quran and holy bible: 5 pillars of faith

Post on 18-Jul-2015






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The Quran and the Holy Bible


5 Pillars of Faith


5 Pillars of Faith1. Belief in God.2. Belief in Angels.3. Belief in Scripture.4. Belief in Prophets.5. Belief in Judgment Day.

QuranIslam teaches:

1) There is one God: Allah.

2) Angels are active in the world.

3) Scripture, the Quran, is the voice of God.

4) God used prophets to deliver His words.

5) On Judgment Day, all will be judged.

Holy BibleThe Holy Bible says:

1) There is one God, Creator of all: Jesus.

2) God created and uses angels.

3) Scripture is the Bible’s 66 inspired books.

4) God uses prophets to speak His words.

5) On Judgment Day, all will be judged.

The Quran: Belief in God

There is one God: Allah. The Quran repeats the critical concept that God is absolutely, individually one, and nothing created can be compared to him, including Jesus. Allah is all-knowing and all-powerful. His will must be obeyed.

The Holy Bible: Belief in God

There is one God, the Creator of everything. In the Beginning was the Word. The Word was God. The Word became flesh as Jesus.

The Quran: Belief in Angels

Angels are active in the lives of people. In the past, they delivered messages to prophets, like Abraham, Joseph, Daniel, and Muhammad. Today, a pair of little angels stay with each person, recording the actions of their life: One angel records good deeds, and the other records bad deeds.

The Holy Bible: Belief in Angels

God created angels. One-third of them were led by Lucifer (Satan) to rebel against God. The became demons, and God cast them out of Heaven. God has used angels to deliver special messages to people.

The Quran: Belief in Scripture

Scripture is the voice of God, as delivered by Gabriel to Muhammad and assembled into the Quran. It was spoken and written in Arabic, and remains unchanged to this day.

The Holy Bible: Belief in Scripture

Scripture is the printed message of God, 66 books written by men inspired by God's Holy Spirit, some before Jesus and some after Jesus. God protects the message, and it cannot change.

The Quran: Belief in Prophets

God anointed prophets to deliver His words. Throughout history, starting with Adam, there have been many prophets. Jesus was an important prophet, born of the virgin Mary. Muhammad is the last prophet, and the example of the perfect man.

The Holy Bible: Belief in Prophets

Throughout history God has set aside special people to speak to and work through. After Jesus returned to Heaven, He sent His Holy Spirit to fill and anoint people as His prophets to speak His words. Even today, the Holy Spirit is active in people to prophesy.

The Quran: Belief in Judgment Day

Judgment Day is coming for all people. Each person will have their good and bad deeds, as recorded by the angels, weighed on a scale. The eternal destiny of that person is determined by which deeds weigh the most. Some good deeds, like martyrdom, reciting all of the beautiful names of Allah, and memorizing the Quran are heavier than others.

The Holy Bible: Belief in Judgment Day

On Judgment Day, Jesus taught, everyone who ever lived will stand before God and be separated, like a shepherd separates sheep and goats. The sheep are the ones who showed material love to the needy, and are welcomed into Heaven. The goats are the ones who ignored the needy, and they are sent to eternal punishment.

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