qualifications in the bsb business services training package

Post on 04-Jan-2017






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Companion VolumeAppendix

BSB Business Services Training Package Implementation Guide - Appendix

DisclaimerThis work has been produced with the assistance of funding provided by the Commonwealth Government through the Department of Education and Training. The views expressed in this work do not necessarily represent the views of the Department of Education and Training. In addition, the Department of Education and Training does not give warranty or accept any legal liability in relation to the content of this work.

For further information about this Companion Volume or any other work being undertaken by Innovation and Business Skills Australia (IBSA), please visit www.ibsa.org.au

Innovation & Business Skills Australia Level 11, 176 Wellington Parade East Melbourne VIC 3002 Australia p 03 9815 7000 e virtual@ibsa.org.au f 03 9815 7001 w www.ibsa.org.au

© 2016 Commonwealth of Australia


© 2016 Commonwealth of Australia


Version control and modification history 4

Appendix 1 List of qualifications, skill sets and units of competency 5

Qualifications in the BSB Business Services Training Package version 2 5

Skill sets in theBSB Business Services Training Package version 2 8

Units of competency in the BSB Business Services Training Package version 2 10

Appendix 2 Mapping information 40

Mapping information 40

Qualification mapping 41

Skill set mapping 46

Unit mapping 51


© 2016 Commonwealth of Australia

BSB Business Services Training Package Implementation Guide - Appendix

Version control and modification historyVersion number Release date CommentsVersion 2 January 2016 Includes review of the following sectors:

• Sustainability (1 new qualification and 6 new units)

• Governance (1 new qualification and 9 new units)

• Marketing and Advertising (3 new qualifications and 12 new units)

• Small Business (2 new qualifications and 6 new units)

One new skill set to meet industry requirements:

• BSBSS00089 Workplace Innovation Skill Set

The following qualifications have been moved from CUL11 Library, Information and Cultural Services Training Package version 1 to BSB Business Services Training Package version 2 and have been updated to meet the Standards for Training Packages:

• CUL30111 Certificate III in Information and Cultural Services

• CUL40111 Certificate IV in Library, Information and Cultural Services

• CUL50111 Diploma of Library and Information Services

The following qualifications have been moved from TAE10 Training and Education Training Package version 3.4 to BSB Business Services Training Package version 2 and have been updated to meet the Standards for Training Packages:

• TAE70210 Graduate Certificate in Management (Learning)

• TAE80210 Graduate Diploma of Management (Learning)

Industry Skills Council (ISC) upgrade to update unit lists and correct typographical errors.

Version 1.2 June 2015 Industry Skills Council (ISC) upgrade to correct typographical errors

Version 1.1 April 2015 Industry Skills Council (ISC) upgrade to correct mapping and typographical errors

Version 1 March 2015 Primary release of restructured BSB Business Services Training Package.

This release of the BSB Business Services Training Package contains 61 qualifications, 35 skill sets and 563 native units of competency (comprising 523 units updated to meet Standards for Training Packages and 40 new units) and 73 imported units

Leadership and Management qualifications added

Managing Diversity qualification added

Portfolio Management qualifications added

Conveyancing qualifications moved from FNS10 Financial Services Training Package to BSB Business Services Training Package.


Qualifications in the BSB Business Services Training Package version 2

Qualification code Qualification titleBSB10115 Certificate I in Business

BSB20115 Certificate II in Business

BSB20215 Certificate II in Customer Engagement

BSB30115 Certificate III in Business

BSB30215 Certificate III in Customer Engagement

BSB30315 Certificate III in Micro Business Operations

BSB30415 Certificate III in Business Administration

BSB30515 Certificate III in Business Administration (International Education)

BSB30615 Certificate III in International Trade

BSB30715 Certificate III in Work Health and Safety

BSB30815 Certificate III in Recordkeeping

BSB30915 Certificate III in Business Administration (Education)

BSB31015 Certificate III in Business Administration (Legal)

BSB31115 Certificate III in Business Administration (Medical)

Appendix 1 List of qualifications, skill sets and units of competency


Qualification code Qualification titleBSB31215 Certificate III in Library and Information Services

BSB40215 Certificate IV in Business

BSB40315 Certificate IV in Customer Engagement

BSB40515 Certificate IV in Business Administration

BSB40615 Certificate IV in Business Sales

BSB40715 Certificate IV in Franchising

BSB40915 Certificate IV in Governance

BSB41015 Certificate IV in Human Resources

BSB41115 Certificate IV in International Trade

BSB41415 Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety

BSB41515 Certificate IV in Project Management Practice

BSB41615 Certificate IV in Purchasing

BSB41715 Certificate IV in Recordkeeping

BSB41915 Certificate IV in Business (Governance)

BSB42015 Certificate IV in Leadership and Management

BSB42115 Certificate IV in Library and Information Services

BSB42215 Certificate IV in Legal Services

BSB42315 Certificate IV in Environmental Management and Sustainability

BSB42415 Certificate IV in Marketing and Communication

BSB42515 Certificate IV in Small Business Management

BSB42615 Certificate IV in New Small Business

BSB50215 Diploma of Business

BSB50315 Diploma of Customer Engagement

BSB50415 Diploma of Business Administration

BSB50515 Diploma of Franchising

BSB50615 Diploma of Human Resources Management

BSB50715 Diploma of Business (Governance)

BSB50815 Diploma of International Business

BSB51315 Diploma of Work Health and Safety

BSB51415 Diploma of Project Management

BSB51515 Diploma of Purchasing

BSB51615 Diploma of Quality Auditing

BSB51715 Diploma of Recordkeeping


© 2016 Commonwealth of Australia

BSB Business Services Training Package Implementation Guide - Appendix

Qualification code Qualification titleBSB51915 Diploma of Leadership and Management

BSB52015 Diploma of Conveyancing

BSB52115 Diploma of Library and Information Services

BSB52215 Diploma of Legal Services

BSB52315 Diploma of Governance

BSB52415 Diploma of Marketing and Communication

BSB60215 Advanced Diploma of Business

BSB60615 Advanced Diploma of Work Health and Safety

BSB60815 Advanced Diploma of Recordkeeping

BSB60915 Advanced Diploma of Management (Human Resources)

BSB61015 Advanced Diploma of Leadership and Management

BSB61115 Advanced Diploma of Conveyancing

BSB61215 Advanced Diploma of Program Management

BSB61315 Advanced Diploma of Marketing and Communication

BSB80215 Graduate Diploma of Strategic Leadership

BSB80315 Graduate Certificate in Leadership Diversity

BSB80415 Graduate Diploma of Portfolio Management

BSB80515 Graduate Certificate in Management (Learning)

BSB80615 Graduate Diploma of Management (Learning)


© 2016 Commonwealth of Australia

BSB Business Services Training Package Implementation Guide - Appendix

Skill sets in the BSB Business Services Training Package version 2

Skill set code Skill set titleBSBSS00033 Aspiring Supervisor Skill Set

BSBSS00034 Basic Customer Engagement Skill Set

BSBSS00035 Copyright Skill Set

BSBSS00036 Design Fundamentals Skill Set

BSBSS00037 Design Protection Skill Set

BSBSS00038 Franchising Skill Set

BSBSS00039 Governance Induction Skill Set

BSBSS00040 Innovation Leadership Skill Set

BSBSS00041 Innovation Practice Skill Set

BSBSS00042 Intellectual Property Strategic Management Skill Set

BSBSS00043 Key Management Skill Set

BSBSS00044 Key Recordkeeping Skill Set

BSBSS00045 Legal Transcription Skill Set

BSBSS00046 Managing Innovation Skill Set

BSBSS00047 Medical Transcription Skill Set

BSBSS00048 Patent Skill Set

BSBSS00049 Small Business Contracting Skill Set

BSBSS00050 Small Business Financial Management Skill Set

BSBSS00051 Small Business Home-Based Business Skill Set

BSBSS00052 Small Business ATSI Corporate Governance Skill Set

BSBSS00053 Small Business Intellectual Property Skill Set

BSBSS00054 Small Business Marketing Skill Set

BSBSS00055 Small Business Operations Preparatory Skill Set

BSBSS00056 Small Business Preparatory Skill Set

BSBSS00057 Trade Mark Skill Set

BSBSS00058 Workforce Development Implementation Skill Set

BSBSS00059 Workforce Planning and Development Skill Set

BSBSS00060 Energy Efficiency in Business Skill Set

BSBSS00061 Cloud Computing and Digital Skills for Business Skill Set


Skill set code Skill set titleBSBSS00062 Workplace Supervisor Language, Literacy and Numeracy Skill Set

BSBSS00063 Team Leader Skill Set

BSBSS00064 Promoting Diversity Awareness in the Workplace Skill Set

BSBSS00065 Implementing Policy for Diversity Skill Set

BSBSS00066 Managing Cultural Diversity Skill Set

BSBSS00067 Planning Diversity Skill Set

BSBSS00068 Service Management Skill Set

BSBSS00069 Archive and Keep Records Skill Set

BSBSS00070 Cataloguing Skill Set

BSBSS00071 Digitisation Skill Set

BSBSS00072 Manage Collections Skill Set

BSBSS00073 Organise and Access Collections Skill Set

BSBSS00074 Manage Association Finances and Risk Skill Set

BSBSS00075 Coordinate Committee Activity Skill Set

BSBSS00076 Conduct Community Liaison to Promote Association Skill Set

BSBSS00077 Marketing and Communication Foundations Skill Set

BSBSS00078 Creative Communication Skill Set

BSBSS00079 Digital Applications Skill Set

BSBSS00080 Media Engagement Skill Set

BSBSS00081 Public Relations Skill Set

BSBSS00082 Marketing Elements Skill Set

BSBSS00083 Marketing Operations Skill Set

BSBSS00084 Strategic Marketing Skill Set

BSBSS00085 Market Analysis Skill Set

BSBSS00086 Campaign Management Skill Set

BSBSS00087 Small Business Growth Skill Set

BSBSS00088 Small Business Survival Skill Set

BSBSS00089 Workplace Innovation Skill Set


Units of competency in the BSB Business Services Training Package version 2

Unit code Unit titleBSBADM101 Use business equipment and resources

BSBADM301 Produce texts from shorthand notes

BSBADM302 Produce texts from notes

BSBADM303 Produce texts from audio transcription

BSBADM307 Organise schedules

BSBADM311 Maintain business resources

BSBADM401 Produce complex texts from shorthand notes

BSBADM405 Organise meetings

BSBADM406 Organise business travel

BSBADM407 Administer projects

BSBADM409 Coordinate business resources

BSBADM411 Produce complex texts from audio transcription

BSBADM502 Manage meetings

BSBADM503 Plan and manage conferences

BSBADM504 Plan and implement administrative systems

BSBADM506 Manage business document design and development

BSBADV402 Conduct pre campaign testing

BSBADV403 Monitor advertising production

BSBADV404 Schedule advertisements

BSBADV405 Perform media calculations

BSBADV406 Buy and monitor media

BSBADV407 Apply media analysis and processing tools

BSBADV408 Review advertising media options

BSBADV503 Coordinate advertising research

BSBADV507 Develop a media plan

BSBADV509 Create mass print media advertisements

BSBADV510 Create mass electronic media advertisements

BSBADV602 Develop an advertising campaign

BSBADV603 Manage advertising production


© 2016 Commonwealth of Australia

BSB Business Services Training Package Implementation Guide - Appendix

Unit code Unit titleBSBADV604 Execute an advertising campaign

BSBADV605 Evaluate campaign effectiveness

BSBATSIC411 Communicate with the community

BSBATSIC412 Maintain and protect cultural values in the organisation

BSBATSIC511 Plan and conduct a community meeting

BSBATSIL408 Manage a board meeting

BSBATSIL411 Undertake the roles and responsibilities of a board member

BSBATSIL412 Participate effectively as a board member

BSBATSIL413 Review and apply the constitution

BSBATSIL503 Manage conflict

BSBATSIL510 Appoint and work with a manager

BSBATSIL511 Lead the organisation’s strategic planning cycle

BSBATSIL512 Be a leader in the community

BSBATSIM412 Implement a businesslike approach

BSBATSIM414 Oversee the organisation’s annual budget

BSBATSIM416 Oversee organisational planning

BSBATSIM417 Implement organisational plans

BSBATSIM418 Oversee financial management

BSBATSIM419 Contribute to the development and implementation of organisational policies

