released -

Post on 11-May-2022






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Subject is wanted by the Rumanian police. IN 399537/26/46






--.-: ,..16604169I -

I...: .-. 1 „ - . ...-.-• --... - .2 -- .1 ... :-Daeeiti.,10/21/44',..

1.'!Uisiiidhief-ot.Staff Of.the.?umanjaM.I.Mmy,,wiil: 4414.-"Am.nwar-GOv t.t..:The . fermef:his4ov it.will,be MainlypOlitleili- Ass4anA4melm the4ational-Liberil- and, National Peasant partiO*4111

headIimieimirtmenti And members :or the Social Democrat and cemmuniat:paitteiCWill heed .. five departments.

-"7"--7;:G;t.y..116'' . Dr.;:RILBR4Important'Coimuniit,-contideWs subject 1.1740356%.'m. 5MiMe41dMan who has the point of view' . tj,pical of the ROC-*Sources . Z .'metaniippem -;.clesi . of 20 years ago t and is without anyparticular significance.', • •

." Wt reteMmed,land sworn -in 6 Pee. result leet-pinute change- - . ..

Mttitudw_CoMiuntit toward Gen. WWI whom they had been -attacking. Most local obserWers oaf .du* pressurMRusOanSwho want stable gortvpostilined OTOducgon.Vnli iiportant

cMhaigei4ort den:AAPB6C6 . ;Ma.PrimelliMister and Minister - -„,..',Intiiiiirflind 041:0,./mumpoir ilnist.r* . mir,..ilsollen. ropsTm04 ina4r:,..?-.l',..escretari police and liguranUa under-minister . interior... _ . ,


..gMbject replaces_SANATRSCU as 40' OWI Intel. Digest, NUM. RADIO11.2/20/44

In 1945 subject made scathing denunciation of "the traitors who 111 X 3837sold out to the occupiers, -- Anna PAUKER, PATRASCANU, etc." He 6/ /46succeeded in leaving Rumaniax by air, arrived on the Island ofCyprus in the middle of June, on his way to Penis. It is daid thathe is the bearer of.important messages and instructions from theleaders of the Rumanian opposition.

The "terrorist" organizations being investigated by the rinistry IN 39958cf Interior were encouraged by subject. See card:" TERRORIST ORCANP/26/46IZATIONS, also M.N.R.

Sentenced in absentia to 2 yrs. ivprisonment for not denouncing N4Y. Timesthe plot against the state - of whic•,he knew. 11/18/46

-According to info received from the former Rumanian charge d'affaires in r -

Lisbon ( Brutus COSTB), there will soon be another high-ranking member ofthe RumanianRumanian opposition in Lisbon.. The reference is to Subject, Ministerin the Go7ernment between the Armistice and the presentthe advent of the present loot., Subject flad,_11:29,,RUmania' (June 40,and dots/ r6t

nt is in our files..—

iftesigneil with tp . PRES§ SUAVE!- cabine2/26/46 New 4ork mes,5/1/45

mois lat .. li'. iiii roastit.1,101$11e• •frOn Ilks &till* IOW*/ in .01kTrIM.! •' '' 4itaik from isiiifie ' aid seright liottiOl'sitil:itoIt,411.•!4 . - 11:14,111,!....z.,.`ii.;$1.,11116 1P.tior .. * - ::„ . . . . . ..,.., ,




tooh. refuge on the island of Cyprus, and has remained there under British auspices eversince Subject is described as a military man, not a politician,. one 17'ho accepted acabinet post only because the politicians convinced him that he was serving his countrybeet by lending the support of his name to the movement headed by M SAN'. According tosource he. is a great admirer of MLNIU personally, and feels that the may solution £r'ORumania is a government of the type offered by the Peasant Party. His purpose in comingto Lisbon is as yet undisclosed. The formalities of his exit from Cyprus and his entrance

