repart #6.4m.temp1

Post on 09-Apr-2018






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    Central Professional Building

    221 West Lexington, Suite 114

    Independence, Missouri 64050-3719

    816.461.0993Telefacsimile: 816.461.3231


    DATE: 1 December 2010

    TO: Select Recipients

    FROM: Albert W. L. Moore, Jr.

    SUBJECT: Obama II Constitutional Qualification


    Stanley Armour Dunham so wanted a first born son that he named his

    daughter, born 29 November 1942, Stanley - Stanley Ann, as a concession to her

    gender. On 4 August 1961, he had his hearts desire in Honolulu, a first born son

    by an obliging predominantly Polynesian wahine. This does not necessarily mean

    that Stanley Armour had an extramarital affair. Artificial insemination and in vitro

    fertilization techniques to produce male offspring were presumably known in 1961.

    Stanley Armours wife Madelyn might have acquiesced in the procedure. To give

    the bastard baby boy legitimacy and keep him in the family, he was adopted by

    Stanley Armours daughter Stanley Ann and his friend Barack Hussein Obama, an
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    alien Luo tribesman, who joined in platonic matrimonial union and dubbed their

    adopted child Barack Hussein Obama II.

    To give further cover to the illegitimate birth, Stanley Ann left the island

    during gestation and birth to conceal the fact that she was not pregnant. A story

    was concocted that she had gone to Kenya for laying in and giving birth. When she

    divorced Obama the Luo a couple of years later, a birth certificate had to be

    submitted to the divorce court. A phony Kenyan birth certificate was made an

    exhibit in the court proceeding (and withdrawn in normal course). This gave

    another layer of cover to the Hawaiian adoption of the son born out of wedlock.

    The Kenyan birth myth waxed and waned according to its utility. It might

    have been useful in obtaining Barrys admission to university, and procuring

    student aid for him. Later, it was politically useful in garnering votes and

    portraying opponents as racists. When Barry started running for the Office of

    President, the Kenyan birth myth became an embarrassment, because foreign birth

    prevented one from being a natural born citizen. Hence the myth was suppressed.

    Not everybody got the word; see the attached. The certification of live birth was

    offered to prove place of birth. Unfortunately, it also showed an alien father,

    Obama the black Luo tribesman.

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    Currently, the Kenyan birth myth is used by Barry as a diversion, to distract

    the public and officials from the real citizenship issue, Barrys loss of U.S.

    citizenship after his birth. As the evidence will show that Barry was a natural born

    citizen at birth, it is necessary to explore officially the substantial probability that

    he lost U.S. citizenship after birth. There is a limit to what can be discovered by

    amateur sleuths. The natural tendency is to examine birth initially and most

    carefully, because natural born status can be acquired only at birth. But this status

    can be lost thereafter.

    The Obama cabal teases, taunts and disinforms the people with suggestions

    of Kenyan birth, sometimes in the guise of scorned birthers to confuse, mislead

    and distract the people from the true issues, secure in the knowledge that a Kenyan

    birth can not be proved because it did not happen. DNA analysis would prove that

    it could not have happened because it was biologically impossible; that line of

    inquiry has been obstructed, but not foreclosed.

    From the start of my analysis, Ive tried to take nothing for granted, not even

    Barrys alleged parents. Although I frequently request it, nobody has furnished

    scientific evidence that Barry is the son of Stanley Ann and Obama the black Luo

    tribesman, and Im confident that genetic analysis will prove that its biologically

    impossible for him to be the son of either.

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    Genetic genealogy has become routine. Near-conclusive evidence for

    disproving Stanley Ann and Obama the Luo as parents would be Barrys DNA. I

    would expect it to disclose that his mother was of a haplogroup inconsistent with

    Stanley Anns, and his father of a haplogroup inconsistent with that of his

    purported father, Obama the alien black Luo tribesman.

    More specifically, comparison of Barrys mitochondrial DNA with that of a

    descendant in the female line from one of his purported ascendants in the female

    line would prove - or more likely disprove - that Stanley Ann was his mother. A

    famous recent example of this technique is the identification of remains of the late

    Tsarina and her children, brutally murdered by Russian communists. The Tsarina

    was a daughter of a daughter of Queen Victoria. Mitochondrial DNA from the

    remains was compared with mitochondrial DNA from Prince Philip, who also

    descends in the female line from Queen Victoria. They matched.

    At least one purveyor of genetic genealogical analysis now claims to be able

    to trace descent without limitation to gender.

    Every child of a given mother receives mitochondrial DNA exclusively from

    the mother. Each child of that mother, regardless of gender or father, has identical

    mitochondrial DNA, which is transmitted only through the female line.