BSBATSIM420 Oversee asset management

BSBATSIM421 Support a positive and culturally appropriate workplace culture

BSBATSIM505 Control organisational finances

BSBATSIM506 Develop employment policies

BSBATSIM511 Develop enterprise opportunities

BSBATSIM514 Recruit and induct staff

BSBATSIW416 Obtain and manage consultancy services

BSBATSIW417 Select and use technology

BSBATSIW514 Represent your organisation

BSBATSIW515 Secure funding

BSBAUD402 Participate in a quality audit

BSBAUD501 Initiate a quality audit

BSBAUD503 Lead a quality audit

BSBAUD504 Report on a quality audit


© 2016 Commonwealth of Australia

BSB Business Services Training Package Implementation Guide - Appendix

Unit code Unit titleBSBCMM101 Apply basic communication skills

BSBCMM201 Communicate in the workplace

BSBCMM301 Process customer complaints

BSBCMM401 Make a presentation

BSBCMM402 Implement effective communication strategies

BSBCMM501 Develop and nurture relationships

BSBCNV501 Take instructions in relation to a transaction

BSBCNV502 Read and interpret a legal document and provide advice

BSBCNV503 Analyse and interpret legal requirements for a transaction

BSBCNV504 Prepare legal documents

BSBCNV505 Finalise the conveyancing transaction

BSBCNV506 Establish and manage a trust account

BSBCNV601 Identify and conduct searches

BSBCOM401 Organise and monitor the operation of compliance management system

BSBCOM402 Implement processes for the management of a breach in compliance requirements

BSBCOM403 Provide education and training on compliance requirements and systems

BSBCOM404 Promote and liaise on compliance requirements, systems and related issues

BSBCOM405 Promote compliance with legislation

BSBCOM406 Conduct work within a compliance framework

BSBCOM501 Identify and interpret compliance requirements

BSBCOM502 Evaluate and review compliance

BSBCOM503 Develop processes for the management of breaches in compliance requirements

BSBCOM601 Research compliance requirements and issues

BSBCOM602 Develop and create compliance requirements

BSBCOM603 Plan and establish compliance management systems

BSBCON401 Work effectively in a business continuity context

BSBCON601 Develop and maintain business continuity plans

BSBCON801 Establish and review the business continuity management framework and strategies

BSBCRT101 Apply critical thinking techniques

BSBCRT301 Develop and extend critical and creative thinking skills

BSBCRT401 Articulate, present and debate ideas

BSBCRT402 Collaborate in a creative process

BSBCRT403 Explore the history and social impact of creativity


Unit code Unit titleBSBCRT501 Originate and develop concepts

BSBCRT601 Research and apply concepts and theories of creativity

BSBCUE203 Conduct customer engagement

BSBCUE204 Collect data

BSBCUE205 Prepare for work in a customer engagement environment

BSBCUE301 Use multiple information systems

BSBCUE302 Deploy customer service field staff

BSBCUE303 Conduct a telemarketing campaign

BSBCUE304 Provide sales solutions to customers

BSBCUE305 Process credit applications

BSBCUE306 Process complex accounts

BSBCUE307 Work effectively in customer engagement

BSBCUE308 Conduct outbound customer engagement

BSBCUE309 Develop product and service knowledge for customer engagement operation

BSBCUE403 Schedule customer engagement activity

BSBCUE404 Collect, analyse and record information

BSBCUE405 Survey stakeholders to gather and record information

BSBCUE406 Run a multicentre

BSBCUE407 Administer customer engagement technology

BSBCUE501 Develop business continuity strategy

BSBCUE502 Establish a multicentre

BSBCUE503 Manage data interrogation

BSBCUE504 Integrate customer engagement within the organisation

BSBCUE601 Optimise customer engagement operations

BSBCUE602 Manage customer engagement information

BSBCUE603 Design and launch new customer engagement facilities

BSBCUE604 Develop and maintain a service level strategy

BSBCUE605 Develop and maintain a customer engagement marketing strategy

BSBCUE606 Forecast and plan using customer engagement traffic information analysis

BSBCUE607 Manage customer engagement centre staffing

BSBCUE608 Manage customer engagement operational costs

BSBCUS201 Deliver a service to customers

BSBCUS301 Deliver and monitor a service to customers


Unit code Unit titleBSBCUS401 Coordinate implementation of customer service strategies

BSBCUS402 Address customer needs

BSBCUS403 Implement customer service standards

BSBCUS501 Manage quality customer service

BSBDES201 Follow a design process

BSBDES202 Evaluate the nature of design in a specific industry context

BSBDES301 Explore the use of colour

BSBDES302 Explore and apply the creative design process to 2D forms

BSBDES303 Explore and apply the creative design process to 3D forms

BSBDES304 Source and apply design industry knowledge

BSBDES305 Source and apply information on the history and theory of design

BSBDES401 Generate design solutions

BSBDES402 Interpret and respond to a design brief

BSBDES403 Develop and extend design skills and practice

BSBDES501 Implement design solutions

BSBDES502 Establish, negotiate and refine a design brief

BSBDES601 Manage design realisation

BSBDES602 Research global design trends

BSBDES801 Research and apply design theory

BSBDIV301 Work effectively with diversity

BSBDIV501 Manage diversity in the workplace

BSBDIV601 Develop and implement diversity policy

BSBDIV801 Conduct strategic diversity workforce planning

BSBDIV802 Conduct strategic planning for diversity learning practices

BSBDIV803 Develop cross cultural communication and negotiation strategies

BSBEBU401 Review and maintain a website

BSBEBU501 Investigate and design e-business solutions

BSBEBU502 Implement e-business solutions

BSBEDU301 Assist with monitoring compliance in international education services

BSBEDU302 Assist in resolution of issues and incidents in an international education environment

BSBEDU303 Assist with the provision of international education information

BSBEDU304 Assist with the provision of pastoral care services to international students

BSBEDU305 Assist with international education events and programs


© 2016 Commonwealth of Australia

BSB Business Services Training Package Implementation Guide - Appendix

Unit code Unit titleBSBEMS401 Develop and implement business development strategies to expand client base

BSBEMS402 Develop and implement strategies to source and assess candidates

BSBEMS403 Develop and provide employment management services to candidates

BSBEMS404 Manage the recruitment process for client organisations

BSBFIA301 Maintain financial records

BSBFIA302 Process payroll

BSBFIA303 Process accounts payable and receivable

BSBFIA304 Maintain a general ledger

BSBFIA401 Prepare financial reports

BSBFIA402 Report on financial activity

BSBFIA501 Report on finances related to international business

BSBFIM501 Manage budgets and financial plans

BSBFIM502 Manage payroll

BSBFIM601 Manage finances

BSBFIM801 Manage financial resources

BSBFLM303 Contribute to effective workplace relationships

BSBFLM305 Support operational plan

BSBFLM306 Provide workplace information and resourcing plans

BSBFLM309 Support continuous improvement systems and processes

BSBFLM311 Support a workplace learning environment

BSBFLM312 Contribute to team effectiveness

BSBFLM313 Apply language, literacy and numeracy to support others in the workplace

BSBFLM314 Mentor others in the workplace to support their language, literacy and numeracy skill development

BSBFRA301 Work within a franchise

BSBFRA401 Manage compliance with franchisee obligations and legislative requirements

BSBFRA402 Establish a franchise

BSBFRA403 Manage relationship with franchisor

BSBFRA404 Manage a multiple-site franchise

BSBFRA501 Establish a franchise operation

BSBFRA502 Manage a franchise operation

BSBFRA503 Manage establishment of new sites or regions

BSBFRA504 Manage relationships with franchisees

BSBFRA505 Manage closure of a franchise


© 2016 Commonwealth of Australia

BSB Business Services Training Package Implementation Guide - Appendix

Unit code Unit titleBSBGOV401 Implement board member responsibilities

BSBGOV402 Work within organisational structure

BSBGOV403 Analyse financial reports and budgets

BSBGOV404 Communicate with community stakeholders

BSBGOV405 Undertake the roles and responsibilities of a committee or a board member

BSBGOV501 Review and apply the organisation's constitution

BSBGOV502 Recruit and coordinate committee members

BSBGOV503 Conduct organisational strategic planning

BSBGOV504 Monitor organisational finances

BSBGOV505 Seek and apply for funding opportunities

BSBGOV506 Manage advocacy for your organisation

BSBGOV507 Manage board or committee and organisational conflict

BSBHRM403 Support performance management process

BSBHRM404 Review human resource functions

BSBHRM405 Support the recruitment, selection and induction of staff

BSBHRM501 Manage human resource services

BSBHRM502 Manage human resource management information systems

BSBHRM505 Manage remuneration and employee benefits

BSBHRM506 Manage recruitment selection and induction processes

BSBHRM507 Manage separation or termination

BSBHRM509 Manage rehabilitation or return to work programs

BSBHRM510 Manage mediation processes

BSBHRM511 Manage expatriate staff

BSBHRM512 Develop and manage performance management processes

BSBHRM513 Manage workforce planning

BSBHRM602 Manage human resource strategic planning

BSBHRM604 Manage employee relations

BSBIND201 Work effectively in a business environment

BSBIND301 Work effectively in an educational environment

BSBIND302 Work effectively in the international education services industry

BSBINM201 Process and maintain workplace information

BSBINM202 Handle mail

BSBINM301 Organise workplace information


Unit code Unit titleBSBINM302 Utilise a knowledge management system

BSBINM303 Handle receipt and despatch of information

BSBINM401 Implement workplace information system

BSBINM501 Manage an information or knowledge management system

BSBINM601 Manage knowledge and information

BSBINN201 Contribute to workplace innovation

BSBINN301 Promote innovation in a team environment

BSBINN501 Establish systems that support innovation

BSBINN502 Build and sustain an innovative work environment

BSBINN601 Lead and manage organisational change

BSBINN801 Lead innovative thinking and practice

BSBINT301 Apply knowledge of the international trade environment to complete work

BSBINT302 Apply knowledge of legislation relevant to international trade to complete work

BSBINT303 Organise the importing and exporting of goods

BSBINT304 Assist in the international transfer of services

BSBINT305 Prepare business documents for the international trade of goods

BSBINT306 Apply knowledge of international finance and insurance to complete work requirements

BSBINT401 Research international business opportunities

BSBINT405 Apply knowledge of import and export international conventions, laws and finance

BSBINT407 Prepare business advice on export Free-on-Board Value

BSBINT408 Prepare business advice on the taxes and duties for international trade transactions

BSBINT409 Plan for international trade

BSBIPR301 Comply with organisational requirements for protection and use of intellectual property

