reports of 7.1.17 2014-2015 1. annual day- nirmal utsav ... next on the agenda was the much awaited...

Post on 30-Apr-2020






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College of Home Science, Nirmala Niketan 49, New Marine Lines, Mumbai 400020 Affiliated to University of Mumbai

NAAC Accredited ‘A’ Grade

Criterion VII: Institutional Values and Best Practices



1. Annual day- Nirmal Utsav - 08/01/2015 to 10/01/2015

The annual college festival “Nirmal Utsav” organized by Student Council Committee on 8th, 9th

and 10th of January 2015 was another great opportunity for all students to showcase their talents.

Student Council took this opportunity to show its solidarity and to motivate other students to

participate in the cultural program. Around 45 students participated in the programme.

2. Marathi Bhasha Divas - 27/02/2015

Marathi Diwas Celebrations on 27th of February 2015 was organized by Student Council

Committee. An essay competition was organized to celebrate and highlight the importance of

Marathi language. Around 35 students and support staff enthusiastically participated in the same.

3. Farewell for Dr Perpetua Machado - 30/07/2014

A Farewell for Dr Perpetua Machado was

organized by Student Council on 30thJuly 2014.

The executive council presented a memento to

her, expressing the warm wishes of students

across all the different groups of the college. All

teaching and non-teaching staff attended the

farewell and conveyed best wishes to her.

College of Home Science, Nirmala Niketan 49, New Marine Lines, Mumbai 400020 Affiliated to University of Mumbai

NAAC Accredited ‘A’ Grade

Criterion VII: Institutional Values and Best Practices

4. Fresher’s Party - 02/08/2014

A Fresher’s party was organized for the students of

FYBSc, MSc I and students of P.G. Dietetics on the

2nd of August 2014 by Student Council. The

Executive Council had organized the music,

dancing, games and spot prizes. Snacks and soft

drinks were arranged by the college. In all 200

students participated in the event.

5. Annual Picnic - 13/12/2014

The annual college picnic to Royal Palm

Resorts and water-park on 13th December

2014 for senior college had been organized by

Student Council in collaboration with Penguin

Holidays Pvt Ltd. The students were required

to assemble at one of the specific pickup

points at 8:15 am. After reaching the resort,

delicious breakfast was served. The students

enjoyed the different water rides and games

like badminton and cricket! Around 300

students and faculty members had gone for the


6. Valedictory Function - 01/04/2015

Valedictory Function held on the 1st April 2014 the meritorious students of the academic year

2013-2014 were felicitated with certificates, cash prizes and trophies by the Chief Guest, Dr. M.

Pejaver. The representatives of college committees were also felicitated. Around 250 students

attended the programme.

7. Tree plantation – 24/06/2014

Tree plantation was organized by Social Committee. This year we began with a new activity for

which we were trying since quite some time - the “Tree Plantation Drive” in collaboration with

United Way of Mumbai. Twenty-four SYBsc students participated in the drive. This was done as

College of Home Science, Nirmala Niketan 49, New Marine Lines, Mumbai 400020 Affiliated to University of Mumbai

NAAC Accredited ‘A’ Grade

Criterion VII: Institutional Values and Best Practices

soon as the college reopened after the summer break. Student participants were given a

certificate appreciating their participation.

8. Beach Cleaning at Girgon Chowpatty - 04/09/2014 and 08/09/2014

Beach cleaning activity was organized by Social Committee This year there was a difference in

the format and nature of beach cleaning. In the earlier years, we used to go once after the final

day of Ganpati Visarjan. This year as this activity was done in collaboration with United Way of

Mumbai, the student volunteers went in batches on 4days:

Nirmalya Collection/Pre-immersion Drive: Students participated in drive for collection of

nirmalya and other items of idol decoration before immersion on 4th September 2014 (14

students) and 8th September 2014 (6 students) from 3.30 pm to 8.00 pm at Girgaon


Post-Immersion Beach Clean-Up: Clean-up of beach after immersion of the Ganesh idols

on 5th September (10 students) and 9th September 2014 (31 students) from 6.30 am to

10.00 am at Girgaon Chowpatty.

As per the requirement, a specific number of students were assigned on respective days. In all

35-40 students participated in the drive.

United Way of Mumbai provided all student volunteers with safety gear. They also gave students

a certificate of participation.

9. Mehendi Competition to Celebrate Eid - 16/08/2014

The Interfaith Committee activities organized Mehendi competition to celebrate Eid in the

month of August. The winner of this competition were: 1st Prize – Ms. Mehwash Khan, 2nd

Prize Ms. Zehra Picturewala and 3rd Prize – Ms.Hemanshi Karia. 12 students participated in the


10. Sweet making competition to celebrate Diwali -17/10/2014

The Interfaith Committee activities organized Sweet Making competition on 17th October 2014

to celebrate Diwali. The main ingredient to be used was ‘OATS’. The creativity of students and

the versatility of oats were seen during this competition. The winners of the competition were:

1st Prize- Shweta Raghvani - S.Y.BSC, 2ndPrize - Devanshi Gala- F.Y.B.Sc., 3rd Prize – Shalaka

Sooryavanshi (F.Y.BSC). Total 14 students to part in this competition.

11. Christmas Celebrations - 23/12/2014

Christmas Celebrations was organized by Interfaith Committee on 23rd December 2014. In

order to celebrate Christmas, a Group Carol Singing Competition was organized in December.

The Competition was also held in order to create an atmosphere for Christmas celebrations in

the college as it was proposed that the winning group would perform for the Christmas

Program. The students in the group winning the competition were, Stacia D’costa, Krishna

Parmar, Tanvi Dawda, Uravi Shah, Shailee Kothari, Ishita Lote and Devanshi Gala all

belonging to FY.BSc. The highlight of the competition was that students irrespective of their

College of Home Science, Nirmala Niketan 49, New Marine Lines, Mumbai 400020 Affiliated to University of Mumbai

NAAC Accredited ‘A’ Grade

Criterion VII: Institutional Values and Best Practices

religion had participated in the competition. As suggested by the judges, all the groups

participating for the competition came together and performed at the Christmas Program.

To commemorate the birth of Jesus Chris, a Christmas Program was organized and all the

students, staff and support staff were invited for the program. The Celebration included an

introduction about Christmas and its significance, a drama, Carol Singing and a dance.

Student Council had also organized the felicitation of the support staff on this occasion. The

students and teaching, administrative and non-teaching staff expressed the gratitude and

appreciation of the support – staff.

The Christmas party was held on 23rd of December 2014 for non teaching and support staff,

followed by mass, exchange of buddy gifts, Christmas party with snacks and tea. Students also

performed Christmas plays with message and dance. Each support staff was given a cash

envelope, contributed by the students as a token of gratitude from the students for the service

rendered to them; and a Christmas gift from the college management.

12. Talk on “Communal Harmony” – 23/01/2015

The Interfaith Committee organized a talk on “Communal Harmony” for staff and students on

23rd January 2015. The resource person invited was Dr. Ram Punyani, former IIT Professor.

The talk was a very enriching one as many myths were broken and facts were known. In all

total 70 students and staff attended the programme.

13. Bal Utsav 2015- 30/04/2015

For the Department of Human Development, current academic year ended on a wonderful note.

On 30th April, 2015, TYBSc, MSc part I and part II students (40 in all) of Department of Human

Development had organized Bal Utsav for 46 underprivileged children in the college hall. The

event was successfully executed under the guidance of two staff members, Dr Anuradha J.

Bakshi and Ms Khyati Sampat.

The event began at 8:30 am where the two mascots (our two TYBSc students) welcomed the

children. After a quick prayer, the children were offered healthy breakfast, sponsored by

Kelloggs and one TYBSc student, which they relished to the core! The children were looking

forward to the recreational session that was next on the list. Be it playing energetic games,

exploring the books, conversing with their friends with the use of puppets, or trying their hands

at the art and craft corner, they enjoyed it all. What a sight it was to see their energy levels and of

course, broad smiles on their faces!

Next on the agenda was the much awaited visit to Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Vastu

Sangrahalaya, Fort. After quickly orienting the children about code of conduct at the

Sangrahalaya, the children were taken in taxis to the Sangrahalaya. Children safety was ensured

at several points. All were very excited to know what is in store for them once they enter the

Sangrahalaya. All children in four groups started exploring and satiating their curiosities! The

College of Home Science, Nirmala Niketan 49, New Marine Lines, Mumbai 400020 Affiliated to University of Mumbai

NAAC Accredited ‘A’ Grade

Criterion VII: Institutional Values and Best Practices

children were taken through different sections by the Sangrahalaya guides, namely, Natural

History, Arms and Armour Gallery, Pre and Proto History and Indian Miniature Paintings. After

spending about 90 minutes, we headed back to the college with rich learnings!

After reaching college, the children had a short resting period. After their brains got some food

for thought, it was time for their stomachs to get some delicious food! The lunch time began.

Children indeed enjoyed the scrumptious meal sponsored by the students and their families. The

department students then had organized a short quiz where they asked the children questions

based on what they saw at the Sangrahalaya. Most of the questions got answered accurately. This

showed that the children did grasp a lot of enriching information!

After the lunch, the event ended at 1:30 pm with a prayer. The children shared how much they

loved the activities planned for them. Takeaways too were sponsored and given to all the

children as they left the college hall. The students shared that this was one of the most fulfilling

events while in college. The smiles and joys on the children’s faces was the biggest reward for

all the hard work put in by the students and teachers. After all, happiness is…. seeing someone

smile and you know you are the reason for that smile!


