request for esco contract.pdf

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  • 8/11/2019 Request for ESCO contract.pdf


    Request For Qualifications (RFQ) For Energy Performance Contracting Services

    Request For

    Qualifications (RFQ)forEnergy PerformanceContracting Services

    Sample Letter of Invitation to respond to RFQ

    Sample RFQ for Energy Performance Contracting Services

    ! Services Desired

    ! Procurement Process

    ! Attachment A: Sample Project Schedule

    ! Attachment B: Evaluation Criteria! Attachment C: Terms and Conditions

    ! Attachment D: ESCO Response

    ! Attachment E: Guidelines for Developing a Facility Profile! Attachment F: Technical Energy Analysis & Project Development


    ! Attachment G: Measurement & Verification Requirements &


    These are sample documents only and do not attempt to identif y or address all

    cir cumstances or conditi ons you may encounter or desir e. Consul t with your legal

    counsel and procur ement staf f to adapt thi s document to meet your needs.

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    Request For Qualifications (RFQ) For Energy Performance Contracting Services 1 of 46



    Notice is hereby given that ________________________________________ shall receive proposals

    from qualified Energy Services Companies (ESCOs) to provide energy conservation equipment and

    services under an Energy Services Performance Contract until 3:00 pm, Wednesday, April 1, 1998,

    at 500 Jefferson Street, Jackson, Mississippi. Proposals will be in accordance with Section 31-7-14

    of the Mississippi Code and the Request for Qualifications.

    A detailed Request for Qualifications may be obtained from the Project Manager:





    All correspondence should be directed to:


    _______________________________________________Title (President, Superintendent, Administrator, etc. )




    Publish: __________________ and _________________

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    Dear Energy Service Company,

    is inviting the submission of qualifications from Energy Service Companies (ESCOs) to provide a full range

    of services and related capital improvements in order to reduce the consumption and related costs of energy and water use.

    Projects will be financed through a performance-based contract with a guarantee of savings under which incurs

    no initial capital costs. These services may include a technical energy analysis to assess energy, water and operations and

    maintenance savings opportunities, as well as the design, acquisition, installation, modification, maintenance and training

    in the operation of existing and new energy-efficient equipment.

    The attached RFQ describes the services requested, terms and conditions, the proposed project schedule and the energy-

    using systems and maintenance issues in the facilities.

    Responses must be prepared as described in Attachment D: ESCO Response. Responses must be received by

    on by at or sent to .

    For further information, please contact:


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    Issued by

    For Energy Performance Contracting Services


    (hereinafter referred to as Customer)

    seeks specific qualifications from interested Energy Services Companies (ESCOs) that are capable of providing

    comprehensive energy and water management as well as related capital improvement services for selectedfacilities owned or managed by Customer. A description of these facilities is provided in an attachment to this

    RFQ. Additional buildings and facilities, are listed, may be included in the future under the same contract."


    Customer seeks a broad range of services and capital improvements in order to reduce the consumption and

    related costs of energy and water use in the facilities addressed in an Attachment of this RFQ (Facility Profile).

    These services and capital improvements will be provided and financed through a performance-based contract

    with a guarantee of savings under which the Customer: a) incurs no initial capital costs (with option for Customerto provide initial capital if desired), b) achieves significant long-term savings, c) achieves a guarantee for energy

    savings, water savings and operations and maintenance (O&M) savings (O&M savings includes materials and

    labor savings and will only be applicable at the option of Customer), d) obtains consistent levels of occupant

    comfort and building functionality, and e) captures ancillary benefits that may accrue as a direct result of such

    energy-related services and capital improvements, such as environmental protection, hazardous materials

    disposal, etc.

    Customer seeks to maximize energy savings and related improvements. Within the framework of available

    financing, therefore, ESCOs are encouraged to advocate the installation and implementation of improvements

    providing the greatest possible energy, water and O&M savings. Essential services and improvements sought

    are those that will reduce energy and water consumption in Customer's facilities, upgrade capital energy-related

    equipment, improve building operations and maintenance, save costs through fuel switching or improved demand

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    Request For Qualifications (RFQ) For Energy Performance Contracting Services 4 of 46

    management, and aid in meeting environmental management responsibilities.

    Improvements must result in a guaranteed minimum energy savings with the ESCO payments linked to

    actual measured reductions in energy cost or consumption. No contract shall exceed ( ) years in duration

    and is subject to annual appropriations. The energy savings achieved by the installed energy efficiency measures

    (EEMs) need to be sufficient to cover all project costs including annual maintenance and monitoring fees for the

    duration of the contract term. At a minimum, the energy savings guarantee should be structured to correspond

    to the annual financing costs associated with the project. The contract is subject to approval and review by the

    Mississippi Department of Economic and Community Development - ENERGY DIVISION.


    An interested ESCO must have the demonstrated technical and managerial capability to address a broad range

    of building energy and water systems, provide a comprehensive set of energy and water services, and capture the

    value of any directly related ancillary benefits.

    Energy systems include, but are not limited to, heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment,

    energy management and control systems, lighting systems, domestic hot water systems, the building envelopeand other energy using systems such as laundry, kitchen, pool, and renewable energy systems.

    Water systems include, but are not limited to, devices which reduce water consumption and sewage services, such

    as, automatic controls, low-flow sink aerators, showers, and toilets, cooling, tower modifications, and irrigation

    system controls or modifications.

    Energy and water services include, but are not limited to, a technical energy and water analysis; the design,

    acquisition, installation, modification and commissioning of new and/or existing energy systems. Additional

    services include continuing operations and maintenance for all improvements and/or training of Customer's staff

    on routine maintenance and operation of systems as well as training of occupants. Monitoring and verification

    services include appropriate measurement and reporting of the performance and savings from improvements.

    Ancillary benefits may include, but are not limited to, hazardous materials disposal or recycling, improved

    occupant comfort or building functionality, improved indoor air quality, and any unique benefits that may be

    provided by regular technology upgrades or advanced proprietary technology.


    Contract Term. No contract shall exceed years in duration and is subject to annual

    appropriations. The duration of the contract will be mutually determined between the ESCO and the Customer

    based on financial factors so that a zero or positive net cash flow is realized by the Customer.

    Guarantee. Improvements and services must result in guaranteed minimum annual energy, water and O&Msavings option, as well as guaranteed minimum levels of occupant comfort and operations and maintenance

    and/or any ancillary services. A guarantee is required to equal the calculated savings attributable to all energy

    saving measures for each year during the contract period. The combined savings achieved by the installed

    projects must be sufficient to cover all project costs including debt service and contractor fees maintenance,

    monitoring and other services, for the duration of the contract term. At a minimum, the savings guarantee

    should be structured to correspond to the annual financing costs associated with the project. Payments must

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    be linked to actual measured post-retrofit improvements as compared to building performance before the

    installation of any energy systems and service improvements. Payments for capital improvements and continuing

    services shall be structured as constant, level payments to be made by Customer through the term of the

    agreement. The guaranteed savings must be achieved each year. Annual cost savings derived from such

    improvements beyond the guaranteed minimum savings will be held by Customer, and will not be allocated to

    shortfalls in other years.

    Financial Review. Detailed financial projections of project benefits are dependent upon the scope of technical

    retrofits finally selected and installed. It is premature to place a major emphasis on projected financial benefits

    prior to the completion of a detailed engineering study and negotiation of the project structure. During contract

    negotiations, the ESCO shall disclose cost markups which will be applied during the subsequent technical energy

    analysis and energy performance contract. Open book pricing during the construction stage will be required, such

    that pricing information or bids on individual products and services will be available for review by Customer.

    Respondents are encouraged to carefully review the evaluation criteria in the RFQ under Financial Approach and

    to respond as fully as possible.

    O&M Savings. Any O&M cost savings related to maintenance and operation of the facilities will be rigorously

    reviewed and, if agreed to, will be limited to those that can be thoroughly documented and approved by Customer.