BSBIPR401 Use and respect copyright

BSBIPR402 Protect and use new inventions and innovations

BSBIPR403 Protect and use brands and business identity

BSBIPR404 Protect and use innovative designs

BSBIPR405 Protect and use intangible assets in small business

BSBIPR501 Manage intellectual property to protect and grow business

BSBIPR601 Develop and implement strategies for intellectual property management

BSBITA401 Design databases

BSBITA601 Configure and optimise customer contact technology

BSBITB501 Establish and maintain a workgroup computer network


Unit code Unit titleBSBITB801 Implement advanced electronic technologies

BSBITS401 Maintain business technology

BSBITU101 Operate a personal computer

BSBITU102 Develop keyboard skills

BSBITU201 Produce simple word processed documents

BSBITU202 Create and use spreadsheets

BSBITU203 Communicate electronically

BSBITU301 Create and use databases

BSBITU302 Create electronic presentations

BSBITU303 Design and produce text documents

BSBITU304 Produce spreadsheets

BSBITU305 Conduct online transactions

BSBITU306 Design and produce business documents

BSBITU307 Develop keyboarding speed and accuracy

BSBITU309 Produce desktop published documents

BSBITU401 Design and develop complex text documents

BSBITU402 Develop and use complex spreadsheets

BSBITU404 Produce complex desktop published documents

BSBLDR401 Communicate effectively as a workplace leader

BSBLDR402 Lead effective workplace relationships

BSBLDR403 Lead team effectiveness

BSBLDR404 Lead a diverse workforce

BSBLDR501 Develop and use emotional intelligence

BSBLDR502 Lead and manage effective workplace relationships

BSBLDR503 Communicate with influence

BSBLDR504 Implement diversity in the workplace

BSBLDR801 Lead personal and strategic transformation

BSBLDR802 Lead the strategic planning process for an organisation

BSBLDR803 Develop and cultivate collaborative partnerships and relationships

BSBLDR804 Influence and shape diversity management

BSBLDR805 Lead and influence change

BSBLDR806 Lead and influence ethical practice

BSBLED101 Plan skills development


© 2016 Commonwealth of Australia

BSB Business Services Training Package Implementation Guide - Appendix

Unit code Unit titleBSBLED301 Undertake e-learning

BSBLED401 Develop teams and individuals

BSBLED501 Develop a workplace learning environment

BSBLED502 Manage programs that promote personal effectiveness

BSBLED503 Maintain and enhance professional practice

BSBLED802 Lead learning strategy implementation

BSBLED803 Implement improved learning practice

BSBLED804 Review enterprise e-learning systems and solutions implementation

BSBLED805 Plan and implement a mentoring program

BSBLED806 Plan and implement a coaching strategy

BSBLED807 Establish career development services

BSBLED808 Conduct a career development session

BSBLED809 Identify and communicate trends in career development

BSBLED810 Develop human capital

BSBLEG301 Apply knowledge of the legal system to complete tasks

BSBLEG302 Carry out search of the public record

BSBLEG303 Deliver court documentation

BSBLEG304 Apply the principles of confidentiality and security within the legal environment

BSBLEG305 Use legal terminology in order to carry out tasks

BSBLEG306 Maintain records for time and disbursements in a legal practice

BSBLEG308 Assist in prioritising and planning activities in a legal practice

BSBLEG403 Maintain trust accounts

BSBLEG413 Identify and apply the legal framework

BSBLEG414 Establish and maintain a file in legal services

BSBLEG415 Apply the principles of contract law

BSBLEG416 Apply the principles of the law of torts

BSBLEG417 Apply the principles of evidence law

BSBLEG418 Produce complex legal documents

BSBLEG510 Apply legal principles in family law matters

BSBLEG511 Apply legal principles in criminal law matters

BSBLEG512 Apply legal principles in property law matters

BSBLEG513 Apply legal principles in corporation law matters

BSBLEG514 Assist with civil procedure


© 2016 Commonwealth of Australia

BSB Business Services Training Package Implementation Guide - Appendix

Unit code Unit titleBSBLEG515 Apply legal principles in wills and probate matters

BSBLIB201 Assist with circulation services

BSBLIB202 Process information resource orders

BSBLIB301 Catalogue objects into collections

BSBLIB302 Develop and apply knowledge of archives

BSBLIB303 Provide multimedia support

BSBLIB304 Develop and use information literacy skills

BSBLIB305 Use established cataloguing tools

BSBLIB306 Process and maintain information resources

BSBLIB401 Record and maintain collection information

BSBLIB402 Consolidate and maintain industry knowledge

BSBLIB403 Complete a range of cataloguing activities

BSBLIB404 Use integrated library management systems

BSBLIB405 Assist customers to access information

BSBLIB406 Obtain information from external and networked sources

BSBLIB407 Search library and information databases

BSBLIB501 Manage lending and borrowing processes for collection

BSBLIB502 Manage the development of collections

BSBLIB503 Develop and promote activities, events and public programs

BSBLIB504 Develop exhibition concepts

BSBLIB505 Develop disaster management plans

BSBLIB506 Maintain digital repositories

BSBLIB507 Promote literature and reading

BSBLIB508 Analyse and describe information resources

BSBLIB509 Provide subject access and classify material

BSBLIB510 Use and monitor advanced functions of integrated library management systems

BSBLIB511 Research and analyse information to meet customer needs

BSBLIB512 Develop and maintain community and stakeholder relationships

BSBLIB513 Monitor compliance with copyright and licence requirements

BSBLIB601 Research and document collection material

BSBLIB602 Develop and monitor procedure for the movement and storage of collection material

BSBLIB603 Contribute to collection management

BSBLIB604 Extend own information literacy skills to locate information


Unit code Unit titleBSBLIB605 Analyse and describe specialist and complex material

BSBMED301 Interpret and apply medical terminology appropriately

BSBMED302 Prepare and process medical accounts

BSBMED303 Maintain patient records

BSBMED304 Assist in controlling stocks and supplies

BSBMED305 Apply the principles of confidentiality, privacy and security within the medical environment

BSBMED401 Manage patient recordkeeping system

BSBMGT401 Show leadership in the workplace

BSBMGT402 Implement operational plan

BSBMGT403 Implement continuous improvement

BSBMGT404 Lead and facilitate off-site staff

BSBMGT405 Provide personal leadership

BSBMGT406 Plan and monitor continuous improvement

BSBMGT407 Apply digital solutions to work processes

BSBMGT502 Manage people performance

BSBMGT516 Facilitate continuous improvement

BSBMGT517 Manage operational plan

BSBMGT518 Develop organisation policy

BSBMGT519 Incorporate digital solutions into plans and practices

BSBMGT520 Plan and manage the flexible workforce

BSBMGT521 Plan, implement and review a quality assurance program

BSBMGT605 Provide leadership across the organisation

BSBMGT608 Manage innovation and continuous improvement

BSBMGT615 Contribute to organisation development

BSBMGT616 Develop and implement strategic plans

BSBMGT617 Develop and implement a business plan

BSBMGT618 Develop an engagement centre business plan

BSBMGT619 Identify and implement business innovation

BSBMGT621 Design and manage the enterprise quality management system

BSBMGT622 Manage resources

BSBMGT623 Monitor corporate governance activities

BSBMGT624 Develop and implement corporate social responsibility

BSBMGT801 Direct the development of a knowledge management strategy for a business


Unit code Unit titleBSBMGT802 Lead design and review of enterprise systems

BSBMGT803 Use financial and economic information for strategic decision making

BSBMKG401 Profile the market

BSBMKG408 Conduct market research

BSBMKG409 Design direct response offers

BSBMKG410 Test direct marketing activities

BSBMKG411 Analyse direct marketing databases

BSBMKG412 Conduct e-marketing communications

BSBMKG413 Promote products and services

BSBMKG414 Undertake marketing activities

BSBMKG415 Research international markets

BSBMKG416 Market goods and services internationally

BSBMKG417 Apply marketing communication across a convergent industry

BSBMKG418 Develop and apply knowledge of marketing communication industry

BSBMKG419 Analyse consumer behaviour

BSBMKG420 Create digital media user experiences

BSBMKG421 Optimise digital media impact

BSBMKG501 Identify and evaluate marketing opportunities

BSBMKG502 Establish and adjust the marketing mix

BSBMKG506 Plan market research

BSBMKG507 Interpret market trends and developments

BSBMKG508 Plan direct marketing activities

BSBMKG509 Implement and monitor direct marketing activities

BSBMKG510 Plan e-marketing communications

BSBMKG511 Analyse data from international markets

BSBMKG512 Forecast international market and business needs

BSBMKG513 Promote products and services to international markets

BSBMKG514 Implement and monitor marketing activities

BSBMKG515 Conduct a marketing audit

BSBMKG516 Profile international markets

BSBMKG517 Analyse consumer behaviour for specific international markets

BSBMKG518 Plan and implement services marketing

BSBMKG519 Plan and implement business-to-business marketing


© 2016 Commonwealth of Australia

BSB Business Services Training Package Implementation Guide - Appendix

Unit code Unit titleBSBMKG520 Manage compliance within the marketing legislative framework

BSBMKG521 Plan and implement sponsorship and event marketing

BSBMKG522 Plan measurement of marketing effectiveness

BSBMKG523 Design and develop an integrated marketing communication plan

BSBMKG524 Design effective user experiences

BSBMKG525 Design effective web search responses

BSBMKG526 Develop strategies to monetise digital engagement

BSBMKG527 Plan social media engagement

BSBMKG528 Mine data to identify industry directions

BSBMKG529 Manage client account

BSBMKG530 Create distributed multiplatform digital advertisements

BSBMKG603 Manage the marketing process

BSBMKG605 Evaluate international marketing opportunities

BSBMKG606 Manage international marketing programs

BSBMKG607 Manage market research

BSBMKG608 Develop organisational marketing objectives

BSBMKG609 Develop a marketing plan

BSBMKG610 Develop, implement and monitor a marketing campaign

BSBMKG611 Manage measurement of marketing effectiveness

BSBPMG409 Apply project scope management techniques

BSBPMG410 Apply project time-management techniques

BSBPMG411 Apply project quality-management techniques

BSBPMG412 Apply project cost-management techniques

BSBPMG413 Apply project human resources management approaches

BSBPMG414 Apply project information management and communications techniques

BSBPMG415 Apply project risk-management techniques

BSBPMG416 Apply project procurement procedures

BSBPMG417 Apply project life cycle management processes

BSBPMG418 Apply project stakeholder engagement techniques

BSBPMG511 Manage project scope

BSBPMG512 Manage project time

BSBPMG513 Manage project quality

BSBPMG514 Manage project cost


© 2016 Commonwealth of Australia

BSB Business Services Training Package Implementation Guide - Appendix

Unit code Unit titleBSBPMG515 Manage project human resources

BSBPMG516 Manage project information and communication

BSBPMG517 Manage project risk

BSBPMG518 Manage project procurement

BSBPMG519 Manage project stakeholder engagement

BSBPMG520 Manage project governance

BSBPMG521 Manage project integration

BSBPMG522 Undertake project work

BSBPMG601 Direct the integration of projects

BSBPMG602 Direct the scope of a project program

BSBPMG603 Direct time management of a project program

BSBPMG604 Direct cost management of a project program

BSBPMG605 Direct quality management of a project program

BSBPMG606 Direct human resources management of a project program

BSBPMG607 Direct communications management of a project program

BSBPMG609 Direct procurement and contracting for a project program

BSBPMG610 Enable program execution

BSBPMG611 Facilitate stakeholder engagement

BSBPMG612 Implement program governance

BSBPMG613 Manage benefits

BSBPMG614 Engage in collaborative alliances

BSBPMG615 Manage program delivery

BSBPMG616 Manage program risk

BSBPMG617 Provide leadership for the program

BSBPMG801 Prioritise projects and programs

BSBPMG802 Select and balance the portfolio

BSBPMG803 Manage and review portfolio performance

BSBPMG804 Govern the portfolio

BSBPMG805 Lead the portfolio

BSBPMG806 Manage portfolio communications and change

BSBPMG807 Manage portfolio resources

BSBPMG808 Manage portfolio risk

BSBPRO301 Recommend products and services


Unit code Unit titleBSBPRO401 Develop product knowledge

BSBPUB401 Develop and apply knowledge of public relations industry

BSBPUB402 Develop public relations campaigns

BSBPUB403 Develop public relations documents

BSBPUB501 Manage the public relations publication process

BSBPUB502 Develop and manage complex public relations campaigns

BSBPUB503 Manage fundraising and sponsorship activities

BSBPUB504 Develop and implement crisis management plans

BSBPUR301 Purchase goods and services

BSBPUR401 Plan purchasing

BSBPUR402 Negotiate contracts

BSBPUR403 Conduct international purchasing

BSBPUR501 Develop, implement and review purchasing strategies

BSBPUR502 Manage supplier relationships

BSBPUR503 Manage international purchasing

BSBPUR504 Manage a supply chain

BSBREL401 Establish networks

BSBREL402 Build client relationships and business networks

BSBREL403 Implement international client relationship strategies

BSBREL501 Build international client relationships

BSBREL502 Build international business networks

BSBRES401 Analyse and present research information

BSBRES404 Research legal information using primary sources

BSBRES502 Research legal information using secondary sources

BSBRES801 Initiate and lead applied research

BSBRKG301 Control records

BSBRKG302 Undertake disposal

BSBRKG303 Retrieve information from records

BSBRKG304 Maintain business records

BSBRKG305 Review recordkeeping functions

BSBRKG401 Review the status of a record

BSBRKG402 Provide information from and about records

BSBRKG403 Set up a business or records system for a small business


Unit code Unit titleBSBRKG404 Monitor and maintain records in an online environment

