regression and models with multiple factors · least-squares • the method of least squares...

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Regression and Models with Multiple Factors

Ch. 17, 18

Scatter Plot

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Snout-Vent Length


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Linear Regression

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Snout-Vent Length


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• The method of least squares chooses the line that minimizes the squared deviations along the Y-axis

• Y = bX + a

• The slope of the line is the average change in variable Y given a change in variable X

• The slope is usually of greater interest than the intercept

• The slope is the covariance between X and Y divided by the variance in X – a positive slope implies a positive covariance and a negative slope implies a negative covariance

Linear Regression Uses

• Depict the relationship between two variables in an eye-catching fashion

• Test the null hypothesis of no association between two variables – The test is whether or not the slope is zero

• Predict the average value of variable Y for a group of

individuals with a given value of variable X – Note that variation around the line can make it very

difficult to predict a value for a given individual with much confidence

What are Residuals?

What are Residuals? Chimps have larger testes than predicted for their body weight Gorillas have smaller testes than predicted for their body weight Chimps have a positive residual Gorillas have a negative residual

What are Residuals

• In general, the residual is the individual’s departure from the value predicted by the model

• In this case the model is simple – the linear regression – but residuals also exist for more complex models

• For a model that fits better, the residuals will be smaller on average

• Residuals can be of interest in their own right, because they represent values that have been corrected for relationships that might be obscuring a pattern (e.g., the body weight-testes mass relationship)

Strong Inference for Observational Studies

• Noticing a pattern in the data and reporting it represents a post hoc analysis – This is not hypothesis testing – The results, while potentially important, must be interpreted


• What can be done? – Based on a post-hoc observational study, construct a new

hypothesis for a novel group or system that has not yet been studied

– For example, given the primate data, a reasonable prediction is that residual testes mass in deer will be associated with mating system

– Collect a new observational data set from the new group to test the hypothesis

Phylogenetic Pseudoreplication

Performing Linear Regression in R

• Run the regression: > reg_newt <- lm(mass ~ svl, data=males) > summary(reg_newt) > confint(reg_newt) #get the CI for slope

• Add the line to a plot:

> plot(mass ~ svl, data=males) > abline(reg_newt) See for code to

draw the line’s 95% CI on the graph

Interpreting the Output Call: lm(formula = mass ~ svl, data = males) Residuals: Min 1Q Median 3Q Max -5.5081 -1.7670 -0.5128 1.6322 6.4942 Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) -31.48430 7.43453 -4.235 0.000108 *** svl 0.68766 0.09806 7.013 8.71e-09 *** --- Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1 Residual standard error: 2.514 on 46 degrees of freedom Multiple R-squared: 0.5167, Adjusted R-squared: 0.5062 F-statistic: 49.18 on 1 and 46 DF, p-value: 8.712e-09


p-value for slope

Least Squares Regression with 95% CI

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Snout-Vent Length


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Code for That males <- read.csv("MaleNewtSampleData.csv") plot(males$mass ~ males$svl, pch=19, xlab=list("Snout-Vent Length", cex=1.5), ylab=list("Mass",cex=1.5)) box(lwd=3) axis(1,lwd=3) axis(2,lwd=3) reg_newt <- lm(mass ~ svl, data=males) abline(reg_newt, lwd=3, col="maroon") summary(reg_newt) #Add confidence limits for the regression line xpt <- seq(min(males$svl),max(males$svl), length.out=100) ypt <- data.frame(predict(reg_newt, newdata=data.frame(svl=xpt), interval="confidence")) lines(ypt$lwr ~ xpt, lwd=2, lty=2) lines(ypt$upr ~ xpt, lwd=2, lty=2)

Assumptions of Linear Regression

• The true relationship must be linear

• At each value of X, the distribution of Y is normal (i.e., the residuals are normal)

• The variance in Y is independent of the value of X

• Note that there are no assumptions about the distribution of X

Common Problems

• Outliers – Regression is extremely sensitive to outliers – The line will be drawn to outliers, especially along the x-axis – Consider performing the regression with and without outliers

• Non-linearity

– Best way to notice is by visually inspecting the plot and the line fit – Try a transformation to get linearity [often a log transformation]

• Non-normality of residuals

– Can be detected from a residual plot – Possibly solved with a transformation

• Unequal variance

– Usually visible from a scatterplot or from a residual plot

Residual Plot

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plot(residuals(reg_newt) ~ svl, data=males, pch=19)

Examples of Problems

Outlier Example

Multiple Explanatory Variables

• The reason ANOVA is so widely used is that it provides a framework to simultaneously test the effects of multiple factors

• ANOVA also makes it possible to detect interactions among the factors

• ANOVA is a special case of a general linear model

General Linear Models

• GLMs handle categorical factors and continuous factors in a single modeling framework

• ANOVA is a special case with just categorical explanatory variables

• Linear regression is a special case with just continuous explanatory variables

Two-factor ANOVA

Testing: • The mean of “serum starved” versus “normal culture” • The mean of “wild-type” versus “WTC911” • The interaction (i.e., wild-type responds differently than WTC911 to the change in culturing conditions [serum starved versus normal culture])

ANOVA with Blocking

• Analysis is similar to two-factor ANOVA (at least it was in 1995)

• Except: – Typically do not test for an interaction term

– Don’t care if the block is significant or not

– Remember: you don’t care about the block; you simply want to reduce the variance introduced by it

Analysis of Covariance

• Used to test for a difference in means, while correcting for a variable that is correlated with the response variable – The slopes must not differ in the two groups

– In other words, the mean comparison is only valid if the interaction term is not significant

• Also used to compare the slope of two regression lines – If the interaction term is significant, then the

conclusion is that the slopes are different

ANCOVA Example

ANCOVA Example


• Statistical models can be quite complex, with potentially many factors and interaction terms

• The model is specified by something that looks like an equation: Y = μ + A + B + A*B

• General linear models allow you to combine categorical and continuous factors into a single model

• Your sample size will limit the complexity of the model

• For complex models, you will need to think about procedures to choose the best model (i.e., the model that best explains your observations)

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