regional conference guideline - ikebana international · section 17 chronology of past regional ......

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Ikebana International

Regional Conference



Table of Contents Page

Section 1 Definition of a Regional Conference 3

Section 2 Getting Started 4

Section 3 Schedule 5

Section 4 Setting up the Regional Conference Committee 7

Section 5 Finances 8

Section 6 Fundraising/Advertising 9

Section 7 Program 10

Section 8 Principal Guest Master 12

Section 9 Registration 14

Section 10 Business 16

Section 11 Protocol 17

Section 12 Hospitality 18

Section 13 Publicity 19

Section 14 Historian 19

Section 15 Subsidy 19

Section 16 Report on the Regional Conference 20

Section 17 Chronology of Past Regional Conferences 20


A. Principal Guest Master Invitation Letter 23

B. Invitation Agreement 25

C. Regional Conference Subsidy Application Form 28

D. Authorization letter and form for Delegate or Alternate 29


Section 1 Definition of a Regional Conference

I. Purposes of a Regional Conference are to:

A. Promote ikebana to the general public in the Region

B. Make and reinforce "Friendship through Flowers"

C. Exchange ideas and share experiences and methods relating to ikebana and Chapter

management with other Chapters.

Regional Conferences are described in Article XVI, Section 4, of the International Bylaws

of Ikebana International as follows:

Article XVI: Regions and Regional Conferences 4. Regional Conferences

A. Regional Conferences shall be primarily for educational and cultural purposes.

B. Regional Conferences may be held within any Region, provided that:

1) A majority of the Chapters voting agree upon a date and a place.

2) The Regional Conference is not scheduled during the six months before and after a

World Convention in Japan.

3) Within a period of one month immediately preceding a Regional Conference, no

ikebana demonstrations and/or workshops by visiting masters, sponsored by

Ikebana International, may be conducted within a radius of 160 kilometers(100

miles) of the Regional Conference location.

4) Prior approval by the International Board of Directors has been obtained.

5) Initial contact with the Principal Guest Master must be made by International

Headquarters. International Headquarters will assist Chapters in communication

with the Principal Guest Master.

6) Details regarding the planning and conduct of Regional Conferences are available

in the Regional Conference Guidelines.

C. Copies of resolutions or recommendations that are going to be proposed to a Regional

Conference must be received by International Headquarters at least 45 days prior to

the Conference. Resolutions passed at a Regional Conference shall be forwarded to

International Headquarters for consideration by the International Board of Directors.

Resolutions and recommendations passed at a Regional Conference shall be

considered at the first meeting of the International Board of Directors after they are

received, and all Chapters shall be notified of the Board’s action.

D. Voting delegates at a Regional Conference shall be Ikebana International Members

from that particular Region. The number of voting delegates should be as stated in

the most recent revision of the Regional Conference Guidelines issued by Ikebana


E. A written conference report and a Treasurer's report must be sent to the International

President within three months after a Regional Conference.

II. Important points

A. Members of Chapters in other Regions are encouraged to participate in the Regional



B. A Regional Conference shall include Registration, a Welcome Reception and/or Dinner,

Demonstration(s), a Business Meeting, a Discussion Meeting, Workshop(s), Day Tour(s),

a Luncheon, Evening Entertainment, and a Farewell Dinner.

C. Each Region should decide on the scheduling of its own Regional Conference.

D. It is recommended that Regional Conferences be held at three-year intervals in each


Section 2 Getting Started

I. Once a Chapter decides to host a Regional Conference, the Chapter President should

send a letter offering to host the next Conference at least one month before the

upcoming Conference in that Region. This letter should be sent to the Chairperson of the

upcoming Conference, as well as to International Headquarters. The Chapter shall

confirm hotels and conference facilities before offering to host a Regional Conference.

II. Regional Conference dates must be set at least two years in advance. The Host Chapter

shall allot enough time between its Regional Conference and Regional Conferences in

other Regions and a World Convention. It is recommended that other Ikebana

International major events should not be scheduled in the three months

preceding and following a Regional Conference.

III. The offer to host the next Regional Conference shall be presented at the Business

Meeting of the current Regional Conference, at the latest. If there is more than one offer,

the delegates will vote upon them.

IV. The decision as to when and where the next Regional Conference is to be held should be

made by approval of a majority of the Chapters in the Region before the end of the

current Regional Conference. This must be recorded in the Minutes of the Business

Meeting. The required wording is “was approved by a majority.”

V. After the offer is accepted at the Regional Conference, the delegates from the Host

Chapter shall announce the approximate dates. Even if there is no offer, a discussion

concerning the next Regional Conference should be held during the Business

Meeting. H.Q. will have recommended.

VI. After the Regional Conference, the Host Chapter President should appoint the

Regional Conference Chairperson, obtain approval from International Headquarters

regarding the Regional Conference dates and site, and also contact International

Headquarters regarding the invitation for the Principal Guest Master whom

the Host Chapter would like to be the Guest Demonstrator. The Host Chapter

may ask the International Board for advice about which ikebana school to invite and a

specific Principal Guest Master who could do the demonstration.


VII. Upon approval from International Headquarters of the proposed dates and site, the Host

Chapter should confirm any bookings already made.

VIII. International Headquarters will announce the Regional Conference dates and site in the

Sakura News.

IX. International Headquarters should be notified of the place and date of all major Ikebana

International events in order that all Ikebana International Chapters can be advised.

Section 3 Schedule

The following items have been included as a guideline and are not in a required order.


