
Post on 11-Sep-2014






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Rainty Company

Augmented Reality Technology

Good work on exhibition

Yuyang Zhao


Figure 1 : Augmented Reality Technology (2013.Yuyang Zhao)

Executive Summary

Abbreviated as AR, Augmented Reality is a type of virtual reality that aims to duplicate the world's

environment in a computer. Augmented Reality it really good work for exhibition. Using AR

technology can Easy to explain some hard to explain things. It will make more interstation when

people was wait in exhibition or Concert.

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ContentsExecutive Summary...............................................................................................................................1

1. Introduction...................................................................................................................................3

2. Discussion......................................................................................................................................4

2.1 Introduce AR Technology.........................................................................................................4

3. The Working of Augmented Reality...............................................................................................5

3.1 Display with camera.................................................................................................................5

3.2 Smart phones...........................................................................................................................5

4. Cast of the Augmented Reality......................................................................................................6

5. The benefits...................................................................................................................................7

5.1 Easy to explain.........................................................................................................................7

5.2 Funny.......................................................................................................................................7

5.3 New cultures and attractive.....................................................................................................8

6. The problem associated with Augmented Reality Technology......................................................9

6.1 Cast problem............................................................................................................................9

6.2 Induction Area problem...........................................................................................................9

6.3 Limitations...............................................................................................................................9

7. Conclusions..................................................................................................................................10

8. Recommendations.......................................................................................................................11

9. References List.............................................................................................................................12

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1. Introduction

Rainty Company is a creative company, Rainty Company are involved in a variety of exhibition layout,

which includes among game exhibition, Comic party, stations and other kind of exhibitions. Use

Augmented Reality Technology in the exhibition people can take a photo with the game character or

some stay. And use, AR technology can projection a large mode, which will easy and clear to explain

and show some large item, allowing people to facilitate understanding. This report reach by internet

to Clearly Introduction Augmented Reality Technology Benefits and the how it work on the

Exhibition and each exhibition or. Of course, AR is not perfect, it also has its limitations, need space

with and facilitate these bad points with the technical staff in this report will be introduced one by

one these ideas and propose solutions.

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2. Discussion

2.1 Introduce AR Technology

Abbreviated as AR, Augmented Reality is a type of virtual reality that aims to duplicate the world's

environment in a computer. The virtual scene generated by the computer is designed to enhance

the user's sensory perception of the virtual world they are seeing or interacting with. The goal of

Augmented Reality is to create a system in which the user cannot tell the difference between the

real world and the virtual augmentation of it. Today Augmented Reality is used in entertainment,

military training, engineering design, robotics, manufacturing and other industries.(n.d, 2014)

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3. The Working of Augmented Reality

Computer graphics have become much more sophisticated since then, and game graphics are

pushing the barriers of photorealism. Now, researchers and engineers are pulling graphics out of

your television screen or computer display and integrating them into real-world environments. This

new technology, called augmented reality, blurs the line between what's real and what's computer-

generated by enhancing what we see, hear, feel and smell. On the spectrum between virtual reality,

which creates immersive, computer-generated environments, and the real world, augmented reality

is closer to the real world. Augmented reality adds graphics, sounds, haptic feedback and smell to

the natural world as it exists.(Bonsor, 2014)

Actually Augmented Reality can work on Head-mounted,Eyeglasses and Virtual retinal display. but

in exhibition we only use Display and Smart Phone

3.1 Display with camera

Various technologies are used in Augmented Reality rendering including optical projection systems,

monitors, hand held devices, and display systems worn on one's person. This is really useful in most

exhibition .By Indication and system will showing some 3D Character make people interact with

those virtual character.

3.2 Smart phones

On smart phones and tablets, Augmented Reality feels like a magic window. Hundreds of

Augmented Reality apps are available on iPhone, iPad and Android. Sometime people will use smart

phone to induction, people need download a app from the internet or exhibition, than can Indication

all the Indication area.

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4. Cast of the Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality Technology is quite expensive technology. Of Crouse it also has some different


People can choose which price they can accept.

Level1: Try some sample Augmented Reality Technology. This level only work for some auto

exhibition or some items exhibition. Do not need bring the real car or still people can use

Augmented Reality Technology display a 3D model.

Level2: make a character in system, than people can take a photo with those 3D characters

Level3: this is will hard to make and Cast really much. those will make some 3D character

same with LV2 but , those character is intelligent, they can According to the peoples reflect

to do different action, will make people think those character are real.

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5. The benefits

5.1 Easy to explain

Using Augmented Reality Technology can Easy to explain some hard to explain things. For example,

when introduce an airplane, but cannot move the real airplane to the scene, with the use of

Augmented Reality Technology, can allow visitors to use the Smartphone to view detailed

information they want to know the part through the exhibition. Or a house, you can use your phone

to each parts of the inductive sensor settings, to see parts of the 3D model you want to know so as

to avoid a trial resulting in a large model of a lot of people do not see the model itself, or play style

introduction to miss cannot see it. People can use this part of what you want to watch again and

again to understand.

