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References and textbooks

Advances in Electroanalytical Chemistry, A. J. Bard (Ed.) (Marcel Dekker, New York) Vol. 1- (1966)

Albery, W. J., Electrode Processes, Clarendon Press, Oxford (1975) Albery, W. J. and Hitchman, M. L., Ring Disk Electrodes, Oxford University

Press, Oxford (1971) D. Ammann, Ion Selective Microelectrodes, Springer-Verlag, Berlin (1986) M. S. Antelman and F. J. Harris, The Encyclopedia of Electrode Potentials,

Plenum Press, New York (1982) M. M. Baizer and H. Lund (Eds), Organic Electrochemistry, Marcel Dekker,

New York (1991) A. J. Bard, Encyclopedia of Electrochemistry of the Elements, Vols 1-15, Marcel

Dekker, New York (1973-1985) A. J. Bard and L. R. Faulkner, Electrochemical Methods, Fundamentals and

Applications, Wiley, New York (1980) J. O'M. Bockris (Ed.), Modern Aspects of Electrochemistry, Vol. 1- , Plenum

Press, New York (1980- ) J. O'M. Bockris, B. E. Conway and E. Yeager (Eds), Comprehensive Treatise

of Electrochemistry, Plenum Press, New York: Vol. 1, The Double Layer (1980) Vol. 2, Electrochemical Processing, with R. E. White (1981) Vol. 3, Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage, with R. E. White (1981) Vol. 4, Electrochemical Materials Science, with R. E. White (1981) Vol. 5, Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of Aqueous and Molten

Electrolytes (1982) Vol. 6, Electrodics: Transport, with S. Sarangapani (1982) Vol. 7, Kinetics and Mechanisms of Electrode Processes, with R. E. White and

S. V. M. Khan (1983) Vol. 8, Experimental Methods in Electrochemistry, with R. E. White (1984) Vol. 9, Electrodics, with S. Sarangapani (1984) Vol. 10, Bioelectrochemistry, with S. Srinivasan and Y. A. Chizmadzhev (1984)

J. O'M. Bockris and A. K. N. Reddy, Modern Electrochemistry, Vols 1 and 2, Plenum Press, New York (1973)

D. Britz, Digital Simulation in Electrochemistry, Springer-Verlag, Berlin (1988) A. K. Covington and T. Dickinson (Eds), Physical Chemistry of Organic Solvent

Systems, Plenum Press, London (1973)


340 References and textbooks

T. R. Crompton, Small Batteries, Macmillan, London (1982) D. R. Crow, Principles and Applications of Electrochemistry, 3rd edn, Chapman

and Hall, London (1988) P. Delahay and C. W. Tobias (Eds), Advances in Electrochemistry and Electro­

chemical Engineering, Wiley, New York (1960- ) Electrochemistry (Special Publications Royal Society of Chemistry, London), Vol.

1- (1971) A. Evans, Potentiometry and Ion Selective Electrodes, Wiley, New York (1987) U. R. Evans, The Corrosion and Oxidation of Metals, Edward Arnold, London

(1960) T. Z. Fahidy, Principles of Electrochemical Reactor Analysis, Elsevier, Amsterdam

(1985) A. J. Fry, Synthetic Organic Electrochemistry, Wiley, New York (1989) A. J. Fry and W. E. Britton (Eds), Topics in Organic Electrochemistry, Plenum

Press, New York (1986) R. J. Gale (Ed.), Spectroelectrochemistry: Theory and Practice, Plenum Press, New

York (1988) H. Gerischer and C. W. Tobias (Eds), Advances in Electrochemical Science and

Engineering, Vol. 1, VCH Publishers, Berlin (1990) J. Goodisman, Electrochemistry: Theoretical Foundations, Quantum and Statistical

Mechanics, Thermodynamics and the Solid State, Wiley, New York (1987) K. S. Goto, Solid State Electrochemistry and Its Application to Sensors and Electro­

nic Devices, Elsevier, Amsterdam (1987) F. Gutmann and H. Keyzer, Modern Bioelectrochemistry, Plenum Press, New