BSBRKG502 Manage and monitor business or records systems

BSBRKG505 Document or reconstruct a business or records system

BSBRKG506 Develop and maintain terminology and classification schemes

BSBRKG601 Define recordkeeping framework

BSBRKG603 Prepare a functional analysis for an organisation

BSBRKG604 Determine security and access rules and procedures

BSBRKG605 Determine records requirements to document a function

BSBRKG606 Design a records retention and disposal schedule

BSBRKG607 Document and monitor the record creating context

BSBRKG608 Plan management of records over time

BSBRSK401 Identify risk and apply risk management processes

BSBRSK501 Manage risk

BSBSLS407 Identify and plan sales prospects

BSBSLS408 Present, secure and support sales solutions

BSBSLS501 Develop a sales plan

BSBSLS502 Lead and manage a sales team

BSBSMB201 Identify suitability for micro business

BSBSMB301 Investigate micro business opportunities

BSBSMB302 Develop a micro business proposal

BSBSMB303 Organise finances for the micro business

BSBSMB304 Determine resource requirements for the micro business

BSBSMB305 Comply with regulatory, taxation and insurance requirements for the micro business

BSBSMB306 Plan a home based business

BSBSMB307 Set up information and communications technology for the micro business

BSBSMB308 Improve energy efficiency in micro or small business operations

BSBSMB401 Establish legal and risk management requirements of small business

BSBSMB402 Plan small business finances

BSBSMB403 Market the small business

BSBSMB404 Undertake small business planning

BSBSMB405 Monitor and manage small business operations

BSBSMB406 Manage small business finances

BSBSMB407 Manage a small team


© 2016 Commonwealth of Australia

BSB Business Services Training Package Implementation Guide - Appendix

Unit code Unit titleBSBSMB408 Manage personal, family, cultural and business obligations

BSBSMB409 Build and maintain relationships with small business stakeholders

BSBSMB410 Review and implement energy efficiency in business operations

BSBSMB411 Manage specialist external advisory services

BSBSMB412 Introduce cloud computing into business operations

BSBSMB413 Design a digital action plan for small business

BSBSMB414 Time management for small business

BSBSMB415 Refine and strengthen a small business

BSBSMB416 Plan small business growth

BSBSMB417 Recruit staff

BSBSMB418 Manage compliance for small business

BSBSUS201 Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices

BSBSUS401 Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practices

BSBSUS402 Implement an environmental management plan

BSBSUS403 Measure, monitor and reduce carbon emissions

BSBSUS404 Assess, implement, monitor and report on waste management

BSBSUS405 Assess, monitor and reduce water use

BSBSUS406 Identify and apply sustainability rating tools

BSBSUS501 Develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainability

BSBWHS201 Contribute to health and safety of self and others

BSBWHS301 Maintain workplace safety

BSBWHS302 Apply knowledge of WHS legislation in the workplace

BSBWHS303 Participate in WHS hazard identification, risk assessment and risk control

BSBWHS304 Participate effectively in WHS communication and consultation processes

BSBWHS305 Contribute to WHS issue resolution

BSBWHS401 Implement and monitor WHS policies, procedures and programs to meet legislative requirements

BSBWHS402 Assist with compliance with WHS laws

BSBWHS403 Contribute to implementing and maintaining WHS consultation and participation processes

BSBWHS404 Contribute to WHS hazard identification, risk assessment and risk control

BSBWHS405 Contribute to implementing and maintaining WHS management systems

BSBWHS406 Assist with responding to incidents

BSBWHS407 Assist with claims management, rehabilitation and return-to-work programs

BSBWHS408 Assist with effective WHS management of contractors


© 2016 Commonwealth of Australia

BSB Business Services Training Package Implementation Guide - Appendix

Unit code Unit titleBSBWHS409 Assist with workplace monitoring processes

BSBWHS410 Contribute to work-related health and safety measures and initiatives

BSBWHS501 Ensure a safe workplace

BSBWHS502 Manage effective WHS consultation and participation processes

BSBWHS503 Contribute to the systematic management of WHS risk

BSBWHS504 Manage WHS risks

BSBWHS505 Investigate WHS incidents

BSBWHS506 Contribute to developing, implementing and maintaining WHS management systems

BSBWHS507 Contribute to managing WHS information systems

BSBWHS508 Manage WHS hazards associated with plant

BSBWHS509 Facilitate the development and use of risk management tools

BSBWHS510 Contribute to implementing emergency procedures

BSBWHS601 Apply legislative frameworks for WHS

BSBWHS602 Facilitate WHS activities

BSBWHS603 Implement WHS risk management

BSBWHS604 Evaluate the WHS performance of organisations

BSBWHS605 Develop, implement and maintain WHS management systems

BSBWHS606 Conduct a WHS audit

BSBWHS607 Apply ergonomics to manage WHS risks

BSBWHS608 Assist with applying occupational hygiene to manage WHS risks

BSBWHS609 Advise on the application of safe design principles to control WHS risks

BSBWOR201 Manage personal stress in the workplace

BSBWOR202 Organise and complete daily work activities

BSBWOR203 Work effectively with others

BSBWOR204 Use business technology

BSBWOR301 Organise personal work priorities and development

BSBWOR302 Work effectively as an off-site worker

BSBWOR403 Manage stress in the workplace

BSBWOR404 Develop work priorities

BSBWOR501 Manage personal work priorities and professional development

BSBWOR502 Lead and manage team effectiveness

BSBWRK409 Prepare for and participate in dispute resolution

BSBWRK411 Support employee and industrial relations procedures


Unit code Unit titleBSBWRK510 Manage employee relations

BSBWRT301 Write simple documents

BSBWRT401 Write complex documents

BSBWRT501 Write persuasive copy


Units of competency with pre-requisitesNo units of competency in this training package have pre-requisites.


© 2016 Commonwealth of Australia

BSB Business Services Training Package Implementation Guide - Appendix

Imported units of competencyA range of units of competency have been imported into the BSB Business Services Training Package to provide greater flexibility, choice and transferability of skills within the industry.

Imported unit code Imported unit title OriginAHCBUS607A Implement a monitoring, evaluation and reporting program AHC10 Agriculture,

Horticulture and Conservation and Land Management Training Package

AHCSAW302A Implement Erosion and Sediment Control Measures AHC10 Agriculture, Horticulture and Conservation and Land Management Training Package

CHCAD402D Support the interests, rights and needs of clients within duty of care requirements

CHC08 Community Services Training Package

CHCCS407C Operate referral procedures CHC08 Community Services Training Package

CHCCS412E Deliver and develop client services CHC08 Community Services Training Package

CHCFAM504C Respond to and contain critical incidents CHC08 Community Services Training Package

CHCINF505D Meet statutory and organisation information requirements CHC08 Community Services Training Package

CHCLLN403A Identify clients with language, literacy and numeracy needs and respond effectively

CHC08 Community Services Training Package

CHCNET503D Develop new networks CHC08 Community Services Training Package

CHCORG501B Facilitate workplace change and innovation CHC08 Community Services Training Package

CHCORG525D Recruit and coordinate volunteers CHC08 Community Services Training Package

CHCORG614C Manage a community sector organisation CHC08 Community Services Training Package

CHCPOL403C Undertake research activities CHC08 Community Services Training Package


© 2016 Commonwealth of Australia

BSB Business Services Training Package Implementation Guide - Appendix

Imported unit code Imported unit title OriginCPCCOHS1001A Work safely in the construction industry CPC08 Construction,

Plumbing and Services Training Package

CPPDSM4047A Implement and monitor procurement process CPP07 Property Services Training Package

CPPWMT3044A Identify wastes and hazards CPP07 Property Services Training Package

CUAATS301 Develop and apply knowledge of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander cultural

CUA Creative Arts and Culture Training Package

CUAATS504 Work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural material CUA Creative Arts and Culture Training Package

CUACNM301 Move and store collection material CUA Creative Arts and Culture Training Package

CUACNM401 Assess the significance of collection objects CUA Creative Arts and Culture Training Package

CUACNM402 Prepare display mounts for collection material CUA Creative Arts and Culture Training Package

CUACNM403 Work with cultural material CUA Creative Arts and Culture Training Package

CUACNM501 Assess the significance of collections CUA Creative Arts and Culture Training Package

CUACNM601 Manage collection maintenance and preservation procedures CUA Creative Arts and Culture Training Package

CUADIG303 Produce and prepare photo images CUA Creative Arts and Culture Training Package

CUAEVP201 Assist with the presentation of public activities and events CUA Creative Arts and Culture Training Package

CUAEVP401 Present information on activities, events and public programs CUA Creative Arts and Culture Training Package

CUAEVP402 Design and develop interpretive displays CUA Creative Arts and Culture Training Package

CUAEVP403 Install and dismantle exhibition elements CUA Creative Arts and Culture Training Package

CUAEVP501 Coordinate the installation and dismantling of exhibitions CUA Creative Arts and Culture Training Package


Imported unit code Imported unit title OriginCUAEVP502 Develop and implement exhibition interpretive strategies CUA Creative Arts and

Culture Training Package

CUAFIM401 Obtain revenue to support operations CUA Creative Arts and Culture Training Package

CUAIND202 Develop and apply knowledge of information and cultural services' organisations

CUA Creative Arts and Culture Training Package

CUAIND301 Work effectively in the creative arts industry CUA Creative Arts and Culture Training Package

CUAPRE401 Implement preventive conservation activities CUA Creative Arts and Culture Training Package

CUAWRT401 Edit text CUA Creative Arts and Culture Training Package

CUAWRT402 Write extended stories CUA Creative Arts and Culture Training Package

FNSACC301 Process financial transactions and extract interim reports FNS Financial Services Training Package

FNSACC403 Make decisions in a legal context FNS Financial Services Training Package

FNSACC406 Set up and operate a computerised accounting system FNS Financial Services Training Package

FNSCMP501 Comply with financial services legislation FNS Financial Services Training Package

FNSCUS501 Develop and nurture relationships with clients, other professionals and third party referrers

FNS Financial Services Training Package

FNSFLT201 Develop and use a personal budget FNS Financial Services Training Package

FNSFLT203 Develop knowledge of debt and consumer credit FNS Financial Services Training Package

FNSINC401 Apply principles of professional practice to work in the financial services industry

FNS Financial Services Training Package

FNSORG501 Develop and manage a budget FNS Financial Services Training Package

FNSORG601 Negotiate to achieve goals and manage disputes FNS Financial Services Training Package


