raceview state school volume 18 9 november 2017 · 2020. 5. 5. · carnivals, concerts, year 6...

Post on 29-Aug-2020






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9 November 2017


Street Address: 96 Wildey Street RACEVIEW QLD 4305 Phone: 3294 4111

Postal Address: PO Box 4035 RACEVIEW QLD 4305 Fax: 3294 4100

E-mail Address: info@raceviewss.eq.edu.au Website: www.raceviewss.eq.edu.au

S- Self Control P- Persistence O- Organisation R- Respect T- Team Player



3294 4166




(Yr 5)

Dear Parents & Carers

We are very quickly

approaching the end of Term 4. With four weeks

remaining we are busily preparing for Semester

Two student reporting and all of our end of year


We have swimming carnivals, concerts, Year 6

graduation, end of year disco, student leadership camp and our school

volunteer’s morning tea.

As we work towards a

successful conclusion to our school year we are

also actively reminding our students that it is important to remember

SPORTy behaviours.

That is the need to

demonstrate Self-control, Persistence, Organisation, Respect and being a Team


We always focus on

appropriate behaviour and positive interactions with

others whether it is the first or the last day of


Mon 27th Nov— STUDENT OF MONTH—NOVEMBER Principal’s Afternoon Tea 1.30pm @ Hall

Prep Orientation 2.00-2.45pm (4 of 4)

Wed 29th Nov— 11 & 12 Yrs Swim Carnival

Prep/Yr 1 Xmas Concert

Prep—6.30-7.00pm Yr 1—7.10pm

Thu 30th Nov— 9 & 10 Yrs Swim Carnival

Yr 2 & 3 Xmas Concert

Yr 2—6.30-7.00pm Yr 3—7.10pm

Fri 1st Dec— Yr 1, 2 & 3 Swimming Fun Day



Graduation Ceremony 9-10.30am Family welcome

Disco & Pizza Party

6.30-8.30pm @ Hall Students only

Thu 7th Dec— END OF TERM DISCO Prep-Yr3 5—6.25pm

Yrs4-6 6.30—8.30pm

I’d like to congratulate Mr Mills on his continuing role

as Assistant Regional Director and have told

him that I’d consider it a privilege to continue at

Raceview State School throughout term one,


Wishing our school

community a wonderful

weekend and a great week

to come,

Theresa Sheehan

Acting Principal

I am looking forward to

acknowledging the wonderful behaviour

shown by students when we celebrate Student of

the Month on Monday 13th


This is an opportunity to

showcase the excellent SPORTy student

behaviours at our school.

The final student of the month awards and

afternoon tea for the year will be held on Monday

27th November.


Mr Rob Mills has been invited by our Regional

Director to further extend his time as Assistant

Regional Director until the end of Term One 2018.

Assistant Regional

Directors work directly with a range of schools and

Principals in a leadership and supervisory role.

Mr Mills has asked me to continue as Principal of

Raceview throughout Term One 2018.



Mon 13th Nov— STUDENT OF MONTH—OCTOBER Principal’s Afternoon Tea 1.30pm @ Hall Prep Orientation 2.00-2.45pm (2 of 4)

Thu 16th Nov— SNR BAND performing @ St. Mary’s

Mon 20th Nov— Prep Orientation 2.00-2.45pm (3 of 4)

P&C Meeting 5.30pm Brothers Leagues Club

Mon 20th—Thur 23rd Nov—

Leadership Camp




SPORTy Behaviour

As the end of the year quickly approaches, there are many events and celebrations

taking place in and around the school. It’s very important students keep persisting

with their school work; each new day can, and should be, a day of learning. It’s

also vital that our student’s show lots of self-control. This will ensure they finish

the year on a high with every reason to celebrate the end of the year. It’s been so

pleasing to see great examples of these expectations. I’ve received numerous

letters from inquisitive Prep students; their writing has come along wonderfully

this term. In Year 1, our students have shown strong improvement in their

reading, displaying ever-growing confidence and comprehension skills. Parents and

carers – please keep talking with your child about their learning and reminding

them about SPORTy behaviour – it makes a huge difference. Students - keep up

the great work!

