redeemer lutheran church the rev. richard a....

Post on 02-Apr-2020






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Redeemer Lutheran Church The Rev. Richard A. Mathisen Interim Pastor

Hulmeville and Woodland Avenues

Penndel, PA 19047 Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00am-1:00pm

Phone: 215-757-2724 Fax: 215-757-7199 Handicapped Accessible Via a Lift


On the Web:



P a s t o r ’ s P a g e

Visioning Process Begins in March! What is Redeemer’s Vision for the future? Specifically, where does Redeemer want to be in 3 to 5 years? Before you can select a pastor, you must first discern your direction, because it affects your choice of your next pastor. To develop a “Vision” for Redeemer, we will begin an intensive Visioning Process in March. That Visioning Process will involve every member of the congregation. This is a process that I have used in eight other congregations, with very positive results. The resulting Vision will be entirely your own. While I will serve as facilitator of all meetings, I carefully avoid influencing your choices. You, the members of Redeemer, will determine your Vision for the future! The Visioning Process uses six small groups, set up by time slots. Each group meets four times over a period of two months, opening with scripture and prayer. Each group determines, by majority vote, its own “Vision” for the future and the characteristics needed in the next pas-tor. This is a process that involves brainstorming about the desired future and then prioritizing the results to produce a Vision that is not merely a wish-list but is ranked in order of your group’s priorities. Then the process is repeated about the needed characteristics of the next pastor. In this way, each of you will have direct input into both the future of Redeemer and the characteristics of the next pastor. Council has decided that most meetings will take place on Thursday, with an alternative availa-ble for those persons who cannot attend meetings on Thursday. You will have a choice of day-time sessions at 1:00 pm or evening sessions at 7:00 pm. Sessions are held every two weeks, to allow time for prayer and discernment. So, in general, Group #1 will be meeting at 1:00 pm on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays and Group #2 will be meeting at 7:00 pm on those days. Similar-ly, Group #3 will be meeting at 1:00 pm on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays and Group #4 at 7:00 pm on those days. I have sent out an official schedule and sign-up sheet. If you did not receive one, please call the church office. This is a very special opportunity that may never occur again. I strongly en-courage you to participate!

Yours in Christ Jesus, Pastor Richard Mathisen See next page for signup sheet .


Sign Up for a Visioning Group!

[Please prefer a Thursday group if possible, to save Sunday time slots for those who really need them. If none of these times is possible for you, please sign up and we will try to form

another group.] Group 1 – Thursday Afternoons at 1:00 – 2:30 pm Meets March 10 & 31, April 14 & 28 Group 2 – Thursday Evenings at 7:00 – 8:30 pm Meets March 10 & 31, April 14 & 28 Group 3 – Thursday Afternoons at 1:00 – 2:30 pm Meets March 17, April 7 & 21, May 5 Group 4 -- Thursday Evenings at 7:00 – 8:30 pm Meets March 17, April 7 & 21, May 5 Group 5 – Sundays after church at about 11:00 am Meets March 6, April 3 & 24, May 8 Group 6 -- Sundays after church at about 11:00 am Meets March 13, April 17, May 1 & 15 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

[Please tear off, retain schedule above for your information] Name (Please print) _____________________________ Phone # _________________ Email address (if any) ______________________________________________________ Group # (First Choice) ____________ Group # (Second Choice) __________ Child care desired? (List ages) ________________


Easter is the high point of our church year. Easter is the event that defines our lives and our

mission as Christians.

During Lent, we prepare for Easter. The final week of Lent is the most intense preparation.

Holy Week begins with Palm Sunday, on March 20. Then we have Maundy Thursday and

Good Friday services, on March 24th and 25th.

And then there's Easter! If Lent has been a time for reflection, Easter is the moment for cele-

bration! On Easter, we celebrate the true high point of the Christian year -- the resurrection

of our Lord Jesus Christ. This is what Christianity is all about. Easter is the time to celebrate

and our musicians are again ready to enhance our experience. We will have our usual Easter

services at 7:00 am and 9:00 am and 11:00 am. There is no Sunday School.