1. Form a Regional Conference Committee and prepare an operational plan for the


2. Enlist services of local Government Tourist Offices

3. Establish the venue and accommodations

The conference facilities must have enough space and facilities for most of the Regional

Conference activities and adequate accommodations, meeting rooms, and banquet

rooms. The conference facilities management should be prepared to allow the staging

of ikebana workshops and demonstrations. If a hotel with such facilities is not

available, book a hall or theater as near as possible to the chosen hotel and provide

transportation between the hotel and the other venue for registrants. Protocol and

security should also be considered in the choice of hall and venue.

4. After approval is received from the International Board, the President of the Host

Chapter shall send an official invitation to the Principal Guest Master through

International Headquarters requesting biographical information to be used in press

release and brochures.

5. Select a travel agent or make necessary arrangement

6. Decide on the program in principle

In cooperation with the selected Masters, decide on a tentative program, for example,

the number of demonstrations and workshops that will be held on each day of the

Regional Conference.

7. Prepare a preliminary budget

8. Divide the necessary jobs among committees, and set out duties for each of those


9. Have a Preliminary Announcement printed

10. Seek sponsorship

11. Invite the International President

The President of the Host Chapter should send an invitation to the President of Ikebana

International stating what will be provided regarding expenses. As a basic rule, the

registration fee for the International President should be waived, and accommodation

expenses, including official meals and in-city transportation, should be borne by the


Regional Conference budget. The International President’s airfare shall not be paid by

the Regional Conference Committee.

12. International President’s speeches

If the Regional Conference Committee wishes the International President to give

speeches, a letter should be sent to International Headquarters, specifying at which

functions the International President is being requested to speak. Usually, the

International President gives short speeches at the Welcome event, Farewell Dinner

and sometimes at other Conference functions as well.

13. Honorary President’s message and photograph

If the Regional Conference Committee would like to have a message with a photograph

of the Honorary President for the Souvenir Program, an official letter of request should

be sent to the Honorary President through International Headquarters. The Honorary

President’s photograph must not be used for any other purpose.

14. Collect and discuss information about possible entertainment

15. Decide pre- and post-Conference tours

16. Decide on about decorations

17. Send regular bulletins about progress to other Chapters in the Region

18. Appoint a Parliamentarian

19. Send the Preliminary Announcement

20. Set a fundraising plan in motion


1. Prepare the final program

2. Advertise the Regional Conference

3. Confirm all details with the Principal Guest Master; send copies of

that correspondence and any written agreements to International Headquarters

4. Prepare a final proposal

5. Appoint Leaders for the Discussion Meeting

6. Seek donors for small give-away items

7. Decide on the layout of the Exhibition, Demonstration(s), Workshop(s) and


8. Decide on any special lighting effects for all events

9. Approve the Regional Conference bags

10. Clarify Agenda items for the Business Meeting, and send a draft Agenda to

International Headquarters for approval

11. Confirm the contract with those providing entertainment

12. Confirm hotel room rates and meal charges in writing

13. Estimate the number of registrants

14. Print the Registration Brochure

15. Send out the Registration Brochure

16. Take out insurance

17. Reevaluate the budget

18. Advise the International President of her commitments



1. Confirm accommodations for the Principal Guest Master and at least one assistant at

the event hotel

2. Appoint a Timekeeper for the Business Meeting

3. Establish and print Standing Rules for the Business Meeting

4. Get all items printed

5. Issue written instructions for all duty officers

6. Finalize instructions for the photographer

7. Re-confirm transportation arrangements for the Principal Guest Master

8. Prepare a final budget

9. From the registrations sent in, determine the final number of registrants. Prepare and

check registrants' name tags

10. Check protocol, seating, speeches, etc.

11. Arrange seating plans for official functions

12. Make a schedule for each committee

13. Complete lists for all functions

14. Hold a final meeting with the hotel(s) to confirm details

15. Hold a final meeting with venue management to confirm details

16. Send local dignitaries a copy of the program with a summary of their commitments

17. Alert the Reception Committee as to the arrival time of VIPs

18. Transport materials to the venue(s)

19. Set up a Regional Conference office at the venue

20. Hang welcome messages

21. Open the Regional Conference

Section 4 Setting up the Regional Conference Committee

I. Appoint a Regional Conference Chairperson

A. The Regional Conference Chairperson shall have held an elective office at the Chapter

level for at least one full term and shall have been a Member in good standing for at

least one fiscal year immediately prior to the appointment. The Chair shall be

appointed by the Chapter President and approved by the Chapter Board of Directors at

least two years prior to the date of the Conference, in order to facilitate the long-range

planning necessary for such a Conference.

B. The Chapter President shall be presiding officer at the Regional Conference for all

events and meetings. The Regional Conference Chairperson is responsible for the

conduct of the Regional Conference and shall serve as a member of the Chapter Board

of Directors until the closing of all the facilities and records of that Regional Conference.

It is highly recommended that the Regional Conference Chairperson have attended at

least one Regional Conference in the past. The Regional Conference Chairperson

appoints the Conference Committee Chairpersons before detailed planning begins.

II. Regional Conference Committee

A. This Committee shall be appointed by the Chairperson from nominations

presented by the Chapter Board of Directors and approved by the Chapter Board

of Directors. The Committee shall be responsible for all the planning, coordinating and


carrying out of the Regional Conference. The Committee Members shall remain and

carry out the duties until the closing of all the facilities and records of that Regional


B. The main Regional Conference Committee may include the following Committee

Chairpersons, in addition to the Regional Conference Chairperson.

