remote user testing ace conference - igor farafonow - uxeria

Post on 16-Jul-2015






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UX Testing Igor Farafonow

the average failure rate in usability testing 22%

of ebusiness fail due to the lack of user acceptance 70%

of IT working time is a waste of time 50%

and that’s not only a startup issue…

How it was explained?

the reality…

the reality…

and it’s not only the history…

Check out navigation…

Check out navigation…

Check out navigation…

Check out navigation…

Check out navigation…

this is the user experience

this is the user experience

You’ve got to start with the customer experience and work back towards the technology – not the other way around.

Steve Jobs

What builds great UX that sells?

Behavior = Motivation * Ability * Trigger

Dr BJ Fogg Stanford University

Buying by beliefs

Buying decision is emotional decision

People buy our products because they believe the same values as us

Simon Sinek

So our goal is to create emotionally coherent experience at each touchpoint.

So our goal is to create emotionally coherent experience at each touchpoint.

So our goal is to create emotionally coherent experience at each touchpoint.

Ability grows with simplicity

The minimally satisfying solution at the lowest cost

Dr BJ Fogg Stanford University

The minimally satisfying solution at the lowest cost

≠ most elegant ≠ most ultimate

≠ most innovative

≠ most beautiful

Dr BJ Fogg Stanford University

Simplicity is the function of the scarcest resources at that moment.

physical effort

brain cycles

money time

social deviance

non routine

Dr BJ Fogg Stanford University

Simplicity depends on individual and context


Dr BJ Fogg Stanford University

Benefit your context

So we know how to get people to use our products…


Improve ability

Use triggers

The question is how?

How to get the right solution to the proper client?

The key to improving the user experience is understanding not only what our clients

do, but also why they do it.

needs aims








How are our clients interacting with our product or company?

How are our clients interacting with our product or company?

How to observe clients?

Ethnographic research Focus groups

IDIs Quantitative questionarries

Analytics methods

Normally starting from qualitative methods and finish at quantitative

What’s important when you make observations?

Find out what you want to find out

What’s important when you make observations?

Observe the real clients

What’s important when you make observations?

Ensure that your methods give you proper answers

What’s important when you make observations?

If something works with your competitor, doesn’t mean it will work with you.

There is a lot of variables that impact how

people interact with you or your competitors

What’s important when you make observations?

Don’t take it too personal. People don’t always

What’s important when you make observations?

Do it repeatidelly

UX Testing – let’s go lean!

UX Testing is


time consuming

100slides reports

UX Testing is


time consuming

100slides reports

≠ Lean

Principles in Lean UX Testing approach (rapid user testing)

Choose not the full complex tools, but those who answer your questions

Make it fast – don’t add variables to your study – less is more


Remember – the observation fact is not your aim. Observe until you really know your


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