re- or de-fuel your aircraft - ... · if lua works, just copy the script "refuel.lua"...

Post on 08-Feb-2019






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Re- or De-Fuel your Aircraft

Version 1.0

by OE3GSU Member of AXDG

Austrian X-Plane Design Group

Refuel Manual V1.0 5.3.2014 Seite 2 von 6

Content: 1. Description .......................................................................................................... 3

2. Installation ........................................................................................................... 3

3. Functions............................................................................................................. 3

4. Usage .................................................................................................................. 4

5. Configuration ....................................................................................................... 5

6. Required Software............................................................................................... 5

7. Credits ................................................................................................................. 6

8. Betatester-Team.................................................................................................. 6

9. License terms ...................................................................................................... 6

Austrian X-Plane Design Group

Refuel Manual V1.0 5.3.2014 Seite 3 von 6

1. Description This script allowes it to refuel the aircraft on the apron (Thanks to DanielMan for the idea). • The aircraft have to stand still • Make sure the engines are not running • The pilot has to be in the cockpit A special position or additional add-ons are not required.

2. Installation First install "FlyWithLUA":: If LUA works, just copy the script "refuel.lua" into the "Scripts" folder of LUA. Start X-Plane and have fun :-)

3. Functions

• Refuels or Defuels your aircraft.

Austrian X-Plane Design Group

Refuel Manual V1.0 5.3.2014 Seite 4 von 6

4. Usage

Via the Menu If the plugin is installed and running, in the menu "Plugins / FlyWithLUA Macros" the entries

" • Refuel" and

" • Defuel" appear If these entries are clicked, the loading or unloading tank operation starts and the

menu entry gets a √. In the middle of the screen, a rectangle appears with "Refueling" or "Defuelling!" and a bar indicating the filling level of the tank. If the tanks are full, the refueled automatically terminates. The de-fueling is completed. when the tanks are empty. If you click the menu item again, each operation is terminated.

With associated keys In the X-Plane-Menu "Setup / Joystick ...." assign two Joystick-Buttons (index tab "Buttons Adv") or two keys (index tab "Keys") for the functions

• "toggle_refuel" and

• "toggle_defuel" in the area "FUEL".

With the keys defined here you can start and stop the re-fueling or de-fueling.

Eror-Message If the loading or de-fueling is not possible because

• • the aircraft moves

• • the engines run

• • the pilot is not in the cockpit ;-)

• an error message "Not possible!" is shown, that disappears after the set time (see following section).

Austrian X-Plane Design Group

Refuel Manual V1.0 5.3.2014 Seite 5 von 6

5. Configuration

The values shown above in the script can be customized with a simple text editor to your own wishes:

6. Required Software X-Plane® Version 10.25+ oder 9.7 FlyWithLUA

Austrian X-Plane Design Group

Refuel Manual V1.0 5.3.2014 Seite 6 von 6

7. Credits LAMINAR RESEARCH® für X-Plane® X-Friese für "FlyWithLUA"

8. Betatester-Team DanielMan, greuff, PAA196, PetJedi, grissley, davewing alle Mitglieder der AXDG.

9. License terms This package is freeware and stays in the possession of the developer/s. Upon installation of the freeware the user accepts the terms of use. It is not allowed to upload the package or parts of it to other websites without the explicit permission in writing of the developer/s. Furthermore it is forbidden to use the package or parts of it on a commercial basis without the explicit permission in writing of the developer/s. Changes and modifications for the private use are allowed. But it is not allowed to share such changed or modified versions without the explicit written permission from the developer/s. Apart from that the respective terms of copyright law are applicable. The developer/s are not responsible for any malfunctions or possible failures of hard- or software in connection with this package. Under the developer/s are available for questions or remarks regarding this scenery but cannot give the guarantee that this scenery will work on all computer systems. Have fun, refuelling your Aircraft!

Gerhard, OE3GSU

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