5.2 Funny

It will make more interesting when people were wait in exhibition or concert. For example, when

people lined up the concert or concert have not start. Than some time will have Augmented Reality

Technology Interactive area. Using Augmented Reality Technology to let people take a photo with

their favourite character or star. That will use the display and the camera. When people stand front

the camera, the camera wills Induction to someone here than will showing a star or character in the

display. Some Intelligent, Sometime 3D Model even can do some Action. Or people use smart phone

to download a program from the exhibition, than people use the smart phone to scan the all

Indication area, than people will see the 3D model come out from the wall.

Figure 2: Augmented Reality Technology (2013.Yuyang Zhao)

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5.3 New cultures and attractive

Augmented Reality Technology it is a new cultures and Attractive. Augmented Reality Technology

has not general in each exhibition. So it will give a lot of Novel when Augmented Reality area in the

exhibition. Because that is the new cultures so it will very attractive in this exhibition. People like to

try some new cultures, people will interest to how it worked and what is that Effect. That will made

this exhibition more Popular and more people will come the exhibition. For Example, when people

come to the game exhibition there have a Augmented Reality Technology part, people can come to

here to try what is Augmented Reality Technology or take a photo with the game character, people

want to try that, and will make more people come to this Exhibition, That is the Exhibitors want to


Figure 3: Augmented Reality Technology (2013.Yuyang Zhao)

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6. The problem associated with Augmented Reality Technology

6.1 Cast problem

Use Augmented Reality Technology will cast a little be high. That because If want the

3Dcharacterreal and clear, that need really good inductor display and model. Inductor and display

those are the peripheral. Than make model clear beautiful and real. That needs programmer work

very hard and careful. So pay for that programmer will cast more than buy an inductor and display.

So if a one exhibition want use a lot of AR technology part, will expanses. So that is why not that

much exhibition use Augmented Reality technology.

6.2 Induction Area problem

Use Augmented Reality Technology need Fixed Indication area. When use Augmented Reality

Technology to than need Fixed that Induction Area at each part of exhibition, that means people

only can try that Augmented Reality technology at some fixed place. For example, in some art show.

People need stand front the picture; if leave the Induction Area will Augmented Reality Induction

area will not give people Feedback. So when people need walk around to inductor each different

part of Introduction.

6.3 Limitations

Augmented Reality Technology is not general now. Because it still have limitations. For Example

when have game exhibition people loved to try AR technology or that exhibition need that AR

technology to Attract more people come. But in some meeting, people do not need use Augmented

Reality Technology. Like some business exhibition or some exhibition for old people. They do not

need or they do not interesting Augmented Reality. Also have some not exhibition, they do not have

that much

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7. Conclusions

In conclusions, Augmented Reality is a type of virtual reality that aims to duplicate the world's

environment in a computer. Computer graphics have become much more sophisticated since then,

and game graphics are pushing the barriers of photorealism. Augmented Reality Technology have 3

different level price give different level to choose, it really good work for exhibition. Using AR

technology can Easy to explain some hard to explain things. It will make more interstation when

people was wait in exhibition or Concert. But Augmented Reality still has some problem. Like use AR

technology will cast a little be high. Use AR technology need fixed Indications. Also Augmented

Reality Technology not general now. However, Augmented Reality Technology has really good

Future and chance.

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8. Recommendations

Augmented Reality Technology still has a lot of problem. But that not mean cant surmount, every

can try to surmount.

Firstly. Cast problem that is a really big problem, because in this time is hard to Solve this

problem. If some small exhibition will try some Augmented Reality Technology can try some

insertinglikeLV1 cost. (Check 4.1) that will make simple and cheap. Another why is use smart

phone, now the smart hone is very popular, so 90% people have smart phone they only need

download the program than can use the Augmented Reality Technology that will reduce

capital expense. But in further it will change, this is new cultures so do not have that more


Secondly Induction Area, people need on the fixed are than can try Augmented Reality

Technology, so people need put more Induction area in each part, than people can use

smart phone scan the Induction area everywhere. or to fixed people sit or walk, that will

make induction Area not hard to find and scan.

In the last, Augmented Reality Technology will have limitations that because some show and

exhibition do not know and need Augmented Reality Technology, following the cost become

low and more technicalization, people will start try to use following Augmented Reality

Technology, like some 3D model projection. But in the further, It will easy to help every kind

of show and exhibition.

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9. References List

Bonsor, K. (2014, 1 18). How Augmented Reality Works. Retrieved 3 3, 2014, from howstuffworks:

n.d. (2014, 03 03). Augmented reality. Retrieved 03 03, 2014, from wikipedia:

Zhao, Y. Augmented Reality Technology. Augmented Reality Technology. Tencent, Shanghai.

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