    Deposit to Board or Contract of Insurance. The ESCO must deposit with the Board of an amount of money equal to all payments to be made by the board during the first year of the contract

    or a contract of insurance guaranteeing payment to such board of the amount, if any, by which such payments

    exceed such actual savings of energy costs for the first year. The ESCO will forfeit the amount by which actual

    savings fall short of guaranteed savings. Any amount not forfeited will be returned to the ESCO upon contract


    Technical Energy Analysis. The technical energy analysis must include estimates of savings for eachmeasure.

    Also, the cost estimate for eachmeasure must include an estimate of all costs including design, engineering,

    installation, maintenance, repairs and debt services.


    The evaluation and selection of an ESCO, and the negotiation and procurement of services will proceed as


    Site Visits. Prior to the submission of proposals and upon request, Customer will arrange a walk-through

    inspection tour of the buildings described in the Attachment to this RFQ. Knowledgeable representatives will

    be available to answer questions about the operation of the facilities. All ESCOs are encouraged to carefully

    review the facility profile information contained in the Attachment and to visit the facility in order to enhance

    their understanding of existing building conditions and opportunities. To make arrangements for a walk-through

    inspection tour, please contact the following person by :

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    Submission of Written Proposals. ESCOs that wish to participate must submit responses as directed in the

    Attachment D: ESCO Response. All submissions become the property of Customer and will not be returned

    to the ESCO. All costs associated with submission preparation will be borne by the submitting ESCO.

    Responses must be prepared as described in the attachment.

    Proposal Review and Selection of Finalists. Customer will establish a Project Evaluation Team to review and

    evaluate the written responses to this RFQ in accordance with the evaluation criteria identified in an Attachment

    to this RFQ. Customer will contact at least two prior clients of each ESCO to inquire about the performance of

    the firm and its work in situations similar to those faced by Customer.

    Customer reserves the right to reject any or all submissions and to waive informalities and minor irregularities

    in submissions received and to accept any submissions if deemed in the best interest of Customer to do so.

    Customer will select no more than three (3) ESCOs for further competition.

    ESCO Interviews and Ranking. Each of the selected ESCOs will participate in a detailed oral interview to

    answer questions from the Project Evaluation Team and more fully discuss how its approach to this project

    satisfies the evaluation criteria set forth in this RFQ. All persons with major responsibility for the project's

    technical design, management and contract negotiation should be present at the interview. Each oral interviewmay be tape-recorded. A more complete description of the interview process and format will be sent to each of

    the selected ESCO. Based on results from both the written responses to the RFQ and the oral interviews, the

    Project Evaluation Team will rank the ESCOs such that contract negotiations will proceed with the top-ranked


    Preliminary Contract Negotiations. The top-ranked ESCO will be required to disclose a description of the

    intended pricing methodology in addition to general cost markup information. Markups, inclusive of all fees, for

    all cost categories will be required, such as markups for direct labor and direct materials as well as markups on

    both labor and materials related to profit overhead, subcontractors and contingencies. Cost categories can be

    specified by the ESCO. Customer will honor the confidentiality of all information that is marked "confidential"

    by the ESCO. These markups will be used in any subsequent technical energy analysis cost projections and in

    any final performance contract. Customer has the right to reject the top-ranked ESCO if costs are not determinedreasonable. In that event, Customer has the right to begin negotiations with the second-ranked ESCO.

    Development of Technical Energy Analysis and Project Development Agreement. Customer intends to

    negotiate a contract for the technical energy analysis as described in the Attachment to this RFQ. If an acceptable

    technical energy analysis and project development agreement cannot be reached within 30 days from the date of

    ESCO selection, negotiations with the next-ranked ESCO may be initiated.

    Development of Energy Performance Contract. Following successful completion of the technical energy

    analysis, Customer intends to negotiate a performance contract to implement the projects. Customer has the

    option to decline any or all performance contract agreements. This agreement is also known as an Energy

    Services Agreement.

    This procurement and contracting process ensures that Customer gets the maximum value for its dollar by

    requiring open book pricing, full disclosure of mark-ups, and the use of stated markups in the subsequent pricing

    structure. The inclusion of these requirements prevents an ESCO from withholding critical information necessary

    for Customer to negotiate fair and reasonable prices in the performance contract.

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    It is anticipated that the process for the procurement of these energy services will proceed in three stages.

    1) SUBMISSION OF WRITTEN QUALIFICATIONS: through its designated

    representatives will review and evaluate the written responses to this Request for Qualifications (RFQ)

    in accordance with the evaluation criteria identified in Attachment A. will select no more than

    three qualified ESCOs to proceed to the competitive oral interview stage of the procurement process.

    2) ORAL INTERVIEW: Each of the three qualified firms will participate in a detailed oral interview to

    more fully discuss how their approach to this project satisfies the evaluation criteria set forth in

    Attachment B. ESCOs will be required to answer questions posed by the Project Evaluation Team. It

    will be the sole responsibility of the Project Evaluation Team to make the final selection of a Project

    Contractor based upon the evaluation of written responses to the RFQ, and the oral responses received

    during the interview process. A more complete description of the interview format and logistical

    arrangements will be mailed to the three finalists.

    3) SELECTION OF ESCO TO DEVELOP CONTRACT: Based on the opinion of the Project EvaluationTeam, will select the best qualified ESCO to conduct a complete Energy Analysis

    of the facility and propose contract terms concerning a complete set of proposed energy improvements,

    the timetable for completing engineering and construction work, a detailed description of services to be

    provided, specific financing arrangements and terms, and an estimate of energy savings, as well as

    special conditions offered by the company. intends to negotiate a final contract for these

    services, which includes a minimum savings guarantee. If an acceptable contract cannot be reached

    within 90 days from the date of ESCO selection, negotiations with the second-ranked ESCO may be


    We recognize that detailed financial projections of project benefits are dependent upon the scope of

    technical retrofits finally selected and installed. It is premature to place a major emphasis on projected

    financial benefits prior to the completion of a detailed engineering study and negotiation of the projectstructure. Respondents are encouraged to carefully review the evaluation criteria in the RFQ under

    Financial Approach and to respond as fully as possible.


    will arrange walk-through inspection tours of their buildings upon request, prior to the

    submission of qualifications. Site representatives will be available to answer questions about the operation of

    the buildings. All ESCOs are encouraged to carefully evaluate the building profile data contained in the technical

    appendix and to visit the facility in order to enhance their understanding of existing building conditions and

    retrofit opportunities.

    To make arrangements to tour , please contact:______________________________________________________




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    Companies who wish to be considered by _________________________________ must submit an original and

    __________ copies of Attachment D & E (the ESCO Profile Form and ESCO Qualifications & Approach to

    Project) to __________________________________ . All submissions become the property of

    _________________________ and will not be returned to the ESCO. The three highest ranked firms will be

    notified by phone to schedule their appearance at the oral interview.

    __________________________________________ reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and to

    waive informalities and minor irregularities in submissions received and to accept any submissions if deemed in

    the best interest of __________________________________________ to do so. All costs associated with

    submission preparation will be borne by the submitting company.




    To aid companies in their response to this request the following items are attached:

    Attachment A: Proposed Project Schedule

    Attachment B: Evaluation Criteria

    Attachment C: Contract Terms and Conditions

    Attachment D: ESCO Response

    Attachment E: Technical Facility Profile

    Attachment F: Technical Energy Analysis and Project Development Agreement

    Attachment G: Measurement & Verification Requirements & Recommendations

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    RFQ - Attachment A: Proposed Project Schedule 9 of 46

    A T T A C H M E N T AA T T A C H M E N T A


    The following schedule is the proposed schedule, and may change during the project.