York (1985) N. A. Hampson (Ed.), Electrochemical Engineering 1989, Hemisphere Publishing,

New York (1989) D. B. Hibbert and A. M. James, Dictionary of Electrochemistry, 2nd edn, Macmil­

lan, London (1984) D. Inman and D. G. Lovering (Eds), Ionic Liquids, Plenum Press, New York

(1981) Ion Selective Electrode Reviews (Pergamon Press, Oxford), Vol. 1- (1979) D. J. G. Ives and G. J. Janz (Eds), Reference Electrodes: Theory and Practice,

Academic Press, London (1961) Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, 3rd edn, Wiley-Interscience,

New York (1981) J. Koryta (Ed.), Medical and Biological Applications of Electrochemical Devices,

Wiley-Interscience, London (1980) J. Koryta, Ions, Electrodes and Membranes, 2nd edn, Wiley, New York (1992) J. Koryta and J. Dvorak, Principles of Electrochemistry, Wiley, New York (1987) A. Laskar and S. Chandra (Eds), Superionic Solids and Solid Electrolytes: Recent

Trends, Academic Press, New York (1989) D. G. Lovering and R. J. Gale, Molten Salt Techniques, Vol. 1, Plenum Press, New

York (1983) H. Lund and M. M. Baizer (Eds), Organic Electrochemistry: An Introduction and

Guide, 3rd edn, Marcel Dekker, New York (1990) J. R. MacCallum and C. A. Vincent (Eds), Polymer Electrolyte Reviews, Elsevier

Applied Science, London (Vol. 11987, Vol. 2 1990) L. Meites (Ed.), CRC Handbook Series in Inorganic Electrochemistry, CRC Press,

Vol. 1- (1980- ) G. Milazzo and M. Blank (Eds), Biochemistry, 1. Biological Redox Reactions,

Plenum Press, New York (1983) J. Newman, Electrochemical Systems, 2nd edn, Prentice-Hall, New Jersey (1991)

References and textbooks 341

D. Pletcher, A First Course in Electrode Processes, The Electrochemical Consul­tancy, Romsey (1991)

D. Pletcher and F. C. Walsh, Industrial Electrochemistry, Chapman and Hall, London (1990)

P. H. Rieger, Electrochemistry, Prentice-Hall, Hemel Hempstead (1988) R. A. Robinson and R. H. Stokes, Electrolyte Solutions, Butterworths, London

(1970) T. Shono, Electroorganic Synthesis, Academic Press, New York (1990) Southampton Electrochemical Group, Instrumental Methods in Electrochemistry,

Ellis Horwood, Chichester (1990) E. Steck han (Ed.), Electrochemistry, Vols I-IV, Springer-Verlag, Berlin (1987-

1989) H. Wendt (Ed.), Electrochemical Hydrogen Technologies, Elsevier, Amsterdam

(1990) G. Wrangler, Introduction to Corrosion and Protection of Metals, Chapman and

Hall, London (1985)

ElectrochemIcal journals

Journal of the Electrochemical Society Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry and Interfacial

Electrochemistry Electrochimica Acta Zeitschrift fur Elektrochemie Elektrokhymia Journal of Applied Electrochemistry Denki Kagaku (Japan) Journal of Electrochemical Society, India Transactions of the Society for Advancement of

Electrochemical Science and Technology (India) Plating (journal of the American Electroplaters'

Society) which became Plating and Surface Finishing

Electrophoresis Journal of Power Sources Journal of the Polarographic Society Review of Polarography (journal of the Polarographic

Society, Japan)

Vol. 1- 1854

Vol. 1- 1960 Vol. 1- 1956 Vol. 1- 1954 Vol. 1- 1965 Vol. 1- 1971 Vol. 1- 1933 Vol. 1- 1951

Vol. 1- 1966

Vol. 1- 1914 Vol. 1- 1975 Vol. 1- 1980 Vol. 1- 1976 Vol. 1- 1960

Vol. 1- 1960


Note: Entries with numbers followed by a 'P' refer to Problems, and those followed by a 'T' refer to Tables.