    Comparison of Barrys mitochondrial DNA with that of his claimed maternal half-

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    sister Maya Soetoro-Ng would prove or disprove Stanley Ann as his mother,

    assuming that Maya really is Stanley Anns daughter. But nothing can be too

    readily assumed in this analysis. Stanley Ann died of ovarian cancer, which raises

    a question whether she was ever pregnant, as pregnancy seems to ward off ovarian

    cancer. Hence it might be necessary to double-check Barrys maternal ancestry as

    the Tsarinas remains were identified, by finding a descendant in the female line

    from claimed ancestors in the female line through his claimed mother, Stanley


    Ideally, Barrys descent from Stanley Ann could be proved or disproved by

    comparison of his mitochondrial DNA with the mitochondrial DNA of Stanley

    Ann. But Barry has cremated her remains and cast the ashes into the sea. Failing

    that, one might check the mitochondrial DNA of Stanley Anns mother Madelyn,

    but lo and behold Madelyn suddenly up and died, and her remains were cremated

    and cast into the sea. Thus the most readily available sources of comparative

    mitochondrial DNA to verify - or more likely to disprove - Stanley Ann as Barrys

    birth mother appear to have been lost forever. (One might get around this apparent

    destruction of evidence if one could find envelopes sealed or stamped, or both, by

    the tongue of Stanley Ann or Madelyn.)

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    The reliability of the tests in the purported female line above Maya might be

    tested by repeated comparisons with different available female-line descendants

    from female-line ancestors of Stanley Ann and Madelyn, to obtain confirmation

    beyond reasonable scientific doubt that Maya and Barry are children of Stanley

    Ann - or, more likely, that Barry is not her son and, less likely, that Maya is not her


    The disposals of Stanley Anns and Madelyns remains were reported on a

    main stream media internet site, which allowed readers comments. When I

    commented that they put out of reach mitochondrial DNA that might disprove the

    claim that Madelyn and Stanley Ann were Barrys grandmother and mother, the

    comment was purged in a second, two at the most. This suggests to me a word-

    search program to delete automatically such a comment, which reflects a strong

    sensitivity to what genetic analysis could prove or disprove. Suspicion was further

    heightened by reports that everything touched by Barry in public outings is bagged

    and carried away. These events and circumstances might be due in part to attempts

    to prevent intelligence agencies from obtaining Barrys epithelials, but they also

    strongly suggest a long-standing plan to obstruct scientific disproval of his claimed

    parents by genetic analysis. The latter inference is reinforced by other events and

    circumstances suggesting the same motive.

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    Similarly, Barrys Y-DNA could be compared with the Y-DNA of some of

    the many known sons of Barack Hussein Obama. Y-DNA mutates more than

    mitochondrial DNA. These mutations create markers that can help prove or

    disprove ancestry in the male line. Some of these purported sons might find

    themselves to be, in fact, sons of other fathers, particularly if Barack Hussein

    Obama the black Luo tribesman was, on occasion, off drinkin and left his current

    woman alone. Barry is almost certainly among those whose Y-DNA would not

    have the markers of Barack Hussein Obama the black Luo tribesman. But Barry

    would be the real outlier, with a father who is not even in Obama the Luos genetic


    It might not be necessary to cast the genetic research net quite so wide in

    disproving Barrys claimed birth parents, if Barrys vital records, showing his

    recorded birth parents, are disclosed. One could then concentrate on confirming

    identified parental prospects. Even with birth parents identified of record, however,

    genetic analysis is necessary to confirm that Barry is really the son of the birth

    parents named in the original birth certificate or otherwise identifiable.

    Identification of the mother is relatively certain; she has to be there for the birth.

    Hopefully she is still alive or has relatives or friends who could furnish DNA

    samples. There is, of course, the possibility that a false name of the alleged father

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    was given to the birth attendants. If a face can not be put to the putative birth

    fathers name in the original birth certificate, the Y-DNA of Stanley Armour

    Dunham should be researched to verify the hypothesis that his seed grew this plant.

    A strong but scientifically inconclusive clue, which might prove out genetically,

    comes from Dunham family snaps of Barry and Stanley Armour at the beach

    around 1965, both facing the camera. Barry is the spitting image of Stanley

    Armour, with particular respect to the long pointy chin.

    If we hypothesize that Stanley Ann and Obama the Luo can be genetically

    disproved as Barrys parents, how do we account for their names on Barrys

    notorious certification of live birth?