    Issue RFQ Week 1

    Site Visit (to be arranged) Week 1-5

    Proposals Due Week 6

    Proposal Review and Selection of Finalists Week 6-7

    ESCO Interviews and Ranking Week 7-8

    (includes Board approval of ESCO if required)

    Preliminary Contract Negotiations Week 9-10

    Development of Technical Energy Analysis Contract Week 11

    (includes negotiation and signing)

    Technical Energy Analysis, Project Analysis Week 11-22

    Development of Performance Contract Week 23-30

    (includes negotiation, Board approval if required, submissionto MDECD-Energy Division and signing)

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    RFQ - Attachment B: Evaluation Criteria 11 of 46

    j. Communication Skills. Quality of communication skills of the ESCO's representatives at the

    oral interview.

    2. Technical Approach (Scoring Weight: 40%)

    a. Understanding of Conditions. Understanding of the existing building conditions, systems,

    operations and schedules.

    b. Technical Qualifications. Qualifications and relevant experience of the technical design staff.

    c. Technical Approach. Comprehensiveness and clarity of the technical approach to this project

    based on improvements likely to be included. Quality of conceptual design presented in oral


    d. Responsiveness of Strategies. Approach to adapting control strategies, equipment, and

    maintenance practices in response to changes in utility rates, technology, and building conditions

    in order to enhance project performance.

    e. Experience of Key Personnel. Number of past projects completed by the person(s)

    responsible for this project's technical design that include technical measures proposed for this


    f. Quality of Technical Energy Analysis. Quality of a sample technical energy analysis for a

    similar type of facility completed by the person(s) responsible for project technical design.

    g. Baseline Calculation Methodologies. Reasonableness of the typical baseline energy and water

    use calculation methodology.

    h. Approach to Maintenance Contracts. Approach to maintenance contracts, including requiredlength and relationship to performance guarantee.

    i. Extent of Customer Involvement. Willingness to allow Customer's staff to perform

    installation or maintenance on equipment.

    j. Past Project Performance. Documented energy savings of previous projects managed by the


    k. Reference Checks. Reliability of equipment performance of ESCO's past performance

    contracting projects, based on reference checks.

    3. Financial Approach (Scoring Weight: 15%)

    a. Financial Soundness. Financial soundness and stability of the ESCO. Completeness and

    strength (financial viability) of most recent annual financial statements.

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    RFQ - Attachment B: Evaluation Criteria 12 of 46

    b. Performance Guarantee. Terms of the guarantee of the project's financial performance.

    c. Financing Capability. Demonstrated ability to provide or arrange project financing.

    d. Insurance Capability. Provide documentation that your firm can comply with the minimum

    insurance requirements for this project.

    e. Proposed Financing Arrangement. Sample financing arrangement proposed for this project.

    f. Cost Savings Calculations. Quality and clarity of the intended financial savings calculations.

    g. Invoice Clarity. Clarity of the sample project invoice.

    h. Open Book Pricing Approach. Approach and experience in providing open book pricing.

    Note: Pricing methodology and cost markups will be evaluated during ESCO selection (see "Procurement Process" of this RFQ).

    4. Legal Approach (Scoring Weight: 10%)

    a. Contract Quality. Quality of sample legal agreement.

    b. Adjustments to Baseline. Contractual provisions to accommodate changes in building energy

    use regarding occupancy, operating schedule, weather, etc., including adjustments to the energy

    use baseline.

    c. Contract Flexibility. Flexibility of contract to accommodate needs of Customer.

    d. Early Termination Provisions. The quality of provisions for early termination of the contract

    at the initiative of either party.

    5. Technical Energy Analysis Cost (Scoring Weight: 10%)

    Cost of the technical energy analysis.

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    RFQ - Attachment C: Contract Terms and Conditions 13 of 46

    A T T A C H M E N T CA T T A C H M E N T C


    The minimum conditions Customer will accept from the selected ESCO are described below. This section defines

    the scope of services related to the technical requirements that will be included in any final contract. It also

    defines the key contractual provisions.

    1. Scope Of Services (Technical Requirements)

    The Scope of Services must be included in any performance contract Customer enters into, and must

    include the following items at a minimum:

    a. Technical Energy Analysis. The ESCO's proposed contract terms must include the

    performance and presentation of results from a detailed technical energy analysis of acceptable

    quality to Customer. The proposed analysis terms and conditions are specified in an

    Attachment to this RFQ. The minimum annual energy, water and O&M cost savings and

    financing period will be negotiated. If Customer decides not to enter into a contract after theanalysis has been accepted, Customer agrees to pay the cost of the analysis as stated in the

    submitted proposal, provided that the proposed contract terms offered by the ESCO meet all the

    conditions set forth in this RFQ. The technical analysis must include estimates of savings for

    each measure. Also, the cost estimate for each measure must include an estimate of all costs

    including design, engineering, installation, maintenance, repairs and debt services.

    b. Standards of Comfort. Specific standards of comfort, safety and functionality will not be

    degraded from the existing condition and/or shall meet minimum established industry standards.

    The ESCO will be responsible for maintaining the levels of comfort for each building as

    specified in the RFQ or in any final agreement. Persistent failure to maintain the defined climate

    and lighting conditions will constitute a default.

    c. Professional Engineer Involvement. A registered professional engineer must, at a minimum,

    review and approve design work done under this contract. The engineer may be an employee

    of the ESCO and may be registered in a state other than the state in which the work is


    d. Guaranteed Savings. Customer requires a minimum annual guaranteed level of combined

    savings and improved performance approach to the project. If the project does not generate the

    guaranteed level of savings in any given year, the ESCO will be responsible for reimbursing

    Customer the amount of the short fall necessary to pay for annual project financing and all

    related contract obligations. Excess savings will not be used to reimburse the ESCO for any

    payments made due to shortfalls in other years.

    e. Construction Management. The ESCO will be required to work with current building

    management and maintenance personnel in order to coordinate construction and provide

    appropriate training in operations and maintenance of all installed improvements. No

    equipment or other improvements will be installed that would require Customer to hire

    additional personnel unless contract negotiations produce an explicit exemption for a specific

    installation. Maintenance responsibilities shall be proposed in detail in the contract.

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    RFQ - Attachment C: Contract Terms and Conditions 14 of 46

    f. Equipment Standardization. All equipment installed that is comparable to similar equipment

    at other sites operated by Customer shall be of the same manufacturer for standardization of

    equipment agency wide, unless excepted by Customer.

    g. Maintenance Manuals. At least three (3) maintenance manuals for each site will be provided

    for all equipment replacements and/or upgrades at each location. Manuals are subject to

    approval of Customer.

    h. As-Built Drawings. Where applicable, ESCO must provide mylar, reproducible "as built" and

    record drawings (or such electronic equivalents as may be agreed to with Customer) of all

    existing and modified conditions associated with the project, conforming to typical engineering

    standards. These should include architectural, mechanical, electrical, structural, and control

    drawings and operating manuals within 30 days of completion of installation.

    i. Follow-up Monitoring and Maintenance Services. Following the installation and

    implementation of improvements, the ESCO will be responsible for maintaining and monitoring

    the measures to ensure optimal performance; however, Customer has the option to decline these

    services or negotiate for a reduced term of services.

    j. Customer Activities. Customer reserves the right to make energy and water improvements to

    the work sites and to monitor the performance of the installations independently of the ESCO.

    Additionally, Customer may wish to integrate other identified capital needs with ESCO projects,

    which may or may not contain energy and water saving opportunities.

    2. Contractual Provisions

    Key elements that must be provided for in any performance contract that Customer enters into will, at

    a minimum, include the following:

    a. Proposal Submissions. The contents of the ESCO's submissions in response to this solicitationwill become part of any final agreement between Customer and the contractor.

    b. Meeting Project Schedule. The ESCO must provide a final schedule of project milestones

    including equipment-servicing and preventive maintenance provisions that will become part of

    any final contract. ESCO is responsible for meeting schedule deadlines. In the event any

    milestone or service provision is not met as scheduled without prior approval from Customer,

    Customer reserves the right to consider it a default and withdraw from all contractual

    obligations without penalty.

    c. Customer Inspection. Customer must have the right to inspect, test and approve the work

    conducted in the facilities during construction and operation. Customer shall have the right and

    access to the account books, records, and other compilations of data that pertain to theperformance of the provisions and requirements of this agreement. If the contract negotiations

    call for cost-plus or open book pricing, then the accounting books of the ESCO must be

    accessible by Customer. Records shall be kept on a generally recognized accounting basis, and

    calculations will be kept on file in legible form and retained for three years after close-out.