Prep 2018

It is still not too late to commence the enrolment process if you have a Prep student commencing in 2018. Please speak to the

office, collect enrolment forms and arrange an interview if your child is ready for Prep next year (ie. his/her date of birth is

between 1/7/2012 and 30/6/2013).

Again, I thank the parents and students that have already come in for their interviews. I can confidently say we have a great bunch

of 2018 Prep students starting next year.

Prep Students of the Week

Congratulations to the following students who were their class’ SPORTy Student of the Week in Week 4:

Prep A – Leah O Prep D – Airlee M

Prep B – Willow H Prep E – Harry R

Prep C – Maddison C Prep F – Mai W

Congratulations to the following students who were their class’ Reading Student of the Week in Week 5:

Prep A – Johnathon M Prep D – Mark M

Prep B – Phillp E Prep E – Alleqx S

Prep C – Emma H Prep F – Bree M

Craig Jordan

Deputy Principal



(Yr 2—Yr 3)

Year 3!

Recently, I visited 3D who were working on their writing.

What a great job they were doing! Title pages were almost finished and many children had experimented with different types of font to grab the

reader’s attention.

Well done 3D! I look forward to seeing your completed stories.

Raceview Reading!

Today I had two Year 3s visit to let me know that they had improved more than expected with their reading. This is wonderful

news and I congratulate them and their teachers!

Recently I included two of the QAR strategies that students use in class to focus on comprehension. Below are two more of the

strategies with accompanying questions that you can use with your children during their home reading time.

‘Author and Me’ – The answer is not directly in the text. To answer the question, readers need to think about how

the text and what they already know, fit together.

Do you agree with….? How did he/she feel when…?

Why did the main character…? What do you think…?

What did the author mean by…? Give reasons why…?

‘On My Own’ – The answer is not in the text. Readers need to use their own ideas and experiences to answer the


Have you ever…? What would you do if…?

Do you know anyone who…? If you could…?

What do you do when…? What is your favourite…? Why?

Attendance – A reminder from Queensland Education

Francine Hayler

Deputy Principal



(Yr 4 and Yr 6)

Ice Cream Day

Thank you for supporting our recent Ice Cream Day. We

raised $886. This money will now be spent on pet food

and pet toys to donate to some animal charities, including

the RSPCA at Ipswich. As well as having this money to

spend, we are also collecting pet food donations each

morning at the rotunda.

For many of us who are animal lovers, this is a lovely way

to teach children compassion by giving to the less fortunate.

In this case, we are supporting charities who are often

inundated with unwanted litters and pets over the Christmas period.

Please support this worthwhile cause by donating a can or 2 of pet food to the student leaders in the rotunda before school each


End of Term Disco

The Term 4 disco is booked in for Thursday 7th December. As usual the Prep – Yr 3 classes attend between 5pm and 6:25pm and

Yrs 4-6 classes are invited to attend between 6:30pm and 8:30pm. The cost of the disco is $5 unless students have their Student

ID cards which allows entry for $3.

Price lists and Conditions of Entry will be emailed home closer to the date. Students who are ineligible to attend due to behaviour,

will have their letters by Monday 4th December.


Graduation for Year 6 students is taking place on Wednesday 6th December. Year 6 Graduation is done in 2 parts.

During the morning from 9am until approximately 10:30am, there is a Graduation Ceremony that families are welcome to attend.

At this ceremony, awards and certificates are given to our graduating classes.

Part 2 is a Disco and Pizza Party that night in the hall. Only students and teachers attend this event.

Leadership Camp

Current Student Leaders and those who have been newly elected for 2018 will be heading to Leadership camp on Monday 20th

November for 4 days. This camp is designed to bring our leaders together and give them strategies for working well as a team.

Leadership Camp is held at the Barambah Environmental Education Centre.

Here are a few pictures from last year’s camp.

Kathy Dawes

Deputy Principal



Please note that Raceview State School is an

“Enrolment Managed School”

and as such, enrolments from out-of-catchment students are restricted.

Enrolling Now!

Please speak to the office, collect enrolment forms and arrange an interview

if your child is ready for Prep next year.

Ie. (his/her date of birth is between 1/7/2012 and 30/6/2013)

Please bring your child’s birth certificate and proof of address.