.into Portugal are being handled by the former charge mentioned aboire. So far he has beenunsuccessful in mak rig the necessary arrangements, but the Vortuguese Foreign.lainistry,nervoud 'about the forthcoming discussion of Portugal in the LINO, his Waked him to keepthe matter secret to the utmost.mPaRADLSCuts arrival-1'00,249 offelarch) has changed aspect. local Rumanian ef144.--• 12153situation to extent that no answer recur KPL-198 of 27 1131i -causing embarrass-ment and may eventually strain wehneettons. Definite answer would avoid this. 9 Apr 47

, Please advise. T__

, Ref NPL-198. Patension pouch facilities to COSTS inexpedient. Ref 1111,32 01412133). Desire info on RADESCU i a activities and contacts. Does nephew 44E1Srl 1273

Barbu NICUIESCU accompany bin.RAD maESCII spent ny months Cyprus. Probably 47 -,British controlled. !mPa

likominiiwcoweshmest hes wo


wed -Haltish that if sebjeet is roles06 he • e' 4.1kOot , irs. :41*tner soloirtod. Ski woo in reigioiii to British rottatot. : /1100410-'

• ::-*Oi, alaO,OgrOi ., to oil* :off , Oosecret'polies iiiieh . iiii 110044 aritita 40... -' 000.04001i1440 bi.00.0h.s..,.' sotO aire■wsite **sea in*poto..; .„,.....,.,

21eittsh hoirsi.:44.iiiic iiiiitur agiuiva. -,.. Eno* Goa. • nicoluarta .1110Iiiiishioiu i4liase'subjeot Oa-riMisi- or lettair':' " .,. ..

..,., -....'POjoct -returned ,home from his refuge in the British 'J-56232, .GR.6.-85.1I

•• ii,itaiiion. he'adquarters OM 5/6/45, according to : : ' - 4umania :.V;,-%C•4•3.... .. , ,


...T,,..4,. 7, APES, pty., . irae,:..g0Weintaent and ACC- 'assured': him that . ....,5134/4p:...fia.,3 nothing to tear and TA7TAllES_,,.. C1:1 asked. him not to

.4dertake any 'ilo liti cal „,:totie •x. ' er oal , weeks and not : t see.?.:, ,-:._:M, -t,#4k.**7•=f....':',:'i--:. .:',.:04- ,L ..:::..;,- . '''.-.......: ....". ':i-i.i." --,..-

--:tg sakaa ......eitaNiteNtittY&': .!, ::-K•t; t44! :''.. --"•4.-3:.».:.:,.L.:::',..i4:14;,-;,;;....

' 11 POSTWAR'. •RADESCU, Nicolas (General)

Aifihri )•

•Reg OA& 3275; RAMC. accompanied by Barbu ,NICULISCU. HADE3C13, (sic),,COSTS driving to Switzerland next week RADE= to -see ptursician in 'Lausanne. eftHowever believe they. will. else contact GAF reINCII. Upon tUrn RADISCU plans , to • .12603•remain in Lisbön tor an undetermined period: Three 'British sources report: Aar 47• a),RA/MSCU: jOurney, here faCilitated by their aid anti also assiited in obtain- J022

ing police, permission to stay. b) Both .head British S313 and CB receiveddefinite instructions not to contact RADISCUt c) Considered him a political Q-0A/10-44_.back number and also of no intelligence interest. 4) By giving him -assistance•mentioned above consider him fully paid off and 'only interest now purely objective.'mPd

• •

'-'SubjeCt is ,expected in Lisbon 20 March 47. The proceding week he :font in Madrid.

PP.6 29 Mar 47


• When Brutus 03STE leaves foil Switzerland to join the inner circle of GATENCUIs

aides and advisers, plans are now to have his place _in Lisboa taken by Dr. Gheorghe . 31.11UNIEANU, former Press Attache in Madrid and Lisbon; these plans may be changed if 29 liareither Subject or FARCASANU decides to stay in Lisbon, in which case'MUNTELNU would -4-7

•prObably assist either or both...mFd

Anbjents former Rumanian premier who was replaesd by caoZA, is en route isiP Lisbon.At .present be is in Frame* where be will :rewain for perhaps *nether Week. •141:430.•

493g, All Liab011 before the end of March. 19IsPd

RADESCU, Nioolae -•KPL-341-

Since.subject's arrival, efforts have-been made:to cultivate 23 May 47:- BarbuNICULESCU, who is subject'spersonal secretary and : • F2 : --...consequently better informed concerning the party's activities. I:NICULESCU is source of t011owing:. .