    Customer retains the right to have its representative visit the site during the analysis and

    implementation phases of the project, and to attend relevant on-site or off-site meetings of the

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    RFQ - Attachment C: Contract Terms and Conditions 15 of 46

    ESCO and/or its subcontractors.

    d. Final Approval of Customer. Customer retains final approval over the scope of work and all

    end-use conditions. Customer may delay the initiation of savings payments until approved.

    e. Property of Drawings, Reports and Materials. All drawings, reports and materials prepared

    by the ESCO specifically in performance of this contract shall become the property of Customer

    and will be delivered to Customer as needed or upon completion of construction.

    f. Compliance. All work completed under this contract must be in compliance with all applicable

    federal, state and local laws, rules and regulations such as building codes and appropriate

    accreditation, certification and licensing standards. Work must be in accordance with sound

    engineering and safety practices and in compliance with all Customer regulations relative to the

    premises. The ESCO and its subcontractors will be responsible for obtaining any and all

    required governmental permits, consents and authorizations, and for payment of any and all

    state and city required taxes and fees which result from is contract.

    g. Handling of Hazardous Materials. All work completed under this contract must be incompliance with all applicable federal, state and local laws, rules and regulations regarding

    waste disposal and treatment/disposal of any hazardous materials that could result from this

    project. Work must also be in accordance with sound engineering and safety practices, and in

    compliance with all reasonable Customer rules relative to the premises. In the event the ESCO

    encounters any such materials, the ESCO shall immediately notify the project manager and stop

    work pending further direction from the project manager. The State may, in its sole discretion,

    suspend work on the project pending removal of such materials or terminate this Agreement.

    h. Methodology to Adjust for Changes. The contract must contain a mutually acceptable clause

    whereby unanticipated changes in facility use, occupancy, schedule and/or utility rates can be

    accommodated in a fair manner agreeable to both parties. The ESCO's proposed method for

    adjusting the energy use baseline should be identified in the RFQ response and listed in aschedule to the contract.

    i. Hiring and Wage Requirements. The ESCO will comply with all requirements for the

    payment of prevailing wages, and for minority and women-owned business enterprises.

    j. Subcontractor Approval. Customer retains the right to approve any ESCO selected

    subcontractor prior to its commencement of work on this project. Names and qualifications

    must be submitted at least two weeks in advance.

    k. Bonding Requirements. The ESCO will provide to Customer assurance of completion in the

    form of separate performance and labor and material payment bonds, each in the sum of 100

    percent of all subcontracts. If necessary, ESCO bonding requirements should also be specifiedincluding the types of bonds required, the amount of each bond and the specific milestones that

    trigger bonding requirements and bond release.

    l. ESCO Insurance. Prior to the commencement of work, the ESCO must provide evidence of

    insurance for both the construction and operations phases of the project. (If possible, this should

    be specified as to type and dollar amount required. The respondents may be asked to provide

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    RFQ - Attachment C: Contract Terms and Conditions 16 of 46

    this information in a schedule attached to the proposal.)

    m. Guaranteed Cost Savings. Improvements and services must result in guaranteed minimum

    annual energy, water and O&M savings option, as well as guaranteed minimum levels of

    occupant comfort and operations and maintenance and/or any ancillary services. A guarantee

    is required to equal the calculated savings attributable to all energy saving measures for each

    year during the contract period, per Mississippi Revised Statute 31-7-14. The combinedsavings achieved by the installed projects must be sufficient to cover all project costs including

    debt service and contractor fees maintenance, monitoring and other services, for the duration of

    the contract term. At a minimum, the savings guarantee should be structured to correspond to

    the annual financing costs associated with the project. Payments must be linked to actual

    measured post-retrofit improvements as compared to building performance before the

    installation of any energy systems and service improvements. Payments for capital

    improvements and continuing services shall be structured as constant, level payments to be

    made by Customer through the term of the guaranteed savings must be achieved each year.

    Annual cost savings derived from such improvements beyond the guaranteed minimum savings

    will be held by Customer, and will not be allocated to shortfalls in other years.

    n. Applicability of O&M savings. Any O&M cost savings related to maintenance and operation

    of the facilities will be rigorously reviewed and, if agreed to, will be limited to those that can be

    thoroughly documented and approved by Customer.

    o. Open Book Pricing. Open book pricing will be required, such that the ESCO will fully

    disclose all costs.

    p. Disclosure of Cost Markups. The pricing methodology and individual cost markups disclosed

    during preliminary contract negotiations will be required to be applied in costs presented in any

    subsequent technical analysis or performance contract.

    q. Annual Reconciliation. Annual savings will be verified at a specified time each year in orderto determine if the ESCO's guarantee needs to be exercised.

    r. Contract Term. No contract shall exceed years in duration and is

    subject to annual appropriations.

    s. Contract Expiration and Renegotiation. At the time of contract expiration, Customer will

    have the option either to renegotiate the contract or terminate it without penalty.

    t. Prepayment Non-Penalty. The contract must permit Customer to prepay the contractor, in part

    or in whole, without penalty.

    u. Expanded Contract (Master Contract) Capability. To reduce transaction costs, Customerseeks to select an ESCO that can provide continuing services under this RFQ and subsequent

    energy performance contract. This arrangement is intended to allow Customer to expand energy

    services to other buildings and facilities as listed in the Attachment to this RFQ and clearly

    marked as possible future projects or facilities to be addressed at the option of Customer.

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    RFQ - Attachment C: Contract Terms and Conditions 17 of 46

    addressed now and those that could be addressed later.> The ESCO must present both the

    terms of a Master Contract and the process for negotiating services that can be provided for

    individual buildings and facilities under this agreement.

    v. Contract Renegotiation. Customer reserves the right to renegotiate the awarded contract if

    warranted, due to changes in the regulatory or utility climates or in Customer's use of energy

    and/or the desire to add sites not included in the initial contract.

    w. Post-Contract Preventive Maintenance Schedule.Upon completion of the contract, the

    ESCO shall provide to Customer a single comprehensive schedule of necessary preventive

    maintenance for all installations for the five (5) years following contract close-out.

    x. Disputes Resolution. The contract should contain a disputes resolution clause specifying

    arbitration or other methods to seek outside guidance short of legal proceedings. The American

    Arbitration Association is often specified, with arbitrators selected from the Association of

    Energy Engineers.

    y. Deposit to Board or Contract of Insurance. The ESCO must deposit with the Board of an amount of money equal to all payments to be made by the board

    during the first year of the contract or a contract of insurance guaranteeing payment to such

    board of the amount, if any, by which such payments exceed such actual savings of energy costs

    for the first year. The ESCO will forfeit the amount by which actual savings fall short of

    guaranteed savings. Any amount not forfeited will be returned to the ESCO upon contract


    z. Assignment Approval. Customer will have the right of approval for assignment of the

    performance contract to a different ESCO.

    aa. Non-Appropriations Clause. Payments will be subject to annual appropriation.

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    RFQ - Attachment D: ESCO Response 18 of 46

    A T T A C H M E N T DA T T A C H M E N T D


    This attachment provides information about the required response from the ESCO. The first section provides

    details about submitting the proposal, including what must be sent, the number of copies and the time and date

    of the deadline. The next two sections: ESCO PROFILE and ESCO QUALIFICATIONS AND APPROACHTO PROJECT provide forms that must be filled in and submitted by the ESCO as part of the ESCO response.