College of Home Science, Nirmala Niketan 49, New Marine Lines, Mumbai 400020 Affiliated to University of Mumbai

NAAC Accredited ‘A’ Grade

Criterion VII: Institutional Values and Best Practices


1. Visit to Autism Friendly Village, Hyderabad- 07/07/2015

Visit to Autism Friendly Village, Hyderabad was organized by the department of Human Development.

Autism friendly village is a “Not for profit” initiative of the ‘Simply Give Foundation’ and ‘Care 4

Autism’ centre. Mr. Anil Kundra is the Director of Autism Friendly Village in Hyderabad. Currently they

have 31 children/adults in their centre. It is the First and only and also the largest residential living for

children and adults with Autism. There campus is spread over 10 acres, having open space for children

and adults. It also has a 2 acre sensory pathway for children and adult with Autism. The entire facility has

camera online and parents can watch their children from any part of the world. Every child lives with a

buddy/caregiver in the same room. Every caregiver is chosen with great care. They follow a strict diet

pattern with only vegetarian food and also no onions and garlic.


The name of Autism friendly is given because the environment where there is friendly to the autistic

people. In the rooms there are cameras for the purpose of the child’s safety and the autistic people have a

single private caregiver. The caregiver shares the room with the autistic person but they have different

beds so that there is no chance of physical or sexual abuse. Different autistic children and elders have

different problems so the rooms have been designed according to their conditions. For example a 6 year

old boy had a problem of banging head on walls, so the walls of the room were coated with a soft pad till

5 feet so that even if the child bangs his head on the wall, he doesn't get hurt.

Their diet is also been taken care of. They are not given any non veg food or any high calories or high

protein food which will increase their aggression. Also onions and garlic not used in their food as it also

rises up to the aggressive and sexual hormones which are then difficult to handle so for precaution they do

not give them such foods.

The caregivers take a very good care of the autistic children. They do not treat them as disabled people,

but rather respect them, their thinking and the behaviour. They do not feel bad if the children don’t

respond to them but rather they understand them. They give them more priority than themselves.

They also have trained dogs that know all the children in the autistic village. If any child moves out of the

autistic village, the dog finds him or her in 5 minutes and brings them back.

The CCTV cameras are fit in all the rooms so that Dr. Kundra and the parents of the child can keep a

watch on the child from any part of the world through their mobiles.

There is also a theatre on the campus where they are shown movies on Sunday especially for

entertainment of the caregivers.

Dr. Kundra knows each child personally and talks to the parents and caregivers of the child personally.

Also if any child is ill or is having any problem he himself takes the child to the doctor. He is very

particular about their feelings and he takes care and sees to it that they do not get hurt in anyway.


This was a once in a lifetime visit, totally worth it! It was such a meaningful and purposeful visit and we

all have learned a lot through it. I don't think we'll ever get a chance to see any such place like that in the

future. We got an in depth view of how these people are catered to and how this institute functions, what

amount of money is spent per person, and how does the money flow. We could meet these individuals

personally, see how they are actually helped, and we could actually witness their characteristics. We even

got to know what inspired Dr. Kundra to start something so unique and helpful. He has inspired all of us

to make a difference in the world through small actions and ways. While concluding the entire visit he

College of Home Science, Nirmala Niketan 49, New Marine Lines, Mumbai 400020 Affiliated to University of Mumbai

NAAC Accredited ‘A’ Grade

Criterion VII: Institutional Values and Best Practices

said, "I always say, do something that doesn't exist, don't follow everyone, build your own path, create

something new." this was something that touched all our hearts! Thank you so much for this visit, the

learning obtained from here will always stay in our hearts.

Autism friendly village

Vriddhi Jain, Amatullah Lakdhawala, Sakina Patanwala, Susmita Shah and Rohini Rane

(TYBSc – HD)

2. Counselling at Individual and Group levels by the Counselling Centre- 01/08/2015 to 31/08/215

The Counselling process is considered to be a journey taken inwards to help us discover our power, inner

wisdom and strength. With this aim, the Counselling Centre of the college, uses a multidimensional

approach addressing the concerns related to the social, emotional, personal and academic areas of the

student’s lives.

The Centre provided counseling at both the individual and group levels. The counselling centre, in the

month of August, had the largest number of sessions i.e. 75, which exceeded the records of previous


Classroom sessions and Workshops were also conducted for the students on various relevant topics to

enhance their understanding of themselves and their environment. This academic year, additional

awareness was spread, on the mind-body connection to bring awareness about the effects of one’s

thoughts, feelings and unresolved issues of the past, on one’s physical well-being. A large number of

students actively participated in Metaphor Therapy, which allowed them to express and become aware of

their subconscious thoughts and feelings through the drawings they made. The movie “Life is Beautiful”

was screened for the students of Junior College. The purpose of the movie was also to motivate the

students by increasing their self-efficacy, increasing their belief in their own capacities and abilities.

With respect to the overall sessions, the students were participative and were free in expressing

their views. We aspire to encourage the students to take-part in the voyage of self-discovery and

self-empowerment to help them live a more productive and meaningful life.

Rhea Sundaran

Student Counselor

College of Home Science, Nirmala Niketan 49, New Marine Lines, Mumbai 400020 Affiliated to University of Mumbai

NAAC Accredited ‘A’ Grade

Criterion VII: Institutional Values and Best Practices

3. Milk Testing Campaign in Collaboration with Consumer Guidance Society of India – 22/03/2016

A Milk testing campaign was held on 22nd March 2016 in collaboration with the Consumer

Guidance Society of India. It was conducted in the common room. There were 35 milk samples

collected from students and staff. We had a great experience testing milk where we were taught

how to operate the milk testing machine. There were milk details that we had to fill in, on the


It was a very exciting experience to use the machine and we got to learn many things from


Hemangi Vira (student) TYBSc (CRM)

4. CRM Pool Party- 27/07/2015

This first trip with TYBSc (CRM) was

unexpected but it was a great fun, and it was

also difficult to plan, as there was some or the

other changes because of dates and locations

of interest.

Finally a visit was fixed decided to Aureol

Hotel in Andheri for 27th July 2015. Total 30

students of CRM and three faculty had gone

for the visit. Things were planned and all the

student as well as our teachers gave 100%. It

was great fun and we got chance to know each other and be a part of this get together party. We

also enjoyed variety of sumptuous food.

Disha Thakkar


College of Home Science, Nirmala Niketan 49, New Marine Lines, Mumbai 400020 Affiliated to University of Mumbai

NAAC Accredited ‘A’ Grade

Criterion VII: Institutional Values and Best Practices

5. Workshops on “Creative Expressions in Therapy”- 22/08/2015 to 30/01/2016

Department of Human Development organized a workshop for all students of the department, on

“Introduction to Creative Expressions in Therapy”, which was facilitated by Ms. Zill Botadkar.

Number of beneficiaries included 37 out of 40 TY HD students, 11 MSc1 students, 9 MSc2 students, 2

PhD students.

This workshop sparked immense excitement and a curiosity to learn. Accordingly, a series of eleven

workshops on “Creative Expressions in Therapy” were organized, across the levels, where the students

participated enthusiastically and were awarded certificates. (20 TY HD students, 10 MSc students)

6. Thali Decoration and Rakhi Making Competition- 28/08/2015

To commemorate Raksha Bandhan, a ‘Thali Decoration and Rakhi Making Competition’ was organized

on 28th August 2015. The competition was open to all students. Six teams participated in groups of 2.

Each team decorated a Thali and Rakhi by using materials such as flowers, rice, dry colour powder,

sparkles. Diyas were used to enhance the Thalis.

7. Indian Mehandi Competition to Celebrate Eid – 16/12/2015

To commemorate Eid, an Indian Mehandi Competition was organized for the students where 26 students

participated. The creativity and skill displayed by the students was really commendable.

8. Christmas Week Celebration and Felicitation of Support Staff – 22/12/2015 Christmas week was celebrated by Interfaith Committee from 19th December to 22nd December

2015. A ‘Treasure Hunt with Christmas Decoration Making Competition’ was organized for the

students on 19th December 2015. A Christmas Tree was decorated and a crib was assembled in

order to create the environment for the upcoming festival.

The Christmas Programme was held on 22nd December 2015 at 11.00 am in the College Hall.

The programme highlighted the meaning of Christmas and the different symbols associated with

it. Christmas carols sung by staff and students set the mood for the Christmas season. A well

performed skit also conveyed the message that though there is corruption and a lot of wrong

happening in the world, we can make a difference if we decide to take a stand for what is right.

On the whole the programme was informative, entertaining and thought provoking.

During the month of December, students and staff were involved in the ‘Buddy Game’ where

they had to give positive affirmations, interesting messages and small tokens of love to a secret

buddy. It was exciting since each tried to gues who their secret buddy was. The buddy was

revealed on 22nd December.

The Christmas Programme also comprised of the Felicitation of Support Staff by the Student

Council. The student council held a small programme for the support staff in collaboration with

the interfaith committee. Funds collected by the student council from the students were

distributed to acknowledge the support staff for their tireless efforts and services rendered to the

college. The programme was attended by 200 people including students, teaching and non-

teaching staff and support staff.

