ramadhan planner

Post on 05-Apr-2018






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  • 7/31/2019 Ramadhan Planner


    Ramadhaan Planner Daily Ibaadah Planner

    Acts of 'Ibaadah Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10 Total1 The 5 Salah in Masjid (esp Fajr & Isha) (for women to pray in its earliest time)

    2 To avoid wasting time with friends & using Internet/TV/Mobile

    3 To do all actions according to Sunnah (i.e. eat, sleep, use miswaak etc)

    4 Adhkaar (words of remembrance) after every Fardh Salaah *

    5 Perform all Sunnah & Nawafil Salaah (optional Prayer i.e. Ishraaq & Tahajjud)

    6 Spending an Hour in the Masjid/room in seclusion (individual worship)7 Morning & Evening Isti'adha & Adhkaar *

    8 To recite a minimum 1 Juz of the Qur'an (or specify personal target)

    9 Supplicating (making Du'a) at the times of acceptance *

    10 Sadaqah (initiating Salaam, to smile, to spend what you love)

    11 To learn something new (e.g. Quran, Hadith, Du'a etc)

    12 Showing outstanding character & support to family & others

    13 Guarding the Tongue (from lying, backbiting & futile Speech etc)

    14 Guarding the Eyes & being Modest (in appearance & character)

    15 Maintaining concentration & devotion in Salaah (Khushoo')

    16 add your own

    Instructions: Please rate each act on a daily basis between 1 - 5, 1 being extremely poor and 5 being outstanding effort. (Print 3 copies to complete month)* Adhkaar after Fardh Salaah: to recite Ayatul Kursi, including the last 3 Surah's of the Qur'an and the Tasbeeh Fatimi; to recite 33 times Subhaan Allah, 33 Alhamdulillah & 33 times Allahu Akbar

    * Isti'adha means to seek protection. There are many Du'as from the Qur'an & Hadith for seeking the protection of Allah from the Hell fire, shaitaan & other evils or calamities. (refer to Hisnul Muslim or Fortress of a Muslim)

    * Adhkaar: Optional Dhikr chunks i.e.100 Kalimah Shahada , 100 Istigfaar & 100 times Salawatur Rasul (Darood), Note: specify your own amount, it is known that Abu Hurayra (ra) would make tasbeeh of 12000 Daily!

    * When Du'as are accepted: when it rains, between adhan & Iqamah, after fardh salaah, in sujood, midnight (& last portion of the night), when oppressed, whilst travelling, after wudhu & a Du'a for his brother in his absence.

    Why do this Daily 'Ibaadah Planner? Comments: How can I improve for the next 10 days?

    The main purpose of this daily 'Ibaadah Planner is to help one to get into the habit of these highly regarded acts of worship, and to steadily improve on

    them until one reaches a good level of consistency which will insha Allah result in improvement of your Imaan and relationship with Allah (swt)

    How long shall I do this for?

    In order for one to really benefit from this 'Ibaadah planner he/she must set a duration (i.e. 1 month) with a personal target in mind to improve themselves

    by monitoring their acts of 'Ibaadah on a daily basis before he/she retires to sleep; this is known as Muhaasabah (to take account of ones actions)What attitude shall I maintain throughout each day? Some Naseeha

    When you wake up in the morning, do not expect to see the evening, live as though today is all that you have. Yesterday has passed with its good &

    evil while tomorrow has not yet arrived. Your life span is but one day, as if you were born in it & will die at the end of it. During this day you should

    pray with a wakeful heart, recite the Qur'an with understanding & remember Allah with sincerity. Organize the hours of each day so that you make years

    out of minutes & months out ofseconds. Profit from every moment of your day by developing your personality, expanding your abilities & purifying your

    deeds. And engrave onto your heart one phrase: Today is my only day.

    Start Date: / / 10 Day Planner Total amount: _________

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