1. Co-Chairperson

2. Regional Conference Treasurer

3. Fundraising / Advertising Chairperson

4. Program Chairperson

a. Demonstration(s)

b. Exhibition

c. Workshop(s)

d. Tour(s)

5. Registration Chairperson

6. Business Chairperson

a. Recording Secretary

b. Parliamentarian

c. Delegates and Alternates

d. Agenda Committee

e. Regional Liaison Committee

f. Discussion Committee

7. Protocol Chairperson

Guests and VIPs

8. Hospitality Chairperson

a. Social Functions

b. Entertainment

c. Transportation

d. Publicity Chairperson

e. Photographer

f. Historian

Section 5 Finances

I. Responsibilities of the Regional Conference Treasurer:

A. Prepare a budget for the Regional Conference. This budget can be revised according to

the financial situation of the Regional Conference.

B. Maintain accurate records of income and expenses.

C. Receive and disperse all funds.

D. Prepare a financial report at the end of the Regional Conference.

II. Expenses:

The Host Chapter must have a definite idea of what expenses it will be expected to pay.

Regardless of the size of the Regional Conference, there are three kinds of expenses:

Overhead, Variable, and Optional extras.


A. Overhead Expenses:

1. Conference Costs:

a. Printing, postage, stationery

b. Special meeting rooms

c. Decorations, signs, banners, etc.

d. Special lighting, audio, and other related items

e. Exhibition space and setting up

2. The Principal Guest Master

a. Honorarium

b. The Master's and Assistant’s accommodations and meals

c. Demonstration and workshop flowers and other incidental expenses

d. Transportation: buses, taxis, trucks or hired cars

e. Preparation and storage area for materials

3. International President

a. Accommodations and registration fee

b. Exhibition space and setting up

4. Costs related to hosting the VIPs

B. Variable: Cost per person

1. All meals that are included in the registration fee

2. Opening and closing functions

3. Morning and afternoon teas and any other food functions

C. Optional: not included in the Registration Fee

1. Workshop(s)

2. Optional tours

3. Accompanying person’s activities

Note: A. Insurance is advisable to cover any expense that the Host Chapter may have contracted

for but is prevented from carrying out due to circumstances beyond its control.

B. Before determining the Registration Fee, the budget has to be prepared.

Section 6 Fundraising/Advertising

I. Seed Money

This refers to funds that have to be spent before registration money is received, for example,

on brochures, advertising the Regional Conference, and hotel deposits.

II. How to get seed money:

A. Funds remaining at the end of a Regional Conference may be passed to a subsequent

Regional Conference Committee to be used as start-up funds.

B. Donations from Chapters in the Region.

C. Preregistration fees from the Host Chapter’s Members.

D. Payments from companies and individuals for advertising in the Regional Conference

program, brochures, etc.


E. Sponsorships from companies that will make donations, such as airline tickets or

items suitable for gifts to participants.

F. Sales areas where ikebana materials and souvenirs can be purchased before the

Regional Conference begins.

Section 7 Program

I. Responsibilities of the Regional Conference Chairperson:

A. Prepare and decide with Committee on the contents of the Souvenir Program.

B. Request messages and photographs for the Souvenir Program from:

1. Honorary President (through International Headquarters)

2. International President

3. Principal Guest Master

4. Supporting VIPs

II. Responsibilities of the Program Chairperson:

A. Make a complete plan for the Regional Conference program.

B. Appoint Committee Directors for Demonstration(s), Exhibition, Workshop(s) and

Tour(s). These Directors should always be in close contact with each other and with the

Program Chairperson.

C. After planning the program, get approval from the Regional Conference Chairperson

and the various Committee Chairpersons.

D. Complete all materials for printing.

E. Supervise all functions regarding the program.

F. Determine whether an interpreter/translator is needed, and make necessary


Note: If the Host Chapter is comparatively small, the Regional Conference Chairperson can also be

the Program Chairperson.


Responsibilities of the Demonstration Director:

1. All demonstrators shall be registered Ikebana International Members during

the Regional Conference except Principal Guest Master from Japan.

2. Once Member demonstrators are selected, the Committee shall inform the Chapters

Presidents and ask for their understanding and cooperation.

3. Stay in close contact with the staff member of the Hotel/Conference Hall

who is in charge of the demonstration site.

4. Get suitable lighting, microphones, stage, tables, tablecloths, curtains, etc., for the

demonstration. Sound and lighting effects are very important for demonstrations.

5. Provide a suitable room for storage, located close to the stage, with easy access to water.

Maintain materials in good condition until the demonstration is over.

6. Get enough Members to assist the Principal Guest Master.



Responsibilities of the Exhibition Director:

1 All exhibitors shall be registered Ikebana International Members during the Regional

Conference except Principal Guest Master from Japan.

2 Encourage members of as many schools as possible to participate, because the Regional

Conference is an opportunity to show the local community the extent of the art of ikebana

throughout the Region.

3 Decide whether to limit the number of exhibitors.

4 Send request letters at least 3 months in advance to all registrants, inviting them to

exhibit, giving details, such as size of area.

5 Help registrants obtain containers, kenzan (pin holders or frogs), and information on

availability of flowers and materials needed for the exhibition. This information may be

sent to the registrants in advance.

6 Have a florist on the premises who can take orders prior to the Regional Conference for

flowers and provide sufficient quantities of the more common varieties so that all

exhibitors may choose and refresh their flowers when necessary.

