recruitment process

Post on 06-Aug-2015



Recruiting & HR



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  1. 1. Vita Consultation and Training 1
  2. 2. Importance of effective recruitment. Cost of bad recruitment. Aspects of recruitment metrics. Hiring Process. Short-listing. Interview Techniques. Interview Evaluation form. 2
  3. 3. Prevents unnecessary recruitment. Ensures key tasks and skills are catered for in an organization. Avoids recruiting the wrong candidates, which can cause : - Reduced organizational effectiveness. - Unfair on the recruited person if the arent right for the job. - Makes managers jobs much harder. 3
  4. 4. What is the correct approach Does the vacancy exist ? Do we need to recruit? Job analysis Determining what a job really entails. Creation of job description Defining key tasks. Creation of person specification Defining the key skills and personality traits required. Recruitment strategy How will we find the right person? Selection strategy What assessment methods will be used? 4
  5. 5. Six steps of job analysis 1. Determine what you will be using the information for. This will help define the best way to capture the information. 2. Review relevant background information Where does the job sit in the organization, what is the existing job description? 3. Select a representative number of positions to review Assess only as many staff members as you need who are carrying out this role. 5
  6. 6. 4. Analyze the job Using the appropriate methodology. This might be qualitative ( interviews, observation) or quantitative (surveys) 5. Verify your analysis With the people who know best. 6. Develop a Job description and person specification. 6
  7. 7. Job description elements. Job Title. Job summary The general nature of the job including major functions or activities. Responsibilities and duties The task element which is derived from the job analysis. Standards of performance Establish standards for each of the key duties above. Working conditions The work environment including any key information noise, team environment, long shifts. 7
  8. 8. Importance of Person Specification Used throughout the recruitment process. By individuals deciding f they are suitable for the role. When selecting candidates for interview. When determining the appropriate selection methods. When interviewing. 8
  9. 9. Looks for person specification Essential Criteria The requirements the applicant needs to be able to fulfill the role. Desirable Criteria Criteria which are non-essential but may help the person do the job better and helped you differentiate between candidates. DO NOT MAKE IT TOO Narrow Limiting who you can shortlist. Broad too many people meet the essential criteria. 9
  10. 10. What is a bad recruitment ? 1. Skill Mismatch for the Job. 2. Cultural misfit. 3. Attitude Issues. 4. Inability to perform job. 10
  11. 11. Facts about bad hire 53% of all the Job applications contain false or inaccurate information. 34% of all the Job applications carry blatant lies about their educational qualifications , experience and skills. Less than 50% employers were able to catch the fake information contained in a job application. 9% of the job applicants falsely claimed that they had a college degree. A sizeable number contain false information regarding why they have left their previous job and listed false employers 11
  12. 12. Traits of a Bad Hire Employers Disrespectful, Unhelpful, showing superior attitude, not fitting in the company s environment and values. Working against the collective goals even when in a Team. Showing prejudiced behavior and spreading rumors and gossip. Not having any rapport with customers. Work Unable to grasp simple instructions. Repeatedly makes similar and expensive mistakes. Not able to work independently. Not punctual, takes extended lunch and tea breaks. Highly erratic in terms of motivation. Talks more but delivers less. Attitude Shows no respect for company policies and rules. Will not accept instructions or directions from a manager or a supervisor . Will not accept responsibility 12
  13. 13. Impact of bad hire A bad hire has a negative impact on the following: 1. Organization. 2. Employers / Decision makers. 3. Co-workers. 13
  14. 14. Impact on Organization Revenue and productivity Loss are also the after effects of a bad Hire . When added to the cost of failures and missed opportunities this can be a tremendous loss for the organization. Time and Cost spent in training the employee , Relocation Cost , and expenses involved in immediately hiring someone new are some of the other additional overheads. Indirect cost to an organization includes the time spent in evaluating, hiring and managing them on board , time spent by other employees in mentoring them and damage to customer relationship. 14
  15. 15. Impact Employers / Decision makers A bad hire impacts the morale of the employer / decision maker . It forces them to question why and where they went wrong as more often than not they start blaming themselves. Their capabilities as decision makers might be questioned by the management. Stress and Inconvenience is another after effect of a bad hire . 15
  16. 16. Impact on Employees / Co workers Negative impact on Employee Morale as the current employees may have concerns regarding their job security and might also start having doubts regarding management s decision making ability. Lost productivity:- Current Employees are often asked to shoulder more responsibility or to take over the new employees work to avoid mounting organizational costs . Employee Turnover:- Many of the top performers leave the organization when they feel that the performance of the organization is being affected or they are being burdened with additional work. 16
  17. 17. Fixing bad hire Coaching and training the employee with the necessary skills, thus enabling him / her to perform the job better and making them more suitable for the requirements not only makes them loyal towards the organization but also goes a long way in changing their attitude and behavior. Hire Slow Fire Fast Despite the coaching & training if you feel that a bad hiring decision has been taken, no time should be wasted in relieving the employee to avoid incurring further costs and losses. Retaining them is a punishment for the employee, organization and other team members 17
