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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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ATI Course Schedule: ATI's ELINT :
Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
Typewritten Text
Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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ELINT Interception and Analysis
Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
Typewritten Text
Mark Zimmerman
Typewritten Text
Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
Typewritten Text
Mark Zimmerman
Typewritten Text
Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
Typewritten Text
Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
Typewritten Text
Mark Zimmerman
Typewritten Text
Mark Zimmerman
Typewritten Text
Mark Zimmerman
Typewritten Text
Mark Zimmerman
Typewritten Text
Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Val Travers
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Val Travers
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Val Travers
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Val Travers
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Val Travers
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Val Travers
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Val Travers
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Val Travers
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Val Travers
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Val Travers
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Val Travers
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Val Travers
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Val Travers
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Val Travers
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Val Travers
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Val Travers
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Mark Zimmerman
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Dr. Patrick Ford
Val Travers
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
Typewritten Text
Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Mark Zimmerman
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Copyright  1996-­‐2015  Erevno  Aerospace  

•  The higher the radiated frequency... –  the smaller/lighter the required

antenna/system –  the less peak power that can

reasonably be radiated by the radar system

–  the more the radiated energy takes on the propagation properties of light

•  The lower the radiated frequency... –  the larger/heavier the required

antenna/system –  the more peak power that can

reasonably be radiated by the radar system

–  the less the radiated energy takes on the propagation properties of light

Radio Frequency Some basic rules…

Copyright  1996-­‐2015  Erevno  Aerospace  

•  A 0 - 250 •  B 250 - 500

•  C 500 - 1,000

•  D 1,000 - 2,000

•  E 2,000 - 3,000

•  F 3,000 - 4,000

•  G 4,000 - 6,000

•  H 6,000 - 8,000

•  I 8,000 - 10,000

•  J 10,000 - 20,000

•  K 20,000 - 40,000

•  L 40,000 - 60,000

•  M 60,000 - 100,000

•  VHF 50 - 300 •  UHF 300 - 1,000

•  L 1,000 - 2,000

•  S 2,000 - 4,000

•  C 4,000 - 8,000

•  X 8,000 - 12,000

•  Ku 12,000 - 18,000

•  K 18,000 - 27,000

•  Ka 27,000 - 40,000

•  MMW 40,000 - 100,000







ar D



Frequency Band Designations (MHz)

Copyright  1996-­‐2015  Erevno  Aerospace  

Reflection Occurs when a wave meets a plane object. The wave is reflected back without distortion. Refraction Occurs when a wave encounters a medium with a different wave speed. The direction and speed of the wave is altered. Diffraction Occurs when the wave encounters an edge. The wave has the ability to turn the corner of the edge. Scattering Catch-all description of wave interactions that are too complex to be described as reflection, refraction or diffraction.

Source: www.cs.ucl.ac.uk/staff/S.Bhatti/teaching/d51/notes.html

Medium 1

Medium 2

Medium 1

Medium 2

Medium 1

Medium 2

Copyright  1996-­‐2015  Erevno  Aerospace  




Duplexer Antenna



Basic Pulsed Radar System

Copyright  1996-­‐2015  Erevno  Aerospace  

Transmitter Exciter

Duplexer Antenna


Receiver Signal Processor

Signal Processor

High PRF results in unambiguous velocity measurements and ambiguous range measurements Doppler measurements require coherency

LO and Reference


Pulse-Doppler Radar

Copyright  1996-­‐2015  Erevno  Aerospace  

Pulse Repetition Interval (PRI)

Pulse Repetition Frequency


Pulse Duration (PD)

The Pulse Train

Copyright  1996-­‐2015  Erevno  Aerospace  



PD = normally in usec PRF = normally in pulses per second (pps) PRI = normally in usec

1.0 second


Pulse Train

PD is the length of time the illuminating power is on for each transmission PRF is the number of pulses transmitted per second PRI is the time between the start of consecutive pulses

Copyright  1996-­‐2015  Erevno  Aerospace  

PRF(kHz)80Runamb(nm) =

PRF •  Determines radar “data rate” •  Determines Maximum Unambiguous Range (MUR)

- The range at which a radar can receive an echo before the next pulse is generated




. Nav

y / N







Copyright  1996-­‐2015  Erevno  Aerospace  

PD •  Determines range resolution

•  Determines minimum range

•  Remember:

ü  PD (in feet) = 1000 feet/usec ü  PD (in radar feet) = 500 feet/usec

Copyright  1996-­‐2015  Erevno  Aerospace  

Variation of interval between pulses within the radar’s pulse train

Used to eliminate MTI blind speeds,

main-bang eclipsing and range ambiguities

Improves anti-jamming (EP) capabilities

Interpulse Modulation  

Copyright  1996-­‐2015  Erevno  Aerospace  

Involves the process of modulating the RF carrier of a pulsed radar during transmission (within the pulse)

Pulses can vary in frequency, phase or amplitude

Increases range and range resolution

Example: Pulse Compression

Intrapulse Modulation  

Copyright  1996-­‐2015  Erevno  Aerospace  

•  Gain: Increase/decrease in signal strength as the incoming/outgoing signal is processed by the antenna.

•  Frequency Coverage: The range of frequencies over which the antenna can operate effectively.

•  Bandwidth: Frequency range of the antenna in units of frequency. •  Polarization: Orientation of E and H waves. •  Beam Width: Angular coverage of the antenna in horizontal and

vertical dimensions. •  Efficiency: Percentage of signal power transmitted/ received

compared to a ‘perfect’ antenna. •  Power Rating: The maximum power which can be fed to the antenna

without damaging the antenna and/or reducing antenna performance from the desired specifications.