7 Prepare water buckets, waste containers, wires, and extra tools.

8 Have some Committee members assigned to look after the exhibition hall at all times in

case of accidents.

9 Consider the set-up and take-out time in relation to other scheduled activities.

10 Provide nameplates for the exhibitors.

Note: According to the International Bylaws:

“Article IV: 1. Any Members of Ikebana International, who exhibit ikebana in the name of this

Association, publicly or in any publication, shall identify their arrangements by the name of

their ikebana school. Exceptions may be granted by the Chapter Board of Directors.”

International Headquarters recommends that arrangements be identified by the name of the

ikebana school so that viewers can learn about different schools. Each arrangement should be

identified by the name of one school only, even if the arranger is studying with more than one

school. Remember that each arrangement represents a school, and should therefore meet high



Responsibilities of the Workshop Director:

1. Provide clear information about the workshops in the application form for the Regional


2. Decide with the Principal Guest Master the number of participants, and the type of

containers and materials for each workshop.

3. Provide sufficient assistants to help.

4. Manage the workshops with appropriate protocol to the Principal Guest Master.

5. Decide a fee for the workshop(s).


Responsibilities of the Tour Director:


1. Organize the tour(s) and participate in the tour(s) together with the Tour Committee


2. Cooperate closely with the Hospitality Committee.

Section 8 Principal Guest Master (Main Demonstrator)

The Regional Conference Chairperson is in charge of the Principal Guest Master and the

Master's assistants. Regional Conferences generally have one Principal Guest Master from

Japan. It is very important that initial contact with the Principal Guest Master be made by

International Headquarters. International Headquarters will assist the Host Chapter in

communication with the Principal Guest Master.

Note: A. The name of the Principal Guest Master and the Master's ikebana school should not be

announced before receiving approval from the Master’s ikebana school.

B. The same Principal Guest Master should not be the demonstrator at two consecutive

Regional Conferences within a region.

I. Responsibilities of the Regional Conference Chairperson

A. Send a formal invitation to the Principal Guest Master, co-signed by the Chapter

President, through International Headquarters, stating in detail the expectations of the

Regional Conference, the schedule, and the amount of the honorarium that will be

offered as soon as the Principal Guest Master has been approved by International

Headquarters. (Refer to Invitation Letter in Appendix A)

B. Supervise all the Principal Guest Master’s requirements.

C. Through International Headquarters, negotiate financial arrangements with the

Principal Guest Master.

D. Send the agreement to the Principal Guest Master through International Headquarters.

(Refer to Agreement Format in Appendix B)

E. Together with the Program Chairperson, prepare a detailed schedule for the Principal

Guest Master and the Master's assistants, including greetings on arrival, welcome

event, preparation for the exhibition, demonstration, and workshop(s), the Farewell

dinner, sightseeing, and departure, etc.

F. Designate a member to accompany the Principal Guest Headmaster during the

Regional Conference.

G. Together with the Exhibition, Workshop and Demonstration Directors, prepare

necessary information and send it to the Principal Guest Master.

H. Make sure that the Principal Guest Master receives a complementary souvenir bag with

the standard contents.

II. What to offer to the Principal Guest Master

A. An honorarium (at a minimum, the equivalent of ¥100,000, at a maximum of


B. A workshop honorarium (maximum ¥3,000 per workshop participant, excluding



C. Meals and lodging for the Principal Guest Master and at least one assistant

D. In-town transportation, including trucks or station wagons for materials and


E. All flower materials needed for the Exhibition, Demonstration and Workshop(s)

F. Translation or interpretation services if necessary

Note: A. If funds are available, include additional assistants for the Principal Guest Master.

B. The Regional Conference Committee does not normally pay the airfare for the Principal

Guest Master or the Master's assistants.

III. Agreement

After the Principal Guest Master accepts the Host Chapter's offer, a written agreement should

be signed by the Principal Guest Master and the Regional Conference Chairperson. (Refer to

Agreement Format in Agreement Format in Appendix B)

Note: A. Expenses over and above the items specifically detailed in the agreement should not be

charged to the Host Chapter except by prior agreement.

B. Copies of all communications with the Principal Guest Master, including the agreement

form, should be sent to International Headquarters.

IV. Functions that the Principal Guest Master attends:

A. Exhibition

B. Demonstration

C. Workshop(s)

D. Welcome Dinner

E. Sayonara Dinner

F. Optional Functions

Note: Describe additional Regional Conference functions that you would like the Principal Guest

Master to attend. The Principal Guest Master is expected to attend the Welcome Dinner and

Sayonara Dinner. Other social functions should be optional. Too many required social

functions leave the Principal Guest Master little time for preparation and other activities.

V. Information to be sent to the Principal Guest Master

A. A list of all materials and containers available for the Master's use, specifying which are

readily available. This can include materials from gardens, wild plants, vines, and

branches, as well as materials ordered from florist shops.

B. Color photos of the materials and containers, including information on approximate


C. Floor plan of the demonstration room, with height, width, and length, and the access

door marked. If there is a stage, include its dimensions and also the dimensions of all

tables that could be used.

D. The location of the preparation room with access to water, and how materials can be

brought into the building.

E. Floor plan of room(s) where the workshop(s) will be held.


F. If the committee wishes to ask the Principal Guest Master to make an arrangement for

the exhibition, floor plan of the space, including dimensions of the room, and

dimensions of the Principal Guest Master’s exhibit space including height from the

floor, if a raised area, and background color.