    Assume that Hawaiis certification of live birth is true and official as far as

    it goes. Assume also that Dr. Fukino is honest. These assumptions are reasonable

    and verifiable. Im not persuaded by kneejerk reactions that the COLB is a forgery

    and Dr. Fukino a liar, even though shes a Democrat. If Barrys birth parents were

    indeed Stanley Ann Dunham and Barack Hussein Obama the alien Luo tribesman,

    a prima facie case would be made out that Barry was not a natural born U.S.

    citizen, because Obama the Luo tribesman was an alien. The original birth

    certificate would be strong evidence that Barry was a natural born U.S. citizen, but

    not black.

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    It has recently been claimed that Hawaii is the only state to receive from the

    Democratic National Committee in 2008 the traditional certificate of constitutional

    eligibility with the certificate of nomination. The spin is that this is simply because

    Hawaii was the only state requiring such certification by law. I suspect, without

    knowing, that the DNC sent a certificate of nomination without the eligibility

    certificate initially, whereupon the Hawaiian authorities asked the local

    Democratic leaders to certify eligibility.

    The local Democrats, perhaps being aware of the Kenyan birth myth, might

    have demanded to see a birth certificate. Dr. Fukino could have pushed the

    envelope by producing an amended birth certificate. She might have been asked for

    a view of the original. She would have declined, realizing that events had already

    come too close to disclosing an adoption. Or a scholarly Democrat might have

    overlooked the word Amended under her thumb and, taking the adoptive parents

    to be birth parents, concluded that Barry could not have been a natural born U.S.

    citizen because his father was an alien, and declined to certify eligibility. (And it

    could even be imagined, as an extremely remote possibility redolent of a Victorian

    novel, that local Democratic refusal to certify stemmed from knowledge that Barry

    disrespected his native Hawaiian mother by pretending to have another.)

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    After local refusal, the speculation would run, the DNC certified to Hawaii

    the constitutional eligibility of Barry that was denied to the 49 other states. (An

    episode something like this, if it occurred, might have given rise to the rumor that

    Hawaii has no birth certificate for Barry. This is unlikely, as an original birth

    certificate would be required to guard against future marriages illegal on grounds

    of consanguinity.)

    It is long overdue for Congress and the states to conduct exhaustive

    investigations into precisely what happened in connection with Barrys 2008

    campaign, to confirm eligibility at birth and to determine whether eligibility was

    lost thereafter by loss of citizenship. The states should take the lead. They elect the

    President. They determine who goes on the ballot. Article II Section 1 provides

    that each state appoints presidential electors in such manner as the legislature

    thereof may determine. Investigation and appropriate legislation are within each

    states legislative jurisdiction and constitutional duty.

    The certification of live birth is ambiguous. This ambiguity arises from its

    nature; it is an abstract of information from a document on file. However, the

    document on file could be an original birth certificate naming birth parents, or it

    could be an amended birth certificate reflecting adoptive parents.

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    When a child is adopted, an amended birth certificate is created naming the

    adoptive parents. This creates an official fiction that they are the birth parents.

    Recently, 23 September 2010, a lady came into my law office. A close relative of

    hers was adopted and had shown her the relatives original and amended birth


    This scenario is consistent with the hypothesis that DNA evidence would

    disprove Stanley Ann and Obama the Luo as Barrys parents, and confirm the birth

    parents named in the original Hawaiian birth certificate. (If the birth father named

    in the original birth certificate can not be genetically confirmed, DNA might prove

    Stanley Armour as the birth father; its possible that the true identity of the father

    was misrepresented to the hospital or birth attendant).

    And thats why parents named in Hawaiis certification of live birth are not

    the birth parents, and private inquiries, demands and petitions will not bring

    clarification. Dr. Fukino and the vital records must be subpoenaed, and birth

    parents of record must be verified by genetic analysis.

    Again, Hawaiis certification of Mr. Obamas live birth in Hawaii is

    intentionally ambiguous with regard to the identity of his birth parents. By design,

    it is impossible to tell from the certification whether the purported parents named

    therein are Mr. Obamas birth parents or his adoptive parents. This is to keep

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    adoptions confidential. Furnishing an amended certificate would tip the observer to

    an adoption. Hawaiis custodian of vital records is barred by law from divulging

    the adoption without the adoptees consent, or pursuant to legal process.