Orientation Sessions:

Monday 6th, 13th, 20th and 27th November from 2.00—2.45 pm

Parents/carers and their child are encouraged to attend every session.

Class allocations:

Wednesday 29th November—Wednesday 6th December

Parents/carers notified of their child’s class allocation.


Strategy Explained…

Good readers make inferences while reading to improve their understanding of the story or text. An inference is when we

understand things that the author does not tell us! We infer why things happen, why characters behave the way they do, and how

characters are feeling. The reader creates images and inferences based on what the author does tell you and your own

knowledge. This is one of the more difficult skills for children to grasp, and is also one of the largest components of reading tests,

especially NAPLAN.

Helpful Hints...

How can you help at home?

One way to help your child make an inference, is to think of it this way:

Your knowledge + Clues in the text = An Inference

It’s taking what you already know/understand and adding what the author does tell us, to come up with answers to the

“Why” and “How” questions.

After reading, ask your child to list things the characters Say and Do, then come up with what those actions Show About the


As you ride down the road, pay attention to billboards or bumper stickers. These are full of inferred messages – make it a

game where you try to figure it out! Charades are also fun!

When you can infer...

Watching TV or Movies

Looking at pictures of people

Cartoons in magazines

Magazine covers (this is a fun game...cover up something on the front of a magazine, try to guess what's under the sticky

note! Use clues!)

Characters in our books....why do they do/say things? What does a character's actions show about him/her? How is the

character feeling? Why?... and much more!

Poems are full of things to infer!

Charmaine Statham and Mark Bond (Literacy Coaches)




The annual Raceview State School Swimming Carnivals for 2017

are fast approaching, with the three days of competition

occurring in Week 9. The dates for each carnival are as follows:

11 & 12 Years – Wednesday 29 Nov 2017

9 & 10 Years – Thursday 30 Nov 2017

Year 1, 2 and 3 Swimming Fun Day – Friday 1 Dec 2017

Programs will be available to buy on the morning of each day for

a gold coin donation.

Presentations for age champions (9 – 12 Years) and overall

house winner trophy will be held at the hall on Thursday 30

November 2017 at 2pm.

Students in Years 1, 2 & 3 will participate in freestyle and

backstroke (aided and unaided, 25m or 12.5m) events and then if

time permits they will also swim across the pool in the house

relay. We have a number of senior swimmers that will be in

attendance on the day and will be in the pool to support any

students that require the extra help. This carnival is not for

championships and the aim of the day is for the students to

participate in races while enjoying their swimming regardless of

the place that they finish.

There will be a BBQ available for all parents, family members,

students and staff to purchase at morning tea on each of the

days. We are also looking for parent volunteers from our

current student leaders to help with cooking and service. If you

are able to assist, please contact me at the school as soon as

possible. I am also seeking parent help during the 11 & 12 Years

carnival. If you are able to volunteer some time, please let me


Can I please ask that all students attending these carnivals have a

hat (named), water bottle and all swimming equipment

required. Please make sure that uniforms are named as we

have had a lot of lost property in the past following these events.

I am looking forward to seeing you all in attendance to support

our students as they swim for house points or championship

glory. They should be some great days enjoyed by all.


For the remainder of the term, we will be holding

gold coin donation lunch time swims for Years 1 – 6.

All money raised from these gold coin swims will go towards

updating our wireless/portable PA system on the oval for our

sports days and other school events. The following is a timetable

for these sessions (They will run until the end of Term 4):

Monday 1st Break – Year 2

Tuesday 1st Break – Year 3

Wednesday 1st Break – Year 5

Wednesday 2nd Break – Year 4

Thursday 2nd Break – Year 6 (and swimming voucher holders)

Friday 1st Break – Year 1

We hope these fundraising swims will be supported by all

students and we invite parents that are able to help supervise to

come along and enjoy the fun with your children and their peers.

Raceview Strong, Raceview Proud!

Bryan Marshall

Physical Education Specialist

2018 Student Departure

If your student/s will not be returning to Raceview State School in 2018 please

complete this form and return to the school office as soon as possible. (Yr 6’s don’t reply).