. .

*.uroe seemed to 'clarify the position of subject's party(_iris a Vie the British. He explained that On 8 -Mar 45, subject was Iousted as Premier of Rumania on orders by VYSHINSKI. British offered

teubject asylum in Bk.EMbassy. Subject accepted:and was under Br.Yprotection until about 20 Jun 45. British then told him there was nodanger and . 2 or 3 slaya - ertAl. ;,^ , -°-.7c.Etbasayin Bucharest wasarrested in his AOMe. T __,, than attached to Am Mission in

' Rumania, asked to see kojeot. Shortly after their meeting, subject wasral °---4 " authorities, but promptly put under house arrest when

heft Rumania. NICULESCUVies arrested, and upon his relasein Feb 46 got in touchwith - subject and they began to plan their escape.On 15,Tune; a . sudoessful escape was Made by 'plane. Destination wasTurkey, but they were forced to step in Cyprus. The British authoritiesreceived them cordially and due to plane difficulties they Stayed..British informed that that they would make errangments for them .to leave


Cyprus in few days. After muph difficulty, subject got in touch with hisfollowers in France. SubjeWand NICULESCD received their Portuguesevisas without British aid and left'for Marseilles by boat, went to Paris,Madrid and finally Lisbon.' In Periethey were contacted by British andtold that Br Embassy in Lisbon would get„in:touch with them on arrival.NICDLESCU stated that the only British representatives they had seen since

.rtheir. in Lisbon have been Col.' -ii.B.C.Drummoad4rolff, the MA, and

• N.C.Trenoh„ 2nd Secs. . ..Comment: it, is highly probably. that Brutus COSTE arranged fOr subject's

'NICULESCU1d Portuguese visas. ..

Attached to doo. is a biographical sketoh Of Subjeot 1 prepared , • KPL-408.. .

by:the.general. himself. Also attaohed is -a summary Of it in 3 Jul 47_English, prepared for the American Ambassador in'

'FollOWing plots from -biography: General does not give date or N......,,of birth :Admits to being 70. Entered World War I.With rank ofmajor. By.1B18 had rank of colonel. : 1918-25 in service Of royalhousehold, adjutant to . Queen-Marie. 1928 .-28 Military Attache in. London,becameseneral. :'.1928-33 in Oommand of a- division; active . service. -.1933-40

'1.aft active servide, took up nolitiba1activity in support of GeneralAVIRESCU. • 1940-44 on Carol's abdioation.tried to persuddwANTONESCU to. alter tendendies oppOsed to will or people; started.a.strong anti-GermanImoppaggadd campaign.Sent to concentration camp ., remained there ayear,:and released at insistence of LIANIU and-BNATIANU; - tad to leave country,

' .. ..gaing to GreatBritain to engage in propaganda. 1944-48 .after armistice'roc:ailed:to army as Chief of General Staff; accented only at insistence of-Soviet authorities. Two months after armistice asked to form a replace the Armistice Gov't of Gen. SANATESCU. Despite opposition fromSoviet authorities subject's Gov't lasted .until Mir 46, at which tine

.YyShinski came from Moscow to order King LUH4I to replele Gov't with onewhose orientatiOn was oloser to Mosoow and proposed GROZA as successor to

l*Ibject. : 1946-47 accepted asylum in Brit.Le8 in Buoharest for 2 Months; this-followedby house arrest decieed:hy Soviets. June 1946 escaped to Cyprus;, .

