refugee culture night 2014 · 2015. 5. 7. · refugee culture night 2014 on november 15, institute...

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Refugee Culture Night 2014

On November 15, Institute of Public Life (IPL)

and Omaha Together One Community (OTOC)

collaborated with 10 refugee groups to organize

the 3rd

Annual Refugee Culture Night—a

celebration of food, dance, music and song

from Omaha’s refugee Communities. Despite a

heavy snow fall prior to and during the

performance, over 300 people attended the

lively and entertaining evening. The event

raised $3000 in donations that were distributed

to the refugee dance groups so they can

continue their cultural performances.

Bhutanese girls danced to a Nepali song

about the dreams of teen age girls

Myanmar Ethnic Association started the

evening with performers from each of the eight

major ethnic groups from Myanamar (Burma).

Refugee Culture Night 2014

The Burundian Choir sang and danced two

rousing praise songs in English and Kirundi

Men of Darfur performed their traditional

dance which involves leaping high in the


The Karen Community danced in their

traditional dress and unified movements.

…and amazing the audience with their


Refugee Culture Night 2014

Karenni Youth danced with agricultural


Acholi girls danced to a song which

celebrates the birth of a first born child…

Kachin Youth wear their colorful traditional

clothes and dance a joyful and interactive


and told the story of their traditional labors.

…and wowed us with the energy of their


Refugee Culture Night 2014

Bhutanese Youth from the Thrive Club at

Central HS danced…

Rakhaing Dancers closed the formal

program with a stately dance.

The Organizing Committee took a bow for

their work together.

to the sizzling hot rhythms of modern Nepali


Twenty refugee leaders worked together

across language and ethnicity for several

months to organize this event.

Refugee Culture Night 2014

Many people made new friends and learned

about each other’s cultures.

Thanks our supporters who made the

evening possible:

Our Underwriters $200 or more

Heartland Family Services

Nebraska Family Collaborative

Anonymous Corporate Citizen

Our Sponsors$100 to $199

UNO Service Learning Center

UNO History Department,

Sam Frances Fried Fund for Holocaust

Genocide Studies

Friends $50 to $99

Asian Family Market

Linda Duckworth

Precision Auto Works

New Strength Foundation

And many participated in a closing

community dance at the end of the


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