□ Name __________________________________________ Reason for Departure _________________________________________________

Roll Class __________________ School Transferring to __________________________________________________________________________

□ Name __________________________________________ Reason for Departure _________________________________________________

Roll Class __________________ School Transferring to __________________________________________________________________________

Only return this form

if your child is NOT

returning to

LAST DAY FOR SCHOOL BANKING — Thursday 30th November 2017 Thank you to everyone who has been banking throughout the year.


Last Thursday November 2nd the Senior Choir took

part in Music Count Us In.

This is the first time that Raceview S.S. has

participated in this event with other schools to

advocate for music education in all schools.

We met at the North Ipswich Reserve and at

precisely 11.30am sang the song Shine Together

with over 400 other Primary School children from

around Ipswich. The event was also supported by

Radio 94.9 and Ipswich Mayor Andrew Antoniolli.

Congratulations to all of the choir children who

performed on Thursday night at our annual Music

Awards evening. Each child who is in either the

Senior or Junior Choir received a Certificate of

Participation for their efforts throughout the year.

Anyone who did not receive their certificate on the

night can collect theirs from Mrs Van Cooten in the

music room.

Junior Choir are busily practising for their

performance at

Carols under the Big Tree, Wildey St,

to be held on Sunday December 3rd at 7pm.

This is a community event where all families and

friends are also invited to attend. A letter of

invitation will be forthcoming.

Junior Choir’s final parade performance

for the year will be on Monday 20th November.

They will be performing

We Love You Christmas medley.

All parents and family are invited to attend.

Please note that the Junior Choir will perform

FIRST at this year’s 2/3 Christmas Concert starting

at 6.30pm.

Prep/Year 1 Christmas Concert

Wednesday 29th November

at 6.30 pm

(No BBQ this year)

Prep 6.30pm—7.00pm

Year 1 7.10pm

Year 2 and 3 Concert

Thursday 30th November

at 6.30 pm

(No BBQ this year)

Year 2 6.30pm—7.00pm Year 3 7.10pm


We Love You Christmas medley


Santa Claus is Coming Boogie Woogie Christmas


Nuttin’ for Christmas We Wish you a Merry Christmas


Cool Rockin’ Santa Rockin’ Christmas


Reindeer Boogie Feliz Navidad


Run Run Rudolph A Very Merry Aussie Christmas


Deck the Sheds

Ho Ho Ho Oi Oi Oi

3D/3E It’s Christmas

Aussie Jingle Bells



The P&C is a parent

representative body, which

stands for Parents & Citizens

Association. The P&C is the

voice of the parents. It is at

P&C meetings that decisions

affecting your child at school

are made.

The Raceview State School P&C meets on the 3rd

Monday of every month at 6.30pm unless advised

otherwise. The next meeting will be held on Monday, 20th

of November at 5.30pm at Brother’s Leagues Club. We

would love to see you there!


All Rainbow Run money is due

back by

10th November.

After this date, prizes can be


A big THANK YOU to everyone for your support.

Tickets for our Christmas raffle have already gone home.

We have some great prizes on offer.

1st prize - $100 Amart Voucher Donated by Raceview State School

2nd prize - $100 Bunnings Voucher Donated by Reflect Group

3rd prize - $100 Mr Toys Voucher

Donated by Raceview State School P&C

The raffle will be drawn Monday 27th November.

Please return all raffle tickets SOLD or UNSOLD

to the tuckshop

no later than Friday 24th November.


THURSDAY 9 NOVEMBER - Enrolment Forms

for the 2018 Instrumental Music Program for Yr 2 &

3 students offered a place are due to the office.


performing at Southern Cross Care St Mary’s,

Raceview. Medical Permission Forms due to the

office by Tuesday 14 November.


Instrumental Music Lessons and Junior Band

Rehearsal. All school instruments to be

returned this day.

MONDAY 27 NOVEMBER - Senior Band

perform on parade.


perform for Year 6 Graduation

This picture of the iceberg is a good analogy of how much

effort needs to go into home practice and rehearsals before

a performance. This picture doesn’t just relate to music,

but also sport and many other areas.

Sharon McInnes

Senior Instrumental Music Teacher – Band



BPOINT – Update to the Agile Link

The BPOINT Web link that displays on the bottom of

Customer Invoices has been updated.