AC impedance methods 163-164 accumulator 294 acetone, reduction 272P-273P acid dissociation constant 34P-

36P, 117P, 205 action potential 76 activities of ions 19-32, 86P-88P activity coefficients 19-32, 86P

defmed 19 ignored 84P measurement of 81 see also Debye-Hiickel equation

adiponitrile synthesis 290 aluminium extraction 286 amalgam 223,238,284 ammonia probe 202 amperometric detection for liquid

chromatography 243 anion 8, 275 anode 8, 9, 62, 302 anode sludge 287 anodic protection 335 anodising 289, 336 anolyte 280 Apollo space craft 309-311 Argand diagram 164 azobenzene, reduction of 183-185

Bacon, F. 309, 311 Baghdad, batteries in 77

Banks, Joseph 275 batch reactors 280 batteries 294-308

capacity 298 design 302 economics 300-302 energetics 295-300 nickel-cadmium 305-306 primary 294, 302-304 redox 295, 308 secondary 294, 300, 304-308 sodium-sulphur 307-308

benzyl iodide, reduction 272P-273P

Bohr radius 23 Boltzmann distribution 23, 25 brine, electrolysis 282 Brl1lnsted Law 2 buffer solutions 194, 195T butene, oxidation 272P-273P Butler-Volmer equation 124-133,

139P amended for concentration

overpotential 134 high overpotential approx­

imation, see Tafel equation linear approximation to 130,

138P-139P for multistep reactions 135

button cell 306

Index 343

bypass current 278

cadmium-air battery 299 calomel electrode 63,71, nT,

150-151, 196, 198 saturated 256

capacitance 43 differential 43

capillary electrophoresis 54 carbanions 269 Carnot cycle 297 catalysis 2 cathode 8,9, 62, 319 cathodic protection 333 catholyte 280 cation 8, 275 cell 1

for synthesis 256-258 cell constant 97 cell voltage 295

see also Electrode potential charging, see Double layer,

charging chemical potential 19, 90, 92 chemomediatory reaction 265 chlor-alkali industry 282-285,

292P-293P chlorate production 285 chlorine production, see Chi or­

alkali industry chromatography 190, 212P-213P chronopotentiometry 156T, 162-

163 Clark oxygen probe 241-242 cold fusion 3 collection efficiency of ring

electrodes 148T colloids 51 compressibility of solution 18 concentration cells 78-79 conductance 97, 99T conductiometric detection for ion

chromatography 212P-213P conductiometric titrations 210-212 conductivity 55,56,97-106, 118P

defined 97, 99T electrophoretic effect 103

in high electric fields 106 in high-frequency fields 106 at infinite dilution 118P-120P ionic 98, 99T measurement of 99-100 and mobility 106-107 molar 98, 99T

at infmite dilution 98 of potassium chloride 100 relaxation effect 102 theories of 101 and transport numbers 107

contact adsorption 40, 50 copper electrodeposition 173-175,

187P-188P, 291P-292P corrosion 316-338

contact 332 at cracks 329-330 current 321, 325-327 of galvanised iron 331 inhibition 336 kinetics 321-329 in metal coatings 331 meter 327 potential 321, 325-327, 337P-

338P protection 333-336 at scratches 330-331 thermodynamics of 318-321 of tin plate 331 units 321

Cottrell equation J 57, 170P Coulomb's Law 16, 19, 23, 27,

29-30 coulometry 245-248

galvanostatic 247-248 potentiostatic 246, 249P, 252P titrations 247

coverage of hydrogen atoms 178, 186T

crime, electrochemistry in 173 current 9 current efficiency 300 cycle life 300 cyclic voltammetry, see