College of Home Science, Nirmala Niketan 49, New Marine Lines, Mumbai 400020 Affiliated to University of Mumbai

NAAC Accredited ‘A’ Grade

Criterion VII: Institutional Values and Best Practices

9. Cultural Programme for the French Delegates-15/02/2016

A cultural programme was held for the French delegates on 15th February followed by a

presentation on History of Mumbai City delivered by the General Secretary.

10. Picnic to Kashid & Alibaug - 08/09/2015

Department of Textile and Fashion Technology organized a Picnic to Kashid & Alibaug on 8th

September 2015 for Team Building, interaction and De-stressing. It was organized by few MSc

and BSc students. Total 52 students and 5 staff members had joined for the picnic.

Staff and students of TFT for picnic at Kashid beach

11. “The Carnival – Alumni Meet” at Verve Banquets- 28/11/2015

Bolstered the Alumni Association in the college. This year a function- “Alumnae Greet and

Meet,” which included a dinner and revolved around a carnival theme, was organized to connect

with all alumni and get an update on their career pursuits. “The Carnival – Alumni Meet” was

organized at Verve Banquets on 28th November 2015. Staff members and many alumni

participated in the event (total 80).

College of Home Science, Nirmala Niketan 49, New Marine Lines, Mumbai 400020 Affiliated to University of Mumbai

NAAC Accredited ‘A’ Grade

Criterion VII: Institutional Values and Best Practices

12. Bal Utsav 2016- 02/05/2016

On 2nd May, 2016, around 25 TYBSc, and two MSc part II students of the Department of Human

Development had organized ‘Bal Utsav’ for 40 underprivileged children in the college hall under

the guidance of Ms Khyati Sampat.

The event began at 8:30 am. After registration, welcoming and a prayer, the children were served

healthy breakfast, sponsored by TYBSc students. Next on the list was recreational session. Be it

playing energetic games, exploring the books, conversing with their friends with the use of

puppets, or trying their hands at the art and craft corner, they enjoyed it all.

The children were then taken to Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Vastu Sangrahalaya, Fort after

having safety checks at several points. The children were taken through different sections by the

Sangrahalaya guides, namely, Natural History, Arms and Armour Gallery, Pre and Proto History

and Indian Miniature Paintings. After spending about 90 minutes, the gang headed back to the

college with food for thought! After reaching college, the children were given Frooti to quench

their thirst and had a brief resting period. This was followed by student sponsored scrumptious

meal which the children enjoyed to the core. After the lunch, there was a quiz on the

Sangrahalaya visit. It was fulfilling to see that the children had grasped lot of information from

the visit as we saw most of the questions getting answered correctly! Out of the four sections,

Natural History emerged as their favorite, after all it was here that they met a lot of their animal

and bird friends!

College of Home Science, Nirmala Niketan 49, New Marine Lines, Mumbai 400020 Affiliated to University of Mumbai

NAAC Accredited ‘A’ Grade

Criterion VII: Institutional Values and Best Practices

The event ended at 2 pm with a prayer. The children shared how much they loved the activities

planned for them. All children were given stationery items, biscuits and mangoes as takeaways

as they left the college hall. It was amazing to see that the student volunteers had also managed

to get sponsors for the takeaways. From the level of enthusiasm of the students, one could easily

tap their determination towards this noble cause. Children’s happy and excited faces were the

best payback for all the hard work they had put in to make this event a grand success. It can be

very aptly said that for the Department of Human Development, current academic year ended on

a wonderfully noble note!



1. Fresher’s Party- 06/08/2016

Fresher’s party for F.Y.B.Sc was organized, on 6th of August 2016, from 2:00pm to 4:00pm at

Nirmala Niketan College of Home Science, College Hall, the student council organised a warm

welcoming fresher's party for the F.Y.B.Sc students. The elegantly dressed fresher’s arrived at

the party in style. The General Secretary, Elrica Menezes, welcomed the fresher’s on behalf of

the student council and the college. This was followed by a short acknowledgement from the

college principal Dr. Geeta Ibrahim. Students grooved to the various dance numbers played by

the council members assigned as D.J for the afternoon. There were certain spot prizes namely the

one with highest heels, longest nails, shortest hair, etc. which kept the students excited. Later, the

party was made lively by making fresher’s play a game of "Balloon Relay". The party was

energetic with all the enthusiasm and further prizes like the Best Dancer kept the party going and

alive. This very first event organised by the student council of the college was enjoyed by the

fresher’s. The Students Council received a very positive feedback from the fresher’s. As a

College of Home Science, Nirmala Niketan 49, New Marine Lines, Mumbai 400020 Affiliated to University of Mumbai

NAAC Accredited ‘A’ Grade

Criterion VII: Institutional Values and Best Practices

member of Student Council the experience was surreal and brought out a great spirit of

teamwork. This event was attended by 200 students.

Glimpse of Fresher’s party

2. Annual day-Goonj feel the beat- Nirmal Utsav 2017-

21/12/2016 and 22/12/2016

Every year as we pass through the daily challenges of the

college life, one event that every student looks forward to

is definitely the Nirmal Utsav.

Depicting that feeling of being alive, which is best

experienced when the heart races and we can hear an

echo...The echo of our own heartbeats…

College of Home Science, Nirmala Niketan 49, New Marine Lines, Mumbai 400020 Affiliated to University of Mumbai

NAAC Accredited ‘A’ Grade

Criterion VII: Institutional Values and Best Practices

We, the Cultural Committee decided with the guidance of our experienced mentors i.e. our

teachers, that this year the theme would be

“GOONJ ~feel the beat ‘

The various days kept before the Nirmal Utsav

(from 13th December) were: Back to black and

white; Zodiac maniac; Fashion parade; Imitate

your idol; Go funky; Desi tadka; Masquerade;

Squad goals; Happy Halloween. These created

an atmosphere of eagerness and ebullience.

The first day of the Nirmal Utsav, 21st

December 2016 started at around 9.45 am with

some awe strucking performances given by the

blooming talents of the college, with the

audience being the FYBSc and SYBSc students.

After the Utsav, the crowd headed straight towards the market in the garden area –Chocolate

mousse, children’s wear, accessories, panipuri and chat stalls, cupcakes, stalls for gifting,

handmade chocolates, one minute games put up by the CC, mehndi stall, gajarhalwa, hair

braiding, waffles, chocolate bowls, popcorns,

soaps, chocolate injection and many more proved to

be perfect getaway for after the event. It also

brought entrepreneurship skills of the students to

the limelight.

Other events included “Funtakshari” (Antakshakri

with a twist) for teachers, general office staff and

students; a handwriting analysis seminar; a game

called “Splitsvilla” for students; and Beg Borrow

Steal for the non-teaching staff and the students.

On 22nd December, various stalls were put up again and Nirmal Utsav commenced with all our

beloved teachers, non-teaching staff and T.Y.B.Sc and M. Sc friends as the audience. The

performances this time more chiselled, effective and precise. Not just that, the amount of

appreciation and cheer was double too!!!

Other events included a Treasure Hunt; “Test your taste buds”; a Belly dance workshop; a

Zumba workshop; a Cake decoration workshop; and the

movie Home Alone 3.

As these events came to an end, the Highlight of the

event, the Jam Session began at around 2.30 pm. The DJ

played the current Bollywood and Hollywood hit

numbers and all the students shook their leg. Each one

of them all decked up for the event; they invented their

own new steps and grooved to the tunes of music.

College of Home Science, Nirmala Niketan 49, New Marine Lines, Mumbai 400020 Affiliated to University of Mumbai

NAAC Accredited ‘A’ Grade

Criterion VII: Institutional Values and Best Practices

Nirmal Utsav 2017 wrapped up by 5 pm. It was an event that imbibed in us, the CC members,

with skills and tact of management, organising, multi-tasking, patience, presenceof mind and lots

more. It proved to be an equally enriching experience for the participants too. This event would

never have been possible without the support inspiration, motivation and constant guidance of

the Cultural Committee Convenor Mrs. Roopa Rao and the staff Dr. Veena Yardi, Mrs. Vibhuti

Khedekar and Ms. Khyati Sampat,

Indeed it was a memorable event that will continue to be an inspiration for my future


Ms. Niti Dhulla (S.Y.B.Sc.)

Cultural Committee Member

3. Voter’s Awareness Survey in College and residential area-13/02/2017 to 18/02/2017

Voter’s awareness and Voter’s registration was conducted in the college which included an Informative

Session on Voter’s registration by Mr Satyavan Mestry and Mr Mohite Election Officers, MCGM was

conducted for NSS volunteers. Two Voter’s Awareness Rally was organized one from Girgaum

Chowpatty to Nariman Point on 10th October, 2016 and another rally from CST to Mantralaya on 1st

February, 2017. Registration of voters 16th September to 14th October, 2016 was conducted in College

in total 92 forms were received and submitted to Collector’s Office C.S.T. Voter’s Awareness Survey in

College and residential area was carried out from 13th February to 18th February, 2017.

College of Home Science, Nirmala Niketan 49, New Marine Lines, Mumbai 400020 Affiliated to University of Mumbai

NAAC Accredited ‘A’ Grade

Criterion VII: Institutional Values and Best Practices

College of Home Science, Nirmala Niketan 49, New Marine Lines, Mumbai 400020 Affiliated to University of Mumbai

NAAC Accredited ‘A’ Grade

Criterion VII: Institutional Values and Best Practices

4. Friendship day was celebrated with Special children- 09/08/2016

Friendship day was celebrated with Special children of Marwadi School, Santosh on 9th August 2016.