• nivnk tn - T i lahnn 9 Anvil 47 ' :7:: :,,,,: ,. ;,,••.::•.,,; c"4”,.., ! •eetwas delayidahroute teloortegal arrived in IlibOMOn't

porn1ugMf'24pail. To the lnliabOhlbleedeme/s ahem evint,40.--. ..,riomrdamitahopaof posalhlealange. litho Subject IS aim of - seventvand was .an-2.p.g.:never& grhat politiclani.haeirries witalisi the position:he Ode held. He will' 71Ape 47hardlyitecilled upon to leadership; he is riet/Wir slated to bee*, the point d, .aroulilalleh the more aci*ve Romanian oppositiobiets can rally. He chie to Ile- C.f.6-0M-4,ben prepared le . stay, bringingldth bin a man Stout 354)yesms oId I'M' has Sailor'es his Fergana sedretary fee years. IN1COIRSCU7) Brutus -CO% as the leader 4L... .a......1

the Rn.a2 oppositteblete in . Lisbon* invited the few Rommeans in Lisbon to L....„mmet . Subjectat a coOktiii-Party *the afternoon cflrApril.

. -. . ..1 cretary NICULESCU wus rpior to the:etc/4'kt of the Antonesou

gov1 t a career foreign service officer. When Antonescecamato power he in-26o.. :

returned to Bucharest immediately. Shortly aftersOds be accepted his present' . EAPr 47 .,situation as SUbject's secretary. lacuLgscu contributed á great deal tcToirtbt 3

Subject's escape from Bucharest. •d. ,.

tiOofficial Conference. .RumehLan exiles Genera 6 to 9 May irIth GAFENCU, DAVIIA,1744 c1BANFIL, NICULESCU BUZESTI and VISOIAN% Subject unable to get Swiss - nixvisa and followed proceedings from Annency, France. Result Of Conference IN 24847

otPi - unanimous support of MANN. :,/ •


a. The ready acceptance granted by State Dept. officials to Ferenc NAGY,whose position in Hungary RAMBO likens to his ova in Rumania, and

b. The recently unleashed drive in Rumania proper against oppositionistelements, including the jaging of KARIG.

\\,' Opinion of RADSSCU Group towards OIE Rumanian Language Broadcasts. •KPLL-26L.-

, . .

' . EADESCD, Nicolas, 'Cird'6 •• IPL-458 -

30 July 1947On 25 July subject reqUeetad a visa for himself and suite (one ,----n_._, •_...\secretary, Barbu NICULESCU; and two aide., Brutus COSTS and iGheorgbe MINIUM. When sUbject'arrived in Portugal in April, he intedNaT to stayas long as the Portuguese authobitdes would allow him. His change in plans is due to

-two causes: ' . . •

NADISCO feels that the OIE broadcasts in Rumanian are defeating their own(..purpoie because

a mavernient in announcers.

accordiareée with



present thmppeople's


um • a


is G hae Madeovernmeat.

subjectasfolloweri feel that the announcers, MOOS and GSM, must to classilied as communist..hft

(sup01 to KPL-458) In addition to the names Mentioned above, subject's •WPIJL-4request to take his group *the U.S. includes apPlinitions for the ._,TR Ai Lqfollowing, not in Portugal: brigore Niculescu BUZ:ESTI, Constantin'VISOIANU4NlbsilARCAB40,. Aogustin POPA, It is believed the Rumanians can otOi/JAY ktf'a non-itsnigiitt visa and will probably leave in November if they et the visa.hit •


The imminent arrival of .former sing II will cause embarrassment 19 4'30'47011PL

.: . •:,for subjeCt. They knommach otheriMill;,..but:liave.alWay. beinlkylitical: : ,. . ' 2-^ • ;-- i.enemies .andiubjiat dielikeiltdMparilanilly. It was due to the General's

. ,..

Opem. Objection to the SineildictitOrialskuuilaremthat he Mai forced,outlIrthe Fioi ...-.":RADESCITwillnot'lorgive this Nism . hai reached Lisbon from Rio that CarolMints to

• see • SublectmhilMboth -are in-Lisbon. It ii believed that the General Mill Nitwits

.hit 2 •

, A;report from Rumania to subject say, the OamMunists,..diaturbeitibyther.: -Tmworld„raictionto PetkarsentenCe; plan toMVoid;pOssibility Of similar il_ 141

' reaCtiohlv:nOt allowing trial to cantinue. A demonstratibmis.beingMrrange&to:storaCthe courtroOM, during Which N1ANIU will be killed'. Subj.,

11..ICULESCU and : TPSTE sailing ti)07 today Nes Hellas.., _•hft , . :' • •

. Gen.. WADRSCU. become head of Ru;OrputWeeletSnos Committia; . would re-Pout* from 7B1;citte Imeition.acialY because of havingleen •Fiims Minister. -Guidance - to Lisbonand council would be furnished by NICOLESOD4UZEOTI: CRET2IANU and VISOI- : 6 . Nov. 47,-

Leadeirs -cif:tha Rumanian resistance are awar*that'sUbject possessesno political ability and is impulsive to an extreme.