And we should remember that Easter is not only one Sunday. Easter is an entire season onto

itself -- seven (7) Sundays of Easter starting March 27 and leading directly into the Sunday of

Pentecost on May 15. All seven Sundays are festivals.

While Lent is a time for reflection and self-examination, Lent does not last forever. We have

every right as Christians to be aware that Easter is coming and look forward to it. May this

time of year be truly blessed for you!

God bless you!

Yours in Christ,

Pastor Mathisen

Lenten Services 2016

We continue our Midweek Lenten Services and Soup and Bread Supper. The Soup and Bread Supper is at 5:30 pm. The 30-minute service begins at 7:00 pm and features a mini-drama presented by members of Redeemer Lutheran. Please join us!

From the Pastor -- Holy Week and Easter!

Transition Team being Formed

Part of the interim process is the formation of a Transition Team to assist council and the in-terim pastor in the transition. One part of this is to assist with the paperwork for the Synod. Anyone interested should contact Pastor Mathisen or the church office. Thanks!


M a r c h E v e n t s

3/2/16: Soup Supper 5:30pm Midweek Worship 7:00pm

Worship Drama: Lydia and Abigail onlookers at Golgotha

3/9/16: Soup Supper 5:30pm Midweek Worship 7pm

Worship Drama: Marius and Lucius Roman Guards at Golgotha

3/16/16: Soup Supper 5:30pm Midweek Worship 7pm

Worship Drama: Mary Magdalene and Nicodemus at Golgatha

3/20/16: PALM SUNDAY Worship 9:30am Easter Egg Hunt following Sunday


3/24/16: Maundy Thursday Worship 7:00pm

3/25/16: Good Friday Tenebrae Worship Service 7:00pm

3/26/16: Clean Up Day (weather permitting)

3/27/16: EASTER SUNDAY , Worship at 7am, 9am, 11am

Financial Condition for the period ending February 20th Current Fund Income $ 12,811 Donations/Reimbursements $ 993 Expenses $ 18,031 Net Income (Loss) $ (4,227)

RESTRICTED FUND BALANCES Building Maintenance $4660.00 Raise the Roof $12,486.00 Respectfully, Kim Overbagh, Treasurer

Finance Update


We had a busy month in February! Shared Meal: Justin from Jay’s Steak and Hoagie Joint made ribs which were delicious and we served 68 people from the community. Everyone enjoyed the food. Transfiguration Sunday: Eighty-nine people attended our Transfiguration Sunday worship followed by our annual Fat Sunday breakfast. The youth shared a skit and the children served during the service, helping the congregation to “Bury the Alleluias” Soup Suppers: Everyone enjoyed soups and breads and desserts at our Wednesday soup sup-pers held on 2/10, 2/17 and 2/24/16. Ash Wednesday: 52 People attended this meaningful worship service. Midweeks: Our midweek services presented “Watchers on the Hill” sharing perspectives from Judas Iscariot and Zadok a zealot on 2/17 and Minnah and Japhat on lookers at Golgotha on 2/24/16. WELCA Tea Party: 22 women attended the tea party on Tuesday 2/16/16. They enjoyed delicious treats and wonderful fellowship.

P a s t E v e n t s

Members of the 2016 Church Council met on Tuesday, February 9th and is happy to report that the Pastoral Call Process has moved from the Transitional Phase (saying goodbye to Pastor Esther, interviewing candidates for our Interim Pastor, and selecting Pastor Richard Mathisen) to the next phase which is preparing our Vision and Pastoral Profile. Beginning early March and continuing through early May, Pastor Mathisen will hold Visioning Group Sessions. Congregation members will be invited to provide input on what we want to accomplish in the future here at Redeemer. This is a crucial step, as we need first decide where we want to go, before we select a new Pastor to take us there! Details on the session will be communicated by letter from Pastor Mathisen as well as announcements prior to worship services. Although the call process may appear to be moving slowly, please be reassured that the Council has been working diligently behind the scenes on behalf of the God we serve and the members of our Redeemer family.