  18. 18. Role Change to another position where the person might be a better fit can help the person and the organization in the long run. It also helps the employee to be aware of their skills and talents making them more efficient and productive . 18
  19. 19. Standard Recruitment Metrics : 1. Fill Rate. 2. Time to fill. 3. Cost of hire. 19
  20. 20. 20 Database Recruiter 1 Recruiter 2 Recruiter 3 Recruiter 4 Recruiter 5
  21. 21. 5 Important Metrics. 1. Candidate Accuracy An accurate candidate record is vital to a healthy database. Especially, phone numbers, email addresses (make sure they are personal email addresses) and residential location/suburb. GIGO stands for Garbage In Garbage Out, meaning if you put garbage data (CVs, records etc.) in, you will Garbage Out when it comes time to find them Recruitment metric - Build a report that measures the accuracy of your candidate records. You want to know how many records are missing key data so you address it ASAP. Otherwise, you cannot find theses people at a later date. 21
  22. 22. 2. Candidate Skills. A candidate comes with a portfolio of skills that make them valuable. These skills may or may not be of value to you, today. However you have no idea what your needs will be in 3-6 months time. It is therefore imperative that you code your candidate records in the database, which in turn will improve your efficiency when searching. Dont go overboard by trying to have 2500 skills. Keep it high level. Why bother? You can run a search for PHP + Wordpress + Melbourne in seconds and find 200 potential candidates. That is quicker than opening LinkedIn or even starting to write an ad for a job board. If your system is enabled for SMS, you have just contacted 200 candidates in a minute [assuming of course you have an accurate and clean database]. Recruitment metric - Build a report that identifies the number of candidate records created and the percentage of people that havent been skill coded. This will identify the recruitment KPI. 22
  23. 23. 3. Database Utilization 1. As we said earlier, the database is the heart of your recruitment team and if your recruitment team had a syndicate in lotto and won $3 million each, and all decided to retire, could you carry on as if they were never there? The answer is probably NO! 2. Every single discussion, email, message needs to be in that database. You are paying good money for your recruiter, and the database they are building is vital to your long term [recruitment] success. 3. Recruitment metrics - Build a report that shows how many candidate records have been updated per month, even per day. This way you will be able to see just how well they are utilizing the database. 23
  24. 24. 4. LinkedIn Engagement If you are in an industry where you need to build relationships with potential candidates before you can secure them, then the likely hood of your recruiters using LinkedIn is fairly high. The more they connect with people on LinkedIn, the more relationships they can build [assuming they connecting with the appropriate people that is]. You need be measuring the number of people they [your recruiters] are connecting with and engaging with. The next step is how many of these people are then being put into YOUR database, because once again, that gads to the health of your recruitment heart. Recruitment metric - Unfortunately there isn't a report [that we know of] to help with this so it has to be a honesty system, but if explained and framed correctly, should be a problem with the recruiter. 24
  25. 25. 5. Perspective. Your recruitment team is usually the first interaction a new employee has with your organization. Therefore they play an extremely important role in employee branding and on-boarding. Every single candidate that touches your recruitment process should be surveyed. Recruitment metric - A very quick survey [5 x 1-5 questions] through a provider like Survey Monkey will give you an overview of what the users of the recruitment process feel. This is one KPI that 90% of recruitment functions miss. It takes 10 minutes to set up, cost $250 per year and will provide more data that you can possibly imagine. 25
  26. 26. 1. Company posts a job. 2. Candidates submit resumes/applications. 3. Recruiter reviews resumes / applications. 4. 1st Interview. 5. 2nd Interview. 6. Make an offer. 26
  27. 27. Company posts a job Newspapers are obsolete. Company website. Social media (facebook, Twitter, Linkedinetc) 27
  28. 28. Candidates submit resume/application Applicant tracking system ( ATS ). Email. Hard copies save for the interview. 28
  29. 29. Recruiter reviews resumes / applications Key word search ( software ) Eye catching / engaging resume (regardless of format) 29
  30. 30. 1st Interview Recruiter's goals getting to know if they can sell you to the hiring manager. Candidates goal selling what makes you unique. 30
  31. 31. 2nd Interview New Concept Companys goal getting to know if youre a cultural fit Candidate's goal getting to know if youre a cultural fit 31
  32. 32. Make an offer Companys goal to stay within ( or under ) budget. Candidate's goal to get paid what youre worth. Know what the market will support ( research ). What are the intangibles ( benefits, career path ) 32
  33. 33. It may not be feasible to interview every applicant and some of them may not even meet the minimum requirements for the position. Therefore, unbiased review of the resumes is necessary to create a shortlist of candidates to interview. Depending on who is involved in screening, different methods can be used. Following is a basic method for initial screening based on minimum or key criteria. 33