Daniell, J.F. 297

344 Index

Daniell cell 296-297, 302-303, 314P, 316, 318, 321

Debye-Hiickel equation 38, 81, 104

applications of 30 Debye-Hiickellimiting law 21-28,

36P, 37, 83 Debye-Hiickel theory 21, 25, 27-

28,44 dimensionless variables in 25,

27 extensions to 28

Debye length 23, 35P-36P, 48-49, 56,57P-58P

Debye radius 23,45 dental electrochemistry 213P, 222 diaphragm cell 282-283 differential capacitance of double

layer, see Double layer diffusion 9, 93, 112, 321 diffusion coefficient 92, 1I8P,

120P, 158, 169P-170P, 224-226

diffusion-limited current 96-97, 114, 117P, 131, 165

dimensionally stable anode 260, 282, 285

dipole potential, see Surface potential

dissociation constant, see Acid dissociation constant

dissolution 15 Donnan membrane equilibrium 77 Dorn effect 56 double layer 40-51

capacitance of 43 charging 156-157, 170P-171P,

228, 232 differential capacitance 48-49,

157 diffuse 45-49 effect on kinetics 132-133 fixed 45 Gouy-Chapmann, theory of 44,

48-50, 133 Helmholtz-Perrin, theory of 44,

49 Stern, theory of 45, 49-50, 133

Down's cell 286 dropping mercury electrode 113-

115,221, 145 dry battery 303 dynamic hydrogen electrode 151,


Einstein equation 112 electric fish 39 electrified interface, see Double

layer e1ectrocapillarity 42-44 electrocata1ysis 136, 176, 260, 323 electrochemical desorption step

177 electrochemical journals 341 electrochemical potential 43, 65-

66, 77, 90 electrochemical separation 247 electrochemical synthesis 254-273 electrochemically generated

mediators 263-266, 272P, 291

electrochemistry definition of 1 history of 3 references and textbooks 339-

341 electrode 6, 61

antimony-antimony oxide 196 auxillary 153 bipolar 277-278, 280, 286 calcium 212P calomel, see Calomel electrode carbon 144 dropping mercury, see Dropping

mercury electrode dynamic hydrogen, see Dynamic

hydrogen electrode fluidised bed 257, 277-279 as giant ion 38 glass 191, 196-197,200,202 hanging mercury drop 146, 238,

243 hydrogen 151 irreversible 166 lead dioxide 256, 265, 304 mercury film 238, 241

Index 345

metal 144 metal-gas-anion 72 metal-metal ion 70 metal-metal salt-ion 71 metal of the third kind 72 optically transparent 150, 167 oxygen sensing 203 polymer modified 238 porous 146, 257 powder 144-145 quinhydrone-hydroquinone

194-195, 225 redox 72 reference 62, 150-153,202 reversible 63, 166, 169P-170P secondary 153 semiconducting 137 silver-silver chloride 71, 84P,

151 Teflon bonded 145, 169P, 171P working 153 zirconia 203

electrode potential 63-65 effect of complexation on 75 see also Galvani potential;

Standard electrode potential electrodes for synthesis 256 electrodics 1 electrogravirnetry 248 electrokinetic effects 51-56 electrolysis of water 137-138,

175, 275, 289 electrolyte 6, 11-37

charge density in 25 interactions in 19 kinetics of reactions in 31 strong 101-102 for synthesis 258, 259T weak 101

electromotive force (EMF) 80 electron spin resonance 168, 187T

in reduction of azobenzene 185 electronegative metal 333 electronics 1, 155 electroosmosis 54-55 electrophoresis 53-54 electrophoretic deposition 289 electrophoretic mobility 52, 57P

electroplating 277, 288 electrorefining 287 ellipsometry 167 energy consumption 276 energy density 299 energy efficiency 300 enthalpy of electrochemical

reactions 80 entropy of electrochemical

reactions 80 entropy of hydration 34P enzyme electrodes 203,204T equilibrium constant 82

see also Acid dissociation constant; Formation constant

equilibrium measurements 155 equivalent circuit 163 Evans diagrams 322-325 exchange current 129, 323

variation with concentration 132

exchange current density 129, 138P-139P, 140P

faradaic constant 157 Faraday, Michael 3, 121-122,275,

279 Faraday's Laws 9, 122, 248 Fermi level 38-39 Fick's Laws 92-97 Fields, W.e. 11 figures of merit 274-277 filter press 280-281 Flade potential 328, 335 flow analysis 209-210 fluorinl1tion of hydrocarbons 265 formal electrode potential 81, 166,