    General Information:

    Refer to "Procurement Process" in the body of the RFQ for more detailed information on proposals.

    Failure to complete any question in whole or in part, or any deliberate attempt by the proposer to mislead

    Customer, may be used as grounds to find the proposing ESCO ineligible.

    All submissions become the property of Customer and will not be returned to the ESCO.

    All costs associated with submission preparation will be borne by the submitting ESCO.

    Please use double-sided copying where possible to reduce paper use.

    Submit The Following:

    a. Attachment D: "ESCO Profile" and "ESCO Qualifications and Approach to Project"

    Quantity:, including original.

    b. Sample Technical Energy Analysis

    Quantity: one (1) copy

    c. Cover Sheet to accompany each of the above submittal, as given below.

    To: , Attention:

    RE: Response to RFQ - Energy Performance Contracting Services

    Date: ______________________

    From: _____________________

    Firm Name: _______________________________________

    Address: _________________________________________

    General Phone Number: ______________________________

    Contact Person

    Name: _______________________________________

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    RFQ - Attachment D: ESCO Response 19 of 46

    Title: ________________________________________

    Phone: _______________________________________

    Fax: _________________________________________

    e-mail Address (if applicable): _____________________

    Submit To:


    Address for over night or hand-delivery:

    Mailing address:

    Due Date:

    Submittal must be received at the above address on or before by .

    For further information, please contact:

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    RFQ - Attachment D: ESCO Response 22 of 46



    c. How many years has your firm been involved in energy-related business?


    d. Please identify all states in which your firm is legally qualified to do business.



    a. Please attach the resumes of the principal individuals who will be directly responsible for this

    project. Please indicate the specific qualifications of each individual and the role they will play

    for the duration of the contract. Clearly identify who will have the primary responsibility for

    the technical analysis and design of the project.

    b. Please give the number of years of design and construction experience for each of the above

    individuals and describe all supervisory responsibilities; please provide a list of all projects each

    individual has been associated with during the last five (5) years, including type of project and

    $ size.

    c. Please identify your firm's legal counsel for this project. Give the name and address of the

    primary individual responsible for contract negotiation.


    a. Please attach your firm's most recent annual report.

    b. Please attach the most recent year-ending Statement of Financial Conditions, including balance

    sheet and income statement, dated within twelve months of filing this ESCO Profile Form.

    c. Please provide the name, address, and the telephone number of firm(s) that prepared Financial



    On separate sheets of 8-1/2" x 11" paper please briefly describe five (5) energy performance contractsor related projects which your firm has managed. Please put an asterisk by those project references

    involving buildings similar to the building(s) described in the technical appendices. Number each

    heading as follows:

    a. Project

    b. Location

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    RFQ - Attachment D: ESCO Response 23 of 46

    c. Project $ Amount (installed project costs)

    d. Source of Funds

    e. Type of Contract (i.e., shared-savings, lease purchase, guaranteed savings)

    f. Owner

    g. Designer: Name(s) of primary technical design personnel

    h. Start and End Dates

    I. Projected Annual Energy Savings (Therms, KWH, KW, Gallons)

    j. Achieved Annual Energy Savings (Therms, KWH, KW, Gallons)

    k. ESCO Notes or Comments

    l. Please provide the names and telephone numbers of the owner(s)' representatives with whom

    you have done business on each of the projects listed in your summary.

    NOTE: All questions must beaddressed by theESCO in order for this qualification form to be properly completed. Failure of the contractor to answer

    any question, or comply with any directive contained in this form may be used as grounds to find them ineligible. If a question or directive does not

    pertain to your organization in any way, please indicate that fact with the symbol N/A. For additional space attach 8-1/2" x 11" sheets and indicatereference number (i.e., 12a, 12b, etc.) to correspond with each question.


    a. Dated at this day of 19 .

    Name of Organization:






    Title _______________________________________________________________


    List all attachments created to address additional information. List by number and heading in

    this ESCO Profile. If a computer-generated form is used, detail descriptions can be included in

    the appropriate section rather than prepared as an attachment.

    Item# Heading Name

    Attachment for # ___________ _________________________________

    Attachment for # ___________ _________________________________

    Attachment for # ___________ _________________________________

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    RFQ - Attachment D: ESCO Response 24 of 46


    a. Mr./Ms.________________________________________ being duly sworn deposes and says

    that he/she is the______________________________of ______________________, ESCO,

    and that answers to the foregoing questions and all statements therein contained are true and


    b. Subscribed and sworn before me this _______ day of___________ 19_________.

    Notary Public _______________________________________________________

    My Commission Expires ______________________________ 19_____________.

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    RFQ - Attachment D: ESCO Response 25 of 46


    Please provide answers to each category listed below. Provide your responses on 8-1/2" x II" sheets of paper and

    number and title each answer to the corresponding category. All pages in your response to this attachment should

    be numbered sequentially.


    a. Project History. Briefly describe all energy performance contracts or related projects which

    your firm has managed within the last three (3) years. (Do not include projects/contracts

    managed by team members or subcontractors.) Identify those project references involving

    buildings similar to the building(s) describe in the technical appendices.

    NOTE: If this response is submitted by a branch office or division of a parent company, please

    provide project histories for those that have been managed directly by the specific branch or

    division. Projects that have been managed by individuals who will be specifically assigned to

    this project should also be included and identified.

    Include the following information on each project:

    1) Project Identification. Name the project owner, state the type of project (generic

    building type such as hospital, school, etc.), provide the location (city, state).

    2) Project Dates. Project Actual Construction Start and End Dates.

    3) Project Size. Number of buildings and total square footage.

    4) Project Dollar Amount. Provide the total contract amount and the total project

    capital expenditure amount.

    5) Source of Funds. State the source of funds used for the project and your firm's

    role, if any, in securing those funds.

    6) Contract Terms. State the type of Contract (shared-savings, lease purchase,

    guaranteed savings), the duration of the contract terms, and the financing


    7) Technical Design Personnel. Include name(s) of primary technical design


    8) Project Schedule. Indicate if the project was completed on schedule. If not, please


    9) List of Improvements. List the retrofits and operational improvements related to

    energy, water and O&M cost savings.

    10) Projected Annual Savings. State the projected annual energy, water and O&M

    savings (Therms, kWh, kW, Gallons, etc.). (See sample form below.)

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    RFQ - Attachment D: ESCO Response 26 of 46

    11) Guaranteed Savings. State the amount of the guarantee (see sample form below).

    Also describe how the guarantee functioned and if your firm was required to pay

    funds to meet the guarantee.

    12) Actual Annual Savings. State the actual annual energy, water and O&M savings

    (Therms, kWh, kW, Gallons). Also describe if savings were measured or stipulated.

    (See sample form below.)

    13) Summarize savings results in a format similar to that shown here:

    Project Name: ____________________________________________

    Projected Annual

    Energy Savings

    Guaranteed Energy Actual Energy Savings

    KWh KWh Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

    Therms Therms

    KW KW

    Gal Gal

    14) Comments. Comment on any special features, services, conditions, etc.

    15) References. Provide the names and telephone numbers of the owner(s)

    representatives that can supply references.

    b. Personnel Information. Provide the following information as it relates to your approach to the

    proposed project.

    1) Full-Time Personnel. Indicate the number of full-time personnel employed by your

    firm and the percent available to work on this project. (Can be answered as part of item

    "b" below.)

    2) Qualifications and Experience. Identify who will have the primary responsibility for

    each task and phase of the project including technical analysis, engineering, design,

    construction management, construction, training and post-contract monitoring. For

    each of the individuals listed, indicate the following: name, title, intended role and

    responsibilities for the duration of the contract, educational background, specific

    qualifications related to role and responsibilities, past relevant experience, number of

    years of relevant experience, supervisory responsibilities (if relevant to role), list of

    projects individual was associated with during the last five (5) years including type of

    project and project cost, resume.