Antenna Performance Parameters  

Copyright  1996-­‐2015  Erevno  Aerospace  

Antenna gain is the ratio of the power per unit of solid angle radiated in a specific direction, to the power per unit of solid angle

had that power been radiated using an isotropic antenna

aperture of area effective A

h wavelengt

mainlobe ofcenter at gain antenna G



A 4 G







Source: Introduction to Airborne Radar (2nd Edition) Used by permission of SciTech Publishing

Antenna Gain  

Copyright  1996-­‐2015  Erevno  Aerospace  


Note: For further information on polarization, see “Practical Communications Theory” by Dave Adamy

Source: U.S. Navy / NAWC-WD EW Handbook

Copyright  1996-­‐2015  Erevno  Aerospace  





/ M



Track-While Scan Radar Beam Pattern

Copyright  1996-­‐2015  Erevno  Aerospace  

RF  Input  (Main  Beam  -­‐  Primary  Antenna)  

RF  Input  (Secondary  Omni  -­‐  antenna)  




Signal    Processor  

Guard  Receiver  

Signal  Processor  



Gate   A  

Sidelobe Blanking Concept

Copyright  1996-­‐2015  Erevno  Aerospace  

Coherent Sidelobe Cancellers (CSLC)

•  Uses auxiliary receivers with antennas that have low gain and wide angle coverage

–  Most CSLC radars use 3-6 auxiliary elements

–  In a perfect world, one element (antenna) provides one degree of freedom and can provide one adaptive null

–  The aux receivers operate on the same frequency as the primary radar receiver/ antenna

•  The Howells-Applebaum method is a common CSLC implementation technique

CSLC  Processor  



Target  Return  

+  -­‐  

Copyright  1996-­‐2015  Erevno  Aerospace  

Space Time Adaptive Processing (STAP)

•  STAP exploits the narrow ridge that actually forms the clutter spectrum

•  STAP clutter filters have narrow clutter notches

–  Slower targets fall into the receiver pass band

•  Used for Doppler spread compensation caused by airborne platform motion/tactical maneuvering

•  Uses a priori data to enhance the chosen STAP algorithm(s)

•  Modern processing capabilities are allowing for the increased use (and development) of STAP The Principle of Space-Time Clutter Filtering

(Derived from G. Richard Curry)

Copyright  1996-­‐2015  Erevno  Aerospace  

Knowledge-Based (KB) Radar Systems

•  KB radar systems can dynamically change processing when provided with data from various sources –  Processing power was the inhibiter in the past (no longer the case)

•  KB-STAP now possible –  Artificial intelligence (AI) methods can be used to dynamically

choose the best STAP algorithm based upon programmable factors, vice a set (single) algorithm based upon a priori data

•  AI has been used to develop an expert system to dynamically modify CFAR

•  Use of KB techniques to perform filtering, detection, tracking and target identification is ongoing –  NATO has held conferences on KB radar

Copyright  1996-­‐2015  Erevno  Aerospace  

LPI Systems

LPI systems can (roughly) be broken into the following technological/ operational approaches:

–  Reduced ERP •  Power management based upon current

situation requirements –  Reduced Sidelobes

•  Low and Ultralow sidelobes –  Broadband

•  Fast becoming common place for COTS marine and battlefield surveillance radar systems

–  Low peak power capabilities »  Some < 1 Watt

•  Natural fall-out of waveform diversity

Image  sources:  Low

rance  /Kelvin  Hughes  /Thales  Group  

Copyright  1996-­‐2015  Erevno  Aerospace  

•  Sensitivity –  Ability to receive weak signals and

amplify them to usable level. It is the minimum signal strength that a receiver can receive and still operate effectively.

–  Three components of sensitivity are thermal noise, receiver system noise figure, and signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio.

•  Selectivity –  Ability of a receiver to tune to a

particular station without other signals/ emissions interfering with the reception of the desired signal.

•  Dynamic Range –  Range of signal levels over

which the receiver can successfully operate.

–  The low end of the dynamic range is governed by receiver sensitivity.

–  The high end it is governed by the receiver’s ability to handle overload and/or strong signals.

•  Frequency Stability –  Ability to stay tuned to an

incoming signal for a long period of time.


Receiver Characteristics

Copyright  1996-­‐2015  Erevno  Aerospace  

Low Sensitivity Crystal Video Receiver

High Sensitivity Crystal Video Receiver

RF  Pre-­‐amplifier   Crystal  Detector  

Video  Amplifier  Antenna  

Antenna   Bandpass  Filter   Crystal  Detector   Video  Amplifier  

Copyright  1996-­‐2015  Erevno  Aerospace  

PR = PT + GT – L + GR


The One-way Link Equation

Copyright  1996-­‐2015  Erevno  Aerospace  


Source: U.S. Navy / NAWC-WD EW Handbook

Copyright  1996-­‐2015  Erevno  Aerospace  


Source: U.S. Navy / NAWC-WD EW Handbook

Copyright  1996-­‐2015  Erevno  Aerospace  


Source: U.S. Navy / NAWC-WD EW Handbook

Copyright  1996-­‐2015  Erevno  Aerospace  

Search Dimensions and Impact on POI

Source:  EW  101  (Dave  Adamy)  

Copyright  1996-­‐2015  Erevno  Aerospace  

Simplest Method of Locating Emitters: Triangulation

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