C o u n c i l H i g h l i g h t s



The regular meeting of the Women of Redeemer will convene on Tuesday, March 15 at 7:00 PM in the parish hall. Devotions: Joanne Waldkoenig Refreshments: Katherine Patelunas and Marilyn Hrywnak


Easter is a time of gladness. Please consider sharing your blessings by making a donation through Social Ministry to the Bucks County Housing Group.

The Bucks County Housing Group runs food pantries and homeless shelters. It has programs to provide affordable housing and has very dedicated social ser-vices staff and case managers. This non-profit agency is dependent on donations, grants, and volunteers for their food pantries in Penndel, Doylestown and Quakertown, as well as their homeless shelters in Penndel, Doylestown and Morrisville. I hope Redeemer’s people will continue to do what they can. Thank you in advance. Patricia Finn Please mark your donations – Social Ministry _______________________________________________________________

Stitching Angels News The Stitching Angels are happy to present a total of $400 to be used toward the current fund. A special thank you to Kay Robinson, Edna Schwenk and Dolores Danielson for using their talents to create the 28 adorable Animal Blankies which they sold to raise money. Their time and talents are greatly appreciated. A special thank you also goes to those who purchased the blankies. God Bless one all. The Stitching Angels of Redeemer.

Parish Register News and Notes!


P r a y e r C o n c e r n s

Members: Charlene Williams, Josephine Weiss, Jim and Helen Susko, Alice Skinner, Jane & Lynn Leppo, Marty Ditcher, Barbara Kissinger, Dee Grover, Lenore Miller, Doris Parfitt, Donald Robinson, Christina Jackson, Carol Samuels-Stout, Linda Winter, Charles Olson, Michelle Morris, Gary Overbagh, Ruth Schwartz, Blanche Short, Jean Lippincott, Sharon Degen, Marsie McMullen, Blake Thomas. Relatives and Friends of our Members: Ray Gould, Tracey Yepello, Jerry and Bernadine Messenger, Marie Trainor, Michelle Manrodt, Christina Hughes, Codey Erb, Catherine Kelly, Rosemarie Jester, Bernice Mazur, Susan Marion, Tom Gallagher, Dennis Green, Rachel Frasca, Jose Ruiz, Jay Messenger, Dennis Finn, Henry and Arlene Krajewski, Dick Bolinski, Mary & John Gruppioni, Marietta Williams, John Hrywnak, Thomas Hemphill, Amanda Lyons, Patti Kinsley, Patricia Paul, Jennifer Maroun, Myrt Dinda, William Gardiner, Terry Lee, Dana Stone, William and Maryjane Engle, Beth Ohr, Fred Winter, Elaine Reese, Patti Hiller, Lorrie Marten, June Schultz, Mary Beth Morris, Ted Skwarek, Lawrence Patelunas, Carol Seuffert, Holly Gibbons, Lee Delano. Relatives and Friends of our Members Serving in the Military:Ron Skoczylas, Chad Durban, Bryan Oser, Joseph Piel, Derrick Stone, Mason Burgess.

Remember in Your Prayers Pastor and staff of Redeemer, and our Nations Leaders: Pres. Barack Obama, Our U.S. Senators, The Supreme Court, and the House of Representatives.

P r a y e r I n i t i a t i v e f o r M a r c h

On Sunday March 13th we will pray for: Gary & Kim Overbagh,Thomas Hyndman, Brittany Hyndman,Doris Parfitt,Anne Parfitt-Clee,William Parfitt,Donna Parfitt-Herbert,Michael Parker,Katherine Patelunas,Christine Rager and children Christopher, Frank & Stephanie, Lois Rinehimer On Sunday March 27th we will pray for: Denise Robinson,Donald & Mary Lou Robinson, Elaine Rossi & daughter Hannah, Chris & Trish Ryan & children Alan & Ian, Sean & Amy Schuette and daughter Ariel, Debra Salvadore-Hug & children Bryan & Christine Salvadore.