    3) Areas of Expertise. List all areas of expertise related to potential energy and water

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    RFQ - Attachment D: ESCO Response 27 of 46

    improvements in facilities. Include specialized areas of expertise in areas that might

    be relevant to the project (swimming pools, laboratories, renewable energy system

    application or rehabilitation, daylight design, etc.) Also describe the professional and

    skilled trades that your firm customarily performs with employees.

    4) Contract Negotiations Personnel and Legal Counsel. Give the name and address

    of the person who will have primary responsibility for contract negotiations. Alsoidentify your firm's legal counsel for this project.

    5) Subcontractors. Describe the nature of work generally conducted by subcontractors

    and discuss your flexibility in hiring subcontractors recommended by Customer or in

    selecting local subcontractors in Customer's geographic area.


    a. Project Summary (not to exceed 5 pages). Summarize the scope of. services (auditing, design,

    construction, monitoring, operations, maintenance, training, financing, etc.) that would be

    offered for this project. Include a brief description of your firm's approach to management andthe specific benefits your firm can offer Customer. Propose a preliminary project schedule.

    b. Training Provisions. Describe your firm's capabilities in providing technical training for

    Customer's facility personnel and experience on past projects. Describe your firm's involvement

    in developing training manuals for facility staff.

    c. Engineering Design. Describe your firm's approach to the technical design of this project.

    d. Monitoring and Verification. Describe the methodology proposed for ongoing monitoring

    and savings verification of each recommended project's performance, including the frequency

    of such efforts. Note if an industry standard such as the International Monitoring and

    Verification Protocol is used and describe the preferred method.

    e. Cost of Analysis. Estimate the total cost of the technical analysis to Customer. This will be

    the reimbursable cost if no performance contract is negotiated, providing the analysis meets the

    requirements described in the Attachment to this RFQ.

    f. Baseline Calculation Methodology. Describe in detail the methodology your firm normally

    uses to compute baseline of energy and water use as well as performance.

    g. Adjustment to Baseline Methodology. Describe the method(s) used to adjust the energy,

    water and O&M baseline due to such factors as weather and facility use changes. Describe

    factors that would necessitate adjustment. Please refer to the Technical Facility Profile of

    Attachment F which describes that some buildings will have substantial changes in use, andaddress these issues in particular.

    h. Savings Calculations. List all procedures, formulas and methodologies including special

    metering or equipment your firm will use to calculate energy, water and O&M savings. Include

    assumptions made in the calculations.

    I. Dollar Savings Calculations. Describe the procedure to assign dollar values to the O&M and

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    RFQ - Attachment D: ESCO Response 28 of 46

    energy and water savings.

    j. ESCO Fee Calculation. Describe your methods for calculating your firm's fees as a function

    of the projects total combined savings. Describe the specific services for which your firm will

    be paid over the contract term. Describe the method by which your firm will be paid for those

    services and how often payment will be made.

    k. Maintenance Contract Flexibility. Describe the types of services included in the maintenance

    contract. Comment on whether Customer's maintenance staff can perform some of these duties

    if desired, and describe any impact on the guarantee. (These duties could include programming

    and maintaining the control system, installing lighting retrofits, maintaining HVAC equipment,

    etc.). Describe the required length of the maintenance contract and the relationship with the

    guarantee in the event that Customer chooses to terminate the maintenance contract prior to the

    end of the performance contract.

    l. Cost Savings Guarantee Calculations. Describe your firm's procedures and schedule for

    measuring financial performance of projects. Describe how the guarantee provisions work in

    the event that project results vary from projections. Also describe how excess savings will be

    documented for Customer's benefit.

    m. Open Book Pricing. Describe your firm's approach and experience in providing open-book


    n. Billing and Invoices. Describe your standard billing procedures and attach a sample invoice.

    o. Provision of Financing. Briefly describe the types of financing arrangements provided by your

    firm for past performance contracting projects. Include a brief description of the source of funds

    and the potential dollar amounts currently available to your firm to finance these types of

    projects. Indicate what representative interest rates may be available, financing terms and other

    variable economic factors associated with each method. Please comment on how you would

    work with Customer to utilize tax-exempt financing or other methods to keep financing costsat a minimum.

    p. Provision of Insurance. Describe level and types of all insurance policies applicable to the


    q. Environmental Liability. State your firm's position with respect to the acceptance of liability

    for any hazardous materials encountered during the course of the project. If the firm is willing

    to accept any level of environmental liability, state the level and provide a cost analysis.

    r. Provision of Warranties. State the nature and terms of all warranties that will apply to the


    s. Equipment Ownership and Service Responsibility. Describe the status of equipment

    ownership and service responsibility at contract expiration.

    t. Sample Technical Energy Analysis and Project Development Agreement. Describe any

    modifications you recommend or require regarding the Technical Energy Analysis and Project

    Development agreement in this RFQ.

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    RFQ - Attachment D: ESCO Response 29 of 46

    u. Sample Contract Agreement. Briefly explain how your Master Contract Agreement and

    Performance Contract Agreements for specific facility improvements work. Attach a sample

    of both types of contracts offered by your firm. However, note that State agencies are required

    to use a state-issued contract.

    v. Sample Technical Energy Analysis. Briefly describe your approach to auditing a facility.

    Submit a sample technical analysis conducted by your firm for a similar project (as directed in

    the Proposal Submittal information). This analysis must include detailed energy and economic



    a. Technical Site Analysis. Based on your preliminary assessment of the information provided,

    describe any equipment modifications, installations or replacements at the facility that your firm

    would consider installing as a part of this project. Address energy, water and O&M

    opportunities. Also describe any special features, renewable technologies, or advanced

    technologies that might be applicable. Describe your approach to achieve standardization of

    equipment in the facilities to be addressed. Describe any special features or services associatedwith your proposed improvements that would add value to Customer.

    b. Operations and Maintenance. Describe any major changes in operations or maintenance of

    Customer's facilities that yourfirm foresees based on the information provided. Briefly describe

    the maintenance responsibilities of your firm and Customer. Describe how your firm would

    provide appropriate training in operations and maintenance of installed improvements.

    c. Standards of Comfort. Describe standards of comfort and functionality that will be used for

    light levels, space temperatures, ventilation rates, etc. in the intended facilities. Also describe

    how those standards will be maintained throughout the contract term.

    d. Construction Management. Describe how your firm would work with current buildingmanagement and maintenance personnel in order to coordinate construction and avoid conflicts

    with the building's operation and use. Describe your flexibility and/or any limitations regarding

    possible Customer activities such as: Customer's management of additional energy and water

    projects, Customer's monitoring of installation and performance of ESCO projects, Customer's

    integration of other identified capital needs with ESCO projects which may or may not contain

    energy and water saving opportunities.

    e. Project Financing. Describe your firm's preferred approach to providing or arranging

    financing for the proposed project. Describe the mechanics of the financing arrangement

    including projected interest rate, financing terms with formulas used to determine periodic

    payments, equipment ownership, responsibilities/liabilities of each party, security interest

    required and any special terms and conditions that may be associated with the financing of thisproject.

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    RFQ - Attachment E: Technical Facility Profile 30 of 46

    A T T A C H M E N T EA T T A C H M E N T E


    Note to Customer: The energy service companies (ESCOs) wi ll need a descr ipt ion of the faci li ties that ar e

    candi dates for energy eff iciency impr ovements in order to evaluate the opportun ity to implement a

    successfu l energy perf ormance contract. Whi le it wi ll not be practical to provide every technical detail acertain min imum level of in formation must be contained in the RFQ. ESCOs shoul d also be prepared to

    respond to more specif ic questions from the ESCOs about the bui ldings. Please provi de the foll owing for

    each bui lding under your ownership (where you pay all util ity bil ls).

    The information in this technical facility profile is provided to inform the ESCO about the condition of theCustomer's facilities. The information was prepared with diligence by the Customer. The ESCO is responsiblefor verifying the accuracy, as necessary.