St _ , Ili •. .(N. J. HERESCU card-for.ipts on activitiso4f , RADESCU groups in =trope' • HUNCH mailintroducedAlie day of RADESCD I e'departursto LS. as his

4 -representative inLisbon.. 8 iov,47


:**00, Nicola.

In July, GASENCU,MARANFIL, TILLEA, 'RAMA) sent Michael messages telling: i hit he ahead leave Rnnania at awcest,-anytime,.and-not return. -



. , . ,

ging Carol spoke highly of RADESCU l a character and integrity but said •"ne.le very old".

•btk-. r;Llot107.7

•Stefan 0E0R0ESCU MERIN, Iron Guardisti cam to Lisbon during November toe111141■45

effect an,agreementiitheuhi And his group. .Since sub) had left Portugal, 15 Dec 47he arrangedisloseeting with C:: __I GEOROBSCU said that only the. Iron. 8-0 .

linard could give sej.the necessary internal support to bring about a .-successful revolution to drive out communion from 1Mania; until such tine as a revolution.: Could be staged he4Sald, Offer RADISCU security in communication with itamavand:akneani,

of ingress and .egrass for secret agents: His view is that, despite the incompatibilitybetween the totalitarian cast of the Iroh Guard and the democratic prineipleslid.0-:-"

▪ ISIMUMW4Aroup .supported, everybody interested in the recovery Of 1,710s imirin independence▪ shonld-work together..


. .hopes RADIECU.had, when he left Portugal., of presenting -a united RUsanian • IPLA415- •

.opposition, which would be almost the *univalent of a goverment-an-mile, JILDec. £7hies not been realised, and he and those *sabers of . nim-mite who left Lisbon/

" with bin are very There is , disagrement : nithin the leadership of\mne •. _

-10Subject, Rumanian, born at Bucharest on 11 March 1876, army officer, was 25 Aug 47granted a U:S.,visa to come here for one year on business. Issued non- visa list.immigrant visa no. 55 on 21 Aug. 1947. VEJARANO and-NICULESCUwers.aldo

▪ *anted visas that day.'hft •

Vintila BRATIANU, nephew of BRATIANU who is the leader of the National • WP1,21"LLiberal Party, escaped from Rumania and went to Paris. There, 'one of his 12 Sept 47

,first acts was to eeek out the;representativea of the RABESCU group and ask▪ to, become a mother. Subject interprets, this action as showing : Clearly that now all actite'.,

..' -opposition to the present government is concentrated within his group.hit

_Niculescu says there has been an agreement among Subject's followers to • WPL-27establish a governing committee which Could be changed over at will to a 18 Sept 47government-in-exile. 'RADESCU is the chairman of the committee and among the B-2

-other meMbers are TURA (London), CARANFIL (Paris), 0AFENC5 and NICULESCU-BUZE.F1"- •in Switzerland.hft •Shortly after subject received his US vise, he received An invitation from the •WPLA-20''

. .