224, 249P, 251P formation constant 215P, 217P

see also Polarography fractals 91 Frankenstein 255 free energy change 7, 65, 68, 79-

80, 277, 320 fuel cell 294, 308-313

acid 312 alcohol 313 alkaline 311

346 Index

carbonate 312-313 high temperature 312-313 hydrogen-air 309-313 organic fuels 313,314P

Galvani, L. 3, 255 Galvani potential 50-51, 63-64,

74-75, 178, 324 Galvani potential difference, see

Galvani potential galvanic oxygen sensor 242 galvanising 331, 333 gas-sensing membrane electrode

202-203 Gemini space craft 309, 311 Gibbs adsorption isotherm 42 Gibbs energy, see Free energy

change glass electrode 191, 196-197,200,

202 glucose, oxidation 271P, 272P Gouy-Chapmann theory of the

double layer, see Double layer Grove, W. 308

half-cell 61, 66, 83P, 84P half-wave potential 158, 224, 237,

249P, 250P, 251P Hall-Heroult process 5, 286 hanging mercury drop electrode

146, 238, 243 heart pacemakers 4 heavy water 175, 289 Helmholtz-Perrin theory of the

double layer, see Double layer Henderson equation (liquid

junction potential) 118P Henderson equation (pH) 206 Henderson-Hasselbach equation

207-208 heterogeneous membrane electrode

201 heteromediatory 265 Heyrovsky 145, 233 Heyrovsky reaction 177 Hittorf method 108-109 homogeneous membrane electrode


homomediatory reactions 265 Huckel equation 30, 36P hydration 17 hydration shell 19 hydration sphere 17 hydrodynamics 113-117, 147 hydrogen electrode 73, 85P hydrogen electrode reaction 175-

180, 187P-189P hydrogen embrittlement 330, 333-

334, 337P-338P hydrogen evolution 138P-139P,

141P, 175-180, 187P, 333 hydrogen overvoltage 133 hydrogenation 264 hydrometallurgical processes 287 hydroxide production 282-285,

291P-292P hypochlorite production 285

Ice 9 13 ideal solution 19 Ilkovich equation 115,225, 251P independent migration of ions, law

of 98, 118P Inner Helmholtz Plane 41 inner potential, see Galvani

potential intrinsic efficiency 297 ion association, see Ion pairs ion pairs 29-30, 35P ion-selective electrodes 61, 191,

193, 197T, 197-204 fluoride 191, 198, 213, 216P pH, see Glass electrode; pH

ion-selective field effect transistor 200-201

ion-selective membrane, see Ion­selective electrodes

ion-selective microelectrodes 201-202

ionic atmosphere 27, 34P. 36P, 103

ionic mobility 18 ionic strength 22. 34P-36P ionics 1 ionisation constant of water 83 ionogens. see Electrolyte. weak

Index 347

ionophores, see Electrolyte, strong IRdrop 154,282,287, 292P, 324 isotopes

hydrogen 179 oxygen 181


kinetic isotope effect 179, 182, 186T

Kohlrausch equation 102, 120P Kohlrausch's law of independent

migration of ions 98, 118P Kolbe reaction 266-267, 267T

lattice energy 15 Le Chatelier's principle 264 Lead-acid battery 299T, 304-305 leakage current 278 Leclancbe cell 299T, 303 Levich equation 115, 165-166 limiting current, see Diffusion-

limited current Lipmann electrometer 42 Lipmann equation 43, 57P-58P liquid ion exchanger electrode

201-202 liquid junction 78 liquid junction potential 65, 117P,

119P Luggin capillary 154

Marcus theory 2, 135-136, 139P, 142P

Maxwell's equations 80 mean activity coefficient 82 mean ionic activity 20-21 mediated reactions 263-266 membrane cell 283-284, 291P-