    C Name of buildingC Address of buildingC

    Primary use of buildingC Total square footage of conditioned space. (If the total areas which are heated and cooled differ in size,

    please describe their respective sizes.)C Number of floors.C Year constructedC Year of any major modifications.C Building operator name & telephoneC Building engineer name & telephoneC Building manager name & telephone


    C Describe any major energy-related changes made during the past ten years.C

    State if any previous analyses were conducted.


    C Briefly describe any major changes to building operation or structure during the last four years whichsignificantly affected annual building energy use. What was done? What were the effects on energy use?

    C Describe any major change planned to occur during the next five years that could significantly affectannual energy use. What change? Anticipated effects?


    C Describe the typical hours of operation for your facility, including weekday/weekend and seasonalchanges.

    C Describe the janitorial hours and describe habits regarding turning off lights and other equipment.

    C State the general summer and winter temperature set points and any special temperature, humidity orventilation requirements.


    C Briefly describe the predominant wall and roof construction.

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    RFQ - Attachment E: Technical Facility Profile 32 of 46

    electricity, gas, etc. for each facility or meter for both winter and summer. If under contract for naturalgas, provide the fuel purchase agreement and a monthly price history, if available.


    C Describe the general maintenance practices and schedule for the building and its energy-related systems.

    C Include information sufficient to quantify all continuing maintenance costs, including staff and laborhours, materials and supplies, etc.

    C Describe any known maintenance problems and/or needs associated with deferred maintenance.


    C Briefly describe any comfort problems.

    C Describe maintenance problems related to energy-using systems in your buildings, including ability ofexisting maintenance staff or contractors to address problems.


    Describe maintenance problems related to water systems in your buildings. Include water qualityproblems.

    C Identify any major equipment scheduled for replacement during the next five years.

    C Briefly list any major energy conservation options identified by a previous analysis of your building.

    C Describe any building improvements that you would like to investigate during this project.


    C Additional utility bill information.

    C More detailed information on major mechanical equipment and control systems.

    C Copies of any previous technical analysis or recommendations of energy conservation options in yourbuilding.

    C Detailed documentation relating to your energy management system.

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    RFQ - Attachment F: Sample Technical Energy Analysis & Project Development Agreement 33 of 46

    A T T A C H M E N T FA T T A C H M E N T F

    Sample Technical Energy Analysis and Project Development Agreement

    This Technical Energy Analysis & Project Development Agreement (the "Agreement") is made and entered into

    as of , between (ESCO), having its principal offices at , and include complete name and Board name if applicable> (Customer).


    WHEREAS, ESCO is a company with experience and technical and management capabilities to provide for , the

    discovery, engineering, packaging, procurement, installation, financing, maintenance and monitoring of Energy

    Efficiency Measures at facilities similar in size, function and system type to Customer's facilities; and

    WHEREAS, ESCO has submitted a response to Customer's Request for Qualifications ("RFQ") pertaining to

    the discovery, engineering, packaging, procurement, installation, financing, maintenance and monitoring of

    Energy Efficiency Measures at Customer's facilities; and

    WHEREAS, Customer has selected, ESCO to provide the services described herein; and WHEREAS, Customer

    desires to enter into an agreement to have ESCO perform a Technical Energy Analysis to determine the feasibility

    of entering into an Energy Performance Contract to provide for the installation and implementation of Energy

    Efficiency Measures at Customer's facilities.

    WHEREAS, if Energy Efficiency Measures are determined to be feasible, and if the amount of savings can bereasonably sufficient to cover all costs associated with an energy performance contracting project, the parties

    intend to negotiate an energy performance contract under which the ESCO will design, procure, install,

    implement, maintain and monitor such Energy Efficiency Measures.

    THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows:

    I. Technical Energy Analysis

    ESCO agrees to perform a Technical Energy Analysis in accordance with the Scope of Work described below.

    The Technical Energy Analysis must meet, but is not limited to the guidelines set by the Mississippi Departmentof Economic and Community Development, Energy Division. A copy of the guidelines is attached. ESCO agrees

    to complete the Technical Energy Analysis and present to Customer a final report within

    calendar days from the execution of this Agreement.

    Customer agrees to assist the ESCO in performing the Technical Energy Analysis in accordance with the Scope

    of Work described below. Customer agrees to work diligently to provide full and accurate information.

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    RFQ - Attachment F: Sample Technical Energy Analysis & Project Development Agreement 34 of 46

    ESCO agrees to work diligently to assess validity of information provided and to confirm or correct the

    information as needed.

    ESCO agrees to offer in the Technical Energy Analysis a proposal of Energy Performance Contract terms and

    conditions, based on a recommended package of Energy Efficiency Measures selected by the ESCO. The

    proposal will include details as specified in the Scope of Work below.

    II. Compensation To ESCO

    Except as provided for below, within days after ESCO's submission of the final

    Technical Analysis report, Customer shall compensate ESCO for performance of the Analysis by payment to

    ESCO of $ :

    a. Customer shall have no up-front payment obligations under this Agreement, but acknowledges that the

    fee indicated above shall be incorporated into ESCO's project costs, in the event ESCO and Customer

    execute an Energy Performance Contract within days, or such longer period as the

    parties may mutually agree, after submission of the final Technical Energy Analysis report and Project

    Development Agreement by ESCO to Customer.

    b. Customer shall have no payment obligations under this Agreement in the event that ESCO's final

    Technical Energy Analysis report does not indicate an annual energy cost avoidance of at least 15 percent

    for Energy Efficiency Measures which can be financed over a maximum year


    c. Should the ESCO determine any time during the Technical Energy Analysis that the savings above

    cannot be attained, the Technical Energy Analysis will be terminated. In this event this Agreement shall

    be canceled and Customer shall have no obligation to pay the amount specified.

    III. Scope of Work

    The Technical Energy Analysis and Project Development Agreement shall be performed as described below:


    A. Furnish to the ESCO upon its request: accurate and complete data concerning energy usage and

    operational expenditures for the premises, for the most recent three years from the effective date of this

    Agreement as follows. Customer agrees to work diligently to provide full and accurate information, and

    will also allow ESCO reasonable access to facility staff to ensure understanding of existing, systems and


    1) Utility company invoices

    2) Occupancy and usage information

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    3) Description of all energy-consuming or energy-saving equipment used on the premises

    4) Description of energy management procedures utilized on the premises

    5) Description of any energy-related improvements made or currently being implemented

    6) Description of any changes in the structure of the facility or energy-using or water-using


    7) Description of future plans regarding building modifications or equipment modifications and

    replacements.8) Drawings, as available (may include mechanical, plumbing, electrical, building automation and

    temperature controls, structural, architectural, modifications and remodels)

    9) Original construction submittals and factory data (specifications, pump curves, etc.), as


    10) Operating engineer logs, maintenance work orders, etc., as available

    11) Prior energy Analyses or studies, if any


    B. Perform an inspection survey to:

    1) Interview the facility manager, maintenance staff or others regarding facility operation,

    maintenance problems, comfort levels, equipment reliability, etc.

    2) Identify the occupancy and use schedules for the facility and specific equipment. Identify and

    characterize comfort or maintenance problems.

    3) Inspect major energy-using equipment, including:

    a) Lighting (indoor and outdoor)

    b) Heating and heat distribution systems

    c) Automatic temperature control systems and equipment

    d) Air distribution systems and equipmente) Outdoor ventilation systems and equipment

    f) Exhaust systems and equipment

    g) Hot water systems

    h) Electric motors, transmission and drive systems, special systems (kitchen/dining

    equipment, swimming pools, laundry equipment, etc.)

    I) Renewable energy systems

    k) Other energy using systems

    1) Water consuming systems (restroom fixtures, water fountains, irrigation systems, etc.)

    4) Perform "late-night" surveys outside of normal business hours or on weekends to confirm

    building system and occupancy schedules, if deemed necessary.