Activities like dancing, colouring, thumb and finger painting, palm printing, etc. were conducted.

Date- 9th Aug 2016, Time-11:00 AM to 1:00 PM

Duration –2 Hrs, Venue- Marwari School (Santosh ).

NSS Volunteers Involved- 18, Beneficiaries- 20 children

Total participants: 38

Activities like dancing, colourings, thumb & finger printing, palm printing etc. Were performed with

children, Balloons and friendship day badges were given to children.

College of Home Science, Nirmala Niketan 49, New Marine Lines, Mumbai 400020 Affiliated to University of Mumbai

NAAC Accredited ‘A’ Grade

Criterion VII: Institutional Values and Best Practices

5. Rally on ‘World Disabled Day’ in association with ‘HUNAR’ for special children and

Special Adults- 07/12/2016

Rally on ‘World Disabled Day’ was organized by the NSS volunteers also involving the students of St.

Elias School on 7th December 2016 at Khar West, near Chuim Village in association with ‘HUNAR’ for

special children and Special Adults.

As a part of regular activities conducted at Chuim Village, Khar Danda at Nirmala Niwas

community Centre. NSS volunteers had organized a Rally for awareness and sensitization

towards Mentally and Physically challenged children and adults as a part of the World’s

Disabled Day celebrated on 8th December every year.

School children of St Elias were also a part of the Rally. Approximately 50 students participated

in the rally.

College of Home Science, Nirmala Niketan 49, New Marine Lines, Mumbai 400020 Affiliated to University of Mumbai

NAAC Accredited ‘A’ Grade

Criterion VII: Institutional Values and Best Practices

6. Swach Bharat Abhiyan- Beautification of Grant Road station- 06/10/2016- 07/10/2016

Beautification of Grant Road station on 6th and 7th October was organized by “Mumbai First” the main

coordinator was Mr. Kunal Shah and the coordinator of Grant Road Station was Mr. Harshal Karvat. The

paints were provided by “JOTUN”, 14 sections of the fence were painted.

Date- 6th, 7th And Closing Ceremony on 22nd October, 2016

Venue – Grant Road Railway Station,

NSS Volunteers Involved- 14,

College of Home Science, Nirmala Niketan 49, New Marine Lines, Mumbai 400020 Affiliated to University of Mumbai

NAAC Accredited ‘A’ Grade

Criterion VII: Institutional Values and Best Practices

Beneficiaries- Public At Large

Railway station was cleaned and painted by volunteers. 14 sections of fence was painted. The closing

ceremony was held at ‘Bhaidas Auditorium’, Juhu on 22nd October, 2016.

7. Street Play on Swach Bharat was conducted in area Near College- 24/02/2017

NSS volunteers performed street play on Swacch Bharat Abhiyaan and did cleaning drives in

area near college. Total 16 NSS students participated in this Abhiyan.

College of Home Science, Nirmala Niketan 49, New Marine Lines, Mumbai 400020 Affiliated to University of Mumbai

NAAC Accredited ‘A’ Grade

Criterion VII: Institutional Values and Best Practices

8. Street play and awareness Campaign on Road Safety- 09/02/2017 to 24/02/2017

8 NSS volunteers performed street play in Khao Galli (Churchgate) and near Nirmala Niketan

College to sensitize and aware people about road safety rules.

9. Seminar on Countering Substance Abuse- 01/08/2016 and 02/08/2016

Students attended seminar organized on Countering Substance Abuse, organized on 1st and 2nd

August 2016, at Indian Merchants Chamber, Babubhai Chinai Committee Room Mumbai from

3:30 to 5:30 pm. People from different colleges arrived and seeing this response the speakers

were overwhelmed. It was a very informative and good awareness seminar. This seminar gave

our students and youth a twist and treat drug abuse before it's too late. 4 students of Student’s

Council attended this seminar.

College of Home Science, Nirmala Niketan 49, New Marine Lines, Mumbai 400020 Affiliated to University of Mumbai

NAAC Accredited ‘A’ Grade

Criterion VII: Institutional Values and Best Practices

10. Udaan Festival- Street Play Competition and Poster Competition - Dept. of TFT-


Total participants - 22

Udaan is the annual extension work festival organized by the University of Mumbai with the aim

to encourage students to plan and conduct different activities reaching out to different sections of

the society. It includes essay, poster and skit competitions. Many colleges had participated in the

activities held across different places in Mumbai. Various topics were assigned based on social

issues to spread awareness. We as students took the privilege to choose a topic amongst those

shortlisted. Our chosen topic was “Laws Protecting Women” under which we made and

presented two posters and presented a skit. We also wrote essays on the chosen social issue.

The Poster Presentation was held at St. Gonzalo Garcia College Vasai Road. There were fourteen

other colleges which took part. We had two and half hours for poster making. We received good

appreciation for our poster. On behalf of the department and college Dr. Ela Dedhia, our Teacher

Coordinator of DLLE, was presented with a momento of appreciation. The posters were judged

by experts and distinguished guests. It was a proud moment when our college won 1st position in

poster making. The appreciation was handed to us in the form of trophy and certificate to Dr

Dedhia and all of us. One team of 12 students presented a skit in socially relevant topic. It was

highly appreciated by all. Rest of the students submitted essay for UDAAN. The overall

experience was new and fulfilling. It was a great opportunity for all of us given by our college.

College of Home Science, Nirmala Niketan 49, New Marine Lines, Mumbai 400020 Affiliated to University of Mumbai

NAAC Accredited ‘A’ Grade

Criterion VII: Institutional Values and Best Practices

- Sneha Savla

T.Y.B.Sc. T.F.T

11. Udaan Festival- Street Play Competition and Poster Competition- Dept. of CRM-


Total participants - 22

Students of Community Resource Management participated in the Street Play Competition and

Poster Competition in the Udaan Festival on the 8th of February 2017. This year Udaan had taken

place in many places across Maharashtra. Students also participated on the 14th day of Udaan

festival which took place in G.G.College, Vasai.

Dr Dilip Patil the Head of DLLE (Department of Life Long Learning and Extension) addressed

the crowd at the Inaugural function. He informed about how this extension programs helps

students in interacting with the needy people. The main objective of DLLE is “To Reach the


Fourteen different colleges of Management, Law and B.Ed. with different themes participated in

this competition. Few performed on Environment Issues, while most performed on Women

Empowerment. The theme of our street play was “Women Empowerment” where we showed

how a woman plays different roles in her life and faces different problems at all the stages of life,

and alongside manages her career as well.

The experience of performing the play was amazing as we were performing for the first time.

Through this we came to know the importance of extension education. It helped the students to

interact with the underprivileged who are talented but cannot show it. This gave them a chance to

see the world outside in the real scenario.

College of Home Science, Nirmala Niketan 49, New Marine Lines, Mumbai 400020 Affiliated to University of Mumbai

NAAC Accredited ‘A’ Grade

Criterion VII: Institutional Values and Best Practices

Sunita Jaiswal

Extension Coordinator

Dept of LifeLong Learning and Extension

12. Milk testing camp- 5/07/2016

Department of Community Resource

Management in collaboration with Consumer

Guidance Society of India organized Milk

Testing camp on 5th July 2016. 32 students of

the department participated in the camp. 72

milk samples were collected and tested.

Students got hand on experience to operate

the machine.

13. Picnic to Karjat Farm House- 16-07-2016

Staff and student went for 1 day picnic to Karjat

Farm house belonging to one of the students. This

outing created close bond amongst the students.

We enjoyed the pot lunch. This outing created

close bond amongst the students. 32 students and 2

staff members joined for the picnic.

College of Home Science, Nirmala Niketan 49, New Marine Lines, Mumbai 400020 Affiliated to University of Mumbai

NAAC Accredited ‘A’ Grade

Criterion VII: Institutional Values and Best Practices

14. One-Day Department Picnic to Tungareshwar- 23/07/2016

The department of Human Development organized a One-Day Department Picnic, on the 23rd of July. Department staff and students together were of the opinion that we'd like to be out in

nature for our day away from Mumbai, and off we went in a special bus to scenic Tungareshwar.

Our picnic included a monsoon trek with two trekking guides, a visit to the Tungareshwar

temple, frolic at a small waterfall, and later lunch at a resort hotel on the way back to Mumbai.

As our motto was safe fun, and we splashed in a safe stream and waterfall to our hearts’ fill. The

resort hotel offered a sumptuous meal, several locations for photographic shoots, and also a set

of swings that we thoroughly enjoyed.

15. Bal Mela at CanKids for children with cancer- 24/03/2017

Unlike every year, we the MSc 1 Human Development students under the guidance of Dr.

Kamini Rege organized Baal Mela at “CanKids CanShala – Taklu Takli ki Paathshala” on 24th

March, 2017. CanKids is a grass root level organization of over 300 people (volunteers and

employees) and is the only not for profit in India that works on all aspects to enable best

standards of treatment care and support services for children with cancer (age 0-21) and their

families from moment of diagnosis through treatment and after into survivorship on the one hand

and palliative care, terminal and bereavement support on the other. CanKids CanShala is a

school for children with cancer and is an integral part of the Jagannath Bhatankar Municipal

School, Elphinstone Road. It all began in the month of February, when we visited the

organization as part of our Practicum in Other Human Development Agencies. During that visit,

we asked the principal if we could organize a skit / role play, art and craft activities and games

for the children of the school and she happily agreed to it. Thus, we shortlisted a tentative date

for the same and swung into action for prior preparation which firstly included a theme. The

principal gave us a theme – “Shivaji” and thus we discussed the possibilities of what we could go

with for the day. With two weeks left, I got in touch with the principal to set a confirmed date,

this in turn led to rescheduling keeping in mind our availability as well as the school children’s.