    However, in July 2009, Dr. Chiyome Leinaala Fukino, director of the

    Hawaii State Department of Health, issued a statement by which she goes about as

    close to the brink as she can, without violating her legal obligation to keep the

    adoption confidential, to say that Barry was adopted. Her statement is quoted in the

    bookThe Manchurian Presidenton page 76, and below:

    I, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, director of the Hawai'i State Department of

    Health, have seen the original vital records maintained on file by the

    Hawai'i State Department of Health verifying Barack Hussein Obama

    was born in Hawai'i and is a natural-born American citizen. I have

    nothing further to add to this statement or my original statement

    issued in October 2008 over eight months ago.

    Its amusing that the authors of that highly informative book The

    Manchurian President fail to pick up on Dr. Fukinos effort to disclose Mr.

    Obamas adoption without violating legal restraints; they say on page 77 that her

    statement told us nothing new. In fact, it cracks the case.

    Dr. Fukinos statement refers to Barry's "vital records" in the plural. He was

    not dead, so she must be referring to two birth certificates, the original that named

    birth parents and an amended certificate naming adoptive parents. Moreover, data

    in the certification of live birth must have been taken from the amended certificate,

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    for Dr. Fukino also says that the records verify that Barry is a "natural born

    American citizen." If the original birth certificate showed Obama the Luo to be a

    birth parent, it would have proved the opposite, that Barry was not a natural born


    Dr. Fukino is very clever. She has hinted strongly that Barry was adopted

    without explicitly disclosing an adoption, which would be unlawful. She has also

    let us know that Barry's birth parents were U.S. citizens, which excludes Obama

    the Luo tribesman as a birth parent and makes baby Barry a natural born U.S.

    citizen at birth. (This leaves open the possibility that he lost American citizenship


    Barrys vital records must be disclosed and genetic analysis run to confirm

    the birth parents of Barack Hussein Obama II, and to confirm that Barry, pretender

    to the Office of President, is actually the child whose birth was recorded, not a

    ringer filling in for the actual birth child.

    But if, as seems highly probable, Barrys production of his DNA and his

    vital records prove that, at birth, he was a natural born U.S. citizen, why would he

    refuse to confirm it by his original birth certificate? He might maintain that it

    would be to avoid family scandal and damage to the reputations of others, or to

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    prevent the disclosure of his own illegitimate origins. In all probability, however,

    there are two main reasons:

    - First, neither of Barrys birth parents is of recent African origin. His whole

    political career has been based on being the son of a black Luo tribesman, with kith

    n kin in todays Africa. His gross misrepresentation that he is black is arguably

    election fraud. An American black told Laura Ingraham on the radio the other day

    that a black will forgive one many a fault if he's black. Wonder what they would

    think of him if he is, for example, the son of a Caucasian father and a

    predominantly Polynesian mother, with perhaps Portagee overtones, who just

    pretends to be black for meretricious political purposes, never mind that it destroys

    the career of a patriotic American Army officer.

    In the Court Martial of LTC Terry Lakin, the White House has threatened

    reprisal against the member or members of the Court Martial if Dr. Fukino is

    subpoenaed and Hawaiis vital records produced. This tends to confirm that there

    are such records, and that they show birth to U.S. citizen parents, neither of whom

    is black. Thus Barry shows that he will carry through with his destruction of LTC

    Lakin by withholding his original birth certificate, even though its disclosure

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    would show Barry to be a natural born U.S. citizen at the time of birth. More than

    that, he will unlawfully corrupt the military justice system to prevent the

    disclosure, thereby denying a zealous defense.

    The importance to Barry of the charade that he is black should not be

    underestimated. He has used it to con blacks and sympathetic people of all shades

    to vote for him, while enabling him (often through proxies) to denigrate opponents

    as racists. The significance of this fraud is shown by (1) the fact that some 95% of

    blacks voted for Barry in 2008 (2) his refusal to disclose his DNA or vital records,

    which would be strong evidence that he was a natural born citizen at birth but

    would also disclose that he can not truthfully claim the distinction of being the son

    of a black Luo tribesman (3) his release of his otherwise confidential census return,

    in which he claimed to be black (4) his political manifesto Dreams from my

    Father, subtitledA Story of Race and Inheritance and (5) Aaron Klein's book with

    Brenda J. Elliott, The Manchurian President, which spells out Barrys cynical use

    of his false racial heritage to build his political career.

    Im constrained to wonder whether black compatriots would be moved to

    despise Barry for duping them about his racial heritage and continuing the charade

    even though it is about to destroy LTC Lakins career and disrupt Americas

    political life, or feel complimented that Barry would want to identify with them,

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    pretend to be black, and recognize the power of American blacks as a political

    bloc. In light of his conduct, many American blacks might feel relief that Barry is

    not black. But they should know all of the facts, so they can make their own

    analysis and draw their own conclusions. Barry might cut his losses with American

    blacks by making a clean breast of things, particularly when he might thereby save

    the military career of LTC Lakin.