Imported unit code Imported unit title OriginFNSORG602 Develop and manage financial systems FNS Financial Services

Training Package

FNSPIM412 Participate in formal communication processes FNS Financial Services Training Package

FNSPRM601 Establish, supervise and monitor practice systems to conform with legislation and regulations

FNS Financial Services Training Package

FNSPRM602 Improve the practice FNS Financial Services Training Package

FNSPRM603 Grow the practice FNS Financial Services Training Package

FNSSAM301 Identify opportunities for cross-selling products and services FNS Financial Services Training Package

FNSSAM402 Implement a sales plan FNS Financial Services Training Package

HLTAID003 Provide first aid HLT Health Training Package

HLTAID005 Provide first aid in remote situation HLT Health Training Package

HLTHIR403C Work effectively with culturally diverse clients and co-workers HLT Health Training Package

ICPDMT321 Capture a digital image ICP Printing and Graphic Arts Training Package

ICPDMT322 Edit a digital image ICP Printing and Graphic Arts Training Package

ICPPRN386 Troubleshoot digital media ICP Printing and Graphic Arts Training Package

ICPPRP322 Digitise images for reproduction ICP Printing and Graphic Arts Training Package

ICPPRP397 Transfer digital files ICP Printing and Graphic Arts Training Package

ICPPRP422 Digitise complex images for reproduction ICP Printing and Graphic Arts Training Package

ICTGAM504 Manage interactive media production ICT Information and Communications Technology Training Package

ICTICT103 Use, communicate and search securely on the internet ICT Information and Communications Technology Training Package


© 2016 Commonwealth of Australia

BSB Business Services Training Package Implementation Guide - Appendix

Imported unit code Imported unit title OriginICTICT104 Use digital devices ICT Information and

Communications Technology Training Package

ICTICT203 Operate application software packages ICT Information and Communications Technology Training Package

ICTICT204 Operate a digital media technology package ICT Information and Communications Technology Training Package

ICTICT209 Interact with ICT clients ICT Information and Communications Technology Training Package

ICTICT308 Use advanced features of computer applications ICT Information and Communications Technology Training Package

ICTICT511 Match ICT needs with the strategic direction of the enterprise ICT Information and Communications Technology Training Package

ICTICT515 Verify client business requirements ICT Information and Communications Technology Training Package

ICTICT602 Develop contracts and manage contracted performance ICT Information and Communications Technology Training Package

ICTICT606 Develop communities of practice ICT Information and Communications Technology Training Package

ICTSAS204 Record client support requirements ICT Information and Communications Technology Training Package

ICTSAS305 Provide ICT advice to clients ICT Information and Communications Technology Training Package

ICTSAS410 Identify and resolve client IT problems ICT Information and Communications Technology Training Package


© 2016 Commonwealth of Australia

BSB Business Services Training Package Implementation Guide - Appendix

Imported unit code Imported unit title OriginICTWEB201 Use social media tools for collaboration and engagement ICT Information and

Communications Technology Training Package

ICTWEB417 Integrate social web technologies ICT Information and Communications Technology Training Package

ICTWEB418 Use development software and IT tools to build a basic website ICT Information and Communications Technology Training Package

ICTWEB420 Write content for web pages ICT Information and Communications Technology Training Package

MSAENV472B Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practices MSA07 Manufacturing Training Package

MSS015002A Develop strategies for more sustainable use of resources MSS11 Sustainability Training Package

PSPETHC301B Uphold the values and principles of public service PSP12 Public Sector Training Package

PSPETHC401A Uphold and support the values and principles of public service PSP12 Public Sector Training Package

PSPETHC501B Promote the values and ethos of public service PSP12 Public Sector Training Package

PSPGOV314A Contribute to conflict management PSP12 Public Sector Training Package

PSPGOV406B Gather and analyse information PSP12 Public Sector Training Package

PSPGOV407B Provide a quotation PSP12 Public Sector Training Package

PSPGOV422A Apply government processes PSP12 Public Sector Training Package

PSPGOV507A Undertake negotiations PSP12 Public Sector Training Package

PSPGOV602B Establish and maintain strategic networks PSP12 Public Sector Training Package

PSPHR616A Manage performance management system PSP12 Public Sector Training Package


Imported unit code Imported unit title OriginPSPLEGN301B Comply with legislation in the public sector PSP12 Public Sector Training


PSPMNGT607B Develop a business case PSP12 Public Sector Training Package

PSPMNGT614 Facilitate knowledge management PSP12 Public Sector Training Package

PSPPOL404A Support policy implementation PSP12 Public Sector Training Package

PSPPROC406B Procure goods and services PSP12 Public Sector Training Package

PSPPROC411A Plan procurement PSP12 Public Sector Training Package

PSPPROC412A Develop and distribute requests for offers PSP12 Public Sector Training Package

PSPPROC413A Select providers and develop contracts PSP12 Public Sector Training Package

PSPPROC503B Manage contract performance PSP12 Public Sector Training Package

PSPPROC504B Finalise contracts PSP12 Public Sector Training Package

PSPPROC506A Plan to manage a contract PSP12 Public Sector Training Package

PSPPROC607A Manage strategic contracts PSP12 Public Sector Training Package

PUAWER001B Identify, prevent and report potential workplace emergency situations PUA12 Public Safety Training Package

PUAWER002B Ensure workplace emergency prevention procedures, systems and processes are implemented

PUA12 Public Safety Training Package

PUAWER003B Manage and monitor workplace emergency procedures, equipment and other resources

PUA12 Public Safety Training Package

PUAWER004B Respond to workplace emergencies PUA12 Public Safety Training Package

SIRXQUA001A Develop innovative ideas at work SIR07 Retail Services Training Package


Imported unit code Imported unit title OriginSIRXQUA002A Lead a team to foster innovation SIR07 Retail Services

Training Package

SIRXSLS201 Sell products and services SIR07 Retail Services Training Package

SISXFAC003 Implement facility maintenance program SIS Sport, Fitness and Recreation Training Package

SITTGDE101 Interpret aspects of local Australian Indigenous culture SIT12 Tourism, Travel and Hospitality Training Package

SITTGDE304 Prepare and present tour commentaries or activities SIT12 Tourism, Travel and Hospitality Training Package

SITTGDE305 Develop and maintain the general and regional knowledge required by guides

SIT12 Tourism, Travel and Hospitality Training Package

SITTGDE309 Prepare specialised interpretive content on cultural and heritage environments

SIT12 Tourism, Travel and Hospitality Training Package

SITXCOM201 Show social and cultural sensitivity SIT12 Tourism, Travel and Hospitality Training Package

SITXCOM202 Provide a briefing or scripted commentary SIT12 Tourism, Travel and Hospitality Training Package

SITXHRM401 Roster staff SIT12 Tourism, Travel and Hospitality Training Package

SITXMPR401 Coordinate production of brochures and marketing materials SIT12 Tourism, Travel and Hospitality Training Package

TAEASS301 B Contribute to assessment TAE10 Training and Education Training Package

TAEDEL301 A Provide work skill instruction TAE10 Training and Education Training Package

TAEDEL401 A Plan, organise and deliver group-based learning TAE10 Training and Education Training Package

TAEDEL402 A Plan, organise and facilitate learning in the workplace TAE10 Training and Education Training Package

TAEDEL404 A Mentor in the workplace TAE10 Training and Education Training Package

TAEDES401 A Design and develop learning programs TAE10 Training and Education Training Package


© 2016 Commonwealth of Australia

BSB Business Services Training Package Implementation Guide - Appendix

Imported unit code Imported unit title OriginTAELED703A Implement improved learning practice TAE10 Training and

Education Training Package

TAELED704A Review enterprise e-learning systems and solutions TAE10 Training and Education Training Package

TAETAS501B Undertake organisational training needs analysis TAE10 Training and Education Training Package

TLIE4006A Collect, analyse and present workplace data and information TLI10 Transport and Logistics Training Package


Mapping informationThe information provided is a general summary only. IBSA recommends using the Compare Content Tool available on the training.gov.au (TGA) website for more information about specific changes.

Visit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EjhNe3Bu0H4 to watch a video on how to use this tool.

Appendix 2 Mapping information


Qualification mappingMapping from BSB Business Services Training Package version 1.2 to BSB Business Services Training Package version 2.

Qualification code and title BSB Business Services version 1.2

Qualification code and title BSB Business Services version 2

Comments Equivalence to previous qualification

BSB30115 Certificate III in Business

BSB30115 Certificate III in Business

Industry Skills Council (ISC ) upgrade to update unit list

Equivalent qualification

BSB30215 Certificate III in Customer Engagement

BSB30215 Certificate III in Customer Engagement

ISC upgrade to update unit list Equivalent qualification

BSB30315 Certificate III in Micro Business Operations

BSB30315 Certificate III in Micro Business Operations

ISC upgrade to update unit list Equivalent qualification

BSB30515 Certificate III in Business Administration (International Education)

BSB30515 Certificate III in Business Administration (International Education)

ISC upgrade to update unit list Equivalent qualification

BSB30615 Certificate III in International Trade

BSB30615 Certificate III in International Trade

ISC upgrade to update unit list Equivalent qualification

BSB30715 Certificate III in Work Health and Safety

BSB30715 Certificate III in Work Health and Safety

ISC upgrade to update unit list Equivalent qualification

BSB30815 Certificate III in Recordkeeping

BSB30815 Certificate III in Recordkeeping

ISC upgrade to update unit list Equivalent qualification

BSB30915 Certificate III in Business Administration (Education)

BSB30915 Certificate III in Business Administration (Education)

ISC upgrade to update unit list Equivalent qualification

BSB40115 Certificate IV in Advertising

BSB42415 Certificate IV in Marketing and Communication

Qualifications merged to better fit industry practices:

• BSB40115 Certificate IV in Advertising

• BSB41315 Certificate IV in Marketing

No equivalent qualification

BSB40215 Certificate IV in Business

BSB40215 Certificate IV in Business

ISC upgrade to update unit list Equivalent qualification

BSB40315 Certificate IV in Customer Engagement

BSB40315 Certificate IV in Customer Engagement

ISC upgrade to update unit list Equivalent qualification

BSB40415 Certificate IV in Small Business Management

BSB42615 Certificate IV in New Small Business

ISC upgrade to update unit list Equivalent qualification

BSB40515 Certificate IV in Business Administration

BSB40515 Certificate IV in Business Administration

ISC upgrade to update unit list Equivalent qualification


Qualification code and title BSB Business Services version 1.2

Qualification code and title BSB Business Services version 2

Comments Equivalence to previous qualification

BSB40615 Certificate IV in Business Sales

BSB40615 Certificate IV in Business Sales

ISC upgrade to update unit list Equivalent qualification

BSB40715 Certificate IV in Franchising

BSB40715 Certificate IV in Franchising

ISC upgrade to update unit list Equivalent qualification

BSB40915 Certificate IV in Governance

BSB40915 Certificate IV in Governance

ISC upgrade to update unit list Equivalent qualification

BSB41015 Certificate IV in Human Resources

BSB41015 Certificate IV in Human Resources

ISC upgrade to update unit list Equivalent qualification

BSB41115 Certificate IV in International Trade

BSB41115 Certificate IV in International Trade

ISC upgrade to update unit list Equivalent qualification

BSB41315 Certificate IV in Marketing

BSB42415 Certificate IV in Marketing and Communication

Qualifications merged to better fit industry practices:

• BSB40115 Certificate IV in Advertising

• BSB41315 Certificate IV in Marketing

No equivalent qualification

BSB41415 Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety

BSB41415 Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety

ISC upgrade to update unit list Equivalent qualification

BSB41515 Certificate IV in Project Management Practice

BSB41515 Certificate IV in Project Management Practice

ISC upgrade to update unit list Equivalent qualification

BSB41615 Certificate IV in Purchasing

BSB41615 Certificate IV in Purchasing

ISC upgrade to update unit list Equivalent qualification

BSB41715 Certificate IV in Recordkeeping

BSB41715 Certificate IV in Recordkeeping

ISC upgrade to update unit list Equivalent qualification

BSB41915 Certificate IV in Business (Governance)

