regular review is an essential aspect in ensuring effective tracking and timely resolution of issues.

Reviews also ensure that the requirements of the contractual agreement are fulfilled as per agreed

service levels. Hence it is important that adequate time is allocated for the reviews and the reviews are

conducted at various management levels.

During Project – Weekly, bi-monthly and monthly and for every meeting, project manager should come

in person to share the dashboard and review.

Consultation and deployment of design up to deployment / technical level 4 & above i.e. CCIE.

During Operations – Weekly, bi-monthly and monthly and for every meeting, project manager should

come in person to share the dashboard and review.

Online reporting portal should be available for MNYL

Real time portal access should be made available to MNYL

CoS should be Business Data–nrt, however MNYL may ask for fractional Voice–rt as and when required.

Reports –

Management of Daily, Weakly and monthly reports in agreed template as per MNYL Standards

Consultation and deployment of design upto level 4 & above during operations


It is expected that at least 12 review meetings are conducted in a year. Of these, 4 meetings shall be with

senior management.


(1) Presentation that has an update of all the activities.

(2) Documented minutes of meeting

Request for proposal – MPLS Network Management

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3.8 Service Provider Responsabilities

Network Support Services

As part of Network Monitoring Services, Service Provider will provide Availability Monitoring

−Service Provider to provide onsite support for coordenation

−Monitoring all devices for Availability

−Availability polling frequency would be once in every 5 Minutes.

Performance Monitoring

SERVICE PROVIDER will monitor following KPIs as part of performance monitoring

−Routers - Monitor for CPU, Memory Utilization, Buffer Hits and Buffer Miss Parameters

−Switches - Monitor for CPU, Memory Utilization

−Links - Monitor for Bandwidth Utilization Received and Transmitted,

Errors Received and Transmitted

−Multicast availability status monitoring

Performance polling frequency on above parameters would be on once in every 10 Minutes

Frequency of below parameter will be mutually agreed at the time of solution available at MNYL before

start monitoring

−QoS monitoring − Frequency of below parameter will be once in every 2 hours (120 minutes)

−Latency monitoring from MNYLCore router to all branch routers

Alerts & Notifications

SERVICE PROVIDER will send an automated Email alert to the respective stakeholders, for Incidents /

device failures, & for any threshold breach event occurred for Monitored KPI for devices

Completion Criteria

Network Infrastructure Assessment (one time activity)

Identification of the potential opportunities to optimise the existing

Network infrastructure

System Study - During the Network Infrastructure Assessment following existing / proposed Network

specific details will be captured and assessed:

• Architecture & Topology diagram

• Switching and Routing architecture

• List of equipment & their category

• List of Applications

• Existing setup documentation, if any

• Review the network performance statistics based on the data provided by Customer, if any

• Reviewing of device configuration for maximum of critical devices such as Layer-3 Switches & Routers for any configuration issues and; identify the Scope for optimization, if any.

Completion Criteria

This activity will be considered complete when the existing Network Infrastructure Assessment is


Request for proposal – MPLS Network Management

Information contained herein is for internal use and may be used only for business purposes authorized by Max New York Life Insurance Co. Ltd.

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Scope of work for IP Multicast and QoS

As a part of IP Multicast, the following approach will be taken.

System Study:

• Gather details of current and trend of Bandwidth utilization of all the WAN Links and also understand the Availability of current bandwidth for Implementation.

• Gather details Current Multicast application in use and the bandwidth Requirement for that application

• Conduct workshop and Interviews on the business need and understand Criticality on Multicast application for the MNYL.

• Gather the equipment details from Hardware and IOS perspective to support IP multicasting.

• Gather the details related to user groups that access Multicast and delay sensitive applications.

• Understand the time schedule of multicast user groups to access the application

• Understand network service requirement for selected applications efficiently, for defining

network Qos

• Understanding and Prioritization of application portfolio is a for the development and

implementation of QoS policies

• Analyse the impact on the other applications due to streaming and IP Multicasting.