Parents/customers can select the link which will open the

BPOINT Web Page and pre populate information into the

BPOINT Payment Screen.

The information pre-populated includes:

Customer Reference Number (CRN), Invoice Number and

Student Name.

The ONLY data that the parent needs to enter

is the payment amount.


We can now offer parents the ability

to pay invoices over the phone using

BPoint IVR (Interactive Voice Response).

Parents call

1300 631 073

and enter their CRN, amount and credit card details to

complete payment.

At the end of the call you will be provided with a

unique payment receipt number.

The school office is

no longer able to

take credit card details over the phone

as this is not Payment Card Industry Data Security

Standard compliant.


Yes - it really is that time!

Time to start ordering your book packs for 2018!

You will already have received your child/ren’s booklist

This is a list of the basic requirements needed by your child to

begin the new school year. This list has been carefully prepared by the

teachers with specific items listed.

By obtaining your book pack requirement through our supplier,

Olympia Office Products,

you will obtain the correct items required,

while saving you both time and money.

A step-by-step guide on how to order

can be found on the first page of the booklist.

The complete suite of booklists can also be found on the school

website, under the Curriculum tab.

While you can order your book packs at any point,

it is highly recommended that you place your order

by the 11th of December

to guarantee delivery prior to school resuming in 2018.

If you have any questions, please contact

Olympia directly on

(07) 3275 1122.


Olympia Office Products, Unit 1, 32 Annie Street, Coopers Plains, Qld 4103

Ph: (07) 3275 1122, Fax: (07) 3275 1120,

E-mail: sales@olympiaonline.com.au Web: www.olympiaschoolsupplies.com.au



Hi everyone, For your convenience the tuckshop now has EFTPOS!

Monday lunches must be ordered online.

Only icy cups chips etc available over the counter at

2nd Break on Mondays.

For anybody wishing to start an online account with Munch Monitor, the details are as follows:

1. Go to www.munchmonitor.com 2. Enter Username : raceview Password : munch4305 then click "login"

3. Click "Sign Up" and follow the simple steps to get started

When placing orders please make sure you are submitting both breaks separately.

If you are only ordering for one break for your child please ensure that they are aware of this as we have had a number of

children saying they are missing orders and becoming upset when in fact an

order has only been placed for one break.



Term 4, 2017

Monday: 2.30—3.30pm

Thursday: 2.30—3.30pm

Friday: 8.15—9.30am

Uniform Shop Convenor


8.15 am at the Hall




At Raceview State School

we are very fortunate to have so many dedicated volunteers

who willingly give up their time to help out at school.

Your help in classrooms

and the time you spend here is very much appreciated by the

teachers, students and administration.

To show our appreciation we would like to invite you to join

us for an

Afternoon Tea on

Tuesday 5th December


9.30—10.30 am

in the staffroom.

Please RSVP by Friday 1 December to the office on

3294 4111.

Yearbook order forms and payment due by 24th November

Cost is $20.


(Guidelines for Illness as per the

Education Department/Health


If your child has diarrhoea and/or vomiting,

they need to be kept home from school until 24 hours after the last episode.

These guidelines have been set for the health of

fellow students and staff.

Thank you for your support in this matter.


Just a reminder that

Friday 1st December

is the last day of tuckshop for the year

There will be NO tuckshop

the last week of the school term

We are starting to run low on a few items, so as we run out it will be updated on Munch Monitor & the tuckshop menu


Higher Order Thinkers (H.O.T) Challenges


The Ipswich Hospital Foundation Walking

Schools Program is running at Raceview State School.

The Walking Schools program involves an IHF volunteer

walking students around the school grounds on a day morning from 8:15am to 8:35am approximately.

This is a great way to get kids moving and closer to their recommended 60 minutes of daily physical activity as well

as engaging them before school.

The Walking Schools Program provides children with incentives and goals to work towards to keep them

interested and engaged.

A permission form has been given to all students to complete for the program.

If you would like more information about the Walking

Schools Program or would like to be involved, please feel free to contact Kayley from the IHF at

kayley@ihfoundation.org.au or on 1300 736 428.

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