    - Secondly, the Kenyan birth myth and other false notions about Barrys birth and

    its constitutional consequences divert attention from his real citizenship problems,

    the probable loss of his U.S. citizenship by forfeiture, disclaimer, renunciation,

    sedition, some combination of the foregoing, or otherwise. Barry is trying to

    replicate the experience of Chester Alan Arthur, who was helped, in diverting

    attention from the fact that his father William was not yet a U.S. citizen when

    Chester was born, by false charges that Chester himself was born outside the U.S.

    Similarly, Barry can divert attention from his loss of citizenship after birth, which

    can probably be proved against him, by focusing controversy on his natural born

    citizenship at birth, which he can probably prove in his favor (albeit at the expense

    of the myth that he is black).

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    Even if it be found upon further inquiry that Barry did not lose U.S.

    citizenship, investigation of this possibility would probably have collateral

    benefits, such as the following:

    - proof of obstruction of justice by the destruction, forgery, alteration or

    sequestration of evidence of Barrys citizenship status in Indonesia, Pakistan and

    the United States. Bribery is possible, especially in Indonesia and Pakistan. Rich

    space contracts to Indonesia might be in large part consideration for Indonesian

    complicity in the corruption of its official records relating to Barrys citizenship.

    - proof of massive illegal campaign contributions to Barry from Indonesia and

    other foreign sources.

    -proof of fraud in Barrys applications for admission to university and scholarship

    aid, such as affirmations of foreign birth and foreign citizenship.

    - proof of incitement to insubordination and mutiny by U.S. military officers

    through false representations that make aprima facie case that Barry was not at the

    time of his birth a natural born U.S. citizen, thus giving the officers reasonable

    grounds for believing that orders to them were not lawful. Moreover, Barry and his

    claque threaten the resulting Court Martial with reprisal if it subpoenas Dr. Fukino

    and Hawaiis vital records, although the original birth certificate is material and

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    relevant to the accused officers defense. If the original birth certificate shows

    Barry was not a natural born citizen (highly unlikely) the order was void in fact. If

    it shows Barry was a natural born citizen at birth (highly likely) then Barry has

    seduced and ensnared the accused into mutiny and insubordination by withholding

    strong evidence of his eligibility while creating on the public record a prima facie

    case of ineligibility by reviving the Kenyan birth myth and falsely representing that

    he had an alien father.

    - insight into the recent activities of the Comintern, which could include Barrys

    recruitment as an agent.

    - other high crimes and misdemeanors making Barry liable to impeachment.

    - relatively minor in the current context, but still important, correction of Barrys

    lineage by the United States Senate Historical Office.


    Arguably, Barrys status as a natural born citizen was lost the day he was

    born, with his adoption by Stanley Ann and the alien Luo, although he remained a

    citizen by birth in the United States under the 14th

    Amendment. It is said that an

    adoptive parent becomes a parent for all legal purposes. While superficially

    plausible, it seems unlikely that natural born status is lost by Obama the Luos

    adoption of Barry. If this proposition were accepted, it would probably be

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    revisited, and perhaps reversed, when a later case arose of a foreigner born abroad

    to aliens and adopted at birth by American parents. Become a natural born citizen

    by adoption? Surely not. Decision on this point could be avoided if it were found

    that Barry later lost citizenship; it would not then matter whether eligibility was

    lost, without loss of citizenship, by reason of an alien adoptive parent on 4 August


    Conclusive proof that Barry was not a natural born citizen - as by competent

    proof he was born abroad, or the son of an alien father - would conclude the

    eligibility inquiry. He could not thereafter acquire the natural born citizen status.

    But incontrovertible proof that Barry was a natural born citizen at birth is not

    just an end, but a signal to start investigating loss of citizenship, for the status of

    natural born citizen can be lost after birth. This is a subject that is at least as

    important as natural born status at birth, and in this case far more difficult to


    While the status of natural born U.S. citizen under Article II Section 1 can

    only be acquired at birth, it may be lost thereafter. The term natural born citizen

    subsumes citizen. You can not be a natural born citizen if youre no t a citizen at

    all, even if you were a natural born citizen at birth.

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    The issue of whether Barry lost U.S. citizenship by forfeiture, disclaimer,

    renunciation, sedition, some combination of the foregoing or otherwise, is not

    resolved by proving Barry was a natural born citizen at birth. In fact, as indicated,

    proof of natural born status at birth raises the issue whether that status was later

    lost. In Barrys case, there is ample reason to inquire whether Barry lost his U.S.