292P membrane potential 77-78, 191 mercury cell 284 mercury film electrode 146 metal to hydrogen bond strength

179 metal winning 278, 285-287 methanol oxidation 187P-188P microelectrodes 149,201-202,255 mixed potential 63, 321

mobility 117P and diffusion 112 ionic 99

monopolar cell 277-278 moving boundary method 109-111 multicells 210 Murphy's Law 329

Nafion 33 Nemst diffusion layer 96 Nemst-Einstein equation 113 Nemst equation 73-75,81, 84P,

89P, 132, 151, 157, 178, 191-192,209, 212P, 215P, 221, 319

interferences 192-193 Nemst transport equation 92, 112 Nemstian electrode, see Electrode,

reversible nerve cells 40, 76 neutron scattering 13, 16, 18 NiCad battery, see Nickel-

cadmium battery nickel, anode 272P nickel-cadmium battery 299T,

306 nickel-zinc battery 299T nitrobenzene, reduction 272P non-aqueous solvents 236, 258,

259T non-polarisable electrode 62-63

Ohm's Law 56,98-99, 130 Onsager equation 103 open-circuit voltage (OCV) 128 organic membrane 33 organic polarography 236 organic synthesis 290-291 organometallic synthesis 271 Ostwald, W. 4,39 Outer Helmholtz Plane 41, 50, 52,

122, 125, 134 outer potential, see Volta potential

301 overpotential 127-128, 153

concentration 134 of corrosion 325, 327 crystallisation 134

348 Index

reaction 134 resistance 133

overvoltage, oxygen and hydrogen 121, 133

oxidation 8, 303 in synthesis 262, 267-268

oxidation reduction potential (ORP) 73

oxidative halogenation 267 oxygen cathode, see Oxygen,

reduction oxygen electrode reaction 180-183 oxygen, reduction 88P-89P, 148,

292P, 316, 323, 325, 330, 332

partial molar Gibbs function, see Chemical potential

passivation 288, 320, 328-329, 335-336

potential 329T percentage conversion per pass

276 percentage yield 275-276 pF 198 pH 84P-85P, 88P-89P, 194-197,

212P, 337P-338P dependence of kinetics on 178 measurement of 195T

photo anode 138 photocathode 138 photoelectrochemistry 137-138 photoe1ectrolysis 137 photovoltaic cells 138 pilot-ion method 235 pinacol 270, 272P pK., see Acid dissociation constant planning after reaction complete

143 Plante 5, 304 plating bath 288 Poggendorf compensation circuit

143 Poisson-Boltzmann equation 26,

27, 45 Poisson equation 23-25, 94 polarisable electrode 62-63 polarogram 223 polarography 221-236, 249-251P

AC 232 of azobenzene 185 current maximum 226-227 current sampled 226 derivative 228 differential pulse 228-231 effect of complex formation

227,233, 250P, 253P inorganic 235-236, 236T organic 236, 238 oxygen 233, 249P, 251P pulse 228-229 quantitative 234-235 square-wave 231-232

polymerisation 270 polymers 289, 336 polywater 13 potential of zero charge 44, 50,

57P, 133 potentiometric enzyme substrate

electrode 203, 204T potentiostat 259 Pourbaix diagram 319-320, 330,

336P-337P power density 299 propane oxidation 314-315P pseudospliuing of oxygen 182

quinhydrone, see Electrode, quinhydrone-hydroquinone

radial distribution function 13-14, 17

redox catalysis 265 redox potential 191 redox reactions 59, 263 reduction 8 reduction in synthesis 261, 268-

270 reference electrode, see Electrode,

reference reference half-cell, see Electrode,

reference references and textbooks 339-341 relative permittivity, formation of

ion pairs 30 resistance 97 resistivity 97, 99T

Index 349

ring electrodes, collection efficiency of 148T

Robinson and Stokes equation 104 rotating disk electrode 115-116,

165-166, 169P, 170P rotating ring disk electrode 147-

149, 182, 186T

sacrificial anode 333 salt bridge 76, 117P Sand equation 162, 170P saturated calomel electrode 256 second law of thermodynamics 68 sedimentation potential 56 selectivity 275 selectivity coefficient 193,214P,