Thus, the set date was 24th March, 2017. As days passed by, we began to prepare on a skit / role

College of Home Science, Nirmala Niketan 49, New Marine Lines, Mumbai 400020 Affiliated to University of Mumbai

NAAC Accredited ‘A’ Grade

Criterion VII: Institutional Values and Best Practices

play, art and craft activities and games based on our theme. We distributed certain

responsibilities amongst ourselves and finalized the outline of the same with Dr. Rege. All was

approved after tremendous efforts were pitched in by all. Since a few of our students were

interning at CanKids, we met the principal personally a week prior in order to finalize on some

details and also give her an outline of the proceedings for the day. After we told her our plans for

the day, she asked us to change the theme as our very own T.Ys held a workshop revolving

around the Shivaji theme. We gladly accepted the new theme which focused mainly on Civics

sense – “Village Gram Panchayat, Swachh Bharat and Road Safety.” Within two days we

sketched out new tasks for the day, again by sharing responsibilities and then coming together,

brainstorming and laying down the final action to be taken. We planned a role play which was

part mime, part skit, and games and activities all revolving around our new topic. We practiced

our parts, helped each other dwell into their characters, and had a hilariously amazing time all the

while. Finally it was the Day – 24th March! We reached the school early in order to set up and

practice well in the space provided. Again minor changes were to be made depending on our

availability as well the children’s. We as well as the children were eagerly waiting for each other.

We started by firstly introducing ourselves and telling the children what we’ve got in store for

them. We then started off with the mime – skit. The mime depicted people from a village, mother

and ill daughter asking for lift to be taken to the hospital, vehicles passing by wouldn’t offer her

a lift. A biker skidding off because of bad roads; a drunkard wooing at people passing by; a

college student after eating threw the wrapper on the road; garbage being thrown on the roads

thus showing no cleanliness in the village. Due to these happenings, the villagers flocked

together and voiced out their plights together thus causing chaos. They then came to the

conclusion and marched forth to the Gram Panchayat. During the depiction, the narrator voiced

over the happening while also asking the children as to what could they understand. Before we

could move onto the Gram Panchayat role play, two videos on “What is a Gram Panchayat?” and

“Functions of the Gram Panchayat” were shown and explained to the children for better

understanding. The role play resumed thus depicting how the Gram Panchayat patiently listened

and resolved the problems of the villagers. They also imparted valuable information to the

villagers and made sure that they would work in harmony towards the betterment of their village.

Closure was brought to the mime – skit by recapping the crucial information and values imparted

via the role play. We then moved on to the games. We first played the game called “Ball in the

Dustbin”. The children were divided into two groups and were asked to stand in a line in the

order shortest to tallest. Exactly opposite them at a distance were dustbins placed and paper made

balls were thrown around it, thus making the place look messy. The first child in line had to pick

up a paper ball, run back to the end of the line, pass the ball ahead through each of the players

and once the ball reached the hands of the player in front, he / she had to aim it into the dustbin.

Once in, the game continued in the same manner until all paper balls were in the dustbins. The

team to clear out the most paper ball, wins. The children had incredible fun while playing the

game. Unlike any other children’s games, yes we witnessed cheating and shortcuts amongst the

children and thus there was a recall for the game to begin again. This time rules changed. We

divided the paper balls equally and spread them around the bins. The team to clear out the paper

College of Home Science, Nirmala Niketan 49, New Marine Lines, Mumbai 400020 Affiliated to University of Mumbai

NAAC Accredited ‘A’ Grade

Criterion VII: Institutional Values and Best Practices

balls first, wins. Again, the children tried their hands at shortcuts and cheats, but they couldn’t

get any further with it. It was such fun to see both teams trying their best to win. They helped

each other and cheered for their fellow team mates too. At the end of this game, the children took

a five minute break for water and relaxation. Once they were back, we played the game called

“A Minute to Line It.” They children were asked to retain their teams. The game was as such that

the teams had to make a line with any material in the room in one minute. As the clock began to

tick, the children hustled and bustled their ways to form the longest line they could by literally

placing whatever they could find around, so much so to the extent of even lying down

themselves. We also helped them in the “materialistic” line formation by giving them various

ideas. When a minute was up, the children were asked to stop, and of course, the group to make

the longest line won. The children leaped with joy and cheers. That proved how much they

enjoyed the game. Many of you may be familiar with the game “Bombing the City”, so that

game was our final item for the Baal Mela. But unlike the usual method of playing the game, we

modified it to even fit in art and craft activities. The game was such that there were three corners

namely, ‘Swachh Bharat’, ‘Road Safety’ and ‘Gram Panchayat’. The children were to dance

around in a circle to the beats of the energetic Bollywood songs until it stopped. Once the music

stopped the children had to quickly select a corner. Settled in their corners, a chit was picked up

from three chits that bore the names of the corners each. The name of the corner on the chit was

thus bombed. The bombed corner would thus receive a punishment which varied from doing sit

ups to dancing away to the rocking Marathi beats of the famous ‘Zing Zing Zing Zingaat’. After

every corner had its fair share of bombing, it was transformed into an art and craft corner. The

activities covered were paper tearing mosaic to make a traffic signal, through picture cut outs

identifying road safety measures and cleanliness habits. Our fun filled day came to an end with

us being surrounded by happy smiles and warm hearts, all faced towards toward the camera,

capturing memories for life.

College of Home Science, Nirmala Niketan 49, New Marine Lines, Mumbai 400020 Affiliated to University of Mumbai

NAAC Accredited ‘A’ Grade

Criterion VII: Institutional Values and Best Practices



1. Inter-class competitions- Doodle fest, Face painting, Melody Queen and Trash-it-Out

24-07-2017 and 27/07/2017

The College Cultural Committee is the in-charge of organizing cultural festival in the College

during the academic year. The committee takes keen interest and encourages students to

participate in intra-collegiate as well as inter-collegiate events and competitions. Involvement in

organizing and participation in such events will surely help the students to form a healthy

attitude towards tolerance, team spirit, respect for others, appreciation for various cultures and

traditions in Indian as well as the global society.

Cultural shows and competitions form an integral part of the life of every student and the college

itself. Every program in our College acts as a symbol that defines the culture, rituals, and rules of

the institution and more importantly represents the true student spirit. They are a platform where

students from diverse backgrounds share the same stage and showcase their talents. They exhibit

their innate talents like singing, acting, dancing, compeering, organizing and most important of

all team skills and leadership. These celebrations bring with

themselves a lot of excitement and a wave of enthusiasm in the air,

which is characterized by a lot of activities, creativity, hustle and

bustle, fun and management.

This academic year four inter-class competitions were organized:

Doodle fest: Doodle is 'an unfocused or unconscious drawing

made while a person's attention is otherwise occupied.’ Doodles

are simple drawings that can have concrete representational

meaning or may just be abstract shapes. A doodle fest was

College of Home Science, Nirmala Niketan 49, New Marine Lines, Mumbai 400020 Affiliated to University of Mumbai

NAAC Accredited ‘A’ Grade

Criterion VII: Institutional Values and Best Practices

organized on 24th July 2017. 23 students participated. Ms. Revati Mishra (S.Y.B.Sc.)

stood first. The second prize was shared by Ms. Yusra Sarang (S.Y.B.Sc.) and Purva

Bansode (S.Y.B.Sc.).

Face Painting: Face painting competition

was organized on 27th July 2017. 22

students participated, Fatema Tamba

(F.Y.B.Sc.) was awarded the first prize and

Miloni Gada (S.Y.B.Sc.) was awarded

second prize.

Melody Queen: Melody Queen was the

hunt for the golden voice. 17 students

participated. Ms. Salma Khokhawala

(F.Y.B.Sc.) and second was Ms. Nausheen

Sheikh (S.Y.B.Sc.)

Trash-it-Out: Trash-it-Out was a

competition which intended to create

wealth from trash. 23 pairs participated in this competition. They came up with some

amazing ideas and the ingenuity of the students made the selection process extremely

difficult for the judges. Such competitions inspire students to think and work

imaginatively and promote artistic excellence in them. Hafsha Qureshi and Madhumita

(S.Y.B.Sc.) stood first and Hinal Sazya and Krutika Sakpal (F.Y.B.Sc.)

DJ Evening: After the competitions

the dynamic CC team of 35

students started making plans for

the much awaited event by cultural

committee D.J., on 16th December

2017 from 4.30 to 7.00 p.m.. It

was open for all students, outsiders

and alumni. Printing of the passes

was completely sponsored by a

F.Y.B.Sc. C. C. student member

Afiya Chordarwala. The D.J was from 4.30 to 7.00 pm on 16th of December 2017. A

total of 150 students, alumni and outsiders rocked the show!