    Barry might have lost U.S. citizenship by being moved to Indonesia by his

    purported mother with custodial rights over him at the age of six or seven. If he did

    not lose U.S. citizenship under U.S. law, there is a substantial possibility he lost it

    by reason of becoming an Indonesian citizen. There being no dual citizenship

    between the United States and Indonesia, acquisition of one citizenship terminates

    the other.

    Definitive proof of Indonesian citizenship of a minor could be hard to come

    by. Ones citizenship status in a foreign law context is not necessarily so well

    defined as in the American system (where, for all that, its murky enough). I spent

    a year and a half on a Portuguese island, and have the impression that adoption in

    the formal sense was then unknown or rarely used; the Portuguese love children

    and have close supportive families and extended families. A child in need or left

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    alone would be immediately taken up informally and raised by extended family or

    friends, or whoever was available; the church might play a role.

    Although my experience in Indonesia was corporate and commercial, a

    minor child of a wife in Muslim society is liable to be deemed, like the wife, the

    property of the husband and by implication an Indonesian citizen, without the need

    of extensive naturalization proceedings. Not the paper trail found in the U.S. Thus

    an exhaustive review and analysis of U.S. and Indonesian law and practice, as well

    as highly detailed factual discovery, would be required to determine whether Barry

    lost U.S. citizenship as a result of his being moved to Indonesia and his later

    conduct in that connection.

    Even if, under current law, Barry could regain U.S. citizenship after

    becoming Indonesian, it would seem that he would be a naturalized U.S. citizen,

    not a natural born citizen under Article II Section 1.

    Indonesian officials might have been working with the Obama cabal for a

    long time to obscure Barrys Indonesian citizenship, very possibly at the expense

    of American interests and taxpayers. During the time I was active in Indonesia, I

    read an estimate by an American economist that 20-25% of Indonesian gross

    national product was graft. Illicit private fortunes in the billions of dollars have

    been made in the exploitation of Indonesias natural resources, primarily

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    petroleum. Against this background, it was no surprise to read recent reports on the

    internet that records of Barrys citizenship status in Indonesia were deleted,

    secreted, forged and otherwise corrupted as part of a corrupt deal to conceal his

    status as an Indonesian citizen. I cant prove it, but its an investigative lead.

    It would come as no surprise to learn that American plans to grant lucrative

    space contracts to Indonesian interests are consideration, not only for the stated

    reason of Islamic outreach, but also for the corruption of Indonesian records to

    conceal Barrys acquisition of Indonesian citizenship. Even if it were eventually

    decided that Barry did not lose U.S. citizenship, the criminal suppression of

    evidence to the contrary through bribery on a grand scale at American taxpayer

    expense could be among Barrys high crimes and misdemeanors warranting

    impeachment. Even more so than in Watergate, the cover-up might be worse than

    the underlying problem.

    There is a slight chance that an unauthorized incursion into Barrys State

    Department records led to the murder of a cooperating material witness in the

    District of Columbia. Inquiry should be made into the circumstances of this case,

    which seems to have gone cold.

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    The more one examines this matter, the stronger grows the suspicion that

    further investigation would uncover not only more information about current

    suspicions but also evidence giving rise to other serious concerns.

    It is not generally realized how corrupt, ruthless and subversive is the

    Obama cabal. It must be exposed. An exhaustive investigation of Barrys

    constitutional eligibility would be an important part of that expose.


    If, as seems probable, Indonesia and other foreign countries and interests

    (such as the Comintern) are aware of Barrys ineligibility to the Office of

    President, and have possibly recruited him as a mole and sapper, the dangers to

    American national security could hardly be overestimated. Already it appears that

    Indonesia is set to siphon off American funds through the space program, and the

    pretender to the Office of the President can do little to oppose this, even if he

    wished to do so, for fear of being exposed as a traitor ineligible to the Office of

    President. Other nations and interests may be in a similar position to manipulate

    Barry in a way that is contrary to the interests of America and its people. In

    addition to everything else, the Indonesian space venture is likely to be poorly run

    if its part of a pay - off. I recall that decades ago Chrysler was a corrupt

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    company, and at that time its manufacturing quality and marketing were execrably

    bad. An Indonesian space contract given as part of a pay-off for concealing Barrys

    Indonesian citizenship, rather than technological merit, is liable to be mismanaged

    as well.

    Barrys position is similar to Lenins after the Germans inserted him into

    Russia by sealed train to sap the Russian war effort.