March may come in like a lion but so is Sunday school; a strong small group of cubs fearlessly diving into the word of God! The Elementary classes are taking on a fantastic role as young readers in our Youth in Worship services, and as well, showing their commitment to their faith. The kids are eager to participate and have shown that nothing is too difficult when you put your heart into it and practice. Great job to all who have had the opportunity to serve as readers thus far! The high school youth who have been serving as lay assistants are truly a role model for the elementary kids. There is life in the church after confirmation! During Lent, Sunday school has been discussing the Easter story with the use of Resurrection Eggs in addition to our regularly scheduled lessons. This month we are looking at Mary and Martha, and how each reacts to the visit from Jesus. The children are also working on a small craft to be included in the Easter bags for the homebound. Don’t forget to submit your “Palm prayers” located in the rear of the church on which you write a prayer concern on a green palm and place it in the basket. The Sunday school will pray over these and then present them on Palm Sunday. We do lots of praying in SCS and this is another opportunity for the children to learn how to care for others. Also SCS would like to thank Mr. Tony for his tireless work with the vocal offerings for the kid’s anthems. It has been inspiring seeing our kids lift their joyful voices to our Lord. Palm Sunday will be their next musical offering in worship. DATES TO REMEMBER MARCH 1st – shared meal at 6 pm 2nd - soup and bread 5 pm, mid week Lenten service 7pm 6th – lesson on Mary and Martha; BRIEF PRESENTATION BY THRIVENT REGARDING ACTION TEAMS AFTER WORSHIP 9th - soup and bread 5 pm, mid week Lenten service 7pm 13th - YOUTH IN WORSHIP; God’s Global Barnyard Appeal

16th - soup and bread 5 pm, mid week Lenten service 7pm 20th --- PALM SUNDAY- participate in call to worship; palm procession; Egg Hunt after class 27th – HAPPY EASTER- NO SCS; 3 WORSHIP SERVICES 7 am; 9 am; 11 am

C h r i s t i a n E d u c a t i o n / S u n d a y S c h o o l




C h r i s t i a n E d u c a t i o n / S u n d a y S c h o o l c o n t ’ d


L e g a c y S t o r y – K a r e n K o n d r k

Karen Schwenk was born to Edna & John Schwenk on May 27, 1959 in Queens, New York (as if you couldn’t tell as soon as she opens her mouth!) She grew up in Middle Village which is a small town in the Borough of Queens which is part of New York City. She has one brother, Ken, who is five years younger and lives in North Bellmore, Long Island with his wife Janet and 2 daughters, Kaylee and Jenna. Karen was a tomboy growing up and was right there doing whatever the boys were do-ing. Maybe it’s the New York in her but she wasn’t afraid to stick up for her younger brother when someone was picking on him. Karen’s first job while still in high school was at Alexander’s Department store. She worked first in the promotional booths and then in luggage. The booths were inter-esting in that they were positioned by the entrance doors with a sample of sale items on them. When it was a big sale or holiday sale, she used to duck when the doors were opened because the crowd would just come running and pushing in. After graduating from Forest Hills High School in Forest Hills, NY in 1977, Karen began working for Bankers Trust Co. as a receive/delivery clerk in what was called the Govern-ment Cage, on Wall St. in Manhattan, directly across from the New York Stock Ex-change. She worked there for 8 years until having her first son, Bobby and getting mar-ried in 1985. She became a stay at home mom, but not for long. She started working a few hours a week at a grocery store as a cashier with her brother. In 1988, while pregnant again, Karen and her husband and son moved to Levittown, PA, after visiting Sesame Place and looking around and thinking this would be a nice place to live. Her son Justin was born in 1989. In 1993, her third son Matt was born and they moved to Langhorne. While Bobby and Justin were in school and Matt was in nursery school, Karen started working a few hours a week for a realtor and did some office