216P self-discharge 301 semipermeable membrane 39, 76,

85P separator 152, 280, 282 shunt current 278 sign convention 68-69 silver chloride, solubility of 84P silver coulometer 248 silver polish 317 silver-silver chloride electrode 71,

84P, 151 silver-zinc battery 299T Smolukowski equation 53, 57P sodium extraction 286-287 sodium-sulphur battery 299T,

307-308 solid electrolytes 32-33, 307 solubility product 83, 85P, 87P solvation 15

dynamic aspects of 18 effect on activity coefficients

23, 29 entropy of 18 ignoring effects of 59

space program, USA 309 space-time yield 276, 278 specific adsorption 40 spectroelectrochemistry 166-169 spin trapping 168 stability of metals 319 standard addition 234

standard electrochemical rate constant 132

standard electrode potential 66-68, 67T, 249P, 251P

measurement of 81, 85P, 87 standard hydrogen electrode 66-67 standard reduction potentials 67T stereochemistry in synthesis 260-

261 Stem theory of the double layer,

see Double layer stoichiometric number 174, 179,

180, 186T Stokes-Einstein equation 113 Stokes's law 103, 1I8P storage density 299 streaming potential 55 structure making and structure

breaking 17 superequivalent adsorption 40 superionic conductors, see Solid

electrolytes surface charge 43 surface chemistry 2 surface excess 43 surface potential 51 surface tension 43, 56 symmetry coefficient 126, 135,

138P, 139P, 174

Tafel equation 130, 292P, 327 Tafel plot 141P, 174-175, 187P-

189P, 322 Tafel reaction 176 Tafel region 166, 325 tank cells 280 T AST (current sampled polar-

ography) 226 temperature coefficient 67T, 80 tetraalkyl lead synthesis 291 thermoneutral potential 298 three-electrode cell 153, 222, 257 three-phase interface 146, 310 throwing power 173 titrations

amperometric 243-245 conductiometric acid-base,

210-212, 214P, 217P

350 Index

coulometric 247, 248T dead stop 245 potentiometric

precipitation 208, 215P, 217P redox 206-208, 214P, 217P

potentiometric acid-base 204-206, 213-214P

transfer coefficient 135, 166, 174, 177, 186T, 187P, 189P, 323, 327

transference number, see Transport number

transient techniques 155-156, 156T

transition time 162, 169P-170P transport number 99, 99T, 118P,

120P emf method 111-112 Hittorf method 108-109 measurement of 108-112 moving boundary method 109-

111 tube electrode 117

ultramicroelectrodes 255

van der Waals radius 14, 34P vanadium battery, see Batteries,

redox verdigris 338 Volta, Alessandro 3, 275 Volta potential 51 voltage efficiency 298 voltammetry 156T, 157-162,237-

241 cyclic

of azobenzene 184-185 of organic molecule 169P,


of potassium hexacyano­ferrate(IlI) 162

of ruthenium complex 237 cyclic linear sweep 160, 237 in dilute solution 170P, 171P enzyme sensor 242 gas sensor 241-242 linear sweep 157-158, 169P,

237 liquid chromatography detector

243 potential step 157 stripping 238-241

anodic 157,238-241 cathodic 241

Vonnegut, Kurt 13

Walden's law 113 wall jet electrode 116 Warburg impedance 164

hydrogen bonding in 12 water

properties of 11 structure of 11, 34P-35P

Wimsey, Lord Peter 173 writing electrochemical cells 69-


X-ray diffraction of solutions 13, 16, 18

X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy 183, 187T

Zen 41,66,98 zeta potential 52-53, 55 zinc-air battery 299T zinc plating 139P, 141P zirconia cell 310 zone electrophoresis 54

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