G. Extra space at the exhibition for arrangement(s) by the Principal Guest Master’s

assistant(s), in case that is requested.

H. The number of Regional Conference Committee members who will assist the Principal

Guest Master.

Section 9 Registration

I. Responsibilities of the Registration Chairperson:

A. All participants shall be I.I. registered Members during the Regional Conference. The

accompanying persons shall be family member.

B. Decide whether accompanying persons will be allowed to attend all functions or only

the social functions. Full registration fee should be required for those attending all


C. In order to promote Ikebana International toward general public, Regional Conference

could open to the public, however their registration fee should include at least 1 year’s

International and chapter membership dues.

D. Complete preparation of the registration brochure. There are two types of registration:

early and late registration should have a higher fee.

E. Suggest making Regional Conference webpage to provide online registration

information and form.

F. Send registration brochures, including the registration form, to the Chapters in the

Region and to International Headquarters. Registration brochures are usually mailed a

year or more before the Regional Conference, with registration closing 3 to 4 months

before the Regional Conference.

G. Stay in close contact with the Regional Conference Treasurer.

H. Prepare information about the special program for accompanying persons.

I. Make a list of registrants.

J. Confirm the list of VIPs with the Protocol Chairperson.

K. Decide on the Regional Conference bag, and order the bags.

L. Choose gifts (for example, stationery) and nametags, and order them.

M. Prepare nametags.

N. Decide whether a souvenir/gift will be presented to each registrant in the souvenir bag.

Try to limit presents and souvenirs to a minimum in view of the weight and capacity

allowed air travelers.

O. Complete the final lists of participants for the workshop(s), exhibition, tour(s), etc., and

give the lists to each Director in charge.

P. Pack the souvenir bags.

II. Registration Form

In the registration form, the following items should be requested:


A. Full name and membership number.

B. Postal address

C. Telephone and fax numbers and email address

D. Chapter name and number

E. Participation in the ikebana exhibition, workshop(s), tour(s), Welcome event, Farewell

Dinner, etc.

F. Dietary preferences and other special needs

III. Registration Brochure

The following information should be included in the registration brochure:

A. Information about demonstrations(s) and the Principal Guest Master, workshop(s), the

ikebana exhibition, tour(s), and social functions.

B. Registration fee and closing dates for early and late registration.

C. Instructions for making payment, both domestic and overseas.

D. Closing date for agenda items for the Business Meeting and for appointing Delegates

and Alternates.

E. Typical climate at the time of year of the Regional Conference.

F. Full address and location of the Regional Conference venue.

G. Name, address, telephone and fax number, and email address of the person to whom

the registration form is to be returned by the registrant.

H. Full details of pre- and post-Conference tours, including amount of any required

advance deposits.

I. Accommodation: costs and advance deposits required.

J. Hotel information and airline information.

IV. Items to be printed include:

Registration forms, name tags, advertising brochures, official invitations, minutes of the

Business Meeting of the previous Regional Conference in this Region, preliminary

announcements, standing rules for the Business Meeting, exhibitor name cards,

post-Conference report, function tickets, program, stationery, list of registrants, receipts,

and menu cards.

V. Registration desks:

A. Main Registration desk

The Main Registration desk is the busiest place at the beginning of the Regional

Conference. Participants will be arriving from many countries.

B. Information desk

The information desk and hospitality area should be open daily with well-briefed


C. Other desks

1. A Registration desk for Delegates and Alternates for the Business Meeting

(The Chairperson in charge of Delegates and Alternates from the Business

Committee is responsible for this desk.)

2. An Exhibition desk

3. A Workshop desk


4. Any Discussion Meeting desk

5. A Tour information desk

6. A general information desk

VI. For absentees:

After the conference is over, identify absentees, and send them the souvenir bag with its


Section 10 Business

The Business Meeting is a very important part of a Regional Conference. It is the only time

when matters pertaining to the Region can be discussed by Members face to face. It is also a

time I.I. issues can be discussed by the Region's Chapters together. To comply with the

Ikebana International Bylaws, a copy of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised is essential.

I. Responsibilities of the Business Chairperson:

A. Make a complete plan for the Business Meeting.

B. Appoint a Recording Secretary, Directors of Delegates and Alternates, an Agenda

Committee, a Regional Liaison Committee, and a Discussion Committee.

C. The Host Chapter President shall chair the Business Meeting with Regional Conference

Committee Chairperson and the Chapter Board Directors shall participate in the


Note: A. The Director of Delegates and Alternates should have a good knowledge of I.I. and

business meeting procedures, and should work in conjunction with the Parliamentarian.

B. The Chairperson of the Business Meeting should have attended at least one Regional

Conference Business Meeting in the past.

II. Responsibility of the Recording Secretary:

The Recording Secretary should be available for all meetings during the Regional

Conference, and should record all matters approved at the Business Meeting.

III. Responsibility of the Parliamentarian:

The Regional Conference Parliamentarian should attend all Business Meetings.

Note: It is not obligatory to invite the International Parliamentarian to attend a Regional

Conference; however, it is important to appoint a parliamentarian who is familiar with

Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised and the Ikebana International Articles of Association

and International Bylaws.

IV. Delegates and Alternates

A. All Delegates and Alternates must sign in at the desk for Delegates and Alternates on

the day of registration, presenting the authorization letters from their Chapters. They


should be given all the information that they will need for the Business Meeting. This

sign-in process certifies the Delegates’ and Alternates' roles in the Business Meeting.