• High Level Recommendation on the Multicast Mode to be implemented.

• High level Recommendations on the bandwidth required for IP Multicasting.

• High level recommendations on the configuration parameters to be done on the active devices.

Completion Criteria:

This activity will be considered complete when the above deliverables are completed.

Scope of Work for Network Architecture Assessment:

• Reviewing of existing Network design and architecture for its compliance with MNYL’s business & technical requirements,

• Reviewing of existing Network design and architecture for its compliance with MNYL’s business & technical requirements based on the following key governing parameters :

� −High Availability

� −Scalability

� −Reliability

� −Manageability

� −Security � −Resiliency

• Propose recommendations to optimize the network design that meets the business and technical requirements of MNYL in line with the industry best practices

• Propose high level migration approach to enable the seamless integration between existing and proposed infrastructure.

• Provide high level recommendation and road map for implementation of up coming technologies if any.

• Preparation of “Network Architecture Assessment Report” by including the details gathered, outcome of the analysis of the data, suggestions/recommendations to address the gaps.


Network Design Consultancy Services Report

Completion Criteria

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This activity will be considered complete when the Network Design

Consultancy Services Report is submitted to MNYL. Responsibilities of Network

The following are the responsibility:

• Engagement Kick-off Meeting.

• Allocate the consultants to deliver the above mentioned scope of work,

• Prepare and share the data capture templates with MNYL,

• Regularly send Project Status Report

• Prepare and submit the Network Design Document,

• Perform Project Management during project execution. Responsibilities of Network hardware /configurations

• MNYL will provide L3 CE devices and to be managed monitored and configured by Service


• Network inventorey is to be maintained by service provider for Network Asset provided by


• Service provider has to maintain AMC records and validate Vendor SLA providing hardware AMC


3.9 ITIL Based 24X7 Service Desk

As part of Network Management Services, Service provider will provide -

3.10.1 Incident Management

• To restore service, minimizes service disruptions, and responds to Customer needs as per the agreed SLA

• Find out the root cause for S1 incidents for the devices

• Perform ISDN line testing periodically for reliable backup link availability

3.10.2 Change Management

• Adhere to Change Management Process

• Classify the changes as Minor, Major or Emergency

• Perform business / service impact Analysis and prepare pre and post Implementation, back out plans.

• Test change if required & then release the change in production Environment, post approval from MNYL

3.10.3 Asset & Configuration Management

• Keep track of Asset Inventory with the help of onsite team deployed at customer premises.

• Keep track of configuration changes due to the change management

• Maintain Baseline Configuration

3.10.4 Backup & Restore Management

• Perform Configuration Backup periodically for all Managed devices as per SERVICE PROVIDER

standard practices

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• Restore from recent successful configuration backup sets on need basis With the help of onsite or Oncall teams

3.10.5 Patch Management

• Coordinate with HW Vendor for Patch / IOS upgrade (provided, subject to OEM license) for any incident due to IOS related bug

• Tracking of Patch / IOS versions

3.10.6 Vendor Management

• Log calls with respective vendors and Coordinate with OEM / Hardware Vendors for Hardware / OEM related calls

• Keep track of Vendor's SLAs, Response and Resolution Times

• Service provider will track Vendor SLA's,

• Link Uptime and Call analysis inline 3rd party Service Provider will be Validated usimg SERVICE PROVIDER reports

3.10.7 ISDN Management

• ISDN Link testing- Daily once.

• If Links are down due to non payment to service provider by MNYL, Inform MNYL on the same.

• If links are down due to technical issues, follow up with the respective Service provider for closure.

• Feasbility study for new locations which require links.

• Assist MNYL team to release Purchase Orders.

• ISDN PRI/ BRI to be maintained by Service provider.

3.10.8 Alerts

• Service provider will send Email Alerts for any Major / Emergency change / operational incident to the respective stakeholders.