British govt to go to the U.K. He flatly, refused and interpreted it as a ,gesture to regain his favor as he has not pleased with the treatment given him .by the British while he was in CyprUe. ' ' ' ,...- -hit ,


acossuisis. ,

_RADESCU, Rico '

Paris to consult with . subj and then proceed to Switserlabd to ace *Jodie' on subj"s behalf.,

Purpose OrRadescu l s trip is to contact Michael, explain situationvia-a-viai himself and other.Rolanianopposition leaders in exile and l:have Michael decide whit comes they should Dillow. Mapes all group.will then abide by Michael's decision.. Radeecu intends to return 14 theU.S.A. ammoon ea this matter ik,settled.. • . P '

hft'_..... : •• • • P

. h

• On 10 Feb.. 1948 eubj Wrote source from Paris that agreement had been-. esge4,-.1›. "reached among -the leaders of the Rumanistroppolition:group abroad. Previous143:Feb 48-tbs . -greatest berrierAiad'been the attitude of. NICDLESCU-BUZESTI, whoinsisted on trying to dominate the formation of an action eommittemwhich wouldunder eubj"e leidership. The cOMmittei agreed on hae Yno name yet and will take noindependent action without .previous consultation with Washington, London and Paris. The;;;."Committie4Creakv to act as an action group, renitence group or a governmsnt-in-ekila in

i* IN-14Lts teD.Subistill in Paris . : as unable to get Swiss vise. may f.77

• IN 1003)1a3

Crop' . 48rao•slf-F13

•ce/fuLNICULESCU-BUZESTI has agreed to iall in lien with members- •-m-3,5077-,Op ”t„44) NUmanian Opposition GrOup. . Ccapontion of comMittee includes (7- (1,69::smOng - Others-RADESCU, NICDLESCU-BUZESTI, GAFENCU, Viorel TILEA and: 48 S' 8-2

bft' .

• Borzscu, raco.a• $1111,0-103

15 March 48B-2

NICULESCU-BUZESTI, although he had planned to return to the U.S..has gone toCannes where he is biding his time end !ill try to outwait King Michael/s true followers,suCh,is subj, and those mentioned it 195 of 4March 48..lift Alexander D3TESCU, Rumanian Charge d'Affaires in Lisbon, is in touch with 11 March 103.Subj and hopes to be appointed representative here of the Rumanian Govt-in- State cableExile if and when it is set up.'

Affidavit drawn up by Subject on Mari* le, 1948 in New 'fork on behalf ofR. Melina. • See document in Malexal s file - Rumanian desk files. . I

Memo to Lisbon, dated 6 Nov. '47, states •Gaul. Nicolas Radesou (qv) ma NPLN -72,become head of BUM. Resistance Omswittee. Redescu would receive position 621ov. 147solely because he has occupied the position of Prime Minister. He will Source: Nicole*

Huotbe permitted to act independently, but will be more or less a figure- Rusesti.heed. Guidance and counsel will be furnished by such individuals as Gri -gore Nicolescu-Buzesti (U), Alexander Cretsianu and Constantin Tisoianu Sourceto stove given as person who occupies high position in Bumeniai resistance movement.


.incording to nurierul Roman," opposition paper published in Paris . . Translation of periodi



ships for "meritorious Ramanian students' in Paris. (7eb. 1948) On 0f/Gen. RAU= prugised =ADZ, Miroes, he mould airemge for sclmang.'tarIstip #1. May 148:

the general's return from ' 1.... stated scholarships Of 6A00. fr . each had . est:granted to20 students. jin source( noisiness! WADS sots as paymaster , for Nicolas )MAMA .

i QUI his contiltuted the funds mentioned above. (April 1940•

'-. Addresses for past five years, given by RADZSCII on' Immigration and Naturalization document,voani,..4-4--3infärmation's (12 Zuly 194 - A-7057911)i

Clopotarii Vechi 4, Bucharest N---Be,dre Antonio Vieira 17, Lisbon ILenandrou 5, Nicosia, Cyprus164 B. 72 St., N.Y.C.

2501 Calvert St. NJ., Wash. D.C.

*0* For excellent and lengthy biography of RADESCU,,see" .

marA-ansa20 December 1951Source: PATCH and UNISON

alibi: led the split in 1950 in the Rumaniant S1 ComitteeiWtbo U.S. which Marnir(qv) and =caw (qv) loathethe Committee of C222ZINWV :and MOUND has the support ofsing WHIT (qv) who is antagomistic.tomurdtubj.

State Disp. 03470from: Paris4 June 1951



accordance with the


• :Nicole. citauzeati*tail .

advice it reteiv4 frinv.the-three great powers,.

former praaier is the undisputed head,U. Riedel!".