B. A well-briefed Member of the Business Committee should be present at the Delegates

and Alternates desk throughout the registration period.

C. The voting Delegates and the Alternates to the Regional Conference shall be Members

from that particular Region. Chapters and Prospective Chapters shall be entitled to

designate one voting delegate for each unit of 100 Members or fraction thereof.

Alternates, designated as such by the Chapters, may be seated in the absence of an

official Delegate.

D. Only voting Delegates may speak at the Business Meeting. Alternates are to be on hand

if needed, but do not have a vote or a voice.

V. Agenda Committee

A. The Agenda Committee meeting should meet prior to the Business Meeting. All

resolutions that have been submitted should be discussed, and possibly revised, before

being offered to the Business Meeting.

B. The Agenda Committee should be representative of the Chapters in the Region,

preferably including Members who have served in some official capacity in their

Chapter. It is preferable that the Agenda Committee Director be a member of a Chapter

other than the Host Chapter.

C. The Agenda Director should mail the resolutions and recommendations to the Chapter

Presidents in the Region for consideration by the Chapters. The material should be

mailed at least 45 days before the Regional Conference, if possible.

D. The agenda, recommendations, and resolutions should be distributed to the Delegates

and Alternates prior to the Business Meeting, along with the standing rules.

E. The International Board must receive the resolutions that will be presented at the

Regional Conference Business Meeting at least 45 days prior to the Regional

Conference. (See Article XVI Section 4 C, International Bylaws)

VI. Regional Liaison Committee

If a Regional Liaison Committee has been formed, the Liaison Officers of each Chapter in

the Region may meet at the Regional Conference to discuss inter-Chapter issues. They may

nominate candidates for the next Liaison Director and a newsletter editor, for approval at

the Business Meeting.

VII. Discussion Committee

Discussion Meetings have become one of the most interesting programs of the Regional

Conference. Usually, breakfast is served during the Discussion Meeting.

The Business Chairperson appoints the Discussion Committee Director.

The Discussion Committee decides the topics for the Discussion Meeting, and appoints

table leaders according to the number of registrants and the languages that they are likely

to want to use.

Section 11 Protocol


It is always an asset to a Regional Conference to have the support of the local government and

the Japanese Embassy or Consulate in the area. The Protocol Committee shall be responsible

for the VIPs, beginning with the Welcome Reception and/or Dinner, at which time all honored

guests present should be introduced by the Master of Ceremonies.

The protocol for the order of introducing Ikebana International officers and special guests is

as follows:

A. Host country government officials

B. Any Ambassadors or Consuls General

C. Principal Guest Master(s)

D. International President

E. Other VIPs

F. Past International Presidents

G. President of the Host Chapter

H. Chairperson of the Regional Conference

I. Parliamentarian

Note: A. Other Chairpersons and Directors should be introduced at either the Business Meeting or

another function.

B. The Protocol Committee should make sure that each person who has a message in the

souvenir program receives a complimentary copy of the program.

Section 12 Hospitality

Responsibilities of the Hospitality Committee:

A. Planning banquets and other social functions

B. Selecting menus and the layout of the banquet hall

C. Ordering any special meals requested by registrants

D. Arranging entertainment

E. Arranging transportation for the registrants between the hotel and the venue for the

demonstration, if necessary

F. Obtaining information about the registrants, for example, dietary preferences and

other special needs before the start of the Regional Conference

G. Obtaining information about tours and local events

H. Contacting the medical section of the Conference site, and preparing a plan for such

emergencies (In case of a registrant's sickness or accident, quick action is important)

I. Having a member of the Hospitality Committee be the Director of each social function

Note: A. The Hospitality Committee is responsible for the registrants at the Regional Conference;

the Protocol Committee is responsible for the VIPs.

B. A Friendship Room should be prepared for registrants, where daily bulletins can be

posted and messages can be left.


Section 13 Publicity

I. Responsibilities of the Publicity Committee:

A. Obtain photographs and necessary background and biographical information on the

Principal Guest Master to be used in press releases and brochures. The President of the

Host Chapter should request that information on behalf of the Publicity Committee.

B. Design and prepare a brochure for preliminary announcement of the Regional


C. Contact local businesses and organizations to request sponsorship in exchange for


D. Arrange local and regional press coverage at least one month in advance of the Regional


II. Photographer

It is highly recommended that a professional photographer to record the Regional


Section 14 Historian

Responsibilities of the Historian:

A. Filing documents and photographs

B. Filing Regional Conference materials, including the reports from the Chairpersons and


C. Keeping all Regional Conference files in the Host Chapter

Section 15 Subsidy

I. Subsidy from Ikebana International Headquarters

Ikebana International Headquarters may grant a subsidy to the Host Chapter of the

Regional Conference and the Principal Guest Master. The amount of the subsidy may

change, depending on International Headquarters' financial situation.

II. Procedure for receiving the subsidy:

A. After getting the approval of the International Headquarters to hold a Regional

Conference, the Host Chapter President and the Regional Conference Chairperson

shall write a formal letter requesting the subsidy, and send it to International

Headquarters together with the application form. (Refer Regional Conference Subsidy

Application Form in Appendix C)

B. After the International Board of Directors has approved the request, the subsidy will be

sent to the Host Chapter.

C. In case of cancellation of the Regional Conference, the subsidy should be reimbursed to

International Headquarters.