3.10.9 Deliverables

1. ISDN Eye reports – Daily

2. Device / Element Incident Report - Monthly

3. Change Management Report - Monthly 4. Vendor SLA Report - Monthly

5. Branch Latency report – Monthly

6. QoS Report - Monthly

7. Total number of clients accessing Multicast stream - Monthly

8. Total number of branches accessing Multicast stream - Monthly

9. Bandwidth utilized by Multicast application – Monthly

10. Asset Inventory Report (including Assets in Scope, in transit, 11. Device & Link Capacity Recommendation Report – Bi-Monthly

4. Project delivery timeline

Service provider shall implement the circuit with in 4 weeks from the date of PO received/ released else

the service provider has to pay penalty of 5% per month.

Service provider shall upgrade the bandwidth within 24 hrs of requirement post PO release or else

penalty clause is imposed as per the agreement of SLA.

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5. Penalty clause

Attachment clarifies the Penalty clause.

MPLS Network Management_V1.6.xlsx

6. Guidelines for submitting the proposal

It is intended that the information provided in this RFP is sufficient for the prospective service

providers to submit a proposal. Attempt has been made to describe the requirements with accuracy

and completeness.

The prospective service provider shall use English language for the proposal, its appendices and all

related correspondence and documents.

All assumptions made by the prospective service provider in preparing the proposal must be clearly

stated in the proposal.

Any expectations that the prospective service provider has from MNYL shall also be clearly stated –

resources, infrastructure.

6.1 Approach and methodology

The prospective service provider shall elaborate on the approach that would be adopted to fulfil each

component of the service.

6.2 Engagement model

This will include the how the adopted methodology would be implemented in MNYL. The prospective

service provider shall include the team structure, the roles and responsibilities, review mechanisms

and involvement of Management.

6.3 Commercial bid

The currency for the purpose of the proposal shall be the Indian Rupee.

While submitting the quotation the service provider shall clearly mention the assumptions that were

made in the commercial bid.

Request for proposal – MPLS Network Management

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If deemed necessary, MNYL may request the service provider to explain the basis of the prices that

have been quoted.

The price shall be inclusive of cost of licenses for any tools, software etc required for Vulnerability

Assessment, Penetration testing or any other services that shall be provided.

The price shall be inclusive of any travel and out of pocket expenses.

The prices quoted shall remain firm for the one year as per the contract.

The commercial bid must be transparent to MNYL and there should not be any hidden costs which

are not stated.

6.4 Relevant experience

The prospective service provider can share information of similar services that have been provided.

This would include the specific assignments that have been executed and the benefits the customer

had derived with those services. References of 2 customers are to be furnished.

6.5 Other considerations

MNYL reserves the right to withdraw or cancel the RFP without assigning any reasons and without

any liability thereof. MNYL further reserves the right, at its complete discretion to reject any and/or all

of the proposals without assigning any reasons whatsoever.

At any time, MNYL may for any reason update, amend or supplement the information in this RFP. Any

amendment to the RFP shall be notified by MNYL in writing through a letter or fax or e-mail to all the

prospective service providers and shall be binding on them. In order to give the prospective service

providers reasonable time to take the above amendments into account in preparing their proposals,

MNYL may, at its discretion, extend the timelines specified in section.

If MNYL wishes to commence negotiations on a proposal submitted by a prospective service provider,

MNYL will notify the prospective service provider in writing. MNYL is not under an obligation to enter

into a contract with a prospective service provider if negotiations have been so commenced with such

a prospective service provider. MNYL can terminate negotiations at any time without any liability

toward the prospective service provider for such termination.

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The proposal shall remain valid for a period of atleast 90 days from the date of its submission to

MNYL authorized representative.

MNYL reserves the right to place order on partial or complete set of requirements that have been


MNYL reserves the right to split the order among multiple service providers.

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