    The craven utterances of Republican officeholders in favor of bowing and

    kowtowing to Barry are not reassuring. The interests of the American people are

    not ordinarily to be found in accommodating Barry and his ilk in the interest of

    getting things done. Barry has issued a call for hand to hand combat, which

    trumps his typical doublespeak call to work together. Perhaps his challenge should

    be answered by productive official inquiries. Americans need to stand strongly

    against the Obama cabal, and full exposure of Barrys life history as it relates to his

    citizenship and constitutional eligibility to the Office of President will show why.

    It is not sufficiently well perceived that Barry is the chosen leader, front and

    mouthpiece of a strong communist insurgency. He must be thoroughly investigated

    and called to account for all anti-American activity, including possible loss of

    citizenship rendering him liable for removal from the office to which he pretends,

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    and prosecution for all crimes committed in covering up a loss of U.S. citizenship,

    stealing the 2008 election, and other high crimes and misdemeanors.

    To identify and marshal evidence against Barry, in particular for fraud in

    pretending eligibility to the Office of President, congressional leaders and officials

    in each and every state should take immediate action to investigate in excruciating

    detail Barrys origins and conduct with a view to rescission of the appointments of

    his presidential electors by the states and a possible bill of impeachment by

    Congress - not for policy differences, but for high crimes and misdemeanors in,

    among other things, pretending to an office for which he is not eligible, inciting

    mutiny and insubordination by misrepresentation of his ineligibility and his corrupt

    interference for meretricious purposes in one or more Courts Martial to deny the

    accused the zealous defense to which he is entitled, bribery of foreign officials

    with American tax dollars on a massive scale to conceal his foreign citizenship,

    and other high crimes and misdemeanors, known and as yet unknown. A fishing

    expedition? Perhaps. But there are strong signs of fish.


    One benefit of finding that Barry was in fact a natural born citizen at birth is

    that the daunting prospect of a retroactive constitutional amendment to regularize

    his incumbency can be avoided.

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    Could Barrys loss of U.S. citizenship be rectified by legal and diplomatic

    revisions, perhaps retroactive ones? This might attract the support of patriotic

    Democrats (should there be any) willing to uncover the truth and purge the

    Democratic Party of corruption and sedition, while seeking to retain some vestige

    of justification for retaining Barry in office and restoring a measure of civic calm

    and constitutional government.

    Striving mightily to keep Barry in a position of power is not an approach I

    favor, but willingness to explore creative solutions might make a thorough

    investigation more palatable to some who would otherwise resist. They might

    argue, whether sincerely or not, that an effort should be made to preserve the

    results of the 2008 election if any legal rationale, even a tortured one, could be

    developed for doing so. Disclosure of all relevant facts might furnish a foundation

    and pretext for dealing with Barrys citizenship problems as problems rather than

    the result of evil conspiracy, even if they are, in fact, the result of evil conspiracy.

    As an aside, the election of a make-believe black might be held up as a

    negative example of the wisdom of evaluating a candidates character and

    intentions instead of voting for the color of his skin and his racial heritage, which

    in this case was fraudulent. Exposing Barrys racist appeal and agitation would be

    in the nations best interests.

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    As an analogy to the regularization of Barrys tenure by legal modification,

    one might pose the following: A member of Congress is constitutionally barred

    from serving in an executive post, emoluments of which were increased while the

    appointee was a member of Congress (U.S. Const. Art. I Sec. 6). The

    compensation of the Secretary of State was increased while Hillary Clinton was a

    member of the Senate. The constitutional bar was removed by repealing the

    increase while confirming her appointment - although some dont agree that it

    really was, for there was still, literally, an increase in emolument while she was in

    the Senate.

    In a similar way, it might be possible to regularize Barrys constitutional

    status and eliminate the bar to his exercising the Office of President, by retroactive

    legislation and diplomatic agreement. It's a common misconception that retroactive

    legislation is unconstitutional, because of confusion with the much-hated and

    universally prohibited ex post facto crime (U.S. Const. Art. I Sec. 9, Sec. 10).

    Arguably (though it would not persuade me) Barry's U.S. citizenship could

    be patched by retroactive legislation and diplomatic agreement with Indonesia

    allowing citizens of each country to acquire citizenship in the other without losing

    the original citizenship. This would be analogous to the recent change in

    relationship between Canada and the U.S., in which Canadians who had become

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    naturalized U.S. citizens could retain their Canadian citizenship, even though they

    had forfeited the original Canadian citizenship when naturalized in the United


    A comparable change in U.S. - Indonesian relations should not be allowed

    before all the facts are on the table. And if there turns out to have been a corrupt

    bargain involving massive bribery at U.S. taxpayers expense to conceal Barrys

    Indonesian citizenship, the retroactive dual citizenship patch as a cure for Barrys

    eligibility problems should be rejected. It would seem the better view that Barrys

    constitutional qualification must be determined by the law at the time he ran, was

    elected and purported to serve. However, willingness to consider a retroactive

    dual-citizenship arrangement, without prematurely committing to it, might be

    considered as part of a final resolution, if it would attract broader support for a

    truly exhaustive investigation, with a starting budget of a billion dollars.


