red revolution ministry

Post on 30-May-2018






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  • 8/9/2019 Red Revolution Ministry


    MinistryAccepting the new normal

  • 8/9/2019 Red Revolution Ministry


    New Shoes

    As a kid I loved when I got new shoes. Since itwas new and new was better I thought somehowthese shoes would make me jump higher. Butsurvey says, Nope, you still cant jump. But youhave new shoes now.

  • 8/9/2019 Red Revolution Ministry


    Living the Dream

    We hear about thekey themes of theBible over and over

    again. We know the basic

    truths very well.

    But after awhile we

    feel comfortable withwhat we know andthe truth loses itsshine.

  • 8/9/2019 Red Revolution Ministry


    Old Shoes

    We might claim to know

    all we need to know

    about the Bible and want

    to know something new.(Be it in or out the church)

    This is because we are

    not thrilled about the

    effort to live out the reality

    of the truth.

    This in many ways is like

    old shoes.

  • 8/9/2019 Red Revolution Ministry


    Acts 10

    God sent Peter a vision in order for

    him to see all people as his

    brothers not just the Jews.

    Peter after seeing the Holy

    Ghost come down on Corneliuss

    house he said

    God does not show favoritism but accepts men from

    every nation who fear Him and do what is right. (Acts

    10:34-35, NIV)

  • 8/9/2019 Red Revolution Ministry


    Engage Peter was willing to follow God even if it meant doing

    that which he was uncomfortable with.

    We rarely go outside our culture and when we do we

    act like gospel salespeople.

    We need to stop thinking knowing the truth is enough

    and we have to live it. Because if we do not go and do

    what he said God is nothing more than a fad.

    We must engage the scriptures or we end up looking

    like Christians but not being Christians inside.

  • 8/9/2019 Red Revolution Ministry


    God Does Not Show Favoritism

    What is meant by

    God does not show


    Going down Jewish

    memory lane we see

    God has been

    preparing them to be

    a people used for His

    glory and honor.

  • 8/9/2019 Red Revolution Ministry


    Raging Against the System

    Before Peters statement about God notshowing favorites he was one who wasproud of not mixing with non-Jewish

    people. But Peter through his vision and the

    meeting with Cornelius learned God

    wanted him to eat, walk, talk, cry and livewith all people.

    God wants the same from us today!!!

  • 8/9/2019 Red Revolution Ministry


    Christ First

    God called Peter and us

    to live for the Christian

    race (people) first.

    We know stories like thisand yet dont follow it.

    Yet we are to submit to

    the Bible (2 Timothy

    3:16), the Holy Spirit (2

    Peter 1:20-21) and the

    greatness of Christ

    through his sacrifice on

    the cross (Galatians


  • 8/9/2019 Red Revolution Ministry


    Shifting to New Ways After Acts 10 a shift to the new

    ways God was showing was

    seen through Peter.

    Peter realized that everything

    old (His Culture, Priorities, andwhole life) has to be second to

    the way God was leading him.

    God wants all of us to see the

    world through his lens. And to

    infiltrate that lens into our own

    and other cultures.

  • 8/9/2019 Red Revolution Ministry


    The New Normal God knew he was calling

    Peter to do something

    beyond his strength

    something that needed

    supernatural power.

    That power is that of the

    Holy Spirit who enlighten

    and guides us.

    The problem is we want tobe on easy street.

  • 8/9/2019 Red Revolution Ministry


    Christ The Fight to Revolutionize

    The people who you do ministryfor shows who you caredeeply for.

    For the disciples did ministry together and had love forone another and for Christ.

    They realized that they were a chosen people called tobe together as one, not separated as many.

    You should be feeling incomplete if your not doingministry outside your own cultural norm.

    Peter when he realized this said this to the other Jewish

    believers So if God gave them the same gift as he gaveus, who believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, who was I tothink I could oppose God? (Acts 11:17, NIV)

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