work. In 1998, she began working for what used to be Delaware Valley Medical Cen-ter in their homecare department. Frankford Hospital took over in 1999 and Karen was sent to their homecare department at Grant Ave. and Roosevelt Blvd. as their re-ceptionist. Also in 1999, Karen got divorced. In 2001, she married her second hus-band, Steve Kondrk and moved to Penndel. In 2002, she left Frankford Hospital and started working as the Assistant Borough Secretary for Penndel Borough where she still works. In 2006, Karen’s husband Steve passed away from pancreatic cancer. As a child, Karen grew up going to Trinity Lutheran Church in Middle Village where she was baptized. The big, old church was located in a cemetery on the top of a hill. The chapel and parish hall were located in a different place in the same town. One year, 3 days after Easter, lightening hit the church tower and the church caught fire and was destroyed. It was an eerie feeling of having just been there for Easter services. The congregation decided not to rebuild the church in the cemetery, but decided to build the church on the property with the chapel and parish hall. Karen was active in church, first going to Sunday school and then becoming a Sunday school and vacation bible school teacher. The church held many dances and the Koinonia Club (Greek word meaning fellowship), which Karen and her parents belonged to, were responsi-ble for the dances and also for the entertainment. They did some crazy songs and skits, but always had fun. When Karen moved to Levittown, she started going to Trinity Lutheran Church in Fairless Hills. She loved the pastor, who was young and had children. Karen started teaching Sunday school and vacation bible school there. When the pastor announced she would be moving to Wisconsin, they got a new pastor. Karen wasn’t satisfied with the new pastor and left the church. Karen’s parents moved to Langhorne in 1994 to be near her and her kids. They also became members of Trinity. After a while, they started looking around for another church and came to Redeemer and decided to join. Karen had always wanted to go back to church, but didn’t because the 8:30 service was too early and that was the service her parents went to. In October 2011, Karen’s mom asked her if she wanted to help out at the shared meal. She said she would help and that is where she met John Slaughter. He already knew of her from John and Edna but had never met her. They started talking and, as the saying goes, the rest is history! John brought Karen to the 11:00 service and she enjoyed going to church again and really loved Pastor Es-ther. She joined Redeemer in early 2012. She has become very active in Redeemer. She is in both bell choirs, the Advent, Christmas and Easter choirs, has been a lay as-sistant, an usher, performs skits, belongs to WELCA, the Evangelism, Stewardship and Fellowship committees, helps out at any functions the church may have, serves at the


M a r c h K i d s P a g e s

shared meal and runs the food pantry with John. Karen is involved in many activities in Penndel. She is on the Activities Committee, the Heritage Society and the Penndel/Hulmeville Parade Committee. In her spare time, if she has any, she enjoys fishing and canoeing with John, reading, playing puzzle games on her Kindle and playing with her 3 year old grandson Evan. Karen is always on the go. She does not like to sit still. Karen would like the young people to know that church is a very important part of life. You may fall away from the church at some point, but there is never a wrong time to come back. Get involved because you will meet some wonderful people who become like a second family to you. Submitted by John Slaughter