Section 16 Report on the Regional Conference

A Report on the Regional Conference should be sent within three months after the Regional

Conference to International Headquarters, Chapter Presidents in the Region, and the

Chairperson of the next Regional Conference. The Report need not be lengthy, but should

cover the highlights and important events of the Regional Conference. The following must be

sent with the report:

A. Business Meeting Minutes with resolutions passed

B. Regional Conference Program

C. Regional Conference booklets, fliers, and brochures

D. Regional Conference photos and video

E. Financial report

Section 17 Chronology of Regional Conferences

Under the motto, “Friendship through Flowers”, the first Regional Conference of Ikebana

International was held in 1961 in Melbourne, Australia, chaired by Melbourne Chapter #29.

In 1962, the 1st North American Regional Conference was held in Washington, D.C. Since

then, Regional Conferences have been held in various parts of the world.

Host Chapters send invitations not only to the Chapters in the same Region, but also to all

the other Chapters in the world.

Regional Conferences have been held as follows:


1st Manila, Philippines 1980

2nd Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 1982

3rd Singapore 1984

4th Bangkok, Thailand 1986


1st Jakarta, Indonesia 1988

2nd Taipei, Taiwan 1990

3rd Hong Kong, B.C.C. 1992

4th Bangkok, Thailand 1994

5th New Delhi, India 1996

6th Manila, Philippines 1998

7th Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 2000

8th Singapore 2002

9th Taipei, Taiwan 2004

10th Hyderabad, India 2007


11th Manila, Philippines 2010

12th New Delhi, India 2012


1st Melbourne, Australia 1961

2nd Sydney, Australia 1962

3rd Adelaide, Australia 1963

4th Melbourne, Australia 1964

5th Sydney, Australia 1966

6th Brisbane, Australia 1967

7th Auckland, New Zealand 1969

8th Adelaide, Australia 1971

9th Melbourne, Australia 1972

10th Sydney, Australia 1974

11th Brisbane, Australia 1975

12th Queenstown, New Zealand 1979

13th Adelaide, Australia 1980

14th Wellington, New Zealand 1983

15th Surfers Paradise, Australia 1985

16th Sydney, Australia 1988

17th Christchurch, New Zealand 1990

18th Melbourne, Australia 1993

19th Auckland, New Zealand 1997

20th Sydney, Australia 2000

21st Gold Coast, Australia 2003


1st London, U.K. 1983

2nd Luxembourg, Luxembourg 1987

3rd Geneva, Switzerland 1989

4th Lunteren, Netherlands 1992

5th Nîmes, France 1995

6th Basel, Switzerland 2004

7th Paris, France 2008

8th Berlin, Germany 2014


1st Amman, Jordan 2005


1st Washington, D.C., U.S.A. 1962


2nd Sacramento, California, U.S.A. 1963

3rd New York, New York, U.S.A. 1964

4th Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A. 1966

5th Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A. 1968

6th San Francisco, California, U.S.A. 1972

7th Washington, D.C., U.S.A. 1976

8th Dayton, Ohio, U.S.A. 1979

9th Denver, Colorado, U.S.A. 1982

10th New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A. 1985

11th San Diego, California, U.S.A. 1988

12th Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. 1992

13th Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.A. 1995

14th Ottawa, Ontario, Canada 1998

15th Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A. 2003

16th Monterey, California, U.S.A. 2008

17th Asheville, North Carolina, U.S.A. 2014


1st Santiago, Chile 1975

2nd Asuncion, Paraguay 1984

3rd Buenos Aires, Argentina 1987

4th Santiago, Chile 1990

5th Quito, Ecuador 2006

Guidelines for Organizing a Regional Conference were first approved by the Ikebana

International Board of Directors on September 22, 1981, and revised in 1982, 1988, 1998,

and 2012.

Starting with the 1998 revision, Symposia are no longer authorized.


Regional Conference Principal Guest Master

Invitation Letter


Dear Mr./Mrs.

Iemoto of School of Ikebana,

Thank you for your continuing support of Ikebana International.

It is our great pleasure to inform you that Ikebana International’s th Asian/European

Regional Conference will be held on Month, Date, 20 in (City, Country).

We would be grateful and honored if you could consider being the Principal Guest Master of

this great event.

You will find some brief information concerning this Regional Conference as follows:



Place: Hotel XXX

Regional Conference Website:


1. Demonstration:

a. Date:

b. Place:

2. Workshops:

a. Date

b. Place:

3. Exhibition:

a. Date:

b. Place:

4. Accommodation:

a. Address

b. Phone /Fax number:

c. Website

5. Welcome Parties:

a. Date:

b. Place:

6. Sayonara Party

a. Date:

b. Place:

You will find this Regional Conference Chairperson’s contact details as follow:

1. Name:

2. E-mail:

3. Phone / Fax:


We would appreciate your kind consideration and would be honored by your acceptance as

the Principal Guest Master of this Regional Conference.

You will find detailed information as attached. If you have any inquiry or request, please let

us know as soon as possible, we will be most happy to do our best to make your stay as

enjoyable and convenient as possible.

We are looking forward to hearing from you and sincerely hope to see you at this Regional





Ikebana International Chapter #

Address of the Chapter


Regional Conference Principal Guest Master Invitation Agreement


This agreement is made between

Mr. , Iemoto of School and

Mrs. , the th Regional Conference Chairperson.

This agreement includes the condition to invite Mr. , Iemoto of

school to the th Regional Conference.