    Even if Barry stood for everything I hold dear in society and governance, I

    would object to his election and tenure in office as unconstitutional. But the lust

    for power of Barry and his ilk, their adoption of reactionary and discredited foreign

    philosophies of people as subjects instead of citizens, and their willingness to serve

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    foreign powers and interests, should alarm all who truly care for the United States

    of America.

    The framers of the Constitution did not lightly make it a part of the

    fundamental law that the President must be a natural born U.S. citizen. Like every

    part of the Constitution, it was thoroughly debated and explicated. At about the

    time when the Constitution was being drafted, Poland was being ravaged and

    partitioned, partly because foreigners were constantly brought in to rule it. The

    first partition was on 5 August 1772, when the American movement for

    independence was germinating. Polish patriots like Thaddeus Kosciusko and

    Casimir Pulaski fought for the American patriots in the American Revolution.

    Pulaski, the father of American cavalry died from wounds received in an

    American cavalry charge. The Poles must have conveyed to the Americans what

    had happened to Poland, and there were other sources of such news.

    And Americans, who had developed a national sense and referred to

    themselves as Americans after a century or so of life as English colonists, knew of

    rule by colonial governors who either were not born in the lands they were to

    govern, or were appointed by a king who was not. The wisdom of a natural born

    U.S. citizen as President becomes daily more apparent as the administration of a

    probably illegal alien unfolds.

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    Barry seems to have become alienated from his native land, if indeed he ever

    cared for it. He has adopted an utterly ruthless and anti-American communist

    ideology. The suspicion that his allegiance is not to the United States and that he

    has ceased to be a citizen of the United States needs to be honestly and

    exhaustively investigated, in the hope it might be allayed but in the realization that

    it might be verified. I believe that impeachment will lie against a pretender to the

    Office of President, who usurps the badges and apparent authority of the office

    without eligibility or without true allegiance to the United States or the intention of

    complying with his oath of office. If impeachment be considered an admission

    Barry is President, so be it, but then by the same token he becomes subject to

    impeachment. He should not benefit from his own wrong in fraudulently

    pretending to the Office of President while ineligible or unfaithful to it. He can not

    acquire an immunity to removal from an office by the usurpation of its badges and

    authority. That makes no sense.


    There is a substantial contingent of egoistic megalomaniacs in America who

    have little or no regard for the American system in part because they have not been

    schooled in it or foolishly fancy themselves to be wiser than the Founders. They

    erect Utopias in their minds, which are perfect, never having been tried, or they

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    have been tried and failed for some reasons deemed extraneous to the immaculate

    conceptual model, which these self-proclaimed progressives in their wisdom will

    avoid. And if problems arise in practice, it is because the subjects have failed to

    obey as the omniscient masters have ordained. Such fancies are useful for

    demagogues seeking power, who vociferously disparage real-life institutions,

    whose imperfections can be seen in practice. It is not good for governance. The

    perfect in theory is made enemy of the good - indeed, the best available, in

    practice. In America, government without the consent of the governed will not

    stand. It will not govern.

    If the constitutional eligibility to the Office of President continues to be

    ignored, by concealment of evidence that would prove or disprove constitutional

    eligibility to that office, the American concepts of a constitutional republic and a

    nation of law will be dealt a serious blow, from which the nation might never


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    32/33, accessed 10 November 2008 by AM:

    6/12/2008 [Presumably the date of the posting. AM]

    Kenyan-Born Obama?

    By: Cao, Filed under:Obama@ 4:57 am

    Maybe I am mis-reading what this really means.?

    Obama turns the page of Americas history with 2008 nomination

    By CHIDO NWANGWU. Special to USAfrica The Newspaper, Houston, and CLASS magazine and The Black Business Journal

    I didnt make this photoshopit came to me through email from

    I knew there were reasons why he wouldnt release his birth certificate,

    althoughisnt a birth certificate public information?
  • 8/7/2019 RePart #6.4M.Temp1


    Arent you supposed to be American-born to qualify for presidential office in the

    US? [Not only American born, but of U.S. citizen parents AM]

    End, accessed 10 November 2008.

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