M a r c h S e r v e r S c h e d u l e

March 2016











11am3/6/2016 Setting 4 Comm Lent

Acolyte/Crucifer Brian O'Connell

Lay Assistant Andy Martinsen

Altar Guild Kim and Gary Overbagh

Counters M. McMullen, R. Schwartz, A. Skinner

3/13/2016 Service of the Word Lent

Acolyte/Crucifer Billy Clark

Lay Assistant Kyra O'Connell

Reader 1 Nick Hotalen

Psalm Abby Clark

Reader 2 Georgia Woodford

Altar Guild Kim and Gary Overbagh

Counters M. McMullen, R. Schwartz, A. Skinner



Setting 4 Comm Lent

Acolyte/Crucifer Patti Finn

Lay Assistant Gail Blinstrub

Altar Guild Gail Blinstrub, Joan Dunn

Counters M. McMullen, R. Schwartz, A. Skinner

3/27/2016 Service of the Word

Acolyte/Crucifer Cindy Oser Patrick O'Connell Billy Clark

Lay Assistant Lori Meola Andy Martinsen Bill Anderson

Bookbearer NA Brian O'Connell Billy Clark

Torchbearer NA TBA TBA

Altar Guild G. Blinstrub, J. Dunn R. Solt, L. Winter A. Shecter, I. Kersten

Counters A. Shecter, J. Lippincott A. Shecter, J. Lippincott A. Shecter, J. Lippincott

See next page for Midweek, Maundy Thursday and Good Friday server schedule.


Midweek Schedule


Lay Assistant Lori Meola

Altar Guild Kim & Gary Overbagh


Lay Assistant Denise Robinson

Altar Guild I. Kersten, A. Shecter


Lay Assistant Deb Farnham

Altar Guild L. Meola, C. Oser

3/24/2016 Maundy Thursday

Lay Assistant Andy Martinsen

Acolyte/Crucifer Wayne Degen

Altar Guild G. Blinstrub, R. Solt, A. Shecter

3/25/2016 Good Friday

Lay Assistant Karen Kondrk

Acolyte/Crucifer Wayne Degen

Altar Guild Gail Blinstrub

Midweek, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday Schedules


Sharing God’s Bounty

Sharing God’s Bounty


What Have I Done for Him?

Lent is a season in the church year during which we particularly focus on the sacrifice Jesus made for us to pay the debt we owed for our sin. We know there is no way we can pay the debt ourselves. Only the sinless Son of God could do that. We have access to heaven only by grace through faith in Christ Jesus.

While we cannot repay Jesus for what he has done for us, his love does require a re-sponse. Paul, speaking of our ministry of reconciliation, wrote, "For Christ's love compels us . . .” (2 Corinthians 5:14). We remain on earth to carry out the tasks which Christ left for us to do: to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, care for the sick, and visit the prisoner, (Matthew 25:31-46). James admonished us that “. . . faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead” (James 2:17). We provide the funds that support our pastors, teachers, and missionar-ies. Again, we can quote Paul writing in 1 Corinthians 9:11-12. "If we have sown spiritual seed among you, is it too much if we reap a material harvest from you? If others have this right of support from you, shouldn't we have it all the more?" Certainly each of us is addressed by the Great Commission: "Go and make disciples of all nations . . ." (Matthew 28:19). The following words from Frances Ridley Havergal are a poignant reminder that Christ’s love and sacrifice for us require a response:

Thy life was given for me, Thy Blood, O Lord, was shed That I might ransomed by, and quickened from the dead. Thy life was given for me, What have I given for Thee?

And Thou hast brought to me Down from Thy home above Salvation full and free, Thy pardon and Thy love. Great gifts Thou broughtest me, What have I brought to Thee?

We are saved by grace through faith for works. Let us pray for the desire to be good stew-

ards of the gifts of salvation, health and wealth, and time and opportunity which God has giv-en us that we might have a part in the furthering of God's kingdom.

We need not give up the pleasures and luxuries of this life. God does not call us to be ascetics, but he does call us to a right sense of proportion in adminis­tering our sub­


The question is: “If I have this for myself, then what should I do for God?” This is

the question into which the whole matter of stew­ardship resolves itself.

© Copyright Parish Publishing, LLC l May not be copied without permission. l


H e r e ’ s W h e r e Y o u r P e n n i e s G o

“Which of these three was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of the robbers?” He said, “The one who showed him mercy.” Jesus said to him,………………….