AntOniada A. CretianuA.V.:Bratianu Brutes

parcasanu ' .Cornel-Bianu,

keshere, are i!

„.2adescu is en milt:: to the U.S. by ship. .He will make a statement i.When he •'TN-6390:!'arrives supporting Mithiel's'detlaration (Michael plans to makedeclaration in Paris early in March). This was agreed when sibj visited . 3 Mu* 48Switzerland.

.1CWho/Ex-king Carol thinks any Rumanian govt in exile, should be broad - not 4,1B-34144

exclusive , and that is why he is so distruitfurof BADESCU t s entourage. - State Idmb90.Carol said the obvious starting point for any govt in exile was subj,:wbo 15, !;was the last legal prime minister of Rumania, But subj has serious disadvantages - hisvery advanced age and being surrounded by poisons whOsemotiir*ari : question.These are listed with comments by Carol..' -




shipping him to Moscow.Pk

See document. Olk


, See document.


sitai • GRZ■1165. V 11/9/45

•• -

757.1'2'77.7...., •

16,TUGA1 801.

AVOW, General ,:: p4 SNOW m 101 " ORZ424.AB/002. - MI-5 — '

' While-Nigjest -ile-aCthe Brigsfilhabiasi:"takiniestairi thire, Bucharest, 3/31/45MOD agents were cemepently dm the lookout for him with theintent to kidnap him.' If the plat succeeded, Teoheri MOROI= (qv) had arrangements for

mnv_eee m1145

elf/11. • MI■759 ,■&•••20■45 •

Prime Minister of Rumania, Dec. 1944 to Mar. 1945, Arrested,* TZX 5744for violation of fiscal regulations. See document. MI1/4/46

'See document for biography of stibject. Mil•GRX 1371.Subject is free now, and it is rumored that he has secret 4/16/46meetings w4h MANIU and BRATIANU.

RADESCIS; gicolae (Gen.) card 10. ROMA .

Subject died in New York City on 16 May 1 53. - DEB-309603 19 Nov. '53Subject asked that his successor as president of (100-8-1-201)the "League of Free Rumanians"(qv) be chosen fromthe followingfollowing old friends: Grigore GATENCU, Gen. IcaGHEORGHE, Mihail nRCASANU, ?Wel V. TILEA(all carded)The following(Carded) individuals were remembered in Subject'swill and appreciation for their services wage mentioned:a) In the United States:POPESCU-BOTOSANI, Gheorghe NICULESCU, Barba ZAHARIA, FlorinCARSTOIU, Ion PALADE, George (Dr.)-IVANCMICI, D.(Col.) TIMM, Constantin (Dr.)MUSI, Vasile VALUTA?, Caiusb) in Europe:BUSITIOCEANU, Alexandru GEOROESCU, Adriana(COEMOVICI-GEORGESCU)COMANICIU, Roratiu . GHERMAN, Eftimie ISOPESCU, ClaudiaEONSTINT1NE8SSanthontin GREGORIAN,-Alexandru MANUTTI, Nellu(MANZATU)DUMITRESCU, Vasile HERESCU, Nicolas NITESCU, TraianELUDE, Mircea LURIA, Vintila POFESCU, 'CreateMATEESCU-FRANCU, Alexandra

ILTESCU, Oh. Emil RAUT, ObsorgheSCHEMER, Herwart

(4.«ma). qflui\f-www4.4- 4440-41. As

PAt.,:a6, 1444 t 01.7.;.■.1NIS4.0444 ,A., 04:wati «Altut.ot 2408+1A0

044n Aka swAa- peurrait

ArtAANA Is 44* J.4.v Atte

AL4ebo4..4 it44L4 C. ^4447.1.

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Nicolas MALAIA(Iv) is given special mention by Subject forservices rendered.Report contains details of litigation in the Swiss Courts pertaining to ahold of money claimed by the Rumanian Govt., Constantin VISOIANU(qv), AlexandraCRETZIANU(qv) and Subject; also contains develoymenta in the factional disputes amongthe Rumanian emigres set up.

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