2. Nirmal Utsav 2017-2018 - “Zest – Raise your

Enthusiasm.”- 12/01/2018 and 13/01/2018The year’s

theme for Nirmal Utsav 2017-2018 was “Zest – Raise

your Enthusiasm.” an awaited annual event of College of

Home Science Nirmala Niketan. The chosen dates being

12th and 13th of January 2018. Celebrations began with

the special days from 5th Jan 2018. Various

competitions, Workshops and events were organized on

these two days. The Annual show was scheduled on both

College of Home Science, Nirmala Niketan 49, New Marine Lines, Mumbai 400020 Affiliated to University of Mumbai

NAAC Accredited ‘A’ Grade

Criterion VII: Institutional Values and Best Practices

days: For F.Y.B.Sc and S.Y.B.Sc., it was on 12thJan and for T.Y.B.Sc and M.Sc.’s,

teaching, non-teaching and support staff it was on 13thJan 2018.

The sensational singing couple Mr. Sameer and Ms. Deepali Date were the Chief Guests for the

occasion. Miss Nirmala Niketan results were announced after the final round conducted on 13th


3. Cultural show for French students and Faculty- 27-02-18

This academic year we had a group of French students and Faculty visiting us on 27th Feb 2018.

On request of the management a brief cultural show was organized by Cultural Committee

showcasing the rich Indian culture and performing arts. A brief (10 mins) PowerPoint

presentation on Mumbai and its heritage was presented by Ms. Rutvi Parekh (S.Y.B.Sc.). The

show was immensely appreciated especially by the visiting delegates. The programme was

attended by French delegates, staff members and students, so in all total 50 participants.

4. Miss Nirmala Niketan- 07-12-17

Miss Nirmala Niketan is the most coveted title of the year for NNites. Miss NN is an all-rounder

who is the beauty with brains. 47 students across F.Y. to M. Sc. enrolled for the hunt. 1st round

was a thought provoking exercise with questions on logic reasoning and GK. It was conducted

on 7th Dec, 2017. 15 participants were selected for the 2nd round. The 2nd round was planned to

test their creativity/talent. The challenge was to decorate the College Hall windows for

Christmas. 5 participants were selected for the final round.

The winners were: • Miss Nirmala Niketan - Ms. Priyanka Maru

• 1st Runner Up - Ms. Priyanshi Madhwani

• 2nd Runner Up - Ms. Dolly Gala

College of Home Science, Nirmala Niketan 49, New Marine Lines, Mumbai 400020 Affiliated to University of Mumbai

NAAC Accredited ‘A’ Grade

Criterion VII: Institutional Values and Best Practices

5. Nauvari Saree Draping Competition’- 24-08-17

The ‘Nauvari Saree Draping Competition’ was on 24th of August 2017, in order to

commemorate the auspicious festival of Ganesh Chaturthi. The competition aimed to

celebrate the rich culture of the Maharashtrian attire- the Nauvari. The judges for the

competition were Dr. Pratima Goyal and Mrs Sheetal Joshi. The winners were: 1st Prize-

Rucha Mhatre from F.Y.B.Sc, 2nd Prize –Purva Bansode from S.Y.B.Sc and 3rd Prize:

Keerti Joshi from S.Y.B.Sc. 10 students participated in the competition.

College of Home Science, Nirmala Niketan 49, New Marine Lines, Mumbai 400020 Affiliated to University of Mumbai

NAAC Accredited ‘A’ Grade

Criterion VII: Institutional Values and Best Practices

6. Buddy game and Christmas programme- 22-12-17 The month of December is synonymous with Christmas and the spirit of caring and sharing. Students

were encouraged to participate in the Buddy Game – give positive messages and small token gifts to a

secret buddy throughout the month. The surprise secret buddy was revealed on the 22nd of December,

where small gift was also exchanged.

On the 22nd of December, 2017, a Christmas programme was organized for the final year students of

all sections of the college. The FY BSc students of Degree College sang beautiful carols. Mrs. Sheetal

Fernandes, Faculty, in a much appreciated speech, shared her thoughts about Christmas. It was then

followed by a play with theme "Sharing and Giving back" performed by the TY B.Sc students of the

Foods Nutrition and Dietetics Department. The message projected by the play was, that Christmas

meant more than just a holiday or gifts and good food –it’s a season to share joy and love to not only

dear ones but to underprivileged! This was followed by an entertaining dance by the students of

Polytechnic. The students of the College then ensured that everyone got into the festive spirit of

Christmas through the beautiful carols that they sang… a fitting link to the felicitation programme for

our support staff.

7. Talk on Different Religions - 30-11-17 The Interfaith Committee organized various activities to bring about an understanding of different

religions and faith. A Talk on Different Religions was organized on 30th November 2017, to spread

knowledge about the diversity of religions and their principles among students. Some students of FY,

SY and TY were mentored and guided and gave presentations on religions like Hinduism, Islam,

Jainism, Christianity, Buddhism, and Zoroastrianism. The talk was organized specifically for FY B.Sc.

students but was open to all. Total 48 students attended the talk.

College of Home Science, Nirmala Niketan 49, New Marine Lines, Mumbai 400020 Affiliated to University of Mumbai

NAAC Accredited ‘A’ Grade

Criterion VII: Institutional Values and Best Practices

8. Talk on “At home with Peace” and Silent Peace Procession- 30-01-18 On the occasion of the death anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi on 30 January 2018, the InterFaith

Committee of Nirmala Niketan Home Science College, invited Fr. Prashant Olalekar SJ, Head of Dept of

Interreligious Studies, St. Xavier's college, to facilitate a session at 2 pm entitled "At Home With

Peace". He began by connecting the word Peace to Home and Home Science and since Mother Earth is

our home we are called to develop earth science. Through clips on Gandhi, Malala and Harsh Mander he

stimulated reflection on the dramatic impact of nonviolence on individuals and society. He urged the

students to get familiar with the Constitution and Earth charter in order to become agents of non-violence

in the context of increasing violence worldwide against the poor and Mother Earth. The song Bol by

Sonam Kalra motivated us to Speak Out rather than respond to violence with stunning.

The aim of the talk was meant to shake our conscience; the ideas transmitted amidst the students were

commendable. Ms. Tanya Gidwani of FYBSC commented that very often the actions of a single person

label the whole community.

The talk was attended by around 200 participants which included FY and SY BSc students, Students and

staff from Polytechnic, students and staff of Nirmala Niketan Social Work, Students and staff from St.

Xavier Boys School, members of management and staff of Nirmala Niketan, Degree College.

The peace talk was then followed by a Silent Peace March to Azad Maidan on 30th Jan 2018.

There were 200 students together which included few faculty members and members of the


College of Home Science, Nirmala Niketan 49, New Marine Lines, Mumbai 400020 Affiliated to University of Mumbai

NAAC Accredited ‘A’ Grade

Criterion VII: Institutional Values and Best Practices

9. Eco-friendly Rakhi making Competition

On 2nd August, 2017 there was an Eco-friendly Rakhi making competition, on the occasion of

Rakshabandhan, under the guidance of Ms. Neha Mulchandani and Ms. Honey Thaker. The judges for the

competition were Ms. Vrinda Udaiver and Ms. Khyati Sampat This competition aimed towards giving

message to protect our environment by creating eco-friendly Rakhis and challenged the participants to

make something which is creative and innovative. The winners were: 1st Prize-Mansi Chavan from S.Y.

B.Sc, 2nd Prize –Ishani gala from T.Y B.Sc and 3rd Prize: Harshada Tambe from F.Y.B.Sc.

Total number of participant- 23.

College of Home Science, Nirmala Niketan 49, New Marine Lines, Mumbai 400020 Affiliated to University of Mumbai

NAAC Accredited ‘A’ Grade

Criterion VII: Institutional Values and Best Practices

10. Sweet Dish Cooking Competition on the Occasion of Eid

On the 1st of September, 2017, on the occasion of “Eid”, was a

“Sweet dish Cooking Competition” under the guidance of Ms.

Minelly Rodrigues, Ms. Neha Mulchandani & Ms. Sanam Khan. The

judges for the competition were Ms. Fatema Kader & Ms. Cheryl

Machado. The winners were: 1st Prize- Fatema Tambawala from

S.Y. B.Sc, 2nd Prize – Shivani Kate from F.Y. B.Sc and 3rd Prize:

Anam Shaikh from F.Y.B.Sc. Total 8 students participated in the


College of Home Science, Nirmala Niketan 49, New Marine Lines, Mumbai 400020 Affiliated to University of Mumbai

NAAC Accredited ‘A’ Grade

Criterion VII: Institutional Values and Best Practices

11. One day overnight staff picnic to Igatpuri- 15-08-17

The Grants and Events Committee successfully organized a one day overnight staff picnic to

Igatpuri on 15th of August, 2017. The Principal and around 15 staff, some with their families

participated and thoroughly enjoyed the scenic beauty of the location.

12. Diwali Celebration and Lunch for Staff- 07/10/2017

A lunch program was organised by the Grants and Events Committee for the teaching staff to

enjoy with non-teaching and support staff. Majority of the staff members participated in the same

and enjoyed the occasion.

13. Musical Night Show called Welcome 2018- 07-01-18

This was a major event that the Grants and Events Committee planned and successfully


It was a Charity Concert held in Yashwantrao Natya Mandir, Matunga West on the 7thof January

2018. The program included Indian Film Music featuring the Award Winning Singer Couple

from Bollywood, Mumbai Mr. Samir Date (Playback Singer for Hindi Films and Anchor of TV

Show) and Mrs. Dipalee Date Somaiya (Playback Singer; SAREGAMA Star Best Singer and

Times Winner).