Luke 10:37

Thank you for generously supporting the ELCA World Hunger Appeal. With our gifts and with prayers, service, and advocacy, we answer Christ’s call to “Go and do likewise.” This “going and doing” makes a life-saving difference for neighbors near and far. ELCA World Hunger is a connected, comprehensive, and compassionate program that helps individuals and communities break the cycle of hunger and poverty. Your gifts make a difference in our fight to end hunger. Each gift to the ELCA World Hunger Appeal is a promise to our neighbors around the world and around the corner that they are not forgotten, that their hunger and thirst will not go unnoticed. God Bless and keep you as you, “Go and do likewise.”

A spring is a place where groundwater naturally gushes or seeps from the earth. It might take the form of a stream of water that flows from a fissure in a rock, or a persistent puddle in a low spot in a field. Water may be clean when it emerges from the earth, but it can easily be contaminated before use. Animals can walk through the persistent puddle; leaves and insects can fall into it; it may flow through a contaminated area. However, if the spring is protected, the water stays clean. A spring box is an

economical and effective way to protect a spring. These covered concrete boxes simply enclose the spring so that debris cannot fall into it and animals cannot walk through it. The spring fills the box from the bottom or from one side, and a pipe built into the side of the box at a convenient height allows people to fill their containers. A well-built concrete spring box can last for decades with only the simplest occasional maintenance: The concrete lid can be lifted to reach the inside of the box for cleaning. These spring boxes are not just shipped in and installed though. Instead they are constructed by members of the community who become participants in their own development. This practice honors local leadership and involvement and acknowledges the skills within the community: essential marks of accompaniment.


Ordered Due

LILY 6” $8.25

HYDRANGEA 6” pot $9.00

TULIP 4” $3.00

TULIP 6” $6.00

HYACINTH 4” $3.00

HYACINTH 6” $6.00

MUMS 6” $6.50



March 20, 2016



Payment is due at

the time of order.

Checks should be

payable to





Holy Week Schedule


The Passion Story - According to Luke Worship Service — 9:30am

Blessing and Distribution of Palms


Stripping of the Altar 7:00pm


3/25/16 Ecumenical Service — 1:30pm (Langhorne Methodist)

(Preacher: Rev. Richard A. Mathisen!) Tenebrae at Redeemer - 7:00pm


3/27/16 Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ

Holy Communion — Setting 3 Worship Services: 7:00am – 9:00am - 11:00am


Kid’s Pages


M a r c h B i r t h d a y ’ s a n d A n n i v e r s a r i e s

March Birthdays 1st Linda Bartleson Sean Schuette 2nd Ruth Schwartz Toni Julia Carra 3rd Mason Martinsen 4th Georgia Briann Woodford 5th Debra Salvadore 6th Patricia Gallagher 8th Jocelyn Yepello 9th Matthew Sauls 12th Blanche Short DeeAnna Rossi 15th Devan Bose Aurel Frantz 17th Patrick O'Connell Dee Anna Grover Mildred Murray 19th Kay Robinson Jason Short Ron Thomas Denise Brad 22nd Tracey Feldbauer 23rd Lindsay Morris 24th Cathy Dashoff 26th Marty Ditcher 29th Jessica Mason 30th Lori Meola 31st Stacy Bartleson Linda Winter

March Wedding Anniversaries 3/20/93 Helen & James Susko


Visitors and Neighbors: Welcome to Redeemer Lutheran Church! Our door is open to you! We would be happy to have you join us as a Partner in prayer, in song, and in the hearing of God’s word.


Redeemer Lutheran Church is a caring community

of baptized believers, confessing Jesus Christ as

our Lord and savior. As a forgiven community, we

gather in faith around God’s table to hear God’s

word and participate in the life giving sacraments,

which God has instituted through His Son Jesus

Christ. Responding in faith we are called to joyfully

proclaim the Gospel of our Lord in word and deed

in the wider community.

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