reaction paper: antz

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Reaction paper on the animated film "Antz" and identifying the various political ideologies embodied in the different characters therein.


Julius D. Rocas PSC-31

February 25, 2010 Introduction to Political Science Reaction Paper: Antz

The animated film Antz which tells the story of Z an ant whose personality and world view differs radically from the norm present in their ant colony in which an individual ant is but an insignificant member living and existing solely to fulfill his duty for the benefit of the colony. Z rebuked the very same notion of his supposed existence and dreamed of a better life, a better condition wherein his own personal benefits, arising from the recognition of his own liberties, wherein he was free to do as he wish living a simple life in peace, bounty and free from the shackles of back-breaking labor in the dark tunnels of the colony. In essence, he dreams of living in a perfect and free world Insectopia according to stories he heard. Against Zs aspirations, are the forces that work to maintain the status quo, his friends and fellow workers at first discourage him from running away with his wild ideas and return to work as a worker ant should. Much like how the rest of the middle class in most societies remain silent about the current social order and becoming submissive to the state authorities and adhering to the rule of law. In this submissive silence, they try to live their lives peacefully and believing that they can advance up the social ladder by working with and within the established system. They may not approve of its workings and even recognize its faults, but they would seldom work to change it for fear of losing what they currently enjoy and posses, however meager it is compared to the ruling but few elites. In stark contrast to Zs position, ideology, stands the extreme rightists, who work to maintain the status quo. They do not only work to keep things as they are, they use force to keep things the way they are and fine-tune it to suit their own class-interests; power, control, and access to the vast resources of the state and society. Such ideology is personified in the character of General Mandible, a military man who perfectly fits the profile of being a fascist. He would do everything in his power, to achieve what he believes to be the ideal function of the individual, that is to serve the state or colony,Page 1 of 2

which is in essence is to serve him. The distinguishing mark is their belief that the weak and unfit members of the society must be exterminated so that what would be left is a race that is pure, strong and superior to others. Extremists or fascists are not afraid to use power and its tangible form, force; on the contrary, they are of the belief that exercising force is but necessary to achieve their goals. All opposition must be dealt with using this force, targeting those who are brave enough to challenge the established order or even those who just question its existence. For if such dissenting groups were allowed to prosper, the specter of revolution is sure to lurk in every street corner. Thus the struggle to shape society carries on, with social classes that have different interests and objectives as motivated and justified by their own respective ideologies taking center stage clash to defeat one another. Such are the forces that shape not just society but history itself and ultimately, mankinds destiny.

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