The lead sponsor was Union Bank, Fort branch, Mumbai.

Other notable sponsors were: General Insurance of India, OnFees, Bassein Catholic Co-operative

Bank Ltd, Reshma Haria- our alumna, Ecstasy Tours and Travel Holidays, Akbar Travels etc.

Many more advertised in the souvenir with considerable contribution from our well-wishers and

College of Home Science, Nirmala Niketan 49, New Marine Lines, Mumbai 400020 Affiliated to University of Mumbai

NAAC Accredited ‘A’ Grade

Criterion VII: Institutional Values and Best Practices

alumnae. Overall, thanks to all efforts, there was an appreciable amount collected towards

infrastructural development in the college.

The programme commenced to a thunderous start, with a packed auditorium, graced by Dr.

Geeta Ibrahim, Principal, College of Home Science; Dr. Gracy Fenandes, Vice President of

Nirmala Niketan Institute; representatives of our lead sponsor, Union Bank and other dignitaries

in the audience. The Souvenir (hard copies) were distributed to the advertisers, donors and the

members of the audience. Soft copies were sent to contacts by all on the organizing team and

volunteers as well as academic and administrative collaborators of Nirmala Niketan.

The committee wholeheartedly thank the Management and Principal for their unconditional

support; and the staff volunteers who took part in each step of the program with enthusiastic

commitment. Around 500 people attended the programme.

14. Celebration of Vanmahotsav volunteers organized street play on tree plantation- 1-07-

2017 to 05-07-17, 29-07-2017

College of Home Science, Nirmala Niketan 49, New Marine Lines, Mumbai 400020 Affiliated to University of Mumbai

NAAC Accredited ‘A’ Grade

Criterion VII: Institutional Values and Best Practices

College of Home Science, Nirmala Niketan 49, New Marine Lines, Mumbai 400020 Affiliated to University of Mumbai

NAAC Accredited ‘A’ Grade

Criterion VII: Institutional Values and Best Practices

15. Road safety workshop- 22-08-17



1. Drug Abuse Workshop - 18/07/2018

Total number of participants: 178

Number of NSS Volunteers: 11

On 18th July Drug abuse session was organized by the Women’s Development Cell and NSS

unit of College of Home Science, Nirmala Niketan along with the “Awareness Creation Cell”

of College of Social Work, Nirmala Niketan in collaboration with Ministry of Social Justice

and Empowerment. It was held in the hall of College of Home Science, Nirmala Niketan.

The purpose of this session was to aware the students about drug abuse, types of drug abuse,

effects of drug abuse and how can it be prevented. The inspector of Azad Maidan who was

looking into this matters were invited as a chief guest. He told us about various laws against

drug abuse and what can be done while this laws are not followed. Later he also answered all

the questions which were asked by the audience. The second chief guest was a doctor who

was handling drug abuse cases. She told us about the ratio of the drug abuse happening in

India. She told us about the prevention measures that can be taken while a person is drug

College of Home Science, Nirmala Niketan 49, New Marine Lines, Mumbai 400020 Affiliated to University of Mumbai

NAAC Accredited ‘A’ Grade

Criterion VII: Institutional Values and Best Practices

abused. She also told us about the symptoms that can be observed in a drug abused person.

She later answered all the questions that were asked by the audience.

College of Home Science, Nirmala Niketan 49, New Marine Lines, Mumbai 400020 Affiliated to University of Mumbai

NAAC Accredited ‘A’ Grade

Criterion VII: Institutional Values and Best Practices

2. Swachh Bharat Poster and Slogan Making - 12/08/2018

Number of NSS volunteers participated : 44

On 12th August, Posters and slogans on Swachh bharat were made by the volunteers. The

purpose of this was to spread awareness amongst the students of our college and nearby area

as we planned to take a rally. The posters and slogans were later segregated to put up in the


3. Swachh Bharat Oath Taking - 13/08/2018 and 14/08/2018

Venue : College of Home Science, Nirmala Niketan.

Number of NSS Volunteers : 44

On 13th August 2018, Swachh Bharat oath taking ceremony was organized by NSS unit of our

College. The oath was taken in F.Y.B.Sc and S.Y.B.Sc classes. Our NSS supervisor teacher Dr

Anjali Srivastava also joined us in this activity.

The purpose of this activity was to take a pledge to keep our surroundings clean and devote

some time to clean surroundings. The pledge was read aloud by our NSS Volunteers and

everyone repeated after her. Oath taking ceremony in all the classes as follows

Date Class Name of Volunteers

13th August FYJC 2 classes

at 10:30

Purva Bansode, Pankti Gala, Nehal Koradia, Sakshi Gupta

Deveshree Bhagwatkar, Arwa Dahodwala.

SYBSc567 at


Mayuri Nimbre, Prapthi Shetty, Virati Shah, Ayman Shipra

Rachi Sharma, Divya Sharma

14th August FyBSc1234 at


Purva Bansode , Pankti Gala, Nehal Koradia, Sakshi Gupta

Deveshree Bhagwatkar, Arwa Dahodwala

SYBSc1234 at


Ashwini Chawhan, Megha Kadam, Rucha Mhatre

College of Home Science, Nirmala Niketan 49, New Marine Lines, Mumbai 400020 Affiliated to University of Mumbai

NAAC Accredited ‘A’ Grade

Criterion VII: Institutional Values and Best Practices

Swachh Bharat Oath taking in classrooms

4. Swachh Bharat Rally- 13/08/2018

Venue : from college through Cross Maidan through Fashion Street and Khau Galli then

returning back to the college

Number of NSS volunteers Participated : 44

On 13th August 2018, Swachh Bharat rally was organized by the NSS unit of our College. It

started at 3 pm and ended by 3:45 pm. NSS volunteers used the posters which were made by

themselves for poster making competition.

College of Home Science, Nirmala Niketan 49, New Marine Lines, Mumbai 400020 Affiliated to University of Mumbai

NAAC Accredited ‘A’ Grade

Criterion VII: Institutional Values and Best Practices

The purpose of this rally was to aware people about Swachh bharat abhiyan. Our program

officer Dr. Pratima Goyal and NSS supervisor teacher Dr Anjali Srivastava also accompanied

us in the rally. The rally started from college through Cross Maidan through Fashion Street

and Khau Galli then returning back to the college. The slogans used in the rally were "Clean

Mumbai, green Mumbai", "Dharti mata kare pukar, ass pass ka karo sudhar", "Hum sabh ka

ek hi nara saaf suthra ho desh humara" and " Swachh Bharat, Swasth Bharat". The rally was

concluded with a group photograph and NSS clap.

5. Rally and Street Play on Anti-Plastic Campaign - 08/09/2018

Venue : From college – Khaugali (near SNDT college) – Churchgate Station – Churchgate

station bus stop – College

Number of NSS volunteers Participated : 15

College of Home Science, Nirmala Niketan 49, New Marine Lines, Mumbai 400020 Affiliated to University of Mumbai

NAAC Accredited ‘A’ Grade

Criterion VII: Institutional Values and Best Practices

On 8th September 2018, rally on anti-plastic was conducted by the NSS unit of College of

Home science, Nirmala Niketan. The rally started at 2:30 pm and ended by 4.00 pm.

The purpose of this rally was to create awareness of anti-plastic campaign. The rally started

from College of home science, Nirmala Niketan. NSS volunteers carried the posters made by

them on antiplastic and were repeating the slogan such as "Bawal hai bawal hai plastic ek

Sawal hai" and "Be fantastic don't use plastic". Near Khaugali (near SNDT college)

volunteers performed a street play to create awareness among the people about the

advantages and disadvantages of plastic. The volunteer further carried on with the rally and

performed street play near Churchgate station. As the volunteers were proceeding they

distributed some cloth bags to taxi drivers and some Cleaners of BMC. Volunteers further

proceeded with the rally and performed one more street play near Churchgate bus stop, while

proceeding the rally towards College of Home science, Nirmala Niketan, they distributed

cloth bags to police officer. The rally was concluded with a group picture NSS clap.

6. Parents and Friendship Day Celebration - 04/08/2018

The main objective of the event was to inculcate values of love, care and compassion towards

friends as well as their parents. Students were gathered to celebrate two of the most important

relationships in our lives that is friends and their parents. The participants had to prepare

cards for their friend parents and exchange it in front of everyone and also say a few touching

words. In all total 24 students participated in the event.

College of Home Science, Nirmala Niketan 49, New Marine Lines, Mumbai 400020 Affiliated to University of Mumbai

NAAC Accredited ‘A’ Grade

Criterion VII: Institutional Values and Best Practices

7. Peace Rally, University - 06/08/2018

Number of NSS Volunteers Participated: 20

On 6th August 2017, on account of Hiroshima Day a rally was organized by the Mumbai

University. The purpose of this rally was for nuclear free world. This rally began from CST

Azad Maidan to Hutatma Chowk. The rally focused to spread the message of peace &

harmony to the peoples. The rally was concluded at Hutatma Chowk by taking a Pledge to

work for peace and a nuclear weapons free world.

College of Home Science, Nirmala Niketan 49, New Marine Lines, Mumbai 400020 Affiliated to University of Mumbai

NAAC Accredited ‘A’ Grade

Criterion VII: Institutional Values and Best Practices

8. Independence Day Celebration - 14/08/2018

Venue : College of Home Science, Nirmala Niketan.

