reading comprehension

Post on 09-Aug-2015






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By: Karl Joshua E. Jumoc BEED-I S.Y. ‘12-’13

READING WITH COMPREHENSIONoAside from speed reading, comprehension is another concern in readingoComprehension starts from the sensation of the textoThen, you begin to perceive

- You search for word meanings that have been identified & recognizedoThen, you begin to progress

-You figure out for bigger word meanings from other texts

According to Judith Westphal IrwinIt’s a process that takes place by:








Phrases & idea selection

Clauses & sentences relationship

Summary of ideas


Knowledge discipline


Comprehension is affected by your;Emotional StateExperiencePrevious knowledgeLanguage competencies

Comprehension is also considered as a;Bottom-up


Interactive view

Top-Down view

Comprehension comes to you & you derive appreciation of the text

Corresponds to microprocessing, integrative & macroprocessing

Comes from your previous experience & knowledge

Corresponds to elaborative processing

Interaction of bottom-up & top-down view

Corresponds to all processes

STEPS TOWARDS COMPREHENSIONSuggested for comprehension tasks

1. Scanning unfamiliar words & overcoming problems in meaning about themEncountering strange words& difficulty in comprehending

Scan for them & overcome your blocked words

Some suggestions are helpful like; Consulting the dictionaryTaking a clue from context

Taking a clue from word structures

familiarizes denotative or literal word meaning given in bits & pieces of information have several meaning levels

Example:cause (koz) n. 1. The power or efficient agent producing any thing 2. Any occasion/condition upon occurrence 3. Law An action or suit,also, a ground of action 4.Obs. Behalf; interest 5. Philos. The object for which anything is done

taking a clue from context


text surrounding the problem world text may give definitions, examples, re-statements, synonyms or antonyms that can give meaning


The Philippines is an archipelago, a group of islands surrounding by water

An amphibian like a frog, toad, newt or salamander has smooth skin

One of the components of a national territory is the fluvial & maritime domain or the external & internal waters

While Narcisa is a natural glibber, her young sister Ana is an introvert

Definition Context Clue

Example Context Clue

Re-Statement Context Clue

Synonym Context Clue

Antonym Context ClueLife is naturally ambivalent. Sometimes it is serene; sometimes it’s turbulent

taking a clue from the structure of the wordWords are deciphered for their meaning from their structure of root & affixKnowing the meaning of the root or base which may be a prefix/suffix


Mono – 1 Il – bad Neo – newDi – 2 Mal – bad Para – besideTri-3 Un – not Extra – outsideTetra – 4 Im – not Inter – withinPenta – 5 Sub – secondary Circum – aroundHexa – 6 Anti – against Pre – beforeHepta – 7 Contra – against Pro – forOcta – 8 Auto – self Con – with

Nona – 9 Micro – small Demi – half

Deca –10 Macro - big Semi - half


WORD FORMATIONSMonometer – monogram - monologue - monosyllable

Diameter – disect – dialouge - dichotomyTrimeter – triangle – trilogy - triumvirate

Tetrameter – tetragram – tetralogy - tetragonPentameter – pentagram – pentacle - pentadHexameter – hexagram – hexachord - hexad

Heptameter – heptagram – heptachord – heptadOctameter – octagon – octachord – octangle

Decameter – decagram - decahedron – decadeIllegal – illicit – illogical - illegible

Malnourished – malfunction – malpractice – maladyUnfair – unfit – uncertain – unconscious

Immature – imperfect – immortal – improperSubplot – subway - subsequent - subconscious

Semifinal – semicircle – semiconductor - semicolonantidote – antifungal – antibiotic - antiseptic

Contraband – contradict – contraceptive – contraveneAutomobile – autograph – autobiography – autobus

Microscope – microwave – microeconomics – microcosmMacrograph – macrospecies – macroeconomics – macrocosm

Neophyte – neology – neonatal – neoclassicParasite – parameter – paraphase – paralegal

Extralegal – extrapolate – extracurricular – extraneousInterpersonal – interfere – internation – intercommune

Circumstance – circumference – circumnavigate – circumlocutionPremature – pretest – predestined – prenatal

Probate – prolong – provoke – promotionConcur – conspire – constrict – contract

Demivolt – demigod – demiwolf - demitasse

SUFFIXES & MEANINGEr, or, ist for action verbs

Ment , ance, ence, ion for abstract nounsAble for adjectives

Ity for abstract nouns



Enjoy – enjoyment procure – procurement require – requirementEncourage – encouragement enlarge – enlargement

Govern – governance endure – endurance deliver – deliveranceDeliver – deliverance persevere – perseverance import - importanceRepentance – repentance interfere – interference refer – reference

Deter – deterence confer – conference predict – predictionCorrelate – correlation infuse – infusion profuse – profusion

Direct – direction subtract - subtraction

Bank – bankable wash – washable plastic -plasticity

Perish – perishable manage – manageable work – workable

Read – readable mature – maturity pure – purity

Secure – security effective – effectivity elastic - elasticity


2. Getting the Literal meaning3. Getting the Connotative meaning

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