
Post on 18-Sep-2015






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  • United States accepted its role as a world superpower.Helped rebuild Japan and EuropeLeading role in establishing the United Nations.*

  • After WWII most of Europe was in ruins.The Soviet Union occupied most of Eastern and Central Europe and portions of Germany.*

  • *

  • In US best interest to rebuildPrevent economic and political instabilityMarshall Planmassive financial aid rebuild Europeprevent the spread of communism.*

  • Germany:Partitioned into East and West Germany*

  • West Germany: Democraticresumed self-government after a few years of American, British, and French occupation*

  • East Germany:Remained under Soviet dominationDid not adopt democratic institutions*

  • At first, Japan is occupied by American forces.Adopts a democratic governmentResumed self-governmentStrong ally of the United States*

  • Creation of the United NationsPurpose is to prevent future global wars.*

  • *Prosperity of the United States

  • Americans prospered due to an expanding economy stimulated by Americas involvement in the war.*

  • Businesses converted from production of war materials to consumer goods.*

  • 2. Americans purchased goods on credit.*

  • 3. Work force shifted back to men, most women returned full time to family responsibilities.*

  • 4. Labor unions became more powerful; workers gained new benefits and higher salaries. *

  • 5. Economic prosperity and technology boomed = next generation of women entered the labor force in large numbers.*

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