The information concerning Ikebana International th (Asian / European / North American /

South American / Australia And New Zealand / Middle Eastern) Regional Conference is as


I. Date:

II. Place: Hotel



Phone / Fax:

(Please write each location information if different locations are scheduled)

III. Program & Schedule:

A. Demonstration:

1. Date and Time (setup, display, take off):

2. Place:

3. Size of the stage

4. Equipment (Sound/ Lighting/ Table/ Tablecloth/ Microphones/ Projector/ Screen,


5. Flower Materials/Containers:

6. Material and Venue preview time:

B. Workshops:

1. Date and Time:

2. Duration per workshop

3. Place:

4. Flower Materials / Containers

5. Numbers of participants

6. Material and Venue preview time:

C. Exhibition:

1 Date and Time (setup, display, take off):

2 Place:

3 Size of the exhibition and the floor plan

4 Available setting for the exhibition (Table/Tablecloth/Lighting, etc.)

5 Flower Materials/Containers

6 Material and Venue preview time:


D. Accommodation:

1 Address

2 Website

3 Phone /Fax number:

E. Welcome Parties:

1 Date and Time:

2 Place:

F. Farewell Party

1 Date and Time:

2 Place:

IV. Conditions

For the great support and hard work of the Principal Guest Master, we, the th Regional

Conference Host would like to show our appreciation as follows:

1. Honorarium: JPY

2. Accommodation (lodging and meals) for Principal Guest Master and Assistant (s).

*Note: Since the Regional Conference will be taking place at Hotel XXX where most

participants will stay, therefore we made reservation at the same place for both the

Principal Guest Master and Assistants, as well as for Ikebana International President.

3. Local Transportation (Airport-Regional Conference site pickup & drop-off).

4. Flower materials for Demonstration and Workshops.

5. Local flower materials transportation fee.

6. Transportation cost for certain special materials that must be brought from Japan can

be discussed.

7. Any other charges such as customs duty, etc., related to the cargoes from Japan should

be paid by sender.

8. Translation service.

9. Workshop fee (JPY 3,000/workshop/participant, excluding materials)

* Note: In case of cancellation, the same total amount should be reimbursed.

V. Others:

The Host Chapter can also make courtesy arrangements according to the Principal Guest

Master needs as follow:

1. Containers rental.

2. Sightseeing arrangement.

Please sign this agreement if you agree and accept the conditions mentioned above.



Iemoto of School of Ikebana





Chairperson, th Regional Conference

Ikebana International Chapter #


Regional Conference Subsidy Application Form

Chapter, # Date:

We hereby apply for a subsidy from I.I. Headquarters to help supplement the operational costs of the Regional Conference. The Regional Conference Financial Report will be submitted to I.I. Headquarters within three months after the Regional Conference. In case of cancellation of Regional Conference, subsidy should be reimbursed.

Name of the Regional Conference:

Venue: Date:

Host Chapter President

Name Signature


Phone Fax


Regional Conference Chairperson

Name Signature


Phone Fax


Bank Information

Bank Name

Branch Name

Branch Address

Bank Code No.

Account No.

Payee's Name

Payee’s Address

Followings will be completed at Ikebana International Headquarters





International President International First Vice President International Treasurer


Regional Conference Authorization Letter for Delegates and Alternates

Business Meetings Month Date, 20xx

Dear Mrs. /Mr. ,

Thank you for your registration for the upcoming th Regional Conference.

This is a confirmation of your designation as a Delegate/Alternate to represent your chapter

at the Business Meetings.

Once you are at the Regional Conference site, please make your registration at the following


1. Regional Conference Registration desk

2. Delegates and Alternates Registration desk for the Business Meeting. Please present

this Authorization Letter from your Chapter and pick up all documents for the

Business Meetings.

You are requested to attend the following meetings:

1. The 1st Business Meeting

a. Date and time

b. Place

2. The 2nd Business Meeting

a. Date and time

b. Place


1. Delegate(s) and Alternate(s) must be I.I. Regular Member in good standing.

2. Delegate(s) and Alternate(s) must be I.I. Regular Member registered at the Regional


3. Please use the term of Delegate(s) and Alternate(s) in all correspondence.

4. Only Delegates can speak and vote during the Business Meetings.

5. If Delegate is unable to attend the Business Meeting, a registered Alternate can be

transferred from Alternate to Delegate by written consent of the Delegate, with approval

of the Delegates and Alternates Director.

6. Please respect agenda and standing rules of the Business Meeting.

7. Please attend the meeting on time. Once the doors are closed, latecomers will not be

admitted except at the discretion of the chairperson of the Business Meeting.

We look forward to seeing you at the Regional Conference!




Chapter President

Ikebana International Chapter #

Address of the Chapter


Delegates and Alternates Form

Please print clearly in block letters in English.

Chapter Name #

1 Delegate(s)

Name Membership


Name Membership


Name Membership


Name Membership


Name Membership


2. Alternate(s)

Name Membership


Name Membership


Name of Chapter President

Signature of President


Deadline of Confirmation

Return to

Name of Director



Amendment Committee 2012

Junko Katano (Chairperson)

Itsuko Nakayama

Midori Purdy

Wienczyslawa Sato

Nobuko Usui

Makiko Yamaki

Li (Lily) Zhang


Stephanie Tomiyasu

Anna Nakada


Misaki Building, 5F

3-28-9 Kanda Ogawamachi

Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0052, JAPAN



Telephone: +81-3-3293-8188

Fax: +81-3-3294-2272

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