BSB41915 Certificate IV in Business (Governance)

ISC upgrade to update unit list Equivalent qualification

BSB42015 Certificate IV in Leadership and Management

BSB42015 Certificate IV in Leadership and Management

ISC upgrade to update unit list Equivalent qualification

BSB42215 Certificate IV in Legal Services

BSB42215 Certificate IV in Legal Services

ISC upgrade to update unit list Equivalent qualification

BSB50115 Diploma of Advertising

BSB52415 Diploma of Marketing and Communication

Qualifications merged to better fit industry practices:

• BSB50115 Diploma of Advertising

• BSB51215 Diploma of Marketing

No equivalent qualification


© 2016 Commonwealth of Australia

BSB Business Services Training Package Implementation Guide - Appendix

Qualification code and title BSB Business Services version 1.2

Qualification code and title BSB Business Services version 2

Comments Equivalence to previous qualification

BSB51215 Diploma of Marketing BSB52415 Diploma of Marketing and Communication

Qualifications merged to better fit industry practices:

• BSB50115 Diploma of Advertising

• BSB51215 Diploma of Marketing

No equivalent qualification

BSB51315 Diploma of Work Health and Safety

BSB51315 Diploma of Work Health and Safety

ISC upgrade to update unit list Equivalent qualification

BSB52015 Diploma of Conveyancing

BSB52015 Diploma of Conveyancing

ISC upgrade to update unit list Equivalent qualification

BSB52215 Diploma of Legal Services

BSB52215 Diploma of Legal Services

ISC upgrade to update unit list Equivalent qualification

BSB60115 Advanced Diploma of Advertising

BSB61315 Advanced Diploma of Marketing and Communication

Qualifications merged to better fit industry practices:

• BSB60115 Advanced Diploma of Advertising

• BSB60515 Advanced Diploma of Marketing

No equivalent qualification

BSB60515 Advanced Diploma of Marketing

BSB61315 Advanced Diploma of Marketing and Communication

Qualifications merged to better fit industry practices:

• BSB60115 Advanced Diploma of Advertising

• BSB60515 Advanced Diploma of Marketing

No equivalent qualification

BSB61015 Advanced Diploma of Leadership and Management

BSB61015 Advanced Diploma of Leadership and Management

ISC upgrade to update unit list Equivalent qualification

Not applicable BSB42315 Certificate IV in Environmental Management and Sustainability

New qualification Not applicable

Not applicable BSB42515 Certificate IV in Small Business Management

New qualification Not applicable

Not applicable BSB52315 Diploma of Governance

New qualification Not applicable


© 2016 Commonwealth of Australia

BSB Business Services Training Package Implementation Guide - Appendix

Mapping from CUL11 Library, Information and Cultural Services Training Package version 1 to BSB Business Services Training Package version 2.

Qualification code and title CUL11 Library, Information and Cultural Services version 1.0

Qualification code and title BSB Business Services version 2

Comments Equivalence to previous qualification

CUL30111 Certificate III in Information and Cultural Services

BSB31215 Certificate III in Library and Information Services

Updated to meet Standards for Training Packages

Qualification moved from Library, Information and Cultural Services Training Package to Business Services Training Package

Change to core unit

Equivalent qualification

CUL40111 Certificate IV in Library, Information and Cultural Services

BSB42115 Certificate IV in Library and Information Services

Updated to meet Standards for Training Packages

Qualification moved from Library, Information and Cultural Services Training Package to Business Services Training Package

Change to core unit

Equivalent qualification

CUL50111 Diploma of Library and Information Services

BSB52115 Diploma of Library and Information Services

Updated to meet Standards for Training Packages

Qualification moved from Library, Information and Cultural Services Training Package to Business Services Training Package

Change to core unit

No equivalent qualification


Mapping from TAE10 Training and Education Training Package version 3.4 to BSB Business Services Training Package version 2.

Qualification code and title TAE10 Training and Education version 3.4

Qualification code and title BSB Business Services version 2

Comments Equivalence to previous qualification

TAE70210 Vocational Graduate Certificate in Management (Learning)

BSB80515 Graduate Certificate in Management (Learning)

Updated to meet Standards for Training Packages and AQF requirements

Qualification moved from Training and Education Training Package to Business Services Training Package

Recoded to meet AQF Standards

Equivalent qualification

TAE80210 Vocational Graduate Diploma of Management (Learning)

BSB80615 Graduate Diploma of Management (Learning)

Updated to meet Standards for Training Packages and AQF requirements

Qualification moved from Training Education Training Package to Business Services Training Package

Change to core unit

Equivalent qualification


Skill set mappingMapping from BSB Business Services Training Package version 1.2 to BSB Business Services Training Package version 2.

Skill set code and title BSB Business Services version 1.2

Skill set code and title BSB Business Services version 2

Comments Equivalence to previous skill set

BSBSS00033 Aspiring Supervisor Skill Set

BSBSS00033 Aspiring Supervisor Skill Set

Industry Skills Council (ISC) upgrade to update pathway information

Equivalent skill set

BSBSS00034 Basic Customer Engagement Skill Set

BSBSS00034 Basic Customer Engagement Skill Set

ISC upgrade to update pathway information Equivalent skill set

BSBSS00035 Copyright Skill Set

BSBSS00035 Copyright Skill Set

ISC upgrade to update pathway information Equivalent skill set

BSBSS00037 Design Protection Skill Set

BSBSS00037 Design Protection Skill Set

ISC upgrade to update pathway information Equivalent skill set

BSBSS00038 Franchising Skill Set

BSBSS00038 Franchising Skill Set

ISC upgrade to update pathway information Equivalent skill set

BSBSS00039 Governance Induction Skill Set

BSBSS00039 Governance Induction Skill Set

ISC upgrade to update pathway information Equivalent skill set

BSBSS00040 Innovation Leadership Skill Set

BSBSS00040 Innovation Leadership Skill Set

ISC upgrade to update pathway information Equivalent skill set

BSBSS00041 Innovation Practice Skill Set

BSBSS00041 Innovation Practice Skill Set

ISC upgrade to update pathway information and unit list

Equivalent skill set

BSBSS00042 Intellectual Property Strategic Management Skill Set

BSBSS00042 Intellectual Property Strategic Management Skill Set

ISC upgrade to update pathway information Equivalent skill set

BSBSS00043 Key Management Skill Set

BSBSS00043 Key Management Skill Set

ISC upgrade to update pathway information Equivalent skill set

BSBSS00044 Key Recordkeeping Skill Set

BSBSS00044 Key Recordkeeping Skill Set

ISC upgrade to update pathway information Equivalent skill set

BSBSS00045 Legal Transcription Skill Set

BSBSS00045 Legal Transcription Skill Set

ISC upgrade to update pathway information Equivalent skill set

BSBSS00046 Managing Innovation Skill Set

BSBSS00046 Managing Innovation Skill Set

ISC upgrade to update pathway information Equivalent skill set

BSBSS00047 Medical Transcription Skill Set

BSBSS00047 Medical Transcription Skill Set

ISC upgrade to update pathway information Equivalent skill set


© 2016 Commonwealth of Australia

BSB Business Services Training Package Implementation Guide - Appendix

Skill set code and title BSB Business Services version 1.2

Skill set code and title BSB Business Services version 2

Comments Equivalence to previous skill set

BSBSS00048 Patent Skill Set BSBSS00048 Patent Skill Set ISC upgrade to update pathway information Equivalent skill set

BSBSS00049 Small Business Contracting Skill Set

BSBSS00049 Small Business Contracting Skill Set

ISC upgrade to update pathway information Equivalent skill set

BSBSS00050 Small Business Financial Management Skill Set

BSBSS00050 Small Business Financial Management Skill Set

ISC upgrade to update pathway information Equivalent skill set

BSBSS00051 Small Business Home-Based Business Skill Set

BSBSS00051 Small Business Home-Based Business Skill Set

ISC upgrade to update pathway information Equivalent skill set

BSBSS00052 Small Business ATSI Corporate Governance Skill Set

BSBSS00052 Small Business ATSI Corporate Governance Skill Set

ISC upgrade to update pathway information Equivalent skill set

BSBSS00053 Small Business Intellectual Property Skill Set

BSBSS00053 Small Business Intellectual Property Skill Set

ISC upgrade to update pathway information Equivalent skill set

BSBSS00054 Small Business Marketing Skill Set

BSBSS00054 Small Business Marketing Skill Set

ISC upgrade to update pathway information Equivalent skill set

BSBSS00055 Small Business Operations Preparatory Skill Set

BSBSS00055 Small Business Operations Preparatory Skill Set

ISC upgrade to update pathway information Equivalent skill set

BSBSS00056 Small Business Preparatory Skill Set

BSBSS00056 Small Business Preparatory Skill Set

ISC upgrade to update pathway information Equivalent skill set

BSBSS00057 Trade Mark Skill Set

BSBSS00057 Trade Mark Skill Set

ISC upgrade to update pathway information Equivalent skill set

BSBSS00058 Workforce Development Implementation Skill Set

BSBSS00058 Workforce Development Implementation Skill Set

ISC upgrade to update pathway information Equivalent skill set

BSBSS00059 Workforce Planning and Development Skill Set

BSBSS00059 Workforce Planning and Development Skill Set

ISC upgrade to update pathway information and unit list

Equivalent skill set

BSBSS00060 Energy Efficiency in Business Skill Set

BSBSS00060 Energy Efficiency in Business Skill Set

ISC upgrade to update pathway information Equivalent skill set

BSBSS00061 Cloud Computing and Digital Skills for Business Skill Set

BSBSS00061 Cloud Computing and Digital Skills for Business Skill Set

ISC upgrade to update pathway information Equivalent skill set


© 2016 Commonwealth of Australia

BSB Business Services Training Package Implementation Guide - Appendix

Skill set code and title BSB Business Services version 1.2

Skill set code and title BSB Business Services version 2

Comments Equivalence to previous skill set

BSBSS00062 Workplace Supervisor Language, Literacy and Numeracy Skill Set

BSBSS00062 Workplace Supervisor Language, Literacy and Numeracy Skill Set

ISC upgrade to update pathway information Equivalent skill set

BSBSS00063 Team Leader Skill Set

BSBSS00063 Team Leader Skill Set

ISC upgrade to update pathway information Equivalent skill set

BSBSS00064 Promoting Diversity Awareness in the Workplace Skill Set

BSBSS00064 Promoting Diversity Awareness in the Workplace Skill Set

ISC upgrade to update pathway information and unit list

Equivalent skill set

BSBSS00065 Implementing Policy for Diversity Skill Set

BSBSS00065 Implementing Policy for Diversity Skill Set

ISC upgrade to update pathway information Equivalent skill set

BSBSS00066 Managing Cultural Diversity Skill Set

BSBSS00066 Managing Cultural Diversity Skill Set

ISC upgrade to update pathway information Equivalent skill set

BSBSS00067 Planning Diversity Skill Set

BSBSS00067 Planning Diversity Skill Set

ISC upgrade to update pathway information Equivalent skill set

Not applicable BSBSS00074 Manage Association Finances and Risk Skill Set

New skill set Not applicable

Not applicable BSBSS00075 Coordinate Committee Activity Skill Set

New skill set Not applicable

Not applicable BSBSS00076 Conduct Community Liaison To Promote Association Skill Set

New skill set Not applicable

Not applicable BSBSS00077 Marketing and Communication Foundations Skill Set

New skill set Not applicable

Not applicable BSBSS00078 Creative Communication Skill Set

New skill set Not applicable

Not applicable BSBSS00079 Digital Applications Skill Set

New skill set Not applicable

Not applicable BSBSS00080 Media Engagement Skill Set

New skill set Not applicable

Not applicable BSBSS00081 Public Relations Skill Set

New skill set Not applicable


Skill set code and title BSB Business Services version 1.2

Skill set code and title BSB Business Services version 2

Comments Equivalence to previous skill set

Not applicable BSBSS00082 Marketing Elements Skill Set

New skill set Not applicable

Not applicable BSBSS00083 Marketing Operations Skill Set

New skill set Not applicable

Not applicable BSBSS00084 Strategic Marketing Skill Set

New skill set Not applicable

Not applicable BSBSS00085 Market Analysis Skill Set

New skill set Not applicable

Not applicable BSBSS00086 Campaign Management Skill Set

New skill set Not applicable

Not applicable BSBSS00087 Small Business Growth Skill Set

New skill set Not applicable

Not applicable BSBSS00088 Small Business Survival Skill Set

New skill set Not applicable

Not applicable BSBSS00089 Workplace Innovation Skill Set

New skill set Not applicable


Mapping from CUL11 Library, Information and Cultural Services Training Package version 1 to BSB Business Services Training Package version 2.