    5) Consider the following for each system:

    a) Energy use, loads, proper sizing, efficiencies and hours of operation

    b) Current operating condition

    c) Remaining useful life

    d) Feasibility of system replacement

    e) Hazardous materials and other environmental concerns

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    RFQ - Attachment F: Sample Technical Energy Analysis & Project Development Agreement 36 of 46

    f) Customer's future plans for equipment replacement or building renovations

    g) Facility operation and maintenance procedures that could be affected

    6) ESCO agrees to work diligently to assess validity of information provided and to confirm or

    correct the information as needed.

    C. Establish base year consumption and reconcile with end use consumption estimates.

    1) Examine utility bills for the past 36 months and establish base year consumption for electricity,

    gas, steam, water, etc. in terms of energy units (kWh, kW, CCF, Therms, gallons, or other units

    used in bills) and in terms of dollars. Describe the process used to determine the base year

    (averaging, selecting most representative contiguous 12 months, etc.). Consult with facility

    personnel to account for any anomalous billings that could skew the base year representation.

    2) Estimate loading, usage and/or hours of operation for all major end uses representing over five

    percent of total facility consumption including, but not limited to:

    C Lighting C HVAC motors (fans and pumps)

    C Heating C Plug loads

    C Cooling C Kitchen equipment Other/miscellaneous

    Where loading or usage are highly uncertain (including variable loads such as cooling), ESCO

    will use its best judgment or take direction from the Customer to use spot measurements or

    short-term monitoring.

    3) Reconcile annual end-use estimated consumption with the annual base year consumption to

    within five percent for electricity (kWh), fuels and water. Also reconcile electric peak demand

    (kW) for each end use within five percent. The miscellaneous category can be no greater than

    five percent. This reconciliation will place reasonable limits on potential savings.

    D. Determine cost and savings factors allowed by Customer

    1) Customer will provide ESCO with sufficient guidance to develop savings estimates.

    2) Savings estimates may include:

    a) Energy savings

    b) Customer material/commodity savings, including scheduled replacement of parts

    c) Outside labor cost savings, including maintenance contracts

    3) Savings estimates will not include:

    a) Customer in-house labor costs

    b) Customer deferred maintenance costc) Offset of future customer capital cost

    4) The following items may be negotiated:

    a) Escalation rates for natural gas, electricity, water, material/commodity cost savings,

    and allowable labor savings

    b) Interest rates (municipal tax-exempt rates)

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    RFQ - Attachment F: Sample Technical Energy Analysis & Project Development Agreement 37 of 46

    5) The following items may not be negotiated:

    6) In the Technical Energy Analysis and subsequent Energy Performance Contract, ESCO will use

    all markups and pre-disclosed and negotiated costs that were approved prior to this Agreement,as listed below:

    Cost category % of capital cost Fixed Cost





    E. Develop a preliminary analysis of potential Energy Efficiency Measures (EEMs):

    1) Identify EEMs which appear in the judgement of the ESCO to be likely to be cost effective and

    therefore warrant detailed analysis

    2) For each EEM, prepare a preliminary estimate of energy cost savings including description of

    analysis methodology, supporting calculations and assumptions used to estimate savings.

    3) The Customer's rejection of calculations of savings, or potential savings allowed, shall be at therisk of the ESCO.

    F. Meet with Customer to present preliminary resultsincluding assessment of energy use, savings

    potential, retrofit opportunities, and potential for developing an energy performance contract. Describe

    how the projected project economics meet the customer's terms for completing the Analysis report.

    G. Analyze each Energy Efficiency Measure (EEM)

    1) Consider technologies in a comprehensive approach including, but not limited to: lighting

    systems, heating/ventilating/air conditioning equipment and distribution systems, controls

    systems, building envelope, motors, kitchen equipment, pools, renewable energy systems or

    other special equipment.

    2) For each EEM:

    a) Use costs provided prior to contract negotiations in all cost estimates.

    b) Follow the methodology of ASHRAE or other nationally-recognized authority and be

    based on the engineering principle(s) identified in the description of the retrofit option.

    c) Use best judgement regarding the employment of instrumentation and recording

    durations so as to achieve an accurate and faithful characterization of, energy use.

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    RFQ - Attachment F: Sample Technical Energy Analysis & Project Development Agreement 38 of 46

    d) Develop a preliminary measurement and verification plan for each EEM

    3) Prepare a detailed report as described below

    H. Prepare a draft "Final Technical Energy Analysis" which shall include:

    1) Overviewa) Contact information

    b) Summary table of recommended EEMS, with each EEM's design and construction cost,

    annual maintenance costs, the first year cost avoidance (in dollars and energy units),

    and simple payback

    c) Summary of annual energy use and costs of existing or base year condition

    d) Calculation of annual percentage savings expected if all recommended EEMs were


    e) Description of the existing facility, mechanical and electrical systems

    f) Summary description of Energy Efficiency Measures, including estimated costs and

    savings for each as detailed above

    g) Discussion of measures considered but not investigated in detail

    h) Conclusions and recommendations

    2) Full description of each EEM including:

    a) Written description

    (1) Existing conditions

    (2) Recommendations. Include discussion of facility operations and maintenance

    procedures that will be affected by EEM installation/implementation

    b) Base year energy use

    (1) Summary of all utility bills

    (2) Base year consumption and description of how established

    (3) End use reconciliation with base year (include discussion of any unusual

    findings)c) Savings calculations

    (1) Base year energy use and cost

    (2) Post-retrofit energy use and cost

    (3) Savings estimates including analysis methodology, supporting calculations and

    assumptions used.

    (4) Savings estimates must be limited to savings allowed by the Customer as

    described above.

    (5) Percent cost-avoidance projected

    (6) Description and calculations for any proposed rate changes

    (7) Explanation of how savings duplication or interaction between retrofit options

    is avoided.

    (8) Operation and maintenance savings, including detailed calculations anddescription

    (9) If computer simulation is used, include a short description and state key input

    data. If requested by Customer, access will be provided to the program and all

    assumptions and inputs used, and/or printouts shall be provided of all input

    files and important output files and included in the Technical Energy Analysis

    with documentation that explains how the final savings figures are derived

    from the simulation program output printouts

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    RFQ - Attachment G: Measurement and Verification Requirements and Recommendations 41 of 46

    A TT AC H M E N T G



    MDECD-ED recognizes that Measurement and Verification of savings are central to determining the satisfactory

    performance of Energy Performance Contracts. Separation of the measurement from the effects of the

    measurement on those performing it being a long respected scientific prerequisite, MDECD-ED recommends

    Third Party M&V or Third Party M&V review on projects valued at more than $500,000 or with savings

    estimated at more than $100,000 per year. MDECD-ED recognizes that the choice of M&V provider is primarily

    an administrative decision and that the circumstances and capabilities of the parties involved are widely varied.

    The M&V Plan, its implementation, and the Periodic Energy Project Savings Report may be provided by the

    Organization, the ESCO, a Third Party Contractor or some combination of these determined by contract

    agreement. The requirements set forth in this document apply regardless of the provider.

    The M&V Plan must be submitted along with the Technical Energy Analysis, periodic Energy Project

    Savings Report, and the Energy Performance Contract for MDECD-ED review and approval .

    The periodic Energy Project Savings Report must be submitted to MDECD-ED within sixty (60) days of the end

    of the period to which it applies. The Periodic Energy Project Savings Report will be reviewed based on the

    following criteria.

    a. Are the savings greater than or equal to those estimated or guaranteed in the Technical Energy Analysis

    and the contract ? (If the estimated and guaranteed savings are not the same, both numbers must be

    shown throughout the documents.)

    b. Does the report contain the required elements ?

    c. Does the Report present the data elements, calculations and results as set forth in the M&V Plan?

    d. Do the parties (i.e. Organization, ESCO, Third Party Contractor) have any disputes or concerns

    regarding the report ?

    If the answers to the above questions are satisfactory to MDECD-ED, the report wil

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