  34. 34. 1. Do a quick review of all applications, focusing on minimum or key criteria, e.g. education, experience, teaching, research, service, etc. to get a sense of the range of candidates. 2. Based on your selection criteria, sort the resumes, for example, into three groups: - Qualified 'yes' these candidates clearly meet the minimum requirements of the job. - Possibly qualified 'maybe' these are candidates who may or may not meet the minimum requirements, and need to be reviewed in more detail to make a final determination. - Not qualified 'no' these are candidates who clearly do not meet the minimum requirements. 34
  35. 35. 3. Review the possibly qualified 'maybe' applications in more detail and sort into qualified or not qualified, preferably together with hiring manager and panel or committee members. 4. Depending on how many qualified applicants are identified, you may need to do further screening on criteria above the minimum requirements. 5. Be flexible but stick to your criteria - It is impossible to expect that a candidate will satisfy ALL the requirements while having perfect education, professional qualifications and experience. Recognize that you may have to deviate slightly, but to eliminate bias, try to make the decision based on the person who most closely matches the criteria you have specified for the job. 35
  36. 36. Interview Types. Interview Content. Interview Tests. Background Investigation. Work sample and demonstration. Effective Interview. Opening and closing the interview. Interviews Dont . 36
  37. 37. Structured Interview Directive interview following a set of sequence of questions Non-Structured Interview non-directive ask questions as they come to mind. 37
  38. 38. 38 Types of Questions Situational Interview Behavioural Interview Job-Related Interview Stress Interview
  39. 39. Situational Interview: Questions focus on the individuals ability to project what his/her behaviour would be in given situation. Behavioral Interview: Ask questions to describe how they reacted to actual situation in the past. Stress Interview: In which applicant is made uncomfortable by a series or rude questions. Job-Related Interview: Questions are focus directly on job specific items. 39
  40. 40. Measure Physical Intellectual Emotion Spirit 40
  41. 41. 41 Information regarding potential employee can be obtained with numerous ways, such as: 1. Former Employers. 2. Current Supervisors. 3. Google Search. 4. Written References. 5. Social Networking Sites.
  42. 42. You can measure work Performance directly during an interview by using the following: 1. Work Sample. 2. Leadership Assessment. 3. Situational Testing. 4. Demo. 42
  43. 43. 1 Structure your interview 2 Prepare for the interview 3 Establish Rapport 4 Ask Questions 5 Ask Questions 6 Review the interview 43
  44. 44. Welcome the candidate, introduce yourself and the position. Provide the candidate with an overview of how the process will be conducted. Warm-up the interview using any of the below questions : 1. Tell me a little about yourself. 2. What is your greatest strength? 3. What is your greatest weakness? 4. Where do you want to be in 5 years? 44
  45. 45. There is a strong relation between the length of interview and number of questions asked. Estimate 5 minutes per question. 20 minutes for other activities. 45 Interview Length Number of Questions Questioning Time 40 minutes. 4 or 5 questions 20 minutes 60 minutes 8 or 9 questions 40 minutes 90 minutes 14 15 questions 70 minutes 120 minutes 20 22 questions 100 minutes
  46. 46. Situational Questions: 1. Suppose a co-worker was not following standard work procedures. The co-worker is more experienced than you and claimed the new procedure was better. What would you do? 2. Suppose you were giving a sales presentation and difficult technical question arose that you could not answer. What would you do? 46
  47. 47. 47 Past Behavior Questions: 1. Based on your past work experience, what is the most significant action you have ever taken to help out a co-worker? 2. Can you provide an example of specific instance where you developed a sales presentation that was highly effective?
  48. 48. 48 Background Questions: 1. What work experiences, training do you have for working in a teamwork environment? 2. What experience have you had with direct point of purchase sales?
  49. 49. 49 Job Knowledge Questions: 1. What steps would you follow to do a brainstorming session with a group of employees on safety? 2. What factors should you consider when developing a television advertising campaign?
  50. 50. Sample Questions 1. How did you choose this line of work? 2. What did you enjoy most and what did you like least about your last job? 3. What has been your greatest frustration or disappointment on your present job? Why? 4. What were the circumstances surrounding your leaving your last job? 5. Why should we be hiring you? 50
  51. 51. 6. What do you expect from this employer? 7. What are three things you will not do in your next job? 8. What would your last supervisor say your three weaknesses are? 9. What are your major strengths? 10. How can your supervisor rate your job performance? 51
  52. 52. 11. What are your career goals during the next 1-3 years? Or 5-10 years? 12. How will working for this company help you reach those goals? 13. What did you do the last time you received instructions which you disagreed with? 14. What are some things about which you and your supervisor disagreed? What did you do? 15. Which do you prefer, working alone or with groups? Why? 52
  53. 53. 16. What motivated you do better at your last job? 17. Do you consider your progress in that job representative of your ability? Why? 18. Do you have an questions about the duties of the job for which you have applied? 19. Can you perform the essential functions of the job for which you have applied? And how? 53
  54. 54. Closing the Interview Ask the candidate if they have any final questions. Determine interest in continuing the process. Inform the candidate of next steps in the process. Thank the candidate. DO NOT MAKE ANY PROMISES 54
  55. 55. Stereotyping. Inconsistency in questioning. Snap Judgment. Halo/horn effect. Nonverbal bias. Projections. Contrast effect. 55
  56. 56. Here is a sample of an Interview Evaluation form that can be used. Note that this is a generic one. You must create one according to your needs. 56
  57. 57. 57

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