Qualification code and title CUL11 Library, Information and Cultural Services version 1.0

Skill set code and title BSB Business Services version 2

Comments Equivalence to previous skill set

CULSS00001 Archive and Keep Records Skill Set

BSBSS00069 Archive and Keep Records Skill Set

Skill set moved from Library, Information and Cultural Services Training Package to Business Services Training Package

Equivalent skill set

CULSS00002 Cataloguing Skill Set

BSBSS00070 Cataloguing Skill Set

Skill set moved from Library, Information and Cultural Services Training Package to Business Services Training Package

Equivalent skill set

CULSS00005 Digitisation Skill Set

BSBSS00071 Digitisation Skill Set

Skill set moved from Library, Information and Cultural Services Training Package to Business Services Training Package

Equivalent skill set

CULSS00006 Manage Collections Skill Set

BSBSS00072 Manage Collections Skill Set

Skill set moved from Library, Information and Cultural Services Training Package to Business Services Training Package

Equivalent skill set

CULSS00007 Organise and Access Collections Skill Set

BSBSS00073 Organise and Access Collections Skill Set

Skill set moved from Library, Information and Cultural Services Training Package to Business Services Training Package

Equivalent skill set


© 2016 Commonwealth of Australia

BSB Business Services Training Package Implementation Guide - Appendix

Unit mappingMapping from BSB Business Services Training Package version 1.2 to BSB Business Services Training Package version 2.

Unit code and title BSB Business Services version 1.2

Unit code and title BSB Business Services version 2

Comments Equivalence to previous unit

BSBCRT401 Articulate, present and debate ideas

BSBCRT401 Articulate, present and debate ideas

ISC upgrade to clarify assessment conditions Equivalent unit

BSBCUS401 Coordinate implementation of customer service strategies

BSBCUS401 Coordinate implementation of customer service strategies

ISC upgrade to clarify assessment conditions Equivalent unit

BSBCUS402 Address customer needs

BSBCUS402 Address customer needs

ISC upgrade to clarify assessment conditions Equivalent unit

BSBCUS403 Implement customer service standards

BSBCUS403 Implement customer service standards

ISC upgrade to clarify assessment conditions Equivalent unit

BSBCUS501 Manage quality customer service

BSBCUS501 Manage quality customer service

ISC upgrade to clarify assessment conditions Equivalent unit

BSBEMS403 Develop and provide employment management services to candidates

BSBEMS403 Develop and provide employment management services to candidates

ISC upgrade to clarify assessment conditions Equivalent unit

BSBITU201 Produce simple word processed documents

BSBITU201 Produce simple word processed documents

ISC upgrade to correct typographical error Equivalent unit

BSBITU307 Develop keyboarding speed and accuracy

BSBITU307 Develop keyboarding speed and accuracy

ISC upgrade to remove reference to retired standard

Equivalent unit

BSBITU309 Produce desktop published documents

BSBITU309 Produce desktop published documents

ISC upgrade to correct typographical error Equivalent unit

BSBLDR501 Develop and use emotional intelligence

BSBLDR501 Develop and use emotional intelligence

ISC upgrade to correct typographical error Equivalent unit

BSBLED401 Develop teams and individuals

BSBLED401 Develop teams and individuals

ISC upgrade to clarify assessment requirements

Equivalent unit

BSBMED303 Maintain patient records

BSBMED303 Maintain patient records

ISC upgrade to clarify intent Equivalent unit

BSBMKG402 Analyse consumer behaviour for specific markets

BSBMKG419 Analyse consumer behaviour

Updated to incorporate digital market aspects No equivalent unit


© 2016 Commonwealth of Australia

BSB Business Services Training Package Implementation Guide - Appendix

Unit code and title BSB Business Services version 1.2

Unit code and title BSB Business Services version 2

Comments Equivalence to previous unit

BSBPMG412 Apply project cost management techniques

BSBPMG412 Apply project cost management techniques

ISC upgrade to correct typographical error Equivalent unit

BSBSMB201 Identify suitability for micro business

BSBSMB201 Identify suitability for micro business

ISC upgrade to clarify intent of unit Equivalent unit

BSBSMB301 Investigate micro business opportunities

BSBSMB301 Investigate micro business opportunities

ISC upgrade to clarify intent of unit Equivalent unit

BSBSMB302 Develop a micro business proposal

BSBSMB302 Develop a micro business proposal

ISC upgrade to clarify intent of unit Equivalent unit

BSBSMB303 Organise finances for the micro business

BSBSMB303 Organise finances for the micro business

ISC upgrade to clarify intent of unit Equivalent unit

BSBSMB304 Determine resource requirements for the micro business

BSBSMB304 Determine resource requirements for the micro business

ISC upgrade to clarify intent of unit Equivalent unit

BSBSMB305 Comply with regulatory, taxation and insurance requirements for the micro business

BSBSMB305 Comply with regulatory, taxation and insurance requirements for the micro business

ISC upgrade to clarify intent of unit Equivalent unit

BSBSMB306 Plan a home based business

BSBSMB306 Plan a home based business

ISC upgrade to clarify intent of unit Equivalent unit

BSBSMB307 Set up information and communications technology for the micro business

BSBSMB307 Set up information and communications technology for the micro business

ISC upgrade to clarify intent of unit Equivalent unit

BSBSMB308 Improve energy efficiency in micro or small business operations

BSBSMB308 Improve energy efficiency in micro or small business operations

ISC upgrade to clarify intent of unit Equivalent unit

BSBSMB401 Establish legal and risk management requirements of small business

BSBSMB401 Establish legal and risk management requirements of small business

ISC upgrade to clarify intent of unit Equivalent unit

BSBSMB402 Plan small business finances

BSBSMB402 Plan small business finances

ISC upgrade to clarify intent of unit Equivalent unit

BSBSMB403 Market the small business

BSBSMB403 Market the small business

ISC upgrade to clarify intent of unit Equivalent unit

BSBSMB404 Undertake small business planning

BSBSMB404 Undertake small business planning

ISC upgrade to clarify intent of unit Equivalent unit


Unit code and title BSB Business Services version 1.2

Unit code and title BSB Business Services version 2

Comments Equivalence to previous unit

BSBSMB405 Monitor and manage small business operations

BSBSMB405 Monitor and manage small business operations

ISC upgrade to clarify intent of unit Equivalent unit

BSBSMB406 Manage small business finances

BSBSMB406 Manage small business finances

ISC upgrade to clarify intent of unit Equivalent unit

BSBSMB407 Manage a small team

BSBSMB407 Manage a small team

ISC upgrade to clarify intent of unit Equivalent unit

BSBSMB408 Manage personal, family, cultural and business obligations

BSBSMB408 Manage personal, family, cultural and business obligations

ISC upgrade to clarify intent of unit Equivalent unit

BSBSMB409 Build and maintain relationships with small business stakeholders

BSBSMB409 Build and maintain relationships with small business stakeholders

ISC upgrade to clarify intent of unit Equivalent unit

BSBSMB410 Review and implement energy efficiency in business operations

BSBSMB410 Review and implement energy efficiency in business operations

ISC upgrade to clarify intent of unit Equivalent unit

BSBSMB411 Manage specialist external advisory services

BSBSMB411 Manage specialist external advisory services

ISC upgrade to clarify intent of unit Equivalent unit

BSBSMB412 Introduce cloud computing into business operations

BSBSMB412 Introduce cloud computing into business operations

ISC upgrade to clarify intent of unit Equivalent unit

BSBSUS301 Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practices

BSBSUS401 Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practices

ISC upgrade to recode to meet AQF standards Equivalent unit

BSBWHS405 Contribute to implementing and maintaining WHS management systems

BSBWHS405 Contribute to implementing and maintaining WHS management systems

ISC upgrade to clarify intent of unit Equivalent unit

BSBWHS406 Assist with responding to incidents

BSBWHS406 Assist with responding to incidents

ISC upgrade to clarify assessment conditions Equivalent unit

BSBWHS408 Assist with effective WHS management of contractors

BSBWHS408 Assist with effective WHS management of contractors

ISC upgrade to correct typographical error Equivalent unit


Unit code and title BSB Business Services version 1.2

Unit code and title BSB Business Services version 2

Comments Equivalence to previous unit

BSBWHS410 Contribute to work-related health and safety measures and initiatives

BSBWHS410 Contribute to work-related health and safety measures and initiatives

ISC upgrade to correct typographical error Equivalent unit

Not applicable BSBGOV404 Communicate with community stakeholders

New unit Not applicable

Not applicable BSBGOV405 Undertake the roles and responsibilities of a committee or a board member

New unit Not applicable

Not applicable BSBGOV501 Review and apply the organisation's constitution

New unit Not applicable

Not applicable BSBGOV502 Recruit and coordinate committee members

New unit Not applicable

Not applicable BSBGOV503 Conduct organisational strategic planning

New unit Not applicable

Not applicable BSBGOV504 Monitor organisational finances

New unit Not applicable

Not applicable BSBGOV505 Seek and apply for funding opportunities

New unit Not applicable

Not applicable BSBGOV506 Manage advocacy for your organisation

New unit Not applicable

Not applicable BSBGOV507 Manage board or committee and organisational conflict

New unit Not applicable

Not applicable BSBMKG417 Apply marketing communication across a convergent industry

New unit Not applicable

Not applicable BSBMKG418 Develop and apply knowledge of marketing communication industry

New unit Not applicable

Not applicable BSBMKG420 Create digital media user experiences

New unit Not applicable

Not applicable BSBMKG421 Optimise digital media impact

New unit Not applicable


© 2016 Commonwealth of Australia

BSB Business Services Training Package Implementation Guide - Appendix

Unit code and title BSB Business Services version 1.2

Unit code and title BSB Business Services version 2

Comments Equivalence to previous unit

Not applicable BSBMKG524 Design effective user experiences

New unit Not applicable

Not applicable BSBMKG525 Design effective web search responses

New unit Not applicable

Not applicable BSBMKG526 Develop strategies to monetise digital engagement

New unit Not applicable

Not applicable BSBMKG527 Plan social media engagement

New unit Not applicable

Not applicable BSBMKG528 Mine data to identify industry directions

New unit Not applicable

Not applicable BSBMKG529 Manage client account

New unit Not applicable

Not applicable BSBMKG530 Create distributed multiplatform digital advertisements

New unit Not applicable

Not applicable BSBSMB413 Design a digital action plan for small business

New unit Not applicable

Not applicable BSBSMB414 Time management for small business

New unit Not applicable

Not applicable BSBSMB415 Refine and strengthen a small business

New unit Not applicable

Not applicable BSBSMB416 Plan small business growth

New unit Not applicable

Not applicable BSBSMB417 Recruit staff New unit Not applicable

Not applicable BSBSMB418 Manage compliance for small business

New unit Not applicable

Not applicable BSBSUS402 Implement an environmental management plan

New unit Not applicable

Not applicable BSBSUS403 Measure, monitor and reduce carbon emissions

New unit Not applicable

Not applicable BSBSUS404 Assess, implement, monitor and report on waste management

New unit Not applicable


© 2016 Commonwealth of Australia

BSB Business Services Training Package Implementation Guide - Appendix

Unit code and title BSB Business Services version 1.2

Unit code and title BSB Business Services version 2

Comments Equivalence to previous unit

Not applicable BSBSUS405 Assess, monitor and reduce water use

New unit Not applicable

Not applicable BSBSUS406 Identify and apply sustainability rating tools

New unit Not applicable


Mapping from CUL11 Library, Information and Cultural Services Training Package version 1.1 to BSB Business Services Training Package version 2.

