representation of disability in tv drama improved

Post on 28-May-2015






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Representation of Disability in TV Drama

By Georgia Leaper

All media texts are re-presentations of reality

Media uses stereotypes to suggest a personality of a character to the

audience without having to provide excess background knowledge

1) Pitiable and pathetic; sweet and innocent; a miracle cure

E.g. Tiny Tim

2) Victim or an object of violence; unable to defend themselves

E.g. In the Inbetweeners when Will throws a Frisbee at a girl in a wheelchairBecause she is disabled her victim status is heightened and the situation becomes more serve

3) Sinister or evil

E.g. Dr No had 2 false hands in the Bond Film

4) Outcasts/”freak shows”/mysterious

E.g. The Phantom in Phantom of The

OperaHe was separate

from society because of his disfigurement

5) Triumph over tragedy/noble warrior

E.g. Joe in Family GuyDespite his disability, Joe still proves to be an extremely skilled police officer, as he is constantly seen pursuing criminals or rescuing victims with the aid of his wheelchair and even goes so far as to abandon his wheelchair to complete his work.

6) Laughable or the butt of the jokes

E.g. Forrest in Forrest GumpConstantly taken the mick out of by other characters

7) Overly aggressive

E.g. Captain Hook

9) Non-sexual/incapable of a worthwhile relationship

E.g. Charlie in Perks Of Being a


10) Incapable of fully participating in everyday life

E.g. Gus in Tracy Beaker Returns seems to be happier on his own refining his skills than playing with the other children

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