Number of NSS Volunteers : 10

On 14th August, we celebrated Independence Day in the college. The program started with

the dance performed by FYBSc students followed by patriotic song introducing different

professions in India and the unity amongst them, achievements in sports, video of Ted Talk

by an ex-army officer and a talk by the Dr. Anuradha Bakshi. The program ended by singing

the National Anthem. Total 150 students and staff members attended the programme.

College of Home Science, Nirmala Niketan 49, New Marine Lines, Mumbai 400020 Affiliated to University of Mumbai

NAAC Accredited ‘A’ Grade

Criterion VII: Institutional Values and Best Practices

Celebration of Independence Day in college hall

9. Diwali Celebration and Lunch for staff- 25-10-2018

The management of Nirmala Niketan College organized a programme on 25th October 2018 to

celebrate Diwali festival. Almost all staff members including teaching, non-teaching and support

staff were invited for the celebration. The programme started with prayer, followed by fun games

and ended with lunch party.

10. Rakshabandhan dedicated to soldiers of country - 14/08/2018

The thought of sending rakhis to our soldiers was to share this bond with them as they protect us

and our nation by putting their life at risk. The rakhis and a special letter was written by one of

the interfaith volunteer and was sent along with the rakhis to soldiers. More than 60 rakhis and

up to 10 letters written by the students for our soldiers were sent to them through Pidilite. In all

30 students took part in the preparation of rakhis and letters.

College of Home Science, Nirmala Niketan 49, New Marine Lines, Mumbai 400020 Affiliated to University of Mumbai

NAAC Accredited ‘A’ Grade

Criterion VII: Institutional Values and Best Practices

Rakhis and letters from students Letter from College

11. Parsi New Year (awareness programme) - 23/09/2018 and 9/09/2018

Delnaz Ginwala, TY CRM student was guided and mentored by interfaith committee

teachers for giving lecture on the introduction and general knowledge about Parsi culture and

tradition and how and why they celebrate Parsi New year to FYBSC class. She gave

presentation and explained on various topics like why is the Parsi New year been celebrated,

when & how it is celebrated & also the importance and significance behind celebrating the

same. About 155 students attended the session.

College of Home Science, Nirmala Niketan 49, New Marine Lines, Mumbai 400020 Affiliated to University of Mumbai

NAAC Accredited ‘A’ Grade

Criterion VII: Institutional Values and Best Practices

12. International Peace Day Programme (My Stand My Peace) - 21/09/2018

Venue: College of Home, Nirmala Niketan

Total number of participant: 35

Number of NSS volunteers participated: 12

International peace day was celebrated on 21st September, 2018 at College of Home Science

Nirmala Niketan. We had few speakers and students from St. Xavier’s College they spoke

about what is International Peace Day and why it is celebrated. We had prayer song and

prayer dance in the beginning and later the event started. We were taught some song along

with the actions related to peace day. We ended this talk session and assembled near the

college gate with our banners for rally. We walked silently from our college towards Azad

Maidan and ended the program with singing of our national anthem. In all total 35 students

and staff members joined for the rally.

College of Home Science, Nirmala Niketan 49, New Marine Lines, Mumbai 400020 Affiliated to University of Mumbai

NAAC Accredited ‘A’ Grade

Criterion VII: Institutional Values and Best Practices

13. Flashmob on Swachh Bharat conducted at Churchgate Railway Station -


No of NSS volunteers participated : 21

On 26th September anti-plastic campaign activities were organized by the NSS unit of our

College. Flash mob on anti-plastic was one of them. It started at 3:30 and ended by 3:40. It

was held on the Churchgate Station near ticket counters.

The purpose of this activity was to create awareness amongst the commuters about say no to

plastic. A good number of crowd was attracted by the flash mob. The flash mob was

concluded by NSS clap.

College of Home Science, Nirmala Niketan 49, New Marine Lines, Mumbai 400020 Affiliated to University of Mumbai

NAAC Accredited ‘A’ Grade

Criterion VII: Institutional Values and Best Practices

14. Talk on Surgical strike - 01/10/2018

Total Number of Participants: 27

Number of NSS Volunteers :14

On 1st October 2018, we had a session on surgical strike organized by Dr Awaid Deshpande,

The session started at 1:30 pm and ended at 3:00pm. The session was taken by commando

officers and they explained us what is exactly surgical strike it causes and how it started. In

this session they explained us how difficult is a soldier's life and what a soldier do for their

country. Later a NSS volunteer gave them the vote of thanks and concluded the session with

NSS clap.

15. Cleanliness Drive at Andheri Sports Complex - 04/12/2018

Number of NSS volunteers- 3

The Yuvasena Foundation has organized Inter college sports fest Yuva Khel on 4th December

and 5th December, 2018 at Andheri Sports Complex. The fest had various games such as

carom, chess, badminton, cricket, boxing, swimming, football, table tennis, PubG. The Chief

Quest of the program Aditya Thackeray boosted up the spirit of all the participants by

personally visiting and inaugurating each games. All the participants were provided with

snack and lunch boxes.

After the events there was total mess all over the sports complex with empty water bottles,

lunch boxes, plastic, paper, wrappers, polythene bags and all the other waste garbage was

littering around the campus. We as NSS volunteers found it with disheartening thus took the

College of Home Science, Nirmala Niketan 49, New Marine Lines, Mumbai 400020 Affiliated to University of Mumbai

NAAC Accredited ‘A’ Grade

Criterion VII: Institutional Values and Best Practices

initiative to clean up the waste and made sure that there is no more littering of garbage

around the campus. We divided our work and managed to clean maximum areas as possible.

This created awareness among others too and thus also helped us.

16. Session on Emotional Intelligence conducted by Ms. Vinita Parera, Counselor -


Number of participants: 21

A session on Emotional Intelligent was conducted by our counselor Ms. Vinita Parera on 31st

January 2019. This session was conducted for teaching staff of the college which covered

various aspects of emotional intelligence. Ms Parera explained how to develop understanding

of human behavior and deal with the situation using techniques of role play. It was found

very useful by teachers. They all appreciated a lot of her session and expressed to conduct

more of such kind of session.

17. Vivekananda Run for peace - 03/02/2019

Venue- Juhu Beach , Mumbai

No. of NSS Volunteers- 5

The marathon was organized by Dr. M. SINGAPORE FILM FUND started at 5: 30 AM at

Juhu Beach , Mumbai .The participants of this marathon were Sakshi Gupta, Sharvari

Palande, Sharvari Sarnaik, Umee Kulsum Rassiwala and Hasti Savla.

We, the members of NSS from Nirmala Niketan College of Home Science reached the venue

at 6:10 AM. We did Zumba dance and warm up exercise. They gave us T- shirts. We

participated in 5KM marathon. Winners got medals as well as certificates and refreshments

for all participants. Actors of the new movie “DOSTI KE SIDE EFFECTS” also came to

congratulate all the winners and participants.

College of Home Science, Nirmala Niketan 49, New Marine Lines, Mumbai 400020 Affiliated to University of Mumbai

NAAC Accredited ‘A’ Grade

Criterion VII: Institutional Values and Best Practices

18. Celebration of 150th year of Chicago Speech of Swami Vivekananda - 28/02/2019

Venue: College Of Home Science Nirmala Niketan

Number of NSS Volunteers: 16

On the completion of 150th year of Swami Vivekananda’s

Chicago speech we organised a small program and a

poster making competition under the guidance of our PO

Dr.PratimaGoyal Ma’am. It began by giving short

introduction given by Sakshi Gupta to the session . Then

recently happened Pulwama attack delivered by

Deveshree Bhagwatkar , 2 minutes silence was observed

for our brave soldiers. Then it followed by a speech given

by Vishakha Poyrekar and Arwa Dahodwala on Swami

Vivekanand’s life. A video of their journey on the

Chicago speech was shown. There was also a speech

given by Ashwini Chawhan on a soldier life and what are

the misconceptions of citizen towards a soldier which

later followed by a video. Swami Vivekanada’s posters

which were made by us were displayed and explained.

We then had declaration of the best posters made by the volunteers. We ended up our session

with a national anthem.

College of Home Science, Nirmala Niketan 49, New Marine Lines, Mumbai 400020 Affiliated to University of Mumbai

NAAC Accredited ‘A’ Grade

Criterion VII: Institutional Values and Best Practices

19. Interaction and Welcoming French Delegates - 06/03/2019

Venue : College of Home Science, Nirmal Niketan.

Number of Participants: 27

Number of NSS Volunteer :1

On 6th March, interaction and welcoming of French Delegates was organized by our college.

For this 9 French people and Dr Hazel and Madame Pascal were invited.

The program started with a warm welcoming by Nina Dias Ma’am and Principal Ma’am Dr.

Geeta Ibrahim. It was followed by the introduction to the major attraction and cultural

heritage areas in Mumbai. After that there was a traditional dances performed by college

students. The programme ended with interaction with the staff of all 4 Departments, 5

students from TY and MSc and 5 from FY and SY with the delegates.

College of Home Science, Nirmala Niketan 49, New Marine Lines, Mumbai 400020 Affiliated to University of Mumbai

NAAC Accredited ‘A’ Grade

Criterion VII: Institutional Values and Best Practices


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