Unit code and title CUL11 Library, Information and Cultural Services version 1.0

Unit code and title BSB Business Services version 2

Comments Equivalence to previous unit

CULCNM301A Catalogue objects into collections

BSBLIB301 Catalogue objects into collections

Updated to meet Standards for Training Packages

Unit moved from Library, Information and Cultural Services Training Package to Business Services Training Package

Equivalent unit

CULCNM302A Develop and apply knowledge of archives

BSBLIB302 Develop and apply knowledge of archives

Updated to meet Standards for Training Packages

Unit moved from Library, Information and Cultural Services Training Package to Business Services Training Package

Equivalent unit

CULCNM403A Record and maintain collection information

BSBLIB401 Record and maintain collection information

Updated to meet Standards for Training Packages

Unit moved from Library, Information and Cultural Services Training Package to Business Services Training Package

Equivalent unit

CULCNM502A Manage lending and borrowing processes for collections

BSBLIB501 Manage lending and borrowing processes for collection

Updated to meet Standards for Training Packages

Unit moved from Library, Information and Cultural Services Training Package to Business Services Training Package

Equivalent unit

CULCNM503A Manage the development of collections

BSBLIB502 Manage the development of collections

Updated to meet Standards for Training Packages

Unit moved from Library, Information and Cultural Services Training Package to Business Services Training Package

Equivalent unit


Unit code and title CUL11 Library, Information and Cultural Services version 1.0

Unit code and title BSB Business Services version 2

Comments Equivalence to previous unit

CULCNM601A Research and document collection material

BSBLIB601 Research and document collection material

Updated to meet Standards for Training Packages

Unit moved from Library, Information and Cultural Services Training Package to Business Services Training Package

Equivalent unit

CULCNM602A Develop and monitor procedures for the movement and storage of collection material

BSBLIB602 Develop and monitor procedure for the movement and storage of collection material

Updated to meet Standards for Training Packages

Unit moved from Library, Information and Cultural Services Training Package to Business Services Training Package

Equivalent unit

CULDMT301A Provide multimedia support

BSBLIB303 Provide multimedia support

Updated to meet Standards for Training Packages

Unit moved from Library, Information and Cultural Services Training Package to Business Services Training Package

Equivalent unit

CULEVP503A Develop and promote activities, events and public programs

BSBLIB503 Develop and promote activities, events and public programs

Updated to meet Standards for Training Packages

Unit moved from Library, Information and Cultural Services Training Package to Business Services Training Package

Equivalent unit

CULEVP504A Develop exhibition concepts

BSBLIB504 Develop exhibition concepts

Updated to meet Standards for Training Packages

Unit moved from Library, Information and Cultural Services Training Package to Business Services Training Package

Equivalent unit

CULICM501A Maintain digital repositories

BSBLIB506 Maintain digital repositories

Updated to meet Standards for Training Packages

Unit moved from Library, Information and Cultural Services Training Package to Business Services Training Package

Equivalent unit


© 2016 Commonwealth of Australia

BSB Business Services Training Package Implementation Guide - Appendix

Unit code and title CUL11 Library, Information and Cultural Services version 1.0

Unit code and title BSB Business Services version 2

Comments Equivalence to previous unit

CULICM601A Contribute to collection management

BSBLIB603 Contribute to collection management

Updated to meet Standards for Training Packages

Unit moved from Library, Information and Cultural Services Training Package to Business Services Training Package

Equivalent unit

CULIND401A Consolidate and maintain industry knowledge

BSBLIB402 Consolidate and maintain industry knowledge

Updated to meet Standards for Training Packages

Unit moved from Library, Information and Cultural Services Training Package to Business Services Training Package

Equivalent unit

CULINL301A Develop and use information literacy skills

BSBLIB304 Develop and use information literacy skills

Updated to meet Standards for Training Packages

Unit moved from Library, Information and Cultural Services Training Package to Business Services Training Package

Equivalent unit

CULINL501A Promote literature and reading

BSBLIB507 Promote literature and reading

Updated to meet Standards for Training Packages

Unit moved from Library, Information and Cultural Services Training Package to Business Services Training Package

Equivalent unit

CULINL601A Extend own information literacy skills to locate information

BSBLIB604 Extend own information literacy skills to locate information

Updated to meet Standards for Training Packages

Unit moved from Library, Information and Cultural Services Training Package to Business Services Training Package

Equivalent unit

CULINM301A Use established cataloguing tools

BSBLIB305 Use established cataloguing tools

Updated to meet Standards for Training Packages

Unit moved from Library, Information and Cultural Services Training Package to Business Services Training Package

Equivalent unit


© 2016 Commonwealth of Australia

BSB Business Services Training Package Implementation Guide - Appendix

Unit code and title CUL11 Library, Information and Cultural Services version 1.0

Unit code and title BSB Business Services version 2

Comments Equivalence to previous unit

CULINM401A Complete a range of cataloguing activities

BSBLIB403 Complete a range of cataloguing activities

Updated to meet Standards for Training Packages

Unit moved from Library, Information and Cultural Services Training Package to Business Services Training Package

Equivalent unit

CULINM402A Use integrated library management systems

BSBLIB404 Use integrated library management systems

Updated to meet Standards for Training Packages

Unit moved from Library, Information and Cultural Services Training Package to Business Services Training Package

Equivalent unit

CULINM501A Analyse and describe information resources

BSBLIB508 Analyse and describe information resources

Updated to meet Standards for Training Packages

Unit moved from Library, Information and Cultural Services Training Package to Business Services Training Package

Equivalent unit

CULINM502A Provide subject access and classify material

BSBLIB509 Provide subject access and classify material

Updated to meet Standards for Training Packages

Unit moved from Library, Information and Cultural Services Training Package to Business Services Training Package

Equivalent unit

CULINM503A Use and monitor advanced functions of integrated library management systems

BSBLIB510 Use and monitor advanced functions of integrated library management systems

Updated to meet Standards for Training Packages

Unit moved from Library, Information and Cultural Services Training Package to Business Services Training Package

Equivalent unit

CULINM601A Analyse and describe specialist and complex material

BSBLIB605 Analyse and describe specialist and complex material

Updated to meet Standards for Training Packages

Unit moved from Library, Information and Cultural Services Training Package to Business Services Training Package

Equivalent unit


Unit code and title CUL11 Library, Information and Cultural Services version 1.0

Unit code and title BSB Business Services version 2

Comments Equivalence to previous unit

CULINS201A Assist with circulation services

BSBLIB201 Assist with circulation services

Updated to meet Standards for Training Packages

Unit moved from Library, Information and Cultural Services Training Package to Business Services Training Package

Equivalent unit

CULINS202A Process information resource orders

BSBLIB202 Process information resource orders

Updated to meet Standards for Training Packages

Unit moved from Library, Information and Cultural Services Training Package to Business Services Training Package

Equivalent unit

CULINS301A Process and maintain information resources

BSBLIB306 Process and maintain information resources

Updated to meet Standards for Training Packages

Unit moved from Library, Information and Cultural Services Training Package to Business Services Training Package

Equivalent unit

CULINS401A Assist customers to access information

BSBLIB405 Assist customers to access information

Updated to meet Standards for Training Packages

Unit moved from Library, Information and Cultural Services Training Package to Business Services Training Package

Equivalent unit

CULINS402A Obtain information from external and networked sources

BSBLIB406 Obtain information from external and networked sources

Updated to meet Standards for Training Packages

Unit moved from Library, Information and Cultural Services Training Package to Business Services Training Package

Equivalent unit

CULINS403A Search library and information databases

BSBLIB407 Search library and information databases

Updated to meet Standards for Training Packages

Unit moved from Library, Information and Cultural Services Training Package to Business Services Training Package

Equivalent unit

CULINS501A Research and analyse information to meet customer needs

BSBLIB511 Research and analyse information to meet customer needs

Updated to meet Standards for Training Packages

Unit moved from Library, Information and Cultural Services Training Package to Business Services Training Package

Equivalent unit


Unit code and title CUL11 Library, Information and Cultural Services version 1.0

Unit code and title BSB Business Services version 2

Comments Equivalence to previous unit

CULPRE501A Develop disaster management plans

BSBLIB505 Develop disaster management plans

Updated to meet Standards for Training Packages

Unit moved from Library, Information and Cultural Services Training Package to Business Services Training Package

Equivalent unit

CULREL501A Develop and maintain community and stakeholder relationships

BSBLIB512 Develop and maintain community and stakeholder relationships

Updated to meet Standards for Training Packages

Unit moved from Library, Information and Cultural Services Training Package to Business Services Training Package

Equivalent unit

CULRSK501A Monitor compliance with copyright and licence requirements

BSBLIB513 Monitor compliance with copyright and licence requirements

Updated to meet Standards for Training Packages

Unit moved from Library, Information and Cultural Services Training Package to Business Services Training Package

Equivalent unit


© 2016 Commonwealth of Australia

BSB Business Services Training Package Implementation Guide - Appendix

These materials were developed by Innovation & Business Skills Australia in association with the Commonwealth Government through the Department of Education and Training.

Copyright Statement

© 2016 Commonwealth of Australia

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Australia License. (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/au/)

This licence lets you distribute, remix and build upon the work, but only if it is for non-commercial purposes, you credit the original creator/s (and any other nominated parties) and you license your derivative works under the same terms.

The copyright of any adaptations and/or modifications to this material remains with the Commonwealth of Australia. Adapted and/or modified materials must have the Innovation and Business Skills Australia logo removed from the work, and the following attribution made: ‘This is a modified document based on materials prepared by Innovation and Business Skills Australia Ltd, the original of which can be found on the IBSA website http://www.ibsa.org.au.’


While care has been taken in the preparation of this material, Department of Education and Training and the original developer do not warrant that any licensing or registration requirements specified here are either complete or up-to-date for your State or Territory. The Department of Education and Training and the original developer do not accept any liability for any damage or loss (including indirect and consequential loss) incurred by any person as a result of relying on the information contained in this material.

The Commonwealth, through the Department of Education and Training, does not accept any liability to any person for the information or advice (or the use of such information or advice) which is provided in this material or incorporated into it by reference. The information is provided on the basis that all persons accessing this material undertake responsibility for assessing the relevance and accuracy of its content. No liability is accepted for any information or services which may appear in any other format. No responsibility is taken for any information or services which may appear on any linked websites.

Published by: Innovation & Business Skills Australia Level 11, 176 Wellington Parade East Melbourne VIC 3002 Phone: +61 3 9815 7000 Fax: +61 3 9815 7001 www.ibsa.org.au email: virtual@ibsa.org.au

First Published: March 2015 Stock code: CP-BSBTPIG1 ISBN: 978-1-925123-12-8 Print version no: 4.0 Release Date: January 2016



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