republic´s end

Post on 25-Jun-2015






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Life After Caesar• Even though Caesar had named Octavian as his successor, there was a

power struggle after he was murdered.

• Two of his most trusted men, rose to prominence in order to achieve power• Mark Antony: his former assistant and right hand.

• Octavian: his young and adopted son and “heir”.

Antony and Octavian• The priority that both of these

men had, was to punish the men responsible for killing Caesar.• The murderers miscalculated and

thought they would be looked upon as heroes. They didn’t count on Caesar’s popularity! They had to flee for their lives, because Rome was shocked because of the murder.

• Antony delivered a famous speech that turned the crowd against the plotters.

• Along with Octavian, they set out to find them and kill them, with an army.

Philippi• Antony and Octavian caught up with the killers at

Philippi, in northern Greece.• Here they defeated them, and both leaders Brutus and Cassius

committed suicide when they faced their reality.

Second Triumvirate• It was in effect, a three

man dictatorship.

• In order to refill the treasury and eliminate their enemies, they resorted to proscription.

• They divided the lands amongst themselves.

• Slowly, after many years they distanced from each other.

Relationship with Caesar

Final fate

Lepidus Cavalry Commander

Self imposed Exile

Mark Anthony

Most trusted man Suicide

Octavian Adopted son & successor Emperor

Octavian vs. Antony• After Philippi, Octavian

returned to Rome, and Antony remained in the east fighting the last part of the resistance.

• Antony married Octavia, Octavian’s sister, but divorced her eight years later in order to marry Cleopatra in Egypt.

• Octavian was obviously insulted by this.

Civil War… (yes, again)• Octavian set out to capture Mark Antony starting yet another

civil war.

• Both their fleets met at Actium, near Greece.• Antony was defeated and had to flee back to Cleopatra in Egypt.

• In Egypt, Cleo and Mark committed suicide to avoid capture.

• With Mark Antony dead and Lepidus in exile, Octavian was now the sole ruler.

Imperator, Princeps… Augustus• Octavian slowly gained more an

more power. • He became “princeps” (first citizen)

when he had achieved near limitless power.

• But in 27 BC, he announced he was giving up his power to the Senate…• … but in reality, he kept it all.

• The Senate gave him a new name: Augustus (revered one).• With this, the Republic was officially

over and the Empire was born.

The Path to an Empire

• The killers are hunted down.

• Defeated at Philippi

Caesar is murdered

• Formed the Second Triumvirate

• Antony’s behavior leads to civil war.

Antony vs. Octavian • Defeats Antony

• Gains limitless power.

• Becomes Augustus

Octavian becomes Emperor

Ask Yourself• Identify:• How did most Romans feel about Caesar’s death?

• Recall:• What happened to Caesar’s killers?

• Draw Conclusions:• Why did Octavian turn against Mark Antony?

• Summarize:• How did Octavian become an Emperor?

• Evaluate:• Why was it significant that Octavian took the title Princeps and not


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